path: root/src/2geom/orphan-code/rtree.cpp
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1 files changed, 1350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/2geom/orphan-code/rtree.cpp b/src/2geom/orphan-code/rtree.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4264292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/2geom/orphan-code/rtree.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1350 @@
+#include <2geom/orphan-code/rtree.h>
+#include <limits>
+Based on source (BibTex):
+ author = {Antonin Guttman},
+ title = {R-Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching},
+ booktitle = {SIGMOD Conference},
+ year = {1984},
+ pages = {47-57},
+ ee = {, db/conf/sigmod/Guttman84.html},
+#define _RTREE_PRINT(x) std::cout << x << std::endl;
+#define _RTREE_PRINT_TREE( x, y ) print_tree( x, y );
+#define _RTREE_PRINT_TREE_INS( x, y, z ) print_tree( x, y, z );
+//comment the following if you want output during RTree operations
+#define _RTREE_PRINT(x) ;
+#define _RTREE_PRINT_TREE( x, y ) ;
+#define _RTREE_PRINT_TREE_INS( x, y, z ) ;
+some if(non_leaf)
+ else // leaf
+could be eliminated when function starts from a leaf
+do leaf action
+then repeat function for non-leafs only
+- adjust_tree
+- condense_tree
+generalize in a different way the splitting techniques
+namespace Geom{
+ insert
+insert a new index entry E into the R-tree:
+I1) find position of new record:
+ choose_node will find a leaf node L (position) in which to place r
+I2) add record to leaf node:
+ if L has room for another entry install E
+ else split_node will obtain L and LL containing E and all the old entries of L
+ from the available splitting strategies we chose quadtratic-cost algorithm (just to begin
+ with sth)
+ // TODO implement more of them
+I3) propagate changes upward:
+ Invoke adjust_tree on L, also passing LL if a split was performed.
+I4) grow tree taller:
+ if a node spilt propagation, cuased the root to split
+ create new root whose children are the 2 resulting nodes
+void RTree::insert( Rect const &r, unsigned shape ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT("\n=====================================");
+ _RTREE_PRINT("insert");
+ RTreeRecord_Leaf* leaf_record= new RTreeRecord_Leaf( r, shape );
+ insert( *leaf_record );
+void RTree::insert( const RTreeRecord_Leaf &leaf_record,
+ const bool &insert_high /* false */,
+ const unsigned &stop_height /* 0 */,
+ const RTreeRecord_NonLeaf &nonleaf_record /* 0 */
+ )
+ _RTREE_PRINT("\n--------------");
+ _RTREE_PRINT("insert private. element:" << << " insert high:" << insert_high << " stop height:" << stop_height );
+ RTreeNode *position = 0;
+ // if tree is unused create the root Node, not described in source, stupid me :P
+ if(root == 0){
+ root = new RTreeNode();
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT("I1"); // I1
+ if( insert_high == false ){ // choose leaf node
+ position = choose_node( leaf_record.bounding_box );
+ }
+ else { // choose nonleaf node
+ position = choose_node( nonleaf_record.bounding_box, insert_high, stop_height );
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT("leaf node chosen: " );
+ _RTREE_PRINT_TREE( position , 0 );
+ std::pair< RTreeNode*, RTreeNode* > node_division;
+ bool split_performed = false;
+ if( position->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){ // non-leaf node: position
+ // we must reach here only to insert high non leaf node, not insert leaf node
+ assert( insert_high == true );
+ // put new element in node temporarily. Later on, if we need to, we will split the node.
+ position->children_nodes.push_back( nonleaf_record );
+ if( position->children_nodes.size() <= max_records ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT("I2 nonleaf: no split: " << position->children_nodes.size() ); // I2
+ }
+ else{
+ _RTREE_PRINT("I2 nonleaf: split: " << position->children_nodes.size() ); // I2
+ node_division = split_node( position );
+ split_performed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else { // leaf node: position:
+ // we must reach here only to insert leaf node, not insert high non leaf node
+ assert( insert_high == false );
+ // put new element in node temporarily. Later on, if we need to, we will split the node.
+ position->children_leaves.push_back( leaf_record );
+ if( position->children_leaves.size() <= max_records ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT("I2 leaf: no split: " << position->children_leaves.size() ); // I2
+ }
+ else{
+ _RTREE_PRINT("I2 leaf: split: " << position->children_leaves.size() << " max_records:" << max_records); // I2
+ node_division = split_node( position );
+ split_performed = true;
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" group A");
+ _RTREE_PRINT_TREE( node_division.first , 3 );
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" group B");
+ _RTREE_PRINT_TREE( node_division.second , 3 );
+ }
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT("I3"); // I3
+ bool root_split_performed = adjust_tree( position, node_division, split_performed );
+ _RTREE_PRINT("root split: " << root_split_performed);
+// print_tree( root , 2 );
+ _RTREE_PRINT("I4"); // I4
+ if( root_split_performed ){
+ std::pair<RTreeNode*, RTreeNode*> root_division;
+ root_division = quadratic_split( root ); // AT5
+ Rect first_record_bounding_box;
+ Rect second_record_bounding_box;
+ RTreeRecord_NonLeaf first_new_record = create_nonleaf_record_from_rtreenode( first_record_bounding_box, root_division.first );
+ RTreeRecord_NonLeaf second_new_record = create_nonleaf_record_from_rtreenode( second_record_bounding_box, root_division.second );
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" 1st:");
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" 2nd:");
+ // *new* root is by definition non-leaf. Install the new records there
+ RTreeNode* new_root = new RTreeNode();
+ new_root->children_nodes.push_back( first_new_record );
+ new_root->children_nodes.push_back( second_new_record );
+ delete root;
+ root = new_root;
+ tree_height++; // increse tree height
+ _RTREE_PRINT_TREE( root, 5 );
+ sanity_check( root, 0 );
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT("done");
+ /*
+ the node_division.second is saved on the tree
+ the node_division.first was copied in existing tree in node
+ so we don't need this anymore
+ */
+ delete node_division.first;
+/* I1 =========================================================================
+original: choose_node will find a leaf node L in which to place r
+changed to choose_node will find a node L in which to place r
+the node L is:
+non-leaf: if flag is set. the height of the node is insert_at_height
+leaf: if flag is NOT set
+1) Initialize: set N to be the root node
+2) Leaf Check:
+ insert_height = false
+ if N is leaf return N
+ insert_height = true
+3) Choose subtree: If N not leaf OR not we are not in the proper height then
+ let F be an entry in N whose rect Fi needs least enlargement to include r
+ ties resolved with rect of smallest area
+4) descend until a leaf is reached OR proper height is reached: set N to the child node pointed to by F and goto 2.
