/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi * This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * See LICENSES/README.md for more information. */ #pragma once /*! \file MusicDatabase.h \brief */ #include "Album.h" #include "MediaSource.h" #include "addons/Scraper.h" #include "dbwrappers/Database.h" #include "settings/LibExportSettings.h" #include "utils/SortUtils.h" #include #include class CArtist; class CFileItem; class CMusicDbUrl; namespace dbiplus { class field_value; typedef std::vector sql_record; } // namespace dbiplus #include #include // return codes of Cleaning up the Database // numbers are strings from strings.po #define ERROR_OK 317 #define ERROR_CANCEL 0 #define ERROR_DATABASE 315 #define ERROR_REORG_SONGS 319 #define ERROR_REORG_ARTIST 321 #define ERROR_REORG_OTHER 323 #define ERROR_REORG_PATH 325 #define ERROR_REORG_ALBUM 327 #define ERROR_WRITING_CHANGES 329 #define ERROR_COMPRESSING 332 #define NUM_SONGS_BEFORE_COMMIT 500 /*! \ingroup music \brief A set of std::string objects, used for CMusicDatabase \sa ISETPATHS, CMusicDatabase */ typedef std::set SETPATHS; /*! \ingroup music \brief The SETPATHS iterator \sa SETPATHS, CMusicDatabase */ typedef std::set::iterator ISETPATHS; /*! \ingroup music \brief A structure used for fetching music art data \sa CMusicDatabase::GetArtForItem() */ typedef struct { std::string mediaType; std::string artType; std::string prefix; std::string url; } ArtForThumbLoader; class CGUIDialogProgress; class CFileItemList; /*! \ingroup music \brief Class to store and read tag information CMusicDatabase can be used to read and store tag information for faster access. It is based on sqlite (http://www.sqlite.org). Here is the database layout: \image html musicdatabase.png \sa CAlbum, CSong, VECSONGS, CMapSong, VECARTISTS, VECALBUMS, VECGENRES */ class CMusicDatabase : public CDatabase { friend class DatabaseUtils; friend class TestDatabaseUtilsHelper; public: CMusicDatabase(void); ~CMusicDatabase(void) override; bool Open() override; bool CommitTransaction() override; void EmptyCache(); void Clean(); int Cleanup(CGUIDialogProgress* progressDialog = nullptr); bool LookupCDDBInfo(bool bRequery = false); void DeleteCDDBInfo(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Song CRUD ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Add a song to the database \param idSong [in] the original database ID of the song to reuse (-1 when new) \param dtDateNew [in] the datetime the original ID was new \param idAlbum [in] the database ID of the album for the song \param strTitle [in] the title of the song (required to be non-empty) \param strMusicBrainzTrackID [in] the MusicBrainz track ID of the song \param strPathAndFileName [in] the path and filename to the song \param strComment [in] the ids of the added songs \param strMood [in] the mood of the added song \param strThumb [in] the ids of the added songs \param artistDisp [in] the assembled artist name(s) display string \param artistSort [in] the artist name(s) sort string \param genres [in] a vector of genres to which this song belongs \param iTrack [in] the track number and disc number of the song \param iDuration [in] the duration of the song \param strReleaseDate [in] the release date of the song ISO8601 format \param strOrigReleaseDate [in] the original release date of the song ISO8601 format \param strDiscSubtitle [in] subtitle of a disc \param iTimesPlayed [in] the number of times the song has been played \param iStartOffset [in] the start offset of the song (when using a single audio file with a .cue) \param iEndOffset [in] the end offset of the song (when using a single audio file with .cue) \param dtLastPlayed [in] the time the song was last played \param rating [in] a rating for the song \param userrating [in] a userrating (my rating) for the song \param votes [in] a vote counter for the song rating \param replayGain [in] album and track replaygain and peak values \return the id of the song */ int AddSong(const int idSong, const CDateTime& dtDateNew, const int idAlbum, const std::string& strTitle, const std::string& strMusicBrainzTrackID, const std::string& strPathAndFileName, const std::string& strComment, const std::string& strMood, const std::string& strThumb, const std::string& artistDisp, const std::string& artistSort, const std::vector& genres, int iTrack, int iDuration, const std::string& strReleaseDate, const std::string& strOrigReleaseDate, std::string& strDiscSubtitle, const int iTimesPlayed, int iStartOffset, int iEndOffset, const CDateTime& dtLastPlayed, float rating, int userrating, int votes, int iBPM, int iBitRate, int iSampleRate, int iChannels, const ReplayGain& replayGain); bool GetSong(int idSong, CSong& song); /*! \brief Update a song and all its nested entities (genres, artists, contributors) \param song [in/out] the song to update, artist ids are returned in artist credits \param bArtists to update artist credits and contributors, default is true \param bArtists to check and log if artist links have changed, default is true \return true if successful */ bool UpdateSong(CSong& song, bool bArtists = true, bool bArtistLinks = true); /*! \brief