path: root/qa/libcmis-c/test-dummies.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'qa/libcmis-c/test-dummies.cxx')
1 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/libcmis-c/test-dummies.cxx b/qa/libcmis-c/test-dummies.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5056bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/libcmis-c/test-dummies.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+/* libcmis
+ * Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv2+ / LGPLv2+
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * Major Contributor(s):
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 SUSE <>
+ *
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * For minor contributions see the git repository.
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPLv2+"), or
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or later (the "LGPLv2+"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPLv2+ or the LGPLv2+ are applicable
+ * instead of those above.
+ */
+#include "test-dummies.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using libcmis::PropertyPtrMap;
+bool isOutOfMemory = false;
+/// Ignore all tests results depending on this when running in valgrind
+void * operator new ( size_t requestedSize )
+ if ( isOutOfMemory )
+ {
+ throw bad_alloc( );
+ }
+ return malloc( requestedSize );
+void operator delete ( void* ptr ) throw ( )
+ free( ptr );
+#if __cplusplus > 201103L
+void operator delete ( void* ptr, std::size_t ) throw ( )
+ free( ptr );
+namespace dummies
+ Session::Session( )
+ {
+ }
+ Session::~Session( )
+ {
+ }
+ libcmis::RepositoryPtr Session::getRepository( )
+ {
+ libcmis::RepositoryPtr repo( new Repository( ) );
+ return repo;
+ }
+ bool Session::setRepository( std::string )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ vector< libcmis::RepositoryPtr > Session::getRepositories( )
+ {
+ vector< libcmis::RepositoryPtr > repos;
+ libcmis::RepositoryPtr repo1( new Repository( ) );
+ libcmis::RepositoryPtr repo2( new Repository( ) );
+ repos.push_back( repo1 );
+ repos.push_back( repo2 );
+ return repos;
+ }
+ libcmis::FolderPtr Session::getRootFolder()
+ {
+ libcmis::FolderPtr root( new Folder( true, false ) );
+ return root;
+ }
+ libcmis::ObjectPtr Session::getObject( string id )
+ {
+ return getFolder( id );
+ }
+ libcmis::ObjectPtr Session::getObjectByPath( string path )
+ {
+ return getFolder( path );
+ }
+ libcmis::FolderPtr Session::getFolder( string )
+ {
+ libcmis::FolderPtr result( new Folder( false, false ) );
+ return result;
+ }
+ libcmis::ObjectTypePtr Session::getType( string )
+ {
+ libcmis::ObjectTypePtr type( new ObjectType( true, false ) );
+ return type;
+ }
+ vector< libcmis::ObjectTypePtr > Session::getBaseTypes( )
+ {
+ vector< libcmis::ObjectTypePtr > types;
+ libcmis::ObjectTypePtr type( new ObjectType( true, false ) );
+ types.push_back( type );
+ return types;
+ }
+ std::string Session::getRefreshToken( )
+ {
+ return string( );
+ }
+ Repository::Repository( ) :
+ libcmis::Repository( )
+ {
+ m_id = string( "Repository::Id" );
+ m_name = string( "Repository::Name" );
+ m_description = string( "Repository::Description" );
+ m_vendorName = string( "Repository::VendorName" );
+ m_productName = string( "Repository::ProductName" );
+ m_productVersion = string( "Repository::ProductVersion" );
+ m_rootId = string( "Repository::RootId" );
+ m_cmisVersionSupported = string( "Repository::CmisVersionSupported" );
+ m_thinClientUri.reset( new string( "Repository::ThinClientUri" ) );
+ m_principalAnonymous.reset( new string( "Repository::PrincipalAnonymous" ) );
+ m_principalAnyone.reset( new string( "Repository::PrincipalAnyone" ) );
+ }
+ Repository::~Repository( )
+ {
+ }
+ PropertyType::PropertyType( string id, string xmlType ) :
+ libcmis::PropertyType( )
+ {
+ setId( id );
+ setLocalName( string( "PropertyType::LocalName" ) );
+ setLocalNamespace( string( "PropertyType::LocalNamespace" ) );
+ setDisplayName( string( "PropertyType::DisplayName" ) );
+ setQueryName( string( "PropertyType::QueryName" ) );
+ setTypeFromXml( xmlType );
+ // Setting true for the tests to see a difference with
+ // the default false result of the tested functions
+ setMultiValued( true );
+ setUpdatable( true );
+ setInherited( true );
+ setRequired( true );
+ setQueryable( true );
+ setOrderable( true );
+ setOpenChoice( true );
+ }
+ PropertyType::~PropertyType( )
+ {
+ }
+ AllowableActions::AllowableActions( ) :
+ libcmis::AllowableActions( )
+ {
+ m_states.insert( pair< libcmis::ObjectAction::Type, bool >( libcmis::ObjectAction::GetProperties, true ) );
+ m_states.insert( pair< libcmis::ObjectAction::Type, bool >( libcmis::ObjectAction::GetFolderParent, false ) );
+ }
+ AllowableActions::~AllowableActions( )
+ {
+ }
+ ObjectType::ObjectType( ) :
+ libcmis::ObjectType( ),
+ m_typeId( ),
+ m_childrenIds( ),
+ m_triggersFaults( false )
+ {
+ }
+ ObjectType::ObjectType( bool rootType, bool triggersFaults ) :
+ libcmis::ObjectType( ),
+ m_typeId( ),
+ m_childrenIds( ),
+ m_triggersFaults( triggersFaults )
+ {
+ if ( rootType )
+ m_typeId = "RootType";
+ else
+ {
+ m_typeId = "ObjectType";
+ m_parentTypeId = "ParentType";
+ m_childrenIds.push_back( "ChildType1" );
+ m_childrenIds.push_back( "ChildType2" );
+ }
+ m_baseTypeId = "RootType";
+ libcmis::PropertyTypePtr propType1( new PropertyType( "Property1", "string" ) );
+ m_propertiesTypes.insert( pair< string, libcmis::PropertyTypePtr >( propType1->getId( ), propType1 ) );
+ libcmis::PropertyTypePtr propType2( new PropertyType( "Property2", "string" ) );
+ m_propertiesTypes.insert( pair< string, libcmis::PropertyTypePtr >( propType2->getId( ), propType2 ) );
+ libcmis::PropertyTypePtr propType3( new PropertyType( "Property3", "string" ) );
+ m_propertiesTypes.insert( pair< string, libcmis::PropertyTypePtr >( propType3->getId( ), propType3 ) );
+ initMembers( );
+ }
+ void ObjectType::initMembers( )
+ {
+ m_id = m_typeId + "::Id";
+ m_localName = m_typeId + "::LocalName";
+ m_localNamespace = m_typeId + "::LocalNamespace";
+ m_displayName = m_typeId + "::DisplayName";
+ m_queryName = m_typeId + "::QueryName";
+ m_description = m_typeId + "::Description";
+ m_creatable = true;
+ m_fileable = true;
+ m_queryable = true;
+ m_fulltextIndexed = true;
+ m_includedInSupertypeQuery = true;
+ m_controllablePolicy = true;
+ m_controllableAcl = true;
+ m_versionable = true;
+ m_contentStreamAllowed = libcmis::ObjectType::Allowed;
+ }
+ ObjectType::~ObjectType( )
+ {
+ }
+ libcmis::ObjectTypePtr ObjectType::getParentType( )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ ObjectType* parent = NULL;
+ if ( !m_parentTypeId.empty( ) )
+ {
+ parent = new ObjectType( );
+ parent->m_typeId = m_parentTypeId;
+ parent->m_parentTypeId = m_baseTypeId;
+ parent->m_baseTypeId = m_baseTypeId;
+ parent->m_childrenIds.push_back( m_id );
+ parent->m_triggersFaults = m_triggersFaults;
+ parent->m_propertiesTypes = m_propertiesTypes;
+ parent->initMembers( );
+ }
+ libcmis::ObjectTypePtr result( parent );
+ return result;
+ }
+ libcmis::ObjectTypePtr ObjectType::getBaseType( )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ ObjectType* base = this;
+ if ( m_typeId != m_baseTypeId )
+ {
+ base = new ObjectType( );
+ base->m_typeId = m_baseTypeId;
+ base->m_baseTypeId = m_baseTypeId;
+ base->m_childrenIds.push_back( m_id );
+ base->m_triggersFaults = m_triggersFaults;
+ base->m_propertiesTypes = m_propertiesTypes;
+ base->initMembers( );
+ }
+ libcmis::ObjectTypePtr result( base );
+ return result;
+ }
+ vector< libcmis::ObjectTypePtr > ObjectType::getChildren( )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ vector< libcmis::ObjectTypePtr > children;
+ for ( vector< string >::iterator it = m_childrenIds.begin( ); it != m_childrenIds.end( ); ++it )
+ {
+ ObjectType* child = new ObjectType( );
+ child->m_typeId = *it;
+ child->m_parentTypeId = m_typeId;
+ child->m_baseTypeId = m_baseTypeId;
+ child->m_triggersFaults = m_triggersFaults;
+ child->m_propertiesTypes = m_propertiesTypes;
+ child->initMembers( );
+ libcmis::ObjectTypePtr result( child );
+ children.push_back( result );
+ }
+ return children;
+ }
+ string ObjectType::toString( )
+ {
+ return m_typeId + "::toString";
+ }
+ Object::Object( bool triggersFaults, string type ):
+ libcmis::Object( NULL ),
+ m_type( type ),
+ m_triggersFaults( triggersFaults )
+ {
+ libcmis::PropertyTypePtr propertyType( new PropertyType( "Property1", "string" ) );
+ vector< string > values;
+ values.push_back( "Value1" );
+ libcmis::PropertyPtr property( new libcmis::Property( propertyType, values ) );
+ m_properties.insert( pair< string, libcmis::PropertyPtr >( propertyType->getId( ), property ) );
+ }
+ string Object::getId( )
+ {
+ return m_type + "::Id";
+ }
+ string Object::getName( )
+ {
+ return m_type + "::Name";
+ }
+ vector< string > Object::getPaths( )
+ {
+ vector< string > paths;
+ paths.push_back( string( "/Path1/" ) );
+ paths.push_back( string( "/Path2/" ) );
+ return paths;
+ }
+ string Object::getBaseType( )
+ {
+ return m_type + "::BaseType";
+ }
+ string Object::getType( )
+ {
+ return m_type + "::Type";
+ }
+ boost::posix_time::ptime Object::getCreationDate( )
+ {
+ boost::posix_time::ptime now( boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time( ) );
+ return now;
+ }
+ boost::posix_time::ptime Object::getLastModificationDate( )
+ {
+ boost::posix_time::ptime now( boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time( ) );
+ return now;
+ }
+ libcmis::ObjectPtr Object::updateProperties(
+ const PropertyPtrMap& )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ time( &m_refreshTimestamp );
+ libcmis::ObjectPtr result( new Object( false ) );
+ return result;
+ }
+ libcmis::ObjectTypePtr Object::getTypeDescription( )
+ {
+ libcmis::ObjectTypePtr type( new ObjectType( false, m_triggersFaults ) );
+ return type;
+ }
+ libcmis::AllowableActionsPtr Object::getAllowableActions( )
+ {
+ libcmis::AllowableActionsPtr allowableActions( new AllowableActions( ) );
+ return allowableActions;
+ }
+ void Object::refresh( )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ time( &m_refreshTimestamp );
+ }
+ void Object::remove( bool )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ time( &m_refreshTimestamp );
+ }
+ void Object::move( libcmis::FolderPtr, libcmis::FolderPtr )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ time( &m_refreshTimestamp );
+ }
+ void Object::toXml( xmlTextWriterPtr )
+ {
+ }
+ Folder::Folder( bool isRoot, bool triggersFaults ) :
+ libcmis::Object( NULL ),
+ libcmis::Folder( NULL ),
+ dummies::Object( triggersFaults, "Folder" ),
+ m_isRoot( isRoot )
+ {
+ }
+ libcmis::FolderPtr Folder::getFolderParent( )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ libcmis::FolderPtr parent;
+ if ( !m_isRoot )
+ parent.reset( new Folder( true, m_triggersFaults ) );
+ return parent;
+ }
+ vector< libcmis::ObjectPtr > Folder::getChildren( )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ vector< libcmis::ObjectPtr > children;
+ libcmis::ObjectPtr child1( new Object( m_triggersFaults ) );
+ children.push_back( child1 );
+ libcmis::ObjectPtr child2( new Object( m_triggersFaults ) );
+ children.push_back( child2 );
+ return children;
+ }
+ string Folder::getPath( )
+ {
+ return string( "/Path/" );
+ }
+ bool Folder::isRootFolder( )
+ {
+ return m_isRoot;
+ }
+ libcmis::FolderPtr Folder::createFolder( const PropertyPtrMap& )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ libcmis::FolderPtr created( new Folder( true, m_triggersFaults ) );
+ return created;
+ }
+ libcmis::DocumentPtr Folder::createDocument( const PropertyPtrMap& properties,
+ boost::shared_ptr< ostream > os, string contentType, string filename )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ dummies::Document* document = new dummies::Document( true, false );
+ PropertyPtrMap propertiesCopy( properties );
+ document->getProperties( ).swap( propertiesCopy );
+ document->setContentStream( os, contentType, filename );
+ libcmis::DocumentPtr created( document );
+ return created;
+ }
+ vector< string > Folder::removeTree( bool, libcmis::UnfileObjects::Type,
+ bool )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ time( &m_refreshTimestamp );
+ vector< string > failed;
+ failed.push_back( "failed 1" );
+ return failed;
+ }
+ Document::Document( bool isFiled, bool triggersFaults ) :
+ libcmis::Object( NULL ),
+ libcmis::Document( NULL ),
+ dummies::Object( triggersFaults, "Document" ),
+ m_isFiled( isFiled ),
+ m_contentString( "Document::ContentStream" )
+ {
+ }
+ vector< libcmis::FolderPtr > Document::getParents( )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ vector< libcmis::FolderPtr > parents;
+ if ( m_isFiled )
+ {
+ libcmis::FolderPtr parent1( new Folder( true, m_triggersFaults ) );
+ parents.push_back( parent1 );
+ libcmis::FolderPtr parent2( new Folder( false, m_triggersFaults ) );
+ parents.push_back( parent2 );
+ }
+ return parents;
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr< istream > Document::getContentStream( string /*streamId*/ )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ bool oldOutOfMem = isOutOfMemory;
+ isOutOfMemory = false;
+ boost::shared_ptr< istream > stream( new stringstream( m_contentString ) );
+ isOutOfMemory = oldOutOfMem;
+ return stream;
+ }
+ void Document::setContentStream( boost::shared_ptr< ostream > os, string, string, bool )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ istream is( os->rdbuf( ) );
+ stringstream out;
+ is.seekg( 0 );
+ int bufSize = 2048;
+ char* buf = new char[ bufSize ];
+ while ( !is.eof( ) )
+ {
+ buf, bufSize );
+ size_t read = is.gcount( );
+ out.write( buf, read );
+ }
+ delete[] buf;
+ m_contentString = out.str( );
+ time( &m_refreshTimestamp );
+ }
+ string Document::getContentType( )
+ {
+ return "Document::ContentType";
+ }
+ string Document::getContentFilename( )
+ {
+ return "Document::ContentFilename";
+ }
+ long Document::getContentLength( )
+ {
+ return long( 12345 );
+ }
+ libcmis::DocumentPtr Document::checkOut( )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ time( &m_refreshTimestamp );
+ libcmis::DocumentPtr result( new Document( true, m_triggersFaults ) );
+ return result;
+ }
+ void Document::cancelCheckout( )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ time( &m_refreshTimestamp );
+ }
+ libcmis::DocumentPtr Document::checkIn( bool, string, const PropertyPtrMap& properties,
+ boost::shared_ptr< ostream > os, string contentType, string filename )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ m_properties = properties;
+ setContentStream( os, contentType, filename );
+ time( &m_refreshTimestamp );
+ return libcmis::DocumentPtr( new Document( true, false ) );
+ }
+ vector< libcmis::DocumentPtr > Document::getAllVersions( )
+ {
+ if ( m_triggersFaults )
+ throw libcmis::Exception( "Fault triggered" );
+ vector< libcmis::DocumentPtr > versions;
+ libcmis::DocumentPtr version1( new Document( true, false ) );
+ versions.push_back( version1 );
+ libcmis::DocumentPtr version2( new Document( true, false ) );
+ versions.push_back( version2 );
+ return versions;
+ }