path: root/xbmc/PlayListPlayer.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1060 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/PlayListPlayer.cpp b/xbmc/PlayListPlayer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b86e1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xbmc/PlayListPlayer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1060 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi
+ * This file is part of Kodi -
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * See LICENSES/ for more information.
+ */
+#include "PlayListPlayer.h"
+#include "FileItem.h"
+#include "GUIUserMessages.h"
+#include "PartyModeManager.h"
+#include "ServiceBroker.h"
+#include "URL.h"
+#include "application/Application.h"
+#include "application/ApplicationComponents.h"
+#include "application/ApplicationPlayer.h"
+#include "application/ApplicationPowerHandling.h"
+#include "dialogs/GUIDialogKaiToast.h"
+#include "filesystem/PluginDirectory.h"
+#include "filesystem/VideoDatabaseFile.h"
+#include "guilib/GUIComponent.h"
+#include "guilib/GUIWindowManager.h"
+#include "guilib/LocalizeStrings.h"
+#include "input/actions/Action.h"
+#include "input/actions/ActionIDs.h"
+#include "interfaces/AnnouncementManager.h"
+#include "messaging/ApplicationMessenger.h"
+#include "messaging/helpers/DialogOKHelper.h"
+#include "music/tags/MusicInfoTag.h"
+#include "playlists/PlayList.h"
+#include "settings/AdvancedSettings.h"
+#include "settings/SettingsComponent.h"
+#include "utils/StringUtils.h"
+#include "utils/URIUtils.h"
+#include "utils/Variant.h"
+#include "utils/log.h"
+#include "video/VideoDatabase.h"
+using namespace PLAYLIST;
+using namespace KODI::MESSAGING;
+ m_PlaylistMusic = new CPlayList(TYPE_MUSIC);
+ m_PlaylistVideo = new CPlayList(TYPE_VIDEO);
+ m_PlaylistEmpty = new CPlayList;
+ m_iCurrentSong = -1;
+ m_bPlayedFirstFile = false;
+ m_bPlaybackStarted = false;
+ m_iFailedSongs = 0;
+ m_failedSongsStart = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ Clear();
+ delete m_PlaylistMusic;
+ delete m_PlaylistVideo;
+ delete m_PlaylistEmpty;
+bool CPlayListPlayer::OnAction(const CAction &action)
+ if (action.GetID() == ACTION_PREV_ITEM && !IsSingleItemNonRepeatPlaylist())
+ {
+ PlayPrevious();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (action.GetID() == ACTION_NEXT_ITEM && !IsSingleItemNonRepeatPlaylist())
+ {
+ PlayNext();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+bool CPlayListPlayer::OnMessage(CGUIMessage &message)
+ switch (message.GetMessage())
+ {
+ if (message.GetParam1() == GUI_MSG_UPDATE_ITEM && message.GetItem())
+ {
+ // update the items in our playlist(s) if necessary
+ for (Id playlistId : {TYPE_MUSIC, TYPE_VIDEO})
+ {
+ CPlayList& playlist = GetPlaylist(playlistId);
+ CFileItemPtr item = std::static_pointer_cast<CFileItem>(message.GetItem());
+ playlist.UpdateItem(item.get());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ if (m_iCurrentPlayList != TYPE_NONE && m_bPlaybackStarted)
+ {
+ CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_PLAYLISTPLAYER_STOPPED, 0, 0, m_iCurrentPlayList, m_iCurrentSong);
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendThreadMessage(msg);
+ Reset();
+ m_iCurrentPlayList = TYPE_NONE;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ m_bPlaybackStarted = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+int CPlayListPlayer::GetNextSong(int offset) const
+ if (m_iCurrentPlayList == TYPE_NONE)
+ return -1;
+ const CPlayList& playlist = GetPlaylist(m_iCurrentPlayList);
+ if (playlist.size() <= 0)
+ return -1;
+ int song = m_iCurrentSong;
+ // party mode
+ if (g_partyModeManager.IsEnabled() && GetCurrentPlaylist() == TYPE_MUSIC)
+ return song + offset;
+ // wrap around in the case of repeating
+ if (RepeatedOne(m_iCurrentPlayList))
