/* Copyright (C) 2024 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "libdnssec/crypto.h" #include "libdnssec/random.h" #include "libknot/libknot.h" #include "contrib/openbsd/siphash.h" #include "contrib/sockaddr.h" #include "time.h" int fakeclock_gettime(clockid_t clockid, struct timespec *tp); #define clock_gettime fakeclock_gettime #include "knot/modules/rrl/functions.c" #undef clock_gettime #define RRL_THREADS 4 //#define RRL_SYNC_WITH_REAL_TIME #define BATCH_QUERIES_LOG 3 // threads acquire queries in batches of 8 #define HOSTS_LOG 3 // at most 6 attackers + 2 wildcard addresses for normal users #define TICK_QUERIES_LOG 13 // at most 1024 queries per host per tick // Accessing RRL configuration of INSTANT/RATE limits for V4/V6 and specific prefix. #define LIMIT(type, Vx, prefix) (RRL_MULT(Vx, prefix) * RRL_ ## type ## _LIMIT) #define RRL_CONFIG(Vx, name) RRL_ ## Vx ## _ ## name #define RRL_MULT(Vx, prefix) get_mult(RRL_CONFIG(Vx, PREFIXES), RRL_CONFIG(Vx, RATE_MULT), RRL_CONFIG(Vx, PREFIXES_CNT), prefix) static inline kru_price_t get_mult(uint8_t prefixes[], kru_price_t mults[], size_t cnt, uint8_t wanted_prefix) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) if (prefixes[i] == wanted_prefix) return mults[i]; assert(0); return 0; } // Macro correction depending on the table mode. int DIFF = 0; // Instant limits and rate limits per msec. #define INST(Vx, prefix) (LIMIT(INSTANT, Vx, prefix) + DIFF) #define RATEM(Vx, prefix) (LIMIT(RATE, Vx, prefix) / 1000 + DIFF) // Expected range of limits for parallel test. #define RANGE_INST(Vx, prefix) INST(Vx, prefix) - 1, INST(Vx, prefix) + RRL_THREADS - 1 #define RANGE_RATEM(Vx, prefix) RATEM(Vx, prefix) - 1 - DIFF, RATEM(Vx, prefix) + RRL_THREADS - DIFF #define RANGE_UNLIM(queries) queries, queries /* Fix seed for randomness in RLL module. Change if improbable collisions arise. (one byte) */ #define RRL_SEED_GENERIC 1 #define RRL_SEED_AVX2 1 struct kru_generic { SIPHASH_KEY hash_key; // ... }; struct kru_avx2 { _Alignas(32) char hash_key[48]; // ... }; /* Override time in RRL module. */ struct timespec fakeclock_start; uint32_t fakeclock_tick = 0; void fakeclock_init(void) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, &fakeclock_start); fakeclock_tick = 0; } int fakeclock_gettime(clockid_t clockid, struct timespec *tp) { uint32_t inc_msec = fakeclock_tick; tp->tv_sec = fakeclock_start.tv_sec + (fakeclock_start.tv_nsec / 1000000 + inc_msec) / 1000; tp->tv_nsec = (fakeclock_start.tv_nsec + (inc_msec % 1000) * 1000000) % 1000000000; return 0; } struct host { uint32_t queries_per_tick; int addr_family; char *addr_format; uint32_t min_passed, max_passed; _Atomic uint32_t passed; }; struct stage { uint32_t first_tick, last_tick; struct host hosts[1 << HOSTS_LOG]; }; struct runnable_data { rrl_table_t *rrl; int prime; _Atomic uint32_t *queries_acquired, *queries_done; struct stage *stages; }; static void *rrl_runnable(void *arg) { struct runnable_data *d = (struct runnable_data *)arg; size_t si = 0; char addr_str[40]; struct sockaddr_storage addr; while (true) { uint32_t qi1 = atomic_fetch_add(d->queries_acquired, 1 << BATCH_QUERIES_LOG); /* increment time if needed; sync on incrementing using spinlock */ uint32_t tick = qi1 >> TICK_QUERIES_LOG; for (size_t i = 1; tick != fakeclock_tick; i++) { if ((*d->queries_done >> TICK_QUERIES_LOG) >= tick) { fakeclock_tick = tick; } if (i % (1<<14) == 0) sched_yield(); __sync_synchronize(); } /* increment stage if needed */ while (tick > d->stages[si].last_tick) { ++si; if (!d->stages[si].first_tick) return NULL; } #ifdef RRL_SYNC_WITH_REAL_TIME { struct timespec ts_fake, ts_real; do { fakeclock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, &ts_fake); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, &ts_real); } while (!((ts_real.tv_sec > ts_fake.tv_sec) || ((ts_real.tv_sec == ts_fake.tv_sec) && (ts_real.tv_nsec >= ts_fake.tv_nsec)))); } #endif if (tick >= d->stages[si].first_tick) { uint32_t qi2 = 0; do { uint32_t qi = qi1 + qi2; /* perform query qi */ uint32_t hi = qi % (1 << HOSTS_LOG); if (!d->stages[si].hosts[hi].queries_per_tick) continue; uint32_t hqi = (qi % (1 << TICK_QUERIES_LOG)) >> HOSTS_LOG; // host query index within tick if (hqi >= d->stages[si].hosts[hi].queries_per_tick) continue; hqi += (qi >> TICK_QUERIES_LOG) * d->stages[si].hosts[hi].queries_per_tick; // across ticks (void)snprintf(addr_str, sizeof(addr_str), d->stages[si].hosts[hi].addr_format, hqi % 0xff, (hqi >> 8) % 0xff, (hqi >> 16) % 0xff); sockaddr_set(&addr, d->stages[si].hosts[hi].addr_family, addr_str, 0); if (rrl_query(d->rrl, &addr, NULL) == KNOT_EOK) { atomic_fetch_add(&d->stages[si].hosts[hi].passed, 1); if (!d->rrl->rw_mode) { rrl_update(d->rrl, &addr, 1); } } } while ((qi2 = (qi2 + d->prime) % (1 << BATCH_QUERIES_LOG))); } atomic_fetch_add(d->queries_done, 1 << BATCH_QUERIES_LOG); } } char *impl_name = ""; rrl_table_t *rrl = NULL; void count_test(char *desc, int expected_passing, double margin_fract, int addr_family, char *addr_format, uint32_t min_value, uint32_t max_value) { uint32_t max_queries = expected_passing > 0 ? 2 * expected_passing : -expected_passing; struct sockaddr_storage addr; char addr_str[40]; int cnt = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < max_queries; i++) { (void)snprintf(addr_str, sizeof(addr_str), addr_format, i % (max_value - min_value + 1) + min_value, i / (max_value - min_value + 1) % 256); sockaddr_set(&addr, addr_family, addr_str, 0); if (rrl_query(rrl, &addr, NULL) != KNOT_EOK) { cnt = i; break; } if (!rrl->rw_mode) { rrl_update(rrl, &addr, 1); } } if (expected_passing < 0) expected_passing = -1; if (margin_fract == 0) { is_int(expected_passing, cnt, "rrl(%s): %-48s [%7d ]", impl_name, desc, expected_passing); } else { int max_diff = expected_passing * margin_fract; ok((expected_passing - max_diff <= cnt) && (cnt <= expected_passing + max_diff), "rrl(%s): %-48s [%7d <=%7d <=%7d ]", impl_name, desc, expected_passing - max_diff, cnt, expected_passing + max_diff); } } void