/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi * This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * See LICENSES/README.md for more information. */ #include "VideoThumbLoader.h" #include "FileItem.h" #include "GUIUserMessages.h" #include "ServiceBroker.h" #include "TextureCache.h" #include "URL.h" #include "cores/VideoPlayer/DVDFileInfo.h" #include "cores/VideoSettings.h" #include "filesystem/Directory.h" #include "filesystem/DirectoryCache.h" #include "filesystem/StackDirectory.h" #include "guilib/GUIComponent.h" #include "guilib/GUIWindowManager.h" #include "guilib/StereoscopicsManager.h" #include "music/MusicDatabase.h" #include "music/tags/MusicInfoTag.h" #include "settings/AdvancedSettings.h" #include "settings/SettingUtils.h" #include "settings/Settings.h" #include "settings/SettingsComponent.h" #include "utils/EmbeddedArt.h" #include "utils/StringUtils.h" #include "utils/URIUtils.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "video/VideoDatabase.h" #include "video/VideoInfoTag.h" #include "video/tags/VideoInfoTagLoaderFactory.h" #include #include #include using namespace XFILE; using namespace VIDEO; CThumbExtractor::CThumbExtractor(const CFileItem& item, const std::string& listpath, bool thumb, const std::string& target, int64_t pos, bool fillStreamDetails) : m_target(target), m_listpath(listpath), m_item(item) { m_thumb = thumb; m_pos = pos; m_fillStreamDetails = fillStreamDetails; if (item.IsVideoDb() && item.HasVideoInfoTag()) m_item.SetPath(item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath); if (m_item.IsStack()) m_item.SetPath(CStackDirectory::GetFirstStackedFile(m_item.GetPath())); } CThumbExtractor::~CThumbExtractor() = default; bool CThumbExtractor::operator==(const CJob* job) const { if (strcmp(job->GetType(),GetType()) == 0) { const CThumbExtractor* jobExtract = dynamic_cast(job); if (jobExtract && jobExtract->m_listpath == m_listpath && jobExtract->m_target == m_target) return true; } return false; } bool CThumbExtractor::DoWork() { if (m_item.IsLiveTV() // Due to a pvr addon api design flaw (no support for multiple concurrent streams // per addon instance), pvr recording thumbnail extraction does not work (reliably). || URIUtils::IsPVRRecording(m_item.GetDynPath()) || URIUtils::IsUPnP(m_item.GetPath()) || URIUtils::IsBluray(m_item.GetPath()) || URIUtils::IsPlugin(m_item.GetDynPath()) // plugin path not fully resolved || m_item.IsBDFile() || m_item.IsDVD() || m_item.IsDiscImage() || m_item.IsDVDFile(false, true) || m_item.IsInternetStream() || m_item.IsDiscStub() || m_item.IsPlayList()) return false; // For HTTP/FTP we only allow extraction when on a LAN if (URIUtils::IsRemote(m_item.GetPath()) && !URIUtils::IsOnLAN(m_item.GetPath()) && (URIUtils::IsFTP(m_item.GetPath()) || URIUtils::IsHTTP(m_item.GetPath()))) return false; bool result=false; if (m_thumb) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} - trying to extract thumb from video file {}", __FUNCTION__, CURL::GetRedacted(m_item.GetPath())); // construct the thumb cache file CTextureDetails details; details.file = CTextureCache::GetCacheFile(m_target) + ".jpg"; result = CDVDFileInfo::ExtractThumb(m_item, details, m_fillStreamDetails ? &m_item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_streamDetails : nullptr, m_pos); if (result) { CServiceBroker::GetTextureCache()->AddCachedTexture(m_target, details); m_item.SetProperty("HasAutoThumb", true); m_item.SetProperty("AutoThumbImage", m_target); m_item.SetArt("thumb", m_target); CVideoInfoTag* info = m_item.GetVideoInfoTag(); if (info->m_iDbId > 0 && !info->m_type.empty()) { CVideoDatabase db; if (db.Open()) { db.SetArtForItem(info->m_iDbId, info->m_type, "thumb", m_item.GetArt("thumb")); db.Close(); } } } } else if (!m_item.IsPlugin() && (!m_item.HasVideoInfoTag() || !m_item.GetVideoInfoTag()->HasStreamDetails())) { // No tag or no details set, so extract them CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "{} - trying to extract filestream details from video file {}", __FUNCTION__, CURL::GetRedacted(m_item.GetPath())); result = CDVDFileInfo::GetFileStreamDetails(&m_item); } if (result) { CVideoInfoTag* info = m_item.GetVideoInfoTag(); CVideoDatabase