+// TODO keep stack with visited nodes
+RTreeNode* RTree::choose_node( const Rect &r, const bool &insert_high /* false */, const unsigned &stop_height /* 0 */) const {
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CL1");// CL1
+ RTreeNode *pos = root;
+ double min_enlargement;
+ double current_enlargement;
+ int node_min_enlargement;
+ unsigned current_height = 0; // zero is the root
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CL2 current_height:" << current_height << " stop_height:" << stop_height << " insert_high:" << insert_high);
+ // CL2 Leaf check && Height check
+ while( ( insert_high ? true : pos->children_nodes.size() != 0 )
+ && ( insert_high ? current_height < stop_height : true ) )
+ /* Leaf check, during insert leaf */
+ /* node height check, during insert non-leaf */
+ {
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CL3 current_height:" << current_height << " stop_height:" << stop_height ); // CL3
+ min_enlargement = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ current_enlargement = 0;
+ node_min_enlargement = 0;
+ for(unsigned i=0; i< pos->children_nodes.size(); i++){
+ current_enlargement = find_enlargement( pos->children_nodes[i].bounding_box, r );
+ // TODO tie not solved!
+ if( current_enlargement < min_enlargement ){
+ node_min_enlargement = i;
+ min_enlargement = current_enlargement;
+ }
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CL4"); // CL4
+ // descend to the node with the min_enlargement
+ pos = pos->children_nodes[node_min_enlargement].data;
+ current_height++; // increase current visiting height
+ }
+ return pos;
+enlargement that "a" needs in order to include "b"
+b is the new rect we want to insert.
+a is the rect of the node we try to see if b should go in.
+double RTree::find_enlargement( const Rect &a, const Rect &b ) const{
+ Rect union_rect(a);
+ union_rect.unionWith(b);
+ OptRect a_intersection_b = intersect( a, b );
+ // a, b do not intersect
+ if( a_intersection_b.empty() ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" find_enlargement (no intersect): " << union_rect.area() - a.area() - b.area() );
+ return union_rect.area() - a.area() - b.area();
+ }
+ // a, b intersect
+ // a contains b
+ if( a.contains( b ) ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" find_enlargement (intersect: a cont b): " << a.area() - b.area() );
+ //return a.area() - b.area();
+ return b.area() - a.area(); // enlargement is negative in this case.
+ }
+ // b contains a
+ if( b.contains( a ) ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" find_enlargement (intersect: b cont a): " << a.area() - b.area() );
+ return b.area() - a.area();
+ }
+ // a partially cover b
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" find_enlargement (intersect: a partial cover b): " << union_rect.area() - a.area() - b.area() - a_intersection_b->area() );
+ return union_rect.area()
+ - ( a.area() - a_intersection_b->area() )
+ - ( b.area() - a_intersection_b->area() );
+/* I2 =========================================================================
+use one split strategy
+std::pair<RTreeNode*, RTreeNode*> RTree::split_node( RTreeNode *s ){
+ if( split_strategy == LINEAR_COST ){
+ linear_cost_split( ............. );
+ }
+ return quadratic_split( s ); // else QUADRATIC_SPIT
+ Quadratic Split
+QS1) Pick first entry for each group:
+ Appy pick_seeds to choose 2 entries to be the first elements of the groups. Assign each one of
+ them to one group
+QS2) check if done:
+ a) if all entries have been assinged stop
+ b) if one group has so few entries that all the rest must be assignmed to it, in order for it to
+ have the min number , assign them and stop
+QS3) select entry and assign:
+ Inkvoke pick_next() to choose the next entry to assign.
+ *[in pick_next] Add it to the group whose covering rectangle will have to be enlrarged least to
+ accommodate it. Resolve ties by adding the entry to the group with the smaller are, then to the
+ one with fewer entries, then to either of the two.
+ goto 2.
+std::pair<RTreeNode*, RTreeNode*> RTree::quadratic_split( RTreeNode *s ) {
+ // s is the original leaf node or non-leaf node
+ RTreeNode* group_a = new RTreeNode(); // a is the 1st group
+ RTreeNode* group_b = new RTreeNode(); // b is the 2nd group
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" QS1"); // QS1
+ std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> initial_seeds;
+ initial_seeds = pick_seeds(s);
+ // if non-leaf node: s
+ if( s->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" non-leaf node");
+ // each element is true if the node has been assinged to either "a" or "b"
+ std::vector<bool> assigned_v( s->children_nodes.size() );
+ std::fill( assigned_v.begin(), assigned_v.end(), false );
+ group_a->children_nodes.push_back( s->children_nodes[initial_seeds.first] );
+ assert(initial_seeds.first < assigned_v.size());
+ assigned_v[ initial_seeds.first ] = true;
+ group_b->children_nodes.push_back( s->children_nodes[initial_seeds.second] );
+ assert(initial_seeds.second < assigned_v.size());
+ assigned_v[ initial_seeds.second ] = true;
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" QS2"); // QS2
+ unsigned num_of_not_assigned = s->children_nodes.size() - 2;
+ // so far we have assinged 2 out of all
+ while( num_of_not_assigned ){// QS2 a
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" QS2 b, num_of_not_assigned:" << num_of_not_assigned); // QS2 b
+ /*
+ we are on NON leaf node so children of split groups must be nodes
+ Check each group to see if one group has so few entries that all the rest must
+ be assignmed to it, in order for it to have the min number.
+ */
+ if( group_a->children_nodes.size() + num_of_not_assigned <= min_records ){
+ // add the non-assigned to group_a
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < assigned_v.size(); i++){
+ if(assigned_v[i] == false){
+ group_a->children_nodes.push_back( s->children_nodes[i] );
+ assigned_v[i] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if( group_b->children_nodes.size() + num_of_not_assigned <= min_records ){
+ // add the non-assigned to group_b
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < assigned_v.size(); i++ ){
+ if( assigned_v[i] == false ){
+ group_b->children_nodes.push_back( s->children_nodes[i] );
+ assigned_v[i] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" QS3"); // QS3
+ std::pair<unsigned, enum_add_to_group> next_element;
+ next_element = pick_next( group_a, group_b, s, assigned_v );
+ if( next_element.second == ADD_TO_GROUP_A ){
+ group_a->children_nodes.push_back( s->children_nodes[ next_element.first ] );
+ }
+ else{
+ group_b->children_nodes.push_back( s->children_nodes[ next_element.first ] );
+ }
+ num_of_not_assigned--;
+ }
+ }
+ // else leaf node: s
+ else{
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" leaf node");
+ // each element is true if the node has been assinged to either "a" or "b"
+ std::vector<bool> assigned_v( s->children_leaves.size() );
+ std::fill( assigned_v.begin(), assigned_v.end(), false );
+ // assign 1st seed to group a
+ group_a->children_leaves.push_back( s->children_leaves[initial_seeds.first] );
+ assert(initial_seeds.first < assigned_v.size());
+ assigned_v[ initial_seeds.first ] = true;
+ // assign 2nd seed to group b
+ group_b->children_leaves.push_back( s->children_leaves[initial_seeds.second] );
+ assert(initial_seeds.second < assigned_v.size());
+ assigned_v[ initial_seeds.second ] = true;
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" QS2"); // QS2
+ unsigned num_of_not_assigned = s->children_leaves.size() - 2;
+ // so far we have assinged 2 out of all
+ while( num_of_not_assigned ){// QS2 a
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" QS2 b, num_of_not_assigned:" << num_of_not_assigned); // QS2 b
+ /*
+ we are on leaf node so children of split groups must be leaves
+ Check each group to see if one group has so few entries that all the rest must
+ be assignmed to it, in order for it to have the min number.
+ */
+ if( group_a->children_leaves.size() + num_of_not_assigned <= min_records ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" add the non-assigned to group_a");
+ // add the non-assigned to group_a
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < assigned_v.size(); i++ ){
+ if( assigned_v[i] == false ){
+ group_a->children_leaves.push_back( s->children_leaves[i] );
+ assigned_v[i] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if( group_b->children_leaves.size() + num_of_not_assigned <= min_records ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" add the non-assigned to group_b");
+ // add the non-assigned to group_b
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < assigned_v.size(); i++ ){
+ if( assigned_v[i] == false ){
+ group_b->children_leaves.push_back( s->children_leaves[i] );
+ assigned_v[i] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" QS3"); // QS3
+ std::pair<unsigned, enum_add_to_group> next_element;
+ next_element = pick_next(group_a, group_b, s, assigned_v);
+ if( next_element.second == ADD_TO_GROUP_A ){
+ group_a->children_leaves.push_back( s->children_leaves[ next_element.first ] );
+ }
+ else{
+ group_b->children_leaves.push_back( s->children_leaves[ next_element.first ] );
+ }
+ num_of_not_assigned--;
+ }
+ }
+ assert( initial_seeds.first != initial_seeds.second );
+ return std::make_pair( group_a, group_b );
+PS1) caclulate ineffeciency of grouping entries together:
+ Foreach pair of entries E1 (i), E2 (j) compose rectangle J (i_union_j) including E1, E2.
+ Calculate d = area(i_union_j) - area(i) - area(j)
+PS2) choose the most wastefull pair:
+ Choose pair with largest d
+std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> RTree::pick_seeds( RTreeNode *s ) const{
+ double current_d = 0;
+ double max_d = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
+ unsigned seed_a = 0;
+ unsigned seed_b = 1;
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" pick_seeds");
+ // if non leaf node: s
+ if( s->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" non leaf");
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" PS1"); // PS1
+ for( unsigned a = 0; a < s->children_nodes.size(); a++ ){
+ // with j=i we check only the upper (diagonal) half
+ // with j=i+1 we also avoid checking for b==a (we don't need it)
+ for( unsigned b = a+1; b < s->children_nodes.size(); b++ ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" PS2 " << a << " - " << b ); // PS2
+ current_d = find_waste_area( s->children_nodes[a].bounding_box, s->children_nodes[b].bounding_box );
+ if( current_d > max_d ){
+ max_d = current_d;
+ seed_a = a;
+ seed_b = b;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // else leaf node: s
+ else{
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" leaf node");
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" PS1"); // PS1
+ for( unsigned a = 0; a < s->children_leaves.size(); a++ ){
+ // with j=i we check only the upper (diagonal) half
+ // with j=i+1 we also avoid checking for j==i (we don't need this one)
+ for( unsigned b = a+1; b < s->children_leaves.size(); b++ ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" PS2 " << s->children_leaves[a].data << ":" << s->children_leaves[a].bounding_box.area()
+ << " - " << s->children_leaves[b].data << ":" << s->children_leaves[b].bounding_box.area() ); // PS2
+ current_d = find_waste_area( s->children_leaves[a].bounding_box, s->children_leaves[b].bounding_box );
+ if( current_d > max_d ){
+ max_d = current_d;
+ seed_a = a;
+ seed_b = b;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" seed_a: " << seed_a << " seed_b: " << seed_b );
+ return std::make_pair( seed_a, seed_b );
+find_waste_area (used in pick_seeds step 1)
+for a pair A, B compose a rect union_rect that includes a and b
+calculate area of union_rect - area of a - area b
+double RTree::find_waste_area( const Rect &a, const Rect &b ) const{
+ Rect union_rect(a);
+ union_rect.unionWith(b);
+ return union_rect.area() - a.area() - b.area();
+select one remaining entry for classification in a group
+PN1) Determine cost of putting each entry in each group:
+ Foreach entry E not yet in a group, calculate
+ d1= area increase required in the cover rect of Group 1 to include E
+ d2= area increase required in the cover rect of Group 2 to include E
+PN2) Find entry with greatest preference for each group:
+ Choose any entry with the maximum difference between d1 and d2
+std::pair<unsigned, enum_add_to_group> RTree::pick_next( RTreeNode* group_a,
+ RTreeNode* group_b,
+ RTreeNode* s,
+ std::vector<bool> &assigned_v )
+ double max_increase_difference = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
+ unsigned max_increase_difference_node = 0;
+ double current_increase_difference = 0;
+ enum_add_to_group group_to_add = ADD_TO_GROUP_A;
+ /*
+ bounding boxes of the 2 new groups. This info isn't available, since they
+ have no parent nodes (so that the parent node knows the bounding box).
+ */
+ Rect bounding_box_a;
+ Rect bounding_box_b;
+ double increase_area_a = 0;
+ double increase_area_b = 0;
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" pick_next, assigned_v.size:" << assigned_v.size() );
+ // if non leaf node: one of the 2 groups (both groups are the same, either leaf/nonleaf)
+ if( group_a->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" non leaf");
+ // calculate the bounding boxes of the 2 new groups.
+ bounding_box_a = Rect( group_a->children_nodes[0].bounding_box );
+ for( unsigned i = 1; i < group_a->children_nodes.size(); i++ ){
+ bounding_box_a.unionWith( group_a->children_nodes[i].bounding_box );
+ }
+ bounding_box_b = Rect( group_b->children_nodes[0].bounding_box );
+ for( unsigned i = 1; i < group_b->children_nodes.size(); i++ ){
+ bounding_box_b.unionWith( group_b->children_nodes[i].bounding_box );
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" PN1"); // PN1
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < assigned_v.size(); i++ ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" i:" << i << " assigned:" << assigned_v[i]);
+ if( assigned_v[i] == false ){
+ increase_area_a = find_enlargement( bounding_box_a, s->children_nodes[i].bounding_box );
+ increase_area_b = find_enlargement( bounding_box_b, s->children_nodes[i].bounding_box );
+ current_increase_difference = std::abs( increase_area_a - increase_area_b );
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" PN2 " << i << ": " << current_increase_difference ); // PN2
+ if( current_increase_difference > max_increase_difference ){
+ max_increase_difference = current_increase_difference;
+ max_increase_difference_node = i;
+ // TODO tie not solved!
+ if( increase_area_a < increase_area_b ){
+ group_to_add = ADD_TO_GROUP_A;
+ }
+ else{
+ group_to_add = ADD_TO_GROUP_B;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //assert(max_increase_difference_node >= 0);
+ assert(max_increase_difference_node < assigned_v.size());
+ assigned_v[max_increase_difference_node] = true;
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" ... i:" << max_increase_difference_node << " assigned:" << assigned_v[max_increase_difference_node] );
+ }
+ else{ // else leaf node
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" leaf");
+ // calculate the bounding boxes of the 2 new groups
+ bounding_box_a = Rect( group_a->children_leaves[0].bounding_box );
+ for( unsigned i = 1; i < group_a->children_leaves.size(); i++ ){
+ std::cout<< " lala";
+ bounding_box_a.unionWith( group_a->children_leaves[i].bounding_box );
+ }
+ bounding_box_b = Rect( group_b->children_leaves[0].bounding_box );
+ for( unsigned i = 1; i < group_b->children_leaves.size(); i++ ){
+ std::cout<< " lala";
+ bounding_box_b.unionWith( group_b->children_leaves[i].bounding_box );
+ }
+ std::cout<< "" << std::endl;
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" PN1"); // PN1
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < assigned_v.size(); i++ ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" i:" << i << " assigned:" << assigned_v[i]);
+ if( assigned_v[i] == false ){
+ increase_area_a = find_enlargement( bounding_box_a, s->children_leaves[i].bounding_box );
+ increase_area_b = find_enlargement( bounding_box_b, s->children_leaves[i].bounding_box );
+ current_increase_difference = std::abs( increase_area_a - increase_area_b );
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" PN2 " << i << ": " << current_increase_difference ); // PN2
+ if( current_increase_difference > max_increase_difference ){
+ max_increase_difference = current_increase_difference;
+ max_increase_difference_node = i;
+ // TODO tie not solved!
+ if( increase_area_a < increase_area_b ){
+ group_to_add = ADD_TO_GROUP_A;
+ }
+ else{
+ group_to_add = ADD_TO_GROUP_B;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert(max_increase_difference_node < assigned_v.size());
+ assigned_v[max_increase_difference_node] = true;
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" ... i:" << max_increase_difference_node << " assigned:" << assigned_v[max_increase_difference_node] );
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" node:" << max_increase_difference_node << " added:" << group_to_add );
+ return std::make_pair( max_increase_difference_node, group_to_add );
+/* I3 =========================================================================
+Ascend from a leaf node L to root, adjusting covering rectangles and propagating node splits as
+We modified this one from the source in the step AT1 and AT5
+AT1) Initialize:
+ Set N=L
+ IF L was spilt previously, set NN to be the resulting second node AND
+ (not mentioned in the original source but that's what it should mean)
+ Assign all entries of first node to L
+AT2) check if done:
+ IF N is root stop
+AT3) adjust covering rectangle in parent entry
+ 1) Let P be the parent of N
+ 2) Let EN be the N's entry in P
+ 3) Adjust EN bounding box so that it tightly enclosses all entry rectangles in N
+AT4) Propagate node split upward
+ IF N has a partner NN resulting from an earlier split
+ create a new entry ENN with ENN "p" pointing to NN and ENN bounding box enclosing all
+ rectangles in NN
+ IF there is room in P add ENN
+ ELSE invoke split_node to produce P an PP containing ENN and all P's old entries.
+AT5) Move up to next level
+ Set N=P,
+ IF a split occurred, set NN=PP
+ goto AT1 (was goto AT2)
+bool RTree::adjust_tree( RTreeNode* position,
+ // modified: it holds the last split group
+ std::pair<RTreeNode*, RTreeNode*> &node_division,
+ bool initial_split_performed)
+ RTreeNode* parent;
+ unsigned child_in_parent; // the element in parent node that points to current posistion
+ std::pair< RTreeNode*, bool > find_result;
+ bool split_performed = initial_split_performed;
+ bool root_split_performed = false;
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" adjust_tree");
+ while( true ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" ------- current tree status:");
+ _RTREE_PRINT_TREE_INS(root, 2, true);
+ // check for loop BREAK
+ if( position == root ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" AT2: found root");
+ if( split_performed ){
+ root_split_performed = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if( split_performed ){
+ copy_group_a_to_existing_node( position, node_division.first );
+ }
+ /*
+ pick randomly, let's say the 1st entry of the current node.
+ Search for this spatial area in the tree, and stop to the parent node.
+ Then find position of current node pointer, in the parent node.
+ */
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" AT3.1"); // AT3.1 Let P be the parent of N
+ if( position->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){
+ find_result = find_parent( root, position->children_nodes[0].bounding_box, position);
+ }
+ else{
+ find_result = find_parent( root, position->children_leaves[0].bounding_box, position);
+ }
+ parent = find_result.first;
+ // parent is a non-leaf, by definition
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" AT3.2"); // AT3.2 Let EN be the N's entry in P
+ for( child_in_parent = 0; child_in_parent < parent->children_nodes.size(); child_in_parent++ ){
+ if( parent->children_nodes[ child_in_parent ].data == position){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" child_in_parent: " << child_in_parent);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" AT3.3");
+ // AT3.2 Adjust EN bounding box so that it tightly enclosses all entry rectangles in N
+ recalculate_bounding_box( parent, position, child_in_parent );
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" AT4"); // AT4
+ if( split_performed ){
+ // create new record (from group_b)
+ //RTreeNode* new_node = new RTreeNode();
+ Rect new_record_bounding;
+ RTreeRecord_NonLeaf new_record = create_nonleaf_record_from_rtreenode( new_record_bounding, node_division.second );
+ // install new entry (group_b)
+ if( parent->children_nodes.size() < max_records ){
+ parent->children_nodes.push_back( new_record );
+ split_performed = false;
+ }
+ else{
+ parent->children_nodes.push_back( new_record );
+ node_division = quadratic_split( parent ); // AT5
+ split_performed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" AT5"); // AT5
+ position = parent;
+ }
+ return root_split_performed;
+The source only mentions that we should "find" the parent. But it doesn't seay how. So we made a
+modification of search.
+Initially we take the root, a rect of the node, of which the parent we look for and the node we seek
+We do a spatial search for this rect. If we find get an intersecttion with the rect we check if the
+child is the one we look for.
+If not we call find_parent again recursively
+std::pair< RTreeNode*, bool > RTree::find_parent( RTreeNode* subtree_root,
+ Rect search_area,
+ RTreeNode* wanted) const
+ _RTREE_PRINT("find_parent");
+ std::pair< RTreeNode*, bool > result;
+ if( subtree_root->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){
+ for( unsigned i=0; i < subtree_root->children_nodes.size(); i++ ){
+ if( subtree_root->children_nodes[i].data == wanted){
+ _RTREE_PRINT("FOUND!!"); // non leaf node
+ return std::make_pair( subtree_root, true );
+ }
+ if( subtree_root->children_nodes[i].bounding_box.intersects( search_area ) ){
+ result = find_parent( subtree_root->children_nodes[i].data, search_area, wanted);
+ if ( result.second ){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void RTree::copy_group_a_to_existing_node( RTreeNode *position, RTreeNode* group_a ){
+ // clear position (the one that was split) and put there all the nodes of group_a
+ if( position->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" copy_group...(): install group A to existing non-leaf node");
+ // non leaf-node: position
+ position->children_nodes.clear();
+ for(auto & children_node : group_a->children_nodes){
+ position->children_nodes.push_back( children_node );
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" copy_group...(): install group A to existing leaf node");
+ // leaf-node: positions
+ position->children_leaves.clear();
+ for(auto & children_leave : group_a->children_leaves){
+ position->children_leaves.push_back( children_leave );
+ }
+ }
+RTreeRecord_NonLeaf RTree::create_nonleaf_record_from_rtreenode( Rect &new_entry_bounding, RTreeNode* rtreenode ){
+ if( rtreenode->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){
+ // found bounding box of new entry
+ new_entry_bounding = Rect( rtreenode->children_nodes[0].bounding_box );
+ for(unsigned i = 1; i < rtreenode->children_nodes.size(); i++ ){
+ new_entry_bounding.unionWith( rtreenode->children_nodes[ i ].bounding_box );
+ }
+ }
+ else{ // non leaf: rtreenode
+ // found bounding box of new entry
+ new_entry_bounding = Rect( rtreenode->children_leaves[0].bounding_box );
+ for(unsigned i = 1; i < rtreenode->children_leaves.size(); i++ ){
+ new_entry_bounding.unionWith( rtreenode->children_leaves[ i ].bounding_box );
+ }
+ }
+ return RTreeRecord_NonLeaf( new_entry_bounding, rtreenode );
+ print the elements of the tree
+ based on ordered tree walking
+void RTree::print_tree(RTreeNode* subtree_root, int depth ) const{
+ if( subtree_root->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){
+ // descend in each one of the elements and call print_tree
+ for( unsigned i=0; i < subtree_root->children_nodes.size(); i++ ){
+ //print spaces for indentation
+ for(int j=0; j < depth; j++){
+ std::cout << " " ;
+ }
+ std::cout << subtree_root->children_nodes[i].bounding_box << ", " << subtree_root->children_nodes.size() << std::endl ;
+ _RTREE_PRINT_TREE_INS( subtree_root->children_nodes[i].data, depth+1, used_during_insert);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ for(int j=0; j < depth; j++){
+ std::cout << " " ;
+ }
+ std::cout << subtree_root->children_leaves.size() << ": " ;
+ // print all the elements of the leaf node
+ for(auto & children_leave : subtree_root->children_leaves){
+ std::cout << << ", " ;
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl ;
+ }
+void RTree::sanity_check(RTreeNode* subtree_root, int depth, bool used_during_insert ) const{
+ if( subtree_root->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){
+ // descend in each one of the elements and call sanity_check
+ for(auto & children_node : subtree_root->children_nodes){
+ sanity_check(, depth+1, used_during_insert);
+ }
+ // sanity check
+ if( subtree_root != root ){
+ assert( subtree_root->children_nodes.size() >= min_records);
+ }
+ else{
+ assert( subtree_root->children_nodes.size() >= 1);
+ }
+ if( used_during_insert ){
+ // allow one more during for insert
+ assert( subtree_root->children_nodes.size() <= max_records + 1 );
+ }
+ else{
+ assert( subtree_root->children_nodes.size() <= max_records );
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ // sanity check
+ if( subtree_root != root ){
+ assert( subtree_root->children_leaves.size() >= min_records);
+ }
+ else{
+ assert( subtree_root->children_leaves.size() >= 1);
+ }
+ if( used_during_insert ){
+ // allow one more during for insert
+ assert( subtree_root->children_leaves.size() <= max_records + 1 );
+ }
+ else{
+ assert( subtree_root->children_nodes.size() <= max_records );
+ }
+ }
+ search
+Given an RTree whose root node is T find all index records whose rects overlap search rect S
+S1) Search subtrees:
+ IF T isn't a leaf, check every entry E to determine whether E I overlaps S
+ FOR all overlapping entries invoke Search on the tree whose root node is pointed by E P
+S2) ELSE T is leaf
+ check all entries E to determine whether E I overlaps S
+ IF so E is a qualifying record
+void RTree::search( const Rect &search_area, std::vector< int >* result, const RTreeNode* subtree ) const {
+ // S1
+ if( subtree->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){ // non-leaf: subtree
+ for(const auto & children_node : subtree->children_nodes){
+ if( children_node.bounding_box.intersects( search_area ) ){
+ search( search_area, result, );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // S2
+ else{ // leaf: subtree
+ for(const auto & children_leave : subtree->children_leaves){
+ if( children_leave.bounding_box.intersects( search_area ) ){
+ result->push_back( );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ erase
