* This file is part of libplacebo.
* libplacebo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* libplacebo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with libplacebo. If not, see .
#include "common.h"
#include "shaders.h"
#include "gpu.h"
// GPU-internal helpers
static int cmp_fmt(const void *pa, const void *pb)
pl_fmt a = *(pl_fmt *)pa;
pl_fmt b = *(pl_fmt *)pb;
// Always prefer non-opaque formats
if (a->opaque != b->opaque)
return PL_CMP(a->opaque, b->opaque);
// Always prefer non-emulated formats
if (a->emulated != b->emulated)
return PL_CMP(a->emulated, b->emulated);
int ca = __builtin_popcount(a->caps),
cb = __builtin_popcount(b->caps);
if (ca != cb)
return -PL_CMP(ca, cb); // invert to sort higher values first
// If the population count is the same but the caps are different, prefer
// the caps with a "lower" value (which tend to be more fundamental caps)
if (a->caps != b->caps)
return PL_CMP(a->caps, b->caps);
// If the capabilities are equal, sort based on the component attributes
for (int i = 0; i < PL_ARRAY_SIZE(a->component_depth); i++) {
int da = a->component_depth[i],
db = b->component_depth[i];
if (da != db)
return PL_CMP(da, db);
int ha = a->host_bits[i],
hb = b->host_bits[i];
if (ha != hb)
return PL_CMP(ha, hb);
int oa = a->sample_order[i],
ob = b->sample_order[i];
if (oa != ob)
return PL_CMP(oa, ob);
// Fall back to sorting by the name (for stability)
return strcmp(a->name, b->name);
#define FMT_BOOL(letter, cap) ((cap) ? (letter) : '-')
#define FMT_IDX4(f) (f)[0], (f)[1], (f)[2], (f)[3]
static void print_formats(pl_gpu gpu)
if (!pl_msg_test(gpu->log, PL_LOG_DEBUG))
#define CAP_HEADER "%-12s"
#define CAP_FIELDS "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c"
#define CAP_VALUES \
FMT_BOOL('s', fmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_STORABLE), \
FMT_BOOL('L', fmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_LINEAR), \
FMT_BOOL('b', fmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_BLENDABLE), \
FMT_BOOL('B', fmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_BLITTABLE), \
FMT_BOOL('V', fmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_VERTEX), \
FMT_BOOL('u', fmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_TEXEL_UNIFORM), \
FMT_BOOL('t', fmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_TEXEL_STORAGE), \
FMT_BOOL('W', fmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_READWRITE), \
FMT_BOOL('G', fmt->gatherable)
PL_DEBUG(gpu, "GPU texture formats:");
PL_DEBUG(gpu, " %-20s %-6s %-4s %-4s " CAP_HEADER " %-3s %-13s %-13s %-10s %-10s %-6s",
for (int n = 0; n < gpu->num_formats; n++) {
pl_fmt fmt = gpu->formats[n];
static const char *types[] = {
static const char idx_map[4] = {'R', 'G', 'B', 'A'};
char indices[4] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' '};
if (!fmt->opaque) {
for (int i = 0; i < fmt->num_components; i++)
indices[i] = idx_map[fmt->sample_order[i]];
PL_DEBUG(gpu, " %-20s %-6s %-4zu %c%c%c%c " CAP_FIELDS " %-3s "
"{%-2d %-2d %-2d %-2d} {%-2d %-2d %-2d %-2d} %-10s %-10s %-6s",
fmt->name, types[fmt->type], fmt->texel_size,
FMT_IDX4(indices), CAP_VALUES, fmt->emulated ? "y" : "n",
FMT_IDX4(fmt->component_depth), FMT_IDX4(fmt->host_bits),
PL_DEF(fmt->glsl_type, ""), PL_DEF(fmt->glsl_format, ""),
for (int i = 0; i < fmt->num_modifiers; i++) {
PL_TRACE(gpu, " modifiers[%d]: %s",
i, PRINT_DRM_MOD(fmt->modifiers[i]));
pl_gpu pl_gpu_finalize(struct pl_gpu_t *gpu)
// Sort formats
qsort(gpu->formats, gpu->num_formats, sizeof(pl_fmt), cmp_fmt);
// Verification
pl_assert(gpu->limits.max_variable_comps || gpu->limits.max_ubo_size);
pl_assert(gpu->limits.max_ubo_size <= gpu->limits.max_buf_size);
pl_assert(gpu->limits.max_ssbo_size <= gpu->limits.max_buf_size);
pl_assert(gpu->limits.max_vbo_size <= gpu->limits.max_buf_size);
pl_assert(gpu->limits.max_mapped_size <= gpu->limits.max_buf_size);
for (int n = 0; n < gpu->num_formats; n++) {
pl_fmt fmt = gpu->formats[n];
pl_assert(fmt->opaque ? !fmt->texel_size : fmt->texel_size);
pl_assert(!fmt->gatherable || (fmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_SAMPLEABLE));
for (int i = 0; i < fmt->num_components; i++) {