db; if (db.Open()) { if (URIUtils::IsStack(m_listpath)) { // Don't know the total time of the stack, so set duration to zero to avoid confusion info->m_streamDetails.SetVideoDuration(0, 0); // Restore original stack path m_item.SetPath(m_listpath); } db.BeginTransaction(); if (info->m_iFileId < 0) db.SetStreamDetailsForFile(info->m_streamDetails, !info->m_strFileNameAndPath.empty() ? info->m_strFileNameAndPath : m_item.GetPath()); else db.SetStreamDetailsForFileId(info->m_streamDetails, info->m_iFileId); // overwrite the runtime value if the one from streamdetails is available if (info->m_iDbId > 0 && info->GetStaticDuration() != info->GetDuration()) { info->SetDuration(info->GetDuration()); // store the updated information in the database db.SetDetailsForItem(info->m_iDbId, info->m_type, *info, m_item.GetArt()); } db.CommitTransaction(); db.Close(); } return true; } return false; } CVideoThumbLoader::CVideoThumbLoader() : CThumbLoader(), CJobQueue(true, 1, CJob::PRIORITY_LOW_PAUSABLE) { m_videoDatabase = new CVideoDatabase(); } CVideoThumbLoader::~CVideoThumbLoader() { StopThread(); delete m_videoDatabase; } void CVideoThumbLoader::OnLoaderStart() { m_videoDatabase->Open(); m_artCache.clear(); CThumbLoader::OnLoaderStart(); } void CVideoThumbLoader::OnLoaderFinish() { m_videoDatabase->Close(); m_artCache.clear(); CThumbLoader::OnLoaderFinish(); } static void SetupRarOptions(CFileItem& item, const std::string& path) { std::string path2(path); if (item.IsVideoDb() && item.HasVideoInfoTag()) path2 = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath; CURL url(path2); std::string opts = url.GetOptions(); if (opts.find("flags") != std::string::npos) return; if (opts.size()) opts += "&flags=8"; else opts = "?flags=8"; url.SetOptions(opts); if (item.IsVideoDb() && item.HasVideoInfoTag()) item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath = url.Get(); else item.SetPath(url.Get()); g_directoryCache.ClearDirectory(url.GetWithoutFilename()); } namespace { std::vector GetSettingListAsString(const std::string& settingID) { std::vector values = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetList(settingID); std::vector result; std::transform(values.begin(), values.end(), std::back_inserter(result), [](const CVariant& s) { return s.asString(); }); return result; } const std::map> artTypeDefaults = { {MediaTypeEpisode, {"thumb"}}, {MediaTypeTvShow, {"poster", "fanart", "banner"}}, {MediaTypeSeason, {"poster", "fanart", "banner"}}, {MediaTypeMovie, {"poster", "fanart"}}, {MediaTypeVideoCollection, {"poster", "fanart"}}, {MediaTypeMusicVideo, {"poster", "fanart"}}, {MediaTypeNone, { "poster", "fanart", "banner", "thumb" }}, }; const std::vector artTypeDefaultsFallback = {}; const std::vector& GetArtTypeDefault(const std::string& mediaType) { auto defaults = artTypeDefaults.find(mediaType); if (defaults != artTypeDefaults.end()) return defaults->second; return artTypeDefaultsFallback; } const std::map artTypeSettings = { {MediaTypeEpisode, CSettings::SETTING_VIDEOLIBRARY_EPISODEART_WHITELIST}, {MediaTypeTvShow, CSettings::SETTING_VIDEOLIBRARY_TVSHOWART_WHITELIST}, {MediaTypeSeason, CSettings::SETTING_VIDEOLIBRARY_TVSHOWART_WHITELIST}, {MediaTypeMovie, CSettings::SETTING_VIDEOLIBRARY_MOVIEART_WHITELIST}, {MediaTypeVideoCollection, CSettings::SETTING_VIDEOLIBRARY_MOVIEART_WHITELIST}, {MediaTypeMusicVideo, CSettings::SETTING_VIDEOLIBRARY_MUSICVIDEOART_WHITELIST}, }; } // namespace std::vector CVideoThumbLoader::GetArtTypes(const std::string &type) { int artworkLevel = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings()->GetInt( CSettings::SETTING_VIDEOLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL); if (artworkLevel == CSettings::VIDEOLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL_NONE) { return {}; } std::vector result = GetArtTypeDefault(type); if (artworkLevel != CSettings::VIDEOLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL_CUSTOM) { return result; } auto settings = artTypeSettings.find(type); if (settings == artTypeSettings.end()) return result; for (auto& artType : GetSettingListAsString(settings->second)) { if (find(result.begin(), result.end(), artType) == result.end()) result.push_back(artType); } return result; } bool CVideoThumbLoader::IsValidArtType(const std::string& potentialArtType) { return !potentialArtType.empty() && potentialArtType.length() <= 25 && std::find_if_not( potentialArtType.begin(), potentialArtType.end(), StringUtils::isasciialphanum ) == potentialArtType.end(); } bool CVideoThumbLoader::IsArtTypeInWhitelist(const std::string& artType, const std::vector& whitelist, bool exact) { // whitelist contains art "families", 'fanart' also matches 'fanart1', 'fanart2', and so on std::string compareArtType = artType; if (!exact) StringUtils::TrimRight(compareArtType, "0123456789"); return std::find(whitelist.begin(), whitelist.end(), compareArtType) != whitelist.end(); } /** * Look for a thumbnail for pItem. If one does not exist, look for an autogenerated * thumbnail. If that does not exist, attempt to autogenerate one. Finally, check * for the existence of fanart and set properties accordingly. * @return: true if pItem has been modified */ bool CVideoThumbLoader::LoadItem(CFileItem* pItem) { bool result = LoadItemCached(pItem); result |= LoadItemLookup(pItem); return result; } bool CVideoThumbLoader::LoadItemCached(CFileItem* pItem) { if (pItem->m_bIsShareOrDrive || pItem->IsParentFolder()) return false; m_videoDatabase->Open(); if (!pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() || !pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->HasStreamDetails()) // no stream details { if ((pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() && pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_iFileId >= 0) // file (or maybe folder) is in the database || (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsVideo())) // Some other video file for which we haven't yet got any database details { if (m_videoDatabase->GetStreamDetails(*pItem)) pItem->SetInvalid(); } } // video db items normally have info in the database if (pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() && !pItem->GetProperty("libraryartfilled").asBoolean()) { FillLibraryArt(*pItem); if (!pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type.empty() && pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeMovie && pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeTvShow && pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeEpisode && pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeMusicVideo) { m_videoDatabase->Close(); return true; // nothing else to be done } } // if we have no art, look for it all std::map artwork = pItem->GetArt(); if (artwork.empty()) { std::vector artTypes = GetArtTypes(pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() ? pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type : ""); if (find(artTypes.begin(), artTypes.end(), "thumb") == artTypes.end()) artTypes.emplace_back("thumb"); // always look for "thumb" art for files for (std::vector::const_iterator i = artTypes.begin(); i != artTypes.end(); ++i) { std::string type = *i; std::string art = GetCachedImage(*pItem, type); if (!art.empty()) artwork.insert(std::make_pair(type, art)); } pItem->AppendArt(artwork); } m_videoDatabase->Close(); return true; } bool CVideoThumbLoader::LoadItemLookup(CFileItem* pItem) { if (pItem->m_bIsShareOrDrive || pItem->IsParentFolder() || pItem->GetPath() == "add") return false; if (pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() && !pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type.empty() && pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeMovie && pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeTvShow && pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeEpisode && pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type != MediaTypeMusicVideo) return false; // Nothing to do here DetectAndAddMissingItemData(*pItem); m_videoDatabase->Open(); std::map artwork = pItem->GetArt(); std::vector artTypes = GetArtTypes(pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() ? pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_type : ""); if (find(artTypes.begin(), artTypes.end(), "thumb") == artTypes.end()) artTypes.emplace_back("thumb"); // always look for "thumb" art for files for (std::vector::const_iterator i = artTypes.begin(); i != artTypes.end(); ++i) { std::string type = *i; if (!pItem->HasArt(type)) { std::string art = GetLocalArt(*pItem, type, type=="fanart"); if (!art.empty()) // cache it { SetCachedImage(*pItem, type, art); CServiceBroker::GetTextureCache()->BackgroundCacheImage(art); artwork.insert(std::make_pair(type, art)); } else { // If nothing was found, try embedded art if (pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() && !pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_coverArt.empty()) { for (auto& it : pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->m_coverArt) { if (it.m_type == type) { art = CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(pItem->GetPath(), "video_" + type); artwork.insert(std::make_pair(type, art)); } } } } } } pItem->AppendArt(artwork); // We can only extract flags/thumbs for file-like items if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && pItem->IsVideo()) { // An auto-generated thumb may have been cached on a different device - check we have it here std::string url = pItem->GetArt("thumb"); if (StringUtils::StartsWith(url, "image://video@") && !CServiceBroker::GetTextureCache()->HasCachedImage(url)) pItem->SetArt("thumb", ""); const std::shared_ptr settings = CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetSettings(); if (!pItem->HasArt("thumb")) { // create unique thumb for auto generated thumbs std::string thumbURL = GetEmbeddedThumbURL(*pItem); if (CServiceBroker::GetTextureCache()->HasCachedImage(thumbURL)) { CServiceBroker::GetTextureCache()->BackgroundCacheImage(thumbURL); pItem->SetProperty("HasAutoThumb", true); pItem->SetProperty("AutoThumbImage", thumbURL); pItem->SetArt("thumb", thumbURL); if (pItem->HasVideoInfoTag()) { // Item has cached autogen image but no art entry. Save it to db. CVideoInfoTag* info = pItem->GetVideoInfoTag(); if (info->m_iDbId > 0 && !info->m_type.empty()) m_videoDatabase->SetArtForItem(info->m_iDbId, info->m_type, "thumb", thumbURL); } } else if (settings->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_MYVIDEOS_EXTRACTTHUMB) && settings->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_MYVIDEOS_EXTRACTFLAGS) && settings->GetInt(CSettings::SETTING_VIDEOLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL) != CSettings::VIDEOLIBRARY_ARTWORK_LEVEL_NONE) { CFileItem item(*pItem); std::string path(item.GetPath()); if (URIUtils::IsInRAR(item.GetPath())) SetupRarOptions(item,path); CThumbExtractor* extract = new CThumbExtractor(item, path, true, thumbURL); AddJob(extract); m_videoDatabase->Close(); return true; } } // flag extraction if (settings->GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_MYVIDEOS_EXTRACTFLAGS) && (!pItem->HasVideoInfoTag() || !pItem->GetVideoInfoTag()->HasStreamDetails() ) ) { CFileItem item(*pItem); std::string path(item.GetPath()); if (URIUtils::IsInRAR(item.GetPath())) SetupRarOptions(item,path); CThumbExtractor* extract = new CThumbExtractor(item,path,false); AddJob(extract); } } m_videoDatabase->Close(); return true; } bool CVideoThumbLoader::FillLibraryArt(CFileItem &item) { CVideoInfoTag &tag = *item.GetVideoInfoTag(); std::map artwork; // Video item can be an album - either a // a) search result with full details including music library album id, or // b) musicvideo album that needs matching to a music album, storing id as well as fetch art. if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeAlbum) { int idAlbum = -1; if (item.HasMusicInfoTag()) // Album is a search result idAlbum = item.GetMusicInfoTag()->GetAlbumId(); CMusicDatabase database; database.Open(); if (idAlbum < 0 && !tag.m_strAlbum.empty() && item.GetProperty("musicvideomediatype") == MediaTypeAlbum) { // Musicvideo album - try to match album in music db on artist(s) and album name. // Get review if available and save the matching music library album id. std::string strArtist = StringUtils::Join( tag.m_artist, CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_videoItemSeparator); std::string strReview; if (database.GetMatchingMusicVideoAlbum( tag.m_strAlbum, strArtist, idAlbum, strReview)) { item.SetProperty("album_musicid", idAlbum); item.SetProperty("album_description", strReview); } } // Get album art only (not related artist art) if (database.GetArtForItem(idAlbum, MediaTypeAlbum, artwork)) item.SetArt(artwork); database.Close(); } else if (tag.m_type == "actor" && !tag.m_artist.empty() && item.GetProperty("musicvideomediatype") == MediaTypeArtist) { // Try to match artist in music db on name, get bio if available and fetch artist art // Save the matching music library artist id. CMusicDatabase database; database.Open(); CArtist artist; int idArtist = database.GetArtistByName(tag.m_artist[0]); if (idArtist > 0) { database.GetArtist(idArtist, artist); tag.m_strPlot = artist.strBiography; item.SetProperty("artist_musicid", idArtist); } if (database.GetArtForItem(idArtist, MediaTypeArtist, artwork)) item.SetArt(artwork); database.Close(); } if (tag.m_iDbId > -1 && !tag.m_type.empty()) { m_videoDatabase->Open(); if (m_videoDatabase->GetArtForItem(tag.m_iDbId, tag.m_type, artwork)) item.AppendArt(artwork); else if (tag.m_type == "actor" && !tag.m_artist.empty() && item.GetProperty("musicvideomediatype") != MediaTypeArtist) { // Fallback to music library for actors without art //! @todo Is m_artist set other than musicvideo? Remove this fallback if not. CMusicDatabase database; database.Open(); int idArtist = database.GetArtistByName(item.GetLabel()); if (database.GetArtForItem(idArtist, MediaTypeArtist, artwork)) item.SetArt(artwork); database.Close(); } if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeEpisode || tag.m_type == MediaTypeSeason) { // For episodes and seasons, we want to set fanart for that of the show if (!item.HasArt("tvshow.fanart") && tag.m_iIdShow >= 0) { const ArtMap& artmap = GetArtFromCache(MediaTypeTvShow, tag.m_iIdShow); if (!artmap.empty()) { item.AppendArt(artmap, MediaTypeTvShow); item.SetArtFallback("fanart", "tvshow.fanart"); item.SetArtFallback("tvshow.thumb", "tvshow.poster"); } } if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeEpisode && !item.HasArt("season.poster") && tag.m_iSeason > -1) { const ArtMap& artmap = GetArtFromCache(MediaTypeSeason, tag.m_iIdSeason); if (!artmap.empty()) item.AppendArt(artmap, MediaTypeSeason); } } else if (tag.m_type == MediaTypeMovie && tag.m_set.id >= 0 && !item.HasArt("set.fanart")) { const ArtMap& artmap = GetArtFromCache(MediaTypeVideoCollection, tag.m_set.id); if (!artmap.empty()) item.AppendArt(artmap, MediaTypeVideoCollection); } m_videoDatabase->Close(); } item.SetProperty("libraryartfilled", true); return !item.GetArt().empty(); } bool CVideoThumbLoader::FillThumb(CFileItem &item) { if (item.HasArt("thumb")) return true; std::string thumb = GetCachedImage(item, "thumb"); if (thumb.empty()) { thumb = GetLocalArt(item, "thumb"); if (!thumb.empty()) SetCachedImage(item, "thumb", thumb); } if (!thumb.empty()) item.SetArt("thumb", thumb); else { // If nothing was found, try embedded art if (item.HasVideoInfoTag() && !item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_coverArt.empty()) { for (auto& it : item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_coverArt) { if (it.m_type == "thumb") { thumb = CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(item.GetPath(), "video_" + it.m_type); item.SetArt(it.m_type, thumb); } } } } return !thumb.empty(); } std::string CVideoThumbLoader::GetLocalArt(const CFileItem &item, const std::string &type, bool checkFolder) { if (item.SkipLocalArt()) return ""; /* Cache directory for (sub) folders with Curl("streamed") filesystems. We need to do this else entering (new) directories from the app thread becomes much slower. This is caused by the fact that Curl Stat/Exist() is really slow and that the thumbloader thread accesses the streamed filesystem at the same time as the app thread and the latter has to wait for it. */ if (item.m_bIsFolder && (item.IsStreamedFilesystem() || CServiceBroker::GetSettingsComponent()->GetAdvancedSettings()->m_cacheBufferMode == CACHE_BUFFER_MODE_ALL)) { CFileItemList items; // Dummy list CDirectory::GetDirectory(item.GetPath(), items, "", DIR_FLAG_NO_FILE_DIRS | DIR_FLAG_READ_CACHE | DIR_FLAG_NO_FILE_INFO); } std::string art; if (!type.empty()) { art = item.FindLocalArt(type + ".jpg", checkFolder); if (art.empty()) art = item.FindLocalArt(type + ".png", checkFolder); } if (art.empty() && (type.empty() || type == "thumb")) { // backward compatibility art = item.FindLocalArt("", false); if (art.empty() && (checkFolder || (item.m_bIsFolder && !item.IsFileFolder()) || item.IsOpticalMediaFile())) { // try movie.tbn art = item.FindLocalArt("movie.tbn", true); if (art.empty()) // try folder.jpg art = item.FindLocalArt("folder.jpg", true); } } return art; } std::string CVideoThumbLoader::GetEmbeddedThumbURL(const CFileItem &item) { std::string path(item.GetPath()); if (item.IsVideoDb() && item.HasVideoInfoTag()) path = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath; if (URIUtils::IsStack(path)) path = CStackDirectory::GetFirstStackedFile(path); return CTextureUtils::GetWrappedImageURL(path, "video"); } bool CVideoThumbLoader::GetEmbeddedThumb(const std::string& path, const std::string& type, EmbeddedArt& art) { CFileItem item(path, false); std::unique_ptr pLoader; pLoader.reset(CVideoInfoTagLoaderFactory::CreateLoader(item,ADDON::ScraperPtr(),false)); CVideoInfoTag tag; std::vector artv; if (pLoader) pLoader->Load(tag, false, &artv); for (const EmbeddedArt& it : artv) { if (it.m_type == type) { art = it; break; } } return !art.Empty(); } void CVideoThumbLoader::OnJobComplete(unsigned int jobID, bool success, CJob* job) { if (success) { CThumbExtractor* loader = static_cast(job); loader->m_item.SetPath(loader->m_listpath); if (m_pObserver) m_pObserver->OnItemLoaded(&loader->m_item); CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem(loader->m_item)); CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_NOTIFY_ALL, 0, 0, GUI_MSG_UPDATE_ITEM, 0, pItem); CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().SendThreadMessage(msg); } CJobQueue::OnJobComplete(jobID, success, job); } void CVideoThumbLoader::DetectAndAddMissingItemData(CFileItem &item) { if (item.m_bIsFolder) return; if (item.HasVideoInfoTag()) { CStreamDetails& details = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_streamDetails; // add audio language properties for (int i = 1; i <= details.GetAudioStreamCount(); i++) { std::string index = std::to_string(i); item.SetProperty("AudioChannels." + index, details.GetAudioChannels(i)); item.SetProperty("AudioCodec." + index, details.GetAudioCodec(i).c_str()); item.SetProperty("AudioLanguage." + index, details.GetAudioLanguage(i).c_str()); } // add subtitle language properties for (int i = 1; i <= details.GetSubtitleStreamCount(); i++) { std::string index = std::to_string(i); item.SetProperty("SubtitleLanguage." + index, details.GetSubtitleLanguage(i).c_str()); } } const CStereoscopicsManager &stereoscopicsManager = CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetStereoscopicsManager(); std::string stereoMode; // detect stereomode for videos if (item.HasVideoInfoTag()) stereoMode = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->m_streamDetails.GetStereoMode(); if (stereoMode.empty()) { std::string path = item.GetPath(); if (item.IsVideoDb() && item.HasVideoInfoTag()) path = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->GetPath(); // check for custom stereomode setting in video settings CVideoSettings itemVideoSettings; m_videoDatabase->Open(); if (m_videoDatabase->GetVideoSettings(item, itemVideoSettings) && itemVideoSettings.m_StereoMode != RENDER_STEREO_MODE_OFF) { stereoMode = CStereoscopicsManager::ConvertGuiStereoModeToString(static_cast(itemVideoSettings.m_StereoMode)); } m_videoDatabase->Close(); // still empty, try grabbing from filename //! @todo in case of too many false positives due to using the full path, extract the filename only using string utils if (stereoMode.empty()) stereoMode = stereoscopicsManager.DetectStereoModeByString(path); } if (!stereoMode.empty()) item.SetProperty("stereomode", CStereoscopicsManager::NormalizeStereoMode(stereoMode)); } const ArtMap& CVideoThumbLoader::GetArtFromCache(const std::string &mediaType, const int id) { std::pair key = std::make_pair(mediaType, id); auto it = m_artCache.find(key); if (it == m_artCache.end()) { ArtMap newart; m_videoDatabase->GetArtForItem(id, mediaType, newart); it = m_artCache.insert(std::make_pair(key, std::move(newart))).first; } return it->second; }