Update a song in the database \param idSong [in] the database ID of the song to update \param strTitle [in] the title of the song (required to be non-empty) \param strMusicBrainzTrackID [in] the MusicBrainz track ID of the song \param strPathAndFileName [in] the path and filename to the song \param strComment [in] the ids of the added songs \param strMood [in] the mood of the added song \param strThumb [in] the ids of the added songs \param artistDisp [in] the artist name(s) display string \param artistSort [in] the artist name(s) sort string \param genres [in] a vector of genres to which this song belongs \param iTrack [in] the track number and disc number of the song \param iDuration [in] the duration of the song \param strReleaseDate [in] the release date of the song ISO8601 format \param strOrigReleaseDate [in] the original release date of the song ISO8601 format \param strDiscSubtitle [in] subtitle of a disc \param iTimesPlayed [in] the number of times the song has been played \param iStartOffset [in] the start offset of the song (when using a single audio file with a .cue) \param iEndOffset [in] the end offset of the song (when using a single audio file with .cue) \param dtLastPlayed [in] the time the song was last played \param rating [in] a rating for the song \param userrating [in] a userrating (my rating) for the song \param votes [in] a vote counter for the song rating \param replayGain [in] album and track replaygain and peak values \param iBPM [in] the beats per minute of a song \param iBitRate [in] the bitrate of the song file \param iSampleRate [in] the sample rate of the song file \param iChannels [in] the number of audio channels in the song file \return the id of the song */ int UpdateSong(int idSong, const std::string& strTitle, const std::string& strMusicBrainzTrackID, const std::string& strPathAndFileName, const std::string& strComment, const std::string& strMood, const std::string& strThumb, const std::string& artistDisp, const std::string& artistSort, const std::vector& genres, int iTrack, int iDuration, const std::string& strReleaseDate, const std::string& strOrigReleaseDate, const std::string& strDiscSubtitle, int iTimesPlayed, int iStartOffset, int iEndOffset, const CDateTime& dtLastPlayed, float rating, int userrating, int votes, const ReplayGain& replayGain, int iBPM, int iBitRate, int iSampleRate, int iChannels); //// Misc Song bool GetSongByFileName(const std::string& strFileName, CSong& song, int64_t startOffset = 0); bool GetSongsByPath(const std::string& strPath, MAPSONGS& songmap, bool bAppendToMap = false); bool Search(const std::string& search, CFileItemList& items); bool RemoveSongsFromPath(const std::string& path, MAPSONGS& songmap, bool exact = true); void CheckArtistLinksChanged(); bool SetSongUserrating(const std::string& filePath, int userrating); bool SetSongUserrating(int idSong, int userrating); bool SetSongVotes(const std::string& filePath, int votes); int GetSongByArtistAndAlbumAndTitle(const std::string& strArtist, const std::string& strAlbum, const std::string& strTitle); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Album ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Add an album and all its songs to the database \param album the album to add \param idSource the music source id \return the id of the album */ bool AddAlbum(CAlbum& album, int idSource); /*! \brief Update an album and all its nested entities (artists, songs etc) \param album the album to update \return true or false */ bool UpdateAlbum(CAlbum& album); /*! \brief Add an album to the database \param strAlbum the album title \param strMusicBrainzAlbumID the Musicbrainz Id \param strArtist the album artist name(s) display string \param strArtistSort the album artist name(s) sort string \param strGenre the album genre(s) \param strReleaseDate [in] the release date of the album ISO8601 format \param strOrigReleaseDate [in] the original release date of the album ISO8601 format \param bBoxedSet if the album is a boxset \param strRecordLabel the recording label \param strType album type (Musicbrainz release type e.g. "Broadcast, Soundtrack, live"), \param strReleaseStatus (see https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Release#Status) \param bCompilation if the album is a compilation \param releaseType "album" or "single" \return the id of the album */ int AddAlbum(const std::string& strAlbum, const std::string& strMusicBrainzAlbumID, const std::string& strReleaseGroupMBID, const std::string& strArtist, const std::string& strArtistSort, const std::string& strGenre, const std::string& strReleaseDate, const std::string& strOrigReleaseDate, bool bBoxedSet, const std::string& strRecordLabel, const std::string& strType, const std::string& strReleaseStatus, bool bCompilation, CAlbum::ReleaseType releaseType); /*! \brief retrieve an album, optionally with all songs. \param idAlbum the database id of the album. \param album [out] the album to fill. \param getSongs whether or not to retrieve songs, defaults to true. \return true if the album is retrieved, false otherwise. */ bool GetAlbum(int idAlbum, CAlbum& album, bool getSongs = true); int UpdateAlbum(int idAlbum, const std::string& strAlbum, const std::string& strMusicBrainzAlbumID, const std::string& strReleaseGroupMBID, const std::string& strArtist, const std::string& strArtistSort, const std::string& strGenre, const std::string& strMoods, const std::string& strStyles, const std::string& strThemes, const std::string& strReview, const std::string& strImage, const std::string& strLabel, const std::string& strType, const std::string& strReleaseStatus, float fRating, int iUserrating, int iVotes, const std::string& strReleaseDate, const std::string& strOrigReleaseDate, bool bBoxedSet, bool bCompilation, CAlbum::ReleaseType releaseType, bool bScrapedMBID); bool ClearAlbumLastScrapedTime(int idAlbum); bool HasAlbumBeenScraped(int idAlbum); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Audiobook ///////////////////////////////////////////////// bool AddAudioBook(const CFileItem& item); bool SetResumeBookmarkForAudioBook(const CFileItem& item, int bookmark); bool GetResumeBookmarkForAudioBook(const CFileItem& item, int& bookmark); /*! \brief Checks if the given path is inside a folder that has already been scanned into the library \param path the path we want to check */ bool InsideScannedPath(const std::string& path); //// Misc Album int GetAlbumIdByPath(const std::string& path); bool GetAlbumFromSong(int idSong, CAlbum& album); int GetAlbumByName(const std::string& strAlbum, const std::string& strArtist = ""); int GetAlbumByName(const std::string& strAlbum, const std::vector& artist); bool GetMatchingMusicVideoAlbum(const std::string& strAlbum, const std::string& strArtist, int& idAlbum, std::string& strReview); bool SearchAlbumsByArtistName(const std::string& strArtist, CFileItemList& items); int GetAlbumByMatch(const CAlbum& album); std::string GetAlbumById(int id); std::string GetAlbumDiscTitle(int idAlbum, int idDisc); bool SetAlbumUserrating(const int idAlbum, int userrating); int GetAlbumDiscsCount(int idAlbum); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Artist CRUD ///////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UpdateArtist(const CArtist& artist); int AddArtist(const std::string& strArtist, const std::string& strMusicBrainzArtistID, const std::string& strSortName, bool bScrapedMBID = false); int AddArtist(const std::string& strArtist, const std::string& strMusicBrainzArtistID, bool bScrapedMBID = false); bool GetArtist(int idArtist, CArtist& artist, bool fetchAll = false); bool GetArtistExists(int idArtist); int GetLastArtist(); int GetArtistFromMBID(const std::string& strMusicBrainzArtistID, std::string& artistname); int UpdateArtist(int idArtist, const std::string& strArtist, const std::string& strSortName, const std::string& strMusicBrainzArtistID, bool bScrapedMBID, const std::string& strType, const std::string& strGender, const std::string& strDisambiguation, const std::string& strBorn, const std::string& strFormed, const std::string& strGenres, const std::string& strMoods, const std::string& strStyles, const std::string& strInstruments, const std::string& strBiography, const std::string& strDied, const std::string& strDisbanded, const std::string& strYearsActive, const std::string& strImage); bool UpdateArtistScrapedMBID(int idArtist, const std::string& strMusicBrainzArtistID); bool GetTranslateBlankArtist() { return m_translateBlankArtist; } void SetTranslateBlankArtist(bool translate) { m_translateBlankArtist = translate; } bool HasArtistBeenScraped(int idArtist); bool ClearArtistLastScrapedTime(int idArtist); int AddArtistDiscography(int idArtist, const CDiscoAlbum& discoAlbum); bool DeleteArtistDiscography(int idArtist); bool GetArtistDiscography(int idArtist, CFileItemList& items); std::string GetArtistById(int id); int GetArtistByName(const std::string& strArtist); int GetArtistByMatch(const CArtist& artist); bool GetArtistFromSong(int idSong, CArtist& artist); bool IsSongArtist(int idSong, int idArtist); bool IsSongAlbumArtist(int idSong, int idArtist); std::string GetRoleById(int id); /*! \brief Propagate artist sort name into the concatenated artist sort name strings held for songs and albums \param int idArtist to propagate sort name for, -1 means all artists */ bool UpdateArtistSortNames(int idArtist = -1); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Paths ///////////////////////////////////////////////// int AddPath(const std::string& strPath); bool GetPaths(std::set& paths); bool SetPathHash(const std::string& path, const std::string& hash); bool GetPathHash(const std::string& path, std::string& hash); bool GetAlbumPaths(int idAlbum, std::vector>& paths); bool GetAlbumPath(int idAlbum, std::string& basePath); int GetDiscnumberForPathID(int idPath); bool GetOldArtistPath(int idArtist, std::string& path); bool GetArtistPath(const CArtist& artist, std::string& path); bool GetAlbumFolder(const CAlbum& album, const std::string& strAlbumPath, std::string& strFolder); bool GetArtistFolderName(const CArtist& artist, std::string& strFolder); bool GetArtistFolderName(const std::string& strArtist, const std::string& strMusicBrainzArtistID, std::string& strFolder); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sources ///////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UpdateSources(); int AddSource(const std::string& strName, const std::string& strMultipath, const std::vector& vecPaths, int id = -1); int UpdateSource(const std::string& strOldName, const std::string& strName, const std::string& strMultipath, const std::vector& vecPaths); bool RemoveSource(const std::string& strName); int GetSourceFromPath(const std::string& strPath); bool AddAlbumSource(int idAlbum, int idSource); bool AddAlbumSources(int idAlbum, const std::string& strPath); bool DeleteAlbumSources(int idAlbum); bool GetSources(CFileItemList& items); bool GetSourcesByArtist(int idArtist, CFileItem* item); bool GetSourcesByAlbum(int idAlbum, CFileItem* item); bool GetSourcesBySong(int idSong, const std::string& strPath, CFileItem* item); int GetSourceByName(const std::string& strSource); std::string GetSourceById(int id); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Genres ///////////////////////////////////////////////// int AddGenre(std::string& strGenre); std::string GetGenreById(int id); int GetGenreByName(const std::string& strGenre); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Link tables ///////////////////////////////////////////////// bool AddAlbumArtist(int idArtist, int idAlbum, const std::string& strArtist, int iOrder); bool GetAlbumsByArtist(int idArtist, std::vector& albums); bool GetArtistsByAlbum(int idAlbum, CFileItem* item); bool GetArtistsByAlbum(int idAlbum, std::vector& artistIDs); bool DeleteAlbumArtistsByAlbum(int idAlbum); int AddRole(const std::string& strRole); bool AddSongArtist(int idArtist, int idSong, const std::string& strRole, const std::string& strArtist, int iOrder); bool AddSongArtist( int idArtist, int idSong, int idRole, const std::string& strArtist, int iOrder); int AddSongContributor(int idSong, const std::string& strRole, const std::string& strArtist, const std::string& strSort); void AddSongContributors(int idSong, const VECMUSICROLES& contributors, const std::string& strSort); int GetRoleByName(const std::string& strRole); bool GetRolesByArtist(int idArtist, CFileItem* item); bool GetSongsByArtist(int idArtist, std::vector& songs); bool GetArtistsBySong(int idSong, std::vector& artists); bool DeleteSongArtistsBySong(int idSong); bool AddSongGenres(int idSong, const std::vector& genres); bool GetGenresBySong(int idSong, std::vector& genres); bool GetGenresByAlbum(int idAlbum, CFileItem* item); bool GetGenresByArtist(int idArtist, CFileItem* item); bool GetIsAlbumArtist(int idArtist, CFileItem* item); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Top 100 ///////////////////////////////////////////////// bool GetTop100(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items); bool GetTop100Albums(VECALBUMS& albums); bool GetTop100AlbumSongs(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& item); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Recently added ///////////////////////////////////////////////// bool GetRecentlyAddedAlbums(VECALBUMS& albums, unsigned int limit = 0); bool GetRecentlyAddedAlbumSongs(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& item, unsigned int limit = 0); bool GetRecentlyPlayedAlbums(VECALBUMS& albums); bool GetRecentlyPlayedAlbumSongs(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& item); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Compilations ///////////////////////////////////////////////// int GetCompilationAlbumsCount(); //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Boxsets //////////////////////////////////////////////// bool IsAlbumBoxset(int idAlbum); int GetBoxsetsCount(); int GetSinglesCount(); int GetArtistCountForRole(int role); int GetArtistCountForRole(const std::string& strRole); /*! \brief Increment the playcount of an item Increments the playcount and updates the last played date \param item CFileItem to increment the playcount for */ void IncrementPlayCount(const CFileItem& item); bool CleanupOrphanedItems(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // VIEWS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// bool GetGenresNav(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, const Filter& filter = Filter(), bool countOnly = false); bool GetSourcesNav(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, const Filter& filter = Filter(), bool countOnly = false); bool GetYearsNav(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, const Filter& filter = Filter()); bool GetRolesNav(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, const Filter& filter = Filter()); bool GetArtistsNav(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, bool albumArtistsOnly = false, int idGenre = -1, int idAlbum = -1, int idSong = -1, const Filter& filter = Filter(), const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription(), bool countOnly = false); bool GetCommonNav(const std::string& strBaseDir, const std::string& table, const std::string& labelField, CFileItemList& items, const Filter& filter /* = Filter() */, bool countOnly /* = false */); bool GetAlbumTypesNav(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, const Filter& filter = Filter(), bool countOnly = false); bool GetMusicLabelsNav(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, const Filter& filter = Filter(), bool countOnly = false); bool GetAlbumsNav(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, int idGenre = -1, int idArtist = -1, const Filter& filter = Filter(), const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription(), bool countOnly = false); bool GetDiscsNav(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, int idAlbum, const Filter& filter = Filter(), const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription(), bool countOnly = false); bool GetAlbumsByYear(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, int year); bool GetSongsNav(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, int idGenre, int idArtist, int idAlbum, const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription()); bool GetSongsByYear(const std::string& baseDir, CFileItemList& items, int year); bool GetSongsByWhere(const std::string& baseDir, const Filter& filter, CFileItemList& items, const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription()); bool GetSongsFullByWhere(const std::string& baseDir, const Filter& filter, CFileItemList& items, const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription(), bool artistData = false); bool GetAlbumsByWhere(const std::string& baseDir, const Filter& filter, CFileItemList& items, const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription(), bool countOnly = false); bool GetDiscsByWhere(const std::string& baseDir, const Filter& filter, CFileItemList& items, const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription(), bool countOnly = false); bool GetDiscsByWhere(CMusicDbUrl& musicUrl, const Filter& filter, CFileItemList& items, const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription(), bool countOnly = false); bool GetArtistsByWhere(const std::string& strBaseDir, const Filter& filter, CFileItemList& items, const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription(), bool countOnly = false); int GetDiscsCount(const std::string& baseDir, const Filter& filter = Filter()); int GetSongsCount(const Filter& filter = Filter()); bool GetFilter(CDbUrl& musicUrl, Filter& filter, SortDescription& sorting) override; int GetOrderFilter(const std::string& type, const SortDescription& sorting, Filter& filter); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Party Mode ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Gets song IDs in random order that match the filter criteria \param filter the criteria to apply in the query \param songIDs a vector of <1, id> pairs suited to party mode use \return count of song ids found. */ unsigned int GetRandomSongIDs(const Filter& filter, std::vector>& songIDs); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // JSON-RPC ///////////////////////////////////////////////// bool GetGenresJSON(CFileItemList& items, bool bSources = false); bool GetArtistsByWhereJSON(const std::set& fields, const std::string& baseDir, CVariant& result, int& total, const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription()); bool GetAlbumsByWhereJSON(const std::set& fields, const std::string& baseDir, CVariant& result, int& total, const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription()); bool GetSongsByWhereJSON(const std::set& fields, const std::string& baseDir, CVariant& result, int& total, const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription()); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Scraper ///////////////////////////////////////////////// bool SetScraper(int id, const CONTENT_TYPE& content, const ADDON::ScraperPtr& scraper); bool SetScraperAll(const std::string& strBaseDir, const ADDON::ScraperPtr& scraper); bool GetScraper(int id, const CONTENT_TYPE& content, ADDON::ScraperPtr& scraper); /*! \brief Check whether a given scraper is in use. \param scraperID the scraper to check for. \return true if the scraper is in use, false otherwise. */ bool ScraperInUse(const std::string& scraperID) const; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filters ///////////////////////////////////////////////// bool GetItems(const std::string& strBaseDir, CFileItemList& items, const Filter& filter = Filter(), const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription()); bool GetItems(const std::string& strBaseDir, const std::string& itemType, CFileItemList& items, const Filter& filter = Filter(), const SortDescription& sortDescription = SortDescription()); std::string GetItemById(const std::string& itemType, int id); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // XML ///////////////////////////////////////////////// void ExportToXML(const CLibExportSettings& settings, CGUIDialogProgress* progressDialog = nullptr); bool ExportSongHistory(TiXmlNode* pNode, CGUIDialogProgress* progressDialog = nullptr); void ImportFromXML(const std::string& xmlFile, CGUIDialogProgress* progressDialog = nullptr); bool ImportSongHistory(const std::string& xmlFile, const int total, CGUIDialogProgress* progressDialog = nullptr); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Properties ///////////////////////////////////////////////// void SetPropertiesForFileItem(CFileItem& item); static void SetPropertiesFromArtist(CFileItem& item, const CArtist& artist); static void SetPropertiesFromAlbum(CFileItem& item, const CAlbum& album); void SetItemUpdated(int mediaId, const std::string& mediaType); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Art ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Sets art for a database item. Sets a single piece of art for a database item. \param mediaId the id in the media (song/artist/album) table. \param mediaType the type of media, which corresponds to the table the item resides in (song/artist/album). \param artType the type of art to set, e.g. "thumb", "fanart" \param url the url to the art (this is the original url, not a cached url). \sa GetArtForItem */ void SetArtForItem(int mediaId, const std::string& mediaType, const std::string& artType, const std::string& url); /*! \brief Sets art for a database item. Sets multiple pieces of art for a database item. \param mediaId the id in the media (song/artist/album) table. \param mediaType the type of media, which corresponds to the table the item resides in (song/artist/album). \param art a map of where type is "thumb", "fanart", etc. and url is the original url of the art. \sa GetArtForItem */ void SetArtForItem(int mediaId, const std::string& mediaType, const std::map& art); /*! \brief Fetch all related art for a database item. Fetches multiple pieces of art for a database item including that for related media types Given song id art for the related album, artist(s) and albumartist(s) will also be fetched, looking up the album and artist when ids are not provided. Given album id (and not song id) art for the related artist(s) will also be fetched, looking up the artist(s) when id are not provided. \param songId the id in the song table, -1 when song art not being fetched \param albumId the id in the album table, -1 when album art not being fetched \param artistId the id in the artist table, -1 when artist not known \param bPrimaryArtist true if art from only the first song artist or album artist is to be fetched \param art [out] a vector, each element having media type e.g. "artist", "album" or "song", artType e.g. "thumb", "fanart", etc., prefix of "", "artist" or "albumartist" etc. giving the kind of artist relationship, and the original url of the art. \return true if art is retrieved, false if no art is found. \sa SetArtForItem */ bool GetArtForItem(int songId, int albumId, int artistId, bool bPrimaryArtist, std::vector& art); /*! \brief Fetch art for a database item. Fetches multiple pieces of art for a database item. \param mediaId the id in the media (song/artist/album) table. \param mediaType the type of media, which corresponds to the table the item resides in (song/artist/album). \param art [out] a map of where type is "thumb", "fanart", etc. and url is the original url of the art. \return true if art is retrieved, false if no art is found. \sa SetArtForItem */ bool GetArtForItem(int mediaId, const std::string& mediaType, std::map& art); /*! \brief Fetch art for a database item. Fetches a single piece of art for a database item. \param mediaId the id in the media (song/artist/album) table. \param mediaType the type of media, which corresponds to the table the item resides in (song/artist/album). \param artType the type of art to retrieve, eg "thumb", "fanart". \return the original URL to the piece of art, if available. \sa SetArtForItem */ std::string GetArtForItem(int mediaId, const std::string& mediaType, const std::string& artType); /*! \brief Remove art for a database item. Removes a single piece of art for a database item. \param mediaId the id in the media (song/artist/album) table. \param mediaType the type of media, which corresponds to the table the item resides in (song/artist/album). \param artType the type of art to remove, eg "thumb", "fanart". \return true if art is removed, false if no art is found. \sa RemoveArtForItem */ bool RemoveArtForItem(int mediaId, const MediaType& mediaType, const std::string& artType); /*! \brief Remove art for a database item. Removes multiple pieces of art for a database item. \param mediaId the id in the media (song/artist/album) table. \param mediaType the type of media, which corresponds to the table the item resides in (song/artist/album). \param arttypes a set of types, e.g. "thumb", "fanart", etc. to be removed. \return true if art is removed, false if no art is found. \sa RemoveArtForItem */ bool RemoveArtForItem(int mediaId, const MediaType& mediaType, const std::set& artTypes); /*! \brief Fetch the distinct types of art held in the database for a type of media. \param mediaType the type of media, which corresponds to the table the item resides in (song/artist/album). \param artTypes [out] the types of art e.g. "thumb", "fanart", etc. \return true if art is found, false if no art is found. */ bool GetArtTypes(const MediaType& mediaType, std::vector& artTypes); /*! \brief Fetch the distinct types of available-but-unassigned art held in the database for a specific media item. \param mediaId the id in the media (artist/album) table. \param mediaType the type of media, which corresponds to the table the item resides in (artist/album). \return the types of art e.g. "thumb", "fanart", etc. */ std::vector GetAvailableArtTypesForItem(int mediaId, const MediaType& mediaType); /*! \brief Fetch the list of available-but-unassigned art URLs held in the database for a specific media item and art type. \param mediaId the id in the media (artist/album) table. \param mediaType corresponds to the table the item resides in (artist/album). \param artType e.g. "thumb", "fanart", etc. \return list of URLs */ std::vector GetAvailableArtForItem(int mediaId, const MediaType& mediaType, const std::string& artType); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tag Scan Version ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! \brief Check if music files need all tags rescanning regardless of file being unchanged because the tag processing has changed (which may happen without db version changes) since they where last scanned. \return -1 if an error occurred, 0 if no scan is needed, or the version number of tags if not the same as current. */ virtual int GetMusicNeedsTagScan(); /*! \brief Set minimum version number of db needed when tag data scanned from music files \param version the version number of db */ void SetMusicNeedsTagScan(int version); /*! \brief Set the version number of tag data \param version the version number of db when tags last scanned, 0 (default) means current db version */ void SetMusicTagScanVersion(int version = 0); std::string GetLibraryLastUpdated(); void SetLibraryLastUpdated(); std::string GetLibraryLastCleaned(); void SetLibraryLastCleaned(); std::string GetArtistLinksUpdated(); void SetArtistLinksUpdated(); std::string GetGenresLastAdded(); std::string GetSongsLastAdded(); std::string GetAlbumsLastAdded(); std::string GetArtistsLastAdded(); std::string GetSongsLastModified(); std::string GetAlbumsLastModified(); std::string GetArtistsLastModified(); protected: std::map m_genreCache; std::map m_pathCache; void CreateTables() override; void CreateAnalytics() override; int GetMinSchemaVersion() const override { return 32; } int GetSchemaVersion() const override; const char* GetBaseDBName() const override { return "MyMusic"; } private: /*! \brief (Re)Create the generic database views for songs and albums */ virtual void CreateViews(); void CreateNativeDBFunctions(); void CreateRemovedLinkTriggers(); void SplitPath(const std::string& strFileNameAndPath, std::string& strPath, std::string& strFileName); CSong GetSongFromDataset(); CSong GetSongFromDataset(const dbiplus::sql_record* const record, int offset = 0); CArtist GetArtistFromDataset(dbiplus::Dataset* pDS, int offset = 0, bool needThumb = true); CArtist GetArtistFromDataset(const dbiplus::sql_record* const record, int offset = 0, bool needThumb = true); CAlbum GetAlbumFromDataset(dbiplus::Dataset* pDS, int offset = 0, bool imageURL = false); CAlbum GetAlbumFromDataset(const dbiplus::sql_record* const record, int offset = 0, bool imageURL = false); CArtistCredit GetArtistCreditFromDataset(const dbiplus::sql_record* const record, int offset = 0); CMusicRole GetArtistRoleFromDataset(const dbiplus::sql_record* const record, int offset = 0); std::string GetMediaDateFromFile(const std::string& strFileNameAndPath); void GetFileItemFromDataset(CFileItem* item, const CMusicDbUrl& baseUrl); void GetFileItemFromDataset(const dbiplus::sql_record* const record, CFileItem* item, const CMusicDbUrl& baseUrl); void GetFileItemFromArtistCredits(VECARTISTCREDITS& artistCredits, CFileItem* item); bool DeleteRemovedLinks(); bool CleanupSongs(CGUIDialogProgress* progressDialog = nullptr); bool CleanupSongsByIds(const std::string& strSongIds); bool CleanupPaths(); bool CleanupAlbums(); bool CleanupArtists(); bool CleanupGenres(); bool CleanupInfoSettings(); bool CleanupRoles(); void UpdateTables(int version) override; bool SearchArtists(const std::string& search, CFileItemList& artists); bool SearchAlbums(const std::string& search, CFileItemList& albums); bool SearchSongs(const std::string& strSearch, CFileItemList& songs); int GetSongIDFromPath(const std::string& filePath); void NormaliseSongDates(std::string& strRelease, std::string& strOriginal); bool TrimImageURLs(std::string& strImage, const size_t space); /*! \brief Build SQL for sort subquery from ignore article token list \param strField original name or title field that articles could be removed from \return SQL string e.g. WHEN strField LIKE 'the_' ESCAPE '_' THEN SUBSTR(strArtist, 5) */ std::string GetIgnoreArticleSQL(const std::string& strField); /*! \brief Build SQL for sort name scalar subquery from sort attributes and ignore article list. \param strAlias alias name of scalar subquery field \param sortAttributes the sort attributes e.g. SortAttributeIgnoreArticle \param strField original name or title field that articles could be removed from \param strSortField sort name or title field to be used instead of original (when data not null) \return SQL string e.g. CASE WHEN strArtistSort IS NOT NULL THEN strArtistSort