1103 Animation_DialogPopupOpenClose DepthOSD !Window.IsActive(1101) + !Window.IsActive(GameVideoFilter) + !Window.IsActive(GameStretchMode) + !Window.IsActive(GameControllers) + !Window.IsActive(GameVideoRotation) + !Window.IsActive(InGameSaves) Visible_Fade System.GetBool(gamesgeneral.showosdhelp) 1103 50% 1040 50% 700 VisibleChange 80 Help text 30 30 30 130 font13 160 30 640 640 Additional help text. This will be removed in future versions. 30 30 30 130 font13 Button to close the dialog 0 0 0 0 Action(close) !System.GetBool(gamesgeneral.showosdhelp) 50% 480 50% 700 VisibleChange 80 2101 480 vertical 8 8 64 64 ListItem.Icon 80 600 80 ListItem.Label font13 left center 20 600 80 ListItem.Label2 font13 right center grey 8 8 64 64 ListItem.Icon 80 600 80 ListItem.Label font13 left center 20 600 80 ListItem.Label2 font13 right center grey lists/focus.png Control.HasFocus(1103) 8 8 64 64 ListItem.Icon 80 600 80 ListItem.Label font13 left center 20 600 80 ListItem.Label2 font13 right center grey lists/focus.png Control.HasFocus(1103) 8 8 64 64 ListItem.Icon 80 600 80 ListItem.Label font13 left center 20 600 80 ListItem.Label2 font13 right center grey Pause / Resume button $LOCALIZE[31059] osd/fullscreen/buttons/play.png Play Save / Load button osd/fullscreen/buttons/saves.png ActivateWindow(InGameSaves) Reset button osd/fullscreen/buttons/reset.png PlayerControl(Reset) Stop button $LOCALIZE[31060] osd/fullscreen/buttons/stop.png Stop Settings button osd/fullscreen/buttons/settings.png SetProperty(settingslist_content,games,home) SetProperty(settingslist_header,$LOCALIZE[5],home) ActivateWindow(1101) 2200 -10 0 12 vertical