+ return song;
+ song += offset;
+ if (song >= playlist.size() && Repeated(m_iCurrentPlayList))
+ song %= playlist.size();
+ return song;
+int CPlayListPlayer::GetNextSong()
+ if (m_iCurrentPlayList == TYPE_NONE)
+ return -1;
+ CPlayList& playlist = GetPlaylist(m_iCurrentPlayList);
+ if (playlist.size() <= 0)
+ return -1;
+ int iSong = m_iCurrentSong;
+ // party mode
+ if (g_partyModeManager.IsEnabled() && GetCurrentPlaylist() == TYPE_MUSIC)
+ return iSong + 1;
+ // if repeat one, keep playing the current song if its valid
+ if (RepeatedOne(m_iCurrentPlayList))
+ {
+ // otherwise immediately abort playback
+ if (m_iCurrentSong >= 0 && m_iCurrentSong < playlist.size() && playlist[m_iCurrentSong]->GetProperty("unplayable").asBoolean())
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Playlist Player: RepeatOne stuck on unplayable item: {}, path [{}]",
+ m_iCurrentSong, playlist[m_iCurrentSong]->GetPath());
+ CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_PLAYLISTPLAYER_STOPPED, 0, 0, m_iCurrentPlayList, m_iCurrentSong);
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendThreadMessage(msg);
+ Reset();
+ m_iCurrentPlayList = TYPE_NONE;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return iSong;
+ }
+ // if we've gone beyond the playlist and repeat all is enabled,
+ // then we clear played status and wrap around
+ iSong++;
+ if (iSong >= playlist.size() && Repeated(m_iCurrentPlayList))
+ iSong = 0;
+ return iSong;
+bool CPlayListPlayer::PlayNext(int offset, bool bAutoPlay)
+ int iSong = GetNextSong(offset);
+ const CPlayList& playlist = GetPlaylist(m_iCurrentPlayList);
+ if ((iSong < 0) || (iSong >= playlist.size()) || (playlist.GetPlayable() <= 0))
+ {
+ if(!bAutoPlay)
+ CGUIDialogKaiToast::QueueNotification(CGUIDialogKaiToast::Info, g_localizeStrings.Get(559), g_localizeStrings.Get(34201));
+ CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_PLAYLISTPLAYER_STOPPED, 0, 0, m_iCurrentPlayList, m_iCurrentSong);
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendThreadMessage(msg);
+ Reset();
+ m_iCurrentPlayList = TYPE_NONE;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Play(iSong, "", false);
+bool CPlayListPlayer::PlayPrevious()
+ if (m_iCurrentPlayList == TYPE_NONE)
+ return false;
+ const CPlayList& playlist = GetPlaylist(m_iCurrentPlayList);
+ int iSong = m_iCurrentSong;
+ if (!RepeatedOne(m_iCurrentPlayList))
+ iSong--;
+ if (iSong < 0 && Repeated(m_iCurrentPlayList))
+ iSong = playlist.size() - 1;
+ if (iSong < 0 || playlist.size() <= 0)
+ {
+ CGUIDialogKaiToast::QueueNotification(CGUIDialogKaiToast::Info, g_localizeStrings.Get(559), g_localizeStrings.Get(34202));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Play(iSong, "", false, true);
+bool CPlayListPlayer::IsSingleItemNonRepeatPlaylist() const
+ const CPlayList& playlist = GetPlaylist(m_iCurrentPlayList);
+ return (playlist.size() <= 1 && !RepeatedOne(m_iCurrentPlayList) && !Repeated(m_iCurrentPlayList));
+bool CPlayListPlayer::Play()
+ if (m_iCurrentPlayList == TYPE_NONE)
+ return false;
+ const CPlayList& playlist = GetPlaylist(m_iCurrentPlayList);
+ if (playlist.size() <= 0)
+ return false;
+ return Play(0, "");
+bool CPlayListPlayer::PlaySongId(int songId)
+ if (m_iCurrentPlayList == TYPE_NONE)
+ return false;
+ CPlayList& playlist = GetPlaylist(m_iCurrentPlayList);
+ if (playlist.size() <= 0)
+ return Play();
+ for (int i = 0; i < playlist.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (playlist[i]->HasMusicInfoTag() && playlist[i]->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetDatabaseId() == songId)
+ return Play(i, "");
+ }
+ return Play();
+bool CPlayListPlayer::Play(const CFileItemPtr& pItem, const std::string& player)
+ Id playlistId;
+ bool isVideo{pItem->IsVideo()};
+ bool isAudio{pItem->IsAudio()};
+ if (isAudio && !isVideo)
