/*! \page Slider_Control Slider Control \brief **Used for a volume slider.** \tableofcontents The slider control is used for things where a sliding bar best represents the operation at hand (such as a volume control or seek control). You can choose the position, size, and look of the slider control. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section Slider_Control_sect1 Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My first slider control 80 60 250 30 true mybackgroundtexture.png mydowntexture.png mydownfocustexture.png vertical 2 3 1 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section Slider_Control_sect2 Available tags In addition to the [Default Control Tags](http://kodi.wiki/view/Default_Control_Tags) the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive. | Tag | Description | |----------------------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------| | texturesliderbar | Specifies the image file which should be displayed in the background of the slider control. [See here for additional information about textures](http://kodi.wiki/view/Texture_Attributes). | textureslidernib | Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the slider nib. | textureslidernibfocus | Specifies the image file which should be displayed for the slider nib when it has focus. | controloffsetx | Amount to offset the slider background texture from the left edge of the control. Only useful if a value is being rendered as well (ie in int or float mode). | controloffsety | Amount to offset the slider background texture from the top edge of the control. | info | Specifies the information that the slider controls. [See here for more information](http://kodi.wiki/view/InfoLabels). | orientation | Specifies whether this scrollbar is horizontal or vertical. Defaults to vertical. | action | Can be `volume` to adjust the volume, `seek` to change the seek position, `pvr.seek` for timeshifting in PVR. \section Slider_Control_revhistory Revision History @skinning_v18 [Slider Control] Added `pvr.seek` as possible action tag value (timeshifting in PVR). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section Slider_Control_sect3 See also #### Development: - [Add-on development](http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on_development) - [Skinning](http://kodi.wiki/view/Skinning) */