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+# Custom Shaders (mpv .hook syntax)
+libplacebo supports the same [custom shader syntax used by
+mpv](, with some important
+changes. This document will serve as a complete reference for this syntax.
+## Overview
+In general, user shaders are divided into distinct *blocks*. Each block can
+define a shader, a texture, a buffer, or a tunable parameter. Each block
+starts with a collection of header directives, which are lines starting with
+the syntax `//!`.
+As an example, here is a simple shader that simply inverts the video signal:
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+vec4 hook()
+ vec4 color = HOOKED_texOff(0);
+ color.rgb = vec3(1.0) - color.rgb;
+ return color;
+This shader defines one block - a shader block which hooks into the two
+texture stages `LUMA` and `RGB`, binds the hooked texture, inverts the value
+of the `rgb` channels, and then returns the modified color.
+### Expressions
+In a few contexts, shader directives accept arithmetic expressions, denoted by
+`<expr>` in the listing below. For historical reasons, all expressions are
+given in [reverse polish notation
+(RPN)](, and the only
+value type is a floating point number. The following value types and
+arithmetic operations are available:
+* `1.234`: Literal float constant, evaluates to itself.
+* `NAME.w`, `NAME.width`: Evaluates to the width of a texture with name `NAME`.
+* `NAME.h`, `NAME.height`: Evaluates to the height of a texture with name `NAME`.
+* `PAR`: Evaluates to the value of a tunable shader parameter with name `PAR`.
+* `+`: Evaluates to `X+Y`.
+* `-`: Evaluates to `X-Y`.
+* `*`: Evaluates to `X*Y`.
+* `/`: Evaluates to `X/Y`.
+* `%`: Evaluates to `fmod(X, Y)`.
+* `>`: Evaluates to `(X > Y) ? 1.0 : 0.0`.
+* `<`: Evaluates to `(X < Y) ? 1.0 : 0.0`.
+* `=`: Evaluates to `fuzzy_eq(X, Y) ? 1.0 : 0.0`, with some tolerance to
+ allow for floating point inaccuracy. (Around 1 ppm)
+* `!`: Evaluates to `X ? 0.0 : 1.0`.
+Note that `+` and `*` can be used as suitable replacements for the otherwise
+absent boolean logic expressions (`||` and `&&`).
+## Shaders
+Shaders are the default block type, and have no special syntax to indicate
+their presence. Shader stages contain raw GLSL code that will be
+(conditionally) executed. This GLSL snippet must define a single function
+`vec4 hook()`, or `void hook()` for compute shaders.
+During the execution of any shader, the following global variables are made
+* `int frame`: A raw counter tracking the number of executions of this shader
+ stage.
+* `float random`: A pseudo-random float uniformly distributed in the range
+ `[0,1)`.
+* `vec2 input_size`: The nominal size (in pixels) of the original input image.
+* `vec2 target_size`: The nominal size (in pixels) of the output rectangle.
+* `vec2 tex_offset`: The nominal offset (in pixels), of the original input crop.
+* `vec4 linearize(vec4 color)`: Linearize the input color according to the
+ image's tagged gamma function.
+* `vec4 delinearize(vec4 color)`: Opposite counterpart to `linearize`.
+Shader stages accept the following directives:
+### `HOOK <texture>`
+A `HOOK` directive determines when a shader stage is run. During internal
+processing, libplacebo goes over a number of pre-defined *hook points* at set
+points in the processing pipeline. It is only possible to intercept the image,
+and run custom shaders, at these fixed hook points.