+ playlistId = TYPE_MUSIC;
+ else if (isVideo && !isAudio)
+ playlistId = TYPE_VIDEO;
+ else if (pItem->HasProperty("playlist_type_hint"))
+ {
+ // There are two main cases that can fall here:
+ // - If an extension is set on both audio / video extension lists example .strm
+ // see GetFileExtensionProvider() -> GetVideoExtensions() / GetAudioExtensions()
+ // When you play the .strm containing single path, cause that
+ // IsVideo() and IsAudio() methods both return true
+ //
+ // - When you play a playlist (e.g. .m3u / .strm) containing multiple paths,
+ // and the path played is generic (e.g.without extension) and have no properties
+ // to detect the media type, IsVideo() / IsAudio() both return false
+ //
+ // for these cases the type is unknown so we rely on the hint
+ playlistId = pItem->GetProperty("playlist_type_hint").asInteger32(TYPE_NONE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CLog::LogF(LOGWARNING, "ListItem type must be audio or video type. The type can be specified "
+ "by using ListItem::getVideoInfoTag or ListItem::getMusicInfoTag, in "
+ "the case of playlist entries by adding #KODIPROP mimetype value.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ClearPlaylist(playlistId);
+ Reset();
+ SetCurrentPlaylist(playlistId);
+ Add(playlistId, pItem);
+ return Play(0, player);
+bool CPlayListPlayer::Play(int iSong,
+ const std::string& player,
+ bool bAutoPlay /* = false */,
+ bool bPlayPrevious /* = false */)
+ if (m_iCurrentPlayList == TYPE_NONE)
+ return false;
+ CPlayList& playlist = GetPlaylist(m_iCurrentPlayList);
+ if (playlist.size() <= 0)
+ return false;
+ if (iSong < 0)
+ iSong = 0;
+ if (iSong >= playlist.size())
+ iSong = playlist.size() - 1;
+ // check if the item itself is a playlist, and can be expanded
+ // only allow a few levels, this could end up in a loop
+ // if they refer to each other in a loop
+ for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
+ {
+ if(!playlist.Expand(iSong))
+ break;
+ }
+ m_iCurrentSong = iSong;
+ CFileItemPtr item = playlist[m_iCurrentSong];
+ if (item->IsVideoDb() && !item->HasVideoInfoTag())
+ *(item->GetVideoInfoTag()) = XFILE::CVideoDatabaseFile::GetVideoTag(CURL(item->GetDynPath()));
+ playlist.SetPlayed(true);
+ m_bPlaybackStarted = false;
+ const auto playAttempt = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ bool ret = g_application.PlayFile(*item, player, bAutoPlay);
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: {}, path [{}]", m_iCurrentSong,
+ CURL::GetRedacted(item->GetDynPath()));
+ playlist.SetUnPlayable(m_iCurrentSong);
+ // abort on 100 failed CONSECUTIVE songs
+ if (!m_iFailedSongs)
+ m_failedSongsStart = playAttempt;
+ m_iFailedSongs++;
+ const std::shared_ptr<CAdvancedSettings> advancedSettings = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings();
+ auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - m_failedSongsStart);
+ if ((m_iFailedSongs >= advancedSettings->m_playlistRetries &&
+ advancedSettings->m_playlistRetries >= 0) ||
+ ((duration.count() >=
+ static_cast<unsigned int>(advancedSettings->m_playlistTimeout) * 1000) &&
+ advancedSettings->m_playlistTimeout))
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"Playlist Player: one or more items failed to play... aborting playback");
+ // open error dialog
+ HELPERS::ShowOKDialogText(CVariant{16026}, CVariant{16027});
+ CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_PLAYLISTPLAYER_STOPPED, 0, 0, m_iCurrentPlayList, m_iCurrentSong);
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendThreadMessage(msg);
+ Reset();
+ GetPlaylist(m_iCurrentPlayList).Clear();
+ m_iCurrentPlayList = TYPE_NONE;
+ m_iFailedSongs = 0;
+ m_failedSongsStart = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // how many playable items are in the playlist?
