path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b961dd1934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# This script checks various configure parameters and uses three files:
+# * autogen.input (ro)
+# * autogen.lastrun (rw)
+# * autogen.lastrun.bak (rw)
+# If _no_ parameters:
+# Read args from autogen.input or autogen.lastrun
+# Else
+# Backup autogen.lastrun as autogen.lastrun.bak
+# Write autogen.lastrun with new commandline args
+# Run configure with checked args
+ eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
+ if 0;
+use strict;
+use Cwd ('cwd', 'realpath');
+use File::Basename;
+my $src_path=dirname(realpath($0));
+my $build_path=realpath(cwd());
+# since this looks crazy, if you have a symlink on a path up to and including
+# the current directory, we need our configure to run in the realpath of that
+# such that compiled (realpath'd) dependency filenames match the filenames
+# used in our makefiles - ie. this gets dependencies right via SRC_ROOT
+chdir ($build_path);
+# more amazingly, if you don't clobber 'PWD' shells will re-assert their
+# old path from the environment, not cwd.
+$ENV{PWD} = $build_path;
+my $aclocal;
+my $autoconf;
+# check we have various vital tools
+sub sanity_checks($)
+ my $system = shift;
+ my @path = split (':', $ENV{'PATH'});
+ my %required =
+ (
+ 'pkg-config' => "pkg-config is required to be installed",
+ $autoconf => "autoconf is required",
+ $aclocal => "$aclocal is required",
+ );
+ for my $elem (@path) {
+ for my $app (keys %required) {
+ if (-f "$elem/$app") {
+ delete $required{$app};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((keys %required) > 0) {
+ print ("Various low-level dependencies are missing, please install them:\n");
+ for my $app (keys %required) {
+ print "\t $app: " . $required{$app} . "\n";
+ }
+ exit (1);
+ }
+# one argument per line
+sub read_args($)
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $fh;
+ my @lst;
+ open ($fh, $file) || die "can't open file: $file";
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ chomp();
+ s/^\s+//;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ # migrate from the old system
+ if ( substr($_, 0, 1) eq "'" ) {
+ print STDERR "Migrating options from the old autogen.lastrun format, using:\n";
+ my @opts;
+ @opts = split(/'/);
+ foreach my $opt (@opts) {
+ if ( substr($opt, 0, 1) eq "-" ) {
+ push @lst, $opt;
+ print STDERR " $opt\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ( /^INCLUDE:(.*)/ ) {
+ # include another .conf into this one
+ my $config = "$src_path/distro-configs/$1.conf";
+ if (! -f $config) {
+ invalid_distro ($config, $1);
+ }
+ push @lst, read_args ($config);
+ } elsif ( substr($_, 0, 1) eq "#" ) {
+ # comment
+ } elsif ( length == 0 ) {
+ # empty line
+ } else {
+ push @lst, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ close ($fh);
+ # print "read args from file '$file': @lst\n";
+ return @lst;
+sub show_distro_configs($$)
+ my ($prefix, $path) = @_;
+ my $dirh;
+ opendir ($dirh, "$path");
+ while (($_ = readdir ($dirh))) {
+ if (-d "$path/$_") {
+ show_distro_configs(
+ $prefix eq "" ? "$_/" : "$prefix/$_/", "$path/$_")
+ unless $_ eq '.' || $_ eq '..';
+ next;
+ }
+ /(.*)\.conf$/ || next;
+ print STDERR "\t$prefix$1\n";
+ }
+ closedir ($dirh);
+sub invalid_distro($$)
+ my ($config, $distro) = @_;
+ print STDERR "Can't find distro option set: $config\n";
+ print STDERR "Distros with distro option sets are:\n";
+ show_distro_configs("", "$src_path/distro-configs");
+ exit (1);
+# Avoid confusing "aclocal: error: non-option arguments are not accepted: '.../m4'." error message.
+die "\$src_path must not contain spaces, but it is '$src_path'." if ($src_path =~ / /);
+# Alloc $ACLOCAL to specify which aclocal to use
+$aclocal = $ENV{ACLOCAL} ? $ENV{ACLOCAL} : 'aclocal';
+# Alloc $AUTOCONF to specify which autoconf to use
+# (e.g. autoconf268 from a backports repo)
+$autoconf = $ENV{AUTOCONF} ? $ENV{AUTOCONF} : 'autoconf';
+my $system = `uname -s`;
+chomp $system;
+sanity_checks ($system) unless($system eq 'Darwin');
+# If we are running in a LODE env, make sure we find the right aclocal
+# by making sure that LODE_HOME/opt/bin is in the PATH
+if (defined $ENV{LODE_HOME})
+ my $lode_path = quotemeta "$ENV{LODE_HOME}/opt/bin";
+ if($ENV{PATH} !~ $lode_path)
+ {
+ $ENV{PATH}="$ENV{LODE_HOME}/opt/bin:$ENV{PATH}";
+ print STDERR "add LODE_HOME/opt/bin in PATH\n";
+ }
+my $aclocal_flags = $ENV{ACLOCAL_FLAGS};
+$aclocal_flags .= " -I $src_path/m4";
+$aclocal_flags .= " -I $src_path/m4/mac" if ($system eq 'Darwin');
+$ENV{AUTOMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS} = '--warnings=no-portability' if (!($system eq 'Darwin'));
+if ($src_path ne $build_path)
+ system ("ln -sf $src_path/");
+ system ("ln -sf $src_path/g g");
+ my $src_path_win=$src_path;
+ if ($system =~ /CYGWIN.*/) {
+ $src_path_win=`cygpath -m $src_path`;
+ chomp $src_path_win;
+ }
+ my @modules = <$src_path/*/Makefile>;
+ foreach my $module (@modules)
+ {
+ my $dir = basename (dirname ($module));
+ mkdir ($dir);
+ system ("rm -f $dir/Makefile");
+ system ("printf 'module_directory:=$src_path_win/$dir/\ninclude \$(module_directory)/../solenv/gbuild/\n' > $dir/Makefile");
+ }
+ my @external_modules = <$src_path/external/*/Makefile>;
+ mkdir ("external");
+ system ("ln -sf $src_path/external/ external/");
+ foreach my $module (@external_modules)
+ {
+ my $dir = basename (dirname ($module));
+ mkdir ("external/$dir");
+ system ("rm -f external/$dir/Makefile");
+ system ("printf 'module_directory:=$src_path_win/external/$dir/\ninclude \$(module_directory)/../../solenv/gbuild/\n' > external/$dir/Makefile");
+ }
+system ("$aclocal $aclocal_flags") && die "Failed to run aclocal";
+unlink ("configure");
+system ("$autoconf -I ${src_path}") && die "Failed to run autoconf";
+die "Failed to generate the configure script" if (! -f "configure");
+# Handle help arguments first, so we don't clobber autogen.lastrun
+for my $arg (@ARGV) {
+ if ($arg =~ /^(--help|-h|-\?)$/) {
+ print STDOUT " - libreoffice configuration helper\n";
+ print STDOUT " --with-distro use a config from distro-configs/\n";
+ print STDOUT " the name needs to be passed without extension\n";
+ print STDOUT " --best-effort don't fail on un-known configure with/enable options\n";
+ print STDOUT "\nOther arguments passed directly to configure:\n\n";
+ system ("./configure --help");
+ exit;
+ }
+my @cmdline_args = ();
+my $input = "autogen.input";
+my $lastrun = "autogen.lastrun";
+if (!@ARGV) {
+ if (-f $input) {
+ if (-f $lastrun) {
+* Reading $input and ignoring $lastrun!
+* Consider removing $lastrun to get rid of this warning.
+ }
+ @cmdline_args = read_args ($input);
+ } elsif (-f $lastrun) {
+ print STDERR "Reading $lastrun. Please rename it to $input to avoid this message.\n";
+ @cmdline_args = read_args ($lastrun);
+ }
+} else {
+ if (-f $input) {
+* Using commandline arguments and ignoring $input!
+ }
+ @cmdline_args = @ARGV;
+my @args;
+my $default_config = "$src_path/distro-configs/default.conf";
+my $option_checking = 'fatal';
+if (-f $default_config) {
+ print STDERR "Reading default config file: $default_config.\n";
+ push @args, read_args ($default_config);
+for my $arg (@cmdline_args) {
+ if ($arg =~ m/--with-distro=(.*)$/) {
+ my $config = "$src_path/distro-configs/$1.conf";
+ if (! -f $config) {
+ invalid_distro ($config, $1);
+ }
+ push @args, read_args ($config);
+ } elsif ($arg =~ m/--best-effort$/) {
+ $option_checking = 'warn';
+ } else {
+ push @args, $arg;
+ }
+if (defined $ENV{NOCONFIGURE}) {
+ print "Skipping configure process.";
+} else {
+ # Save autogen.lastrun only if we did get some arguments on the command-line
+ if (! -f $input && @ARGV) {
+ if (scalar(@cmdline_args) > 0) {
+ # if there's already an autogen.lastrun, make a backup first
+ if (-e $lastrun) {
+ open (my $fh, $lastrun) || warn "Can't open $lastrun.\n";
+ open (BAK, ">$lastrun.bak") || warn "Can't create backup file $lastrun.bak.\n";
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ print BAK;
+ }
+ close (BAK) && close ($fh);
+ }
+ # print "Saving command-line args to $lastrun\n";
+ my $fh;
+ open ($fh, ">autogen.lastrun") || die "Can't open autogen.lastrun: $!";
+ for my $arg (@cmdline_args) {
+ print $fh "$arg\n";
+ }
+ close ($fh);
+ }
+ }
+ push @args, "--srcdir=$src_path";
+ push @args, "--enable-option-checking=$option_checking";
+ # When running a shell script from Perl on WSL, weirdly named
+ # environment variables like the "ProgramFiles(x86)" one don't get
+ # imported by the shell. So export it as PROGRAMFILESX86 instead.
+ my $building_for_linux = 0;
+ my $building_with_emscripten = 0;
+ foreach my $arg (@args) {
+ $building_for_linux = 1 if ($arg =~ /--host=x86_64.*linux/);
+ $building_with_emscripten = 1 if ($arg =~ /^--host=wasm.*-emscripten$/);
+ }
+ unshift @args, "./configure";
+ unshift @args, "emconfigure" if ($building_with_emscripten);
+ print "Running '" . join (" ", @args), "'\n";
+ if (`wslsys 2>/dev/null` ne "" && !$building_for_linux) {
+ if (!$ENV{"ProgramFiles(x86)"}) {
+ print STDERR "To build for Windows on WSL, you need to set the WSLENV environment variable in the Control Panel to 'ProgramFiles(x86)'\n";
+ print STDERR "If you actually do want to build for WSL (Linux) on WSL, pass a --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu option\n";
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ $ENV{"PROGRAMFILESX86"} = $ENV{"ProgramFiles(x86)"};
+ }
+ system (@args) && die "Error running configure";
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: perl
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# tab-width: 4
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
+# vim:set ft=perl shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: #