/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Team Kodi * This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * See LICENSES/README.md for more information. */ #include "UPnPInternal.h" #include "FileItem.h" #include "ServiceBroker.h" #include "TextureDatabase.h" #include "ThumbLoader.h" #include "UPnPServer.h" #include "URL.h" #include "Util.h" #include "filesystem/MusicDatabaseDirectory.h" #include "filesystem/StackDirectory.h" #include "filesystem/VideoDatabaseDirectory.h" #include "music/tags/MusicInfoTag.h" #include "settings/AdvancedSettings.h" #include "settings/Settings.h" #include "settings/SettingsComponent.h" #include "settings/lib/Setting.h" #include "utils/ContentUtils.h" #include "utils/LangCodeExpander.h" #include "utils/StringUtils.h" #include "utils/URIUtils.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "video/VideoInfoTag.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace MUSIC_INFO; using namespace XFILE; namespace UPNP { // the original version of content type here,eg: text/srt,which was defined 10 years ago (year 2013,commit 56519bec #L1158-L1161 ) // is not a standard mime type. according to the specs of UPNP // http://upnp.org/specs/av/UPnP-av-ConnectionManager-v3-Service.pdf chapter "A.1.1 ProtocolInfo Definition" // "The part for HTTP GET is described by a MIME type RFC https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1341.txt" // all the pre-defined "text/*" MIME by IANA is here https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml#text // there is not any subtitle MIME for now (year 2022), we used to use text/srt|ssa|sub|idx, but, // kodi support SUP subtitle now, and SUP subtitle is not really a text(see below), to keep it // compatible, we suggest only to match the extension // // main purpose of this array is to share supported real subtitle formats when kodi act as a UPNP // server or UPNP/DLNA media render constexpr std::array SupportedSubFormats = { "txt", "srt", "ssa", "ass", "sub", "smi", "vtt", // "sup" subtitle is not a real TEXT, // and there is no real STD subtitle RFC of DLNA, // so we only match the extension of the "fake" content type "sup", "idx"}; // Map defining extensions for mimetypes not available in Platinum mimetype map // or that the application wants to override. These definitions take precedence // over all other possible mime type definitions. constexpr NPT_HttpFileRequestHandler_DefaultFileTypeMapEntry kodiPlatinumMimeTypeExtensions[] = { {"m2ts", "video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts"}}; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | GetClientQuirks +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ EClientQuirks GetClientQuirks(const PLT_HttpRequestContext* context) { if(context == NULL) return ECLIENTQUIRKS_NONE; unsigned int quirks = 0; const NPT_String* user_agent = context->GetRequest().GetHeaders().GetHeaderValue(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT); const NPT_String* server = context->GetRequest().GetHeaders().GetHeaderValue(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_SERVER); if (user_agent) { if (user_agent->Find("XBox", 0, true) >= 0 || user_agent->Find("Xenon", 0, true) >= 0) quirks |= ECLIENTQUIRKS_ONLYSTORAGEFOLDER | ECLIENTQUIRKS_BASICVIDEOCLASS; if (user_agent->Find("Windows-Media-Player", 0, true) >= 0) quirks |= ECLIENTQUIRKS_UNKNOWNSERIES; } if (server) { if (server->Find("Xbox", 0, true) >= 0) quirks |= ECLIENTQUIRKS_ONLYSTORAGEFOLDER | ECLIENTQUIRKS_BASICVIDEOCLASS; } return (EClientQuirks)quirks; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | GetMediaControllerQuirks +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ EMediaControllerQuirks GetMediaControllerQuirks(const PLT_DeviceData *device) { if (device == NULL) return EMEDIACONTROLLERQUIRKS_NONE; unsigned int quirks = 0; if (device->m_Manufacturer.Find("Samsung Electronics") >= 0) quirks |= EMEDIACONTROLLERQUIRKS_X_MKV; return (EMediaControllerQuirks)quirks; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | GetMimeType +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NPT_String GetMimeType(const char* filename, const PLT_HttpRequestContext* context /* = NULL */) { NPT_String ext = URIUtils::GetExtension(filename).c_str(); ext.TrimLeft('.'); ext = ext.ToLowercase(); return PLT_MimeType::GetMimeTypeFromExtension(ext, context); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | GetMimeType +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NPT_String GetMimeType(const CFileItem& item, const PLT_HttpRequestContext* context /* = NULL */) { std::string path = item.GetPath(); if (item.HasVideoInfoTag() && !item.GetVideoInfoTag()->GetPath().empty()) { path = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->GetPath(); } else if (item.HasMusicInfoTag() && !item.GetMusicInfoTag()->GetURL().empty()) { path = item.GetMusicInfoTag()->GetURL(); } if (URIUtils::IsStack(path)) path = XFILE::CStackDirectory::GetFirstStackedFile(path); NPT_String ext = URIUtils::GetExtension(path).c_str(); ext.TrimLeft('.'); ext = ext.ToLowercase(); NPT_String mime; if (!ext.IsEmpty()) { /* We look first to our extensions/overrides of libplatinum mimetypes. If not found, fallback to Platinum definitions. */ const auto kodiOverrideMimeType = std::find_if( std::begin(kodiPlatinumMimeTypeExtensions), std::end(kodiPlatinumMimeTypeExtensions), [&](const auto& mimeTypeEntry) { return mimeTypeEntry.extension == ext; }); if (kodiOverrideMimeType != std::end(kodiPlatinumMimeTypeExtensions)) { mime = kodiOverrideMimeType->mime_type; } else { /* Give priority to Platinum mime types as they are defined to map extension to DLNA compliant mime types or custom types according to context (who asked for it) */ mime = PLT_MimeType::GetMimeTypeFromExtension(ext, context); if (mime == "application/octet-stream") { mime = ""; } } } /* if Platinum couldn't map it, default to Kodi internal mapping */ if (mime.IsEmpty()) { NPT_String mime = item.GetMimeType().c_str(); if (mime == "application/octet-stream") mime = ""; } /* fallback to generic mime type if not found */ if (mime.IsEmpty()) { if (item.IsVideo() || item.IsVideoDb() ) mime = "video/" + ext; else if (item.IsAudio() || item.IsMusicDb() ) mime = "audio/" + ext; else if (item.IsPicture() ) mime = "image/" + ext; else if (item.IsSubtitle()) mime = "text/" + ext; } /* nothing we can figure out */ if (mime.IsEmpty()) { mime = "application/octet-stream"; } return mime; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | GetProtocolInfo +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const NPT_String GetProtocolInfo(const CFileItem& item, const char* protocol, const PLT_HttpRequestContext* context /* = NULL */) { NPT_String proto = protocol; //! @todo fixup the protocol just in case nothing was passed if (proto.IsEmpty()) { proto = item.GetURL().GetProtocol().c_str(); } /** * map protocol to right prefix and use xbmc-get for * unsupported UPnP protocols for other xbmc clients * @todo add rtsp ? */ if (proto == "http") { proto = "http-get"; } else { proto = "xbmc-get"; } /* we need a valid extension to retrieve the mimetype for the protocol info */ NPT_String mime = GetMimeType(item, context); proto += ":*:" + mime + ":" + PLT_ProtocolInfo::GetDlnaExtension(mime, context); return proto; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | CResourceFinder +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CResourceFinder::CResourceFinder(const char* protocol, const char* content) : m_Protocol(protocol) , m_Content(content) { } bool CResourceFinder::operator()(const PLT_MediaItemResource& resource) const { if (m_Content.IsEmpty()) return (resource.m_ProtocolInfo.GetProtocol().Compare(m_Protocol, true) == 0); else return ((resource.m_ProtocolInfo.GetProtocol().Compare(m_Protocol, true) == 0) && resource.m_ProtocolInfo.GetContentType().StartsWith(m_Content, true)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | PopulateObjectFromTag +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NPT_Result PopulateObjectFromTag(CMusicInfoTag& tag, PLT_MediaObject& object, NPT_String* file_path, PLT_MediaItemResource* resource, EClientQuirks quirks, UPnPService service /* = UPnPServiceNone */) { if (!tag.GetURL().empty() && file_path) *file_path = tag.GetURL().c_str(); std::vector genres = tag.GetGenre(); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < genres.size(); index++) object.m_Affiliation.genres.Add(genres.at(index).c_str()); object.m_Title = tag.GetTitle().c_str(); object.m_Affiliation.album = tag.GetAlbum().c_str(); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < tag.GetArtist().size(); index++) { object.m_People.artists.Add(tag.GetArtist().at(index).c_str()); object.m_People.artists.Add(tag.GetArtist().at(index).c_str(), "Performer"); } object.m_People.artists.Add((!tag.GetAlbumArtistString().empty() ? tag.GetAlbumArtistString() : tag.GetArtistString()).c_str(), "AlbumArtist"); if(tag.GetAlbumArtistString().empty()) object.m_Creator = tag.GetArtistString().c_str(); else object.m_Creator = tag.GetAlbumArtistString().c_str(); object.m_MiscInfo.original_track_number = tag.GetTrackNumber(); if(tag.GetDatabaseId() >= 0) { object.m_ReferenceID = NPT_String::Format("musicdb://songs/%i%s", tag.GetDatabaseId(), URIUtils::GetExtension(tag.GetURL()).c_str()); } if (object.m_ReferenceID == object.m_ObjectID) object.m_ReferenceID = ""; object.m_MiscInfo.last_time = tag.GetLastPlayed().GetAsW3CDateTime().c_str(); object.m_MiscInfo.play_count = tag.GetPlayCount(); if (resource) resource->m_Duration = tag.GetDuration(); return NPT_SUCCESS; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | PopulateObjectFromTag +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NPT_Result PopulateObjectFromTag(CVideoInfoTag& tag, PLT_MediaObject& object, NPT_String* file_path, PLT_MediaItemResource* resource, EClientQuirks quirks, UPnPService service /* = UPnPServiceNone */) { if (!tag.m_strFileNameAndPath.empty() && file_path) *file_path = tag.m_strFileNameAndPath.c_str(); if (tag.m_iDbId != -1 ) { if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeMusicVideo) { object.m_ObjectClass.type = "object.item.videoItem.musicVideoClip"; object.m_Creator = StringUtils::Join(tag.m_artist, CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_videoItemSeparator).c_str(); for (const auto& itArtist : tag.m_artist) object.m_People.artists.Add(itArtist.c_str()); object.m_Affiliation.album = tag.m_strAlbum.c_str(); object.m_Title = tag.m_strTitle.c_str(); object.m_Date = tag.GetPremiered().GetAsW3CDate().c_str(); object.m_ReferenceID = NPT_String::Format("videodb://musicvideos/titles/%i", tag.m_iDbId); } else if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeMovie) { object.m_ObjectClass.type = "object.item.videoItem.movie"; object.m_Title = tag.m_strTitle.c_str(); object.m_Date = tag.GetPremiered().GetAsW3CDate().c_str(); object.m_ReferenceID = NPT_String::Format("videodb://movies/titles/%i", tag.m_iDbId); } else { object.m_Recorded.series_title = tag.m_strShowTitle.c_str(); if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeTvShow) { object.m_ObjectClass.type = "object.container.album.videoAlbum.videoBroadcastShow"; object.m_Title = tag.m_strTitle.c_str(); object.m_Recorded.episode_number = tag.m_iEpisode; object.m_Recorded.episode_count = tag.m_iEpisode; if (!tag.m_premiered.IsValid() && tag.GetYear() > 0) object.m_Date = CDateTime(tag.GetYear(), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).GetAsW3CDate().c_str(); else object.m_Date = tag.m_premiered.GetAsW3CDate().c_str(); object.m_ReferenceID = NPT_String::Format("videodb://tvshows/titles/%i", tag.m_iDbId); } else if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeSeason) { object.m_ObjectClass.type = "object.container.album.videoAlbum.videoBroadcastSeason"; object.m_Title = tag.m_strTitle.c_str(); object.m_Recorded.episode_season = tag.m_iSeason; object.m_Recorded.episode_count = tag.m_iEpisode; if (!tag.m_premiered.IsValid() && tag.GetYear() > 0) object.m_Date = CDateTime(tag.GetYear(), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).GetAsW3CDate().c_str(); else object.m_Date = tag.m_premiered.GetAsW3CDate().c_str(); object.m_ReferenceID = NPT_String::Format("videodb://tvshows/titles/%i/%i", tag.m_iIdShow, tag.m_iSeason); } else { object.m_ObjectClass.type = "object.item.videoItem.videoBroadcast"; object.m_Recorded.program_title = "S" + ("0" + NPT_String::FromInteger(tag.m_iSeason)).Right(2); object.m_Recorded.program_title += "E" + ("0" + NPT_String::FromInteger(tag.m_iEpisode)).Right(2); object.m_Recorded.program_title += (" : " + tag.m_strTitle).c_str(); object.m_Recorded.episode_number = tag.m_iEpisode; object.m_Recorded.episode_season = tag.m_iSeason; object.m_Title = object.m_Recorded.series_title + " - " + object.m_Recorded.program_title; object.m_ReferenceID = NPT_String::Format("videodb://tvshows/titles/%i/%i/%i", tag.m_iIdShow, tag.m_iSeason, tag.m_iDbId); object.m_Date = tag.m_firstAired.GetAsW3CDate().c_str(); } } } if(quirks & ECLIENTQUIRKS_BASICVIDEOCLASS) object.m_ObjectClass.type = "object.item.videoItem"; if(object.m_ReferenceID == object.m_ObjectID) object.m_ReferenceID = ""; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < tag.m_studio.size(); index++) object.m_People.publisher.Add(tag.m_studio[index].c_str()); object.m_XbmcInfo.date_added = tag.m_dateAdded.GetAsW3CDate().c_str(); object.m_XbmcInfo.rating = tag.GetRating().rating; object.m_XbmcInfo.votes = tag.GetRating().votes; object.m_XbmcInfo.unique_identifier = tag.GetUniqueID().c_str(); for (const auto& country : tag.m_country) object.m_XbmcInfo.countries.Add(country.c_str()); object.m_XbmcInfo.user_rating = tag.m_iUserRating; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < tag.m_genre.size(); index++) object.m_Affiliation.genres.Add(tag.m_genre.at(index).c_str()); for (CVideoInfoTag::iCast it = tag.m_cast.begin(); it != tag.m_cast.end(); ++it) { object.m_People.actors.Add(it->strName.c_str(), it->strRole.c_str()); } for (unsigned int index = 0; index < tag.m_director.size(); index++) object.m_People.directors.Add(tag.m_director[index].c_str()); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < tag.m_writingCredits.size(); index++) object.m_People.authors.Add(tag.m_writingCredits[index].c_str()); object.m_Description.description = tag.m_strTagLine.c_str(); object.m_Description.long_description = tag.m_strPlot.c_str(); object.m_Description.rating = tag.m_strMPAARating.c_str(); object.m_MiscInfo.last_position = (NPT_UInt32)tag.GetResumePoint().timeInSeconds; object.m_XbmcInfo.last_playerstate = tag.GetResumePoint().playerState.c_str(); object.m_MiscInfo.last_time = tag.m_lastPlayed.GetAsW3CDateTime().c_str(); object.m_MiscInfo.play_count = tag.GetPlayCount(); if (resource) { resource->m_Duration = tag.GetDuration(); if (tag.HasStreamDetails()) { const CStreamDetails &details = tag.m_streamDetails; resource->m_Resolution = NPT_String::FromInteger(details.GetVideoWidth()) + "x" + NPT_String::FromInteger(details.GetVideoHeight()); resource->m_NbAudioChannels = details.GetAudioChannels(); } } return NPT_SUCCESS; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | BuildObject +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PLT_MediaObject* BuildObject(CFileItem& item, NPT_String& file_path, bool with_count, NPT_Reference& thumb_loader, const PLT_HttpRequestContext* context /* = NULL */, CUPnPServer* upnp_server /* = NULL */, UPnPService upnp_service /* = UPnPServiceNone */) { static Logger logger = CServiceBroker::GetLogging().GetLogger("UPNP::BuildObject"); PLT_MediaItemResource resource; PLT_MediaObject* object = NULL; std::string thumb; logger->debug("Building didl for object '{}'", item.GetPath()); auto settingsComponent = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent(); if (!settingsComponent) return nullptr; auto settings = settingsComponent->GetSettings(); if (!settings) return nullptr; EClientQuirks quirks = GetClientQuirks(context); // get list of ip addresses NPT_List ips; NPT_HttpUrl rooturi; NPT_CHECK_LABEL(PLT_UPnPMessageHelper::GetIPAddresses(ips), failure); // if we're passed an interface where we received the request from // move the ip to the top if (context && context->GetLocalAddress().GetIpAddress().ToString() != "") { rooturi = NPT_HttpUrl(context->GetLocalAddress().GetIpAddress().ToString(), context->GetLocalAddress().GetPort(), "/"); ips.Remove(context->GetLocalAddress().GetIpAddress()); ips.Insert(ips.GetFirstItem(), context->GetLocalAddress().GetIpAddress()); } else if(upnp_server) { rooturi = NPT_HttpUrl("localhost", upnp_server->GetPort(), "/"); } if (!item.m_bIsFolder) { object = new PLT_MediaItem(); object->m_ObjectID = item.GetPath().c_str(); /* Setup object type */ if (item.IsMusicDb() || item.IsAudio()) { object->m_ObjectClass.type = "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack"; if (item.HasMusicInfoTag()) { CMusicInfoTag *tag = item.GetMusicInfoTag(); PopulateObjectFromTag(*tag, *object, &file_path, &resource, quirks, upnp_service); } } else if (item.IsVideoDb() || item.IsVideo()) { object->m_ObjectClass.type = "object.item.videoItem"; if(quirks & ECLIENTQUIRKS_UNKNOWNSERIES) object->m_Affiliation.album = "[Unknown Series]"; if (item.HasVideoInfoTag()) { CVideoInfoTag *tag = item.GetVideoInfoTag(); PopulateObjectFromTag(*tag, *object, &file_path, &resource, quirks, upnp_service); } } else if (item.IsPicture()) { object->m_ObjectClass.type = "object.item.imageItem.photo"; } else { object->m_ObjectClass.type = "object.item"; } // duration of zero is invalid if (resource.m_Duration == 0) resource.m_Duration = -1; // Set the resource file size resource.m_Size = item.m_dwSize; if(resource.m_Size == 0) resource.m_Size = (NPT_LargeSize)-1; // set date if (object->m_Date.IsEmpty() && item.m_dateTime.IsValid()) { object->m_Date = item.m_dateTime.GetAsW3CDate().c_str(); } if (upnp_server) { upnp_server->AddSafeResourceUri(object, rooturi, ips, file_path, GetProtocolInfo(item, "http", context)); } // if the item is remote, add a direct link to the item if (URIUtils::IsRemote((const char*)file_path)) { resource.m_ProtocolInfo = PLT_ProtocolInfo(GetProtocolInfo(item, item.GetURL().GetProtocol().c_str(), context)); resource.m_Uri = file_path; // if the direct link can be served directly using http, then push it in front // otherwise keep the xbmc-get resource last and let a compatible client look for it if (resource.m_ProtocolInfo.ToString().StartsWith("xbmc", true)) { object->m_Resources.Add(resource); } else { object->m_Resources.Insert(object->m_Resources.GetFirstItem(), resource); } } // copy across the known metadata for(unsigned i=0; im_Resources.GetItemCount(); i++) { object->m_Resources[i].m_Size = resource.m_Size; object->m_Resources[i].m_Duration = resource.m_Duration; object->m_Resources[i].m_Resolution = resource.m_Resolution; } // Some upnp clients expect all audio items to have parent root id 4 #ifdef WMP_ID_MAPPING object->m_ParentID = "4"; #endif } else { PLT_MediaContainer* container = new PLT_MediaContainer; object = container; /* Assign a title and id for this container */ container->m_ObjectID = item.GetPath().c_str(); container->m_ObjectClass.type = "object.container"; container->m_ChildrenCount = -1; /* this might be overkill, but hey */ if (item.IsMusicDb()) { MUSICDATABASEDIRECTORY::NODE_TYPE node = CMusicDatabaseDirectory::GetDirectoryType(item.GetPath()); switch(node) { case MUSICDATABASEDIRECTORY::NODE_TYPE_ARTIST: { container->m_ObjectClass.type += ".person.musicArtist"; CMusicInfoTag *tag = item.GetMusicInfoTag(); if (tag) { container->m_People.artists.Add( CorrectAllItemsSortHack(tag->GetArtistString()).c_str(), "Performer"); container->m_People.artists.Add( CorrectAllItemsSortHack((!tag->GetAlbumArtistString().empty() ? tag->GetAlbumArtistString() : tag->GetArtistString())).c_str(), "AlbumArtist"); } #ifdef WMP_ID_MAPPING // Some upnp clients expect all artists to have parent root id 107 container->m_ParentID = "107"; #endif } break; case MUSICDATABASEDIRECTORY::NODE_TYPE_ALBUM: case MUSICDATABASEDIRECTORY::NODE_TYPE_ALBUM_RECENTLY_ADDED: { container->m_ObjectClass.type += ".album.musicAlbum"; // for Sonos to be happy CMusicInfoTag *tag = item.GetMusicInfoTag(); if (tag) { container->m_People.artists.Add( CorrectAllItemsSortHack(tag->GetArtistString()).c_str(), "Performer"); container->m_People.artists.Add( CorrectAllItemsSortHack(!tag->GetAlbumArtistString().empty() ? tag->GetAlbumArtistString() : tag->GetArtistString()).c_str(), "AlbumArtist"); container->m_Affiliation.album = CorrectAllItemsSortHack(tag->GetAlbum()).c_str(); } #ifdef WMP_ID_MAPPING // Some upnp clients expect all albums to have parent root id 7 container->m_ParentID = "7"; #endif } break; case MUSICDATABASEDIRECTORY::NODE_TYPE_GENRE: container->m_ObjectClass.type += ".genre.musicGenre"; break; default: break; } } else if (item.IsVideoDb()) { VIDEODATABASEDIRECTORY::NODE_TYPE node = CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetDirectoryType(item.GetPath()); CVideoInfoTag &tag = *item.GetVideoInfoTag(); switch(node) { case VIDEODATABASEDIRECTORY::NODE_TYPE_GENRE: container->m_ObjectClass.type += ".genre.movieGenre"; break; case VIDEODATABASEDIRECTORY::NODE_TYPE_ACTOR: container->m_ObjectClass.type += ".person.videoArtist"; container->m_Creator = StringUtils::Join( tag.m_artist, settingsComponent->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_videoItemSeparator) .c_str(); container->m_Title = tag.m_strTitle.c_str(); break; case VIDEODATABASEDIRECTORY::NODE_TYPE_SEASONS: container->m_ObjectClass.type += ".album.videoAlbum.videoBroadcastSeason"; if (item.HasVideoInfoTag()) { CVideoInfoTag *tag = (CVideoInfoTag*)item.GetVideoInfoTag(); PopulateObjectFromTag(*tag, *container, &file_path, &resource, quirks); } break; case VIDEODATABASEDIRECTORY::NODE_TYPE_TITLE_TVSHOWS: container->m_ObjectClass.type += ".album.videoAlbum.videoBroadcastShow"; if (item.HasVideoInfoTag()) { CVideoInfoTag *tag = (CVideoInfoTag*)item.GetVideoInfoTag(); PopulateObjectFromTag(*tag, *container, &file_path, &resource, quirks); } break; default: container->m_ObjectClass.type += ".storageFolder"; break; } } else if (item.IsPlayList() || item.IsSmartPlayList()) { container->m_ObjectClass.type += ".playlistContainer"; } if(quirks & ECLIENTQUIRKS_ONLYSTORAGEFOLDER) { container->m_ObjectClass.type = "object.container.storageFolder"; } /* Get the number of children for this container */ if (with_count && upnp_server) { if (object->m_ObjectID.StartsWith("virtualpath://")) { NPT_LargeSize count = 0; NPT_CHECK_LABEL(NPT_File::GetSize(file_path, count), failure); container->m_ChildrenCount = (NPT_Int32)count; } else { /* this should be a standard path */ //! @todo - get file count of this directory } } } // set a title for the object if (object->m_Title.IsEmpty()) { if (!item.GetLabel().empty()) { std::string title = item.GetLabel(); if (item.IsPlayList() || !item.m_bIsFolder) URIUtils::RemoveExtension(title); object->m_Title = title.c_str(); } } if (upnp_server) { // determine the correct artwork for this item if (!thumb_loader.IsNull()) thumb_loader->LoadItem(&item); // we have to decide the best art type to serve to the client - use ContentUtils // to get it since it depends on the mediatype of the item being served thumb = ContentUtils::GetPreferredArtImage(item); if (!thumb.empty()) { PLT_AlbumArtInfo art; // Set DLNA profileID by extension, defaulting to JPEG. if (URIUtils::HasExtension(thumb, ".png")) { art.dlna_profile = "PNG_TN"; } else { art.dlna_profile = "JPEG_TN"; } // append /thumb to the safe resource uri to avoid clients flagging the item with // the incorrect mimetype (derived from the file extension) art.uri = upnp_server->BuildSafeResourceUri( rooturi, (*ips.GetFirstItem()).ToString(), std::string(CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(thumb) + "/thumb").c_str()); object->m_ExtraInfo.album_arts.Add(art); } for (const auto& itArtwork : item.GetArt()) { if (!itArtwork.first.empty() && !itArtwork.second.empty()) { std::string wrappedUrl = CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(itArtwork.second); object->m_XbmcInfo.artwork.Add( itArtwork.first.c_str(), upnp_server->BuildSafeResourceUri(rooturi, (*ips.GetFirstItem()).ToString(), wrappedUrl.c_str())); upnp_server->AddSafeResourceUri(object, rooturi, ips, wrappedUrl.c_str(), ("xbmc.org:*:" + itArtwork.first + ":*").c_str()); } } } // look for and add external subtitle if we are processing a video file and // we are being called by a UPnP player or renderer or the user has chosen // to look for external subtitles if (upnp_server != NULL && item.IsVideo() && (upnp_service == UPnPPlayer || upnp_service == UPnPRenderer || settings->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_SERVICES_UPNPLOOKFOREXTERNALSUBTITLES))) { // find any available external subtitles std::vector filenames; std::vector subtitles; CUtil::ScanForExternalSubtitles(file_path.GetChars(), filenames); std::string ext; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++) { ext = URIUtils::GetExtension(filenames[i]).c_str(); ext = ext.substr(1); std::transform(ext.begin(), ext.end(), ext.begin(), ::tolower); /* Hardcoded check for extension is not the best way, but it can't be allowed to pass all subtitle extension (ex. rar or zip). There are the most popular extensions support by UPnP devices.*/ for (std::string_view type : SupportedSubFormats) { if (type == ext) { subtitles.push_back(filenames[i]); } } } std::string subtitlePath; if (subtitles.size() == 1) { subtitlePath = subtitles[0]; } else if (!subtitles.empty()) { std::string preferredLanguage{"en"}; /* trying to find subtitle with preferred language settings */ auto setting = settings->GetSetting("locale.subtitlelanguage"); if (!setting) CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Failed to load setting for: {}", "locale.subtitlelanguage"); else preferredLanguage = setting->ToString(); std::string preferredLanguageCode; g_LangCodeExpander.ConvertToISO6392B(preferredLanguage, preferredLanguageCode); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < subtitles.size(); i++) { ExternalStreamInfo info = CUtil::GetExternalStreamDetailsFromFilename(file_path.GetChars(), subtitles[i]); if (preferredLanguageCode == info.language) { subtitlePath = subtitles[i]; break; } } /* if not found subtitle with preferred language, get the first one */ if (subtitlePath.empty()) { subtitlePath = subtitles[0]; } } if (!subtitlePath.empty()) { /* subtitles are added as 2 resources, 2 sec resources and 1 addon to video resource, to be compatible with the most of the devices; all UPnP devices take the last one it could handle, and skip ones it doesn't "understand" */ // add subtitle resource with standard protocolInfo NPT_String protocolInfo = GetProtocolInfo(CFileItem(subtitlePath, false), "http", context); upnp_server->AddSafeResourceUri(object, rooturi, ips, NPT_String(subtitlePath.c_str()), protocolInfo); // add subtitle resource with smi/caption protocol info (some devices) PLT_ProtocolInfo protInfo = PLT_ProtocolInfo(protocolInfo); protocolInfo = protInfo.GetProtocol() + ":" + protInfo.GetMask() + ":smi/caption:" + protInfo.GetExtra(); upnp_server->AddSafeResourceUri(object, rooturi, ips, NPT_String(subtitlePath.c_str()), protocolInfo); ext = URIUtils::GetExtension(subtitlePath).c_str(); ext = ext.substr(1); std::transform(ext.begin(), ext.end(), ext.begin(), ::tolower); NPT_String subtitle_uri = object->m_Resources[object->m_Resources.GetItemCount() - 1].m_Uri; // add subtitle to video resource (the first one) (for some devices) object->m_Resources[0].m_CustomData["xmlns:pv"] = "http://www.pv.com/pvns/"; object->m_Resources[0].m_CustomData["pv:subtitleFileUri"] = subtitle_uri; object->m_Resources[0].m_CustomData["pv:subtitleFileType"] = ext.c_str(); // for samsung devices PLT_SecResource sec_res; sec_res.name = "CaptionInfoEx"; sec_res.value = subtitle_uri; sec_res.attributes["type"] = ext.c_str(); object->m_SecResources.Add(sec_res); sec_res.name = "CaptionInfo"; object->m_SecResources.Add(sec_res); // adding subtitle uri for movie md5, for later use in http response NPT_String movie_md5 = object->m_Resources[0].m_Uri; movie_md5 = movie_md5.Right(movie_md5.GetLength() - movie_md5.Find("/%25/") - 5); upnp_server->AddSubtitleUriForSecResponse(movie_md5, subtitle_uri); } } return object; failure: delete object; return NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | CUPnPServer::CorrectAllItemsSortHack +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const std::string& CorrectAllItemsSortHack(const std::string &item) { // This is required as in order for the "* All Albums" etc. items to sort // correctly, they must have fake artist/album etc. information generated. // This looks nasty if we attempt to render it to the GUI, thus this (further) // workaround if ((item.size() == 1 && item[0] == 0x01) || (item.size() > 1 && ((unsigned char) item[1]) == 0xff)) return StringUtils::Empty; return item; } int PopulateTagFromObject(CMusicInfoTag& tag, PLT_MediaObject& object, PLT_MediaItemResource* resource /* = NULL */, UPnPService service /* = UPnPServiceNone */) { tag.SetTitle((const char*)object.m_Title); tag.SetArtist((const char*)object.m_Creator); for(PLT_PersonRoles::Iterator it = object.m_People.artists.GetFirstItem(); it; it++) { if (it->role == "") tag.SetArtist((const char*)it->name); else if(it->role == "Performer") tag.SetArtist((const char*)it->name); else if(it->role == "AlbumArtist") tag.SetAlbumArtist((const char*)it->name); } tag.SetTrackNumber(object.m_MiscInfo.original_track_number); for (NPT_List::Iterator it = object.m_Affiliation.genres.GetFirstItem(); it; it++) { // ignore single "Unknown" genre inserted by Platinum if (it == object.m_Affiliation.genres.GetFirstItem() && object.m_Affiliation.genres.GetItemCount() == 1 && *it == "Unknown") break; tag.SetGenre((const char*) *it); } tag.SetAlbum((const char*)object.m_Affiliation.album); CDateTime last; last.SetFromW3CDateTime((const char*)object.m_MiscInfo.last_time); tag.SetLastPlayed(last); tag.SetPlayCount(object.m_MiscInfo.play_count); if(resource) tag.SetDuration(resource->m_Duration); tag.SetLoaded(); return NPT_SUCCESS; } int PopulateTagFromObject(CVideoInfoTag& tag, PLT_MediaObject& object, PLT_MediaItemResource* resource /* = NULL */, UPnPService service /* = UPnPServiceNone */) { CDateTime date; date.SetFromW3CDate((const char*)object.m_Date); if(!object.m_Recorded.program_title.IsEmpty() || object.m_ObjectClass.type == "object.item.videoItem.videoBroadcast") { tag.m_type = MediaTypeEpisode; tag.m_strShowTitle = object.m_Recorded.series_title; if (date.IsValid()) tag.m_firstAired = date; int title = object.m_Recorded.program_title.Find(" : "); if (title >= 0) tag.m_strTitle = object.m_Recorded.program_title.SubString(title + 3); else tag.m_strTitle = object.m_Recorded.program_title; int episode; int season; if (object.m_Recorded.episode_number > 0 && object.m_Recorded.episode_season < (NPT_UInt32)-1) { tag.m_iEpisode = object.m_Recorded.episode_number; tag.m_iSeason = object.m_Recorded.episode_season; } else if(sscanf(object.m_Recorded.program_title, "S%2dE%2d", &season, &episode) == 2 && title >= 0) { tag.m_iEpisode = episode; tag.m_iSeason = season; } else { tag.m_iSeason = object.m_Recorded.episode_number / 100; tag.m_iEpisode = object.m_Recorded.episode_number % 100; } } else { tag.m_strTitle = object.m_Title; if (date.IsValid()) tag.m_premiered = date; if (!object.m_Recorded.series_title.IsEmpty()) { if (object.m_ObjectClass.type == "object.container.album.videoAlbum.videoBroadcastSeason") { tag.m_type = MediaTypeSeason; tag.m_iSeason = object.m_Recorded.episode_season; tag.m_strShowTitle = object.m_Recorded.series_title; } else { tag.m_type = MediaTypeTvShow; tag.m_strShowTitle = object.m_Title; } if (object.m_Recorded.episode_count > 0) tag.m_iEpisode = object.m_Recorded.episode_count; else tag.m_iEpisode = object.m_Recorded.episode_number; } else if(object.m_ObjectClass.type == "object.item.videoItem.musicVideoClip") { tag.m_type = MediaTypeMusicVideo; if (object.m_People.artists.GetItemCount() > 0) { for (unsigned int index = 0; index < object.m_People.artists.GetItemCount(); index++) tag.m_artist.emplace_back(object.m_People.artists.GetItem(index)->name.GetChars()); } else if (!object.m_Creator.IsEmpty() && object.m_Creator != "Unknown") tag.m_artist = StringUtils::Split(object.m_Creator.GetChars(), CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_videoItemSeparator); tag.m_strAlbum = object.m_Affiliation.album; } else tag.m_type = MediaTypeMovie; tag.m_strTitle = object.m_Title; if (date.IsValid()) tag.SetPremiered(date); } for (unsigned int index = 0; index < object.m_People.publisher.GetItemCount(); index++) tag.m_studio.emplace_back(object.m_People.publisher.GetItem(index)->GetChars()); tag.m_dateAdded.SetFromW3CDate((const char*)object.m_XbmcInfo.date_added); tag.SetRating(object.m_XbmcInfo.rating, object.m_XbmcInfo.votes); tag.SetUniqueID(object.m_XbmcInfo.unique_identifier.GetChars()); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < object.m_XbmcInfo.countries.GetItemCount(); index++) tag.m_country.emplace_back(object.m_XbmcInfo.countries.GetItem(index)->GetChars()); tag.m_iUserRating = object.m_XbmcInfo.user_rating; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < object.m_Affiliation.genres.GetItemCount(); index++) { // ignore single "Unknown" genre inserted by Platinum if (index == 0 && object.m_Affiliation.genres.GetItemCount() == 1 && *object.m_Affiliation.genres.GetItem(index) == "Unknown") break; tag.m_genre.emplace_back(object.m_Affiliation.genres.GetItem(index)->GetChars()); } for (unsigned int index = 0; index < object.m_People.directors.GetItemCount(); index++) tag.m_director.emplace_back(object.m_People.directors.GetItem(index)->name.GetChars()); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < object.m_People.authors.GetItemCount(); index++) tag.m_writingCredits.emplace_back(object.m_People.authors.GetItem(index)->name.GetChars()); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < object.m_People.actors.GetItemCount(); index++) { SActorInfo info; info.strName = object.m_People.actors.GetItem(index)->name; info.strRole = object.m_People.actors.GetItem(index)->role; tag.m_cast.push_back(info); } tag.m_strTagLine = object.m_Description.description; tag.m_strPlot = object.m_Description.long_description; tag.m_strMPAARating = object.m_Description.rating; tag.m_strShowTitle = object.m_Recorded.series_title; tag.m_lastPlayed.SetFromW3CDateTime((const char*)object.m_MiscInfo.last_time); tag.SetPlayCount(object.m_MiscInfo.play_count); if(resource) { if (resource->m_Duration) tag.SetDuration(resource->m_Duration); if (object.m_MiscInfo.last_position > 0 ) { tag.SetResumePoint(object.m_MiscInfo.last_position, resource->m_Duration, object.m_XbmcInfo.last_playerstate.GetChars()); } if (!resource->m_Resolution.IsEmpty()) { int width, height; if (sscanf(resource->m_Resolution, "%dx%d", &width, &height) == 2) { CStreamDetailVideo* detail = new CStreamDetailVideo; detail->m_iWidth = width; detail->m_iHeight = height; detail->m_iDuration = tag.GetDuration(); tag.m_streamDetails.AddStream(detail); } } if (resource->m_NbAudioChannels > 0) { CStreamDetailAudio* detail = new CStreamDetailAudio; detail->m_iChannels = resource->m_NbAudioChannels; tag.m_streamDetails.AddStream(detail); } } return NPT_SUCCESS; } std::shared_ptr BuildObject(PLT_MediaObject* entry, UPnPService upnp_service /* = UPnPServiceNone */) { NPT_String ObjectClass = entry->m_ObjectClass.type.ToLowercase(); CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem((const char*)entry->m_Title)); pItem->SetLabelPreformatted(true); pItem->m_strTitle = (const char*)entry->m_Title; pItem->m_bIsFolder = entry->IsContainer(); // if it's a container, format a string as upnp://uuid/object_id if (pItem->m_bIsFolder) { // look for metadata if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.container.album.videoalbum") ) { pItem->SetLabelPreformatted(false); UPNP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetVideoInfoTag(), *entry, NULL, upnp_service); } else if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.container.album.photoalbum")) { //CPictureInfoTag* tag = pItem->GetPictureInfoTag(); } else if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.container.album") ) { pItem->SetLabelPreformatted(false); UPNP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetMusicInfoTag(), *entry, NULL, upnp_service); } } else { bool audio = false , image = false , video = false; // set a general content type const char* content = NULL; if (ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.videoitem")) { pItem->SetMimeType("video/octet-stream"); content = "video"; video = true; } else if(ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.audioitem")) { pItem->SetMimeType("audio/octet-stream"); content = "audio"; audio = true; } else if(ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.imageitem")) { pItem->SetMimeType("image/octet-stream"); content = "image"; image = true; } // attempt to find a valid resource (may be multiple) PLT_MediaItemResource resource, *res = NULL; if(NPT_SUCCEEDED(NPT_ContainerFind(entry->m_Resources, CResourceFinder("http-get", content), resource))) { // set metadata if (resource.m_Size != (NPT_LargeSize)-1) { pItem->m_dwSize = resource.m_Size; } res = &resource; } // look for metadata if(video) { pItem->SetLabelPreformatted(false); UPNP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetVideoInfoTag(), *entry, res, upnp_service); } else if(audio) { pItem->SetLabelPreformatted(false); UPNP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetMusicInfoTag(), *entry, res, upnp_service); } else if(image) { //! @todo fill pictureinfotag? GetResource(entry, *pItem); } } // look for date? if(entry->m_Description.date.GetLength()) { KODI::TIME::SystemTime time = {}; sscanf(entry->m_Description.date, "%hu-%hu-%huT%hu:%hu:%hu", &time.year, &time.month, &time.day, &time.hour, &time.minute, &time.second); pItem->m_dateTime = time; } // if there is a thumbnail available set it here if(entry->m_ExtraInfo.album_arts.GetItem(0)) // only considers first album art pItem->SetArt("thumb", (const char*) entry->m_ExtraInfo.album_arts.GetItem(0)->uri); else if(entry->m_Description.icon_uri.GetLength()) pItem->SetArt("thumb", (const char*) entry->m_Description.icon_uri); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < entry->m_XbmcInfo.artwork.GetItemCount(); index++) pItem->SetArt(entry->m_XbmcInfo.artwork.GetItem(index)->type.GetChars(), entry->m_XbmcInfo.artwork.GetItem(index)->url.GetChars()); // set the watched overlay, as this will not be set later due to // content set on file item list if (pItem->HasVideoInfoTag()) { int episodes = pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_iEpisode; int played = pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->GetPlayCount(); const std::string& type = pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type; bool watched(false); if (type == MediaTypeTvShow || type == MediaTypeSeason) { pItem->SetProperty("totalepisodes", episodes); pItem->SetProperty("numepisodes", episodes); pItem->SetProperty("watchedepisodes", played); pItem->SetProperty("unwatchedepisodes", episodes - played); pItem->SetProperty("watchedepisodepercent", episodes > 0 ? played * 100 / episodes : 0); watched = (episodes && played >= episodes); pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->SetPlayCount(watched ? 1 : 0); } else if (type == MediaTypeEpisode || type == MediaTypeMovie) watched = (played > 0); pItem->SetOverlayImage(CGUIListItem::ICON_OVERLAY_UNWATCHED, watched); } return pItem; } struct ResourcePrioritySort { explicit ResourcePrioritySort(const PLT_MediaObject* entry) { if (entry->m_ObjectClass.type.StartsWith("object.item.audioItem")) m_content = "audio"; else if (entry->m_ObjectClass.type.StartsWith("object.item.imageItem")) m_content = "image"; else if (entry->m_ObjectClass.type.StartsWith("object.item.videoItem")) m_content = "video"; } int GetPriority(const PLT_MediaItemResource& res) const { int prio = 0; if (m_content != "" && res.m_ProtocolInfo.GetContentType().StartsWith(m_content)) prio += 400; NPT_Url url(res.m_Uri); if (URIUtils::IsHostOnLAN((const char*)url.GetHost(), false)) prio += 300; if (res.m_ProtocolInfo.GetProtocol() == "xbmc-get") prio += 200; else if (res.m_ProtocolInfo.GetProtocol() == "http-get") prio += 100; return prio; } int operator()(const PLT_MediaItemResource& lh, const PLT_MediaItemResource& rh) const { if(GetPriority(lh) < GetPriority(rh)) return 1; else return 0; } NPT_String m_content; }; bool GetResource(const PLT_MediaObject* entry, CFileItem& item) { static Logger logger = CServiceBroker::GetLogging().GetLogger("CUPnPDirectory::GetResource"); PLT_MediaItemResource resource; // store original path so we remember it item.SetProperty("original_listitem_url", item.GetPath()); item.SetProperty("original_listitem_mime", item.GetMimeType()); // get a sorted list based on our preference NPT_List sorted; for (NPT_Cardinal i = 0; i < entry->m_Resources.GetItemCount(); ++i) { sorted.Add(entry->m_Resources[i]); } sorted.Sort(ResourcePrioritySort(entry)); if(sorted.GetItemCount() == 0) return false; resource = *sorted.GetFirstItem(); // if it's an item, path is the first url to the item // we hope the server made the first one reachable for us // (it could be a format we dont know how to play however) item.SetDynPath((const char*) resource.m_Uri); // look for content type in protocol info if (resource.m_ProtocolInfo.IsValid()) { logger->debug("resource protocol info '{}'", (const char*)(resource.m_ProtocolInfo.ToString())); if (resource.m_ProtocolInfo.GetContentType().Compare("application/octet-stream") != 0) { item.SetMimeType((const char*)resource.m_ProtocolInfo.GetContentType()); } // if this is an image fill the thumb of the item if (StringUtils::StartsWithNoCase(resource.m_ProtocolInfo.GetContentType(), "image")) { item.SetArt("thumb", std::string(resource.m_Uri)); } } else { logger->error("invalid protocol info '{}'", (const char*)(resource.m_ProtocolInfo.ToString())); } // look for subtitles unsigned subIdx = 0; for(unsigned r = 0; r < entry->m_Resources.GetItemCount(); r++) { const PLT_MediaItemResource& res = entry->m_Resources[r]; const PLT_ProtocolInfo& info = res.m_ProtocolInfo; for (std::string_view type : SupportedSubFormats) { if (type == info.GetContentType().Split("/").GetLastItem()->GetChars()) { ++subIdx; logger->info("adding subtitle: #{}, type '{}', URI '{}'", subIdx, type, res.m_Uri.GetChars()); std::string prop = StringUtils::Format("subtitle:{}", subIdx); item.SetProperty(prop, (const char*)res.m_Uri); } } } return true; } std::shared_ptr GetFileItem(const NPT_String& uri, const NPT_String& meta) { PLT_MediaObjectListReference list; PLT_MediaObject* object = NULL; CFileItemPtr item; if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(PLT_Didl::FromDidl(meta, list))) { list->Get(0, object); } if (object) { item = BuildObject(object); } if (item) { item->SetPath((const char*)uri); GetResource(object, *item); } else { item.reset(new CFileItem((const char*)uri, false)); } return item; } } /* namespace UPNP */