pl_assert(fmt->opaque ? !fmt->host_bits[i] : fmt->host_bits[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < fmt->num_planes; i++)
enum pl_fmt_caps texel_caps = PL_FMT_CAP_VERTEX |
if (fmt->caps & texel_caps) {
if (!fmt->opaque) {
pl_assert(fmt->texel_size && fmt->texel_align);
pl_assert((fmt->texel_size % fmt->texel_align) == 0);
pl_assert(fmt->internal_size == fmt->texel_size || fmt->emulated);
} else {
pl_assert(!fmt->texel_size && !fmt->texel_align);
pl_assert(!(fmt->caps & PL_FMT_CAP_HOST_READABLE));
// Assert uniqueness of name
for (int o = n + 1; o < gpu->num_formats; o++)
pl_assert(strcmp(fmt->name, gpu->formats[o]->name) != 0);
// Print info
PL_INFO(gpu, "GPU information:");
#define LOG(fmt, field) \
PL_INFO(gpu, " %-26s %" fmt, #field ":", gpu->LOG_STRUCT.field)
#define LOG_STRUCT glsl
PL_INFO(gpu, " GLSL version: %d%s", gpu->glsl.version,
gpu->glsl.vulkan ? " (vulkan)" : gpu->glsl.gles ? " es" : "");
if (gpu->glsl.compute) {
LOG("zu", max_shmem_size);
LOG(PRIu32, max_group_threads);
LOG(PRIu32, max_group_size[0]);
LOG(PRIu32, max_group_size[1]);
LOG(PRIu32, max_group_size[2]);
LOG(PRIu32, subgroup_size);
LOG(PRIi16, min_gather_offset);
LOG(PRIi16, max_gather_offset);
#define LOG_STRUCT limits
PL_INFO(gpu, " Limits:");
// pl_gpu
LOG("d", thread_safe);
LOG("d", callbacks);
// pl_buf
LOG("zu", max_buf_size);
LOG("zu", max_ubo_size);
LOG("zu", max_ssbo_size);
LOG("zu", max_vbo_size);
LOG("zu", max_mapped_size);
LOG(PRIu64, max_buffer_texels);
LOG("zu", align_host_ptr);
LOG("d", host_cached);
// pl_tex
LOG(PRIu32, max_tex_1d_dim);
LOG(PRIu32, max_tex_2d_dim);
LOG(PRIu32, max_tex_3d_dim);
LOG("d", blittable_1d_3d);
LOG("d", buf_transfer);
LOG("zu", align_tex_xfer_pitch);
LOG("zu", align_tex_xfer_offset);
// pl_pass
LOG("zu", max_variable_comps);
LOG("zu", max_constants);
LOG("zu", max_pushc_size);
LOG("zu", align_vertex_stride);
if (gpu->glsl.compute) {
LOG(PRIu32, max_dispatch[0]);
LOG(PRIu32, max_dispatch[1]);
LOG(PRIu32, max_dispatch[2]);
LOG(PRIu32, fragment_queues);
LOG(PRIu32, compute_queues);
#undef LOG
if (pl_gpu_supports_interop(gpu)) {
PL_INFO(gpu, " External API interop:");
PL_INFO(gpu, " UUID: %s", PRINT_UUID(gpu->uuid));
PL_INFO(gpu, " PCI: %04x:%02x:%02x:%x",
gpu->pci.domain, gpu->pci.bus, gpu->pci.device, gpu->pci.function);
PL_INFO(gpu, " buf export caps: 0x%x",
(unsigned int) gpu->export_caps.buf);
PL_INFO(gpu, " buf import caps: 0x%x",
(unsigned int) gpu->import_caps.buf);
PL_INFO(gpu, " tex export caps: 0x%x",
(unsigned int) gpu->export_caps.tex);
PL_INFO(gpu, " tex import caps: 0x%x",
(unsigned int) gpu->import_caps.tex);
PL_INFO(gpu, " sync export caps: 0x%x",
(unsigned int) gpu->export_caps.sync);
PL_INFO(gpu, " sync import caps: 0x%x",
(unsigned int) gpu->import_caps.sync);
// Finally, create a `pl_dispatch` object for internal operations
struct pl_gpu_fns *impl = PL_PRIV(gpu);
atomic_init(&impl->cache, NULL);
impl->dp = pl_dispatch_create(gpu->log, gpu);
return gpu;
struct glsl_fmt {
enum pl_fmt_type type;
int num_components;
int depth[4];
const char *glsl_format;
// List taken from the GLSL specification. (Yes, GLSL supports only exactly
// these formats with exactly these names)
static const struct glsl_fmt pl_glsl_fmts[] = {
{PL_FMT_FLOAT, 1, {16}, "r16f"},
{PL_FMT_FLOAT, 1, {32}, "r32f"},
{PL_FMT_FLOAT, 2, {16, 16}, "rg16f"},
{PL_FMT_FLOAT, 2, {32, 32}, "rg32f"},
{PL_FMT_FLOAT, 4, {16, 16, 16, 16}, "rgba16f"},
{PL_FMT_FLOAT, 4, {32, 32, 32, 32}, "rgba32f"},
{PL_FMT_FLOAT, 3, {11, 11, 10}, "r11f_g11f_b10f"},
{PL_FMT_UNORM, 1, {8}, "r8"},
{PL_FMT_UNORM, 1, {16}, "r16"},
{PL_FMT_UNORM, 2, {8, 8}, "rg8"},
{PL_FMT_UNORM, 2, {16, 16}, "rg16"},
{PL_FMT_UNORM, 4, {8, 8, 8, 8}, "rgba8"},
{PL_FMT_UNORM, 4, {16, 16, 16, 16}, "rgba16"},
{PL_FMT_UNORM, 4, {10, 10, 10, 2}, "rgb10_a2"},
{PL_FMT_SNORM, 1, {8}, "r8_snorm"},
{PL_FMT_SNORM, 1, {16}, "r16_snorm"},
{PL_FMT_SNORM, 2, {8, 8}, "rg8_snorm"},
{PL_FMT_SNORM, 2, {16, 16}, "rg16_snorm"},
{PL_FMT_SNORM, 4, {8, 8, 8, 8}, "rgba8_snorm"},
{PL_FMT_SNORM, 4, {16, 16, 16, 16}, "rgba16_snorm"},
{PL_FMT_UINT, 1, {8}, "r8ui"},
{PL_FMT_UINT, 1, {16}, "r16ui"},
{PL_FMT_UINT, 1, {32}, "r32ui"},
{PL_FMT_UINT, 2, {8, 8}, "rg8ui"},
{PL_FMT_UINT, 2, {16, 16}, "rg16ui"},