+we changed steps D2)
+D1) Find node containing record
+ Invoke find_leaf() to locate the leaf node L containing E
+ IF record is found stop
+D2) Delete record
+ Remove E from L (it happened in find_leaf step FL2)
+D3) Propagate changes
+ Invoke condense_tree, passing L
+D4) Shorten tree
+ If root node has only one child, after the tree was adjusted, make the child new root
+0 on success
+1 in case no entry was found
+//int RTree::erase( const RTreeRecord_Leaf & record_to_erase ){
+int RTree::erase( const Rect &search_area, const int shape_to_delete ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT("\n=====================================");
+ _RTREE_PRINT("erase element: " << shape_to_delete);
+ // D1 + D2: entry is deleted in find_leaf
+ _RTREE_PRINT("D1 & D2 : find and delete the leaf");
+ RTreeNode* contains_record = find_leaf( root, search_area, shape_to_delete );
+ if( !contains_record ){ // no entry returned from find_leaf
+ return 1; // no entry found
+ }
+ // D3
+ //bool root_elimination_performed = condense_tree( contains_record );
+ // D4
+ //if( root_elimination_performed ){
+ if( root->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){ // non leaf: root
+ // D4
+ if( root->children_nodes.size() == 1 ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT("D4 : non leaf: ");
+ tree_height--;
+ RTreeNode* t = root;
+ root = root->children_nodes[0].data;
+ delete t;
+ }
+ }
+ else { // leaf: root
+ // D4
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ sanity_check( root, 0 );
+ return 0; // success
+ find_leaf()
+Given an RTree whose root node is T find the leaf node containing index entry E
+FL1) Search subtrees
+ IF T is non leaf, check each entry F in T to determine if F I overlaps E I
+ foreach such entry invoke find_leaf on the tree whose root is pointed to by F P until E is
+ found or all entries have been checked
+FL2) search leaf node for record
+ IF T is leaf, check each entry to see if it matches E
+ IF E is found return T
+ AND delete element E (step D2)
+RTreeNode* RTree::find_leaf( RTreeNode* subtree, const Rect &search_area, const int shape_to_delete ) const {
+ // FL1
+ if( subtree->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){ // non-leaf: subtree
+ for(auto & children_node : subtree->children_nodes){
+ if( children_node.bounding_box.intersects( search_area ) ){
+ RTreeNode* t = find_leaf(, search_area, shape_to_delete );
+ if( t ){ // if search was successful terminate
+ return t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // FL2
+ else{ // leaf: subtree
+ for( std::vector< RTreeRecord_Leaf >::iterator it = subtree->children_leaves.begin(); it!=subtree->children_leaves.end(); ++it ){
+ if( it->data == shape_to_delete ){
+ // delete element: implement step D2)
+ subtree->children_leaves.erase( it );
+ return subtree;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ condense_tree()
+Given a Leaf node L from which an entry has been deleted eliminate the node if it has too few entries and reallocate its entries
+Propagate node elimination upwards as necessary
+Adjust all covering recsts n the path to the root making them smaller if possible
+CT1) Initialize
+ Set N=L
+ Set Q the set of eliminated nodes to be empty
+CT2) // Find parent entry (was there but doesn't make sense)
+ IF N is the root
+ goto CT6
+ 1) Find parent entry
+ 2) let P be the parent of N
+ 3) and let EN be N's entry in P
+CT3) IF N has fewer than m entries
+ Eliminate underfull node
+ 1) delete EN from P
+ 2) and add N to set Q
+ adjust EN I to tightly contain all entries in N
+CT5) move up one level in tree
+ set N=P and repeat from CT2
+CT6) Re insert orphaned entries
+ Re-inser all entreis of nodes in set Q
+ Entries from eliminated leaf nodes are re-inserted in tree leaves (like in insert)
+ BUT non-leaf nodes must be placed higher in the tree so that leaves of their dependent subtrees
+ will be on the same level as leaves of the main tree. (on the same height they originally were)
+ (not mentioned in the source description: the criteria for placing the node should be
+ again TODO ??? least enlargement)
+// TODO this can be merged with adjust_tree or refactor to reutilize some parts. less readable
+bool RTree::condense_tree( RTreeNode* position )
+ RTreeNode* parent;
+ unsigned child_in_parent = 0; // the element in parent node that points to current posistion
+ std::pair< RTreeNode*, bool > find_result;
+ bool elimination_performed = false;
+ bool root_elimination_performed = false;
+ unsigned current_height = tree_height+1;
+ Rect special_case_bounding_box;
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" condense_tree");
+ // leaf records that were eliminated due to under-full node
+ std::vector< RTreeRecord_Leaf > Q_leaf_records( 0 );
+ // < non-leaf records, their height > that were eliminated due to under-full node
+ std::vector< std::pair< RTreeRecord_NonLeaf, unsigned > > Q_nonleaf_records( 0 );
+ while( true ){
+ // check for loop BREAK
+ if( position == root ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT2 position is root");
+ if( elimination_performed ){
+ root_elimination_performed = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ pick randomly, let's say the 1st entry of the current node.
+ Search for this spatial area in the tree, and stop to the parent node.
+ Then find position of current node pointer, in the parent node.
+ */
+ /*
+ special case. if elimination due to children being underfull was performed AND
+ AND parent had only 1 record ,then this one record was removed.
+ */
+ if( position->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT2.1 - 2 non leaf: find parent, P is parent");
+ // CT2.1 find parent. By definition it's nonleaf
+ find_result = find_parent( root, position->children_nodes[0].bounding_box, position);
+ }
+ else if( position->children_nodes.size() == 0
+ && position->children_leaves.size() == 0
+ && elimination_performed )
+ { // special case
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT2.1 - 2 special case: find parent, P is parent");
+ // CT2.1 find parent. By definition it's nonleaf
+ find_result = find_parent( root, special_case_bounding_box, position);
+ }
+ else{
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT2.1 - 2 leaf: find parent, P is parent");
+ // CT2.1 find parent. By definition it's nonleaf
+ find_result = find_parent( root, position->children_leaves[0].bounding_box, position);
+ }
+ // CT2.2 Let P be the parent of N
+ parent = find_result.first;
+ // parent is a non-leaf, by definition. Calculate "child_in_parent"
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT2.3 find in parent, position's record EN");
+ // CT2.3 Let EN be the N's entry in P
+ for( child_in_parent = 0; child_in_parent < parent->children_nodes.size(); child_in_parent++ ){
+ if( parent->children_nodes[ child_in_parent ].data == position){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" child_in_parent: " << child_in_parent << " out of " << parent->children_nodes.size() << " (size)" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( position->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){ // non leaf node: position
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT3 nonleaf: eliminate underfull node");
+ // CT3 Eliminate underfull node
+ if( position->children_nodes.size() < min_records ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT3.2 add N to Q");
+ // CT3.2 add N to set Q ( EN the record that points to N )
+ for(auto & children_node : position->children_nodes){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" i " << i );
+ std::pair< RTreeRecord_NonLeaf, unsigned > t = std::make_pair( children_node, current_height-1);
+ Q_nonleaf_records.push_back( t );
+ }
+ special_case_bounding_box = parent->children_nodes[ child_in_parent ].bounding_box;
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT3.1 delete in parent, position's record EN");
+ // CT3.1 delete EN from P ( parent is by definition nonleaf )
+ if( remove_record_from_parent( parent, position ) ){ // TODO does erase, delete to the pointer ???
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" remove_record_from_parent error ");
+ }
+ elimination_performed = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT4 "); /// CT4) if not underfull
+ recalculate_bounding_box( parent, position, child_in_parent );
+ elimination_performed = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else{ // leaf node: position
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT3 leaf: eliminate underfull node");
+ // CT3 Eliminate underfull node
+ if( position->children_leaves.size() < min_records ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT3.2 add N to Q " << position->children_leaves.size() );
+ // CT3.2 add N to set Q
+ for(auto & children_leave : position->children_leaves){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" i " << i );
+ Q_leaf_records.push_back( children_leave ); // TODO problem here
+ special_case_bounding_box = children_leave.bounding_box;
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT3.1 delete in parent, position's record EN");
+ // CT3.1 delete EN from P ( parent is by definition nonleaf )
+ if( remove_record_from_parent( parent, position ) ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" remove_record_from_parent error ");
+ }
+ elimination_performed = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT4 "); /// CT4) if not underfull
+ recalculate_bounding_box( parent, position, child_in_parent );
+ elimination_performed = false;
+ }
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT5 ");// CT5) move up one level in tree
+ position = parent;
+ current_height--;
+ }
+ // CT6: reinsert
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" ------ Q_leaf");
+ for( std::vector< RTreeRecord_Leaf >::iterator it = Q_leaf_records.begin(); it != Q_leaf_records.end(); ++it ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" leaf:" << (*it).data);
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" ------ Q_nonleaf");
+ for( std::vector< std::pair< RTreeRecord_NonLeaf, unsigned > >::iterator it = Q_nonleaf_records.begin(); it != Q_nonleaf_records.end(); ++it ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" ------- " << it->second );
+ _RTREE_PRINT_TREE( it->, 0);
+ }
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" CT6 ");
+ for(auto & Q_leaf_record : Q_leaf_records){
+ insert( Q_leaf_record );
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" inserted leaf:" << (*it).data << " ------------");
+ _RTREE_PRINT_TREE( root, 0);
+ }
+ for(auto & Q_nonleaf_record : Q_nonleaf_records){
+ insert( RTreeRecord_Leaf() , true, Q_nonleaf_record.second, Q_nonleaf_record.first );
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" inserted nonleaf------------");
+ _RTREE_PRINT_TREE( root, 0);
+ // TODO this fake RTreeRecord_Leaf() looks stupid. find better way to do this ???
+ }
+ return root_elimination_performed;
+- a parent
+- a child node
+- and the position of the child node in the parent
+recalculate the parent record's bounding box of the child, in order to ightly contain all entries of child
+NOTE! child must be indeed child of the parent, otherwise it screws up things. So find parent and child
+before calling this function
+void RTree::recalculate_bounding_box( RTreeNode* parent, RTreeNode* child, unsigned &child_in_parent ) {
+ if( child->children_nodes.size() > 0 ){
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" non-leaf: recalculate bounding box of parent "); // non leaf-node: child
+ parent->children_nodes[ child_in_parent ].bounding_box = Rect( child->children_nodes[0].bounding_box );
+ for( unsigned i=1; i < child->children_nodes.size(); i++ ){
+ parent->children_nodes[ child_in_parent ].bounding_box.unionWith( child->children_nodes[i].bounding_box );
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ _RTREE_PRINT(" leaf: recalculate bounding box of parent "); // leaf-node: child
+ parent->children_nodes[ child_in_parent ].bounding_box = Rect( child->children_leaves[0].bounding_box );
+ for( unsigned i=1; i < child->children_leaves.size(); i++ ){
+ parent->children_nodes[ child_in_parent ].bounding_box.unionWith( child->children_leaves[i].bounding_box );
+ }
+ }
+- a parent
+- a child node
+it removes the child record from the parent
+NOTE! child must be indeed child of the parent, otherwise it screws up things.
+So find parent and child before calling this function
+int RTree::remove_record_from_parent( RTreeNode* parent, RTreeNode* child ) {
+ _RTREE_PRINT( "remove_record_from_parent)" );
+ for( std::vector< RTreeRecord_NonLeaf >::iterator it = parent->children_nodes.begin(); it!=parent->children_nodes.end(); ++it ){
+ if( it->data == child ){
+ // delete element: implement step D2)
+ parent->children_nodes.erase( it );
+ return 0; // success
+ }
+ }
+ return 1; // failure
+TODO update
+ Local Variables:
+ mode:c++
+ c-file-style:"stroustrup"
+ c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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+ fill-column:99
+ End:
+// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :