path: root/include/vcl/wizardmachine.hxx
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1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/vcl/wizardmachine.hxx b/include/vcl/wizardmachine.hxx
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+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include <memory>
+#include <vcl/dllapi.h>
+#include <vcl/builderpage.hxx>
+namespace weld {
+ class Builder;
+ class Container;
+struct WizPageData;
+struct ImplWizButtonData;
+// wizard states
+#define WZS_INVALID_STATE (::vcl::WizardTypes::WizardState(-1))
+namespace vcl
+ //= WizardTypes
+ namespace WizardTypes
+ {
+ typedef sal_Int16 WizardState;
+ enum CommitPageReason
+ {
+ eTravelForward, // traveling forward (maybe with skipping pages)
+ eTravelBackward, // traveling backward (maybe with skipping pages)
+ eFinish, // the wizard is about to be finished
+ eValidate // the data should be validated only, no traveling will happen
+ };
+ };
+ class SAL_NO_VTABLE SAL_LOPLUGIN_ANNOTATE("crosscast") IWizardPageController
+ {
+ public:
+ // This methods behave somewhat different than ActivatePage/DeactivatePage
+ // The latter are handled by the base class itself whenever changing the pages is in the offing,
+ // i.e., when it's already decided which page is the next.
+ // We may have situations where the next page depends on the state of the current, which needs
+ // to be committed for this.
+ // So initializePage and commitPage are designated to initializing/committing data on the page.
+ virtual void initializePage() = 0;
+ virtual bool commitPage( WizardTypes::CommitPageReason _eReason ) = 0;
+ /** determines whether or not it is allowed to advance to a next page
+ You should make this dependent on the current state of the page only, not on
+ states on other pages of the whole dialog.
+ The default implementation always returns <TRUE/>.
+ */
+ virtual bool canAdvance() const = 0;
+ protected:
+ ~IWizardPageController() {}
+ };
+ //= OWizardPage
+ class VCL_DLLPUBLIC OWizardPage : public BuilderPage, public IWizardPageController
+ {
+ public:
+ OWizardPage(weld::Container* pPage, weld::DialogController* pController, const OUString& rUIXMLDescription, const OUString& rID);
+ virtual ~OWizardPage() override;
+ // IWizardPageController overridables
+ virtual void initializePage() override;
+ virtual bool commitPage( WizardTypes::CommitPageReason _eReason ) override;
+ virtual bool canAdvance() const override;
+ protected:
+ // BuilderPage overridables
+ virtual void Activate() override;
+ /** updates the travel-related UI elements of the OWizardMachine we live in (if any)
+ If the parent of the tab page is an OWizardMachine, then updateTravelUI at this instance
+ is called. Otherwise, nothing happens.
+ */
+ void updateDialogTravelUI();
+ };
+ //= OWizardMachine
+ struct WizardMachineImplData;
+ /** implements some kind of finite automata, where the states of the automata exactly correlate
+ with tab pages.
+ That is, the machine can have up to n states, where at each point in time exactly one state is
+ the current one. A state being current is represented as one of n tab pages being displayed
+ currently.
+ The class handles the UI for traveling between the states (e.g. it administrates the <em>Next</em> and
+ <em>Previous</em> buttons which you usually find in a wizard.
+ Derived classes have to implement the travel logic by overriding <member>determineNextState</member>,
+ which has to determine the state which follows the current state. Since this may depend
+ on the actual data presented in the wizard (e.g. checkboxes checked, or something like this),
+ they can implement non-linear traveling this way.
+ */
+ class VCL_DLLPUBLIC WizardMachine : public weld::AssistantController
+ {
+ protected:
+ BuilderPage* m_pCurTabPage;
+ private:
+ WizardTypes::WizardState m_nCurState;
+ WizPageData* m_pFirstPage;
+ protected:
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Button> m_xFinish;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Button> m_xCancel;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Button> m_xNextPage;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Button> m_xPrevPage;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Button> m_xHelp;
+ private:
+ // hold members in this structure to allow keeping compatible when members are added
+ std::unique_ptr<WizardMachineImplData> m_pImpl;
+ public:
+ WizardMachine(weld::Window* _pParent, WizardButtonFlags _nButtonFlags );
+ virtual ~WizardMachine() override;
+ bool Finish(short nResult = RET_CANCEL);
+ bool ShowPage(WizardTypes::WizardState nState);
+ bool ShowNextPage();
+ bool ShowPrevPage();
+ void AddPage( std::unique_ptr<BuilderPage> xPage );
+ void RemovePage( const BuilderPage* pPage );
+ void SetPage( WizardTypes::WizardState nLevel, std::unique_ptr<BuilderPage> xPage );
+ BuilderPage* GetPage( WizardTypes::WizardState eState ) const;
+ /// enable (or disable) buttons
+ void enableButtons(WizardButtonFlags _nWizardButtonFlags, bool _bEnable);
+ /// set the default style for a button
+ void defaultButton(WizardButtonFlags _nWizardButtonFlags);
+ /// set the default style for a button
+ void defaultButton(weld::Button* _pNewDefButton);
+ /// set the base of the title to use - the title of the current page is appended
+ void setTitleBase(const OUString& _rTitleBase);
+ /// determines whether there is a next state to which we can advance
+ virtual bool canAdvance() const;
+ /** updates the user interface which deals with traveling in the wizard
+ The default implementation simply checks whether both the current page and the wizard
+ itself allow to advance to the next state (<code>canAdvance</code>), and enables the "Next"
+ button if and only if this is the case.