{PL_FMT_UINT, 2, {32, 32}, "rg32ui"},
{PL_FMT_UINT, 4, {8, 8, 8, 8}, "rgba8ui"},
{PL_FMT_UINT, 4, {16, 16, 16, 16}, "rgba16ui"},
{PL_FMT_UINT, 4, {32, 32, 32, 32}, "rgba32ui"},
{PL_FMT_UINT, 4, {10, 10, 10, 2}, "rgb10_a2ui"},
{PL_FMT_SINT, 1, {8}, "r8i"},
{PL_FMT_SINT, 1, {16}, "r16i"},
{PL_FMT_SINT, 1, {32}, "r32i"},
{PL_FMT_SINT, 2, {8, 8}, "rg8i"},
{PL_FMT_SINT, 2, {16, 16}, "rg16i"},
{PL_FMT_SINT, 2, {32, 32}, "rg32i"},
{PL_FMT_SINT, 4, {8, 8, 8, 8}, "rgba8i"},
{PL_FMT_SINT, 4, {16, 16, 16, 16}, "rgba16i"},
{PL_FMT_SINT, 4, {32, 32, 32, 32}, "rgba32i"},
const char *pl_fmt_glsl_format(pl_fmt fmt, int components)
if (fmt->opaque)
return NULL;
for (int n = 0; n < PL_ARRAY_SIZE(pl_glsl_fmts); n++) {
const struct glsl_fmt *gfmt = &pl_glsl_fmts[n];
if (fmt->type != gfmt->type)
if (components != gfmt->num_components)
// The component order is irrelevant, so we need to sort the depth
// based on the component's index
int depth[4] = {0};
for (int i = 0; i < fmt->num_components; i++)
depth[fmt->sample_order[i]] = fmt->component_depth[i];
// Copy over any emulated components
for (int i = fmt->num_components; i < components; i++)
depth[i] = gfmt->depth[i];
for (int i = 0; i < PL_ARRAY_SIZE(depth); i++) {
if (depth[i] != gfmt->depth[i])
goto next_fmt;
return gfmt->glsl_format;
next_fmt: ; // equivalent to `continue`
return NULL;
#define FOURCC(a,b,c,d) ((uint32_t)(a) | ((uint32_t)(b) << 8) | \
((uint32_t)(c) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(d) << 24))
struct pl_fmt_fourcc {
const char *name;
uint32_t fourcc;
static const struct pl_fmt_fourcc pl_fmt_fourccs[] = {
// 8 bpp red
{"r8", FOURCC('R','8',' ',' ')},
// 16 bpp red
{"r16", FOURCC('R','1','6',' ')},
// 16 bpp rg
{"rg8", FOURCC('G','R','8','8')},
{"gr8", FOURCC('R','G','8','8')},
// 32 bpp rg
{"rg16", FOURCC('G','R','3','2')},
{"gr16", FOURCC('R','G','3','2')},
// 8 bpp rgb: N/A
// 16 bpp rgb
{"argb4", FOURCC('B','A','1','2')},
{"abgr4", FOURCC('R','A','1','2')},
{"rgba4", FOURCC('A','B','1','2')},
{"bgra4", FOURCC('A','R','1','2')},
{"a1rgb5", FOURCC('B','A','1','5')},
{"a1bgr5", FOURCC('R','A','1','5')},
{"rgb5a1", FOURCC('A','B','1','5')},
{"bgr5a1", FOURCC('A','R','1','5')},
{"rgb565", FOURCC('B','G','1','6')},
{"bgr565", FOURCC('R','G','1','6')},
// 24 bpp rgb
{"rgb8", FOURCC('B','G','2','4')},
{"bgr8", FOURCC('R','G','2','4')},
// 32 bpp rgb
{"argb8", FOURCC('B','A','2','4')},
{"abgr8", FOURCC('R','A','2','4')},
{"rgba8", FOURCC('A','B','2','4')},
{"bgra8", FOURCC('A','R','2','4')},
{"a2rgb10", FOURCC('B','A','3','0')},
{"a2bgr10", FOURCC('R','A','3','0')},
{"rgb10a2", FOURCC('A','B','3','0')},
{"bgr10a2", FOURCC('A','R','3','0')},
// 64bpp rgb
{"rgba16hf", FOURCC('A','B','4','H')},
{"bgra16hf", FOURCC('A','R','4','H')},
// packed 16-bit formats
// rx10: N/A
// rxgx10: N/A
{"rxgxbxax10", FOURCC('A','B','1','0')},
// rx12: N/A
// rxgx12: N/A
// rxgxbxax12: N/A
// planar formats
{"g8_b8_r8_420", FOURCC('Y','U','1','2')},
{"g8_b8_r8_422", FOURCC('Y','U','1','6')},
{"g8_b8_r8_444", FOURCC('Y','U','2','4')},
// g16_b18_r8_*: N/A
// gx10_bx10_rx10_42*: N/A
{"gx10_bx10_rx10_444", FOURCC('Q','4','1','0')},
// gx12_bx12_rx12_*:N/A
{"g8_br8_420", FOURCC('N','V','1','2')},
{"g8_br8_422", FOURCC('N','V','1','6')},
{"g8_br8_444", FOURCC('N','V','2','4')},
{"g16_br16_420", FOURCC('P','0','1','6')},
// g16_br16_422: N/A
// g16_br16_444: N/A
{"gx10_bxrx10_420", FOURCC('P','0','1','0')},
{"gx10_bxrx10_422", FOURCC('P','2','1','0')},
// gx10_bxrx10_444: N/A
{"gx12_bxrx12_420", FOURCC('P','0','1','2')},
// gx12_bxrx12_422: N/A
// gx12_bxrx12_444: N/A
uint32_t pl_fmt_fourcc(pl_fmt fmt)
for (int n = 0; n < PL_ARRAY_SIZE(pl_fmt_fourccs); n++) {
const struct pl_fmt_fourcc *fourcc = &pl_fmt_fourccs[n];
if (strcmp(fmt->name, fourcc->name) == 0)
return fourcc->fourcc;
return 0; // no matching format
size_t pl_tex_transfer_size(const struct pl_tex_transfer_params *par)
int w = pl_rect_w(par->rc), h = pl_rect_h(par->rc), d = pl_rect_d(par->rc);
size_t pixel_pitch = par->tex->params.format->texel_size;
// This generates the absolute bare minimum size of a buffer required to
// hold the data of a texture upload/download, by including stride padding
// only where strictly necessary.
return (d - 1) * par->depth_pitch + (h - 1) * par->row_pitch + w * pixel_pitch;
int pl_tex_transfer_slices(pl_gpu gpu, pl_fmt texel_fmt,
const struct pl_tex_transfer_params *params,
struct pl_tex_transfer_params **out_slices)
PL_ARRAY(struct pl_tex_transfer_params) slices = {0};
size_t max_size = params->buf ? gpu->limits.max_buf_size : SIZE_MAX;
pl_fmt fmt = params->tex->params.format;
if (fmt->emulated && texel_fmt) {
size_t max_texel = gpu->limits.max_buffer_texels * texel_fmt->texel_size;
max_size = PL_MIN(gpu->limits.max_ssbo_size, max_texel);
int slice_w = pl_rect_w(params->rc);
int slice_h = pl_rect_h(params->rc);
int slice_d = pl_rect_d(params->rc);
slice_d = PL_MIN(slice_d, max_size / params->depth_pitch);
if (!slice_d) {
slice_d = 1;
slice_h = PL_MIN(slice_h, max_size / params->row_pitch);
if (!slice_h) {
slice_h = 1;
slice_w = PL_MIN(slice_w, max_size / fmt->texel_size);
for (int z = 0; z < pl_rect_d(params->rc); z += slice_d) {
for (int y = 0; y < pl_rect_h(params->rc); y += slice_h) {
for (int x = 0; x < pl_rect_w(params->rc); x += slice_w) {
struct pl_tex_transfer_params slice = *params;
slice.callback = NULL;
slice.rc.x0 = params->rc.x0 + x;
slice.rc.y0 = params->rc.y0 + y;
slice.rc.z0 = params->rc.z0 + z;
slice.rc.x1 = PL_MIN(slice.rc.x0 + slice_w, params->rc.x1);
slice.rc.y1 = PL_MIN(slice.rc.y0 + slice_h, params->rc.y1);
slice.rc.z1 = PL_MIN(slice.rc.z0 + slice_d, params->rc.z1);
const size_t offset = z * params->depth_pitch +
y * params->row_pitch +
x * fmt->texel_size;
if (slice.ptr) {
slice.ptr = (uint8_t *) slice.ptr + offset;
} else {
slice.buf_offset += offset;
PL_ARRAY_APPEND(NULL, slices, slice);
*out_slices = slices.elem;
return slices.num;
bool pl_tex_upload_pbo(pl_gpu gpu, const struct pl_tex_transfer_params *params)
if (params->buf)
return pl_tex_upload(gpu, params);
struct pl_buf_params bufparams = {
.size = pl_tex_transfer_size(params),
.debug_tag = PL_DEBUG_TAG,
struct pl_tex_transfer_params fixed = *params;
fixed.ptr = NULL;
// If we can import host pointers directly, and the function is being used
// asynchronously, then we can use host pointer import to skip a memcpy. In
// the synchronous case, we still force a host memcpy to avoid stalling the
// host until the GPU memcpy completes.
bool can_import = gpu->import_caps.buf & PL_HANDLE_HOST_PTR;
can_import &= !params->no_import;
can_import &= params->callback != NULL;
can_import &= bufparams.size > (32 << 10); // 32 KiB
if (can_import) {
bufparams.import_handle = PL_HANDLE_HOST_PTR;
bufparams.shared_mem = (struct pl_shared_mem) {
.handle.ptr = params->ptr,
.size = bufparams.size,
.offset = 0,
// Suppress errors for this test because it may fail, in which case we
// want to silently fall back.
pl_log_level_cap(gpu->log, PL_LOG_DEBUG);
fixed.buf = pl_buf_create(gpu, &bufparams);
pl_log_level_cap(gpu->log, PL_LOG_NONE);
if (!fixed.buf) {
bufparams.import_handle = 0;
bufparams.host_writable = true;
fixed.buf = pl_buf_create(gpu, &bufparams);
if (!fixed.buf)
return false;
pl_buf_write(gpu, fixed.buf, 0, params->ptr, bufparams.size);
if (params->callback)
fixed.callback = NULL;
bool ok = pl_tex_upload(gpu, &fixed);
pl_buf_destroy(gpu, &fixed.buf);
return ok;
struct pbo_cb_ctx {
pl_gpu gpu;
pl_buf buf;
void *ptr;
void (*callback)(void *priv);
void *priv;
static void pbo_download_cb(void *priv)
struct pbo_cb_ctx *p = priv;
pl_buf_read(p->gpu, p->buf, 0, p->ptr, p->buf->params.size);
pl_buf_destroy(p->gpu, &p->buf);
// Run the original callback
bool pl_tex_download_pbo(pl_gpu gpu, const struct pl_tex_transfer_params *params)
if (params->buf)
return pl_tex_download(gpu, params);
pl_buf buf = NULL;
struct pl_buf_params bufparams = {
.size = pl_tex_transfer_size(params),
.debug_tag = PL_DEBUG_TAG,
// If we can import host pointers directly, we can avoid an extra memcpy
// (sometimes). In the cases where it isn't avoidable, the extra memcpy
// will happen inside VRAM, which is typically faster anyway.
