path: root/include/2geom/coord.h
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diff --git a/include/2geom/coord.h b/include/2geom/coord.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40db84e
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+++ b/include/2geom/coord.h
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+/** @file
+ * @brief Integral and real coordinate types and some basic utilities
+ *//*
+ * Authors:
+ * Nathan Hurst <>
+ * Krzysztof KosiƄski <>
+ * Copyright 2006-2015 Authors
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+ * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
+ * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
+ * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
+ * the MPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
+ * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
+ * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
+ *
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <functional>
+#include <boost/operators.hpp>
+#include <2geom/forward.h>
+namespace Geom {
+/** @brief 2D axis enumeration (X or Y).
+ * @ingroup Primitives */
+enum Dim2 { X=0, Y=1 };
+/** @brief Get the other (perpendicular) dimension.
+ * @ingroup Primitives */
+inline constexpr Dim2 other_dimension(Dim2 d) { return Dim2(int(d) ^ 1); }
+// TODO: make a smarter implementation with C++11
+template <typename T>
+struct D2Traits {
+ using D1Value = typename T::D1Value;
+ using D1Reference = typename T::D1Reference;
+ using D1ConstReference = typename T::D1ConstReference;
+/** @brief Axis extraction functor.
+ * For use with things such as Boost's transform_iterator.
+ * @ingroup Utilities */
+template <Dim2 D, typename T>
+struct GetAxis {
+ using result_type = typename D2Traits<T>::D1Value;
+ using argument_type = T;
+ typename D2Traits<T>::D1Value operator()(T const &a) const {
+ return a[D];
+ }
+/** @brief Floating point type used to store coordinates.
+ * @ingroup Primitives */
+using Coord = double;
+/** @brief Type used for integral coordinates.
+ * @ingroup Primitives */
+using IntCoord = int;
+/** @brief Default "acceptably small" value.
+ * @ingroup Primitives */
+constexpr Coord EPSILON = 1e-6;
+/** @brief Get a value representing infinity.
+ * @ingroup Primitives */
+inline constexpr Coord infinity() { return std::numeric_limits<Coord>::infinity(); }
+/** @brief Nearness predicate for values.
+ * @ingroup Primitives */
+inline constexpr bool are_near(Coord a, Coord b, double eps=EPSILON) { return std::abs(a-b) <= eps; }
+inline constexpr bool rel_error_bound(Coord a, Coord b, double eps=EPSILON) { return std::abs(a) <= eps*b; }
+/** @brief Numerically stable linear interpolation.
+ * @ingroup Primitives */
+inline constexpr Coord lerp(Coord t, Coord a, Coord b) {
+ return (1 - t) * a + t * b;
+/** @brief Traits class used with coordinate types.
+ * Defines point, interval and rectangle types for the given coordinate type.
+ * @ingroup Utilities */
+template <typename C>
+struct CoordTraits {
+ using PointType = D2<C>;
+ using IntervalType = GenericInterval<C>;
+ using OptIntervalType = GenericOptInterval<C>;
+ using RectType = GenericRect<C>;
+ using OptRectType = GenericOptRect<C>;
+ using IntervalOps =
+ boost::equality_comparable< IntervalType
+ , boost::orable< IntervalType
+ >>;
+ using RectOps =
+ boost::equality_comparable< RectType
+ , boost::orable< RectType
+ , boost::orable< RectType, OptRectType
+ >>>;
+// NOTE: operator helpers for Rect and Interval are defined here.
+// This is to avoid increasing their size through multiple inheritance.
+struct CoordTraits<IntCoord> {
+ using PointType = IntPoint;
+ using IntervalType = IntInterval;
+ using OptIntervalType = OptIntInterval;
+ using RectType = IntRect;
+ using OptRectType = OptIntRect;
+ using IntervalOps =
+ boost::equality_comparable< IntInterval
+ , boost::additive< IntInterval
+ , boost::additive< IntInterval, IntCoord
+ , boost::orable< IntInterval
+ >>>>;
+ using RectOps =
+ boost::equality_comparable< IntRect
+ , boost::orable< IntRect
+ , boost::orable< IntRect, OptIntRect
+ , boost::additive< IntRect, IntPoint
+ >>>>;
+struct CoordTraits<Coord> {
+ using PointType = Point;
+ using IntervalType = Interval;
+ using OptIntervalType = OptInterval;
+ using RectType = Rect;
+ using OptRectType = OptRect;
+ using IntervalOps =
+ boost::equality_comparable< Interval
+ , boost::equality_comparable< Interval, IntInterval
+ , boost::additive< Interval
+ , boost::multipliable< Interval
+ , boost::orable< Interval
+ , boost::arithmetic< Interval, Coord
+ >>>>>>;
+ using RectOps =
+ boost::equality_comparable< Rect
+ , boost::equality_comparable< Rect, IntRect
+ , boost::orable< Rect
+ , boost::orable< Rect, OptRect
+ , boost::additive< Rect, Point
+ , boost::multipliable< Rect, Affine
+ >>>>>>;
+/** @brief Convert coordinate to shortest possible string.
+ * @return The shortest string that parses back to the original value.
+ * @relates Coord */
+std::string format_coord_shortest(Coord x);
+/** @brief Convert coordinate to human-readable string.
+ * Unlike format_coord_shortest, this function will not omit a leading zero
+ * before a decimal point or use small negative exponents. The output format
+ * is similar to Javascript functions.
+ * @relates Coord */
+std::string format_coord_nice(Coord x);
+/** @brief Parse coordinate string.
+ * When using this function in conjunction with format_coord_shortest()
+ * or format_coord_nice(), the value is guaranteed to be preserved exactly.
+ * @relates Coord */
+Coord parse_coord(std::string const &s);
+} // namespace Geom
+ Local Variables:
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+ End:
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