path: root/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/WindowXML.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'xbmc/interfaces/legacy/WindowXML.h')
1 files changed, 559 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/WindowXML.h b/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/WindowXML.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..349b0a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xbmc/interfaces/legacy/WindowXML.h
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi
+ * This file is part of Kodi -
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * See LICENSES/ for more information.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "Window.h"
+#include "WindowDialogMixin.h"
+#include "swighelper.h"
+#include "windows/GUIMediaWindow.h"
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <vector>
+namespace XBMCAddon
+ namespace xbmcgui
+ {
+ class ListItem;
+ class WindowXMLInterceptor;
+ //
+ /// \defgroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml Subclass - WindowXML
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window
+ /// @{
+ /// @brief __GUI xml window class.__
+ ///
+ /// \python_class{ xbmcgui.WindowXML(xmlFilename, scriptPath[, defaultSkin, defaultRes]) }
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new xml file based window class.
+ ///
+ /// \note This class include also all calls from <b><c>\ref python_xbmcgui_window</c></b>.
+ ///
+ /// @param xmlFilename string - the name of the xml file to
+ /// look for.
+ /// @param scriptPath string - path to script. used to
+ /// fallback to if the xml doesn't exist in
+ /// the current skin. (eg xbmcaddon.Addon().getAddonInfo('path'))
+ /// @param defaultSkin [opt] string - name of the folder in the
+ /// skins path to look in for the xml.
+ /// (default='Default')
+ /// @param defaultRes [opt] string - default skins resolution.
+ /// (1080i, 720p, ntsc16x9, ntsc, pal16x9 or pal. default='720p')
+ /// @param isMedia [opt] bool - if False, create a regular window.
+ /// if True, create a mediawindow.
+ /// (default=False)
+ /// @throws Exception if more then 200 windows are created.
+ ///
+ /// \remark Skin folder structure is e.g. **resources/skins/Default/720p**
+ ///
+ /// Deleting this window will activate the old window that was active
+ /// and resets (not delete) all controls that are associated with this
+ /// window.
+ ///
+ ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// @python_v18 New param added **isMedia**.
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// win = xbmcgui.WindowXML('script-Lyrics-main.xml', xbmcaddon.Addon().getAddonInfo('path'), 'default', '1080i', False)
+ /// win.doModal()
+ /// del win
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///
+ /// On functions defined input variable <b><tt>controlId</tt> (GUI control identifier)</b>
+ /// is the on window.xml defined value behind type added with <tt><b>id="..."</b></tt> and
+ /// used to identify for changes there and on callbacks.
+ ///
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.xml}
+ /// <control type="label" id="31">
+ /// <description>Title Label</description>
+ /// ...
+ /// </control>
+ /// <control type="progress" id="32">
+ /// <description>progress control</description>
+ /// ...
+ /// </control>
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ //
+ class WindowXML : public Window
+ {
+ std::string sFallBackPath;
+ protected:
+#ifndef SWIG
+ /**
+ * This helper retrieves the next available id. It is doesn't
+ * assume that the global lock is already being held.
+ */
+ static int lockingGetNextAvailableWindowId();
+ WindowXMLInterceptor* interceptor;
+ public:
+ WindowXML(const String& xmlFilename, const String& scriptPath,
+ const String& defaultSkin = "Default",
+ const String& defaultRes = "720p",
+ bool isMedia = false);
+ ~WindowXML() override;
+ ///
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @brief \python_func{ addItem(item[, position]) }
+ /// Add a new item to this Window List.
+ ///
+ /// @param item string, unicode or ListItem - item to add.
+ /// @param position [opt] integer - position of item to add. (NO Int = Adds to bottom,0 adds to top, 1 adds to one below from top,-1 adds to one above from bottom etc etc )
+ /// - If integer positions are greater than list size, negative positions will add to top of list, positive positions will add to bottom of list
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// self.addItem('Reboot Kodi', 0)
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ addItem(...);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void addItem(const Alternative<String, const ListItem*>& item, int position = INT_MAX);
+ ///
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @brief \python_func{ addItems(items) }
+ /// Add a list of items to to the window list.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// @param items List - list of strings, unicode objects or ListItems to add.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// self.addItems(['Reboot Kodi', 'Restart Kodi'])
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ addItems(...);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void addItems(const std::vector<Alternative<String, const XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ListItem* > > & items);
+ ///
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @brief \python_func{ removeItem(position) }
+ /// Removes a specified item based on position, from the Window List.