bool can_import = gpu->import_caps.buf & PL_HANDLE_HOST_PTR;
can_import &= !params->no_import;
can_import &= bufparams.size > (32 << 10); // 32 KiB
if (can_import) {
bufparams.import_handle = PL_HANDLE_HOST_PTR;
bufparams.shared_mem = (struct pl_shared_mem) {
.handle.ptr = params->ptr,
.size = bufparams.size,
.offset = 0,
// Suppress errors for this test because it may fail, in which case we
// want to silently fall back.
pl_log_level_cap(gpu->log, PL_LOG_DEBUG);
buf = pl_buf_create(gpu, &bufparams);
pl_log_level_cap(gpu->log, PL_LOG_NONE);
if (!buf) {
// Fallback when host pointer import is not supported
bufparams.import_handle = 0;
bufparams.host_readable = true;
buf = pl_buf_create(gpu, &bufparams);
if (!buf)
return false;
struct pl_tex_transfer_params newparams = *params;
newparams.ptr = NULL;
newparams.buf = buf;
// If the transfer is asynchronous, propagate our host read asynchronously
if (params->callback && !bufparams.import_handle) {
newparams.callback = pbo_download_cb;
newparams.priv = pl_alloc_struct(NULL, struct pbo_cb_ctx, {
.gpu = gpu,
.buf = buf,
.ptr = params->ptr,
.callback = params->callback,
.priv = params->priv,
if (!pl_tex_download(gpu, &newparams)) {
pl_buf_destroy(gpu, &buf);
return false;
if (!params->callback) {
while (pl_buf_poll(gpu, buf, 10000000)) // 10 ms
PL_TRACE(gpu, "pl_tex_download: synchronous/blocking (slow path)");
bool ok;
if (bufparams.import_handle) {
// Buffer download completion already means the host pointer contains
// the valid data, no more need to copy. (Note: this applies even for
// asynchronous downloads)
ok = true;
pl_buf_destroy(gpu, &buf);
} else if (!params->callback) {
// Synchronous read back to the host pointer
ok = pl_buf_read(gpu, buf, 0, params->ptr, bufparams.size);
pl_buf_destroy(gpu, &buf);
} else {
// Nothing left to do here, the rest will be done by pbo_download_cb
ok = true;
return ok;
bool pl_tex_upload_texel(pl_gpu gpu, const struct pl_tex_transfer_params *params)
const int threads = PL_MIN(256, pl_rect_w(params->rc));
pl_tex tex = params->tex;
pl_fmt fmt = tex->params.format;
pl_require(gpu, params->buf);
pl_dispatch dp = pl_gpu_dispatch(gpu);
pl_shader sh = pl_dispatch_begin(dp);
if (!sh_try_compute(sh, threads, 1, false, 0)) {
PL_ERR(gpu, "Failed emulating texture transfer!");
pl_dispatch_abort(dp, &sh);
return false;
ident_t buf = sh_desc(sh, (struct pl_shader_desc) {
.binding.object = params->buf,
.desc = {
.name = "data",
ident_t img = sh_desc(sh, (struct pl_shader_desc) {
.binding.object = params->tex,
.desc = {
.name = "image",
// If the transfer width is a natural multiple of the thread size, we
// can skip the bounds check. Otherwise, make sure we aren't blitting out
// of the range since this would read out of bounds.
int groups_x = PL_DIV_UP(pl_rect_w(params->rc), threads);
if (groups_x * threads != pl_rect_w(params->rc)) {
GLSL("if (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x >= %d) \n"
" return; \n",
// fmt->texel_align contains the size of an individual color value
assert(fmt->texel_size == fmt->num_components * fmt->texel_align);
GLSL("vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); \n"
"ivec3 pos = ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID); \n"
"ivec3 tex_pos = pos + ivec3("$", "$", "$"); \n"
"int base = "$" + pos.z * "$" + pos.y * "$" + pos.x * "$"; \n",
SH_INT_DYN(params->rc.x0), SH_INT_DYN(params->rc.y0), SH_INT_DYN(params->rc.z0),
SH_INT(params->depth_pitch / fmt->texel_align),
SH_INT(params->row_pitch / fmt->texel_align),
SH_INT(fmt->texel_size / fmt->texel_align));
for (int i = 0; i < fmt->num_components; i++)
GLSL("color[%d] = imageLoad("$", base + %d).r; \n", i, buf, i);
int dims = pl_tex_params_dimension(tex->params);
static const char *coord_types[] = {
[1] = "int",
[2] = "ivec2",
[3] = "ivec3",
GLSL("imageStore("$", %s(tex_pos), color);\n", img, coord_types[dims]);
return pl_dispatch_compute(dp, pl_dispatch_compute_params(
.shader = &sh,
.dispatch_size = {
return false;
bool pl_tex_download_texel(pl_gpu gpu, const struct pl_tex_transfer_params *params)
const int threads = PL_MIN(256, pl_rect_w(params->rc));
pl_tex tex = params->tex;
pl_fmt fmt = tex->params.format;
pl_require(gpu, params->buf);
pl_dispatch dp = pl_gpu_dispatch(gpu);
pl_shader sh = pl_dispatch_begin(dp);
if (!sh_try_compute(sh, threads, 1, false, 0)) {
PL_ERR(gpu, "Failed emulating texture transfer!");
pl_dispatch_abort(dp, &sh);
return false;
ident_t buf = sh_desc(sh, (struct pl_shader_desc) {
.binding.object = params->buf,
.desc = {
.name = "data",
ident_t img = sh_desc(sh, (struct pl_shader_desc) {
.binding.object = params->tex,
.desc = {
.name = "image",
int groups_x = PL_DIV_UP(pl_rect_w(params->rc), threads);
if (groups_x * threads != pl_rect_w(params->rc)) {
GLSL("if (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x >= %d) \n"
" return; \n",
int dims = pl_tex_params_dimension(tex->params);
static const char *coord_types[] = {
[1] = "int",
[2] = "ivec2",
[3] = "ivec3",
assert(fmt->texel_size == fmt->num_components * fmt->texel_align);
GLSL("ivec3 pos = ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID); \n"
"ivec3 tex_pos = pos + ivec3("$", "$", "$"); \n"
"int base = "$" + pos.z * "$" + pos.y * "$" + pos.x * "$"; \n"
"vec4 color = imageLoad("$", %s(tex_pos)); \n",
SH_INT_DYN(params->rc.x0), SH_INT_DYN(params->rc.y0), SH_INT_DYN(params->rc.z0),
SH_INT(params->depth_pitch / fmt->texel_align),
SH_INT(params->row_pitch / fmt->texel_align),
SH_INT(fmt->texel_size / fmt->texel_align),
img, coord_types[dims]);
for (int i = 0; i < fmt->num_components; i++)
GLSL("imageStore("$", base + %d, vec4(color[%d])); \n", buf, i, i);
return pl_dispatch_compute(dp, pl_dispatch_compute_params(
.shader = &sh,
.dispatch_size = {
return false;
bool pl_tex_blit_compute(pl_gpu gpu, const struct pl_tex_blit_params *params)
if (!params->dst->params.storable)
return false;
// Normalize `dst_rc`, moving all flipping to `src_rc` instead.
pl_rect3d src_rc = params->src_rc;
pl_rect3d dst_rc = params->dst_rc;
if (pl_rect_w(dst_rc) < 0) {
PL_SWAP(src_rc.x0, src_rc.x1);
PL_SWAP(dst_rc.x0, dst_rc.x1);
if (pl_rect_h(dst_rc) < 0) {
PL_SWAP(src_rc.y0, src_rc.y1);
PL_SWAP(dst_rc.y0, dst_rc.y1);
if (pl_rect_d(dst_rc) < 0) {
PL_SWAP(src_rc.z0, src_rc.z1);
PL_SWAP(dst_rc.z0, dst_rc.z1);
bool needs_scaling = false;
needs_scaling |= pl_rect_w(dst_rc) != abs(pl_rect_w(src_rc));
needs_scaling |= pl_rect_h(dst_rc) != abs(pl_rect_h(src_rc));
needs_scaling |= pl_rect_d(dst_rc) != abs(pl_rect_d(src_rc));
// Exception: fast path for 1-pixel blits, which don't require scaling
bool is_1pixel = abs(pl_rect_w(src_rc)) == 1 && abs(pl_rect_h(src_rc)) == 1;
needs_scaling &= !is_1pixel;
// Manual trilinear interpolation would be too slow to justify
bool needs_sampling = needs_scaling && params->sample_mode != PL_TEX_SAMPLE_NEAREST;
needs_sampling |= !params->src->params.storable;
if (needs_sampling && !params->src->params.sampleable)
return false;
const int threads = 256;
int bw = PL_MIN(32, pl_rect_w(dst_rc));
int bh = PL_MIN(threads / bw, pl_rect_h(dst_rc));
pl_dispatch dp = pl_gpu_dispatch(gpu);
pl_shader sh = pl_dispatch_begin(dp);
if (!sh_try_compute(sh, bw, bh, false, 0)) {
pl_dispatch_abort(dp, &sh);
return false;
// Avoid over-writing into `dst`
int groups_x = PL_DIV_UP(pl_rect_w(dst_rc), bw);
if (groups_x * bw != pl_rect_w(dst_rc)) {
GLSL("if (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x >= %d) \n"
" return; \n",