+ if (playlist.GetPlayable() > 0)
+ {
+ return bPlayPrevious ? PlayPrevious() : PlayNext();
+ }
+ // none? then abort playback
+ else
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"Playlist Player: no more playable items... aborting playback");
+ CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_PLAYLISTPLAYER_STOPPED, 0, 0, m_iCurrentPlayList, m_iCurrentSong);
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendThreadMessage(msg);
+ Reset();
+ m_iCurrentPlayList = TYPE_NONE;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // reset the start offset of this item
+ if (item->GetStartOffset() == STARTOFFSET_RESUME)
+ item->SetStartOffset(0);
+ //! @todo - move the above failure logic and the below success logic
+ //! to callbacks instead so we don't rely on the return value
+ //! of PlayFile()
+ // consecutive error counter so reset if the current item is playing
+ m_iFailedSongs = 0;
+ m_failedSongsStart = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ m_bPlayedFirstFile = true;
+ return true;
+void CPlayListPlayer::SetCurrentSong(int iSong)
+ if (iSong >= -1 && iSong < GetPlaylist(m_iCurrentPlayList).size())
+ m_iCurrentSong = iSong;
+int CPlayListPlayer::GetCurrentSong() const
+ return m_iCurrentSong;
+Id CPlayListPlayer::GetCurrentPlaylist() const
+ return m_iCurrentPlayList;
+void CPlayListPlayer::SetCurrentPlaylist(Id playlistId)
+ if (playlistId == m_iCurrentPlayList)
+ return;
+ // changing the current playlist while party mode is on
+ // disables party mode
+ if (g_partyModeManager.IsEnabled())
+ g_partyModeManager.Disable();
+ m_iCurrentPlayList = playlistId;
+ m_bPlayedFirstFile = false;
+void CPlayListPlayer::ClearPlaylist(Id playlistId)
+ // clear our applications playlist file
+ g_application.m_strPlayListFile.clear();
+ CPlayList& playlist = GetPlaylist(playlistId);
+ playlist.Clear();
+ // its likely that the playlist changed
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendMessage(msg);
+CPlayList& CPlayListPlayer::GetPlaylist(Id playlistId)
+ switch (playlistId)
+ {
+ case TYPE_MUSIC:
+ return *m_PlaylistMusic;
+ break;
+ case TYPE_VIDEO:
+ return *m_PlaylistVideo;
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_PlaylistEmpty->Clear();
+ return *m_PlaylistEmpty;
+ break;
+ }
+const CPlayList& CPlayListPlayer::GetPlaylist(Id playlistId) const
+ switch (playlistId)
+ {
+ case TYPE_MUSIC:
+ return *m_PlaylistMusic;
+ break;
+ case TYPE_VIDEO:
+ return *m_PlaylistVideo;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // NOTE: This playlist may not be empty if the caller of the non-const version alters it!
+ return *m_PlaylistEmpty;
+ break;
+ }
+int CPlayListPlayer::RemoveDVDItems()
+ int nRemovedM = m_PlaylistMusic->RemoveDVDItems();
+ int nRemovedV = m_PlaylistVideo->RemoveDVDItems();
+ return nRemovedM + nRemovedV;
+void CPlayListPlayer::Reset()
+ m_iCurrentSong = -1;
+ m_bPlayedFirstFile = false;
+ m_bPlaybackStarted = false;
+ // its likely that the playlist changed
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendMessage(msg);
+bool CPlayListPlayer::HasPlayedFirstFile() const
+ return m_bPlayedFirstFile;
+bool CPlayListPlayer::Repeated(Id playlistId) const
+ const auto repStatePos = m_repeatState.find(playlistId);
+ if (repStatePos != m_repeatState.end())
+ return repStatePos->second == RepeatState::ALL;
+ return false;
+bool CPlayListPlayer::RepeatedOne(Id playlistId) const
+ const auto repStatePos = m_repeatState.find(playlistId);
+ if (repStatePos != m_repeatState.end())
+ return (repStatePos->second == RepeatState::ONE);
+ return false;
+void CPlayListPlayer::SetShuffle(Id playlistId, bool bYesNo, bool bNotify /* = false */)
+ if (playlistId != TYPE_MUSIC && playlistId != TYPE_VIDEO)
+ return;
+ // disable shuffle in party mode
+ if (g_partyModeManager.IsEnabled() && playlistId == TYPE_MUSIC)
+ return;
+ // do we even need to do anything?
