/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi * This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * See LICENSES/README.md for more information. */ #pragma once /*! \file GUIFixedListContainer.h \brief */ #include "GUIBaseContainer.h" /*! \ingroup controls \brief */ class CGUIFixedListContainer : public CGUIBaseContainer { public: CGUIFixedListContainer(int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, ORIENTATION orientation, const CScroller& scroller, int preloadItems, int fixedPosition, int cursorRange); ~CGUIFixedListContainer(void) override; CGUIFixedListContainer* Clone() const override { return new CGUIFixedListContainer(*this); } bool OnAction(const CAction &action) override; protected: void Scroll(int amount) override; bool MoveDown(bool wrapAround) override; bool MoveUp(bool wrapAround) override; bool GetOffsetRange(int &minOffset, int &maxOffset) const override; void ValidateOffset() override; bool SelectItemFromPoint(const CPoint &point) override; int GetCursorFromPoint(const CPoint &point, CPoint *itemPoint = NULL) const override; void SelectItem(int item) override; bool HasNextPage() const override; bool HasPreviousPage() const override; int GetCurrentPage() const override; private: /*! \brief Get the minimal and maximal cursor positions in the list As the fixed list cursor position may vary at the ends of the list based on the cursor range, this function computes the minimal and maximal positions based on the number of items in the list \param minCursor the minimal cursor position \param maxCursor the maximal cursor position \sa m_fixedCursor, m_cursorRange */ void GetCursorRange(int &minCursor, int &maxCursor) const; int m_fixedCursor; ///< default position the skinner wishes to use for the focused item int m_cursorRange; ///< range that the focused item can vary when at the ends of the list };