# Goals and features **libdvdread** is a library for simple navigation of DVD (DVDs without menus). Written in C, cross-platform, it gives low-level access to DVD structures. It works well in conjunction with ***libdvdnav*** *(menus)* and ***libdvdcss*** *(cipher)*. ## Where does it come from? This library is based on a lot of code and expertise from the **Ogle project**. **Ogle** was the first DVD player who implemented **free DVD navigation**. The **libdvdread** developers wish to express their gratitude to the Ogle people for all the valuable research work they have done. Initially, the dvdnav code was part of a plugin to the xine media player called xine-dvdnav. Later on, the DVD VM specific code was split from xine-dvdnav and went into the first version of libdvdnav. Then, it was forked, and forked again on MPlayer repositories. libdvdnav and libdvdread were merged, and then split again. ## Where is it now? Libdvdread is hosted [here](https://code.videolan.org/videolan/libdvdread). Libdvdnav is hosted [here](https://code.videolan.org/videolan/libdvdnav). You can find more information [here](https://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdnav.html) Please report bugs to the developers mailinglist at [dvdnav mailing list](https://mailman.videolan.org/listinfo/libdvdnav-devel) ## License **Libdvdread** is completely licensed under GPLv2/v3. You may use it at wish within the bounds of this license. See the file [COPYING](https://code.videolan.org/videolan/libdvdread/-/blob/master/COPYING) for a copy of the GPL. ## Using libdvdread A detailed description of DVD structures is available [here](http://www.mpucoder.com/dvd/) All documentation is also accessible [here](http://dvdnav.mplayerhq.hu/#docs) ## Deciphering disks **Libdvdread** does not do any decryption of the CSS algorithm. This task can be delegated to **libdvdcss**. Install *libdvdcss* from source or from your distribution (*libdvd-pkg*) to play full DVDs, if your country allows this to work legally. Note that *libdvdnav* is useful for interactive DVD menus. ## CoC The [VideoLAN Code of Conduct](https://wiki.videolan.org/Code_of_Conduct/) applies to this project.