orcus.xlsx ========== .. py:function:: orcus.xlsx.read Read an Excel file from a specified file path and create a :py:class:`orcus.Document` instance object. The file must be of Excel 2007 XML format. :param stream: file object containing byte streams. :param bool recalc: optional parameter specifying whether or not to recalculate the formula cells on load. Defaults to ``False``. :param str error_policy: optional parameter indicating what to do when encountering formula cells with invalid formula expressions. The value must be either ``fail`` or ``skip``. Defaults to ``fail``. :rtype: :py:class:`orcus.Document` :return: document instance object that stores the content of the file. Example:: from orcus import xlsx with open("path/to/file.xlsx", "rb") as f: doc = xlsx.read(f, recalc=True, error_policy="fail")