test_rrl(bool rw_mode) { size_t RRL_TABLE_SIZE = (1 << 20); uint32_t RRL_INSTANT_LIMIT = (1 << 7); uint32_t RRL_RATE_LIMIT = (1 << 16); if (rw_mode) { RRL_INSTANT_LIMIT = (1 << 8); RRL_RATE_LIMIT = (1 << 17); } fakeclock_init(); /* create rrl table */ rrl = rrl_create(RRL_TABLE_SIZE, RRL_INSTANT_LIMIT, RRL_RATE_LIMIT, rw_mode, 0); ok(rrl != NULL, "rrl(%s): create", impl_name); assert(rrl); if (KRU.initialize == KRU_GENERIC.initialize) { struct kru_generic *kru = (struct kru_generic *) rrl->kru; memset(&kru->hash_key, RRL_SEED_GENERIC, sizeof(kru->hash_key)); } else if (KRU.initialize == KRU_AVX2.initialize) { struct kru_avx2 *kru = (struct kru_avx2 *) rrl->kru; memset(&kru->hash_key, RRL_SEED_AVX2, sizeof(kru->hash_key)); } else { assert(0); } /* IPv4 multi-prefix tests */ static_assert(RRL_V4_PREFIXES_CNT == 4, "There are no more IPv4 limited prefixes (/32, /24, /20, /18 will be tested)."); count_test("IPv4 instant limit /32", INST(V4, 32), 0, AF_INET, "", 0, 0); count_test("IPv4 instant limit /32 not applied on /31", -1, 0, AF_INET, "", 0, 0); count_test("IPv4 instant limit /24", INST(V4, 24) - INST(V4, 32) - 1, 0, AF_INET, "128.0.0.%d", 2, 255); count_test("IPv4 instant limit /24 not applied on /23", -1, 0, AF_INET, "", 0, 0); count_test("IPv4 instant limit /20", INST(V4, 20) - INST(V4, 24) - 1, 0.001, AF_INET, "128.0.%d.%d", 2, 15); count_test("IPv4 instant limit /20 not applied on /19", -1, 0, AF_INET, "", 0, 0); count_test("IPv4 instant limit /18", INST(V4, 18) - INST(V4, 20) - 1, 0.01, AF_INET, "128.0.%d.%d", 17, 63); count_test("IPv4 instant limit /18 not applied on /17", -1, 0, AF_INET, "", 0, 0); /* IPv6 multi-prefix tests */ static_assert(RRL_V6_PREFIXES_CNT == 5, "There are no more IPv6 limited prefixes (/128, /64, /56, /48, /32 will be tested)."); count_test("IPv6 instant limit /128, independent to IPv4", INST(V6, 128), 0, AF_INET6, "8000::", 0, 0); count_test("IPv6 instant limit /128 not applied on /127", -1, 0, AF_INET6, "8000::1", 0, 0); count_test("IPv6 instant limit /64", INST(V6, 64) - INST(V6, 128) - 1, 0, AF_INET6, "8000:0:0:0:%02x%02x::", 0x01, 0xff); count_test("IPv6 instant limit /64 not applied on /63", -1, 0, AF_INET6, "8000:0:0:1::", 0, 0); count_test("IPv6 instant limit /56", INST(V6, 56) - INST(V6, 64) - 1, rw_mode ? 0 : 0.01, AF_INET6, "8000:0:0:00%02x:%02x00::", 0x02, 0xff); count_test("IPv6 instant limit /56 not applied on /55", -1, 0, AF_INET6, "8000:0:0:0100::", 0, 0); count_test("IPv6 instant limit /48", INST(V6, 48) - INST(V6, 56) - 1, 0.01, AF_INET6, "8000:0:0:%02x%02x::", 0x02, 0xff); count_test("IPv6 instant limit /48 not applied on /47", -1, 0, AF_INET6, "8000:0:1::", 0, 0); count_test("IPv6 instant limit /32", INST(V6, 32) - INST(V6, 48) - 1, rw_mode ? 