+Here is a current list of hook points:
+* `RGB`: Input plane containing RGB values
+* `LUMA`: Input plane containing a Y value
+* `CHROMA`: Input plane containing chroma values (one or both)
+* `ALPHA`: Input plane containing a single alpha value
+* `XYZ`: Input plane containing XYZ values
+* `CHROMA_SCALED`: Chroma plane, after merging and upscaling to luma size
+* `ALPHA_SCALED`: Alpha plane, after upscaling to luma size
+* `NATIVE`: Merged input planes, before any sort of color conversion (as-is)
+* `MAIN`: After conversion to RGB, before linearization/scaling
+* `LINEAR`: After conversion to linear light (for scaling purposes)
+* `SIGMOID`: After conversion to sigmoidized light (for scaling purposes)
+* `PREKERNEL`: Immediately before the execution of the main scaler kernel
+* `POSTKERNEL`: Immediately after the execution of the main scaler kernel
+* `SCALED`: After scaling, in either linear or non-linear light RGB
+* `PREOUTPUT`: After color conversion to target colorspace, before alpha blending
+* `OUTPUT`: After alpha blending, before dithering and final output pass
+!!! warning "`MAINPRESUB`"
+ In mpv, `MAIN` and `MAINPRESUB` are separate shader stages, because the
+ mpv option `--blend-subtitles=video` allows rendering overlays directly
+ onto the pre-scaled video stage. libplacebo does not support this feature,
+ and as such, the `MAINPRESUB` shader stage does not exist. It is still
+ valid to refer to this name in shaders, but it is handled identically to
+ `MAIN`.
+It's possible for a hook point to never fire. For example, `SIGMOID` will not
+fire when downscaling, as sigmoidization only happens when upscaling.
+Similarly, `LUMA`/`CHROMA` will not fire on an RGB video and vice versa.
+A single shader stage may hook multiple hook points simultaneously, for
+example, to cover both `LUMA` and `RGB` cases with the same logic. (See the
+example shader in the introduction)
+### `BIND <texture>`
+The `BIND` directive makes a texture available for use in the shader. This can
+be any of the previously named hook points, a custom texture define by a
+`TEXTURE` block, a custom texture saved by a `SAVE` directive, or the special
+value `HOOKED` which allows binding whatever texture hook dispatched this
+shader stage.
+A bound texture will define the following GLSL functions (as macros):
+* `sampler2D NAME_raw`: A reference to the raw texture sampler itself.
+* `vec2 NAME_pos`: The texel coordinates of the current pixel.
+* `vec2 NAME_map(ivec2 id)`: A function that maps from `gl_GlobalInvocationID`
+ to texel coordinates. (Compute shaders)
+* `vec2 NAME_size`: The size (in pixels) of the texture.
+* `vec2 NAME_pt`: Convenience macro for `1.0 / NAME_size`. The size of a
+ single pixel (in texel coordinates).
+* `vec2 NAME_off`: The sample offset of the texture. Basically, the pixel
+ coordinates of the top-left corner of the sampled area.
+* `float NAME_mul`: The coefficient that must be multiplied into sampled
+ values in order to rescale them to `[0,1]`.
+* `vec4 NAME_tex(vec2 pos)`: A wrapper around `NAME_mul * textureLod(NAME_raw,
+ pos, 0.0)`.
+* `vec4 NAME_texOff(vec2 offset)`: A wrapper around `NAME_tex(NAME_pos + NAME_pt * offset)`.
+ This can be used to easily access adjacent pixels, e.g. `NAME_texOff(-1,2)`
+ samples a pixel one to the left and two to the bottom of the current
+ location.
+* `vec4 NAME_gather(vec2 pos, int c)`: A wrapper around
+ `NAME_mul * textureGather(pos, c)`, with appropriate scaling. (Only when
+ supported[^ifdef])
+!!! note "Rotation matrix"
+ For compatibility with mpv, we also define a `mat2 NAME_rot` which is
+ simply equal to a 2x2 identity matrix. libplacebo never rotates input
+ planes - all rotation happens during the final output to the display.
+[^ifdef]: Because these are macros, their presence can be tested for using
+ `#ifdef` inside the GLSL preprocessor.
+This same directive can also be used to bind buffer blocks (i.e.
+uniform/storage buffers), as defined by the [`BUFFER` directive](#buffer-name).