+ if (bYesNo != IsShuffled(playlistId))
+ {
+ // save the order value of the current song so we can use it find its new location later
+ int iOrder = -1;
+ CPlayList& playlist = GetPlaylist(playlistId);
+ if (m_iCurrentSong >= 0 && m_iCurrentSong < playlist.size())
+ iOrder = playlist[m_iCurrentSong]->m_iprogramCount;
+ // shuffle or unshuffle as necessary
+ if (bYesNo)
+ playlist.Shuffle();
+ else
+ playlist.UnShuffle();
+ if (bNotify)
+ {
+ std::string shuffleStr =
+ StringUtils::Format("{}: {}", g_localizeStrings.Get(191),
+ g_localizeStrings.Get(bYesNo ? 593 : 591)); // Shuffle: All/Off
+ CGUIDialogKaiToast::QueueNotification(CGUIDialogKaiToast::Info, g_localizeStrings.Get(559), shuffleStr);
+ }
+ // find the previous order value and fix the current song marker
+ if (iOrder >= 0)
+ {
+ int iIndex = playlist.FindOrder(iOrder);
+ if (iIndex >= 0)
+ m_iCurrentSong = iIndex;
+ // if iIndex < 0, something unexpected happened
+ // so dont do anything
+ }
+ }
+ // its likely that the playlist changed
+ if (CServiceBroker::GetGUI() != nullptr)
+ {
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendMessage(msg);
+ }
+ AnnouncePropertyChanged(playlistId, "shuffled", IsShuffled(playlistId));
+bool CPlayListPlayer::IsShuffled(Id playlistId) const
+ // even if shuffled, party mode says its not
+ if (g_partyModeManager.IsEnabled() && playlistId == TYPE_MUSIC)
+ return false;
+ if (playlistId == TYPE_MUSIC || playlistId == TYPE_VIDEO)
+ return GetPlaylist(playlistId).IsShuffled();
+ return false;
+void CPlayListPlayer::SetRepeat(Id playlistId, RepeatState state, bool bNotify /* = false */)
+ if (playlistId != TYPE_MUSIC && playlistId != TYPE_VIDEO)
+ return;
+ // disable repeat in party mode
+ if (g_partyModeManager.IsEnabled() && playlistId == TYPE_MUSIC)
+ state = RepeatState::NONE;
+ // notify the user if there was a change in the repeat state
+ if (m_repeatState[playlistId] != state && bNotify)
+ {
+ int iLocalizedString;
+ if (state == RepeatState::NONE)
+ iLocalizedString = 595; // Repeat: Off
+ else if (state == RepeatState::ONE)
+ iLocalizedString = 596; // Repeat: One
+ else
+ iLocalizedString = 597; // Repeat: All
+ CGUIDialogKaiToast::QueueNotification(CGUIDialogKaiToast::Info, g_localizeStrings.Get(559), g_localizeStrings.Get(iLocalizedString));
+ }
+ m_repeatState[playlistId] = state;
+ CVariant data;
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case RepeatState::ONE:
+ data = "one";
+ break;
+ case RepeatState::ALL:
+ data = "all";
+ break;
+ default:
+ data = "off";
+ break;
+ }
+ // its likely that the playlist changed
+ if (CServiceBroker::GetGUI() != nullptr)
+ {
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendMessage(msg);
+ }
+ AnnouncePropertyChanged(playlistId, "repeat", data);
+RepeatState CPlayListPlayer::GetRepeat(Id playlistId) const
+ const auto repStatePos = m_repeatState.find(playlistId);
+ if (repStatePos != m_repeatState.end())
+ return repStatePos->second;
+ return RepeatState::NONE;
+void CPlayListPlayer::ReShuffle(Id playlistId, int iPosition)
+ // playlist has not played yet so shuffle the entire list
+ // (this only really works for new video playlists)
+ if (!GetPlaylist(playlistId).WasPlayed())
+ {
+ GetPlaylist(playlistId).Shuffle();
+ }
+ // we're trying to shuffle new items into the currently playing playlist
+ // so we shuffle starting at two positions below the current item