+ */
+ virtual void updateTravelUI();
+ protected:
+ virtual void ActivatePage();
+ virtual bool DeactivatePage();
+ // our own overridables
+ /// to override to create new pages
+ virtual std::unique_ptr<BuilderPage> createPage(WizardTypes::WizardState _nState) = 0;
+ /// will be called when a new page is about to be displayed
+ virtual void enterState(WizardTypes::WizardState _nState);
+ /** will be called when the current state is about to be left for the given reason
+ The base implementation in this class will simply call <member>OWizardPage::commitPage</member>
+ for the current page, and return whatever this call returns.
+ @param _eReason
+ The reason why the state is to be left.
+ @return
+ <TRUE/> if and only if the page is allowed to be left
+ */
+ virtual bool prepareLeaveCurrentState( WizardTypes::CommitPageReason eReason );
+ /** will be called when the given state is left
+ This is the very last possibility for derived classes to veto the deactivation
+ of a page.
+ @todo Normally, we would not need the return value here - derived classes now have
+ the possibility to veto page deactivations in <member>prepareLeaveCurrentState</member>. However,
+ changing this return type is too incompatible at the moment ...
+ @return
+ <TRUE/> if and only if the page is allowed to be left
+ */
+ virtual bool leaveState(WizardTypes::WizardState nState);
+ /** determine the next state to travel from the given one
+ The default behaviour is linear traveling, overwrite this to change it
+ Return WZS_INVALID_STATE to prevent traveling.
+ */
+ virtual WizardTypes::WizardState determineNextState(WizardTypes::WizardState nCurrentState) const;
+ /** called when the finish button is pressed
+ <p>By default, only the base class' Finish method (which is not virtual) is called</p>
+ */
+ virtual bool onFinish();
+ /// travel to the next state
+ bool travelNext();
+ /// travel to the previous state
+ bool travelPrevious();
+ /** enables the automatic enabled/disabled state of the "Next" button
+ If this is <TRUE/>, then upon entering a new state, the "Next" button will automatically be
+ enabled if and only if determineNextState does not return WZS_INVALID_STATE.
+ */
+ void enableAutomaticNextButtonState();
+ bool isAutomaticNextButtonStateEnabled() const;
+ /** removes a page from the history. Should be called when the page is being disabled
+ */
+ void removePageFromHistory(WizardTypes::WizardState nToRemove);
+ /** skip a state
+ The method behaves as if from the current state, <arg>_nSteps</arg> <method>travelNext</method>s were
+ called, but without actually creating or displaying the \EDntermediate pages. Only the
+ (<arg>_nSteps</arg> + 1)th page is created.
+ The skipped states appear in the state history, so <method>travelPrevious</method> will make use of them.
+ A very essential precondition for using this method is that your <method>determineNextState</method>
+ method is able to determine the next state without actually having the page of the current state.
+ @see skipUntil
+ @see skipBackwardUntil
+ */
+ void skip();
+ /** skips one or more states, until a given state is reached
+ The method behaves as if from the current state, <method>travelNext</method>s were called
+ successively, until <arg>_nTargetState</arg> is reached, but without actually creating or
+ displaying the \EDntermediate pages.
+ The skipped states appear in the state history, so <method>travelPrevious</method> will make use of them.
+ @return
+ <TRUE/> if and only if traveling was successful
+ @see skip
+ @see skipBackwardUntil
+ */
+ bool skipUntil(WizardTypes::WizardState nTargetState);
+ /** moves back one or more states, until a given state is reached
+ This method allows traveling backwards more than one state without actually showing the intermediate
+ states.
+ For instance, if you want to travel two steps backward at a time, you could used
+ two travelPrevious calls, but this would <em>show</em> both pages, which is not necessary,
+ since you're interested in the target page only. Using <member>skipBackwardUntil</member> relieves
+ you of this.
+ @return
+ <TRUE/> if and only if traveling was successful
+ @see skipUntil
+ @see skip
+ */
+ bool skipBackwardUntil(WizardTypes::WizardState nTargetState);
+ /** returns the current state of the machine
+ Vulgo, this is the identifier of the current tab page :)
+ */
+ WizardTypes::WizardState getCurrentState() const { return m_nCurState; }
+ virtual IWizardPageController* getPageController(BuilderPage* pCurrentPage) const;
+ /** retrieves a copy of the state history, i.e. all states we already visited
+ */
+ void getStateHistory(std::vector<WizardTypes::WizardState>& out_rHistory);
+ virtual OUString getPageIdentForState(WizardTypes::WizardState nState) const;
+ virtual WizardTypes::WizardState getStateFromPageIdent(const OUString& rIdent) const;
+ public:
+ class AccessGuard
+ {
+ friend class WizardTravelSuspension;
+ private:
+ AccessGuard() { }
+ };
+ void suspendTraveling( AccessGuard );
+ void resumeTraveling( AccessGuard );
+ bool isTravelingSuspended() const;
+ protected:
+ BuilderPage* GetOrCreatePage(const WizardTypes::WizardState i_nState);
+ private:
+ DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(OnNextPage, weld::Button&, void);
+ DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(OnPrevPage, weld::Button&, void);
+ DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(OnFinish, weld::Button&, void);
+ DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(OnCancel, weld::Button&, void);
+ VCL_DLLPRIVATE void implUpdateTitle();
+ VCL_DLLPRIVATE void implConstruct( const WizardButtonFlags _nButtonFlags );
+ };
+ /// helper class to temporarily suspend any traveling in the wizard
+ class WizardTravelSuspension
+ {
+ public:
+ WizardTravelSuspension(WizardMachine& rWizard)
+ : m_pWizard(&rWizard)
+ {
+ m_pWizard->suspendTraveling(WizardMachine::AccessGuard());
+ }
+ ~WizardTravelSuspension()
+ {
+ m_pWizard->resumeTraveling(WizardMachine::AccessGuard());
+ }
+ private:
+ WizardMachine* m_pWizard;
+ };
+} // namespace vcl
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */