path: root/xbmc/pictures/SlideShowPicture.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'xbmc/pictures/SlideShowPicture.cpp')
1 files changed, 1016 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/pictures/SlideShowPicture.cpp b/xbmc/pictures/SlideShowPicture.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63ec8b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xbmc/pictures/SlideShowPicture.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi
+ * This file is part of Kodi -
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * See LICENSES/ for more information.
+ */
+#include "SlideShowPicture.h"
+#include "ServiceBroker.h"
+#include "guilib/Texture.h"
+#include "settings/AdvancedSettings.h"
+#include "settings/Settings.h"
+#include "settings/SettingsComponent.h"
+#include "windowing/GraphicContext.h"
+#include "windowing/WinSystem.h"
+#include <mutex>
+#include <math.h>
+#if defined(HAS_GL)
+#include "rendering/gl/RenderSystemGL.h"
+#include "utils/GLUtils.h"
+#elif defined(HAS_GLES)
+#include "rendering/gles/RenderSystemGLES.h"
+#include "utils/GLUtils.h"
+#elif defined(TARGET_WINDOWS)
+#include "guilib/TextureDX.h"
+#include "rendering/dx/DeviceResources.h"
+#include "rendering/dx/RenderContext.h"
+#include <DirectXMath.h>
+using namespace DirectX;
+using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
+#include <cstddef>
+#define PICTURE_MOVE_AMOUNT 0.02f
+#define PICTURE_VIEW_BOX_COLOR 0xffffff00 // YELLOW
+#define FPS 25
+static float zoomamount[10] = { 1.0f, 1.2f, 1.5f, 2.0f, 2.8f, 4.0f, 6.0f, 9.0f, 13.5f, 20.0f };
+CSlideShowPic::CSlideShowPic() : m_pImage(nullptr)
+ m_bIsLoaded = false;
+ m_bIsFinished = false;
+ m_bDrawNextImage = false;
+ m_bTransitionImmediately = false;
+ m_bCanMoveHorizontally = false;
+ m_bCanMoveVertically = false;
+ Close();
+void CSlideShowPic::Close()
+ std::unique_lock<CCriticalSection> lock(m_textureAccess);
+ m_pImage.reset();
+ m_bIsLoaded = false;
+ m_bIsFinished = false;
+ m_bDrawNextImage = false;
+ m_bTransitionImmediately = false;
+ m_bIsDirty = true;
+ m_alpha = 0;
+#ifdef HAS_DX
+ m_vb = nullptr;
+void CSlideShowPic::Reset(DISPLAY_EFFECT dispEffect, TRANSITION_EFFECT transEffect)
+ std::unique_lock<CCriticalSection> lock(m_textureAccess);
+ if (m_pImage)
+ SetTexture_Internal(m_iSlideNumber, std::move(m_pImage), dispEffect, transEffect);
+ else
+ Close();
+bool CSlideShowPic::DisplayEffectNeedChange(DISPLAY_EFFECT newDispEffect) const
+ if (m_displayEffect == newDispEffect)
+ return false;
+ if (newDispEffect == EFFECT_RANDOM && m_displayEffect != EFFECT_NONE && m_displayEffect != EFFECT_NO_TIMEOUT)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+void CSlideShowPic::SetTexture(int iSlideNumber,
+ std::unique_ptr<CTexture> pTexture,
+ DISPLAY_EFFECT dispEffect,
+ std::unique_lock<CCriticalSection> lock(m_textureAccess);
+ Close();
+ SetTexture_Internal(iSlideNumber, std::move(pTexture), dispEffect, transEffect);
+void CSlideShowPic::SetTexture_Internal(int iSlideNumber,
+ std::unique_ptr<CTexture> pTexture,
+ DISPLAY_EFFECT dispEffect,
+ std::unique_lock<CCriticalSection> lock(m_textureAccess);
+ m_bPause = false;
+ m_bNoEffect = false;
+ m_bTransitionImmediately = false;
+ m_iSlideNumber = iSlideNumber;
+ m_bIsDirty = true;
+ m_pImage = std::move(pTexture);
+ m_fWidth = static_cast<float>(m_pImage->GetWidth());
+ m_fHeight = static_cast<float>(m_pImage->GetHeight());
+ if (CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_SLIDESHOW_HIGHQUALITYDOWNSCALING))
+ { // activate mipmapping when high quality downscaling is 'on'
+ m_pImage->SetMipmapping();
+ }
+ // reset our counter
+ m_iCounter = 0;
+ // initialize our transition effect
+ m_transitionStart.type = transEffect;
+ m_transitionStart.start = 0;
+ // initialize our display effect
+ if (dispEffect == EFFECT_RANDOM)