+ ///
+ /// @param position integer - position of item to remove.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// self.removeItem(5)
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ removeItem(...);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void removeItem(int position);
+ ///
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @brief \python_func{ getCurrentListPosition() }
+ /// Gets the current position in the Window List.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// pos = self.getCurrentListPosition()
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ getCurrentListPosition();
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL int getCurrentListPosition();
+ ///
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @brief \python_func{ setCurrentListPosition(position) }
+ /// Set the current position in the Window List.
+ ///
+ /// @param position integer - position of item to set.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// self.setCurrentListPosition(5)
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ setCurrentListPosition(...);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void setCurrentListPosition(int position);
+ ///
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @brief \python_func{ getListItem(position) }
+ /// Returns a given ListItem in this Window List.
+ ///
+ /// @param position integer - position of item to return.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// listitem = self.getListItem(6)
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ getListItem(...);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL ListItem* getListItem(int position);
+ ///
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @brief \python_func{ getListSize() }
+ /// Returns the number of items in this Window List.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// listSize = self.getListSize()
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ getListSize();
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL int getListSize();
+ ///
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @brief \python_func{ clearList() }
+ /// Clear the Window List.
+ ///
+ /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// self.clearList()
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ clearList();
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void clearList();
+ ///
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @brief \python_func{ setContainerProperty(key, value) }
+ /// Sets a container property, similar to an infolabel.
+ ///
+ /// @param key string - property name.
+ /// @param value string or unicode - value of property.
+ ///
+ /// @note Key is NOT case sensitive.\n
+ /// You can use the above as keywords for arguments and skip certain
+ /// optional arguments.\n
+ /// Once you use a keyword, all following arguments require the keyword.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// @python_v17 Changed function from **setProperty** to **setContainerProperty**.
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// self.setContainerProperty('Category', 'Newest')
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ setContainerProperty(...);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void setContainerProperty(const String &strProperty, const String &strValue);
+ ///
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @brief \python_func{ setContent(value) }
+ /// Sets the content type of the container.
+ ///
+ /// @param value string or unicode - content value.
+ ///
+ /// __Available content types__
+ /// | Name | Media |
+ /// |:-----------:|:-----------------------------------------|
+ /// | actors | Videos
+ /// | addons | Addons, Music, Pictures, Programs, Videos
+ /// | albums | Music, Videos
+ /// | artists | Music, Videos
+ /// | countries | Music, Videos
+ /// | directors | Videos
+ /// | files | Music, Videos
+ /// | games | Games
+ /// | genres | Music, Videos
+ /// | images | Pictures
+ /// | mixed | Music, Videos
+ /// | movies | Videos
+ /// | Musicvideos | Music, Videos
+ /// | playlists | Music, Videos
+ /// | seasons | Videos
+ /// | sets | Videos
+ /// | songs | Music
+ /// | studios | Music, Videos
+ /// | tags | Music, Videos
+ /// | tvshows | Videos
+ /// | videos | Videos
+ /// | years | Music, Videos
+ ///
+ /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// @python_v18 Added new function.
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// self.setContent('movies')
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ setContent(...);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void setContent(const String &strValue);
+ ///
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @brief \python_func{ getCurrentContainerId() }
+ /// Get the id of the currently visible container.
+ ///
+ /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// @python_v17 Added new function.
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// container_id = self.getCurrentContainerId()
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ getCurrentContainerId(...);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL int getCurrentContainerId();
+#ifndef SWIG
+ // CGUIWindow
+ bool OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message) override;
+ bool OnAction(const CAction& action) override;
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void AllocResources(bool forceLoad = false);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void FreeResources(bool forceUnLoad = false);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool OnClick(int iItem);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool OnDoubleClick(int iItem);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void Process(unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions);
+ bool IsMediaWindow() const override
+ {
+ return m_isMedia;
+ };
+ // This method is identical to the Window::OnDeinitWindow method
+ // except it passes the message on to their respective parents.
+ // Since the respective parent differences are handled by the
+ // interceptor there's no reason to define this one here.
+// SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void OnDeinitWindow(int nextWindowID);
+ protected:
+ // CGUIWindow
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool LoadXML(const String &strPath, const String &strPathLower);
+ // CGUIMediaWindow
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void GetContextButtons(int itemNumber, CContextButtons &buttons);
+ SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool Update(const String &strPath);
+ void SetupShares();
+ String m_scriptPath;
+ String m_mediaDir;
+ bool m_isMedia;
+ friend class WindowXMLInterceptor;
+ };
+ ///@}
+ // Ideally what we want here is a Dialog/Media Window. The problem is that these
+ // are two orthogonal discriminations of CGUIWindow and there wasn't a previous
+ // accounting for this possibility through the use of making CGUIWindow a
+ // virtual base class of the pertinent subclasses. So now we're left with
+ // no good solution.
+ //
+ // <strike>So here we're going to have the 'main' hierarchy (the one visible to SWIG)
+ // go the way intended - through WindowXML, but we're going to borrow dialog
+ // functionality from CGUIDialog by using it as a Mixin.</strike>
+ //
+ // jmarshall says that this class has no reason to inherit from CGUIMediaWindow.
+ // At some point this entire hierarchy needs to be reworked. The XML handling
+ // routines should be put in a mixin.
+ //
+ /// \defgroup python_xbmcgui_window_dialog_xml Subclass - WindowDialogXML
+ /// \ingroup python_xbmcgui_window_xml
+ /// @{
+ /// @brief __GUI xml window dialog__
+ ///
+ /// \python_class{ xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog(xmlFilename, scriptPath[, defaultSkin, defaultRes]) }
+ ///
+ /// Creates a new xml file based window dialog class.
+ ///
+ /// @param xmlFilename string - the name of the xml file to
+ /// look for.
+ /// @param scriptPath string - path to script. used to
+ /// fallback to if the xml doesn't exist in
+ /// the current skin. (eg \ref python_xbmcaddon_Addon "xbmcaddon.Addon().getAddonInfo('path'))"
+ /// @param defaultSkin [opt] string - name of the folder in the
+ /// skins path to look in for the xml.
+ /// (default='Default')
+ /// @param defaultRes [opt] string - default skins resolution.
+ /// (1080i, 720p, ntsc16x9, ntsc, pal16x9 or pal. default='720p')
+ /// @throws Exception if more then 200 windows are created.
+ ///
+ /// @note Skin folder structure is e.g. **resources/skins/Default/720p**
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///
+ /// **Example:**
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
+ /// ..
+ /// dialog = xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog('script-Lyrics-main.xml', xbmcaddon.Addon().getAddonInfo('path'), 'default', '1080i')
+ /// dialog.doModal()
+ /// del dialog
+ /// ..
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ///
+ /// On functions defined input variable <b><tt>controlId</tt> (GUI control identifier)</b>
+ /// is the on window.xml defined value behind type added with <tt><b>id="..."</b></tt> and
+ /// used to identify for changes there and on callbacks.
+ ///
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.xml}
+ /// <control type="label" id="31">
+ /// <description>Title Label</description>
+ /// ...
+ /// </control>
+ /// <control type="progress" id="32">
+ /// <description>progress control</description>
+ /// ...
+ /// </control>
+ /// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ///
+ //
+ class WindowXMLDialog : public WindowXML, private WindowDialogMixin
+ {
+ public:
+ WindowXMLDialog(const String& xmlFilename, const String& scriptPath,
+ const String& defaultSkin = "Default",
+ const String& defaultRes = "720p");
+ ~WindowXMLDialog() override;
+#ifndef SWIG
+ bool OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message) override;
+ bool IsDialogRunning() const override
+ {
+ return WindowDialogMixin::IsDialogRunning();
+ }
+ bool IsDialog() const override
+ {
+ return true;
+ };
+ bool IsModalDialog() const override
+ {
+ return true;
+ };
+ bool IsMediaWindow() const override
+ {
+ return false;
+ };
+ bool OnAction(const CAction& action) override;
+ void OnDeinitWindow(int nextWindowID) override;
+ bool LoadXML(const String& strPath, const String& strPathLower) override;
+ inline void show() override
+ {
+ WindowDialogMixin::show();
+ }
+ inline void close() override
+ {
+ WindowDialogMixin::close();
+ }
+ friend class DialogJumper;
+ };
+ ///@}
+ }