#!/bin/bash MAKEFLAGS="$1" BGPROCESSFILE="$2" cpuCount=1 if [[ $NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS > 1 ]]; then if [[ $NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS > 4 ]]; then cpuCount=$NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS else cpuCount=`expr $NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS + $NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS / 2` fi fi if [[ ! $cpuCount =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then cpuCount="$(($(nproc)/2))" fi if which tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then ncolors=$(tput colors) if test -n "$ncolors" && test "$ncolors" -ge 8; then bold_color=$(tput bold) blue_color=$(tput setaf 4) orange_color=$(tput setaf 3) green_color=$(tput setaf 2) red_color=$(tput setaf 1) reset_color=$(tput sgr0) fi ncols=72 fi if [[ ! -d /build/src ]]; then mkdir /build/src fi do_wget() { local URL="$1" local archive="$2" if [[ -z $archive ]]; then wget --tries=5 --retry-connrefused --waitretry=2 --no-check-certificate -c -P /downloads/ $URL else wget --tries=5 --retry-connrefused --waitretry=2 --no-check-certificate -c $URL -O /downloads/$archive fi } do_makeinstall() { make -j"$cpuCount" "$@" make install } do_makelib() { do_print_status "$LIBNAME-$VERSION (${TRIPLET})" "$blue_color" "Compiling" do_makeinstall $1 if [ $? == 0 ]; then do_print_status "$LIBNAME-$VERSION (${TRIPLET})" "$green_color" "Done" else do_print_status "$LIBNAME-$VERSION (${TRIPLET})" "$red_color" "Error" fi } do_print_status() { local pad=$(printf '%0.1s' "."{1..72}) local padlen=$((${#pad}-${#1}-${#3})) printf '%s %*.*s%s%s%s\n' "${bold_color}$1${reset_color}" 0 "$padlen" "$pad" " [$2" "$3" "$reset_color]" } do_print_progress() { echo -e "\e]0;$* in $(get_first_subdir)\007" echo -e "${bold_color}$* in $(get_first_subdir)${reset_color}" } get_first_subdir() { local subdir="${PWD#*build/}" if [[ "$subdir" != "$PWD" ]]; then subdir="${subdir%%/*}" echo "$subdir" else echo "." fi } do_pkgConfig() { local pkg=${1%% *} local version=$2 [[ -z "$version" ]] && version="${1##*= }" [[ "$version" = "$1" ]] && version="" || version=" $version" local prefix=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix --silence-errors "$1") [[ ! -z "$prefix" ]] && prefix="$(cygpath -u "$prefix")" if [[ "$prefix" = "$LOCALDESTDIR" || "$prefix" = "/trunk${LOCALDESTDIR}" ]]; then do_print_status "${pkg} ${version}" "$green_color" "Up-to-date" return 1 else do_print_status "${pkg} ${version}" "$red_color" "Not installed" fi } do_autoreconf() { if [[ ! -f $LOCALSRCDIR/configure ]]; then local CURDIR=$(pwd) cd $LOCALSRCDIR autoreconf -fiv cd $CURDIR fi } do_clean() { if [[ "$1" == "clean" ]]; then if [ -d "$LIBBUILDDIR" ]; then do_print_status "$LIBNAME ($TRIPLET)" "$red_color" "Removing" rm -rf "$LIBBUILDDIR" fi fi } do_download() { if [ ! -d "$LOCALSRCDIR" ]; then if [ ! -f /downloads/$ARCHIVE ]; then do_print_status "$LIBNAME-$VERSION" "$orange_color" "Downloading" do_wget $BASE_URL/$VERSION.tar.gz $ARCHIVE fi do_print_status "$LIBNAME-$VERSION" "$blue_color" "Extracting" mkdir $LOCALSRCDIR && cd $LOCALSRCDIR tar -xaf /downloads/$ARCHIVE --strip 1 fi # applying patches local patches=(/xbmc/tools/buildsteps/windows/patches/*-$LIBNAME-*.patch) for patch in ${patches[@]}; do echo "Applying patch ${patch}" if [[ -f $patch ]]; then patch -p1 -d $LOCALSRCDIR -i $patch -N -r - fi done } do_loaddeps() { local file="$1" LIBNAME=$(grep "LIBNAME=" $file | sed 's/LIBNAME=//g;s/#.*$//g;/^$/d') BASE_URL=$(grep "BASE_URL=" $file | sed 's/BASE_URL=//g;s/#.*$//g;/^$/d') VERSION=$(grep "VERSION=" $file | sed 's/VERSION=//g;s/#.*$//g;/^$/d') GITREV=$(git ls-remote $BASE_URL $VERSION | awk '{print substr($1, 1, 10)}') if [[ -z "$GITREV" ]]; then ARCHIVE=$LIBNAME-$(echo "${VERSION}" | sed 's/\//-/g').tar.gz else ARCHIVE=$LIBNAME-$GITREV.tar.gz fi BASE_URL=$BASE_URL/archive local libsrcdir=$LIBNAME-$VERSION if [[ ! -z "$GITREV" ]]; then libsrcdir=$LIBNAME-$GITREV fi LOCALSRCDIR=$LOCALBUILDDIR/src/$libsrcdir LIBBUILDDIR=$LOCALBUILDDIR/$LIBNAME-$TRIPLET } do_clean_get() { do_clean $1 do_download if [[ ! -d "$LIBBUILDDIR" ]]; then mkdir "$LIBBUILDDIR" fi cd "$LIBBUILDDIR" } PATH_CHANGE_REV_FILENAME=".last_success_revision" #hash a dir based on the git revision and $TRIPLET #params paths to be hashed function getBuildHash () { local hashStr hashStr="$(git rev-list HEAD --max-count=1 -- $@)" hashStr="$hashStr $@ $TRIPLET" echo $hashStr } #param1 path to be checked for changes function pathChanged () { local ret local checkPath ret="0" #no optims in release builds! if [ "$Configuration" == "Release" ] then echo "1" return fi checkPath="$1" shift 1 if [ -e $checkPath/$PATH_CHANGE_REV_FILENAME ] then if [ "$(cat $checkPath/$PATH_CHANGE_REV_FILENAME)" != "$(getBuildHash $checkPath $@)" ] then ret="1" fi else ret="1" fi echo $ret } #param1 path to be tagged with hash function tagSuccessFulBuild () { local pathToTag pathToTag="$1" shift 1 # tag last successful build with revisions of the given dir # needs to match the checks in function getBuildHash echo "$(getBuildHash $pathToTag $@)" > $pathToTag/$PATH_CHANGE_REV_FILENAME }