/*! \page Visualisation_Control Visualisation Control \brief **Used to display a visualisation while music is playing.** \tableofcontents The visualisation control is used for displaying those funky patterns that jump to the music in Kodi. You can choose the position, and size of the visualisation displayed. Note that the control is only rendered if music is being played. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section Visualisation_Control_sect1 Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My first visualisation control 80 60 250 200 true ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section Visualisation_Control_sect2 Available tags Only the [default control](http://kodi.wiki/view/Default_Control_Tags) tags are applicable to this control. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section Visualisation_Control_sect3 See also #### Development: - [Add-on development](http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on_development) - [Skinning](http://kodi.wiki/view/Skinning) */