path: root/translations/source/gd/dbaccess/messages.po
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'translations/source/gd/dbaccess/messages.po')
1 files changed, 5366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/translations/source/gd/dbaccess/messages.po b/translations/source/gd/dbaccess/messages.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d8414a790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/source/gd/dbaccess/messages.po
@@ -0,0 +1,5366 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/inc
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-11-02 14:48+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-19 12:59+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Michael Bauer <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Gaelic <>\n"
+"Language: gd\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1566378956.000000\n"
+#. BiN6g
+#: dbaccess/inc/query.hrc:28
+msgid "The table view"
+msgstr "Sealladh a’ chlàir"
+#. ySuKZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/query.hrc:29
+msgid "The query"
+msgstr "A’ cheist"
+#. akGh9
+#: dbaccess/inc/query.hrc:30
+msgid "The SQL statement"
+msgstr "An àithne SQL"
+#. wH3TZ
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Cuir ris"
+#. S9dsC
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Apply"
+msgstr "C_uir an sàs"
+#. TMo6G
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr "_Sguir dheth"
+#. MRCkv
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "_Dùin"
+#. nvx5t
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "Sgua_b às"
+#. YspCj
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Deasaich"
+#. imQxr
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Cobhai_r"
+#. RbjyB
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "Ù_r"
+#. dx2yy
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_No"
+msgstr "Chan _eil"
+#. M9DsL
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_OK"
+msgstr "Ceart _ma-thà"
+#. VtJS9
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Thoir air falbh"
+#. C69Fy
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Reset"
+msgstr "At_h-shuidhich"
+#. mgpxh
+msgctxt "stock"
+msgid "_Yes"
+msgstr "_Tha"
+#. FAMGa
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:26
+msgid "No connection could be established."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn ceangal a dhèanamh."
+#. y8rYj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:27
+msgid "The table $name$ already exists. It is not visible because it has been filtered out."
+msgstr "Tha an clàr $name$ ann mu thràth. Chan fhaic thu e a chionn 's gun deach a chriathradh a-mach."
+#. ZfmVR
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:28
+msgid "The connection to the external data source could not be established. An unknown error occurred. The driver is probably defective."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn ceangal a dhèanamh ris an tùs-dàta air an taobh a-muigh. Thachair mearachd neo-aithnichte. ’S mathaid gu bheil an draibhear lochdach."
+#. XdFHe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:29
+msgid "The connection to the external data source could not be established. No SDBC driver was found for the URL '$name$'."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn ceangal a dhèanamh ris an tùs-dàta air an taobh a-muigh. Cha deach draibhear SDBC a lorg airson an URL “$name$”."
+#. HFLkw
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:30
+msgid "The connection to the external data source could not be established. The SDBC driver manager could not be loaded."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn ceangal a dhèanamh ris an tùs-dàta air an taobh a-muigh. Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn manaidsear nan draibhear SDBC a luchdadh."
+#. PzEVD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:31
+msgctxt "RID_STR_FORM"
+msgid "Form"
+msgstr "Foirm"
+#. nkamB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:32
+msgctxt "RID_STR_REPORT"
+msgid "Report"
+msgstr "Aithisg"
+#. bYjEz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:33
+msgid "The data source was not saved. Please use the interface XStorable to save the data source."
+msgstr "Cha deach an tùs-dàta a shàbhaladh. Cleachd an eadar-aghaidh XStorable gus an tùs-dàta a shàbhaladh."
+#. BuEPn
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:34
+msgid ""
+"The given command is not a SELECT statement.\n"
+"Only queries are allowed."
+msgstr ""
+"Chan e aithris SELECT a tha san àithne a thagh thu.\n"
+"Chan eil ceadaichte ach iarrtasan."
+#. 4CSx9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:35
+msgid "No values were modified."
+msgstr "Cha deach luach sam bith atharrachadh."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:36
+msgid "Values could not be inserted. The XRowUpdate interface is not supported by ResultSet."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na luachan a chur ann. Chan eil ResultSet a’ cur taic ris an eadar-aghaidh XRowUpdate."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:37
+msgid "Values could not be inserted. The XResultSetUpdate interface is not supported by ResultSet."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na luachan a chur ann. Chan eil ResultSet a’ cur taic ris an eadar-aghaidh XResultSetUpdate."
+#. EAkm5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:38
+msgid "Values could not be modified, due to a missing condition statement."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na luachan atharrachadh air sgàth aithris chumhach a tha a dhìth."
+#. 7Jns7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:39
+msgid "The adding of columns is not supported."
+msgstr "Chan eil taic ann do chur ris colbhan."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:40
+msgid "The dropping of columns is not supported."
+msgstr "Chan eil taic ann do leagail mu làr colbhan."
+#. e2SUr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:41
+msgid "The WHERE condition could not be created for the primary key."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an cumha WHERE a chruthachadh airson na prìomh-iuchrach."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:42
+msgid "The column does not support the property '%value'."
+msgstr "Chan eil an colbh a' cur taic ris an roghainn '%value'."
+#. MDPRn
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:43
+msgid "The column is not searchable!"
+msgstr "Cha ghabh an colbh seo a lorg!"
+#. s9iVh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:44
+msgid "The value of the columns is not of the type Sequence<sal_Int8>."
+msgstr "Chan eil luach nan colbhan dhen t-seòrsa Sequence<sal_Int8>."
+#. Mrizz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:45
+msgid "The column is not valid."
+msgstr "Chan e colbh dligheach a tha ann."
+#. CyL8V
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:46
+msgid "The column '%name' must be visible as a column."
+msgstr "Feumaidh an colbh '%name' a bhith ri fhaicinn mar cholbh."
+#. kZnJD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:47
+msgid "The interface XQueriesSupplier is not available."
+msgstr "Chan eil an eadar-aghaidh XQueriesSupplier ri làimh."
+#. fBeqP
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:48
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NO_ABS_ZERO"
+msgid "An 'absolute(0)' call is not allowed."
+msgstr "Chan eil glaodh 'absolute(0)' ceadaichte."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:49
+msgid "Relative positioning is not allowed in this state."
+msgstr "Chan eil suidheachadh dàimheach ceadaichte san staid seo."
+#. LgS5s
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:50
+msgid "A row cannot be refreshed when the ResultSet is positioned after the last row."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh ràgh ath-nuadhachadh ma thig an ResultSet an dèidh an ràigh mu dheireadh."
+#. TqUZX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:51
+msgid "A new row cannot be inserted when the ResultSet is not first moved to the insert row."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh ràgh ùr a chur a-steach mura dèid an ResultSet a ghluasad dhan ràgh a-steach an toiseach."
+#. aGfUX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:52
+msgid "A row cannot be modified in this state"
+msgstr "Cha ghabh ràgh atharrachadh sa staid seo"
+#. uaxsC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:53
+msgid "A row cannot be deleted in this state."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh ràgh a sguabadh às sa staid seo."
+#. 6aAaN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:54
+msgid "The driver does not support table renaming."
+msgstr "Chan eil an draibhear a' cur taic ri ath-ainmeachadh clàir."
+#. Q8ADk
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:55
+msgid "The driver does not support the modification of column descriptions by changing the name."
+msgstr "Chan eil an draibhear a' cur taic ri atharrachadh tuairisgeulan nan colbh le bhith ag atharrachadh an aim."
+#. tZWaL
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:56
+msgid "The driver does not support the modification of column descriptions by changing the index."
+msgstr "Chan eil an draibhear a' cur taic ri atharrachadh tuairisgeulan nan colbh le bhith ag atharrachadh a' chlàir-amais."
+#. Z5gGE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:57
+msgid "The file \"$file$\" does not exist."
+msgstr "Chan eil am faidhle \"$file$\" ann."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:58
+msgid "There exists no table named \"$table$\"."
+msgstr "Chan eil clàr ann air a bheil \"$table$\"."
+#. XcJvN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:59
+msgid "There exists no query named \"$table$\"."
+msgstr "Chan eil clàr ann air a bheil \"$table$\"."
+#. anFDx
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:60
+msgid "There are tables in the database whose names conflict with the names of existing queries. To make full use of all queries and tables, make sure they have distinct names."
+msgstr "Tha clàir san stòr-dàta a tha an ainmean ann an còmhstri le ainmean de dh'iarrtasan làithreach. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil ainmean eadar-dhealaichte orra uile gus iarrtasan is clàr a chur gu làn-fheum."
+#. e2YrR
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:61
+msgid ""
+"The SQL command leading to this error is:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"'S e seo an àithne SQL a dh'adhbharaich a' mhearachd seo:\n"
+#. s3B76
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:62
+msgid "The SQL command does not describe a result set."
+msgstr "Chan eil an àithne SQL a' mìneachadh seata thoraidhean."
+#. o8AAh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:63
+msgid "The name must not be empty."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn do dh'ainm a bhith falamh."