+ {
+ if (((m_fWidth / m_fHeight) > 1.9f) || ((m_fHeight / m_fWidth) > 1.9f))
+ m_displayEffect = EFFECT_PANORAMA;
+ else
+ m_displayEffect = (DISPLAY_EFFECT)((rand() % (EFFECT_RANDOM - 1)) + 1);
+ }
+ else
+ m_displayEffect = dispEffect;
+ // the +1's make sure it actually occurs
+ float fadeTime = 0.2f;
+ if (m_displayEffect != EFFECT_NO_TIMEOUT)
+ fadeTime = std::min(0.2f*CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(CSettings::SETTING_SLIDESHOW_STAYTIME), 3.0f);
+ m_transitionStart.length = (int)(CServiceBroker::GetWinSystem()->GetGfxContext().GetFPS() * fadeTime); // transition time in frames
+ m_transitionEnd.type = transEffect;
+ m_transitionEnd.length = m_transitionStart.length;
+ m_transitionTemp.type = TRANSITION_NONE;
+ m_fTransitionAngle = 0;
+ m_fTransitionZoom = 0;
+ m_fAngle = 0.0f;
+ if (m_pImage->GetOrientation() == 7)
+ { // rotate to 270 degrees
+ m_fAngle = 270.0f;
+ }
+ if (m_pImage->GetOrientation() == 2)
+ { // rotate to 180 degrees
+ m_fAngle = 180.0f;
+ }
+ if (m_pImage->GetOrientation() == 5)
+ { // rotate to 90 degrees
+ m_fAngle = 90.0f;
+ }
+ m_fZoomAmount = 1;
+ m_fZoomLeft = 0;
+ m_fZoomTop = 0;
+ m_fPosX = m_fPosY = 0.0f;
+ m_fPosZ = 1.0f;
+ m_fVelocityX = m_fVelocityY = m_fVelocityZ = 0.0f;
+ int iFrames = std::max((int)(CServiceBroker::GetWinSystem()->GetGfxContext().GetFPS() * CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(CSettings::SETTING_SLIDESHOW_STAYTIME)), 1);
+ if (m_displayEffect == EFFECT_PANORAMA)
+ {
+ RESOLUTION_INFO res = CServiceBroker::GetWinSystem()->GetGfxContext().GetResInfo();
+ float fScreenWidth = (float)res.Overscan.right - res.Overscan.left;
+ float fScreenHeight = (float)res.Overscan.bottom -;
+ if (m_fWidth > m_fHeight)
+ {
+ iFrames = (int)(iFrames * (m_fWidth - m_fHeight) / m_fHeight);
+ m_iTotalFrames = m_transitionStart.length + m_transitionEnd.length + iFrames;
+ m_fPosX = 0.5f - (fScreenWidth / fScreenHeight) * (m_fHeight / m_fWidth) * 0.5f;
+ if (rand() % 2)
+ m_fPosX = -m_fPosX;
+ m_fVelocityX = -m_fPosX * 2.0f / m_iTotalFrames;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iFrames = (int)(iFrames * (m_fHeight - (0.5f * m_fWidth)) / m_fWidth);
+ m_iTotalFrames = m_transitionStart.length + m_transitionEnd.length + iFrames;
+ m_fPosY = 0.5f - (fScreenHeight / fScreenWidth) * (m_fWidth / m_fHeight) * 0.5f;
+ if (rand() % 2)
+ m_fPosY = -m_fPosY;
+ m_fVelocityY = -m_fPosY * 2.0f / m_iTotalFrames;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_iTotalFrames = m_transitionStart.length + m_transitionEnd.length + iFrames;
+ if (m_displayEffect == EFFECT_FLOAT)
+ {
+ // Calculate start and end positions
+ // choose a random direction
+ float angle = (rand() % 1000) / 1000.0f * 2 * (float)M_PI;
+ m_fPosX = cos(angle) * CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_slideshowPanAmount * m_iTotalFrames * 0.00005f;
+ m_fPosY = sin(angle) * CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_slideshowPanAmount * m_iTotalFrames * 0.00005f;
+ m_fVelocityX = -m_fPosX * 2.0f / m_iTotalFrames;
+ m_fVelocityY = -m_fPosY * 2.0f / m_iTotalFrames;
+ }
+ else if (m_displayEffect == EFFECT_ZOOM)
+ {
+ m_fPosZ = 1.0f;
+ m_fVelocityZ = 0.0001f * CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_slideshowZoomAmount;
+ }
+ }
+ m_transitionEnd.start = m_transitionStart.length + iFrames;
+ m_bIsFinished = false;
+ m_bDrawNextImage = false;
+ m_bIsLoaded = true;
+void CSlideShowPic::SetOriginalSize(int iOriginalWidth, int iOriginalHeight, bool bFullSize)
+ m_iOriginalWidth = iOriginalWidth;
+ m_iOriginalHeight = iOriginalHeight;
+ m_bFullSize = bFullSize;
+int CSlideShowPic::GetOriginalWidth()
+ int iAngle = (int)(m_fAngle / 90.0f + 0.4f);
+ if (iAngle % 2)
+ return m_iOriginalHeight;
+ else
+ return m_iOriginalWidth;
+int CSlideShowPic::GetOriginalHeight()