+### `SAVE <texture>`
+By default, after execution of a shader stage, the resulting output is
+captured back into the same hooked texture that triggered the shader. This
+behavior can be overridden using the explicit `SAVE` directive. For example,
+a shader might need access to a low-res version of the luma input texture in
+order to process chroma:
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+vec4 hook()
+ return LUMA_texOff(0);
+This shader binds both luma and chroma and resizes the luma plane down to the
+size of the chroma plane, saving the result as a new texture `LUMA_LOWRES`. In
+general, you can pick any name you want, here.
+### `DESC <description>`
+This purely informative directive simply gives the shader stage a name. This
+is the name that will be reported to the shader stage and execution time
+### `OFFSET <xo yo | ALIGN>`
+This directive indicates a pixel shift (offset) introduced by this pass. These
+pixel offsets will be accumulated and corrected automatically as part of plane
+alignment / main scaling.
+A special value of `ALIGN` will attempt to counteract any existing offset of
+the hooked texture by aligning it with reference plane (i.e. luma). This can
+be used to e.g. introduce custom chroma scaling in a way that doesn't break
+chroma subtexel offsets.
+An example:
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+//!OFFSET 100.5 100.5
+vec4 hook()
+ // Constant offset by N pixels towards the bottom right
+ return HOOKED_texOff(-vec2(100.5));
+This (slightly silly) shader simply shifts the entire sampled region to the
+bottom right by 100.5 pixels, and propagates this shift to the main scaler
+using the `OFFSET` directive. As such, the end result of this is that there is
+no visible shift of the overall image, but some detail (~100 pixels) near the
+bottom-right border is lost due to falling outside the bounds of the texture.
+### `WIDTH <expr>`, `HEIGHT <expr>`
+These directives can be used to override the dimensions of the resulting
+texture. Note that not all textures can be resized this way. Currently, only
+`RGB`, `LUMA`, `CHROMA`, `XYZ`, `NATIVE` and `MAIN` are resizable. Trying to
+save a texture with an incompatible size to any other shader stage will result
+in an error.
+### `WHEN <expr>`
+This directive takes an expression that can be used to make shader stages
+conditionally executed. If this evaluates to 0, the shader stage will be
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+//!PARAM strength
+//!TYPE float
+//!WHEN intensity 0 >
+//!DESC do something based on 'intensity'
+This example defines a shader stage that only conditionally executes itself
+if the value of the `intensity` shader parameter is non-zero.
+### `COMPONENTS <num>`
+This directive overrides the number of components present in a texture.
+For example, if you want to extract a one-dimensional feature map from the
+otherwise 3 or 4 dimensional `MAIN` texture, you can use this directive to
+save on memory bandwidth and consumption by having libplacebo only allocate a
+one-component texture to store the feature map in:
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+//!SAVE featuremap
+### `COMPUTE <bw> <bh> [<tw> <th>]`
+This directive specifies that the shader should be treated as a compute
+shader, with the block size `bw` and `bh`. The compute shader will be
+dispatched with however many blocks are necessary to completely tile over the
+output. Within each block, there will be `tw*th` threads, forming a single
+work group. In other words: `tw` and `th` specify the work group size, which
+can be different from the block size. So for example, a compute shader with
+`bw = bh = 32` and `tw = th = 8` running on a `500x500` texture would dispatch
+`16x16` blocks (rounded up), each with `8x8` threads.
+Instead of defining a `vec4 hook()`, compute shaders must define a `void
+hook()` which results directly to the output texture, a `writeonly image2D
+out_image` made available to the shader stage.