0.001 : 0, AF_INET6, "8000:0:%02x%02x::", 0x02, 0xff); count_test("IPv6 instant limit /32 not applied on /31", -1, 0, AF_INET6, "8000:1::", 0, 0); /* limit after 1 msec */ fakeclock_tick++; count_test("IPv4 rate limit /32 after 1 msec", RATEM(V4, 32), 0, AF_INET, "", 0, 0); count_test("IPv6 rate limit /128 after 1 msec", RATEM(V6, 128), 0, AF_INET6, "8000::", 0, 0); /* parallel tests */ struct stage stages[] = { /* first tick, last tick, hosts */ {32, 32, { /* queries per tick, family, address, min passed, max passed */ {1024, AF_INET, "%d.%d.%d.1", RANGE_UNLIM ( 1024 )}, {1024, AF_INET, "", RANGE_INST ( V4, 32 )}, { 512, AF_INET, "", RANGE_INST ( V4, 32 )}, {1024, AF_INET6, "%x%x:%x00::1", RANGE_UNLIM ( 1024 )}, {1024, AF_INET6, "3333::3333", RANGE_INST ( V6, 128 )}, { 512, AF_INET6, "4444::4444", RANGE_INST ( V6, 128 )} }}, {33, 255, { {1024, AF_INET, "%d.%d.%d.1", RANGE_UNLIM ( 1024 )}, {1024, AF_INET, "", RANGE_RATEM ( V4, 32 )}, { 512, AF_INET, "", RANGE_RATEM ( V4, 32 )}, {1024, AF_INET6, "%x%x:%x00::1", RANGE_UNLIM ( 1024 )}, {1024, AF_INET6, "3333::3333", RANGE_RATEM ( V6, 128 )}, { 512, AF_INET6, "4444::4444", RANGE_RATEM ( V6, 128 )}, }}, {256, 511, { {1024, AF_INET, "", RANGE_RATEM ( V4, 32 )}, {1024, AF_INET6, "3333::3333", RANGE_RATEM ( V6, 128 )} }}, {512, 512, { {1024, AF_INET, "%d.%d.%d.1", RANGE_UNLIM ( 1024 )}, {1024, AF_INET, "", RANGE_RATEM ( V4, 32 )}, { 512, AF_INET, "", RANGE_INST ( V4, 32 )}, {1024, AF_INET6, "%x%x:%x00::1", RANGE_UNLIM ( 1024 )}, {1024, AF_INET6, "3333::3333", RANGE_RATEM ( V6, 128 )}, { 512, AF_INET6, "4444::4444", RANGE_INST ( V6, 128 )} }}, {0} }; pthread_t thr[RRL_THREADS]; struct runnable_data rd[RRL_THREADS]; _Atomic uint32_t queries_acquired = 0, queries_done = 0; int primes[] = {3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61}; assert(sizeof(primes)/sizeof(*primes) >= RRL_THREADS); for (unsigned i = 0; i < RRL_THREADS; ++i) { rd[i].rrl = rrl; rd[i].queries_acquired = &queries_acquired; rd[i].queries_done = &queries_done; rd[i].prime = primes[i]; rd[i].stages = stages; pthread_create(thr + i, NULL, &rrl_runnable, rd + i); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < RRL_THREADS; ++i) { pthread_join(thr[i], NULL); } unsigned si = 0; do { struct host * const h = stages[si].hosts; uint32_t ticks = stages[si].last_tick - stages[si].first_tick + 1; for (size_t i = 0; h[i].queries_per_tick; i++) { ok( h[i].min_passed * ticks <= h[i].passed && h[i].passed <= h[i].max_passed * ticks, "rrl(%s): parallel stage %d, addr %-25s [%7d <=%12.4f <=%7d ]", impl_name, si, h[i].addr_format, h[i].min_passed, (double)h[i].passed / ticks, h[i].max_passed); } } while (stages[++si].first_tick); rrl_destroy(rrl); } void test_rrl_mode(bool test_avx2, bool rw_mode) { if (!rw_mode) { DIFF = 1; } KRU = KRU_GENERIC; impl_name = "KRU_GENERIC"; test_rrl(rw_mode); if (test_avx2) { KRU = KRU_AVX2; impl_name = "KRU_AVX2"; test_rrl(rw_mode); } else { diag("AVX2 NOT available"); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { plan_lazy(); dnssec_crypto_init(); assert(KRU_GENERIC.initialize != KRU_AVX2.initialize); bool test_avx2 = (KRU.initialize == KRU_AVX2.initialize); test_rrl_mode(test_avx2, true); test_rrl_mode(test_avx2, false); dnssec_crypto_cleanup(); return 0; }