int groups_y = PL_DIV_UP(pl_rect_h(dst_rc), bh);
if (groups_y * bh != pl_rect_h(dst_rc)) {
GLSL("if (gl_GlobalInvocationID.y >= %d) \n"
" return; \n",
ident_t dst = sh_desc(sh, (struct pl_shader_desc) {
.binding.object = params->dst,
.desc = {
.name = "dst",
static const char *vecs[] = {
[1] = "float",
[2] = "vec2",
[3] = "vec3",
[4] = "vec4",
static const char *ivecs[] = {
[1] = "int",
[2] = "ivec2",
[3] = "ivec3",
[4] = "ivec4",
int src_dims = pl_tex_params_dimension(params->src->params);
int dst_dims = pl_tex_params_dimension(params->dst->params);
GLSL("ivec3 pos = ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID); \n"
"%s dst_pos = %s(pos + ivec3(%d, %d, %d)); \n",
ivecs[dst_dims], ivecs[dst_dims],
params->dst_rc.x0, params->dst_rc.y0, params->dst_rc.z0);
if (needs_sampling || (needs_scaling && params->src->params.sampleable)) {
ident_t src = sh_desc(sh, (struct pl_shader_desc) {
.desc = {
.name = "src",
.binding = {
.object = params->src,
.address_mode = PL_TEX_ADDRESS_CLAMP,
.sample_mode = params->sample_mode,
if (is_1pixel) {
GLSL("%s fpos = %s(0.5); \n", vecs[src_dims], vecs[src_dims]);
} else {
GLSL("vec3 fpos = (vec3(pos) + vec3(0.5)) / vec3(%d.0, %d.0, %d.0); \n",
pl_rect_w(dst_rc), pl_rect_h(dst_rc), pl_rect_d(dst_rc));
GLSL("%s src_pos = %s(0.5); \n"
"src_pos.x = mix(%f, %f, fpos.x); \n",
vecs[src_dims], vecs[src_dims],
(float) src_rc.x0 / params->src->params.w,
(float) src_rc.x1 / params->src->params.w);
if (params->src->params.h) {
GLSL("src_pos.y = mix(%f, %f, fpos.y); \n",
(float) src_rc.y0 / params->src->params.h,
(float) src_rc.y1 / params->src->params.h);
if (params->src->params.d) {
GLSL("src_pos.z = mix(%f, %f, fpos.z); \n",
(float) src_rc.z0 / params->src->params.d,
(float) src_rc.z1 / params->src->params.d);
GLSL("imageStore("$", dst_pos, textureLod("$", src_pos, 0.0)); \n",
dst, src);
} else {
ident_t src = sh_desc(sh, (struct pl_shader_desc) {
.binding.object = params->src,
.desc = {
.name = "src",
if (is_1pixel) {
GLSL("ivec3 src_pos = ivec3(0); \n");
} else if (needs_scaling) {
GLSL("ivec3 src_pos = ivec3(vec3(%f, %f, %f) * vec3(pos)); \n",
fabs((float) pl_rect_w(src_rc) / pl_rect_w(dst_rc)),
fabs((float) pl_rect_h(src_rc) / pl_rect_h(dst_rc)),
fabs((float) pl_rect_d(src_rc) / pl_rect_d(dst_rc)));
} else {
GLSL("ivec3 src_pos = pos; \n");
GLSL("src_pos = ivec3(%d, %d, %d) * src_pos + ivec3(%d, %d, %d); \n"
"imageStore("$", dst_pos, imageLoad("$", %s(src_pos))); \n",
src_rc.x1 < src_rc.x0 ? -1 : 1,
src_rc.y1 < src_rc.y0 ? -1 : 1,
src_rc.z1 < src_rc.z0 ? -1 : 1,
src_rc.x0, src_rc.y0, src_rc.z0,
dst, src, ivecs[src_dims]);
return pl_dispatch_compute(dp, pl_dispatch_compute_params(
.shader = &sh,
.dispatch_size = {
void pl_tex_blit_raster(pl_gpu gpu, const struct pl_tex_blit_params *params)
enum pl_fmt_type src_type = params->src->params.format->type;
enum pl_fmt_type dst_type = params->dst->params.format->type;
// Only for 2D textures
pl_assert(params->src->params.h && !params->src->params.d);
pl_assert(params->dst->params.h && !params->dst->params.d);
// Integer textures are not supported
pl_assert(src_type != PL_FMT_UINT && src_type != PL_FMT_SINT);
pl_assert(dst_type != PL_FMT_UINT && dst_type != PL_FMT_SINT);
pl_rect2df src_rc = {
.x0 = params->src_rc.x0, .x1 = params->src_rc.x1,
.y0 = params->src_rc.y0, .y1 = params->src_rc.y1,
pl_rect2d dst_rc = {
.x0 = params->dst_rc.x0, .x1 = params->dst_rc.x1,
.y0 = params->dst_rc.y0, .y1 = params->dst_rc.y1,
pl_dispatch dp = pl_gpu_dispatch(gpu);
pl_shader sh = pl_dispatch_begin(dp);
sh->output = PL_SHADER_SIG_COLOR;
ident_t pos, src = sh_bind(sh, params->src, PL_TEX_ADDRESS_CLAMP,
params->sample_mode, "src_tex", &src_rc, &pos, NULL);
GLSL("vec4 color = textureLod("$", "$", 0.0); \n", src, pos);
pl_dispatch_finish(dp, pl_dispatch_params(
.shader = &sh,
.target = params->dst,
.rect = dst_rc,
bool pl_buf_copy_swap(pl_gpu gpu, const struct pl_buf_copy_swap_params *params)
pl_buf src = params->src, dst = params->dst;
pl_require(gpu, src->params.storable && dst->params.storable);
pl_require(gpu, params->src_offset % sizeof(unsigned) == 0);
pl_require(gpu, params->dst_offset % sizeof(unsigned) == 0);
pl_require(gpu, params->src_offset + params->size <= src->params.size);
pl_require(gpu, params->dst_offset + params->size <= dst->params.size);
pl_require(gpu, src != dst || params->src_offset == params->dst_offset);
pl_require(gpu, params->size % sizeof(unsigned) == 0);
pl_require(gpu, params->wordsize == sizeof(uint16_t) ||
params->wordsize == sizeof(uint32_t));
const size_t words = params->size / sizeof(unsigned);
const size_t src_off = params->src_offset / sizeof(unsigned);
const size_t dst_off = params->dst_offset / sizeof(unsigned);