+For example, here is a shader executing a single-pass 41x41 convolution
+(average blur) on the luma plane, using a compute shader to share sampling
+work between adjacent threads in a work group:
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+//!COMPUTE 32 32
+//!DESC avg convolution
+// Kernel size, 41x41 as an example
+const ivec2 ksize = ivec2(41, 41);
+const ivec2 offset = ksize / 2;
+// We need to load extra source texels to account for padding due to kernel
+// overhang
+const ivec2 isize = ivec2(gl_WorkGroupSize) + ksize - 1;
+shared float inp[isize.y][isize.x];
+void hook()
+ // load texels into shmem
+ ivec2 base = ivec2(gl_WorkGroupID) * ivec2(gl_WorkGroupSize);
+ for (uint y = gl_LocalInvocationID.y; y < isize.y; y += gl_WorkGroupSize.y) {
+ for (uint x = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; x < isize.x; x += gl_WorkGroupSize.x)
+ inp[y][x] = texelFetch(HOOKED_raw, base + ivec2(x,y) - offset, 0).x;
+ }
+ // synchronize threads
+ barrier();
+ // do convolution
+ float sum;
+ for (uint y = 0; y < ksize.y; y++) {
+ for (uint x = 0; x < ksize.x; x++)
+ sum += inp[gl_LocalInvocationID.y+y][gl_LocalInvocationID.x+x];
+ }
+ vec4 color = vec4(HOOKED_mul * sum / (ksize.x * ksize.y), 0, 0, 1);
+ imageStore(out_image, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID), color);
+## Textures
+Custom textures can be defined and made available to shader stages using
+`TEXTURE` blocks. These can be used to provide e.g. LUTs or pre-trained
+The data for a texture is provided as a raw hexadecimal string encoding the
+in-memory representation of a texture, according to its given texture format,
+for example:
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+//!SIZE 3 3
+//!FORMAT rgba32f
+Texture blocks accept the following directives:
+### `TEXTURE <name>`
+This must be the first directive in a texture block, and marks it as such. The
+name given is the name that the texture will be referred to (via `BIND`
+### `SIZE <width> [<height> [<depth>]]`
+This directive gives the size of the texture, as integers. For example,
+`//!SIZE 512 512` marks a 512x512 texture block. Textures can be 1D, 2D or 3D
+depending on the number of coordinates specified.
+### `FORMAT <fmt>`
+This directive specifies the texture format. A complete list of known textures
+is exposed as part of the `pl_gpu` struct metadata, but they follow the format
+convention `rgba8`, `rg16hf`, `rgba32f`, `r64i` and so on.
+This directive specifies the texture magnification/minification filter.
+This directive specifies the border clamping method of the texture.
+### `STORAGE`
+If present, this directive marks the texture as a storage image. It will still
+be initialized with the initial values, but rather than being bound as a
+read-only and immutable `sampler2D`, it is bound as a `readwrite coherent
+image2D`. Such texture scan be used to, for example, store persistent state
+across invocations of the shader.
+## Buffers
+Custom uniform / storage shader buffer blocks can be defined using `BUFFER`
+The (initial) data for a buffer is provided as a raw hexadecimal string
+encoding the in-memory representation of a buffer in the corresponding GLSL
+packing layout (std140 or std430 for uniform and storage blocks,
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+//!BUFFER buf_uniform
+//!VAR float foo
+//!VAR float bar
+//!BUFFER buf_storage
+//!VAR vec2 bat
+//!VAR int big[32];
+Buffer blocks accept the following directives:
+### `BUFFER <name>`
+This must be the first directive in a buffer block, and marks it as such. The
+name given is mostly cosmetic, as individual variables can be accessed
+directly using the names given in the corresponding `VAR` directives.
+### `STORAGE`
+If present, this directive marks the buffer as a (readwrite coherent) shader
+storage block, instead of a readonly uniform buffer block. Such storage blocks
+can be used to track and evolve state across invocations of this shader.
+Storage blocks may also be initialized with default data, but this is
+optional. They can also be initialized as part of the first shader execution
+(e.g. by testing for `frame == 0`).
+### `VAR <type> <name>`
+This directive appends a new variable to the shader block, with GLSL type
+`<type>` and shader name `<name>`. For example, `VAR float foo` introduces a
+`float foo;` member into the buffer block, and `VAR mat4 transform` introduces
+a `mat4 transform;` member.
