/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi * This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * See LICENSES/README.md for more information. */ #include "SkinBuiltins.h" #include "MediaSource.h" #include "ServiceBroker.h" #include "URL.h" #include "Util.h" #include "addons/addoninfo/AddonInfo.h" #include "addons/addoninfo/AddonType.h" #include "addons/gui/GUIWindowAddonBrowser.h" #include "application/ApplicationComponents.h" #include "application/ApplicationSkinHandling.h" #include "dialogs/GUIDialogColorPicker.h" #include "dialogs/GUIDialogFileBrowser.h" #include "dialogs/GUIDialogNumeric.h" #include "dialogs/GUIDialogSelect.h" #include "guilib/GUIComponent.h" #include "guilib/GUIKeyboardFactory.h" #include "guilib/GUIWindowManager.h" #include "guilib/LocalizeStrings.h" #include "settings/Settings.h" #include "settings/SettingsComponent.h" #include "settings/SkinSettings.h" #include "storage/MediaManager.h" #include "utils/StringUtils.h" #include "utils/URIUtils.h" using namespace ADDON; /*! \brief Reload current skin. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = "confirm" to show a confirmation dialog (optional). */ static int ReloadSkin(const std::vector& params) { // Reload the skin auto& components = CServiceBroker::GetAppComponents(); const auto appSkin = components.GetComponent(); appSkin->ReloadSkin(!params.empty() && StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(params[0], "confirm")); return 0; } /*! \brief Unload current skin. * \param params (ignored) */ static int UnloadSkin(const std::vector& params) { auto& components = CServiceBroker::GetAppComponents(); const auto appSkin = components.GetComponent(); appSkin->UnloadSkin(); return 0; } /*! \brief Toggle a skin bool setting. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Skin setting to toggle. */ static int ToggleSetting(const std::vector& params) { int setting = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateBool(params[0]); CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetBool(setting, !CSkinSettings::GetInstance().GetBool(setting)); CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->Save(); return 0; } /*! \brief Set an add-on type skin setting. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Skin setting to store result in. * params[1,...] = Add-on types to allow selecting. */ static int SetAddon(const std::vector& params) { int string = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateString(params[0]); std::vector types; for (unsigned int i = 1 ; i < params.size() ; i++) { ADDON::AddonType type = CAddonInfo::TranslateType(params[i]); if (type != AddonType::UNKNOWN) types.push_back(type); } std::string result; if (!types.empty() && CGUIWindowAddonBrowser::SelectAddonID(types, result, true) == 1) { CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetString(string, result); CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->Save(); } return 0; } /*! \brief Select and set a skin bool setting. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Names of skin settings. */ static int SelectBool(const std::vector& params) { std::vector> settings; CGUIDialogSelect* pDlgSelect = CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT); pDlgSelect->Reset(); pDlgSelect->SetHeading(CVariant{g_localizeStrings.Get(atoi(params[0].c_str()))}); for (unsigned int i = 1 ; i < params.size() ; i++) { if (params[i].find('|') != std::string::npos) { std::vector values = StringUtils::Split(params[i], '|'); std::string label = g_localizeStrings.Get(atoi(values[0].c_str())); settings.emplace_back(label, values[1].c_str()); pDlgSelect->Add(label); } } pDlgSelect->Open(); if(pDlgSelect->IsConfirmed()) { unsigned int iItem = pDlgSelect->GetSelectedItem(); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < settings.size() ; i++) { std::string item = settings[i].second; int setting = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateBool(item); if (i == iItem) CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetBool(setting, true); else CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetBool(setting, false); } CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->Save(); } return 0; } /*! \brief Set a skin bool setting. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Name of skin setting. * params[1] = Value to set ("false", or "true") (optional). */ static int SetBool(const std::vector& params) { if (params.size() > 1) { int string = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateBool(params[0]); CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetBool(string, StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(params[1], "true")); CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->Save(); return 0; } // default is to set it to true int setting = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateBool(params[0]); CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetBool(setting, true); CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->Save(); return 0; } /*! \brief Set a numeric skin setting. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Name of skin setting. */ static int SetNumeric(const std::vector& params) { int string = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateString(params[0]); std::string value = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().GetString(string); if (CGUIDialogNumeric::ShowAndGetNumber(value, g_localizeStrings.Get(611))) CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetString(string, value); return 0; } /*! \brief Set a path skin setting. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Name of skin setting. * params[1] = Extra URL to allow selection from (optional). */ static int SetPath(const std::vector& params) { int string = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateString(params[0]); std::string value = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().GetString(string); VECSOURCES localShares; CServiceBroker::GetMediaManager().GetLocalDrives(localShares); CServiceBroker::GetMediaManager().GetNetworkLocations(localShares); if (params.size() > 1) { value = params[1]; URIUtils::AddSlashAtEnd(value); bool bIsSource; if (CUtil::GetMatchingSource(value,localShares,bIsSource) < 0) // path is outside shares - add it as a separate one { CMediaSource share; share.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(13278); share.strPath = value; localShares.push_back(share); } } if (CGUIDialogFileBrowser::ShowAndGetDirectory(localShares, g_localizeStrings.Get(657), value)) CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetString(string, value); CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->Save(); return 0; } /*! \brief Set a skin file setting. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Name of skin setting. * params[1] = File mask or add-on type (optional). * params[2] = Extra URL to allow selection from or * content type if mask is an addon-on type (optional). */ static int SetFile(const std::vector& params) { int string = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateString(params[0]); std::string value = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().GetString(string); VECSOURCES localShares; CServiceBroker::GetMediaManager().GetLocalDrives(localShares); // Note. can only browse one addon type from here // if browsing for addons, required param[1] is addontype string, with optional param[2] // as contenttype string see IAddon.h & ADDON::TranslateXX std::string strMask = (params.size() > 1) ? params[1] : ""; StringUtils::ToLower(strMask); ADDON::AddonType type; if ((type = CAddonInfo::TranslateType(strMask)) != AddonType::UNKNOWN) { CURL url; url.SetProtocol("addons"); url.SetHostName("enabled"); url.SetFileName(strMask+"/"); localShares.clear(); std::string content = (params.size() > 2) ? params[2] : ""; StringUtils::ToLower(content); url.SetPassword(content); std::string strMask; if (type == AddonType::SCRIPT) strMask = ".py"; std::string replace; if (CGUIDialogFileBrowser::ShowAndGetFile(url.Get(), strMask, CAddonInfo::TranslateType(type, true), replace, true, true, true)) { if (StringUtils::StartsWithNoCase(replace, "addons://")) CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetString(string, URIUtils::GetFileName(replace)); else CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetString(string, replace); } } else { if (params.size() > 2) { value = params[2]; URIUtils::AddSlashAtEnd(value); bool bIsSource; if (CUtil::GetMatchingSource(value,localShares,bIsSource) < 0) // path is outside shares - add it as a separate one { CMediaSource share; share.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(13278); share.strPath = value; localShares.push_back(share); } } if (CGUIDialogFileBrowser::ShowAndGetFile(localShares, strMask, g_localizeStrings.Get(1033), value)) CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetString(string, value); } return 0; } /*! \brief Set a skin image setting. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Name of skin setting. * params[1] = Extra URL to allow selection from (optional). */ static int SetImage(const std::vector& params) { int string = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateString(params[0]); std::string value = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().GetString(string); VECSOURCES localShares; CServiceBroker::GetMediaManager().GetLocalDrives(localShares); if (params.size() > 1) { value = params[1]; URIUtils::AddSlashAtEnd(value); bool bIsSource; if (CUtil::GetMatchingSource(value,localShares,bIsSource) < 0) // path is outside shares - add it as a separate one { CMediaSource share; share.strName = g_localizeStrings.Get(13278); share.strPath = value; localShares.push_back(share); } } if (CGUIDialogFileBrowser::ShowAndGetImage(localShares, g_localizeStrings.Get(1030), value)) CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetString(string, value); return 0; } /*! \brief Set a skin color setting. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Name of skin setting. * params[1] = Dialog header text. * params[2] = Hex value of the preselected color (optional). * params[3] = XML file containing color definitions (optional). */ static int SetColor(const std::vector& params) { int string = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateString(params[0]); std::string value = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().GetString(string); if (value.empty() && params.size() > 2) { value = params[2]; } CGUIDialogColorPicker* pDlgColorPicker = CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().GetWindow( WINDOW_DIALOG_COLOR_PICKER); pDlgColorPicker->Reset(); pDlgColorPicker->SetHeading(CVariant{g_localizeStrings.Get(atoi(params[1].c_str()))}); if (params.size() > 3) { pDlgColorPicker->LoadColors(params[3]); } else { pDlgColorPicker->LoadColors(); } pDlgColorPicker->SetSelectedColor(value); pDlgColorPicker->Open(); if (pDlgColorPicker->IsConfirmed()) { value = pDlgColorPicker->GetSelectedColor(); CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetString(string, value); } return 0; } /*! \brief Set a string skin setting. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Name of skin setting. * params[1] = Value of skin setting (optional). */ static int SetString(const std::vector& params) { // break the parameter up if necessary int string = 0; if (params.size() > 1) { string = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateString(params[0]); CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetString(string, params[1]); CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->Save(); return 0; } else string = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().TranslateString(params[0]); std::string value = CSkinSettings::GetInstance().GetString(string); if (CGUIKeyboardFactory::ShowAndGetInput(value, CVariant{g_localizeStrings.Get(1029)}, true)) CSkinSettings::GetInstance().SetString(string, value); return 0; } /*! \brief Select skin theme. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = 0 or 1 to increase theme, -1 to decrease. */ static int SetTheme(const std::vector& params) { // enumerate themes std::vector vecTheme; CUtil::GetSkinThemes(vecTheme); int iTheme = -1; // find current theme const std::shared_ptr settings = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings(); const std::string strTheme = settings->GetString(CSettings::SETTING_LOOKANDFEEL_SKINTHEME); if (!StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(strTheme, "SKINDEFAULT")) { for (size_t i=0;i (int)vecTheme.size()-1) iTheme = -1; if (iTheme < -1) iTheme = vecTheme.size()-1; std::string strSkinTheme = "SKINDEFAULT"; if (iTheme != -1 && iTheme < (int)vecTheme.size()) strSkinTheme = vecTheme[iTheme]; settings->SetString(CSettings::SETTING_LOOKANDFEEL_SKINTHEME, strSkinTheme); // also set the default color theme std::string colorTheme(URIUtils::ReplaceExtension(strSkinTheme, ".xml")); if (StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(colorTheme, "Textures.xml")) colorTheme = "defaults.xml"; settings->SetString(CSettings::SETTING_LOOKANDFEEL_SKINCOLORS, colorTheme); auto& components = CServiceBroker::GetAppComponents(); const auto appSkin = components.GetComponent(); appSkin->ReloadSkin(); return 0; } /*! \brief Reset a skin setting. * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Name of setting to reset. */ static int SkinReset(const std::vector& params) { CSkinSettings::GetInstance().Reset(params[0]); CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->Save(); return 0; } /*! \brief Reset all skin settings. * \param