/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Team Kodi * This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * See LICENSES/README.md for more information. */ #include "MusicThumbLoader.h" #include "FileItem.h" #include "TextureDatabase.h" #include "music/infoscanner/MusicInfoScanner.h" #include "music/tags/MusicInfoTag.h" #include "music/tags/MusicInfoTagLoaderFactory.h" #include "utils/StringUtils.h" #include "video/VideoThumbLoader.h" #include using namespace MUSIC_INFO; CMusicThumbLoader::CMusicThumbLoader() : CThumbLoader() { m_musicDatabase = new CMusicDatabase; } CMusicThumbLoader::~CMusicThumbLoader() { delete m_musicDatabase; } void CMusicThumbLoader::OnLoaderStart() { m_musicDatabase->Open(); m_albumArt.clear(); CThumbLoader::OnLoaderStart(); } void CMusicThumbLoader::OnLoaderFinish() { m_musicDatabase->Close(); m_albumArt.clear(); CThumbLoader::OnLoaderFinish(); } bool CMusicThumbLoader::LoadItem(CFileItem* pItem) { bool result = LoadItemCached(pItem); result |= LoadItemLookup(pItem); return result; } bool CMusicThumbLoader::LoadItemCached(CFileItem* pItem) { if (pItem->m_bIsShareOrDrive) return false; if (pItem->HasMusicInfoTag() && !pItem->GetProperty("libraryartfilled").asBoolean()) { if (FillLibraryArt(*pItem)) return true; if (pItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetType() == MediaTypeArtist) return false; // No fallback } if (pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() && !pItem->HasArt("thumb")) { // music video CVideoThumbLoader loader; if (loader.LoadItemCached(pItem)) return true; } // Fallback to folder thumb when path has one cached if (!pItem->HasArt("thumb")) { std::string art = GetCachedImage(*pItem, "thumb"); if (!art.empty()) pItem->SetArt("thumb", art); } // Fallback to folder fanart when path has one cached //! @todo Remove as "fanart" is never been cached for music folders (only for // artists) or start caching fanart for folders? if (!pItem->HasArt("fanart")) { std::string art = GetCachedImage(*pItem, "fanart"); if (!art.empty()) { pItem->SetArt("fanart", art); } } return false; } bool CMusicThumbLoader::LoadItemLookup(CFileItem* pItem) { if (pItem->m_bIsShareOrDrive) return false; if (pItem->HasMusicInfoTag() && pItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetType() == MediaTypeArtist) // No fallback for artist return false; if (pItem->HasVideoInfoTag()) { // music video CVideoThumbLoader loader; if (loader.LoadItemLookup(pItem)) return true; } if (!pItem->HasArt("thumb")) { // Look for embedded art if (pItem->HasMusicInfoTag() && !pItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetCoverArtInfo().Empty()) { // The item has got embedded art but user thumbs overrule, so check for those first if (!FillThumb(*pItem, false)) // Check for user thumbs but ignore folder thumbs { // No user thumb, use embedded art std::string thumb = CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(pItem->GetPath(), "music"); pItem->SetArt("thumb", thumb); } } else { // Check for user thumbs FillThumb(*pItem, true); } } return true; } bool CMusicThumbLoader::FillThumb(CFileItem &item, bool folderThumbs /* = true */) { if (item.HasArt("thumb")) return true; std::string thumb = GetCachedImage(item, "thumb"); if (thumb.empty()) { thumb = item.GetUserMusicThumb(false, folderThumbs); if (!thumb.empty()) SetCachedImage(item, "thumb", thumb); } if (!thumb.empty()) item.SetArt("thumb", thumb); return !thumb.empty(); } bool CMusicThumbLoader::FillLibraryArt(CFileItem &item) { /* Called for any item with MusicInfoTag and no art. Items on Genres, Sources and Roles nodes have ID (although items on Years node do not) so check for song/album/artist specifically. Non-library songs (file view) can also have MusicInfoTag but no ID or type */ bool artfound(false); std::vector art; CMusicInfoTag &tag = *item.GetMusicInfoTag(); if (tag.GetDatabaseId() > -1 && (tag.GetType() == MediaTypeSong || tag.GetType() == MediaTypeAlbum || tag.GetType() == MediaTypeArtist)) { // Item in music library, fetch the art m_musicDatabase->Open(); if (tag.GetType() == MediaTypeSong) artfound = m_musicDatabase->GetArtForItem(tag.GetDatabaseId(), tag.GetAlbumId(), -1, false, art); else if (tag.GetType() == MediaTypeAlbum) artfound = m_musicDatabase->GetArtForItem(-1, tag.GetDatabaseId(), -1, false, art); else //Artist artfound = m_musicDatabase->GetArtForItem(-1, -1, tag.GetDatabaseId(), true, art); m_musicDatabase->Close(); } else if (!tag.GetArtist().empty() && (tag.GetType() == MediaTypeNone || tag.GetType() == MediaTypeSong)) { /* Could be non-library song - has musictag but no ID or type (may have thumb already). Try to fetch both song artist(s) and album artist(s) art by artist name, e.g. "artist.thumb", "artist.fanart", "artist.clearlogo", "artist.banner", "artist1.thumb", "artist1.fanart", "artist1.clearlogo", "artist1.banner", "albumartist.thumb", "albumartist.fanart" etc. Set fanart as fallback. */ CSong song; // Try to split song artist names (various tags) into artist credits song.SetArtistCredits(tag.GetArtist(), tag.GetMusicBrainzArtistHints(), tag.GetMusicBrainzArtistID()); if (!song.artistCredits.empty()) { tag.SetType(MediaTypeSong); // Makes "Information" context menu visible m_musicDatabase->Open(); int iOrder = 0; // Song artist art for (const auto& artistCredit : song.artistCredits) { int idArtist = m_musicDatabase->GetArtistByName(artistCredit.GetArtist()); if (idArtist > 0) { std::vector artistart; if (m_musicDatabase->GetArtForItem(-1, -1, idArtist, true, artistart)) { for (auto& artitem : artistart) { if (iOrder > 0) artitem.prefix = StringUtils::Format("artist{}", iOrder); else artitem.prefix = "artist"; } art.insert(art.end(), artistart.begin(), artistart.end()); } } ++iOrder; } // Album artist art if (!tag.GetAlbumArtist().empty() && tag.GetArtistString().compare(tag.GetAlbumArtistString()) != 0) { // Split song artist names correctly into artist credits from various tag // arrays, inc. fallback to song artist names CAlbum album; album.SetArtistCredits(tag.GetAlbumArtist(), tag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistHints(), tag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID(), tag.GetArtist(), tag.GetMusicBrainzArtistHints(), tag.GetMusicBrainzArtistID()); iOrder = 0; for (const auto& artistCredit : album.artistCredits) { int idArtist = m_musicDatabase->GetArtistByName(artistCredit.GetArtist()); if (idArtist > 0) { std::vector artistart; if (m_musicDatabase->GetArtForItem(-1, -1, idArtist, true, artistart)) { for (auto& artitem : artistart) { if (iOrder > 0) artitem.prefix = StringUtils::Format("albumartist{}", iOrder); else artitem.prefix = "albumartist"; } art.insert(art.end(), artistart.begin(), artistart.end()); } } ++iOrder; } } else { // Replicate the artist art as album artist art std::vector artistart; for (const auto& artitem : art) { ArtForThumbLoader newart; newart.artType = artitem.artType; newart.mediaType = artitem.mediaType; newart.prefix = "album" + artitem.prefix; newart.url = artitem.url; artistart.emplace_back(newart); } art.insert(art.end(), artistart.begin(), artistart.end()); } artfound = !art.empty(); m_musicDatabase->Close(); } } if (artfound) { std::string fanartfallback; std::string artname; std::map artmap; std::map discartmap; for (auto artitem : art) { /* Add art to artmap, naming according to media type. For example: artists have "thumb", "fanart", "poster" etc., albums have "thumb", "artist.thumb", "artist.fanart",... "artist1.thumb", "artist1.fanart" etc., songs have "thumb", "album.thumb", "artist.thumb", "albumartist.thumb", "albumartist1.thumb" etc. */ if (tag.GetType() == artitem.mediaType) artname = artitem.artType; else if (artitem.prefix.empty()) artname = artitem.mediaType + "." + artitem.artType; else { if (tag.GetType() == MediaTypeAlbum) StringUtils::Replace(artitem.prefix, "albumartist", "artist"); artname = artitem.prefix + "." + artitem.artType; } // Pull out album art for this specific disc e.g. "thumb2", skip art for other discs if (artitem.mediaType == MediaTypeAlbum && tag.GetDiscNumber() > 0) { // Find any trailing digits size_t startnum = artitem.artType.find_last_not_of("0123456789"); std::string digits = artitem.artType.substr(startnum + 1); int num = atoi(digits.c_str()); if (num > 0 && startnum < artitem.artType.size()) { if (num == tag.GetDiscNumber()) discartmap.insert(std::make_pair(artitem.artType.substr(0, startnum + 1), artitem.url)); continue; } } artmap.insert(std::make_pair(artname, artitem.url)); // Add fallback art for "thumb" and "fanart" art types only // Set album thumb as the fallback used when song thumb is missing if (tag.GetType() == MediaTypeSong && artitem.mediaType == MediaTypeAlbum && artitem.artType == "thumb") { item.SetArtFallback(artitem.artType, artname); } // For albums and songs set fallback fanart from the artist. // For songs prefer primary song artist over primary albumartist fanart as fallback fanart if (artitem.prefix == "artist" && artitem.artType == "fanart") fanartfallback = artname; if (artitem.prefix == "albumartist" && artitem.artType == "fanart" && fanartfallback.empty()) fanartfallback = artname; } if (!fanartfallback.empty()) item.SetArtFallback("fanart", fanartfallback); // Process specific disc art when we have some for (const auto& discart : discartmap) { std::map::iterator it; if (tag.GetType() == MediaTypeAlbum) { // Insert or replace album art with specific disc art it = artmap.find(discart.first); if (it != artmap.end()) it->second = discart.second; else artmap.insert(discart); } else if (tag.GetType() == MediaTypeSong) { // Use disc thumb rather than album as fallback for song thumb // (Fallback approach is used to fill missing thumbs). if (discart.first == "thumb") { it = artmap.find("album.thumb"); if (it != artmap.end()) // Replace "album.thumb" already set as fallback it->second = discart.second; else { // Insert thumb for album and set as fallback artmap.insert(std::make_pair("album.thumb", discart.second)); item.SetArtFallback("thumb", "album.thumb"); } } else { // Apply disc art as song art when not have that type (fallback does not apply). // Art of other types could been set via JSON, or in future read from metadata it = artmap.find(discart.first); if (it == artmap.end()) artmap.insert(discart); } } } item.AppendArt(artmap); } item.SetProperty("libraryartfilled", true); return artfound; } bool CMusicThumbLoader::GetEmbeddedThumb(const std::string &path, EmbeddedArt &art) { CFileItem item(path, false); std::unique_ptr pLoader (CMusicInfoTagLoaderFactory::CreateLoader(item)); CMusicInfoTag tag; if (nullptr != pLoader) pLoader->Load(path, tag, &art); return !art.Empty(); }