const int threads = PL_MIN(256, words);
pl_dispatch dp = pl_gpu_dispatch(gpu);
pl_shader sh = pl_dispatch_begin(dp);
if (!sh_try_compute(sh, threads, 1, false, 0)) {
pl_dispatch_abort(dp, &sh);
return false;
const size_t groups = PL_DIV_UP(words, threads);
if (groups * threads > words) {
GLSL("if (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x >= %zu) \n"
" return; \n",
sh_desc(sh, (struct pl_shader_desc) {
.binding.object = src,
.desc = {
.name = "SrcBuf",
.num_buffer_vars = 1,
.buffer_vars = &(struct pl_buffer_var) {
.var = {
.name = "src",
.type = PL_VAR_UINT,
.dim_v = 1,
.dim_m = 1,
.dim_a = src_off + words,
if (src != dst) {
sh_desc(sh, (struct pl_shader_desc) {
.binding.object = dst,
.desc = {
.name = "DstBuf",
.num_buffer_vars = 1,
.buffer_vars = &(struct pl_buffer_var) {
.var = {
.name = "dst",
.type = PL_VAR_UINT,
.dim_v = 1,
.dim_m = 1,
.dim_a = dst_off + words,
} else {
GLSL("#define dst src \n");
GLSL("// pl_buf_copy_swap \n"
"{ \n"
"uint word = src["$" + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x]; \n"
"word = (word & 0xFF00FF00u) >> 8 | \n"
" (word & 0x00FF00FFu) << 8; \n",
if (params->wordsize > 2) {
GLSL("word = (word & 0xFFFF0000u) >> 16 | \n"
" (word & 0x0000FFFFu) << 16; \n");
GLSL("dst["$" + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] = word; \n"
"} \n",
return pl_dispatch_compute(dp, pl_dispatch_compute_params(
.shader = &sh,
.dispatch_size = {groups, 1, 1},
if (src->params.debug_tag || dst->params.debug_tag) {
PL_ERR(gpu, " for buffers: src %s, dst %s",
src->params.debug_tag, dst->params.debug_tag);
return false;
void pl_pass_run_vbo(pl_gpu gpu, const struct pl_pass_run_params *params)
if (!params->vertex_data && !params->index_data)
return pl_pass_run(gpu, params);
struct pl_pass_run_params newparams = *params;
pl_buf vert = NULL, index = NULL;
if (params->vertex_data) {
vert = pl_buf_create(gpu, pl_buf_params(
.size = pl_vertex_buf_size(params),
.initial_data = params->vertex_data,
.drawable = true,
if (!vert) {
PL_ERR(gpu, "Failed allocating vertex buffer!");
newparams.vertex_buf = vert;
newparams.vertex_data = NULL;
if (params->index_data) {
index = pl_buf_create(gpu, pl_buf_params(
.size = pl_index_buf_size(params),
.initial_data = params->index_data,
.drawable = true,
if (!index) {
PL_ERR(gpu, "Failed allocating index buffer!");
newparams.index_buf = index;
newparams.index_data = NULL;
pl_pass_run(gpu, &newparams);
pl_buf_destroy(gpu, &vert);
pl_buf_destroy(gpu, &index);
struct pl_pass_params pl_pass_params_copy(void *alloc, const struct pl_pass_params *params)
struct pl_pass_params new = *params;
new.glsl_shader = pl_str0dup0(alloc, new.glsl_shader);
new.vertex_shader = pl_str0dup0(alloc, new.vertex_shader);
if (new.blend_params)
new.blend_params = pl_memdup_ptr(alloc, new.blend_params);
#define DUPNAMES(field) \
do { \
size_t _size = new.num_##field * sizeof(new.field[0]); \
new.field = pl_memdup(alloc, new.field, _size); \
for (int j = 0; j < new.num_##field; j++) \
new.field[j].name = pl_str0dup0(alloc, new.field[j].name); \
} while (0)
new.constant_data = NULL;
new.constants = pl_memdup(alloc, new.constants,
new.num_constants * sizeof(new.constants[0]));
return new;
size_t pl_vertex_buf_size(const struct pl_pass_run_params *params)
if (!params->index_data)
return params->vertex_count * params->pass->params.vertex_stride;
int num_vertices = 0;
const void *idx = params->index_data;
switch (params->index_fmt) {
for (int i = 0; i < params->vertex_count; i++)
num_vertices = PL_MAX(num_vertices, ((const uint16_t *) idx)[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < params->vertex_count; i++)
num_vertices = PL_MAX(num_vertices, ((const uint32_t *) idx)[i]);
case PL_INDEX_FORMAT_COUNT: pl_unreachable();
return (num_vertices + 1) * params->pass->params.vertex_stride;
const char *print_uuid(char buf[3 * UUID_SIZE], const uint8_t uuid[UUID_SIZE])
static const char *hexdigits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for (int i = 0; i < UUID_SIZE; i++) {
uint8_t x = uuid[i];
buf[3 * i + 0] = hexdigits[x >> 4];
buf[3 * i + 1] = hexdigits[x & 0xF];
buf[3 * i + 2] = i == UUID_SIZE - 1 ? '\0' : ':';
return buf;
const char *print_drm_mod(char buf[DRM_MOD_SIZE], uint64_t mod)
switch (mod) {
uint8_t vendor = mod >> 56;
uint64_t val = mod & ((1ULL << 56) - 1);
const char *name = NULL;
switch (vendor) {
case 0x00: name = "NONE"; break;
case 0x01: name = "INTEL"; break;
case 0x02: name = "AMD"; break;
case 0x03: name = "NVIDIA"; break;
case 0x04: name = "SAMSUNG"; break;
case 0x08: name = "ARM"; break;
if (name) {
snprintf(buf, DRM_MOD_SIZE, "%s 0x%"PRIx64, name, val);
} else {
snprintf(buf, DRM_MOD_SIZE, "0x%02x 0x%"PRIx64, vendor, val);
return buf;