params (ignored) */ static int SkinResetAll(const std::vector& params) { CSkinSettings::GetInstance().Reset(); CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->Save(); return 0; } /*! \brief Toggle skin debug. * \param params (ignored) */ static int SkinDebug(const std::vector& params) { g_SkinInfo->ToggleDebug(); return 0; } /*! \brief Starts a given skin timer * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Name of the timer. * \return -1 in case of error, 0 in case of success */ static int SkinTimerStart(const std::vector& params) { if (params.empty()) { return -1; } g_SkinInfo->TimerStart(params[0]); return 0; } /*! \brief Stops a given skin timer * \param params The parameters. * \details params[0] = Name of the timer. * \return -1 in case of error, 0 in case of success */ static int SkinTimerStop(const std::vector& params) { if (params.empty()) { return -1; } g_SkinInfo->TimerStop(params[0]); return 0; } // Note: For new Texts with comma add a "\" before!!! Is used for table text. // /// \page page_List_of_built_in_functions /// \section built_in_functions_14 Skin built-in's /// /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// /// \table_start /// \table_h2_l{ /// Function, /// Description } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `ReloadSkin(reload)` /// , /// Reloads the current skin – useful for Skinners to use after they upload /// modified skin files (saves power cycling) /// @param[in] reload "confirm" to show a confirmation dialog (optional). /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `UnloadSkin()` /// , /// Unloads the current skin /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.Reset(setting)` /// , /// Resets the skin `setting`. If `setting` is a bool setting (i.e. set via /// `SetBool` or `ToggleSetting`) then the setting is reset to false. If /// `setting` is a string (Set via SetString\, SetImage or /// SetPath) then it is set to empty. /// @param[in] setting Name of setting to reset. /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.ResetSettings()` /// , /// Resets all the above skin settings to their defaults (toggles all set to /// false\, strings all set to empty.) /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.SetAddon(string\,type)` /// , /// Pops up a select dialog and allows the user to select an add-on of the /// given type to be used elsewhere in the skin via the info tag /// `Skin.String(string)`. The most common types are xbmc.addon.video\, /// xbmc.addon.audio\, xbmc.addon.image and xbmc.addon.executable. /// @param[in] string[0] Skin setting to store result in. /// @param[in] type[1\,...] Add-on types to allow selecting. /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.SetBool(setting[\,value])` /// \anchor Skin_SetBool, /// Sets the skin `setting` to true\, for use with the conditional visibility /// tags containing \link Skin_HasSetting `Skin.HasSetting(setting)`\endlink. The settings are saved /// per-skin in settings.xml just like all the other Kodi settings. /// @param[in] setting Name of skin setting. /// @param[in] value Value to set ("false"\, or "true") (optional). /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.SetFile(string\,mask\,folderpath)` /// , /// \" minus quotes. If the folderpath parameter is set the file browser will /// start in that folder. /// @param[in] string Name of skin setting. /// @param[in] mask File mask or add-on type (optional). /// @param[in] folderpath Extra URL to allow selection from or. /// content type if mask is an addon-on type (optional). /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.SetImage(string[\,url])` /// , /// Pops up a file browser and allows the user to select an image file to be /// used in an image control elsewhere in the skin via the info tag /// `Skin.String(string)`. If the value parameter is specified\, then the /// file browser dialog does not pop up\, and the image path is set directly. /// The path option allows you to open the file browser in the specified /// folder. /// @param[in] string Name of skin setting. /// @param[in] url Extra URL to allow selection from (optional). /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.SetColor(string\,header[\,colorfile\,selectedcolor])` /// \anchor Builtin_SetColor, /// Pops up a color selection dialog and allows the user to select a color to be /// used to define the color of a label control or as a colordiffuse value for a texture /// elsewhere in the skin via the info tag `Skin.String(string)`. /// Skinners can optionally set the color that needs to be preselected in the /// dialog by specifying the hex value of this color. /// Also optionally\, skinners can include their own color definition file. If not specified\, /// the default colorfile included with Kodi will be used. /// @param[in] string Name of skin setting. /// @param[in] string Dialog header text. /// @param[in] string Hex value of the color to preselect (optional)\, /// example: FF00FF00. /// @param[in] string Filepath of the color definition file (optional). ///

