path: root/xbmc/Util.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/Util.h b/xbmc/Util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe67748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xbmc/Util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi
+ * This file is part of Kodi -
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * See LICENSES/ for more information.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "MediaSource.h" // Definition of VECSOURCES
+#include "utils/Digest.h"
+#include <climits>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <vector>
+// A list of filesystem types for LegalPath/FileName
+#define LEGAL_NONE 0
+#define LEGAL_WIN32_COMPAT 1
+#define LEGAL_FATX 2
+class CFileItem;
+class CFileItemList;
+class CURL;
+struct ExternalStreamInfo
+ std::string name;
+ std::string language;
+ unsigned int flag = 0;
+class CUtil
+ CUtil() = delete;
+ static void CleanString(const std::string& strFileName,
+ std::string& strTitle,
+ std::string& strTitleAndYear,
+ std::string& strYear,
+ bool bRemoveExtension = false,
+ bool bCleanChars = true);
+ static std::string GetTitleFromPath(const CURL& url, bool bIsFolder = false);
+ static std::string GetTitleFromPath(const std::string& strFileNameAndPath, bool bIsFolder = false);
+ static void GetQualifiedFilename(const std::string &strBasePath, std::string &strFilename);
+ static void RunShortcut(const char* szPath);
+ static std::string GetHomePath(
+ const std::string& strTarget = "KODI_HOME"); // default target is "KODI_HOME"
+ static bool ExcludeFileOrFolder(const std::string& strFileOrFolder, const std::vector<std::string>& regexps);
+ static void GetFileAndProtocol(const std::string& strURL, std::string& strDir);
+ static int GetDVDIfoTitle(const std::string& strPathFile);
+ static bool IsPicture(const std::string& strFile);
+ /// Get resolved filesystem location of splash image
+ static std::string GetSplashPath();
+ /*! \brief retrieve MD5sum of a file
+ \param strPath - path to the file to MD5sum
+ \return md5 sum of the file
+ */
+ static std::string GetFileDigest(const std::string& strPath, KODI::UTILITY::CDigest::Type type);
+ static bool GetDirectoryName(const std::string& strFileName, std::string& strDescription);
+ static void GetDVDDriveIcon(const std::string& strPath, std::string& strIcon);
+ static void RemoveTempFiles();
+ static void ClearSubtitles();
+ static void ScanForExternalSubtitles(const std::string& strMovie, std::vector<std::string>& vecSubtitles );
+ /** \brief Retrieves stream info of external associated files, e.g., subtitles, for a given video.
+ * \param[in] videoPath The full path of the video file.
+ * \param[in] associatedFile A file that provides additional streams for the given video file.
+ * \return stream info for the given associatedFile
+ */
+ static ExternalStreamInfo GetExternalStreamDetailsFromFilename(const std::string& videoPath, const std::string& associatedFile);
+ static bool FindVobSubPair( const std::vector<std::string>& vecSubtitles, const std::string& strIdxPath, std::string& strSubPath );
+ static bool IsVobSub(const std::vector<std::string>& vecSubtitles, const std::string& strSubPath);
+ static std::string GetVobSubSubFromIdx(const std::string& vobSubIdx);
+ static std::string GetVobSubIdxFromSub(const std::string& vobSub);
+ /** \brief Retrieves paths of external audio files for a given video.
+ * \param[in] videoPath The full path of the video file.
+ * \param[out] vecAudio A vector containing the full paths of all found external audio files.
+ */
+ static void ScanForExternalAudio(const std::string& videoPath, std::vector<std::string>& vecAudio);
+ static int64_t ToInt64(uint32_t high, uint32_t low);
+ static std::string GetNextFilename(const std::string &fn_template, int max);
+ static std::string GetNextPathname(const std::string &path_template, int max);
+ static void StatToStatI64(struct _stati64 *result, struct stat *stat);
+ static void StatToStat64(struct __stat64 *result, const struct stat *stat);
+ static void Stat64ToStatI64(struct _stati64 *result, struct __stat64 *stat);
+ static void StatI64ToStat64(struct __stat64 *result, struct _stati64 *stat);
+ static void Stat64ToStat(struct stat *result, struct __stat64 *stat);
+ static void Stat64ToStat64i32(struct _stat64i32 *result, struct __stat64 *stat);
+ static bool CreateDirectoryEx(const std::string& strPath);
+ static std::string MakeLegalFileName(const std::string &strFile, int LegalType=LEGAL_WIN32_COMPAT);
+ static std::string MakeLegalPath(const std::string &strPath, int LegalType=LEGAL_WIN32_COMPAT);
+ static std::string MakeLegalFileName(const std::string &strFile, int LegalType=LEGAL_NONE);
+ static std::string MakeLegalPath(const std::string &strPath, int LegalType=LEGAL_NONE);
+ static std::string ValidatePath(const std::string &path, bool bFixDoubleSlashes = false); ///< return a validated path, with correct directory separators.
+ /*!
+ * \brief Check if a filename contains a supported font extension.
+ * \param filename The filename to check
+ * \return True if it is supported, otherwise false
+ */
+ static bool IsSupportedFontExtension(const std::string& fileName);
+ /*! \brief Split a comma separated parameter list into separate parameters.
+ Takes care of the case where we may have a quoted string containing commas, or we may
+ have a function (i.e. parentheses) with multiple parameters as a single parameter.
+ eg:
+ foo, bar(param1, param2), foo
+ will return:
+ "foo", "bar(param1, param2)", and "foo".
