/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi * This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * See LICENSES/README.md for more information. */ #include "TextureDatabase.h" #include "URL.h" #include "XBDateTime.h" #include "dbwrappers/dataset.h" #include "utils/DatabaseUtils.h" #include "utils/StringUtils.h" #include "utils/Variant.h" #include "utils/log.h" enum TextureField { TF_None = 0, TF_Id, TF_Url, TF_CachedUrl, TF_LastHashCheck, TF_ImageHash, TF_Width, TF_Height, TF_UseCount, TF_LastUsed, TF_Max }; typedef struct { char string[14]; TextureField field; CDatabaseQueryRule::FIELD_TYPE type; } translateField; static const translateField fields[] = { { "none", TF_None, CDatabaseQueryRule::TEXT_FIELD }, { "textureid", TF_Id, CDatabaseQueryRule::REAL_FIELD }, { "url", TF_Url, CDatabaseQueryRule::TEXT_FIELD }, { "cachedurl", TF_CachedUrl, CDatabaseQueryRule::TEXT_FIELD }, { "lasthashcheck", TF_LastHashCheck, CDatabaseQueryRule::TEXT_FIELD }, { "imagehash", TF_ImageHash, CDatabaseQueryRule::TEXT_FIELD }, { "width", TF_Width, CDatabaseQueryRule::REAL_FIELD }, { "height", TF_Height, CDatabaseQueryRule::REAL_FIELD }, { "usecount", TF_UseCount, CDatabaseQueryRule::REAL_FIELD }, { "lastused", TF_LastUsed, CDatabaseQueryRule::TEXT_FIELD } }; static const size_t NUM_FIELDS = sizeof(fields) / sizeof(translateField); int CTextureRule::TranslateField(const char *field) const { for (const translateField& f : fields) if (StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(field, f.string)) return f.field; return FieldNone; } std::string CTextureRule::TranslateField(int field) const { for (const translateField& f : fields) if (field == f.field) return f.string; return "none"; } std::string CTextureRule::GetField(int field, const std::string &type) const { if (field == TF_Id) return "texture.id"; else if (field == TF_Url) return "texture.url"; else if (field == TF_CachedUrl) return "texture.cachedurl"; else if (field == TF_LastHashCheck) return "texture.lasthashcheck"; else if (field == TF_ImageHash) return "texture.imagehash"; else if (field == TF_Width) return "sizes.width"; else if (field == TF_Height) return "sizes.height"; else if (field == TF_UseCount) return "sizes.usecount"; else if (field == TF_LastUsed) return "sizes.lastusetime"; return ""; } CDatabaseQueryRule::FIELD_TYPE CTextureRule::GetFieldType(int field) const { for (const translateField& f : fields) if (field == f.field) return f.type; return TEXT_FIELD; } std::string CTextureRule::FormatParameter(const std::string &operatorString, const std::string ¶m, const CDatabase &db, const std::string &strType) const { std::string parameter(param); if (m_field == TF_Url) parameter = CTextureUtils::UnwrapImageURL(param); return CDatabaseQueryRule::FormatParameter(operatorString, parameter, db, strType); } void CTextureRule::GetAvailableFields(std::vector &fieldList) { // start at 1 to skip TF_None for (unsigned int i = 1; i < NUM_FIELDS; i++) fieldList.emplace_back(fields[i].string); } std::string CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(const std::string &image, const std::string &type, const std::string &options) { if (StringUtils::StartsWith(image, "image://")) return image; // already wrapped CURL url; url.SetProtocol("image"); url.SetUserName(type); url.SetHostName(image); if (!options.empty()) { url.SetFileName("transform"); url.SetOptions("?" + options); } return url.Get(); } std::string CTextureUtils::GetWrappedThumbURL(const std::string &image) { return GetWrappedImageURL(image, "", "size=thumb"); } std::string CTextureUtils::UnwrapImageURL(const std::string &image) { if (StringUtils::StartsWith(image, "image://")) { CURL url(image); if (url.GetUserName().empty() && url.GetOptions().empty()) return