#version 150 uniform sampler2D img; uniform vec2 stepxy; uniform float m_stretch; uniform float m_alpha; in vec2 m_cord; out vec4 fragColor; uniform sampler1D kernelTex; vec3 weight(float pos) { #if defined(HAS_FLOAT_TEXTURE) return texture(kernelTex, pos).rgb; #else return texture(kernelTex, pos).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0; #endif } vec2 stretch(vec2 pos) { #if (XBMC_STRETCH) // our transform should map [0..1] to itself, with f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f(0.5) = 0.5, and f'(0.5) = b. // a simple curve to do this is g(x) = b(x-0.5) + (1-b)2^(n-1)(x-0.5)^n + 0.5 // where the power preserves sign. n = 2 is the simplest non-linear case (required when b != 1) float x = pos.x - 0.5; return vec2(mix(x * abs(x) * 2.0, x, m_stretch) + 0.5, pos.y); #else return pos; #endif } vec3 pixel(float xpos, float ypos) { return texture(img, vec2(xpos, ypos)).rgb; } vec3 line (float ypos, vec3 xpos1, vec3 xpos2, vec3 linetaps1, vec3 linetaps2) { return pixel(xpos1.r, ypos) * linetaps1.r + pixel(xpos1.g, ypos) * linetaps2.r + pixel(xpos1.b, ypos) * linetaps1.g + pixel(xpos2.r, ypos) * linetaps2.g + pixel(xpos2.g, ypos) * linetaps1.b + pixel(xpos2.b, ypos) * linetaps2.b; } vec4 process() { vec4 rgb; vec2 pos = stretch(m_cord) + stepxy * 0.5; vec2 f = fract(pos / stepxy); vec3 linetaps1 = weight((1.0 - f.x) / 2.0); vec3 linetaps2 = weight((1.0 - f.x) / 2.0 + 0.5); vec3 columntaps1 = weight((1.0 - f.y) / 2.0); vec3 columntaps2 = weight((1.0 - f.y) / 2.0 + 0.5); //make sure all taps added together is exactly 1.0, otherwise some (very small) distortion can occur float sum = linetaps1.r + linetaps1.g + linetaps1.b + linetaps2.r + linetaps2.g + linetaps2.b; linetaps1 /= sum; linetaps2 /= sum; sum = columntaps1.r + columntaps1.g + columntaps1.b + columntaps2.r + columntaps2.g + columntaps2.b; columntaps1 /= sum; columntaps2 /= sum; vec2 xystart = (-2.5 - f) * stepxy + pos; vec3 xpos1 = vec3(xystart.x, xystart.x + stepxy.x, xystart.x + stepxy.x * 2.0); vec3 xpos2 = vec3(xystart.x + stepxy.x * 3.0, xystart.x + stepxy.x * 4.0, xystart.x + stepxy.x * 5.0); rgb.rgb = line(xystart.y , xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps1.r + line(xystart.y + stepxy.y , xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps2.r + line(xystart.y + stepxy.y * 2.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps1.g + line(xystart.y + stepxy.y * 3.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps2.g + line(xystart.y + stepxy.y * 4.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps1.b + line(xystart.y + stepxy.y * 5.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps2.b; rgb.a = m_alpha; return rgb; }