+ int iAngle = (int)(m_fAngle / 90.0f + 0.4f);
+ if (iAngle % 2)
+ return m_iOriginalWidth;
+ else
+ return m_iOriginalHeight;
+void CSlideShowPic::UpdateTexture(std::unique_ptr<CTexture> pTexture)
+ std::unique_lock<CCriticalSection> lock(m_textureAccess);
+ m_pImage = std::move(pTexture);
+ m_fWidth = static_cast<float>(m_pImage->GetWidth());
+ m_fHeight = static_cast<float>(m_pImage->GetHeight());
+ m_bIsDirty = true;
+static CRect GetRectangle(const float x[4], const float y[4])
+ CRect rect;
+ rect.x1 = *std::min_element(x, x+4);
+ rect.y1 = *std::min_element(y, y+4);
+ rect.x2 = *std::max_element(x, x+4);
+ rect.y2 = *std::max_element(y, y+4);
+ return rect;
+void CSlideShowPic::UpdateVertices(float cur_x[4], float cur_y[4], const float new_x[4], const float new_y[4], CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions)
+ const size_t count = sizeof(float)*4;
+ if(memcmp(cur_x, new_x, count)
+ || memcmp(cur_y, new_y, count)
+ || m_bIsDirty)
+ {
+ dirtyregions.push_back(CDirtyRegion(GetRectangle(cur_x, cur_y)));
+ dirtyregions.push_back(CDirtyRegion(GetRectangle(new_x, new_y)));
+ memcpy(cur_x, new_x, count);
+ memcpy(cur_y, new_y, count);
+ }
+void CSlideShowPic::Process(unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions)
+ if (!m_pImage || !m_bIsLoaded || m_bIsFinished) return ;
+ UTILS::COLOR::Color alpha = m_alpha;
+ if (m_iCounter <= m_transitionStart.length)
+ { // do start transition
+ if (m_transitionStart.type == CROSSFADE)
+ { // fade in at 1x speed
+ alpha = (UTILS::COLOR::Color)((float)m_iCounter / (float)m_transitionStart.length * 255.0f);
+ }
+ else if (m_transitionStart.type == FADEIN_FADEOUT)
+ { // fade in at 2x speed, then keep solid
+ alpha =
+ (UTILS::COLOR::Color)((float)m_iCounter / (float)m_transitionStart.length * 255.0f * 2);
+ if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255;
+ }
+ else // m_transitionEffect == TRANSITION_NONE
+ {
+ alpha = 0xFF; // opaque
+ }
+ }
+ bool bPaused = m_bPause | (m_fZoomAmount != 1.0f);
+ // check if we're doing a temporary effect (such as rotate + zoom)
+ if (m_transitionTemp.type != TRANSITION_NONE)
+ {
+ bPaused = true;
+ if (m_iCounter >= m_transitionTemp.start)
+ {
+ if (m_iCounter >= m_transitionTemp.start + m_transitionTemp.length)
+ { // we're finished this transition
+ if (m_transitionTemp.type == TRANSITION_ZOOM)
+ { // correct for any introduced inaccuracies.
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ {
+ if (fabs(m_fZoomAmount - zoomamount[i]) < 0.01f * zoomamount[i])
+ {
+ m_fZoomAmount = zoomamount[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ m_bNoEffect = (m_fZoomAmount != 1.0f); // turn effect rendering back on.
+ }
+ m_transitionTemp.type = TRANSITION_NONE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (m_transitionTemp.type == TRANSITION_ROTATE)
+ m_fAngle += m_fTransitionAngle;
+ if (m_transitionTemp.type == TRANSITION_ZOOM)
+ m_fZoomAmount += m_fTransitionZoom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // now just display
+ if (!m_bNoEffect && !bPaused)
+ {
+ if (m_displayEffect == EFFECT_PANORAMA)
+ {
+ m_fPosX += m_fVelocityX;
+ m_fPosY += m_fVelocityY;
+ }
+ else if (m_displayEffect == EFFECT_FLOAT)
+ {
+ m_fPosX += m_fVelocityX;
+ m_fPosY += m_fVelocityY;
+ float fMoveAmount = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_slideshowPanAmount * m_iTotalFrames * 0.0001f;
+ if (m_fPosX > fMoveAmount)
+ {
+ m_fPosX = fMoveAmount;
+ m_fVelocityX = -m_fVelocityX;
+ }
+ if (m_fPosX < -fMoveAmount)
+ {
+ m_fPosX = -fMoveAmount;
+ m_fVelocityX = -m_fVelocityX;
+ }
+ if (m_fPosY > fMoveAmount)
+ {
+ m_fPosY = fMoveAmount;
+ m_fVelocityY = -m_fVelocityY;
+ }
+ if (m_fPosY < -fMoveAmount)
+ {
+ m_fPosY = -fMoveAmount;
+ m_fVelocityY = -m_fVelocityY;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (m_displayEffect == EFFECT_ZOOM)