+It is also possible to introduce array variables, using `[N]` as part of the
+variable name.
+## Tunable parameters
+Finally, the `PARAM` directive allows introducing tunable shader parameters,
+which are exposed programmatically as part of the C API (`pl_hook`).[^mpv]
+[^mpv]: In mpv using `--vo=gpu-next`, these can be set using the
+ [`--glsl-shader-opts` option](
+The default value of a parameter is given as the block body, for example:
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+//!PARAM contrast
+//!DESC Gain to apply to image brightness
+//!TYPE float
+//!MINIMUM 0.0
+//!MAXIMUM 100.0
+Parameters accept the following directives:
+### `PARAM <name>`
+This must be the first directive in a parameter block, and marks it as such.
+The name given is the name that will be used to refer to this parameter in
+GLSL code.
+### `DESC <description>`
+This directive can be used to provide a friendlier description of the shader
+parameter, exposed as part of the C API to end users.
+### `MINIMUM <value>`, `MAXIMUM <value>`
+Provides the minimum/maximum value bound of this parameter. If absent, no
+minimum/maximum is enforced.
+This gives the type of the parameter, which determines what type of values it
+can hold and how it will be made available to the shader. `<type>` must be
+a scalar GLSL numeric type, such as `int`, `float` or `uint`.
+If a type is `ENUM`, it is treated as an enumeration type. To use this, `type`
+must either be `int` or `DEFINE`. Instead of providing a single default value,
+the param body should be a list of all possible enumeration values (as separate
+lines). These names will be made available inside the shader body (as a
+`#define`), as well as inside RPN expressions (e.g. `WHEN`). The qualifiers
+`MINIMUM` and `MAXIMUM` are ignored for `ENUM` parameters, with the value
+range instead being set implicitly from the list of options.
+The optional qualifiers `DYNAMIC` or `CONSTANT` mark the parameter as
+dynamically changing and compile-time constant, respectively. A `DYNAMIC`
+variable is assumed to change frequently, and will be grouped with other
+frequently-changing input parameters. A `CONSTANT` parameter will be
+introduced as a compile-time constant into the shader header, which means thy
+can be used in e.g. constant expressions such as array sizes.[^spec]
+[^spec]: On supported platforms, these are implemented using specialization
+ constants, which can be updated at run-time without requiring a full shader
+ recompilation.
+Finally, the special type `TYPE DEFINE` marks a variable as a preprocessor
+define, which can be used inside `#if` preprocessor expressions. For example:
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+//!PARAM taps
+//!DESC Smoothing taps
+const uint row_size = 2 * taps + 1;
+const float weights[row_size] = {
+#if taps == 0
+ 1.0,
+#if taps == 1
+ 0.10650697891920,
+ 0.78698604216159,
+ 0.10650697891920,
+#if taps == 2
+ 0.05448868454964,
+ 0.24420134200323,
+ 0.40261994689424,
+ 0.24420134200323,
+ 0.05448868454964,
+ // ...
+An example of an enum parameter:
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+//!PARAM csp
+//!DESC Colorspace
+//!TYPE ENUM int
+const mat3 matrices[3] = {
+ mat3(...), // BT709
+ mat3(...), // BT2020
+ mat3(...), // DCIP3
+#define MAT matrices[csp]
+// ...
+## Full example
+A collection of full examples can be found in the [mpv user shaders
+wiki](, but
+here is an example of a parametrized Gaussian smoothed film grain compute
+``` glsl linenums="1"
+//!PARAM intensity
+//!DESC Film grain intensity
+//!TYPE float
+//!PARAM taps
+//!DESC Film grain smoothing taps
+//!DESC Apply gaussian smoothed film grain
+//!WHEN intensity 0 >
+//!COMPUTE 32 32
+const uint row_size = 2 * taps + 1;
+const float weights[row_size] = {
+#if taps == 0
+ 1.0,
+#if taps == 1
+ 0.10650697891920,
+ 0.78698604216159,
+ 0.10650697891920,
+#if taps == 2
+ 0.05448868454964,
+ 0.24420134200323,
+ 0.40261994689424,
+ 0.24420134200323,
+ 0.05448868454964,
+#if taps == 3
+ 0.03663284536919,
+ 0.11128075847888,
+ 0.21674532140370,
+ 0.27068214949642,
+ 0.21674532140370,
+ 0.11128075847888,
+ 0.03663284536919,
+#if taps == 4
+ 0.02763055063889,
+ 0.06628224528636,
+ 0.12383153680577,
+ 0.18017382291138,
+ 0.20416368871516,
+ 0.18017382291138,
+ 0.12383153680577,
+ 0.06628224528636,
+ 0.02763055063889,
+#if taps == 5
+ 0.02219054849244,
+ 0.04558899978527,
+ 0.07981140824009,
+ 0.11906462996609,
+ 0.15136080967773,
+ 0.16396720767670,
+ 0.15136080967773,
+ 0.11906462996609,
+ 0.07981140824009,
+ 0.04558899978527,
+ 0.02219054849244,
+const uvec2 isize = uvec2(gl_WorkGroupSize) + uvec2(2 * taps);
+shared float grain[isize.y][isize.x];
+// PRNG
+float permute(float x)
+ x = (34.0 * x + 1.0) * x;
+ return fract(x * 1.0/289.0) * 289.0;
+float seed(uvec2 pos)
+ const float phi = 1.61803398874989;
+ vec3 m = vec3(fract(phi * vec2(pos)), random) + vec3(1.0);
+ return permute(permute(m.x) + m.y) + m.z;
+float rand(inout float state)
+ state = permute(state);
+ return fract(state * 1.0/41.0);
+// Turns uniform white noise into gaussian white noise by passing it
+// through an approximation of the gaussian quantile function
+float rand_gaussian(inout float state) {
+ const float a0 = 0.151015505647689;
+ const float a1 = -0.5303572634357367;
+ const float a2 = 1.365020122861334;
+ const float b0 = 0.132089632343748;
+ const float b1 = -0.7607324991323768;
+ float p = 0.95 * rand(state) + 0.025;
+ float q = p - 0.5;
+ float r = q * q;
+ float g = q * (a2 + (a1 * r + a0) / (r*r + b1*r + b0));
+ g *= 0.255121822830526; // normalize to [-1,1)
+ return g;
+void hook()
+ // generate grain in `grain`
+ uint num_threads = gl_WorkGroupSize.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.y;
+ for (uint i = gl_LocalInvocationIndex; i < isize.y * isize.x; i += num_threads) {
+ uvec2 pos = uvec2(i % isize.y, i / isize.y);
+ float state = seed(gl_WorkGroupID.xy * gl_WorkGroupSize.xy + pos);
+ grain[pos.y][pos.x] = rand_gaussian(state);
+ }
+ // make writes visible
+ barrier();
+ // convolve horizontally
+ for (uint y = gl_LocalInvocationID.y; y < isize.y; y += gl_WorkGroupSize.y) {
+ float hsum = 0;
+ for (uint x = 0; x < row_size; x++) {
+ float g = grain[y][gl_LocalInvocationID.x + x];
+ hsum += weights[x] * g;
+ }
+ // update grain LUT
+ grain[y][gl_LocalInvocationID.x + taps] = hsum;
+ }
+ barrier();
+ // convolve vertically
+ float vsum = 0.0;
+ for (uint y = 0; y < row_size; y++) {
+ float g = grain[gl_LocalInvocationID.y + y][gl_LocalInvocationID.x + taps];
+ vsum += weights[y] * g;
+ }
+ vec4 color = HOOKED_tex(HOOKED_pos);
+ color.rgb += vec3(intensity * vsum);
+ imageStore(out_image, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID), color);