/// @skinning_v20 **[New builtin]** \link Builtin_SetColor `SetColor(string\,header[\,colorfile\,selectedcolor])`\endlink ///

/// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.SetNumeric(numeric[\,value])` /// \anchor Skin_SetNumeric, /// Pops up a keyboard dialog and allows the user to input a numerical. /// @param[in] numeric Name of skin setting. /// @param[in] value Value of skin setting (optional). /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.SetPath(string[\,value])` /// , /// Pops up a folder browser and allows the user to select a folder of images /// to be used in a multi image control else where in the skin via the info /// tag `Skin.String(string)`. If the value parameter is specified\, then the /// file browser dialog does not pop up\, and the path is set directly. /// @param[in] string Name of skin setting. /// @param[in] value Extra URL to allow selection from (optional). /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.SetString(string[\,value])` /// \anchor Skin_SetString, /// Pops up a keyboard dialog and allows the user to input a string which can /// be used in a label control elsewhere in the skin via the info tag /// \link Skin_StringValue `Skin.String(string)`\endlink. The value of the setting /// can also be compared to another value using the info bool \link Skin_StringCompare `Skin.String(string\, value)`\endlink. /// If the value parameter is specified\, then the /// keyboard dialog does not pop up\, and the string is set directly. /// @param[in] string Name of skin setting. /// @param[in] value Value of skin setting (optional). /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.Theme(cycle)` /// \anchor Skin_CycleTheme, /// Cycles the skin theme. Skin.theme(-1) will go backwards. /// @param[in] cycle 0 or 1 to increase theme\, -1 to decrease. /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.ToggleDebug` /// , /// Toggles skin debug info on/off /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.ToggleSetting(setting)` /// , /// Toggles the skin `setting` for use with conditional visibility tags /// containing `Skin.HasSetting(setting)`. /// @param[in] setting Skin setting to toggle /// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.TimerStart(timer)` /// \anchor Builtin_SkinStartTimer, /// Starts the timer with name `timer` /// @param[in] timer The name of the timer ///

/// @skinning_v20 **[New builtin]** \link Builtin_SkinStartTimer `Skin.TimerStart(timer)`\endlink ///

/// } /// \table_row2_l{ /// `Skin.TimerStop(timer)` /// \anchor Builtin_SkinStopTimer, /// Stops the timer with name `timer` /// @param[in] timer The name of the timer ///

/// @skinning_v20 **[New builtin]** \link Builtin_SkinStopTimer `Skin.TimerStop(timer)`\endlink ///

/// } /// \table_end /// CBuiltins::CommandMap CSkinBuiltins::GetOperations() const { return {{"reloadskin", {"Reload Kodi's skin", 0, ReloadSkin}}, {"unloadskin", {"Unload Kodi's skin", 0, UnloadSkin}}, {"skin.reset", {"Resets a skin setting to default", 1, SkinReset}}, {"skin.resetsettings", {"Resets all skin settings", 0, SkinResetAll}}, {"skin.setaddon", {"Prompts and set an addon", 2, SetAddon}}, {"skin.selectbool", {"Prompts and set a skin setting", 2, SelectBool}}, {"skin.setbool", {"Sets a skin setting on", 1, SetBool}}, {"skin.setfile", {"Prompts and sets a file", 1, SetFile}}, {"skin.setimage", {"Prompts and sets a skin image", 1, SetImage}}, {"skin.setcolor", {"Prompts and sets a skin color", 1, SetColor}}, {"skin.setnumeric", {"Prompts and sets numeric input", 1, SetNumeric}}, {"skin.setpath", {"Prompts and sets a skin path", 1, SetPath}}, {"skin.setstring", {"Prompts and sets skin string", 1, SetString}}, {"skin.theme", {"Control skin theme", 1, SetTheme}}, {"skin.toggledebug", {"Toggle skin debug", 0, SkinDebug}}, {"skin.togglesetting", {"Toggles a skin setting on or off", 1, ToggleSetting}}, {"skin.timerstart", {"Starts a given skin timer", 1, SkinTimerStart}}, {"skin.timerstop", {"Stops a given skin timer", 1, SkinTimerStop}}}; }