path: root/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/AddonClass.h
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1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/AddonClass.h b/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/AddonClass.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5de375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/AddonClass.h
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi
+ * This file is part of Kodi -
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * See LICENSES/ for more information.
+ */
+#pragma once
+ * Defining LOG_LIFECYCLE_EVENTS will log all instantiations, deletions
+ * and also reference countings (increments and decrements) that take
+ * place on any Addon* class.
+ *
+ * Comment out (or uncomment out) to change the setting.
+ */
+ * Defining XBMC_ADDON_DEBUG_MEMORY will make the Acquire and Release
+ * methods virtual allow the developer to overload them in a sub-class
+ * and set breakpoints to aid in debugging. It will also cause the
+ * reference counting mechanism to never actually delete any AddonClass
+ * instance allowing for the tracking of more references to (supposedly)
+ * deallocated classes.
+ *
+ * Comment out (or uncomment out) to change the setting.
+ */
+#include "AddonString.h"
+#include <mutex>
+#include "utils/log.h"
+#include "AddonUtils.h"
+#include <atomic>
+#include <typeindex>
+namespace XBMCAddon
+ class LanguageHook;
+ /**
+ * This class is the superclass for all reference counted classes in the api.
+ * It provides a means for the bindings to handle all api objects generically.
+ *
+ * It also provides some means for debugging "lifecycle" events (see the above
+ * description of LOG_LIFECYCLE_EVENTS).
+ *
+ * If a scripting language bindings require specific handling there is a
+ * hook to add in these language specifics that can be set here.
+ */
+ class AddonClass : public CCriticalSection
+ {
+ private:
+ mutable std::atomic<long> refs;
+ bool m_isDeallocating = false;
+ // no copying
+ inline AddonClass(const AddonClass&) = delete;
+ bool isDeleted;
+ protected:
+ LanguageHook* languageHook;
+ /**
+ * This method is meant to be called from the destructor of the
+ * lowest level class.
+ *
+ * It's virtual because it's a convenient place to receive messages that
+ * we're about to go be deleted but prior to any real tear-down.
+ *
+ * Any overloading classes need to remember to pass the call up the chain.
+ */
+ virtual void deallocating()
+ {
+ std::unique_lock<CCriticalSection> lock(*this);
+ m_isDeallocating = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is meant to be called during static initialization and so isn't
+ * synchronized.
+ */
+ static short getNextClassIndex();
+ public:
+ AddonClass();
+ virtual ~AddonClass();
+ inline const char* GetClassname() const { return typeid(*this).name(); }
+ inline LanguageHook* GetLanguageHook() { return languageHook; }
+ /**
+ * This method should be called while holding a Synchronize
+ * on the object. It will prevent the deallocation during
+ * the time it's held.
+ */
+ bool isDeallocating() { XBMC_TRACE; return m_isDeallocating; }
+ static short getNumAddonClasses();
+ virtual
+ inline
+ void Release() const
+ {
+ long ct = --refs;
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "NEWADDON REFCNT decrementing to {} on {} 0x{:x}", ct, GetClassname(),
+ (long)(((void*)this)));
+ if(ct == 0)
+ delete this;
+ }
+ ;
+ virtual
+ inline
+ void Acquire() const
+ {
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "NEWADDON REFCNT incrementing to {} on {} 0x{:x}", ++refs, GetClassname(),
+ (long)(((void*)this)));
+ ++refs;
+ }
+ ;
+#define refcheck
+ /**
+ * This class is a smart pointer for a Referenced class.
+ */
+ template <class T> class Ref
+ {
+ T * ac;
+ public:
+ inline Ref() : ac(NULL) {}
+ inline Ref(const T* _ac) : ac(const_cast<T*>(_ac)) { if (ac) ac->Acquire(); refcheck; }
+ // copy semantics
+ inline Ref(Ref<T> const & oref) : ac(const_cast<T*>(oref.get())) { if (ac) ac->Acquire(); refcheck; }
+ template<class O> inline Ref(Ref<O> const & oref) : ac(static_cast<T*>(oref.get())) { if (ac) ac->Acquire(); refcheck; }
+ /**
+ * operator= should work with either another smart pointer or a pointer since it will
+ * be able to convert a pointer to a smart pointer using one of the above constructors.
+ *
+ * Note: There is a trick here. The temporary variable is necessary because otherwise the
+ * following code will fail:
+ *
+ * Ref<T> ptr = new T;
+ * ptr = ptr;
+ *
+ * What happens without the tmp is the dereference is called first so the object ends up
+ * deleted and then the reference happens on a deleted object. The order is reversed
+ * in the following.
+ *
+ * Note: Operator= is ambiguous if you define both an operator=(Ref<T>&) and an operator=(T*). I'm
+ * opting for the route the boost took here figuring it has more history behind it.
+ */
+ inline Ref<T>& operator=(Ref<T> const & oref)
+ { T* tmp = ac; ac = const_cast<T*>(oref.get()); if (ac) ac->Acquire(); if (tmp) tmp->Release(); refcheck; return *this; }
+ inline T* operator->() const { refcheck; return ac; }
+ /**
+ * This operator doubles as the value in a boolean expression.
+ */
+ inline operator T*() const { refcheck; return ac; }
+ inline T* get() const { refcheck; return ac; }
+ inline T& getRef() const { refcheck; return *ac; }
+ inline ~Ref() { refcheck; if (ac) ac->Release(); }
+ inline bool isNull() const { refcheck; return ac == NULL; }
+ inline bool isNotNull() const { refcheck; return ac != NULL; }
+ inline bool isSet() const { refcheck; return ac != NULL; }
+ inline bool operator!() const { refcheck; return ac == NULL; }
+ inline bool operator==(const AddonClass::Ref<T>& oref) const { refcheck; return ac ==; }
+ inline bool operator<(const AddonClass::Ref<T>& oref) const { refcheck; return ac <; } // std::set semantics
+ // This is there only for boost compatibility
+ template<class O> inline void reset(Ref<O> const & oref) { refcheck; (*this) = static_cast<T*>(oref.get()); refcheck; }
+ template<class O> inline void reset(O * oref) { refcheck; (*this) = static_cast<T*>(oref); refcheck; }
+ inline void reset() { refcheck; if (ac) ac->Release(); ac = NULL; }
+ };
+ };