+ else if (playlistId == m_iCurrentPlayList)
+ {
+ const auto& components = CServiceBroker::GetAppComponents();
+ const auto appPlayer = components.GetComponent<CApplicationPlayer>();
+ if ((appPlayer->IsPlayingAudio() && playlistId == TYPE_MUSIC) ||
+ (appPlayer->IsPlayingVideo() && playlistId == TYPE_VIDEO))
+ {
+ GetPlaylist(playlistId).Shuffle(m_iCurrentSong + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ // otherwise, shuffle from the passed position
+ // which is the position of the first new item added
+ else
+ {
+ GetPlaylist(playlistId).Shuffle(iPosition);
+ }
+void CPlayListPlayer::Add(Id playlistId, const CPlayList& playlist)
+ if (playlistId != TYPE_MUSIC && playlistId != TYPE_VIDEO)
+ return;
+ CPlayList& list = GetPlaylist(playlistId);
+ int iSize = list.size();
+ list.Add(playlist);
+ if (list.IsShuffled())
+ ReShuffle(playlistId, iSize);
+void CPlayListPlayer::Add(Id playlistId, const CFileItemPtr& pItem)
+ if (playlistId != TYPE_MUSIC && playlistId != TYPE_VIDEO)
+ return;
+ CPlayList& list = GetPlaylist(playlistId);
+ int iSize = list.size();
+ list.Add(pItem);
+ if (list.IsShuffled())
+ ReShuffle(playlistId, iSize);
+void CPlayListPlayer::Add(Id playlistId, const CFileItemList& items)
+ if (playlistId != TYPE_MUSIC && playlistId != TYPE_VIDEO)
+ return;
+ CPlayList& list = GetPlaylist(playlistId);
+ int iSize = list.size();
+ list.Add(items);
+ if (list.IsShuffled())
+ ReShuffle(playlistId, iSize);
+ // its likely that the playlist changed
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendMessage(msg);
+void CPlayListPlayer::Insert(Id playlistId, const CPlayList& playlist, int iIndex)
+ if (playlistId != TYPE_MUSIC && playlistId != TYPE_VIDEO)
+ return;
+ CPlayList& list = GetPlaylist(playlistId);
+ int iSize = list.size();
+ list.Insert(playlist, iIndex);
+ if (list.IsShuffled())
+ ReShuffle(playlistId, iSize);
+ else if (m_iCurrentPlayList == playlistId && m_iCurrentSong >= iIndex)
+ m_iCurrentSong++;
+void CPlayListPlayer::Insert(Id playlistId, const CFileItemPtr& pItem, int iIndex)
+ if (playlistId != TYPE_MUSIC && playlistId != TYPE_VIDEO)
+ return;
+ CPlayList& list = GetPlaylist(playlistId);
+ int iSize = list.size();
+ list.Insert(pItem, iIndex);
+ if (list.IsShuffled())
+ ReShuffle(playlistId, iSize);
+ else if (m_iCurrentPlayList == playlistId && m_iCurrentSong >= iIndex)
+ m_iCurrentSong++;
+void CPlayListPlayer::Insert(Id playlistId, const CFileItemList& items, int iIndex)
+ if (playlistId != TYPE_MUSIC && playlistId != TYPE_VIDEO)
+ return;
+ CPlayList& list = GetPlaylist(playlistId);
+ int iSize = list.size();
+ list.Insert(items, iIndex);
+ if (list.IsShuffled())
+ ReShuffle(playlistId, iSize);
+ else if (m_iCurrentPlayList == playlistId && m_iCurrentSong >= iIndex)
+ m_iCurrentSong++;
+ // its likely that the playlist changed
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendMessage(msg);
+void CPlayListPlayer::Remove(Id playlistId, int iPosition)
+ if (playlistId != TYPE_MUSIC && playlistId != TYPE_VIDEO)
+ return;
+ CPlayList& list = GetPlaylist(playlistId);
+ list.Remove(iPosition);
+ if (m_iCurrentPlayList == playlistId && m_iCurrentSong >= iPosition)
+ m_iCurrentSong--;
+ // its likely that the playlist changed
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendMessage(msg);
+void CPlayListPlayer::Clear()
+ if (m_PlaylistMusic)
+ m_PlaylistMusic->Clear();
+ if (m_PlaylistVideo)
