path: root/xbmc/dbwrappers/dataset.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xbmc/dbwrappers/dataset.h')
1 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/dbwrappers/dataset.h b/xbmc/dbwrappers/dataset.h
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index 0000000..5e420b1
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+++ b/xbmc/dbwrappers/dataset.h
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+ * Copyright (C) 2002, Leo Seib, Hannover
+ *
+ * Project:Dataset C++ Dynamic Library
+ * Module: Dataset abstraction layer header file
+ * Author: Leo Seib E-Mail:
+ * Begin: 5/04/2002
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ * See LICENSES/ for more information.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "qry_dat.h"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+namespace dbiplus
+class Dataset; // forward declaration of class Dataset
+#define S_NO_CONNECTION "No active connection";
+#define DB_BUFF_MAX 8 * 1024 // Maximum buffer's capacity
+#define DB_COMMAND_OK 0 // OK - command executed
+#define DB_EMPTY_QUERY 1 // Query didn't return tuples
+#define DB_TUPLES_OK 2 // Query returned tuples
+#define DB_ERROR 5
+#define DB_BAD_RESPONSE 6
+#define DB_UNEXPECTED 7 // This shouldn't ever happen
+#define DB_UNEXPECTED_RESULT -1 //For integer functions
+/******************* Class Database definition ********************
+ represents connection with database server;
+class Database
+ bool active;
+ bool compression;
+ std::string error, // Error description
+ host, port, db, login, passwd, //Login info
+ sequence_table, //Sequence table for nextid
+ default_charset, //Default character set
+ key, cert, ca, capath, ciphers; //SSL - Encryption info
+ /* constructor */
+ Database();
+ /* destructor */
+ virtual ~Database();
+ virtual Dataset* CreateDataset() const = 0;
+ /* sets a new host name */
+ virtual void setHostName(const char* newHost) { host = newHost; }
+ /* gets a host name */
+ const char* getHostName(void) const { return host.c_str(); }
+ /* sets a new port */
+ void setPort(const char* newPort) { port = newPort; }
+ /* gets a port */
+ const char* getPort(void) const { return port.c_str(); }
+ /* sets a new database name */
+ virtual void setDatabase(const char* newDb) { db = newDb; }
+ /* gets a database name */
+ const char* getDatabase(void) const { return db.c_str(); }
+ /* sets a new login to database */
+ void setLogin(const char* newLogin) { login = newLogin; }
+ /* gets a login */
+ const char* getLogin(void) const { return login.c_str(); }
+ /* sets a password */
+ void setPasswd(const char* newPasswd) { passwd = newPasswd; }
+ /* gets a password */
+ const char* getPasswd(void) const { return passwd.c_str(); }
+ /* active status is OK state */
+ virtual bool isActive(void) const { return active; }
+ /* Set new name of sequence table */
+ void setSequenceTable(const char* new_seq_table) { sequence_table = new_seq_table; }
+ /* Get name of sequence table */
+ const char* getSequenceTable(void) { return sequence_table.c_str(); }
+ /* Get the default character set */
+ const char* getDefaultCharset(void) { return default_charset.c_str(); }
+ /* Sets configuration */
+ virtual void setConfig(const char* newKey,
+ const char* newCert,
+ const char* newCA,
+ const char* newCApath,
+ const char* newCiphers,
+ bool newCompression)
+ {
+ key = newKey;
+ cert = newCert;
+ ca = newCA;
+ capath = newCApath;
+ ciphers = newCiphers;
+ compression = newCompression;
+ }
+ /* virtual methods that must be overloaded in derived classes */
+ virtual int init(void) { return DB_COMMAND_OK; }
+ virtual int status(void) { return DB_CONNECTION_NONE; }
+ virtual int setErr(int err_code, const char* qry) = 0;
+ virtual const char* getErrorMsg(void) { return error.c_str(); }
+ virtual int connect(bool create) { return DB_COMMAND_OK; }
+ virtual int connectFull(const char* newDb,
+ const char* newHost = NULL,
+ const char* newLogin = NULL,
+ const char* newPasswd = NULL,
+ const char* newPort = NULL,
+ const char* newKey = NULL,
+ const char* newCert = NULL,
+ const char* newCA = NULL,
+ const char* newCApath = NULL,
+ const char* newCiphers = NULL,
+ bool newCompression = false);
+ virtual void disconnect(void) { active = false; }
+ virtual int reset(void) { return DB_COMMAND_OK; }
+ virtual int create(void) { return DB_COMMAND_OK; }
+ virtual int drop(void) { return DB_COMMAND_OK; }
+ virtual long nextid(const char* seq_name) = 0;
+ /* \brief copy database */
+ virtual int copy(const char* new_name) { return -1; }
+ /* \brief drop all extra analytics from database */
+ virtual int drop_analytics(void) { return -1; }
+ virtual bool exists(void) { return false; }
+ /* virtual methods for transaction */
+ virtual void start_transaction() {}
+ virtual void commit_transaction() {}
+ virtual void rollback_transaction() {}
+ /* virtual methods for formatting */
+ /*! \brief Prepare a SQL statement for execution or querying using C printf nomenclature.
+ \param format - C printf compliant format string
+ \param ... - optional comma separated list of variables for substitution in format string placeholders.
+ \return escaped and formatted string.
+ */
+ virtual std::string prepare(const char* format, ...);
+ /*! \brief Prepare a SQL statement for execution or querying using C printf nomenclature
+ \param format - C printf compliant format string
+ \param args - va_list of variables for substitution in format string placeholders.
+ \return escaped and formatted string.
+ */
+ virtual std::string vprepare(const char* format, va_list args) = 0;
+ virtual bool in_transaction() { return false; }
+/******************* Class Dataset definition *********************
+ global abstraction for using Databases
+// define Dataset States type
+enum dsStates
+ dsSelect,
+ dsInsert,
+ dsEdit,
+ dsUpdate,
+ dsDelete,
+ dsInactive
+enum sqlType
+ sqlSelect,
+ sqlUpdate,
+ sqlInsert,
+ sqlDelete,
+ sqlExec
+typedef std::list<std::string> StringList;
+typedef std::map<std::string, field_value> ParamList;
+class Dataset
+ /* char *Host = ""; //WORK_HOST;
+ char *Database = ""; //WORK_DATABASE;
+ char *User = ""; //WORK_USER;
+ char *Password = ""; //WORK_PASSWORD;
+ Database* db; // info about db connection
+ dsStates ds_state; // current state
+ Fields *fields_object, *edit_object;
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, unsigned int>
+ name2indexMap; // Lower case field name -> database index
+ /* query results*/
+ result_set result;
+ result_set exec_res;
+ bool autorefresh;
+ bool active; // Is Query Opened?
+ bool haveError;
+ int frecno; // number of current row bei bewegung
+ std::string sql;
+ ParamList plist; // Paramlist for locate
+ bool fbof, feof;
+ bool autocommit; // for transactions
+ /* Variables to store SQL statements */
+ std::string empty_sql; // Executed when result set is empty
+ std::string select_sql; // May be only single string variable
+ StringList update_sql; // May be an array in complex queries
+ /* Field values for updating must has prefix :NEW_ and :OLD_ and field name
+ Example:
+ update wt_story set idobject set idobject=:NEW_idobject,body=:NEW_body
+ where idobject=:OLD_idobject
+ Essentially fields idobject and body must present in the
+ result set (select_sql statement) */
+ StringList insert_sql; // May be an array in complex queries
+ /* Field values for inserting must has prefix :NEW_ and field name
+ Example:
+ insert into wt_story (idobject, body) values (:NEW_idobject, :NEW_body)
+ Essentially fields idobject and body must present in the
+ result set (select_sql statement) */
+ StringList delete_sql; // May be an array in complex queries
+ /* Field values for deleing must has prefix :OLD_ and field name
+ Example:
+ delete from wt_story where idobject=:OLD_idobject
+ Essentially field idobject must present in the
+ result set (select_sql statement) */
+ /* Arrays for searching */
+ // StringList names, values;
+ /* Makes direct inserts into database via mysql_query function */
+ virtual void make_insert() = 0;
+ /* Edit SQL */
+ virtual void make_edit() = 0;
+ /* Delete SQL */
+ virtual void make_deletion() = 0;
+ /* This function works only with MySQL database
+ Filling the fields information from select statement */
+ virtual void fill_fields(void) = 0;
+ /* Parse Sql - replacing fields with prefixes :OLD_ and :NEW_ with current values of OLD or NEW field. */
+ void parse_sql(std::string& sql);
+ /* Returns old field value (for :OLD) */
+ virtual const field_value f_old(const char* f);
+ /* fast string tolower helper */
+ char* str_toLower(char* s);
+ /* constructor */
+ Dataset();
+ explicit Dataset(Database* newDb);
+ /* destructor */
+ virtual ~Dataset();
+ /* sets a new value of connection to database */
+ void setDatabase(Database* newDb) { db = newDb; }
+ /* retrieves a database which connected */
+ Database* getDatabase(void) { return db; }
+ /* sets a new query string to database server */
+ void setExecSql(const char* newSql) { sql = newSql; }
+ /* retrieves a query string */
+ const char* getExecSql(void) { return sql.c_str(); }
+ /* status active is OK query */
+ virtual bool isActive(void) { return active; }
+ virtual void setSqlParams(sqlType t, const char* sqlFrmt, ...);
+ /* error handling */
+ // virtual void halt(const char *msg);
+ /* last inserted id */
+ virtual int64_t lastinsertid() = 0;
+ /* sequence numbers */
+ virtual long nextid(const char* seq_name) = 0;
+ /* sequence numbers */
+ virtual int num_rows() = 0;
+ /* Open SQL query */
+ virtual void open(const std::string& sql) = 0;
+ virtual void open() = 0;
+ /* func. executes a query without results to return */
+ virtual int exec(const std::string& sql) = 0;
+ virtual int exec() = 0;
+ virtual const void* getExecRes() = 0;
+ /* as open, but with our query exec Sql */
+ virtual bool query(const std::string& sql) = 0;
+ /* Close SQL Query*/
+ virtual void close();
+ /* This function looks for field Field_name with value equal Field_value
+ Returns true if found (position of dataset is set to founded position)
+ and false another way (position is not changed). */
+ // virtual bool lookup(char *field_name, char*field_value);
+ /* Refresh dataset (reopen it and set the same cursor position) */
+ virtual void refresh();
+ /*! \brief Drop an index from the database table, provided it exists.
+ \param table - name of the table the index to be dropped is associated with
+ \param index - name of the index to be dropped
+ \return true when the index is guaranteed to no longer exist in the database.
+ */
+ virtual bool dropIndex(const char* table, const char* index) { return false; }
+ /* Go to record No (starting with 0) */
+ virtual bool seek(int pos = 0);
+ /* Go to record No (starting with 1) */
+ virtual bool goto_rec(int pos = 1);
+ /* Go to the first record in dataset */
+ virtual void first();
+ /* Go to next record in dataset */
+ virtual void next();
+ /* Go to previous record */
+ virtual void prev();
+ /* Go to last record in dataset */
+ virtual void last();
+ /* Check for Ending dataset */
+ virtual bool eof(void) { return feof; }
+ /* Check for Beginning dataset */
+ virtual bool bof(void) { return fbof; }
+ /* Start the insert mode */
+ virtual void insert();
+ /* Start the insert mode (alias for insert() function) */
+ virtual void append() { insert(); }
+ /* Start the edit mode */
+ virtual void edit();
+ /* Start the delete mode */
+ virtual void del();
+ /* Add changes, that were made during insert or edit states of dataset into the database */
+ virtual void post();
+ /* Delete statements from database */
+ virtual void deletion();
+ /* Cancel changes, made in insert or edit states of dataset */
+ virtual void cancel() {}
+ /* interrupt any pending database operation */
+ virtual void interrupt() {}
+ virtual void setParamList(const ParamList& params);
+ virtual bool locate();
+ virtual bool locate(const ParamList& params);
+ virtual bool findNext();
+ /* func. retrieves a number of fields */
+ /* Number of fields in a record */
+ virtual int field_count();
+ virtual int fieldCount();
+ /* func. retrieves a field name with 'n' index */
+ virtual const char* fieldName(int n);
+ /* func. retrieves a field index with 'fn' field name,return -1 when field name not found */
+ virtual int fieldIndex(const char* fn);
+ /* Set field value */
+ virtual bool set_field_value(const char* f_name, const field_value& value);
+ /* alias for set_field_value */
+ virtual bool sf(const char* f, const field_value& v) { return set_field_value(f, v); }
+ /* Return field name by it index */
+ // virtual char *field_name(int f_index) { return field_by_index(f_index)->get_field_name(); }
+ /* Getting value of field for current record */
+ virtual const field_value get_field_value(const char* f_name);
+ virtual const field_value get_field_value(int index);
+ /* Alias to get_field_value */
+ const field_value fv(const char* f) { return get_field_value(f); }
+ const field_value fv(int index) { return get_field_value(index); }
+ /* ------------ for transaction ------------------- */
+ void set_autocommit(bool v) { autocommit = v; }
+ bool get_autocommit() { return autocommit; }
+ /* ----------------- for debug -------------------- */
+ Fields* get_fields_object() { return fields_object; }
+ Fields* get_edit_object() { return edit_object; }
+ /* --------------- for fast access ---------------- */
+ const result_set& get_result_set() { return result; }
+ const sql_record* get_sql_record();
+ Dataset(const Dataset&) = delete;
+ Dataset& operator=(const Dataset&) = delete;
+ /* Get the column index from a string field_value request */
+ bool get_index_map_entry(const char* f_name);
+ void set_ds_state(dsStates new_state) { ds_state = new_state; }
+ /* return ds_state value */
+ dsStates get_state() { return ds_state; }
+ /*add a new value to select_sql*/
+ void set_select_sql(const char* sel_sql);
+ void set_select_sql(const std::string& select_sql);
+ /*add a new value to update_sql*/
+ void add_update_sql(const char* upd_sql);
+ void add_update_sql(const std::string& upd_sql);
+ /*add a new value to insert_sql*/
+ void add_insert_sql(const char* ins_sql);
+ void add_insert_sql(const std::string& ins_sql);
+ /*add a new value to delete_sql*/
+ void add_delete_sql(const char* del_sql);
+ void add_delete_sql(const std::string& del_sql);
+ /*clear update_sql*/
+ void clear_update_sql();
+ /*clear insert_sql*/
+ void clear_insert_sql();
+ /*clear delete_sql*/
+ void clear_delete_sql();
+ /* size of insert_sql*/
+ size_t insert_sql_count();
+ /* size of delete_sql*/
+ size_t delete_sql_count();
+ /*get value of select_sql*/
+ const char* get_select_sql();
+/******************** Class DbErrors definition *********************
+ error handling
+class DbErrors
+ /* constructor */
+ DbErrors();
+ DbErrors(const char* msg, ...);
+ const char* getMsg();
+ std::string msg_;
+} // namespace dbiplus