/* * This file is part of libplacebo. * * libplacebo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * libplacebo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with libplacebo. If not, see . */ #include "gpu.h" #include "common.h" #include "formats.h" #include "utils.h" #ifdef PL_HAVE_UNIX #include #endif #ifdef PL_HAVE_WIN32 #include #include #endif static const struct pl_gpu_fns pl_fns_gl; static void gl_gpu_destroy(pl_gpu gpu) { struct pl_gl *p = PL_PRIV(gpu); pl_gpu_finish(gpu); while (p->callbacks.num > 0) gl_poll_callbacks(gpu); pl_free((void *) gpu); } pl_opengl pl_opengl_get(pl_gpu gpu) { const struct pl_gpu_fns *impl = PL_PRIV(gpu); if (impl->destroy == gl_gpu_destroy) { struct pl_gl *p = (struct pl_gl *) impl; return p->gl; } return NULL; } static pl_handle_caps tex_handle_caps(pl_gpu gpu, bool import) { pl_handle_caps caps = 0; struct pl_gl *p = PL_PRIV(gpu); if (!p->egl_dpy || (!p->has_egl_storage && !p->has_egl_import)) return 0; if (import) { if (pl_opengl_has_ext(p->gl, "EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import")) caps |= PL_HANDLE_DMA_BUF; } else if (!import && p->egl_ctx) { if (pl_opengl_has_ext(p->gl, "EGL_MESA_image_dma_buf_export")) caps |= PL_HANDLE_DMA_BUF; } return caps; } static inline size_t get_page_size(void) { #ifdef PL_HAVE_UNIX return sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); #endif #ifdef PL_HAVE_WIN32 SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo; GetSystemInfo(&sysInfo); return sysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity; #endif pl_assert(!"Unsupported platform!"); } #define get(pname, field) \ do { \ GLint tmp = 0; \ gl->GetIntegerv((pname), &tmp); \ *(field) = tmp; \ } while (0) #define geti(pname, i, field) \ do { \ GLint tmp = 0; \ gl->GetIntegeri_v((pname), i, &tmp);\ *(field) = tmp; \ } while (0) pl_gpu pl_gpu_create_gl(pl_log log, pl_opengl pl_gl, const struct pl_opengl_params *params) { struct pl_gpu_t *gpu = pl_zalloc_obj(NULL, gpu, struct pl_gl); gpu->log = log; struct pl_gl *p = PL_PRIV(gpu); p->impl = pl_fns_gl; p->gl = pl_gl; const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); struct pl_glsl_version *glsl = &gpu->glsl; glsl->gles = gl_is_gles(pl_gl); int ver = pl_gl->major * 10 + pl_gl->minor; p->gl_ver = glsl->gles ? 0 : ver; p->gles_ver = glsl->gles ? ver : 0; // If possible, query the GLSL version from the implementation const char *glslver = (char *) gl->GetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION); if (glslver) { PL_INFO(gpu, " GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: %s", glslver); int major = 0, minor = 0; if (sscanf(glslver, "%d.%d", &major, &minor) == 2) glsl->version = major * 100 + minor; } if (!glsl->version) { // Otherwise, use the fixed magic versions 100 and 300 for GLES. if (p->gles_ver >= 30) { glsl->version = 300; } else if (p->gles_ver >= 20) { glsl->version = 100; } else { goto error; } } static const int glsl_ver_req = 130; if (glsl->version < glsl_ver_req) { PL_FATAL(gpu, "GLSL version too old (%d < %d), please use a newer " "OpenGL implementation or downgrade libplacebo!", glsl->version, glsl_ver_req); goto error; } if (params->max_glsl_version && params->max_glsl_version >= glsl_ver_req) { glsl->version = PL_MIN(glsl->version, params->max_glsl_version); PL_INFO(gpu, "Restricting GLSL version to %d... new version is %d", params->max_glsl_version, glsl->version); } if (gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_compute_shader", 43, 0) && glsl->version >= 420) { glsl->compute = true; get(GL_MAX_COMPUTE_SHARED_MEMORY_SIZE, &glsl->max_shmem_size); get(GL_MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS, &glsl->max_group_threads); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) geti(GL_MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, i, &glsl->max_group_size[i]); } if (gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_texture_gather", 40, 0)) { get(GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_COMPONENTS_ARB, &p->gather_comps); get(GL_MIN_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET_ARB, &glsl->min_gather_offset); get(GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET_ARB, &glsl->max_gather_offset); } // Query all device limits struct pl_gpu_limits *limits = &gpu->limits; limits->thread_safe = params->make_current; limits->callbacks = gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_sync", 32, 30); limits->align_vertex_stride = 1; if (gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object", 31, 0)) { limits->max_buf_size = SIZE_MAX; // no restriction imposed by GL if (gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object", 31, 0)) get(GL_MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE, &limits->max_ubo_size); if (gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object", 43, 0) && gpu->glsl.version >= 140) { get(GL_MAX_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE, &limits->max_ssbo_size); } limits->max_vbo_size = limits->max_buf_size; // No additional restrictions if (gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_buffer_storage", 44, 0)) { const char *vendor = (char *) gl->GetString(GL_VENDOR); limits->max_mapped_size = limits->max_buf_size; limits->host_cached = strcmp(vendor, "AMD") == 0 || strcmp(vendor, "NVIDIA Corporation") == 0; } } get(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &limits->max_tex_2d_dim); if (gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_EXT_texture3D", 21, 30)) get(GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE, &limits->max_tex_3d_dim); // There's no equivalent limit for 1D textures for whatever reason, so // just set it to the same as the 2D limit if (p->gl_ver >= 21) limits->max_tex_1d_dim = limits->max_tex_2d_dim; limits->buf_transfer = true; if (p->gl_ver || p->gles_ver >= 30) { get(GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS, &limits->max_variable_comps); } else { // fallback for GLES 2.0, which doesn't have max_comps get(GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS, &limits->max_variable_comps); limits->max_variable_comps *= 4; } if (glsl->compute) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) geti(GL_MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_COUNT, i, &limits->max_dispatch[i]); } // Query import/export support p->egl_dpy = params->egl_display; p->egl_ctx = params->egl_context; p->has_egl_storage = pl_opengl_has_ext(p->gl, "GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage"); p->has_egl_import = pl_opengl_has_ext(p->gl, "GL_OES_EGL_image_external"); gpu->export_caps.tex = tex_handle_caps(gpu, false); gpu->import_caps.tex = tex_handle_caps(gpu, true); if (p->egl_dpy) { p->has_modifiers = pl_opengl_has_ext(p->gl, "EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers"); } if (pl_opengl_has_ext(pl_gl, "GL_AMD_pinned_memory")) { gpu->import_caps.buf |= PL_HANDLE_HOST_PTR; gpu->limits.align_host_ptr = get_page_size(); } // Cache some internal capability checks p->has_vao = gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_vertex_array_object", 30, 0); p->has_invalidate_fb = gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata", 43, 30); p->has_invalidate_tex = gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata", 43, 0); p->has_queries = gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_timer_query", 33, 0); p->has_storage = gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store", 42, 0); p->has_readback = true; if (p->has_readback && p->gles_ver) { GLuint fbo = 0, tex = 0; GLint read_type = 0, read_fmt = 0; gl->GenTextures(1, &tex); gl->BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex); gl->GenFramebuffers(1, &fbo); gl->TexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_R8, 64, 64, 0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); gl->BindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo); gl->FramebufferTexture2D(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex, 0); gl->GetIntegerv(GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE, &read_type); gl->GetIntegerv(GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT, &read_fmt); if (read_type != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || read_fmt != GL_RED) { PL_INFO(gpu, "GPU does not seem to support lossless texture " "readback, restricting readback capabilities! This is a " "GLES/driver limitation, there is little we can do to " "work around it."); p->has_readback = false; } gl->BindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); gl->BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); gl->DeleteFramebuffers(1, &fbo); gl->DeleteTextures(1, &tex); } // We simply don't know, so make up some values limits->align_tex_xfer_offset = 32; limits->align_tex_xfer_pitch = 4; limits->fragment_queues = 1; limits->compute_queues = glsl->compute ? 1 : 0; if (!gl_check_err(gpu, "pl_gpu_create_gl")) { PL_WARN(gpu, "Encountered errors while detecting GPU capabilities... " "ignoring, but expect limitations/issues"); p->failed = false; } // Filter out error messages during format probing pl_log_level_cap(gpu->log, PL_LOG_INFO); bool formats_ok = gl_setup_formats(gpu); pl_log_level_cap(gpu->log, PL_LOG_NONE); if (!formats_ok) goto error; return pl_gpu_finalize(gpu); error: gl_gpu_destroy(gpu); return NULL; } void gl_buf_destroy(pl_gpu gpu, pl_buf buf) { const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); if (!MAKE_CURRENT()) { PL_ERR(gpu, "Failed uninitializing buffer, leaking resources!"); return; } struct pl_buf_gl *buf_gl = PL_PRIV(buf); if (buf_gl->fence) gl->DeleteSync(buf_gl->fence); if (buf_gl->mapped) { gl->BindBuffer(GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER, buf_gl->buffer); gl->UnmapBuffer(GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER); gl->BindBuffer(GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER, 0); } gl->DeleteBuffers(1, &buf_gl->buffer); gl_check_err(gpu, "gl_buf_destroy"); RELEASE_CURRENT(); pl_free((void *) buf); } pl_buf gl_buf_create(pl_gpu gpu, const struct pl_buf_params *params) { const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); if (!MAKE_CURRENT()) return NULL; struct pl_buf_t *buf = pl_zalloc_obj(NULL, buf, struct pl_buf_gl); buf->params = *params; buf->params.initial_data = NULL; struct pl_gl *p = PL_PRIV(gpu); struct pl_buf_gl *buf_gl = PL_PRIV(buf); buf_gl->id = ++p->buf_id; // Just use this since the generic GL_BUFFER doesn't work GLenum target = GL_ARRAY_BUFFER; const void *data = params->initial_data; size_t total_size = params->size; bool import = false; if (params->import_handle == PL_HANDLE_HOST_PTR) { const struct pl_shared_mem *shmem = ¶ms->shared_mem; target = GL_EXTERNAL_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_AMD; data = shmem->handle.ptr; buf_gl->offset = shmem->offset; total_size = shmem->size; import = true; if (params->host_mapped) buf->data = (uint8_t *) data + buf_gl->offset; if (buf_gl->offset > 0 && params->drawable) { PL_ERR(gpu, "Cannot combine non-aligned host pointer imports with " "drawable (vertex) buffers! This is a design limitation, " "open an issue if you absolutely need this."); goto error; } } gl->GenBuffers(1, &buf_gl->buffer); gl->BindBuffer(target, buf_gl->buffer); if (gl_test_ext(gpu, "GL_ARB_buffer_storage", 44, 0) && !import) { GLbitfield mapflags = 0, storflags = 0; if (params->host_writable) storflags |= GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT; if (params->host_mapped) { mapflags |= GL_MAP_READ_BIT | GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT | GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT; } if (params->memory_type == PL_BUF_MEM_HOST) storflags |= GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT; // hopefully this works gl->BufferStorage(target, total_size, data, storflags | mapflags); if (params->host_mapped) { buf_gl->mapped = true; buf->data = gl->MapBufferRange(target, buf_gl->offset, params->size, mapflags); if (!buf->data) { gl->BindBuffer(target, 0); if (!gl_check_err(gpu, "gl_buf_create: map")) PL_ERR(gpu, "Failed mapping buffer: unknown reason"); goto error; } } } else { // Make a random guess based on arbitrary criteria we can't know GLenum hint = GL_STREAM_DRAW; if (params->initial_data && !params->host_writable && !params->host_mapped) hint = GL_STATIC_DRAW; if (params->host_readable && !params->host_writable && !params->host_mapped) hint = GL_STREAM_READ; if (params->storable) hint = GL_DYNAMIC_COPY; gl->BufferData(target, total_size, data, hint); if (import && gl->GetError() == GL_INVALID_OPERATION) { PL_ERR(gpu, "Failed importing host pointer!"); goto error; } } gl->BindBuffer(target, 0); if (!gl_check_err(gpu, "gl_buf_create")) goto error; if (params->storable) { buf_gl->barrier = GL_BUFFER_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT | // for buf_copy etc. GL_PIXEL_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT | // for tex_upload GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BARRIER_BIT; if (params->host_mapped) buf_gl->barrier |= GL_CLIENT_MAPPED_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT; if (params->uniform) buf_gl->barrier |= GL_UNIFORM_BARRIER_BIT; if (params->drawable) buf_gl->barrier |= GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT; } RELEASE_CURRENT(); return buf; error: gl_buf_destroy(gpu, buf); RELEASE_CURRENT(); return NULL; } bool gl_buf_poll(pl_gpu gpu, pl_buf buf, uint64_t timeout) { const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); // Non-persistently mapped buffers are always implicitly reusable in OpenGL, // the implementation will create more buffers under the hood if needed. if (!buf->data) return false; if (!MAKE_CURRENT()) return true; // conservative guess struct pl_buf_gl *buf_gl = PL_PRIV(buf); if (buf_gl->fence) { GLenum res = gl->ClientWaitSync(buf_gl->fence, timeout ? GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT : 0, timeout); if (res == GL_ALREADY_SIGNALED || res == GL_CONDITION_SATISFIED) { gl->DeleteSync(buf_gl->fence); buf_gl->fence = NULL; } } gl_poll_callbacks(gpu); RELEASE_CURRENT(); return !!buf_gl->fence; } void gl_buf_write(pl_gpu gpu, pl_buf buf, size_t offset, const void *data, size_t size) { const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); if (!MAKE_CURRENT()) return; struct pl_buf_gl *buf_gl = PL_PRIV(buf); gl->BindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf_gl->buffer); gl->BufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf_gl->offset + offset, size, data); gl->BindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); gl_check_err(gpu, "gl_buf_write"); RELEASE_CURRENT(); } bool gl_buf_read(pl_gpu gpu, pl_buf buf, size_t offset, void *dest, size_t size) { const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); if (!MAKE_CURRENT()) return false; struct pl_buf_gl *buf_gl = PL_PRIV(buf); gl->BindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf_gl->buffer); gl->GetBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf_gl->offset + offset, size, dest); gl->BindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); bool ok = gl_check_err(gpu, "gl_buf_read"); RELEASE_CURRENT(); return ok; } void gl_buf_copy(pl_gpu gpu, pl_buf dst, size_t dst_offset, pl_buf src, size_t src_offset, size_t size) { const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); if (!MAKE_CURRENT()) return; struct pl_buf_gl *src_gl = PL_PRIV(src); struct pl_buf_gl *dst_gl = PL_PRIV(dst); gl->BindBuffer(GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER, src_gl->buffer); gl->BindBuffer(GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER, dst_gl->buffer); gl->CopyBufferSubData(GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER, GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER, src_gl->offset + src_offset, dst_gl->offset + dst_offset, size); gl_check_err(gpu, "gl_buf_copy"); RELEASE_CURRENT(); } #define QUERY_OBJECT_NUM 8 struct pl_timer_t { GLuint query[QUERY_OBJECT_NUM]; int index_write; // next index to write to int index_read; // next index to read from }; static pl_timer gl_timer_create(pl_gpu gpu) { const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); struct pl_gl *p = PL_PRIV(gpu); if (!p->has_queries || !MAKE_CURRENT()) return NULL; pl_timer timer = pl_zalloc_ptr(NULL, timer); gl->GenQueries(QUERY_OBJECT_NUM, timer->query); RELEASE_CURRENT(); return timer; } static void gl_timer_destroy(pl_gpu gpu, pl_timer timer) { const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); if (!MAKE_CURRENT()) { PL_ERR(gpu, "Failed uninitializing timer, leaking resources!"); return; } gl->DeleteQueries(QUERY_OBJECT_NUM, timer->query); gl_check_err(gpu, "gl_timer_destroy"); RELEASE_CURRENT(); pl_free(timer); } static uint64_t gl_timer_query(pl_gpu gpu, pl_timer timer) { if (timer->index_read == timer->index_write) return 0; // no more unprocessed results const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); if (!MAKE_CURRENT()) return 0; uint64_t res = 0; GLuint query = timer->query[timer->index_read]; int avail = 0; gl->GetQueryObjectiv(query, GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, &avail); if (!avail) goto done; gl->GetQueryObjectui64v(query, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &res); timer->index_read = (timer->index_read + 1) % QUERY_OBJECT_NUM; // fall through done: RELEASE_CURRENT(); return res; } void gl_timer_begin(pl_gpu gpu, pl_timer timer) { if (!timer) return; const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); gl->BeginQuery(GL_TIME_ELAPSED, timer->query[timer->index_write]); } void gl_timer_end(pl_gpu gpu, pl_timer timer) { if (!timer) return; const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); gl->EndQuery(GL_TIME_ELAPSED); timer->index_write = (timer->index_write + 1) % QUERY_OBJECT_NUM; if (timer->index_write == timer->index_read) { // forcibly drop the least recent result to make space timer->index_read = (timer->index_read + 1) % QUERY_OBJECT_NUM; } } static void gl_gpu_flush(pl_gpu gpu) { const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); if (!MAKE_CURRENT()) return; gl->Flush(); gl_check_err(gpu, "gl_gpu_flush"); RELEASE_CURRENT(); } static void gl_gpu_finish(pl_gpu gpu) { const gl_funcs *gl = gl_funcs_get(gpu); if (!MAKE_CURRENT()) return; gl->Finish(); gl_check_err(gpu, "gl_gpu_finish"); RELEASE_CURRENT(); } static bool gl_gpu_is_failed(pl_gpu gpu) { struct pl_gl *gl = PL_PRIV(gpu); return gl->failed; } static const struct pl_gpu_fns pl_fns_gl = { .destroy = gl_gpu_destroy, .tex_create = gl_tex_create, .tex_destroy = gl_tex_destroy, .tex_invalidate = gl_tex_invalidate, .tex_clear_ex = gl_tex_clear_ex, .tex_blit = gl_tex_blit, .tex_upload = gl_tex_upload, .tex_download = gl_tex_download, .buf_create = gl_buf_create, .buf_destroy = gl_buf_destroy, .buf_write = gl_buf_write, .buf_read = gl_buf_read, .buf_copy = gl_buf_copy, .buf_poll = gl_buf_poll, .desc_namespace = gl_desc_namespace, .pass_create = gl_pass_create, .pass_destroy = gl_pass_destroy, .pass_run = gl_pass_run, .timer_create = gl_timer_create, .timer_destroy = gl_timer_destroy, .timer_query = gl_timer_query, .gpu_flush = gl_gpu_flush, .gpu_finish = gl_gpu_finish, .gpu_is_failed = gl_gpu_is_failed, };