path: root/include/sal/log-areas.dox
diff options
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1 files changed, 671 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/sal/log-areas.dox b/include/sal/log-areas.dox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2240a89a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sal/log-areas.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+// NOTE: This file is also parsed by a compiler plugin. Make sure all
+// areas are marked with '@li @c'.
+@page sal_log_areas SAL debug areas
+@short List and description of areas for the SAL debug macros
+This is a list of areas that are used by the SAL_INFO family of macros. See
+@ref sal_log "basic log functionality" for details about this functionality.
+If you need a debug area in some code, first check this list and use the
+appropriate area if it exists. This list is not definite, if you need a new
+area, use it and add it to an appropriate section with an explanation.
+Generally, use the name of the relevant code module as the first area segment.
+Please keep all entries sorted.
+This list should give you an overview of which areas to enable when debugging
+certain functionality.
+@section SAL
+@li @c sal.bootstrap - SAL bootstrap
+@li @c sal.cppunittester
+@li @c sal.debug - SAL debugging functionality
+@li @c sal.file - file system operations
+@li @c sal.fileio - file I/O
+@li @c sal.osl - SAL OSL library
+@li @c sal.osl.condition
+@li @c sal.osl.mutex
+@li @c sal.osl.pipe
+@li @c sal.rtl - SAL RTL library
+@li @c sal.textenc - the textencoding SAL library
+@section basctl
+@li @c basctl
+@li @c basctl.basicide
+@section basic
+@li @c basic
+@li @c basic.sbx
+@section bridges
+@li @c bridges
+@li @c bridges.ios
+@li @c bridges.osx
+@section canvas
+@li @c canvas
+@li @c canvas.cairo
+@li @c canvas.directx
+@li @c canvas.null
+@li @c canvas.ogl
+@li @c canvas.vcl
+@section chart2
+@li @c chart2
+@li @c chart2.accessibility
+@li @c chart2.areachart
+@li @c chart2.main
+@li @c chart2.pie.label.bestfit
+@li @c chart2.pie.label.bestfit.inside
+@li @c chart2.template
+@li @c
+@section connectivity
+@li @c connectivity.ado
+@li @c connectivity.commontools
+@li @c connectivity.cpool
+@li @c connectivity.dbase
+@li @c connectivity.drivers - a bit overly general, maybe it should be removed?
+@li @c connectivity.evoab2
+@li @c connectivity.firebird
+@li @c connectivity.flat
+@li @c connectivity.hsqldb
+@li @c connectivity.jdbc
+@li @c connectivity.kab
+@li @c connectivity.macab
+@li @c connectivity.manager
+@li @c connectivity.mozab
+@li @c connectivity.mysqlc
+@li @c connectivity.odbc
+@li @c connectivity.parse
+@li @c connectivity.postgresql
+@li @c connectivity.resource
+@li @c connectivity.writer
+@section comphelper
+@li @c comphelper
+@li @c comphelper.backupfilehelper
+@li @c comphelper.container - EmbeddedObjectContainer
+@li @c comphelper.crypto
+@li @c comphelper.lok
+@li @c comphelper.traceevent
+@section cppu
+@li @c cppu
+@li @c cppu.affinebridge
+@li @c cppu.log
+@li @c cppu.purpenv
+@li @c cppu.threadpool
+@li @c cppu.typelib
+@li @c cppu.unsafebridge
+@section cppuhelper
+@li @c cppuhelper
+@li @c cppuhelper.shlib
+@section cpputools
+@li @c cpputools
+@li @c cpputools.unoexe
+@section cui
+@li @c cui.customize
+@li @c cui.customnotebookbar
+@li @c cui.dialogs
+@li @c cui.factory
+@li @c cui.options
+@li @c cui.tabpages
+@section drawinglayer
+@li @c drawinglayer
+@li @c drawinglayer.emf
+@section emfio
+@li @c emfio - EMF and VMF image file formats import module
+@section Calc
+@li @c sc
+@li @c sc.core
+@li @c sc.core.formulacell - ScFormulaCell and group
+@li @c sc.core.formulagroup
+@li @c sc.core.grouparealistener - sc::FormulaGroupAreaListener
+@li @c sc.filter - Calc filter
+@li @c sc.lok.docsize
+@li @c sc.lok.header
+@li @c sc.lok.poshelper
+@li @c sc.opencl - OpenCL-related stuff in general
+@li @c sc.opencl.source - Generated OpenCL source code
+@li @c sc.orcus
+@li @c sc.orcus.autofilter
+@li @c sc.orcus.condformat
+@li @c
+@li @c sc.orcus.table
+@li @c
+@li @c sc.threaded
+@li @c sc.timing
+@li @c sc.ui - Calc UI
+@li @c sc.uitest - Calc UI Test part
+@li @c sc.viewdata
+@section desktop
+@li @c desktop
+@li @c
+@li @c desktop.deployment
+@li @c desktop.lib
+@li @c desktop.migration
+@li @c desktop.offacc
+@li @c desktop.splash
+@li @c desktop.test
+@li @c desktop.updater
+@section Draw
+@li @c sd
+@li @c sd.core
+@li @c sd.eppt
+@li @c sd.filter
+@li @c sd.fwk
+@li @c sd.slideshow
+@li @c sd.sls - slidesorter
+@li @c
+@li @c sd.transitions
+@li @c sd.ui
+@li @c sd.view
+@li @c sdremote
+@li @c sdremote.bluetooth
+@li @c sdremote.wifi
+@section editeng
+@li @c editeng
+@li @c editeng.chaining
+@li @c editeng.items
+@li @c editeng.quicktextsize
+@section embeddedobj
+@li @c embeddedobj - embedded objects
+@li @c embeddedobj.common
+@li @c embeddedobj.general
+@li @c embeddedobj.ole - OLE embedded objects
+@section embedserv
+@li @c embedserv - embedding server
+@li @c embedserv.ole - OLE server
+@section extensions
+@li @c extensions.abpilot
+@li @c extensions.biblio
+@li @c extensions.config
+@li @c extensions.dbpilots
+@li @c extensions.evoab
+@li @c extensions.logging
+@li @c extensions.olebridge - OLE automation bridge
+@li @c extensions.plugin
+@li @c extensions.propctrlr
+@li @c extensions.scanner
+@li @c extensions.update
+@section Filter
+@li @c filter.config
+@li @c filter.eps
+@li @c filter.hwp - Hangul word processor import
+@li @c filter.icgm
+@li @c - escher import/export
+@li @c filter.odfflatxml
+@li @c filter.os2met
+@li @c filter.pdf
+@li @c filter.pict
+@li @c filter.psd
+@li @c filter.ras
+@li @c filter.svg
+@li @c filter.tga
+@li @c filter.tiff
+@li @c filter.xmlfa
+@li @c filter.xmlfd
+@li @c filter.xslt - xslt import/export
+@section oox
+@li @c oox
+@li @c oox.chart
+@li @c oox.cscode - see oox/source/drawingml/customshapes/README
+@li @c oox.csdata - see oox/source/drawingml/customshapes/README
+@li @c oox.drawingml - DrawingML
+@li @c oox.drawingml.gradient
+@li @c oox.ppt - pptx filter
+@li @c oox.shape
+@li @c - ZipStorage class
+@li @c oox.vml - VML
+@li @c oox.xmlstream - XmlStream class
+@section forms
+@li @c forms.component
+@li @c forms.helper
+@li @c forms.misc
+@li @c forms.richtext
+@li @c forms.runtime
+@li @c forms.xforms
+@section formula
+@li @c formula.core
+@li @c formula.ui
+@section fpicker
+@li @c fpicker
+@li @c fpicker.aqua
+@li @c
+@section framework
+@li @c fwk - framework (abbreviation)
+@li @c fwk.accelerators
+@li @c fwk.autorecovery
+@li @c fwk.desktop
+@li @c fwk.dispatch
+@li @c fwk.frame
+@li @c fwk.joburl
+@li @c fwk.loadenv
+@li @c fwk.session
+@li @c fwk.session.debug
+@li @c fwk.uiconfiguration
+@li @c fwk.uielement
+@section i18nlangtag
+@li @c i18nlangtag - language tags
+@section i18npool
+@li @c i18npool - general i18npool
+@section i18n
+@li @c i18n - module independent i18n related, e.g. language tag usage
+@section io
+@li @c io.connector
+@li @c io.streams
+@section jvmfwk
+@li @c jfw
+@li @c jfw.level1
+@li @c jfw.level2
+@section LanguageTool
+@li @c languagetool
+@section LibreOfficeKit
+@li @c lok
+@li @c lok.fontsubst
+@li @c lok.tiledrendering
+@li @c lok.dialog
+@li @c lok.a11y - LOK accessibility
+@li @c lok.urp - Uno Remote Protocol
+@section l10ntools
+@li @c l10ntools
+@section Math
+@li @c starmath
+@li @c starmath.ooxml - OOXML import/export
+@li @c starmath.rtf
+@li @c starmath.wordbase
+@section package
+@li @c package
+@li @c package.manifest
+@li @c package.xstor
+@li @c package.threadeddeflate
+@section pyuno
+@li @c pyuno.runtime
+@section sdext
+@li @c sdext
+@li @c sdext.minimizer
+@li @c sdext.pdfimport
+@li @c sdext.pdfimport.pdfparse
+@li @c sdext.presenter
+@section sfx
+@li @c sfx
+@li @c sfx.appl
+@li @c sfx.bastyp
+@li @c sfx.config
+@li @c sfx.control
+@li @c sfx.dialog
+@li @c sfx.doc
+@li @c sfx.notify
+@li @c sfx.sidebar
+@li @c sfx.view
+@section slideshow
+@li @c slideshow
+@li @c slideshow.eventqueue
+@li @c slideshow.opengl
+@li @c slideshow.verbose
+@section sot
+@li @c sot - COM structured storage
+@section svl
+@li @c svl
+@li @c svl.crypto
+@li @c svl.items
+@li @c svl.misc
+@li @c svl.numbers
+@section svtools
+@li @c svtools
+@li @c svtools.config
+@li @c svtools.contnr
+@li @c svtools.control
+@li @c svtools.dialogs
+@li @c svtools.misc
+@li @c svtools.table
+@li @c
+@section svx
+@li @c svx
+@li @c svx.chaining
+@li @c svx.diagram - Diagram ModelData
+@li @c svx.dialog
+@li @c svx.fmcomp
+@li @c svx.form
+@li @c svx.sdr
+@li @c svx.sidebar
+@li @c svx.stbcrtls - StatusBarControl
+@li @c svx.svdraw
+@li @c svx.table
+@li @c svx.tbxcrtls - ToolboxControl
+@li @c
+@section toolkit
+@li @c toolkit
+@li @c toolkit.controls
+@li @c toolkit.helper
+@section tools
+@li @c tools
+@li @c tools.datetime
+@li @c tools.debug
+@li @c tools.fraction
+@li @c tools.generic
+@li @c tools.memtools
+@li @c tools.rc - resource manager
+@li @c - SvStream class
+@li @c tools.urlobj - INetURLObject class
+@section ucb
+@li @c ucb
+@li @c ucb.core
+@li @c ucb.ucp
+@li @c ucb.ucp.cmis
+@li @c ucb.ucp.ext
+@li @c ucb.ucp.file
+@li @c ucb.ucp.gio
+@li @c ucb.ucp.tdoc
+@li @c ucb.ucp.webdav
+@li @c ucb.ucp.webdav.curl
+@section unotools
+@li @c unotools
+@li @c unotools.config
+@li @c unotools.i18n
+@li @c unotools.misc
+@li @c unotools.ucbhelper
+@section URE
+@li @c rtl.string - ::rtl::OString, ::rtl::OUString, and related functionality
+@li @c salhelper.thread - ::salhelper::Thread class
+@section sax
+@li @c sax.cppunit
+@li @c sax.fastparser
+@section stoc
+@li @c stoc.corerefl - CoreReflection
+@li @c - javaloader and javavm
+@section VCL
+@li @c vcl
+@li @c vcl.a11y
+@li @c
+@li @c vcl.builder
+@li @c vcl.control
+@li @c vcl.ct - CoreText-using code for macOS and iOS
+@li @c vcl.debugevent
+@li @c vcl.driver Graphics driver handling
+@li @c vcl.emf - EMF/EMF+ processing
+@li @c vcl.eventtesting
+@li @c vcl.filter
+@li @c vcl.filter.webp
+@li @c vcl.fonts - font-specific code
+@li @c vcl.fonts.detail
+@li @c vcl.gdi - the GDI part of VCL, devices, bitmaps, etc.
+@li @c vcl.gdi.wndproc - Windows Procedure part of VCL
+@li @c vcl.gdi.fontmetric
+@li @c vcl.gtk - Gtk+ 2/3 plugin
+@li @c vcl.gtk3
+@li @c vcl.gtkkde5
+@li @c vcl.harfbuzz - HarfBuzz text layout
+@li @c vcl.headless - bitmap-based backend
+@li @c vcl.helper
+@li @c vcl.icontest
+@li @c vcl.ios.clipboard
+@li @c vcl.items
+@li @c vcl.kf5 - KF5
+@li @c vcl.layout - Widget layout
+@li @c vcl.lazydelete
+@li @c vcl.opengl
+@li @c vcl.opengl.qt - Qt OpenGL
+@li @c vcl.osx
+@li @c vcl.osx.clipboard
+@li @c vcl.osx.print
+@li @c vcl.pdfwriter
+@li @c vcl.print
+@li @c vcl.plugadapt - the Unix/X11 backend plugin mechanism
+@li @c vcl.qt - Qt
+@li @c vcl.quartz
+@li @c vcl.schedule - scheduler / main-loop information
+@li @c vcl.schedule.deinit
+@li @c vcl.sessioninhibitor
+@li @c vcl.scrollbar - Scroll Bars
+@li @c - VCL Session Manager
+@li @c
+@li @c vcl.skia - VCL Skia-based code
+@li @c vcl.skia.trace - tracing drawing in VCL Skia-based code
+@li @c - Session Manager Client
+@li @c
+@li @c vcl.uitest - The UI testing framework code
+@li @c vcl.unity
+@li @c vcl.unx.dtrans
+@li @c vcl.unx.freetype
+@li @c vcl.unx.print
+@li @c vcl.virdev
+@li @c vcl.watchdog
+@li @c vcl.window
+@li @c
+@section winaccessibility
+@li @c iacc2 - IAccessible2 bridge debug
+@section Writer
+@li @c sw
+@li @c sw.a11y - accessibility
+@li @c sw.calc - formula calculation
+@li @c sw.core - Writer core
+@li @c sw.createcopy
+@li @c sw.doc
+@li @c sw.docappend
+@li @c sw.docx
+@li @c sw.envelp
+@li @c sw.filter
+@li @c sw.html - Writer HTML import/export
+@li @c sw.idle
+@li @c sw.layout - Writer core view: document layout
+@li @c sw.layout.debug - Writer layout dbg_lay output
+@li @c sw.mailmerge - Writer mail merge
+@li @c sw.pageframe - debug lifecycle of SwPageFrame
+@li @c
+@li @c sw.rtf - .rtf export filter
+@li @c sw.tiled
+@li @c sw.ui
+@li @c - Writer UNO interfaces
+@li @c sw.vba - Writer VBA
+@li @c sw.ww8 - .doc/.docx export filter, .doc import filter (not writerfilter)
+@li @c sw.ww8.level2 - further info for sw.ww8
+@li @c sw.xml - Writer .odt import/export
+@section writerfilter
+@li @c writerfilter
+@li @c writerfilter.dmapper
+@li @c writerfilter.ooxml
+@li @c writerfilter.profile - load times of filters
+@li @c writerfilter.rtf
+@section writerperfect
+@li @c writerperfect
+@section xmloff
+@li @c xmloff
+@li @c xmloff.chart
+@li @c xmloff.core
+@li @c xmloff.draw
+@li @c xmloff.forms
+@li @c
+@li @c xmloff.table
+@li @c xmloff.text
+@li @c xmloff.transform
+@section xmlsecurity
+@li @c xmlsecurity.comp - xml security component
+@li @c xmlsecurity.dialogs - xml security dialogs
+@li @c xmlsecurity.helper
+@li @c xmlsecurity.nss
+@li @c xmlsecurity.ooxml - OOXML signature support
+@li @c
+@li @c xmlsecurity.workben
+@li @c xmlsecurity.xmlsec - xmlsec wrapper
+@li @c xmlsecurity.xmlsec.gpg - gpg xmlsec component
+@section xmlscript
+@li @c xmlscript.xmldlg
+@li @c xmlscript.xmlflat
+@li @c xmlscript.xmlhelper
+@li @c xmlscript.xmllib
+@li @c xmlscript.xmlmod
+@section dbaccess
+@li @c dbaccess
+@li @c dbaccess.core
+@li @c dbaccess.ui
+@li @c dbaccess.ui.generalpage
+@section avmedia
+@li @c avmedia
+@li @c avmedia.gstreamer
+@li @c avmedia.gtk
+@li @c avmedia.quicktime
+@section other
+@li @c accessibility
+@li @c animations
+@li @c basegfx
+@li @c binaryurp
+@li @c cli
+@li @c configmgr
+@li @c configmgr.dconf
+@li @c cppcanvas
+@li @c cppcanvas.emf
+@li @c helpcompiler
+@li @c idl
+@li @c javaunohelper
+@li @c jvmaccess
+@li @c lingucomponent
+@li @c linguistic
+@li @c lwp - lotuswordpro
+@li @c opencl
+@li @c opencl.device
+@li @c opencl.file
+@li @c registry
+@li @c reportdesign
+@li @c rsc
+@li @c sax
+@li @c scripting
+@li @c scripting.provider
+@li @c shell
+@li @c shell.jumplist
+@li @c stoc
+@li @c store
+@li @c svg
+@li @c svgio
+@li @c test
+@li @c ucbhelper
+@li @c unodevtools
+@li @c unoidl
+@li @c unoxml
+@li @c uui
+@li @c vbahelper
+@li @c wasm
+@li @c xmlhelp
+@li @c xmlreader
+/* vim:set ft=cpp shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */