/*! \defgroup cpp C++ \image html logo-cpp.png \brief \htmlonly

C++ Binary Add-On Development

\endhtmlonly Kodi allows the use of **C++** addons to expand their possibilities. This gives you many options to expand it quickly and easily with new features. Here is a table of the types currently possible: \table_start \table_h3{ Type, Class, Description } \table_row3{ Audio decoder, @ref cpp_kodi_addon_audiodecoder "kodi::addon::CInstanceAudioDecoder", For audio decoders as binary add-ons. This class implements a way to handle special types of audio files. } \table_row3{ Audio encoder, @ref cpp_kodi_addon_audioencoder "kodi::addon::CInstanceAudioEncoder", To convert audio data\, such as a CD\, to a new format and create files for this. } \table_row3{ Game engine, @ref cpp_kodi_addon_game "kodi::addon::CInstanceGame", This is to provide support for games in the system. } \table_row3{ Image decoder, @ref cpp_kodi_addon_imagedecoder "kodi::addon::CInstanceImageDecoder", This instance type is used to allow Kodi various additional image format types. } \table_row3{ Inputstream, @ref cpp_kodi_addon_inputstream "kodi::addon::CInstanceInputStream", To process special video and/or audio streams. This allows addons to support newer species in Kodi. } \table_row3{ Peripheral, @ref cpp_kodi_addon_peripheral "kodi::addon::CInstancePeripheral", Made to have Kodi controllable with new and different ways\, such as Joystick. } \table_row3{ Screensaver, @ref cpp_kodi_addon_screensaver "kodi::addon::CInstanceScreensaver", A screensaver is a Kodi addon that fills the screen with moving images or patterns when the computer is not in use. } \table_row3{ PVR (TV / radio handling), @ref cpp_kodi_addon_pvr "kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient", Used to provide Kodi with various sources for TV and radio streams. } \table_row3{ VFS (Virtual filesystem support), @ref cpp_kodi_addon_vfs "kodi::addon::CInstanceVFS", This instance type is used to allow Kodi various additional file system types. } \table_row3{ Video codec, @ref cpp_kodi_addon_videocodec "kodi::addon::CInstanceVideoCodec", Used to decode special video formats and make them usable for playback. @note This can only be used in connection with @ref cpp_kodi_addon_inputstream "kodi::addon::CInstanceInputStream". } \table_row3{ Visualization, @ref cpp_kodi_addon_visualization "kodi::addon::CInstanceVisualization", Music visualization is a feature in Kodi that generates animated imagery based on a piece of music. } \table_end */ /*! \defgroup cpp_cmake CMake addon creation structure \ingroup cpp \brief **CMake help macros to create addon for Kodi** */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi Interface - kodi \ingroup cpp \brief **General addon interface functions** */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_Defs Definitions, structures and enumerators \ingroup cpp_kodi @brief **General definition values** */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon Interface - kodi::addon \ingroup cpp \brief **Addon type interface functions and classes** */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_addonbase class CAddonBase \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_addonbase_Defs Definitions, structures and enumerators \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_addonbase @brief **General definition values** */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances Addon type instances \brief **Group of possible processing instances which can be made available by an add-on**\n Kodi enables numerous different ways in which the necessary documentation is included in this group. \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_audiodecoder Audio Decoder \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_audioencoder Audio Encoder \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_game Game \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_imagedecoder Image Decoder \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_inputstream Inputstream \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_peripheral Peripheral \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_pvr PVR \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_screensaver Screensaver \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_vfs VFS \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_videocodec Video Codec \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_addon_visualization Visualization \ingroup cpp_kodi_addon_instances */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_gui Interface - kodi::gui \ingroup cpp \brief **Graphical functions for Windows and Dialogs to show**\n Offers classes and functions that manipulate the Graphical User Interface through windows, dialogs, and various control widgets. */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_platform Interface - kodi::platform \ingroup cpp \brief **Platform specific functions**\n This group contains OS platform specific functions with which Kodi is accessed. @note Its header and its classes and functions are only available in the associated OS and are not available outside. */ /*! \defgroup cpp_kodi_tools Interface - kodi::tools \ingroup cpp \brief **Helper tools and functions**\n This group includes things that only work indirectly with Kodi. */