+ m_PlaylistVideo->Clear();
+ if (m_PlaylistEmpty)
+ m_PlaylistEmpty->Clear();
+void CPlayListPlayer::Swap(Id playlistId, int indexItem1, int indexItem2)
+ if (playlistId != TYPE_MUSIC && playlistId != TYPE_VIDEO)
+ return;
+ CPlayList& list = GetPlaylist(playlistId);
+ if (list.Swap(indexItem1, indexItem2) && playlistId == m_iCurrentPlayList)
+ {
+ if (m_iCurrentSong == indexItem1)
+ m_iCurrentSong = indexItem2;
+ else if (m_iCurrentSong == indexItem2)
+ m_iCurrentSong = indexItem1;
+ }
+ // its likely that the playlist changed
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendMessage(msg);
+void CPlayListPlayer::AnnouncePropertyChanged(Id playlistId,
+ const std::string& strProperty,
+ const CVariant& value)
+ const auto& components = CServiceBroker::GetAppComponents();
+ const auto appPlayer = components.GetComponent<CApplicationPlayer>();
+ if (strProperty.empty() || value.isNull() ||
+ (playlistId == TYPE_VIDEO && !appPlayer->IsPlayingVideo()) ||
+ (playlistId == TYPE_MUSIC && !appPlayer->IsPlayingAudio()))
+ return;
+ CVariant data;
+ data["player"]["playerid"] = playlistId;
+ data["property"][strProperty] = value;
+ CServiceBroker::GetAnnouncementManager()->Announce(ANNOUNCEMENT::Player, "OnPropertyChanged",
+ data);
+int PLAYLIST::CPlayListPlayer::GetMessageMask()
+void PLAYLIST::CPlayListPlayer::OnApplicationMessage(KODI::MESSAGING::ThreadMessage* pMsg)
+ auto& components = CServiceBroker::GetAppComponents();
+ const auto appPlayer = components.GetComponent<CApplicationPlayer>();
+ auto wakeScreensaver = []() {
+ auto& components = CServiceBroker::GetAppComponents();
+ const auto appPower = components.GetComponent<CApplicationPowerHandling>();
+ appPower->ResetScreenSaver();
+ appPower->WakeUpScreenSaverAndDPMS();
+ };
+ switch (pMsg->dwMessage)
+ {
+ if (pMsg->param1 != -1)
+ Play(pMsg->param1, "");
+ else
+ Play();
+ break;
+ if (pMsg->param1 != -1)
+ {
+ bool *result = (bool*)pMsg->lpVoid;
+ *result = PlaySongId(pMsg->param1);
+ }
+ else
+ Play();
+ break;
+ PlayNext();
+ break;
+ PlayPrevious();
+ break;
+ if (pMsg->lpVoid)
+ {
+ CFileItemList *list = static_cast<CFileItemList*>(pMsg->lpVoid);
+ Add(pMsg->param1, (*list));
+ delete list;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (pMsg->lpVoid)
+ {
+ CFileItemList *list = static_cast<CFileItemList*>(pMsg->lpVoid);
+ Insert(pMsg->param1, (*list), pMsg->param2);
+ delete list;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (pMsg->param1 != -1)
+ Remove(pMsg->param1, pMsg->param2);
+ break;
+ ClearPlaylist(pMsg->param1);
+ break;
+ SetShuffle(pMsg->param1, pMsg->param2 > 0);
+ break;
+ SetRepeat(pMsg->param1, static_cast<RepeatState>(pMsg->param2));
+ break;
+ if (pMsg->lpVoid)
+ {
+ PLAYLIST::CPlayList playlist = GetPlaylist(pMsg->param1);
+ CFileItemList *list = static_cast<CFileItemList*>(pMsg->lpVoid);
+ for (int i = 0; i < playlist.size(); i++)
+ list->Add(std::make_shared<CFileItem>(*playlist[i]));
+ }
+ break;
+ if (pMsg->lpVoid)
+ {
+ auto indexes = static_cast<std::vector<int>*>(pMsg->lpVoid);
+ if (indexes->size() == 2)
+ Swap(pMsg->param1, indexes->at(0), indexes->at(1));
+ delete indexes;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ wakeScreensaver();
+ // first check if we were called from the PlayFile() function
+ if (pMsg->lpVoid && pMsg->param2 == 0)
+ {
+ // Discard the current playlist, if TMSG_MEDIA_PLAY gets posted with just a single item.
+ // Otherwise items may fail to play, when started while a playlist is playing.
+ Reset();
+ CFileItem *item = static_cast<CFileItem*>(pMsg->lpVoid);
+ g_application.PlayFile(*item, "", pMsg->param1 != 0);
+ delete item;
+ return;
+ }
+ //g_application.StopPlaying();
+ // play file
+ if (pMsg->lpVoid)
+ {
+ CFileItemList *list = static_cast<CFileItemList*>(pMsg->lpVoid);
+ if (list->Size() > 0)
+ {
+ Id playlistId = TYPE_MUSIC;
+ for (int i = 0; i < list->Size(); i++)
+ {
+ if ((*list)[i]->IsVideo())
+ {
+ playlistId = TYPE_VIDEO;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ClearPlaylist(playlistId);
+ SetCurrentPlaylist(playlistId);
+ if (list->Size() == 1 && !(*list)[0]->IsPlayList())
+ {
+ CFileItemPtr item = (*list)[0];
+ // if the item is a plugin we need to resolve the URL to ensure the infotags are filled.
+ if (URIUtils::HasPluginPath(*item) &&
+ !XFILE::CPluginDirectory::GetResolvedPluginResult(*item))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (item->IsAudio() || item->IsVideo())
+ Play(item, pMsg->strParam);
+ else
+ g_application.PlayMedia(*item, pMsg->strParam, playlistId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Handle "shuffled" option if present
+ if (list->HasProperty("shuffled") && list->GetProperty("shuffled").isBoolean())
+ SetShuffle(playlistId, list->GetProperty("shuffled").asBoolean(), false);
+ // Handle "repeat" option if present
+ if (list->HasProperty("repeat") && list->GetProperty("repeat").isInteger())
+ SetRepeat(playlistId, static_cast<RepeatState>(list->GetProperty("repeat").asInteger()),
+ false);
+ Add(playlistId, (*list));
+ Play(pMsg->param1, pMsg->strParam);
+ }
+ }
+ delete list;
+ }
+ else if (pMsg->param1 == TYPE_MUSIC || pMsg->param1 == TYPE_VIDEO)
+ {
+ if (GetCurrentPlaylist() != pMsg->param1)
+ SetCurrentPlaylist(pMsg->param1);
+ CServiceBroker::GetAppMessenger()->SendMsg(TMSG_PLAYLISTPLAYER_PLAY, pMsg->param2);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ g_application.Restart(true);
+ break;
+ {
+ // restore to previous window if needed
+ bool stopSlideshow = true;
+ bool stopVideo = true;
+ bool stopMusic = true;
+ Id playlistId = pMsg->param1;
+ if (playlistId != TYPE_NONE)
+ {
+ stopSlideshow = (playlistId == TYPE_PICTURE);
+ stopVideo = (playlistId == TYPE_VIDEO);
+ stopMusic = (playlistId == TYPE_MUSIC);
+ }
+ if ((stopSlideshow && CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().GetActiveWindow() == WINDOW_SLIDESHOW) ||
+ (stopVideo && CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().GetActiveWindow() == WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO) ||
+ (stopVideo && CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().GetActiveWindow() == WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_GAME) ||
+ (stopMusic && CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().GetActiveWindow() == WINDOW_VISUALISATION))
+ CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().PreviousWindow();
+ wakeScreensaver();
+ // stop playing file
+ if (appPlayer->IsPlaying())
+ g_application.StopPlaying();
+ }
+ break;
+ if (appPlayer->HasPlayer())
+ {
+ wakeScreensaver();
+ appPlayer->Pause();
+ }
+ break;
+ if (appPlayer->IsPausedPlayback())
+ {
+ wakeScreensaver();
+ appPlayer->Pause();
+ }
+ break;
+ if (appPlayer->IsPlaying() && !appPlayer->IsPaused())
+ {
+ wakeScreensaver();
+ appPlayer->Pause();
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ if (appPlayer->IsPlaying() || appPlayer->IsPaused())
+ appPlayer->SeekTime(pMsg->param3);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }