path: root/xbmc/utils/Job.h
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1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/utils/Job.h b/xbmc/utils/Job.h
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index 0000000..b4d3f7f
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+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi
+ * This file is part of Kodi -
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * See LICENSES/ for more information.
+ */
+#pragma once
+class CJob;
+#include <stddef.h>
+#define kJobTypeMediaFlags "mediaflags"
+#define kJobTypeCacheImage "cacheimage"
+#define kJobTypeDDSCompress "ddscompress"
+ \ingroup jobs
+ \brief Callback interface for asynchronous jobs.
+ Used by clients of the CJobManager to receive progress, abort and completion notification of jobs.
+ Clients of small jobs wishing to perform actions on job completion or abort should implement the
+ IJobCallback::OnJobComplete() and/or IJobCallback::OnJobAbort() function. Clients of larger jobs
+ may choose to implement the IJobCallback::OnJobProgress() function in order to be kept informed of
+ progress.
+ \sa CJobManager and CJob
+ */
+class IJobCallback
+ /*!
+ \brief Destructor for job call back objects.
+ \sa CJobManager and CJob
+ */
+ virtual ~IJobCallback() = default;
+ /*!
+ \brief The callback used when a job completes.
+ OnJobComplete is called at the completion of the job's DoWork() function, and is used
+ to return information to the caller on the result of the job. On returning form this function
+ the CJobManager will destroy this job.
+ \param jobID the unique id of the job (as retrieved from CJobManager::AddJob)
+ \param success the result from the DoWork call
+ \param job the job that has been processed. The job will be destroyed after this function returns
+ \sa CJobManager and CJob
+ */
+ virtual void OnJobComplete(unsigned int jobID, bool success, CJob *job)=0;
+ /*!
+ \brief An optional callback function used when a job will be aborted.
+ OnJobAbort is called whenever a job gets aborted before or while being executed.
+ Job's DoWork method will not be called, OnJobComplete will not be called. The job instance will
+ be destroyed by the caller after calling this function.
+ \param jobID the unique id of the job (as retrieved from CJobManager::AddJob)
+ \param job the job that has been aborted.
+ \sa CJobManager and CJob
+ */
+ virtual void OnJobAbort(unsigned int jobID, CJob* job) {}
+ /*!
+ \brief An optional callback function that a job may call while processing.
+ OnJobProgress may be called periodically by a job during it's DoWork() function. It is used
+ by the job to report on progress.
+ \param jobID the unique id of the job (as retrieved from CJobManager::AddJob)
+ \param progress the current progress of the job, out of total.
+ \param total the total amount of work to be processed.
+ \param job the job that has been processed.
+ \sa CJobManager and CJob
+ */
+ virtual void OnJobProgress(unsigned int jobID,
+ unsigned int progress,
+ unsigned int total,
+ const CJob* job)
+ {
+ }
+class CJobManager;
+ \ingroup jobs
+ \brief Base class for jobs that are executed asynchronously.
+ Clients of the CJobManager should subclass CJob and provide the DoWork() function. Data should be
+ passed to the job on creation, and any data sharing between the job and the client should be kept to within
+ the callback functions if possible, and guarded with critical sections as appropriate.
+ Jobs typically fall into two groups: small jobs that perform a single function, and larger jobs that perform a
+ sequence of functions. Clients with small jobs should implement the IJobCallback::OnJobComplete() callback to receive results.
+ Clients with larger jobs may wish to implement both the IJobCallback::OnJobComplete() and IJobCallback::OnJobProgress()
+ callbacks to receive updates. Jobs may be cancelled at any point by the client via CJobManager::CancelJob(), however
+ effort should be taken to ensure that any callbacks and cancellation is suitably guarded against simultaneous thread access.
+ Handling cancellation of jobs within the OnJobProgress callback is a threadsafe operation, as all execution is
+ then in the Job thread.
+ \sa CJobManager and IJobCallback
+ */
+class CJob
+ /*!
+ \brief Priority levels for jobs, specified by clients when adding jobs to the CJobManager.
+ \sa CJobManager
+ */
+ enum PRIORITY {
+ PRIORITY_DEDICATED, // will create a new worker if no worker is available at queue time
+ };
+ CJob() { m_callback = NULL; }
+ /*!
+ \brief Destructor for job objects.
+ Jobs are destroyed by the CJobManager after the OnJobComplete() or OnJobAbort() callback is
+ complete. CJob subclasses should therefore supply a virtual destructor to cleanup any memory
+ allocated by complete or cancelled jobs.
+ \sa CJobManager
+ */
+ virtual ~CJob() = default;
+ /*!
+ \brief Main workhorse function of CJob instances
+ All CJob subclasses must implement this function, performing all processing. Once this function
+ is complete, the OnJobComplete() callback is called, and the job is then destroyed.
+ \sa CJobManager, IJobCallback::OnJobComplete()
+ */
+ virtual bool DoWork() = 0; // function to do the work
+ /*!
+ \brief Function that returns the type of job.
+ CJob subclasses may optionally implement this function to specify the type of job.
+ This is useful for the CJobManager::AddLIFOJob() routine, which preempts similar jobs
+ with the new job.
+ \return a unique character string describing the job.
+ \sa CJobManager
+ */
+ virtual const char* GetType() const { return ""; }
+ virtual bool operator==(const CJob* job) const
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ \brief Function for longer jobs to report progress and check whether they have been cancelled.
+ Jobs that contain loops that may take time should check this routine each iteration of the loop,
+ both to (optionally) report progress, and to check for cancellation.
+ \param progress the amount of the job performed, out of total.
+ \param total the total amount of processing to be performed
+ \return if true, the job has been asked to cancel.
+ \sa IJobCallback::OnJobProgress()
+ */
+ virtual bool ShouldCancel(unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) const;
+ friend class CJobManager;
+ CJobManager *m_callback;