/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi * This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * See LICENSES/README.md for more information. */ #pragma once #include "guilib/TextureFormats.h" #include #include #include class IImage; #pragma pack(1) struct COLOR {unsigned char b,g,r,x;}; // Windows GDI expects 4bytes per color #pragma pack() enum class TEXTURE_SCALING { LINEAR, NEAREST, }; /*! \ingroup textures \brief Base texture class, subclasses of which depend on the render spec (DX, GL etc.) */ class CTexture { public: CTexture(unsigned int width = 0, unsigned int height = 0, unsigned int format = XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8); virtual ~CTexture(); static std::unique_ptr CreateTexture(unsigned int width = 0, unsigned int height = 0, unsigned int format = XB_FMT_A8R8G8B8); /*! \brief Load a texture from a file Loads a texture from a file, restricting in size if needed based on maxHeight and maxWidth. Note that these are the ideal size to load at - the returned texture may be smaller or larger than these. \param texturePath the path of the texture to load. \param idealWidth the ideal width of the texture (defaults to 0, no ideal width). \param idealHeight the ideal height of the texture (defaults to 0, no ideal height). \param strMimeType mimetype of the given texture if available (defaults to empty) \return a CTexture std::unique_ptr to the created texture - nullptr if the texture failed to load. */ static std::unique_ptr LoadFromFile(const std::string& texturePath, unsigned int idealWidth = 0, unsigned int idealHeight = 0, bool requirePixels = false, const std::string& strMimeType = ""); /*! \brief Load a texture from a file in memory Loads a texture from a file in memory, restricting in size if needed based on maxHeight and maxWidth. Note that these are the ideal size to load at - the returned texture may be smaller or larger than these. \param buffer the memory buffer holding the file. \param bufferSize the size of buffer. \param mimeType the mime type of the file in buffer. \param idealWidth the ideal width of the texture (defaults to 0, no ideal width). \param idealHeight the ideal height of the texture (defaults to 0, no ideal height). \return a CTexture std::unique_ptr to the created texture - nullptr if the texture failed to load. */ static std::unique_ptr LoadFromFileInMemory(unsigned char* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const std::string& mimeType, unsigned int idealWidth = 0, unsigned int idealHeight = 0); bool LoadFromMemory(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int pitch, unsigned int format, bool hasAlpha, const unsigned char* pixels); bool LoadPaletted(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int pitch, unsigned int format, const unsigned char *pixels, const COLOR *palette); bool HasAlpha() const; void SetMipmapping(); bool IsMipmapped() const; void SetScalingMethod(TEXTURE_SCALING scalingMethod) { m_scalingMethod = scalingMethod; } TEXTURE_SCALING GetScalingMethod() const { return m_scalingMethod; } void SetCacheMemory(bool bCacheMemory) { m_bCacheMemory = bCacheMemory; } bool GetCacheMemory() const { return m_bCacheMemory; } virtual void CreateTextureObject() = 0; virtual void DestroyTextureObject() = 0; virtual void LoadToGPU() = 0; virtual void BindToUnit(unsigned int unit) = 0; unsigned char* GetPixels() const { return m_pixels; } unsigned int GetPitch() const { return GetPitch(m_textureWidth); } unsigned int GetRows() const { return GetRows(m_textureHeight); } unsigned int GetTextureWidth() const { return m_textureWidth; } unsigned int GetTextureHeight() const { return m_textureHeight; } unsigned int GetWidth() const { return m_imageWidth; } unsigned int GetHeight() const { return m_imageHeight; } /*! \brief return the original width of the image, before scaling/cropping */ unsigned int GetOriginalWidth() const { return m_originalWidth; } /*! \brief return the original height of the image, before scaling/cropping */ unsigned int GetOriginalHeight() const { return m_originalHeight; } int GetOrientation() const { return m_orientation; } void SetOrientation(int orientation) { m_orientation = orientation; } void Update(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int pitch, unsigned int format, const unsigned char *pixels, bool loadToGPU); void Allocate(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int format); void ClampToEdge(); static unsigned int PadPow2(unsigned int x); static bool SwapBlueRed(unsigned char *pixels, unsigned int height, unsigned int pitch, unsigned int elements = 4, unsigned int offset=0); private: // no copy constructor CTexture(const CTexture& copy) = delete; protected: bool LoadFromFileInMem(unsigned char* buffer, size_t size, const std::string& mimeType, unsigned int maxWidth, unsigned int maxHeight); bool LoadFromFileInternal(const std::string& texturePath, unsigned int maxWidth, unsigned int maxHeight, bool requirePixels, const std::string& strMimeType = ""); bool LoadIImage(IImage* pImage, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int bufSize, unsigned int width, unsigned int height); // helpers for computation of texture parameters for compressed textures unsigned int GetPitch(unsigned int width) const; unsigned int GetRows(unsigned int height) const; unsigned int GetBlockSize() const; unsigned int m_imageWidth; unsigned int m_imageHeight; unsigned int m_textureWidth; unsigned int m_textureHeight; unsigned int m_originalWidth; ///< original image width before scaling or cropping unsigned int m_originalHeight; ///< original image height before scaling or cropping unsigned char* m_pixels; bool m_loadedToGPU; unsigned int m_format; int m_orientation; bool m_hasAlpha = true ; bool m_mipmapping = false ; TEXTURE_SCALING m_scalingMethod = TEXTURE_SCALING::LINEAR; bool m_bCacheMemory = false; };