url.GetHostName(); } return image; } CTextureDatabase::CTextureDatabase() = default; CTextureDatabase::~CTextureDatabase() = default; bool CTextureDatabase::Open() { return CDatabase::Open(); } void CTextureDatabase::CreateTables() { CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "create texture table"); m_pDS->exec("CREATE TABLE texture (id integer primary key, url text, cachedurl text, imagehash text, lasthashcheck text)"); CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "create sizes table, index, and trigger"); m_pDS->exec("CREATE TABLE sizes (idtexture integer, size integer, width integer, height integer, usecount integer, lastusetime text)"); CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "create path table"); m_pDS->exec("CREATE TABLE path (id integer primary key, url text, type text, texture text)\n"); } void CTextureDatabase::CreateAnalytics() { CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "{} creating indices", __FUNCTION__); m_pDS->exec("CREATE INDEX idxTexture ON texture(url)"); m_pDS->exec("CREATE INDEX idxSize ON sizes(idtexture, size)"); m_pDS->exec("CREATE INDEX idxSize2 ON sizes(idtexture, width, height)"); //! @todo Should the path index be a covering index? (we need only retrieve texture) m_pDS->exec("CREATE INDEX idxPath ON path(url, type)"); CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "{} creating triggers", __FUNCTION__); m_pDS->exec("CREATE TRIGGER textureDelete AFTER delete ON texture FOR EACH ROW BEGIN delete from sizes where sizes.idtexture=old.id; END"); } void CTextureDatabase::UpdateTables(int version) { if (version < 7) { // update all old thumb://foo urls to image://foo?size=thumb m_pDS->query("select id,texture from path where texture like 'thumb://%'"); while (!m_pDS->eof()) { unsigned int id = m_pDS->fv(0).get_asInt(); CURL url(m_pDS->fv(1).get_asString()); m_pDS2->exec(PrepareSQL("update path set texture='image://%s?size=thumb' where id=%u", url.GetHostName().c_str(), id)); m_pDS->next(); } m_pDS->query("select id, url from texture where url like 'thumb://%'"); while (!m_pDS->eof()) { unsigned int id = m_pDS->fv(0).get_asInt(); CURL url(m_pDS->fv(1).get_asString()); m_pDS2->exec(PrepareSQL("update texture set url='image://%s?size=thumb', urlhash=0 where id=%u", url.GetHostName().c_str(), id)); m_pDS->next(); } m_pDS->close(); } if (version < 8) { // get rid of old cached thumbs as they were previously set to the cached thumb name instead of the source thumb m_pDS->exec("delete from path"); } if (version < 9) { // get rid of the old path table and add the type column m_pDS->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS path"); m_pDS->exec("CREATE TABLE path (id integer primary key, urlhash integer, url text, type text, texture text)\n"); } if (version < 10) { // get rid of urlhash in both tables... m_pDS->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS path"); m_pDS->exec("CREATE TABLE path (id integer primary key, url text, type text, texture text)\n"); m_pDS->exec("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE texture_backup(id,url,cachedurl,usecount,lastusetime,imagehash,lasthashcheck)"); m_pDS->exec("INSERT INTO texture_backup SELECT id,url,cachedurl,usecount,lastusetime,imagehash,lasthashcheck FROM texture"); m_pDS->exec("DROP TABLE texture"); m_pDS->exec("CREATE TABLE texture (id integer primary key, url text, cachedurl text, usecount integer, lastusetime text, imagehash text, lasthashcheck text)"); m_pDS->exec("INSERT INTO texture SELECT * FROM texture_backup"); m_pDS->exec("DROP TABLE texture_backup"); } if (version < 11) { // get rid of cached URLs that don't have the correct extension m_pDS->exec("DELETE FROM texture WHERE SUBSTR(cachedUrl,-4,4) NOT IN ('.jpg', '.png')"); } if (version < 12) { // create new sizes table and move usecount info to it. m_pDS->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS texture"); m_pDS->exec("CREATE TABLE texture (id integer primary key, url text, cachedurl text, imagehash text, lasthashcheck text)"); m_pDS->exec("CREATE TABLE sizes (idtexture integer, size integer, width integer, height integer, usecount integer, lastusetime text)"); } } bool CTextureDatabase::IncrementUseCount(const CTextureDetails &details) { std::string sql = PrepareSQL("UPDATE sizes SET usecount=usecount+1, lastusetime=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE idtexture=%u AND width=%u AND height=%u", details.id, details.width, details.height); return ExecuteQuery(sql); } bool CTextureDatabase::GetCachedTexture(const std::string &url, CTextureDetails &details) { try { if (!m_pDB) return false; if (!m_pDS) return false; std::string sql = PrepareSQL("SELECT id, cachedurl, lasthashcheck, imagehash, width, height FROM texture JOIN sizes ON (texture.id=sizes.idtexture AND sizes.size=1) WHERE url='%s'", url.c_str()); m_pDS->query(sql); if (!m_pDS->eof()) { // have some information details.id = m_pDS->fv(0).get_asInt(); details.file = m_pDS->fv(1).get_asString(); CDateTime lastCheck; lastCheck.SetFromDBDateTime(m_pDS->fv(2).get_asString()); if (lastCheck.IsValid() && lastCheck + CDateTimeSpan(1,0,0,0) < CDateTime::GetCurrentDateTime()) details.hash = m_pDS->fv(3).get_asString(); details.width = m_pDS->fv(4).get_asInt(); details.height = m_pDS->fv(5).get_asInt(); m_pDS->close(); return true; } m_pDS->close(); } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{}, failed on url '{}'", __FUNCTION__, url); } return false; } bool CTextureDatabase::GetTextures(CVariant &items, const Filter &filter) { try { if (!m_pDB) return false; if (!m_pDS) return false; std::string sql = "SELECT %s FROM texture JOIN sizes ON (texture.id=sizes.idtexture AND sizes.size=1)"; std::string sqlFilter; if (!CDatabase::BuildSQL("", filter, sqlFilter)) return false; sql = PrepareSQL(sql, !filter.fields.empty() ? filter.fields.c_str() : "*") + sqlFilter; if (!m_pDS->query(sql)) return false; while (!m_pDS->eof()) { CVariant texture; texture["textureid"] = m_pDS->fv(0).get_asInt(); texture["url"] = m_pDS->fv(1).get_asString(); texture["cachedurl"] = m_pDS->fv(2).get_asString(); texture["imagehash"] = m_pDS->fv(3).get_asString(); texture["lasthashcheck"] = m_pDS->fv(4).get_asString(); CVariant size(CVariant::VariantTypeObject); // 5 is sizes.idtexture size["size"] = m_pDS->fv(6).get_asInt(); size["width"] = m_pDS->fv(7).get_asInt(); size["height"] = m_pDS->fv(8).get_asInt(); size["usecount"] = m_pDS->fv(9).get_asInt(); size["lastused"] = m_pDS->fv(10).get_asString(); texture["sizes"] = CVariant(CVariant::VariantTypeArray); texture["sizes"].push_back(size); items.push_back(texture); m_pDS->next(); } m_pDS->close(); return true; } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{}, failed", __FUNCTION__); } return false; } bool CTextureDatabase::SetCachedTextureValid(const std::string &url, bool updateable) { std::string date = updateable ? CDateTime::GetCurrentDateTime().GetAsDBDateTime() : ""; std::string sql = PrepareSQL("UPDATE texture SET lasthashcheck='%s' WHERE url='%s'", date.c_str(), url.c_str()); return ExecuteQuery(sql); } bool CTextureDatabase::AddCachedTexture(const std::string &url, const CTextureDetails &details) { try { if (!m_pDB) return false; if (!m_pDS) return false; std::string sql = PrepareSQL("DELETE FROM texture WHERE url='%s'", url.c_str()); m_pDS->exec(sql); std::string date = details.updateable ? CDateTime::GetCurrentDateTime().GetAsDBDateTime() : ""; sql = PrepareSQL("INSERT INTO texture (id, url, cachedurl, imagehash, lasthashcheck) VALUES(NULL, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", url.c_str(), details.file.c_str(), details.hash.c_str(), date.c_str()); m_pDS->exec(sql); int textureID = (int)m_pDS->lastinsertid(); // set the size information sql = PrepareSQL("INSERT INTO sizes (idtexture, size, usecount, lastusetime, width, height) VALUES(%u, 1, 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, %u, %u)", textureID, details.width, details.height); m_pDS->exec(sql); } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{} failed on url '{}'", __FUNCTION__, url); } return true; } bool CTextureDatabase::ClearCachedTexture(const std::string &url, std::string &cacheFile) { std::string id = GetSingleValue(PrepareSQL("select id from texture where url='%s'", url.c_str())); return !id.empty() ? ClearCachedTexture(strtol(id.c_str(), NULL, 10), cacheFile) : false; } bool CTextureDatabase::ClearCachedTexture(int id, std::string &cacheFile) { try { if (!m_pDB) return false; if (!m_pDS) return false; std::string sql = PrepareSQL("select cachedurl from texture where id=%u", id); m_pDS->query(sql); if (!m_pDS->eof()) { // have some information cacheFile = m_pDS->fv(0).get_asString(); m_pDS->close(); // remove it sql = PrepareSQL("delete from texture where id=%u", id); m_pDS->exec(sql); return true; } m_pDS->close(); } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{}, failed on texture id {}", __FUNCTION__, id); } return false; } bool CTextureDatabase::InvalidateCachedTexture(const std::string &url) { std::string date = (CDateTime::GetCurrentDateTime() - CDateTimeSpan(2, 0, 0, 0)).GetAsDBDateTime(); std::string sql = PrepareSQL("UPDATE texture SET lasthashcheck='%s' WHERE url='%s'", date.c_str(), url.c_str()); return ExecuteQuery(sql); } std::string CTextureDatabase::GetTextureForPath(const std::string &url, const std::string &type) { try { if (!m_pDB) return ""; if (!m_pDS) return ""; if (url.empty()) return ""; std::string sql = PrepareSQL("select texture from path where url='%s' and type='%s'", url.c_str(), type.c_str()); m_pDS->query(sql); if (!m_pDS->eof()) { // have some information std::string texture = m_pDS->fv(0).get_asString(); m_pDS->close(); return texture; } m_pDS->close(); } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{}, failed on url '{}'", __FUNCTION__, url); } return ""; } void CTextureDatabase::SetTextureForPath(const std::string &url, const std::string &type, const std::string &texture) { try { if (!m_pDB) return; if (!m_pDS) return; if (url.empty()) return; std::string sql = PrepareSQL("select id from path where url='%s' and type='%s'", url.c_str(), type.c_str()); m_pDS->query(sql); if (!m_pDS->eof()) { // update int pathID = m_pDS->fv(0).get_asInt(); m_pDS->close(); sql = PrepareSQL("update path set texture='%s' where id=%u", texture.c_str(), pathID); m_pDS->exec(sql); } else { // add the texture m_pDS->close(); sql = PrepareSQL("insert into path (id, url, type, texture) values(NULL, '%s', '%s', '%s')", url.c_str(), type.c_str(), texture.c_str()); m_pDS->exec(sql); } } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{} failed on url '{}'", __FUNCTION__, url); } } void CTextureDatabase::ClearTextureForPath(const std::string &url, const std::string &type) { try { if (!m_pDB) return; if (!m_pDS) return; std::string sql = PrepareSQL("DELETE FROM path WHERE url='%s' and type='%s'", url.c_str(), type.c_str()); m_pDS->exec(sql); } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "{} failed on url '{}'", __FUNCTION__, url); } } CDatabaseQueryRule *CTextureDatabase::CreateRule() const { return new CTextureRule(); } CDatabaseQueryRuleCombination *CTextureDatabase::CreateCombination() const { return new CDatabaseQueryRuleCombination(); }