+ \param paramString the string to break up
+ \param parameters the returned parameters
+ */
+ static void SplitParams(const std::string& paramString, std::vector<std::string>& parameters);
+ static int GetMatchingSource(const std::string& strPath, VECSOURCES& VECSOURCES, bool& bIsSourceName);
+ static std::string TranslateSpecialSource(const std::string &strSpecial);
+ static void DeleteDirectoryCache(const std::string &prefix = "");
+ static void DeleteMusicDatabaseDirectoryCache();
+ static void DeleteVideoDatabaseDirectoryCache();
+ static std::string MusicPlaylistsLocation();
+ static std::string VideoPlaylistsLocation();
+ static void GetSkinThemes(std::vector<std::string>& vecTheme);
+ static void GetRecursiveListing(const std::string& strPath, CFileItemList& items, const std::string& strMask, unsigned int flags = 0 /* DIR_FLAG_DEFAULTS */);
+ static void GetRecursiveDirsListing(const std::string& strPath, CFileItemList& items, unsigned int flags = 0 /* DIR_FLAG_DEFAULTS */);
+ static void ForceForwardSlashes(std::string& strPath);
+ static double AlbumRelevance(const std::string& strAlbumTemp1, const std::string& strAlbum1, const std::string& strArtistTemp1, const std::string& strArtist1);
+ static bool MakeShortenPath(std::string StrInput, std::string& StrOutput, size_t iTextMaxLength);
+ /*! \brief Checks whether the supplied path supports Write file operations (e.g. Rename, Delete, ...)
+ \param strPath the path to be checked
+ \return true if Write file operations are supported, false otherwise
+ */
+ static bool SupportsWriteFileOperations(const std::string& strPath);
+ /*! \brief Checks whether the supplied path supports Read file operations (e.g. Copy, ...)
+ \param strPath the path to be checked
+ \return true if Read file operations are supported, false otherwise
+ */
+ static bool SupportsReadFileOperations(const std::string& strPath);
+ static std::string GetDefaultFolderThumb(const std::string &folderThumb);
+ static void InitRandomSeed();
+ // Get decimal integer representation of roman digit, ivxlcdm are valid
+ // return 0 for other chars;
+ static int LookupRomanDigit(char roman_digit);
+ // Translate a string of roman numerals to decimal a decimal integer
+ // return -1 on error, valid range is 1-3999
+ static int TranslateRomanNumeral(const char* roman_numeral);
+#if defined(TARGET_POSIX) && !defined(TARGET_DARWIN_TVOS)
+ //
+ // Forks to execute a shell command.
+ //
+ static bool Command(const std::vector<std::string>& arrArgs, bool waitExit = false);
+ //
+ // Forks to execute an unparsed shell command line.
+ //
+ static bool RunCommandLine(const std::string& cmdLine, bool waitExit = false);
+ static std::string ResolveExecutablePath();
+ static std::string GetFrameworksPath(bool forPython = false);
+ static bool CanBindPrivileged();
+ static bool ValidatePort(int port);
+ /*!
+ * \brief Thread-safe random number generation
+ */
+ static int GetRandomNumber();
+ static int64_t ConvertSecsToMilliSecs(double secs) { return static_cast<int64_t>(secs * 1000); }
+ static double ConvertMilliSecsToSecs(int64_t offset) { return offset / 1000.0; }
+ static int64_t ConvertMilliSecsToSecsInt(int64_t offset) { return offset / 1000; }
+ static int64_t ConvertMilliSecsToSecsIntRounded(int64_t offset) { return ConvertMilliSecsToSecsInt(offset + 499); }
+ /** \brief Copy files from the application bundle over to the user data directory in Application Support/Kodi.
+ */
+ static void CopyUserDataIfNeeded(const std::string& strPath,
+ const std::string& file,
+ const std::string& destname = "");
+#if !defined(TARGET_WINDOWS)
+ static unsigned int s_randomSeed;
+ protected:
+ /** \brief Retrieves the base path and the filename of a given video.
+ * \param[in] videoPath The full path of the video file.
+ * \param[out] basePath The base path of the given video.
+ * \param[out] videoFileName The file name of the given video..
+ */
+ static void GetVideoBasePathAndFileName(const std::string& videoPath,
+ std::string& basePath,
+ std::string& videoFileName);
+ /** \brief Retrieves FileItems that could contain associated files of a given video.
+ * \param[in] videoPath The full path of the video file.
+ * \param[in] item_exts A | separated string of extensions specifying the associated files.
+ * \param[in] sub_dirs A vector of sub directory names to look for.
+ * \param[out] items A List of FileItems to scan for associated files.
+ */
+ static void GetItemsToScan(const std::string& videoPath,
+ const std::string& item_exts,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& sub_dirs,
+ CFileItemList& items);
+ /** \brief Searches for associated files of a given video.
+ * \param[in] videoName The name of the video file.
+ * \param[in] items A List of FileItems to scan for associated files.
+ * \param[in] item_exts A vector of extensions specifying the associated files.
+ * \param[out] associatedFiles A vector containing the full paths of all found associated files.
+ */
+ static void ScanPathsForAssociatedItems(const std::string& videoName,
+ const CFileItemList& items,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& item_exts,
+ std::vector<std::string>& associatedFiles);
+ /** \brief Searches in an archive for associated files of a given video.
+ * \param[in] strArchivePath The full path of the archive.
+ * \param[in] videoNameNoExt The filename of the video without extension for which associated files should be retrieved.
+ * \param[in] item_exts A vector of extensions specifying the associated files.
+ * \param[out] associatedFiles A vector containing the full paths of all found associated files.
+ */
+ static int ScanArchiveForAssociatedItems(const std::string& strArchivePath,
+ const std::string& videoNameNoExt,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& item_exts,
+ std::vector<std::string>& associatedFiles);