path: root/src/libcmis/gdrive-object.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libcmis/gdrive-object.cxx')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libcmis/gdrive-object.cxx b/src/libcmis/gdrive-object.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b472e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcmis/gdrive-object.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+/* libcmis
+ * Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv2+ / LGPLv2+
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * Major Contributor(s):
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 SUSE <>
+ * 2013 Cao Cuong Ngo <>
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * For minor contributions see the git repository.
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPLv2+"), or
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or later (the "LGPLv2+"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPLv2+ or the LGPLv2+ are applicable
+ * instead of those above.
+ */
+#include "gdrive-object.hxx"
+#include "gdrive-property.hxx"
+#include "gdrive-allowable-actions.hxx"
+#include "gdrive-repository.hxx"
+#include "gdrive-utils.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace libcmis;
+GDriveObject::GDriveObject( GDriveSession* session ) :
+ libcmis::Object( session )
+GDriveObject::GDriveObject( GDriveSession* session, Json json, string id, string name ) :
+ libcmis::Object( session )
+ initializeFromJson( json, id, name );
+GDriveObject::GDriveObject( const GDriveObject& copy ) :
+ libcmis::Object( copy )
+GDriveObject& GDriveObject::operator=( const GDriveObject& copy )
+ if ( this != &copy )
+ {
+ libcmis::Object::operator=( copy );
+ }
+ return *this;
+void GDriveObject::initializeFromJson ( Json json, string id, string name )
+ Json::JsonObject objs = json.getObjects( );
+ Json::JsonObject::iterator it;
+ for ( it = objs.begin( ); it != objs.end( ); ++it)
+ {
+ PropertyPtr property;
+ // in case of a revision, get the ID and name of the original file
+ if ( !id.empty( ) && it->first == "id" )
+ {
+ Json idJson( id.c_str( ) );
+ property.reset( new GDriveProperty( "id", idJson ) );
+ m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
+ property.reset( new GDriveProperty( "revisionId", it->second ) );
+ m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
+ Json nameJson( name.c_str( ) );
+ property.reset( new GDriveProperty( "cmis:name", nameJson) );
+ m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
+ property.reset( new GDriveProperty( "cmis:contentStreamFileName", nameJson) );
+ m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ property.reset( new GDriveProperty( it->first, it->second ) );
+ m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
+ // we map "name" to both "cmis:name" and "cmis:getContentStreamFileName"
+ if ( it->first == "name" )
+ {
+ property.reset( new GDriveProperty( "cmis:name", it->second) );
+ m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
+ }
+ // some revision keep the original file name.
+ if ( it->first == "originalFilename" )
+ {
+ property.reset( new GDriveProperty( "cmis:name", it->second ) );
+ m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
+ property.reset( new GDriveProperty( "cmis:contentStreamFileName", it->second) );
+ m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
+ }
+ // In case of a revision, get the modified date as creation date
+ if ( it->first == "modifiedDate" && !id.empty( ) )
+ {
+ property.reset( new GDriveProperty( "cmis:creationDate", it->second) );
+ m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
+ }
+ // In case of a revision, get the last modifying user and the creator
+ if ( it->first == "lastModifyingUserName" && !id.empty( ) )
+ {
+ property.reset( new GDriveProperty( "cmis:createdBy", it->second) );
+ m_properties[ property->getPropertyType( )->getId()] = property;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_refreshTimestamp = time( NULL );
+ // Create AllowableActions
+ bool isFolder = json["mimeType"].toString( ) == GDRIVE_FOLDER_MIME_TYPE;
+ m_allowableActions.reset( new GdriveAllowableActions( isFolder ) );
+GDriveSession* GDriveObject::getSession( )
+ return dynamic_cast< GDriveSession* > ( m_session );
+void GDriveObject::refreshImpl( Json json )
+ m_typeDescription.reset( );
+ m_properties.clear( );
+ initializeFromJson( json );
+vector< RenditionPtr> GDriveObject::getRenditions( string /* filter */ )
+ if ( m_renditions.empty( ) )
+ {
+ string downloadUrl = GDRIVE_METADATA_LINK + getId( ) + "?alt=media";
+ string mimeType = getStringProperty( "cmis:contentStreamMimeType" );
+ if ( !mimeType.empty( ) )
+ {
+ RenditionPtr rendition(
+ new Rendition( mimeType, mimeType, mimeType, downloadUrl ));
+ m_renditions.push_back( rendition );
+ }
+ vector< string > exportLinks = getMultiStringProperty( "exportLinks" );
+ for ( vector<string>::iterator it = exportLinks.begin( ); it != exportLinks.end( ); ++it)
+ {
+ int pos = (*it).find(":\"");
+ if ( pos == -1 ) continue;
+ mimeType = (*it).substr( 0, pos );
+ string url = (*it).substr( pos + 2, (*it).length( ) - pos - 3 );
+ RenditionPtr rendition(
+ new Rendition( mimeType, mimeType, mimeType, url ) );
+ m_renditions.push_back( rendition );
+ }
+ // thumbnail link
+ string thumbnailLink = getStringProperty( "thumbnailLink" );
+ if ( !thumbnailLink.empty( ) )
+ {
+ mimeType = "cmis:thumbnail";
+ RenditionPtr rendition(
+ new Rendition( mimeType, mimeType, mimeType, thumbnailLink ));
+ m_renditions.push_back( rendition );
+ }
+ }
+ return m_renditions;
+libcmis::ObjectPtr GDriveObject::updateProperties(
+ const PropertyPtrMap& properties )
+ // Make Json object from properties
+ Json json = GdriveUtils::toGdriveJson( properties );
+ istringstream is( json.toString( ));
+ libcmis::HttpResponsePtr response;
+ try
+ {
+ vector< string > headers;
+ headers.push_back( "Content-Type: application/json" );
+ response = getSession( )->httpPatchRequest( getUrl( ), is, headers );
+ }
+ catch ( const CurlException& e )
+ {
+ throw e.getCmisException( );
+ }
+ string res = response->getStream( )->str( );
+ Json jsonRes = Json::parse( res );
+ libcmis::ObjectPtr updated( new GDriveObject ( getSession( ), jsonRes ) );
+ if ( updated->getId( ) == getId( ) )
+ refreshImpl( jsonRes );
+ return updated;
+void GDriveObject::refresh( )
+ string res;
+ try
+ {
+ res = getSession()->httpGetRequest( getUrl( ) )->getStream( )->str( );
+ }
+ catch ( const CurlException& e )
+ {
+ throw e.getCmisException( );
+ }
+ Json json = Json::parse( res );
+ refreshImpl( json );
+void GDriveObject::remove( bool /*allVersions*/ )
+ try
+ {
+ getSession( )->httpDeleteRequest( GDRIVE_METADATA_LINK + getId( ) );
+ }
+ catch ( const CurlException& e )
+ {
+ throw e.getCmisException( );
+ }
+void GDriveObject::move( FolderPtr /*source*/, FolderPtr destination )
+ Json parentsJson;
+ parentsJson.add( "addParents", Json(destination->getId( ).c_str()) );
+ parentsJson.add( "removeParents", Json(getStringProperty( "cmis:parentId" ).c_str()) );
+ istringstream is( parentsJson.toString( ) );
+ libcmis::HttpResponsePtr response;
+ try
+ {
+ vector< string > headers;
+ headers.push_back( "Content-Type: application/json" );
+ response = getSession( )->httpPatchRequest( getUrl( ), is, headers );
+ }
+ catch ( const CurlException& e )
+ {
+ throw e.getCmisException( );
+ }
+ string res = response->getStream( )->str( );
+ Json jsonRes = Json::parse( res );
+ refreshImpl( jsonRes );
+string GDriveObject::getUrl( )
+ // thumbnailLink causes some operations to fail with internal server error,
+ // see
+ return GDRIVE_METADATA_LINK + getId( ) +
+ "?fields=kind,id,name,parents,mimeType,createdTime,modifiedTime,size";
+vector< string> GDriveObject::getMultiStringProperty( const string& propertyName )
+ vector< string > values;
+ PropertyPtrMap::const_iterator it = getProperties( ).find( string( propertyName ) );
+ if ( it != getProperties( ).end( ) && it->second != NULL && !it->second->getStrings( ).empty( ) )
+ values = it->second->getStrings( );
+ return values;