/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi * This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * See LICENSES/README.md for more information. */ #include "cddb.h" #include "CompileInfo.h" #include "ServiceBroker.h" #include "filesystem/File.h" #include "network/DNSNameCache.h" #include "settings/AdvancedSettings.h" #include "settings/SettingsComponent.h" #include "utils/CharsetConverter.h" #include "utils/StringUtils.h" #include "utils/SystemInfo.h" #include "utils/URIUtils.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace MEDIA_DETECT; using namespace CDDB; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xcddb::Xcddb() #if defined(TARGET_WINDOWS) : m_cddb_socket(closesocket, INVALID_SOCKET) #else : m_cddb_socket(close, -1) #endif , m_cddb_ip_address(CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_cddbAddress) { m_lastError = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xcddb::~Xcddb() { closeSocket(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Xcddb::openSocket() { char namebuf[NI_MAXHOST], portbuf[NI_MAXSERV]; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *result, *addr; char service[33]; int res; SOCKET fd = INVALID_SOCKET; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; sprintf(service, "%d", CDDB_PORT); res = getaddrinfo(m_cddb_ip_address.c_str(), service, &hints, &result); if(res) { std::string err; #if defined(TARGET_WINDOWS) g_charsetConverter.wToUTF8(gai_strerror(res), err); #else err = gai_strerror(res); #endif CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::openSocket - failed to lookup {} with error {}", m_cddb_ip_address, err); res = getaddrinfo("", service, &hints, &result); if(res) return false; } for(addr = result; addr; addr = addr->ai_next) { if(getnameinfo(addr->ai_addr, addr->ai_addrlen, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), portbuf, sizeof(portbuf),NI_NUMERICHOST)) { strcpy(namebuf, "[unknown]"); strcpy(portbuf, "[unknown]"); } CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Xcddb::openSocket - connecting to: {}:{} ...", namebuf, portbuf); fd = socket(addr->ai_family, addr->ai_socktype, addr->ai_protocol); if (fd == INVALID_SOCKET) continue; if (connect(fd, addr->ai_addr, addr->ai_addrlen) != SOCKET_ERROR) break; closesocket(fd); fd = INVALID_SOCKET; } freeaddrinfo(result); if(fd == INVALID_SOCKET) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::openSocket - failed to connect to cddb"); return false; } m_cddb_socket.attach(fd); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Xcddb::closeSocket() { if (m_cddb_socket) { m_cddb_socket.reset(); } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Xcddb::Send( const void *buffer, int bytes ) { std::unique_ptr tmp_buffer(new char[bytes + 10]); strcpy(tmp_buffer.get(), (const char*)buffer); tmp_buffer.get()[bytes] = '.'; tmp_buffer.get()[bytes + 1] = 0x0d; tmp_buffer.get()[bytes + 2] = 0x0a; tmp_buffer.get()[bytes + 3] = 0x00; int iErr = send((SOCKET)m_cddb_socket, (const char*)tmp_buffer.get(), bytes + 3, 0); if (iErr <= 0) { return false; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Xcddb::Send( const char *buffer) { int iErr = Send(buffer, strlen(buffer)); if (iErr <= 0) { return false; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string Xcddb::Recv(bool wait4point) { char tmpbuffer[1]; char prevChar; int counter = 0; std::string str_buffer; //########################################################## // Read the buffer. Character by character tmpbuffer[0]=0; do { int lenRead; prevChar=tmpbuffer[0]; lenRead = recv((SOCKET)m_cddb_socket, (char*) & tmpbuffer, 1, 0); //Check if there was any error reading the buffer if(lenRead == 0 || lenRead == SOCKET_ERROR || WSAGetLastError() == WSAECONNRESET) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::Recv Error reading buffer. lenRead = [{}] and WSAGetLastError = [{}]", lenRead, WSAGetLastError()); break; } //Write received data to the return string str_buffer.push_back(tmpbuffer[0]); counter++; }while(wait4point ? prevChar != '\n' || tmpbuffer[0] != '.' : tmpbuffer[0] != '\n'); //########################################################## // Write captured data information to the xbmc log file CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Xcddb::Recv Captured {0} bytes // Buffer= {1} bytes. Captured data follows on next " "line\n{2}", counter, str_buffer.size(), str_buffer); return str_buffer; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Xcddb::queryCDinfo(CCdInfo* pInfo, int inexact_list_select) { if ( pInfo == NULL ) { m_lastError = E_PARAMETER_WRONG; return false; } uint32_t discid = pInfo->GetCddbDiscId(); //########################################################## // Compose the cddb query string std::string read_buffer = getInexactCommand(inexact_list_select); if (read_buffer.empty()) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo_inexact_list_select Size of inexact_list_select are 0"); m_lastError = E_PARAMETER_WRONG; return false; } //########################################################## // Read the data from cddb Recv(false); // Clear pending data on our connection if (!Send(read_buffer.c_str())) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo_inexact_list_select Error sending \"{}\"", read_buffer); CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo_inexact_list_select pInfo == NULL"); m_lastError = E_NETWORK_ERROR_SEND; return false; } std::string recv_buffer = Recv(true); m_lastError = atoi(recv_buffer.c_str()); switch(m_lastError) { case 210: //OK, CDDB database entry follows (until terminating marker) // Cool, I got it ;-) writeCacheFile( recv_buffer.c_str(), discid ); parseData(recv_buffer.c_str()); break; case 401: //Specified CDDB entry not found. case 402: //Server error. case 403: //Database entry is corrupt. case 409: //No handshake. default: CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo_inexact_list_select Error: \"{}\"", recv_buffer); return false; } //########################################################## // Quit if ( ! Send("quit") ) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo_inexact_list_select Error sending \"{}\"", "quit"); m_lastError = E_NETWORK_ERROR_SEND; return false; } recv_buffer = Recv(false); m_lastError = atoi(recv_buffer.c_str()); switch(m_lastError) { case 0: //By some reason, also 0 is a valid value. This is not documented, and might depend on that no string was found and atoi then returns 0 case 230: //Closing connection. Goodbye. break; case 530: //error, closing connection. default: CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo_inexact_list_select Error: \"{}\"", recv_buffer); return false; } //########################################################## // Close connection if ( !closeSocket() ) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo_inexact_list_select Error closing socket"); m_lastError = E_NETWORK_ERROR_SEND; return false; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Xcddb::getLastError() const { return m_lastError; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *Xcddb::getLastErrorText() const { switch (getLastError()) { case E_TOC_INCORRECT: return "TOC Incorrect"; break; case E_NETWORK_ERROR_OPEN_SOCKET: return "Error open Socket"; break; case E_NETWORK_ERROR_SEND: return "Error send PDU"; break; case E_WAIT_FOR_INPUT: return "Wait for Input"; break; case E_PARAMETER_WRONG: return "Error Parameter Wrong"; break; case 202: return "No match found"; case 210: return "Found exact matches, list follows (until terminating marker)"; case 211: return "Found inexact matches, list follows (until terminating marker)"; case 401: return "Specified CDDB entry not found"; case 402: return "Server error"; case 403: return "Database entry is corrupt"; case 408: return "CGI environment error"; case 409: return "No handshake"; case 431: return "Handshake not successful, closing connection"; case 432: return "No connections allowed: permission denied"; case 433: return "No connections allowed: X users allowed, Y currently active"; case 434: return "No connections allowed: system load too high"; case 500: return "Command syntax error, command unknown, command unimplemented"; case 501: return "Illegal protocol level"; case 530: return "error, closing connection, Server error, server timeout"; default: return "Unknown Error"; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Xcddb::cddb_sum(int n) { int ret; /* For backward compatibility this algorithm must not change */ ret = 0; while (n > 0) { ret = ret + (n % 10); n = n / 10; } return (ret); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32_t Xcddb::calc_disc_id(int tot_trks, toc cdtoc[]) { int i = 0, t = 0, n = 0; while (i < tot_trks) { n = n + cddb_sum((cdtoc[i].min * 60) + cdtoc[i].sec); i++; } t = ((cdtoc[tot_trks].min * 60) + cdtoc[tot_trks].sec) - ((cdtoc[0].min * 60) + cdtoc[0].sec); return ((n % 0xff) << 24 | t << 8 | tot_trks); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Xcddb::addTitle(const char *buffer) { char value[2048]; int trk_nr = 0; //TTITLEN if (buffer[7] == '=') { //Einstellig trk_nr = buffer[6] - 47; strncpy(value, buffer + 8, sizeof(value) - 1); } else if (buffer[8] == '=') { //Zweistellig trk_nr = ((buffer[6] - 48) * 10) + buffer[7] - 47; strncpy(value, buffer + 9, sizeof(value) - 1); } else if (buffer[9] == '=') { //Dreistellig trk_nr = ((buffer[6] - 48) * 100) + ((buffer[7] - 48) * 10) + buffer[8] - 47; strncpy(value, buffer + 10, sizeof(value) - 1); } else { return ; } value[sizeof(value) - 1] = '\0'; // track artist" / "track title std::vector values = StringUtils::Split(value, " / "); if (values.size() > 1) { g_charsetConverter.unknownToUTF8(values[0]); m_mapArtists[trk_nr] += values[0]; g_charsetConverter.unknownToUTF8(values[1]); m_mapTitles[trk_nr] += values[1]; } else if (!values.empty()) { g_charsetConverter.unknownToUTF8(values[0]); m_mapTitles[trk_nr] += values[0]; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string& Xcddb::getInexactCommand(int select) const { typedef std::map::const_iterator iter; iter i = m_mapInexact_cddb_command_list.find(select); if (i == m_mapInexact_cddb_command_list.end()) return m_strNull; return i->second; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string& Xcddb::getInexactArtist(int select) const { typedef std::map::const_iterator iter; iter i = m_mapInexact_artist_list.find(select); if (i == m_mapInexact_artist_list.end()) return m_strNull; return i->second; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string& Xcddb::getInexactTitle(int select) const { typedef std::map::const_iterator iter; iter i = m_mapInexact_title_list.find(select); if (i == m_mapInexact_title_list.end()) return m_strNull; return i->second; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string& Xcddb::getTrackArtist(int track) const { typedef std::map::const_iterator iter; iter i = m_mapArtists.find(track); if (i == m_mapArtists.end()) return m_strNull; return i->second; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string& Xcddb::getTrackTitle(int track) const { typedef std::map::const_iterator iter; iter i = m_mapTitles.find(track); if (i == m_mapTitles.end()) return m_strNull; return i->second; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Xcddb::getDiskTitle(std::string& strdisk_title) const { strdisk_title = m_strDisk_title; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Xcddb::getDiskArtist(std::string& strdisk_artist) const { strdisk_artist = m_strDisk_artist; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Xcddb::parseData(const char *buffer) { //writeLog("parseData Start"); std::map keywords; std::list keywordsOrder; // remember order of keywords as it appears in data received from CDDB // Collect all the keywords and put them in map. // Multiple occurrences of the same keyword indicate that // the data contained on those lines should be concatenated char *line; const char trenner[3] = {'\n', '\r', '\0'}; strtok(const_cast(buffer), trenner); // skip first line while ((line = strtok(0, trenner))) { // Lines that begin with # are comments, should be ignored if (line[0] != '#') { char *s = strstr(line, "="); if (s != NULL) { std::string strKeyword(line, s - line); StringUtils::TrimRight(strKeyword); std::string strValue(s+1); StringUtils::Replace(strValue, "\\n", "\n"); StringUtils::Replace(strValue, "\\t", "\t"); StringUtils::Replace(strValue, "\\\\", "\\"); std::map::const_iterator it = keywords.find(strKeyword); if (it != keywords.end()) strValue = it->second + strValue; // keyword occurred before, concatenate else keywordsOrder.push_back(strKeyword); keywords[strKeyword] = strValue; } } } // parse keywords for (const std::string& strKeyword : keywordsOrder) { std::string strValue = keywords[strKeyword]; //! @todo STRING_CLEANUP if (strKeyword == "DTITLE") { // DTITLE may contain artist and disc title, separated with " / ", // for example: DTITLE=Modern Talking / Album: Victory (The 11th Album) bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < (int)strValue.size() - 2; i++) { if (strValue[i] == ' ' && strValue[i + 1] == '/' && strValue[i + 2] == ' ') { m_strDisk_artist = TrimToUTF8(strValue.substr(0, i)); m_strDisk_title = TrimToUTF8(strValue.substr(i+3)); found = true; break; } } if (!found) m_strDisk_title = TrimToUTF8(strValue); } else if (strKeyword == "DYEAR") m_strYear = TrimToUTF8(strValue); else if (strKeyword== "DGENRE") m_strGenre = TrimToUTF8(strValue); else if (StringUtils::StartsWith(strKeyword, "TTITLE")) addTitle((strKeyword + "=" + strValue).c_str()); else if (strKeyword == "EXTD") { const std::string& strExtd(strValue); if (m_strYear.empty()) { // Extract Year from extended info // as a fallback size_t iPos = strExtd.find("YEAR: "); if (iPos != std::string::npos) // You never know if you really get UTF-8 strings from cddb g_charsetConverter.unknownToUTF8(strExtd.substr(iPos + 6, 4), m_strYear); } if (m_strGenre.empty()) { // Extract ID3 Genre // as a fallback size_t iPos = strExtd.find("ID3G: "); if (iPos != std::string::npos) { std::string strGenre = strExtd.substr(iPos + 5, 4); StringUtils::TrimLeft(strGenre); if (StringUtils::IsNaturalNumber(strGenre)) { int iGenre = strtol(strGenre.c_str(), NULL, 10); m_strGenre = TagLib::ID3v1::genre(iGenre).to8Bit(true); } } } } else if (StringUtils::StartsWith(strKeyword, "EXTT")) addExtended((strKeyword + "=" + strValue).c_str()); } //writeLog("parseData Ende"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Xcddb::addExtended(const char *buffer) { char value[2048]; int trk_nr = 0; //TTITLEN if (buffer[5] == '=') { //Einstellig trk_nr = buffer[4] - 47; strncpy(value, buffer + 6, sizeof(value) - 1); } else if (buffer[6] == '=') { //Zweistellig trk_nr = ((buffer[4] - 48) * 10) + buffer[5] - 47; strncpy(value, buffer + 7, sizeof(value) - 1); } else if (buffer[7] == '=') { //Dreistellig trk_nr = ((buffer[4] - 48) * 100) + ((buffer[5] - 48) * 10) + buffer[6] - 47; strncpy(value, buffer + 8, sizeof(value) - 1); } else { return ; } value[sizeof(value) - 1] = '\0'; std::string strValue; std::string strValueUtf8=value; // You never know if you really get UTF-8 strings from cddb g_charsetConverter.unknownToUTF8(strValueUtf8, strValue); m_mapExtended_track[trk_nr] = strValue; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string& Xcddb::getTrackExtended(int track) const { typedef std::map::const_iterator iter; iter i = m_mapExtended_track.find(track); if (i == m_mapExtended_track.end()) return m_strNull; return i->second; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Xcddb::addInexactList(const char *list) { /* 211 Found inexact matches, list follows (until terminating `.') soundtrack bf0cf90f Modern Talking / Victory - The 11th Album rock c90cf90f Modern Talking / Album: Victory (The 11th Album) misc de0d020f Modern Talking / Ready for the victory rock e00d080f Modern Talking / Album: Victory (The 11th Album) rock c10d150f Modern Talking / Victory (The 11th Album) . */ /* m_mapInexact_cddb_command_list; m_mapInexact_artist_list; m_mapInexact_title_list; */ int start = 0; int end = 0; bool found = false; int line_counter = 0; // //writeLog("addInexactList Start"); for (unsigned int i = 0;i < strlen(list);i++) { if (list[i] == '\n') { end = i; found = true; } if (found) { if (line_counter > 0) { addInexactListLine(line_counter, list + start, end - start - 1); } start = i + 1; line_counter++; found = false; } } // //writeLog("addInexactList End"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Xcddb::addInexactListLine(int line_cnt, const char *line, int len) { // rock c90cf90f Modern Talking / Album: Victory (The 11th Album) int search4 = 0; char genre[100]; // 0 char discid[10]; // 1 char artist[1024]; // 2 char title[1024]; char cddb_command[1024]; int start = 0; // //writeLog("addInexactListLine Start"); for (int i = 0;i < len;i++) { switch (search4) { case 0: if (line[i] == ' ') { strncpy(genre, line, i); genre[i] = 0x00; search4 = 1; start = i + 1; } break; case 1: if (line[i] == ' ') { strncpy(discid, line + start, i - start); discid[i - start] = 0x00; search4 = 2; start = i + 1; } break; case 2: if (i + 2 <= len && line[i] == ' ' && line[i + 1] == '/' && line[i + 2] == ' ') { strncpy(artist, line + start, i - start); artist[i - start] = 0x00; strncpy(title, line + (i + 3), len - (i + 3)); title[len - (i + 3)] = 0x00; } break; } } sprintf(cddb_command, "cddb read %s %s", genre, discid); m_mapInexact_cddb_command_list[line_cnt] = cddb_command; std::string strArtist=artist; // You never know if you really get UTF-8 strings from cddb g_charsetConverter.unknownToUTF8(artist, strArtist); m_mapInexact_artist_list[line_cnt] = strArtist; std::string strTitle=title; // You never know if you really get UTF-8 strings from cddb g_charsetConverter.unknownToUTF8(title, strTitle); m_mapInexact_title_list[line_cnt] = strTitle; // char log_string[1024]; // sprintf(log_string,"%u: %s - %s",line_cnt,artist,title); // //writeLog(log_string); // //writeLog("addInexactListLine End"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Xcddb::setCDDBIpAddress(const std::string& ip_address) { m_cddb_ip_address = ip_address; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Xcddb::setCacheDir(const std::string& pCacheDir ) { cCacheDir = pCacheDir; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Xcddb::queryCache( uint32_t discid ) { if (cCacheDir.empty()) return false; XFILE::CFile file; if (file.Open(GetCacheFile(discid))) { // Got a cachehit char buffer[4096]; file.Read(buffer, 4096); file.Close(); parseData( buffer ); return true; } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Xcddb::writeCacheFile( const char* pBuffer, uint32_t discid ) { if (cCacheDir.empty()) return false; XFILE::CFile file; if (file.OpenForWrite(GetCacheFile(discid), true)) { const bool ret = ( (size_t) file.Write((const void*)pBuffer, strlen(pBuffer) + 1) == strlen(pBuffer) + 1); file.Close(); return ret; } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Xcddb::isCDCached( int nr_of_tracks, toc cdtoc[] ) { if (cCacheDir.empty()) return false; return XFILE::CFile::Exists(GetCacheFile(calc_disc_id(nr_of_tracks, cdtoc))); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string& Xcddb::getYear() const { return m_strYear; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string& Xcddb::getGenre() const { return m_strGenre; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Xcddb::queryCDinfo(CCdInfo* pInfo) { if ( pInfo == NULL ) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo pInfo == NULL"); m_lastError = E_PARAMETER_WRONG; return false; } int lead_out = pInfo->GetTrackCount(); int real_track_count = pInfo->GetTrackCount(); uint32_t discid = pInfo->GetCddbDiscId(); unsigned long frames[100]; //########################################################## // if ( queryCache(discid) ) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo discid [{:08x}] already cached", discid); return true; } //########################################################## // for (int i = 0;i < lead_out;i++) { frames[i] = pInfo->GetTrackInformation( i + 1 ).nFrames; if (i > 0 && frames[i] < frames[i - 1]) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo E_TOC_INCORRECT"); m_lastError = E_TOC_INCORRECT; return false; } } unsigned long complete_length = pInfo->GetDiscLength(); //########################################################## // Open socket to cddb database if ( !openSocket() ) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error opening socket"); m_lastError = E_NETWORK_ERROR_OPEN_SOCKET; return false; } std::string recv_buffer = Recv(false); m_lastError = atoi(recv_buffer.c_str()); switch(m_lastError) { case 200: //OK, read/write allowed case 201: //OK, read only break; case 432: //No connections allowed: permission denied case 433: //No connections allowed: X users allowed, Y currently active case 434: //No connections allowed: system load too high default: CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error: \"{}\"", recv_buffer); return false; } //########################################################## // Send the Hello message std::string version = CSysInfo::GetVersion(); std::string lcAppName = CCompileInfo::GetAppName(); StringUtils::ToLower(lcAppName); if (version.find(' ') != std::string::npos) version = version.substr(0, version.find(' ')); std::string strGreeting = "cddb hello " + lcAppName + " kodi.tv " + CCompileInfo::GetAppName() + " " + version; if ( ! Send(strGreeting.c_str()) ) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error sending \"{}\"", strGreeting); m_lastError = E_NETWORK_ERROR_SEND; return false; } recv_buffer = Recv(false); m_lastError = atoi(recv_buffer.c_str()); switch(m_lastError) { case 200: //Handshake successful case 402: //Already shook hands break; case 431: //Handshake not successful, closing connection default: CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error: \"{}\"", recv_buffer); return false; } //########################################################## // Set CDDB protocol-level to 5 if ( ! Send("proto 5")) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error sending \"{}\"", "proto 5"); m_lastError = E_NETWORK_ERROR_SEND; return false; } recv_buffer = Recv(false); m_lastError = atoi(recv_buffer.c_str()); switch(m_lastError) { case 200: //CDDB protocol level: current cur_level, supported supp_level case 201: //OK, protocol version now: cur_level case 502: //Protocol level already cur_level break; case 501: //Illegal protocol level. default: CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error: \"{}\"", recv_buffer); return false; } //########################################################## // Compose the cddb query string char query_buffer[1024]; strcpy(query_buffer, ""); strcat(query_buffer, "cddb query"); { char tmp_buffer[256]; sprintf(tmp_buffer, " %08x", discid); strcat(query_buffer, tmp_buffer); } { char tmp_buffer[256]; sprintf(tmp_buffer, " %i", real_track_count); strcat(query_buffer, tmp_buffer); } for (int i = 0;i < lead_out;i++) { char tmp_buffer[256]; sprintf(tmp_buffer, " %lu", frames[i]); strcat(query_buffer, tmp_buffer); } { char tmp_buffer[256]; sprintf(tmp_buffer, " %lu", complete_length); strcat(query_buffer, tmp_buffer); } //########################################################## // Query for matches if ( ! Send(query_buffer)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error sending \"{}\"", query_buffer); m_lastError = E_NETWORK_ERROR_SEND; return false; } // 200 rock d012180e Soundtrack / Hackers std::string read_buffer; recv_buffer = Recv(false); m_lastError = atoi(recv_buffer.c_str()); switch(m_lastError) { case 200: //Found exact match strtok(const_cast(recv_buffer.c_str()), " "); read_buffer = StringUtils::Format("cddb read {} {:08x}", strtok(NULL, " "), discid); break; case 210: //Found exact matches, list follows (until terminating marker) case 211: //Found inexact matches, list follows (until terminating marker) /* soundtrack bf0cf90f Modern Talking / Victory - The 11th Album rock c90cf90f Modern Talking / Album: Victory (The 11th Album) misc de0d020f Modern Talking / Ready for the victory rock e00d080f Modern Talking / Album: Victory (The 11th Album) rock c10d150f Modern Talking / Victory (The 11th Album) . */ recv_buffer += Recv(true); addInexactList(recv_buffer.c_str()); m_lastError=E_WAIT_FOR_INPUT; return false; //This is actually good. The calling method will handle this case 202: //No match found CLog::Log( LOGINFO, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo No match found in CDDB database when doing the query shown below:\n{}", query_buffer); [[fallthrough]]; case 403: //Database entry is corrupt case 409: //No handshake default: CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error: \"{}\"", recv_buffer); return false; } //########################################################## // Read the data from cddb if ( !Send(read_buffer.c_str()) ) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error sending \"{}\"", read_buffer); m_lastError = E_NETWORK_ERROR_SEND; return false; } recv_buffer = Recv(true); m_lastError = atoi(recv_buffer.c_str()); switch(m_lastError) { case 210: //OK, CDDB database entry follows (until terminating marker) // Cool, I got it ;-) writeCacheFile( recv_buffer.c_str(), discid ); parseData(recv_buffer.c_str()); break; case 401: //Specified CDDB entry not found. case 402: //Server error. case 403: //Database entry is corrupt. case 409: //No handshake. default: CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error: \"{}\"", recv_buffer); return false; } //########################################################## // Quit if ( ! Send("quit") ) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error sending \"{}\"", "quit"); m_lastError = E_NETWORK_ERROR_SEND; return false; } recv_buffer = Recv(false); m_lastError = atoi(recv_buffer.c_str()); switch(m_lastError) { case 0: //By some reason, also 0 is a valid value. This is not documented, and might depend on that no string was found and atoi then returns 0 case 230: //Closing connection. Goodbye. break; case 530: //error, closing connection. default: CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error: \"{}\"", recv_buffer); return false; } //########################################################## // Close connection if ( !closeSocket() ) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Xcddb::queryCDinfo Error closing socket"); m_lastError = E_NETWORK_ERROR_SEND; return false; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Xcddb::isCDCached( CCdInfo* pInfo ) { if (cCacheDir.empty()) return false; if ( pInfo == NULL ) return false; return XFILE::CFile::Exists(GetCacheFile(pInfo->GetCddbDiscId())); } std::string Xcddb::GetCacheFile(uint32_t disc_id) const { std::string strFileName; strFileName = StringUtils::Format("{:x}.cddb", disc_id); return URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(cCacheDir, strFileName); } std::string Xcddb::TrimToUTF8(const std::string &untrimmedText) { std::string text(untrimmedText); StringUtils::Trim(text); // You never know if you really get UTF-8 strings from cddb g_charsetConverter.unknownToUTF8(text); return text; }