path: root/src/include/libplacebo/swapchain.h
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diff --git a/src/include/libplacebo/swapchain.h b/src/include/libplacebo/swapchain.h
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index 0000000..b53aa5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/include/libplacebo/swapchain.h
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ * This file is part of libplacebo.
+ *
+ * libplacebo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * libplacebo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with libplacebo. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <libplacebo/common.h>
+#include <libplacebo/colorspace.h>
+#include <libplacebo/gpu.h>
+// This abstraction represents a low-level interface to visible surfaces
+// exposed by a graphics API (and accompanying GPU instance), allowing users to
+// directly present frames to the screen (or window, typically). This is a
+// sister API to gpu.h and follows the same convention w.r.t undefined behavior.
+// Thread-safety: Safe
+typedef const struct pl_swapchain_t {
+ pl_log log;
+ pl_gpu gpu;
+} *pl_swapchain;
+// Destroys this swapchain. May be used at any time, and may block until the
+// completion of all outstanding rendering commands. The swapchain and any
+// resources retrieved from it must not be used afterwards.
+PL_API void pl_swapchain_destroy(pl_swapchain *sw);
+// Returns the approximate current swapchain latency in vsyncs, or 0 if
+// unknown. A latency of 1 means that `submit_frame` followed by `swap_buffers`
+// will block until the just-submitted frame has finished rendering. Typical
+// values are 2 or 3, which enable better pipelining by allowing the GPU to be
+// processing one or two frames at the same time as the user is preparing the
+// next for submission.
+PL_API int pl_swapchain_latency(pl_swapchain sw);
+// Update/query the swapchain size. This function performs both roles: it tries
+// setting the swapchain size to the values requested by the user, and returns
+// in the same variables what width/height the swapchain was actually set to -
+// which may be (substantially) different from the values requested by the
+// user. A value of 0 means "unknown/none" (in which case, libplacebo won't try
+// updating the size - it will simply return the current state of the
+// swapchain). It's also possible for libplacebo to return values of 0, such as
+// in the case that the swapchain doesn't exist yet.
+// Returns false on significant errors (e.g. dead surface). This function can
+// effectively be used to probe if creating a swapchain works.
+PL_API bool pl_swapchain_resize(pl_swapchain sw, int *width, int *height);
+// Backwards compatibility
+#define pl_swapchain_colors pl_color_space
+// Inform the swapchain about the input color space. This API deliberately
+// provides no feedback, because the swapchain can internally decide what to do
+// with this information, including ignoring it entirely, or applying it
+// asynchronously. Users must still base their rendering on the value of
+// `pl_swapchain_frame.color_space`.
+// Note: Calling this function a second time completely overrides any
+// previously specified hint. So calling this on {0} or NULL resets the
+// swapchain back to its initial/preferred colorspace.
+// Note: If `csp->transfer` is a HDR transfer curve but HDR metadata is left
+// unspecified, the HDR metadata defaults to `pl_hdr_metadata_hdr10`.
+// Conversely, if the HDR metadata is non-empty but `csp->transfer` is left as
+// PL_COLOR_TRC_UNKNOWN, then it instead defaults to PL_COLOR_TRC_PQ.
+PL_API void pl_swapchain_colorspace_hint(pl_swapchain sw, const struct pl_color_space *csp);
+// The struct used to hold the results of `pl_swapchain_start_frame`
+struct pl_swapchain_frame {
+ // A texture representing the framebuffer users should use for rendering.
+ // It's guaranteed that `fbo->params.renderable` and `fbo->params.blit_dst`
+ // will be true, but no other guarantees are made - not even that
+ // `fbo->params.format` is a real format.
+ pl_tex fbo;
+ // If true, the user should assume that this framebuffer will be flipped
+ // as a result of presenting it on-screen. If false, nothing special needs
+ // to be done - but if true, users should flip the coordinate system of
+ // the `pl_pass` that is rendering to this framebuffer.
+ //
+ // Note: Normally, libplacebo follows the convention that (0,0) represents
+ // the top left of the image/screen. So when flipped is true, this means
+ // (0,0) on this framebuffer gets displayed as the bottom left of the image.
+ bool flipped;
+ // Indicates the color representation this framebuffer will be interpreted
+ // as by the host system / compositor / display, including the bit depth
+ // and alpha handling (where available).
+ struct pl_color_repr color_repr;
+ struct pl_color_space color_space;
+// Retrieve a new frame from the swapchain. Returns whether successful. It's
+// worth noting that this function can fail sporadically for benign reasons,
+// for example the window being invisible or inaccessible. This function may
+// block until an image is available, which may be the case if the GPU is
+// rendering frames significantly faster than the display can output them. It
+// may also be non-blocking, so users shouldn't rely on this call alone in
+// order to meter rendering speed. (Specifics depend on the underlying graphics
+// API)
+PL_API bool pl_swapchain_start_frame(pl_swapchain sw, struct pl_swapchain_frame *out_frame);
+// Submits the previously started frame. Non-blocking. This must be issued in
+// lockstep with pl_swapchain_start_frame - there is no way to start multiple
+// frames and submit them out-of-order. The frames submitted this way will
+// generally be made visible in a first-in first-out fashion, although
+// specifics depend on the mechanism used to create the pl_swapchain. (See the
+// platform-specific APIs for more info).
+// Returns whether successful. This should normally never fail, unless the
+// GPU/surface has been lost or some other critical error has occurred. The
+// "started" frame is consumed even in the event of failure.
+// Note that `start_frame` and `submit_frame` form a lock pair, i.e. trying to
+// call e.g. `pl_swapchain_resize` from another thread will block until
+// `pl_swapchain_submit_frame` is finished.
+PL_API bool pl_swapchain_submit_frame(pl_swapchain sw);
+// Performs a "buffer swap", or some generalization of the concept. In layman's
+// terms, this blocks until the execution of the Nth previously submitted frame
+// has been "made complete" in some sense. (The N derives from the swapchain's
+// built-in latency. See `pl_swapchain_latency` for more information).
+// Users should include this call in their rendering loops in order to make
+// sure they aren't submitting rendering commands faster than the GPU can
+// process them, which would potentially lead to a queue overrun or exhaust
+// memory.
+// An example loop might look like this:
+// while (rendering) {
+// struct pl_swapchain_frame frame;
+// bool ok = pl_swapchain_start_frame(swapchain, &frame);
+// if (!ok) {
+// /* wait some time, or decide to stop rendering */
+// continue;
+// }
+// /* do some rendering with frame.fbo */
+// ok = pl_swapchain_submit_frame(swapchain);
+// if (!ok)
+// break;
+// pl_swapchain_swap_buffers(swapchain);
+// }
+// The duration this function blocks for, if at all, may be very inconsistent
+// and should not be used as an authoritative source of vsync timing
+// information without sufficient smoothing/filtering (and if so, the time that
+// `start_frame` blocked for should also be included).
+PL_API void pl_swapchain_swap_buffers(pl_swapchain sw);