+ {
+ m_fPosZ += m_fVelocityZ;
+/* if (m_fPosZ > 1.0f + 0.01f*CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt("Slideshow.ZoomAmount"))
+ {
+ m_fPosZ = 1.0f + 0.01f * CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt("Slideshow.ZoomAmount");
+ m_fVelocityZ = -m_fVelocityZ;
+ }
+ if (m_fPosZ < 1.0f)
+ {
+ m_fPosZ = 1.0f;
+ m_fVelocityZ = -m_fVelocityZ;
+ }*/
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_displayEffect != EFFECT_NO_TIMEOUT && bPaused && !m_bTransitionImmediately)
+ { // paused - increment the last transition start time
+ m_transitionEnd.start++;
+ }
+ if (m_iCounter >= m_transitionEnd.start)
+ { // do end transition
+// CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"Transitioning");
+ m_bDrawNextImage = true;
+ if (m_transitionEnd.type == CROSSFADE)
+ { // fade out at 1x speed
+ alpha = 255 - (UTILS::COLOR::Color)((float)(m_iCounter - m_transitionEnd.start) /
+ (float)m_transitionEnd.length * 255.0f);
+ }
+ else if (m_transitionEnd.type == FADEIN_FADEOUT)
+ { // keep solid, then fade out at 2x speed
+ alpha = (UTILS::COLOR::Color)(
+ (float)(m_transitionEnd.length - m_iCounter + m_transitionEnd.start) /
+ (float)m_transitionEnd.length * 255.0f * 2);
+ if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255;
+ }
+ else // m_transitionEffect == TRANSITION_NONE
+ {
+ alpha = 0xFF; // opaque
+ }
+ }
+ if (alpha != m_alpha)
+ {
+ m_alpha = alpha;
+ m_bIsDirty = true;
+ }
+ if (m_displayEffect != EFFECT_NO_TIMEOUT || m_iCounter < m_transitionStart.length || m_iCounter >= m_transitionEnd.start || (m_iCounter >= m_transitionTemp.start && m_iCounter < m_transitionTemp.start + m_transitionTemp.length))
+ {
+ /* this really annoying. there's non-stop logging when viewing a pic outside of the slideshow
+ if (m_displayEffect == EFFECT_NO_TIMEOUT)
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Incrementing counter ({}) while not in slideshow (startlength={},endstart={},endlength={})", m_iCounter, m_transitionStart.length, m_transitionEnd.start, m_transitionEnd.length);
+ */
+ m_iCounter++;
+ }
+ if (m_iCounter > m_transitionEnd.start + m_transitionEnd.length)
+ m_bIsFinished = true;
+ RESOLUTION_INFO info = CServiceBroker::GetWinSystem()->GetGfxContext().GetResInfo();
+ // calculate where we should render (and how large it should be)
+ // calculate aspect ratio correction factor
+ float fOffsetX = (float)info.Overscan.left;
+ float fOffsetY = (float);
+ float fScreenWidth = (float)info.Overscan.right - info.Overscan.left;
+ float fScreenHeight = (float)info.Overscan.bottom -;
+ float fPixelRatio = info.fPixelRatio;
+ // Rotate the image as needed
+ float x[4];
+ float y[4];
+ float si = sin(m_fAngle / 180.0f * static_cast<float>(M_PI));
+ float co = cos(m_fAngle / 180.0f * static_cast<float>(M_PI));
+ x[0] = -m_fWidth * co + m_fHeight * si;
+ y[0] = -m_fWidth * si - m_fHeight * co;
+ x[1] = m_fWidth * co + m_fHeight * si;
+ y[1] = m_fWidth * si - m_fHeight * co;
+ x[2] = m_fWidth * co - m_fHeight * si;
+ y[2] = m_fWidth * si + m_fHeight * co;
+ x[3] = -m_fWidth * co - m_fHeight * si;
+ y[3] = -m_fWidth * si + m_fHeight * co;
+ // calculate our scale amounts
+ float fSourceAR = m_fWidth / m_fHeight;
+ float fSourceInvAR = 1 / fSourceAR;
+ float fAR = si * si * (fSourceInvAR - fSourceAR) + fSourceAR;
+ //float fOutputFrameAR = fAR / fPixelRatio;
+ float fScaleNorm = fScreenWidth / m_fWidth;
+ float fScaleInv = fScreenWidth / m_fHeight;
+ bool bFillScreen = false;
+ float fComp = 1.0f + 0.01f * CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_slideshowBlackBarCompensation;
+ float fScreenRatio = fScreenWidth / fScreenHeight * fPixelRatio;
+ // work out if we should be compensating the zoom to minimize blackbars
+ // we should compute this based on the % of black bars on screen perhaps??
+ //! @todo change m_displayEffect != EFFECT_NO_TIMEOUT to whether we're running the slideshow
+ if (m_displayEffect != EFFECT_NO_TIMEOUT && m_displayEffect != EFFECT_NONE && fScreenRatio < fSourceAR * fComp && fSourceAR < fScreenRatio * fComp)
+ bFillScreen = true;
+ if ((!bFillScreen && fScreenWidth*fPixelRatio > fScreenHeight*fSourceAR) || (bFillScreen && fScreenWidth*fPixelRatio < fScreenHeight*fSourceAR))
+ fScaleNorm = fScreenHeight / (m_fHeight * fPixelRatio);
+ bFillScreen = false;
+ if (m_displayEffect != EFFECT_NO_TIMEOUT && m_displayEffect != EFFECT_NONE && fScreenRatio < fSourceInvAR * fComp && fSourceInvAR < fScreenRatio * fComp)
+ bFillScreen = true;
+ if ((!bFillScreen && fScreenWidth*fPixelRatio > fScreenHeight*fSourceInvAR) || (bFillScreen && fScreenWidth*fPixelRatio < fScreenHeight*fSourceInvAR))
+ fScaleInv = fScreenHeight / (m_fWidth * fPixelRatio);
+ float fScale = si * si * (fScaleInv - fScaleNorm) + fScaleNorm;
+ // scale if we need to due to the effect we're using
+ if (m_displayEffect == EFFECT_PANORAMA)
+ {
+ if (m_fWidth > m_fHeight)
+ fScale *= m_fWidth / fScreenWidth * fScreenHeight / m_fHeight;
+ else
+ fScale *= m_fHeight / fScreenHeight * fScreenWidth / m_fWidth;
+ }
+ if (m_displayEffect == EFFECT_FLOAT)
+ fScale *= (1.0f + CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_slideshowPanAmount * m_iTotalFrames * 0.0001f);
+ if (m_displayEffect == EFFECT_ZOOM)
+ fScale *= m_fPosZ;
+ // zoom image
+ fScale *= m_fZoomAmount;
+ // calculate the resultant coordinates
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ x[i] *= fScale * 0.5f; // as the offsets x[] and y[] are from center
+ y[i] *= fScale * fPixelRatio * 0.5f;
+ // center it
+ x[i] += 0.5f * fScreenWidth + fOffsetX;
+ y[i] += 0.5f * fScreenHeight + fOffsetY;
+ }
+ // shift if we're zooming
+ if (m_fZoomAmount > 1)
+ {
+ float minx = x[0];
+ float maxx = x[0];
+ float miny = y[0];
+ float maxy = y[0];
+ for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ if (x[i] < minx) minx = x[i];
+ if (x[i] > maxx) maxx = x[i];
+ if (y[i] < miny) miny = y[i];
+ if (y[i] > maxy) maxy = y[i];
+ }
+ float w = maxx - minx;
+ float h = maxy - miny;
+ m_bCanMoveHorizontally = (w >= fScreenWidth);
+ m_bCanMoveVertically = (h >= fScreenHeight);
+ if (w >= fScreenWidth)
+ { // must have no black bars
+ if (minx + m_fZoomLeft*w > fOffsetX)
+ m_fZoomLeft = (fOffsetX - minx) / w;
+ if (maxx + m_fZoomLeft*w < fOffsetX + fScreenWidth)
+ m_fZoomLeft = (fScreenWidth + fOffsetX - maxx) / w;
+ for (float& i : x)
+ i += w * m_fZoomLeft;
+ }
+ if (h >= fScreenHeight)
+ { // must have no black bars
+ if (miny + m_fZoomTop*h > fOffsetY)
+ m_fZoomTop = (fOffsetY - miny) / h;
+ if (maxy + m_fZoomTop*h < fOffsetY + fScreenHeight)
+ m_fZoomTop = (fScreenHeight + fOffsetY - maxy) / h;
+ for (float& i : y)
+ i += m_fZoomTop * h;
+ }
+ }
+ // add offset from display effects
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ x[i] += m_fPosX * m_fWidth * fScale;
+ y[i] += m_fPosY * m_fHeight * fScale;
+ }
+ UpdateVertices(m_ax, m_ay, x, y, dirtyregions);
+ // now render the image in the top right corner if we're zooming
+ if (m_fZoomAmount == 1 || m_bIsComic)
+ {
+ const float empty[4] = {};
+ UpdateVertices(m_bx, m_by, empty, empty, dirtyregions);
+ UpdateVertices(m_sx, m_sy, empty, empty, dirtyregions);
+ UpdateVertices(m_ox, m_oy, empty, empty, dirtyregions);
+ m_bIsDirty = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ float sx[4], sy[4];
+ sx[0] = -m_fWidth * co + m_fHeight * si;
+ sy[0] = -m_fWidth * si - m_fHeight * co;
+ sx[1] = m_fWidth * co + m_fHeight * si;
+ sy[1] = m_fWidth * si - m_fHeight * co;
+ sx[2] = m_fWidth * co - m_fHeight * si;
+ sy[2] = m_fWidth * si + m_fHeight * co;
+ sx[3] = -m_fWidth * co - m_fHeight * si;
+ sy[3] = -m_fWidth * si + m_fHeight * co;
+ // convert to the appropriate scale
+ float fSmallArea = fScreenWidth * fScreenHeight / 50;
+ float fSmallWidth = sqrt(fSmallArea * fAR / fPixelRatio); // fAR*height = width, so total area*far = width*width
+ float fSmallHeight = fSmallArea / fSmallWidth;
+ float fSmallX = fOffsetX + fScreenWidth * 0.95f - fSmallWidth * 0.5f;
+ float fSmallY = fOffsetY + fScreenHeight * 0.05f + fSmallHeight * 0.5f;
+ fScaleNorm = fSmallWidth / m_fWidth;
+ fScaleInv = fSmallWidth / m_fHeight;
+ fScale = si * si * (fScaleInv - fScaleNorm) + fScaleNorm;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ sx[i] *= fScale * 0.5f;
+ sy[i] *= fScale * fPixelRatio * 0.5f;
+ }
+ // calculate a black border
+ float bx[4];
+ float by[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ if (sx[i] > 0)
+ bx[i] = sx[i] + 1;
+ else
+ bx[i] = sx[i] - 1;
+ if (sy[i] > 0)
+ by[i] = sy[i] + 1;
+ else
+ by[i] = sy[i] - 1;
+ sx[i] += fSmallX;
+ sy[i] += fSmallY;
+ bx[i] += fSmallX;
+ by[i] += fSmallY;
+ }
+ fSmallX -= fSmallWidth * 0.5f;
+ fSmallY -= fSmallHeight * 0.5f;
+ UpdateVertices(m_bx, m_by, bx, by, dirtyregions);
+ UpdateVertices(m_sx, m_sy, sx, sy, dirtyregions);
+ // now we must render the wireframe image of the view window
+ // work out the direction of the top of pic vector
+ float scale;
+ if (fabs(x[1] - x[0]) > fabs(x[3] - x[0]))
+ scale = (sx[1] - sx[0]) / (x[1] - x[0]);
+ else
+ scale = (sx[3] - sx[0]) / (x[3] - x[0]);
+ float ox[4];
+ float oy[4];
+ ox[0] = (fOffsetX - x[0]) * scale + sx[0];
+ oy[0] = (fOffsetY - y[0]) * scale + sy[0];
+ ox[1] = (fOffsetX + fScreenWidth - x[0]) * scale + sx[0];
+ oy[1] = (fOffsetY - y[0]) * scale + sy[0];
+ ox[2] = (fOffsetX + fScreenWidth - x[0]) * scale + sx[0];
+ oy[2] = (fOffsetY + fScreenHeight - y[0]) * scale + sy[0];
+ ox[3] = (fOffsetX - x[0]) * scale + sx[0];
+ oy[3] = (fOffsetY + fScreenHeight - y[0]) * scale + sy[0];
+ // crop to within the range of our piccy
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ if (ox[i] < fSmallX) ox[i] = fSmallX;
+ if (ox[i] > fSmallX + fSmallWidth) ox[i] = fSmallX + fSmallWidth;
+ if (oy[i] < fSmallY) oy[i] = fSmallY;
+ if (oy[i] > fSmallY + fSmallHeight) oy[i] = fSmallY + fSmallHeight;
+ }
+ UpdateVertices(m_ox, m_oy, ox, oy, dirtyregions);
+ m_bIsDirty = false;
+void CSlideShowPic::Keep()
+ // this is called if we need to keep the current pic on screen
+ // to wait for the next pic to load
+ if (!m_bDrawNextImage) return ; // don't need to keep pic
+ // hold off the start of the next frame
+ m_transitionEnd.start = m_iCounter;
+bool CSlideShowPic::StartTransition()
+ // this is called if we need to start transitioning immediately to the new picture
+ if (m_bDrawNextImage) return false; // don't need to do anything as we are already transitioning
+ // decrease the number of display frame
+ m_transitionEnd.start = m_iCounter;
+ m_bTransitionImmediately = true;
+ return true;
+void CSlideShowPic::Pause(bool bPause)
+ if (!m_bDrawNextImage)
+ m_bPause = bPause;
+void CSlideShowPic::SetInSlideshow(bool slideshow)
+ if (slideshow && m_displayEffect == EFFECT_NO_TIMEOUT)
+ m_displayEffect = EFFECT_NONE;
+int CSlideShowPic::GetTransitionTime(int iType) const
+ if (iType == 0) // start transition
+ return m_transitionStart.length;
+ else // iType == 1 // end transition
+ return m_transitionEnd.length;
+void CSlideShowPic::SetTransitionTime(int iType, int iTime)
+ if (iType == 0) // start transition
+ m_transitionStart.length = iTime;
+ else // iType == 1 // end transition
+ m_transitionEnd.length = iTime;
+void CSlideShowPic::Rotate(float fRotateAngle, bool immediate /* = false */)
+ if (m_bDrawNextImage) return;
+ if (m_transitionTemp.type == TRANSITION_ZOOM) return;
+ if (immediate)
+ {
+ m_fAngle += fRotateAngle;
+ return;
+ }
+ // if there is a rotation ongoing already
+ // add the new angle to the old destination angle
+ if (m_transitionTemp.type == TRANSITION_ROTATE &&
+ m_transitionTemp.start + m_transitionTemp.length > m_iCounter)
+ {
+ int remainder = m_transitionTemp.start + m_transitionTemp.length - m_iCounter;
+ fRotateAngle += m_fTransitionAngle * remainder;
+ }
+ m_transitionTemp.type = TRANSITION_ROTATE;
+ m_transitionTemp.start = m_iCounter;
+ m_transitionTemp.length = IMMEDIATE_TRANSITION_TIME;
+ m_fTransitionAngle = fRotateAngle / (float)m_transitionTemp.length;
+ // reset the timer
+ m_transitionEnd.start = m_iCounter + m_transitionStart.length + (int)(CServiceBroker::GetWinSystem()->GetGfxContext().GetFPS() * CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(CSettings::SETTING_SLIDESHOW_STAYTIME));
+void CSlideShowPic::Zoom(float fZoom, bool immediate /* = false */)
+ if (m_bDrawNextImage) return;
+ if (m_transitionTemp.type == TRANSITION_ROTATE) return;
+ if (immediate)
+ {
+ m_fZoomAmount = fZoom;
+ return;
+ }
+ m_transitionTemp.type = TRANSITION_ZOOM;
+ m_transitionTemp.start = m_iCounter;
+ m_transitionTemp.length = IMMEDIATE_TRANSITION_TIME;
+ m_fTransitionZoom = (fZoom - m_fZoomAmount) / (float)m_transitionTemp.length;
+ // reset the timer
+ m_transitionEnd.start = m_iCounter + m_transitionStart.length + (int)(CServiceBroker::GetWinSystem()->GetGfxContext().GetFPS() * CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(CSettings::SETTING_SLIDESHOW_STAYTIME));
+ // turn off the render effects until we're back down to normal zoom
+ m_bNoEffect = true;
+void CSlideShowPic::Move(float fDeltaX, float fDeltaY)
+ m_fZoomLeft += fDeltaX;
+ m_fZoomTop += fDeltaY;
+ // reset the timer
+ // m_transitionEnd.start = m_iCounter + m_transitionStart.length + (int)(CServiceBroker::GetWinSystem()->GetGfxContext().GetFPS() * CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt(CSettings::SETTING_SLIDESHOW_STAYTIME));
+void CSlideShowPic::Render()
+ std::unique_lock<CCriticalSection> lock(m_textureAccess);
+ Render(m_ax, m_ay, m_pImage.get(), (m_alpha << 24) | 0xFFFFFF);
+ // now render the image in the top right corner if we're zooming
+ if (m_fZoomAmount == 1.0f || m_bIsComic) return ;
+ Render(m_sx, m_sy, m_pImage.get(), 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ Render(m_ox, m_oy, NULL, PICTURE_VIEW_BOX_COLOR);
+#ifdef HAS_DX
+bool CSlideShowPic::UpdateVertexBuffer(Vertex* vertices)
+ if (!m_vb) // create new
+ {
+ D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA initData = {};
+ initData.pSysMem = vertices;
+ initData.SysMemPitch = sizeof(Vertex) * 5;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(DX::DeviceResources::Get()->GetD3DDevice()->CreateBuffer(&desc, &initData, m_vb.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf())))
+ return true;
+ }
+ else // update
+ {
+ ID3D11DeviceContext* pContext = DX::DeviceResources::Get()->GetD3DContext();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(pContext->Map(m_vb.Get(), 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &res)))
+ {
+ memcpy(res.pData, vertices, sizeof(Vertex) * 5);
+ pContext->Unmap(m_vb.Get(), 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void CSlideShowPic::Render(float* x, float* y, CTexture* pTexture, UTILS::COLOR::Color color)
+#ifdef HAS_DX
+ Vertex vertex[5];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ vertex[i].pos = XMFLOAT3( x[i], y[i], 0);
+ CD3DHelper::XMStoreColor(&vertex[i].color, color);
+ vertex[i].texCoord = XMFLOAT2(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ vertex[i].texCoord2 = XMFLOAT2(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ }
+ if (pTexture)
+ {
+ vertex[1].texCoord.x = vertex[2].texCoord.x = (float) pTexture->GetWidth() / pTexture->GetTextureWidth();
+ vertex[2].texCoord.y = vertex[3].texCoord.y = (float) pTexture->GetHeight() / pTexture->GetTextureHeight();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vertex[1].texCoord.x = vertex[2].texCoord.x = 1.0f;
+ vertex[2].texCoord.y = vertex[3].texCoord.y = 1.0f;
+ }
+ vertex[4] = vertex[0]; // Not used when pTexture != NULL
+ CGUIShaderDX* pGUIShader = DX::Windowing()->GetGUIShader();
+ // Set state to render the image
+ if (pTexture)
+ {
+ pTexture->LoadToGPU();
+ CDXTexture* dxTexture = reinterpret_cast<CDXTexture*>(pTexture);
+ ID3D11ShaderResourceView* shaderRes = dxTexture->GetShaderResource();
+ pGUIShader->SetShaderViews(1, &shaderRes);
+ pGUIShader->DrawQuad(vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2], vertex[3]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!UpdateVertexBuffer(vertex))
+ return;
+ ComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext> pContext = DX::DeviceResources::Get()->GetD3DContext();
+ unsigned stride = sizeof(Vertex);
+ unsigned offset = 0;
+ pContext->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, m_vb.GetAddressOf(), &stride, &offset);
+ pContext->IASetPrimitiveTopology(D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINESTRIP);
+ pGUIShader->Draw(5, 0);
+ pGUIShader->RestoreBuffers();
+ }
+#elif defined(HAS_GL)
+ CRenderSystemGL *renderSystem = dynamic_cast<CRenderSystemGL*>(CServiceBroker::GetRenderSystem());
+ if (pTexture)
+ {
+ pTexture->LoadToGPU();
+ pTexture->BindToUnit(0);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ renderSystem->EnableShader(ShaderMethodGL::SM_TEXTURE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ renderSystem->EnableShader(ShaderMethodGL::SM_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ float u1 = 0, u2 = 1, v1 = 0, v2 = 1;
+ if (pTexture)
+ {
+ u2 = (float)pTexture->GetWidth() / pTexture->GetTextureWidth();
+ v2 = (float)pTexture->GetHeight() / pTexture->GetTextureHeight();
+ }
+ GLubyte colour[4];
+ GLubyte idx[4] = {0, 1, 3, 2}; //determines order of the vertices
+ GLuint vertexVBO;
+ GLuint indexVBO;
+ struct PackedVertex
+ {
+ float x, y, z;
+ float u1, v1;
+ } vertex[4];
+ // Setup vertex position values
+ vertex[0].x = x[0];
+ vertex[0].y = y[0];
+ vertex[0].z = 0;
+ vertex[0].u1 = u1;
+ vertex[0].v1 = v1;
+ vertex[1].x = x[1];
+ vertex[1].y = y[1];
+ vertex[1].z = 0;
+ vertex[1].u1 = u2;
+ vertex[1].v1 = v1;
+ vertex[2].x = x[2];
+ vertex[2].y = y[2];
+ vertex[2].z = 0;
+ vertex[2].u1 = u2;
+ vertex[2].v1 = v2;
+ vertex[3].x = x[3];
+ vertex[3].y = y[3];
+ vertex[3].z = 0;
+ vertex[3].u1 = u1;
+ vertex[3].v1 = v2;
+ GLint posLoc = renderSystem->ShaderGetPos();
+ GLint tex0Loc = renderSystem->ShaderGetCoord0();
+ GLint uniColLoc= renderSystem->ShaderGetUniCol();
+ glGenBuffers(1, &vertexVBO);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexVBO);
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(PackedVertex)*4, &vertex[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(posLoc, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(PackedVertex),
+ reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid*>(offsetof(PackedVertex, x)));
+ glVertexAttribPointer(tex0Loc, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof(PackedVertex),
+ reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid*>(offsetof(PackedVertex, u1)));
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(posLoc);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(tex0Loc);
+ // Setup Colour values
+ colour[0] = KODI::UTILS::GL::GetChannelFromARGB(KODI::UTILS::GL::ColorChannel::R, color);
+ colour[1] = KODI::UTILS::GL::GetChannelFromARGB(KODI::UTILS::GL::ColorChannel::G, color);
+ colour[2] = KODI::UTILS::GL::GetChannelFromARGB(KODI::UTILS::GL::ColorChannel::B, color);
+ colour[3] = KODI::UTILS::GL::GetChannelFromARGB(KODI::UTILS::GL::ColorChannel::A, color);
+ glUniform4f(uniColLoc,(colour[0] / 255.0f), (colour[1] / 255.0f),
+ (colour[2] / 255.0f), (colour[3] / 255.0f));
+ glGenBuffers(1, &indexVBO);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexVBO);
+ glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLubyte)*4, idx, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(posLoc);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(tex0Loc);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ glDeleteBuffers(1, &vertexVBO);
+ glDeleteBuffers(1, &indexVBO);
+ renderSystem->DisableShader();
+#elif defined(HAS_GLES)
+ CRenderSystemGLES *renderSystem = dynamic_cast<CRenderSystemGLES*>(CServiceBroker::GetRenderSystem());
+ if (pTexture)
+ {
+ pTexture->LoadToGPU();
+ pTexture->BindToUnit(0);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND); // Turn Blending On
+ renderSystem->EnableGUIShader(ShaderMethodGLES::SM_TEXTURE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ renderSystem->EnableGUIShader(ShaderMethodGLES::SM_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ float u1 = 0, u2 = 1, v1 = 0, v2 = 1;
+ if (pTexture)
+ {
+ u2 = (float)pTexture->GetWidth() / pTexture->GetTextureWidth();
+ v2 = (float)pTexture->GetHeight() / pTexture->GetTextureHeight();
+ }
+ GLubyte col[4];
+ GLfloat ver[4][3];
+ GLfloat tex[4][2];
+ GLubyte idx[4] = {0, 1, 3, 2}; //determines order of triangle strip
+ GLint posLoc = renderSystem->GUIShaderGetPos();
+ GLint tex0Loc = renderSystem->GUIShaderGetCoord0();
+ GLint uniColLoc= renderSystem->GUIShaderGetUniCol();
+ glVertexAttribPointer(posLoc, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, ver);
+ glVertexAttribPointer(tex0Loc, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, tex);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(posLoc);
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(tex0Loc);
+ // Setup Colour values
+ col[0] = KODI::UTILS::GL::GetChannelFromARGB(KODI::UTILS::GL::ColorChannel::R, color);
+ col[1] = KODI::UTILS::GL::GetChannelFromARGB(KODI::UTILS::GL::ColorChannel::G, color);
+ col[2] = KODI::UTILS::GL::GetChannelFromARGB(KODI::UTILS::GL::ColorChannel::B, color);
+ col[3] = KODI::UTILS::GL::GetChannelFromARGB(KODI::UTILS::GL::ColorChannel::A, color);
+ if (CServiceBroker::GetWinSystem()->UseLimitedColor())
+ {
+ col[0] = (235 - 16) * col[0] / 255 + 16;
+ col[1] = (235 - 16) * col[1] / 255 + 16;
+ col[2] = (235 - 16) * col[2] / 255 + 16;
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ // Setup vertex position values
+ ver[i][0] = x[i];
+ ver[i][1] = y[i];
+ ver[i][2] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ // Setup texture coordinates
+ tex[0][0] = tex[3][0] = u1;
+ tex[0][1] = tex[1][1] = v1;
+ tex[1][0] = tex[2][0] = u2;
+ tex[2][1] = tex[3][1] = v2;
+ glUniform4f(uniColLoc,(col[0] / 255.0f), (col[1] / 255.0f), (col[2] / 255.0f), (col[3] / 255.0f));
+ glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, idx);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(posLoc);
+ glDisableVertexAttribArray(tex0Loc);
+ renderSystem->DisableGUIShader();