@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL PUSHD %~dp0\..\..\.. SET WORKSPACE=%CD% POPD SET TARGETPLATFORM=%1 SET NATIVEPLATFORM=%2 IF "%TARGETPLATFORM%" == "" SET TARGETPLATFORM=win32 IF "%NATIVEPLATFORM%" == "" SET NATIVEPLATFORM=win32 ECHO TARGETPLATFORM: %TARGETPLATFORM% ECHO NATIVEPLATFORM: %NATIVEPLATFORM% REM If KODI_MIRROR is not set externally to this script, set it to the default mirror URL IF "%KODI_MIRROR%" == "" SET KODI_MIRROR=http://mirrors.kodi.tv echo Downloading from mirror %KODI_MIRROR% REM Locate the BuildDependencies directory, based on the path of this script SET BUILD_DEPS_PATH=%WORKSPACE%\project\BuildDependencies SET APP_PATH=%WORKSPACE%\project\BuildDependencies\%TARGETPLATFORM% SET TMP_PATH=%BUILD_DEPS_PATH%\scripts\tmp REM Change to the BuildDependencies directory, if we're not there already PUSHD %BUILD_DEPS_PATH% REM Can't run rmdir and md back to back. access denied error otherwise. IF EXIST %TMP_PATH% rmdir %TMP_PATH% /S /Q SET DL_PATH="%BUILD_DEPS_PATH%\downloads" SET WGET=%BUILD_DEPS_PATH%\bin\wget SET ZIP=%BUILD_DEPS_PATH%\..\Win32BuildSetup\tools\7z\7za IF NOT EXIST %DL_PATH% md %DL_PATH% md %TMP_PATH% cd scripts SET FORMED_OK_FLAG=%TMP_PATH%\got-all-formed-packages REM Trick to preserve console title start /b /wait cmd.exe /c get_formed.cmd IF NOT EXIST %FORMED_OK_FLAG% ( ECHO ERROR: Not all formed packages are ready! ECHO. ECHO I tried to get the packages from %KODI_MIRROR%; ECHO if this download mirror seems to be having problems, try choosing another from ECHO the list on http://mirrors.kodi.tv/timestamp.txt?mirrorlist, and setting %%KODI_MIRROR%% to ECHO point to it, like so: ECHO C:\^> SET KODI_MIRROR=http://example.com/pub/xbmc/ ECHO. ECHO Then, rerun this script. REM Restore the previous current directory POPD ENDLOCAL EXIT /B 101 ) rmdir %TMP_PATH% /S /Q REM Restore the previous current directory POPD ENDLOCAL EXIT /B 0