WHEN strField LIKE 'the ' OR strField LIKE 'the_' ESCAPE '_' THEN SUBSTR(strArtist, 5) ELSE strField END AS strAlias */ std::string SortnameBuildSQL(const std::string& strAlias, const SortAttribute& sortAttributes, const std::string& strField, const std::string& strSortField); /*! \brief Build SQL for sorting field naturally and case-insensitively (in SQLite). \param strField field name \param sortOrder the sort order \return SQL string e.g. CASE WHEN CAST(strTitle AS INTEGER) = 0 THEN 100000000 ELSE CAST(strTitle AS INTEGER) END DESC, strTitle COLLATE NOCASE DESC */ std::string AlphanumericSortSQL(const std::string& strField, const SortOrder& sortOrder); /*! \brief Checks that source table matches sources.xml returns true when they do */ bool CheckSources(VECSOURCES& sources); /*! \brief Initially fills source table from sources.xml for use only at migration of db from an earlier version than 72 returns true when successfully done */ bool MigrateSources(); bool m_translateBlankArtist; // Fields should be ordered as they // appear in the songview static enum _SongFields { song_idSong = 0, song_strArtists, song_strArtistSort, song_strGenres, song_strTitle, song_iTrack, song_iDuration, song_strReleaseDate, song_strOrigReleaseDate, song_strDiscSubtitle, song_strFileName, song_strMusicBrainzTrackID, song_iTimesPlayed, song_iStartOffset, song_iEndOffset, song_lastplayed, song_rating, song_userrating, song_votes, song_comment, song_idAlbum, song_strAlbum, song_strPath, song_strReleaseStatus, song_bCompilation, song_bBoxedSet, song_strAlbumArtists, song_strAlbumArtistSort, song_strAlbumReleaseType, song_mood, song_strReplayGain, song_iBPM, song_iBitRate, song_iSampleRate, song_iChannels, song_iAlbumDuration, song_iDiscTotal, song_dateAdded, song_dateNew, song_dateModified, song_enumCount // end of the enum, do not add past here } SongFields; // Fields should be ordered as they // appear in the albumview static enum _AlbumFields { album_idAlbum = 0, album_strAlbum, album_strMusicBrainzAlbumID, album_strReleaseGroupMBID, album_strArtists, album_strArtistSort, album_strGenres, album_strReleaseDate, album_strOrigReleaseDate, album_bBoxedSet, album_strMoods, album_strStyles, album_strThemes, album_strReview, album_strLabel, album_strType, album_strReleaseStatus, album_strThumbURL, album_fRating, album_iUserrating, album_iVotes, album_bCompilation, album_bScrapedMBID, album_lastScraped, album_dateAdded, album_dateNew, album_dateModified, album_iTimesPlayed, album_strReleaseType, album_iTotalDiscs, album_dtLastPlayed, album_iAlbumDuration, album_enumCount // end of the enum, do not add past here } AlbumFields; // Fields should be ordered as they // appear in the songartistview/albumartistview static enum _ArtistCreditFields { // used for GetAlbum to get the cascaded album/song artist credits artistCredit_idEntity = 0, // can be idSong or idAlbum depending on context artistCredit_idArtist, artistCredit_idRole, artistCredit_strRole, artistCredit_strArtist, artistCredit_strSortName, artistCredit_strMusicBrainzArtistID, artistCredit_iOrder, artistCredit_enumCount } ArtistCreditFields; // Fields should be ordered as they // appear in the artistview static enum _ArtistFields { artist_idArtist = 0, artist_strArtist, artist_strSortName, artist_strMusicBrainzArtistID, artist_strType, artist_strGender, artist_strDisambiguation, artist_strBorn, artist_strFormed, artist_strGenres, artist_strMoods, artist_strStyles, artist_strInstruments, artist_strBiography, artist_strDied, artist_strDisbanded, artist_strYearsActive, artist_strImage, artist_bScrapedMBID, artist_lastScraped, artist_dateAdded, artist_dateNew, artist_dateModified, artist_enumCount // end of the enum, do not add past here } ArtistFields; // Fields fetched by GetArtistsByWhereJSON, order same as in JSONtoDBArtist static enum _JoinToArtistFields { joinToArtist_isSong = 0, joinToArtist_idSourceAlbum, joinToArtist_idSourceSong, joinToArtist_idSongGenreAlbum, joinToArtist_idSongGenreSong, joinToArtist_strSongGenreAlbum, joinToArtist_strSongGenreSong, joinToArtist_idArt, joinToArtist_artType, joinToArtist_artURL, joinToArtist_idRole, joinToArtist_strRole, joinToArtist_iOrderRole, joinToArtist_isalbumartist, joinToArtist_thumbnail, joinToArtist_fanart, joinToArtist_enumCount // end of the enum, do not add past here } JoinToArtistFields; // Fields fetched by GetAlbumsByWhereJSON, order same as in JSONtoDBAlbum static enum _JoinToAlbumFields { joinToAlbum_idArtist = 0, joinToAlbum_strArtist, joinToAlbum_strArtistMBID, joinToAlbum_enumCount // end of the enum, do not add past here } JoinToAlbumFields; // Fields fetched by GetSongsByWhereJSON, order same as in JSONtoDBSong static enum _JoinToSongFields { // Used by GetSongsByWhereJSON joinToSongs_idAlbumArtist = 0, joinToSongs_strAlbumArtist, joinToSongs_strAlbumArtistMBID, joinToSongs_iOrderAlbumArtist, joinToSongs_idArtist, joinToSongs_strArtist, joinToSongs_strArtistMBID, joinToSongs_iOrderArtist, joinToSongs_idRole, joinToSongs_strRole, joinToSongs_iOrderRole, joinToSongs_idGenre, joinToSongs_iOrderGenre, joinToSongs_enumCount // end of the enum, do not add past here } JoinToSongFields; };