+#. EDBgs
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:64
+msgid "The container cannot contain NULL objects."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn do dh'oibseactan NULL a bhith san t-soitheach."
+#. BADJn
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:65
+msgid "There already is an object with the given name."
+msgstr "Tha oibseact ann mu thràth air a bheil an ainm seo."
+#. VdEjV
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:66
+msgid "This object cannot be part of this container."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhan oibseact seo a bhith 'na phàirt dhen t-soitheach."
+#. DFQvz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:67
+msgid "The object already is, with a different name, part of the container."
+msgstr "Tha an t-oibseact, fo ainm eile, 'na phàirt dhen t-soitheach."
+#. CjNwC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:68
+msgid "Unable to find the document '$name$'."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh an sgrìobhainn '$name$' a lorg."
+#. LM7dF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:69
+msgid ""
+"Could not save the document to $location$:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh ann an $location$:\n"
+#. tHzew
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:70
+msgid ""
+"Error accessing data source '$name$':\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Thachair mearachd rè inntrigeadh dhan tùs-dàta '$name$':\n"
+#. ALTav
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:71
+msgid "There exists no folder named \"$folder$\"."
+msgstr "Chan eil pasgan ann air a bheil \"$folder$\"."
+#. Fhh7V
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:72
+msgid "Cannot delete the before-first or after-last row."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh an ràgh ron chiad fhear no as dèidh an fhir mu dheireadh a sguabadh às."
+#. nqVfA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:73
+msgid "Cannot delete the insert-row."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh an ràgh a-steach a sguabadh às."
+#. 9BUGj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:74
+msgid "Result set is read only."
+msgstr "Tha seata nan toraidhean ri leughadh a-mhàin."
+#. 47GAs
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:75
+msgid "DELETE privilege not available."
+msgstr "Chan eil a' phribhleid DELETE ri làimh."
+#. SsHD3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:76
+msgid "Current row is already deleted."
+msgstr "Chaidh an ràgh làithreach a sguabadh às mu thràth."
+#. DkbQp
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:77
+msgid "Current row could not be updated."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an ràgh làithreach ùrachadh."
+#. ccyRu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:78
+msgid "INSERT privilege not available."
+msgstr "Chan eil a' phribhleid INSERT ri làimh."
+#. RyCJt
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:79
+msgid "Internal error: no statement object provided by the database driver."
+msgstr "Mearachd inntearnail: cha deach oibseact aithrise a sholar le draibhear an stòir-dhàta."
+#. SMWJi
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:80
+msgid "Expression1"
+msgstr "Easpreisean1"
+#. 32Lgg
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:81
+msgid "No SQL command was provided."
+msgstr "Cha deach àithne SQL a sholar."
+#. bvez7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:82
+msgid "Invalid column index."
+msgstr "Clàr-amas mì-dhligheach a' chuilbh."
+#. uAGCJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:83
+msgid "Invalid cursor state."
+msgstr "Staid mhì-dhligheach a' chùrsair."
+#. Dqrzw
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:84
+msgid "The cursor points to before the first or after the last row."
+msgstr "Tha an cùrsair ron chiad ràgh no as dèidh an ràigh mu dheireadh."
+#. z9fkj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:85
+msgid "The rows before the first and after the last row don't have a bookmark."
+msgstr "Chan eil comharra-leabhair anns na ràghan ron chiad ràdh agus as dèidh an ràigh mu dheireadh."
+#. uYeyd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:86
+msgid "The current row is deleted, and thus doesn't have a bookmark."
+msgstr "Chaidh an ràgh làithreach a sguabadh às agus chan eil comharra-leabhair ann air sgàth sin."
+#. 935sJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:87
+msgid "A connection for the following URL was requested \"$name$\"."
+msgstr "Chaidh ceangal iarraidh airson an URL a leanas: \"$name$\"."
+#. UgP8s
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:88
+msgid "The extension is not installed."
+msgstr "Chan eil an leudachan air a stàladh."
+#. CvFBA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:90
+msgid "You cannot give a table and a query the same name. Please use a name which is not yet used by a query or table."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhut an dearbh-ainm a chur air clàr agus iarrtas. Cleachd ainm nach eil 'ga chleachdadh le iarrtas no clàr eile."
+#. bT6Um
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:91
+msgid "Table"
+msgstr "Clàr"
+#. Qw69D
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:92
+msgid "Query"
+msgstr "Iarrtas"
+#. 7vX2A
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:93
+msgid "The given connection is no valid query and/or tables supplier."
+msgstr "Chan e iarrtas dligheach agus/no solaraiche clàir dligheach a tha sa cheangal a shònraich thu."
+#. 7J5ZA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:94
+msgid "The given object is no table object."
+msgstr "Chan e oibseact clàir a tha san oibseact a chaidh a shònrachadh."
+#. WboPA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:95
+msgid "Invalid composition type - need a value from"
+msgstr "Seòrsa co-dhèantachd mì-dhligheach - tha feum air luach o"
+#. 2aCE8
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:96
+msgid "Invalid command type - only TABLE and QUERY from are allowed."
+msgstr "Seòrsa àithne mì-dhligheach - chan eil ach TABLE agus QUERY ceadaichte o"
+#. j84AZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:98
+msgid "Add Table Window"
+msgstr "Cuir uinneag clàir ris"
+#. DUDsr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:99
+msgid "Move table window"
+msgstr "Gluais uinneag a' chlàir"
+#. BzDGJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:100
+msgid "Insert Join"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach alt"
+#. isNxK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:101
+msgid "Delete Join"
+msgstr "Sguab às an t-alt"
+#. 9Uu5p
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:102
+msgid "Resize table window"
+msgstr "Atharraich meud uinneag a' chlàir"
+#. 3qaWu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:103
+msgid "Delete Column"
+msgstr "Sguab às an colbh"
+#. srRyA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:104
+msgid "Move column"
+msgstr "Gluais an colbh"
+#. BdYiZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:105
+msgid "Add Column"
+msgstr "Cuir colbh ris"
+#. r5myi
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:106
+msgid "Invalid expression, field name '$name$' does not exist."
+msgstr "Eas-preisean mì-dhligheach, chan eil an raon $name$ ann."
+#. WiCaf
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:107
+msgid "Delete Table Window"
+msgstr "Sguab às uinneag a' chlàir"
+#. 4677G
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:108
+msgid "Edit Column Description"
+msgstr "Deasaich tuairisgeul a' chuilbh"
+#. 79APm
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:109
+msgid "Adjust column width"
+msgstr "Cuir air gleus leud a' chuilbh"
+#. BGEE7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:110
+msgid "(not sorted);ascending;descending"
+msgstr "(gun seòrsachadh);a' dìreadh;a' teàrnadh"
+#. NEDpJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:111
+msgid "(no function);Group"
+msgstr "(gun fhoincsean);Buidhnich"
+#. rLdqC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:112
+msgid "(no table)"
+msgstr "(gun chlàr)"
+#. PZ5mq
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:113
+msgid "The database only supports sorting for visible fields."
+msgstr "Chan eil an stòr-dàta a' cur taic do sheòrsachadh de raointean do-fhaicsinneach."
+#. 9w7Ce
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:114
+msgid "Field;Alias;Table;Sort;Visible;Function;Criterion;Or;Or"
+msgstr "Raon;Ainm-brèige;Clàr;Seòrsaich;Faicsinneach;Foincsean;No;No"
+#. qPqvZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:115
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "A h-uile"
+#. Zz34h
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:116
+msgid "There are too many columns."
+msgstr "Tha cus cholbhan ann."
+#. hY4NU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:117
+msgid "A condition cannot be applied to field [*]"
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhut cumha a chur an sàs san raon [*]"
+#. ygnPh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:118
+msgid "The SQL statement created is too long."
+msgstr "Tha an aithris SQL a chruthaich thu ro fhada."
+#. EumQ9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:119
+msgid "Query is too complex"
+msgstr "Tha a' cheist ro thoinnte"
+#. Ht5Xf
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:120
+msgid "Nothing has been selected."
+msgstr "Cha do thagh thu dad."
+#. oUXZD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:121
+msgctxt "STR_QRY_SYNTAX"
+msgid "SQL syntax error"
+msgstr "Mearachd ann an co-chàradh an SQL"
+#. D5qmZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:122
+msgid "[*] cannot be used as a sort criterion."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhut [*] a chleachdadh mar chuspair-deuchainn."
+#. E4YC3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:123
+msgid "There are too many tables."
+msgstr "Tha cus chlàr ann."
+#. fnEYE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:124
+msgctxt "STR_QRY_NATIVE"
+msgid "The statement will not be applied when querying in the SQL dialect of the database."
+msgstr "Cha dèid an aithris a chur an sàs nuair a nithear ceist ann an dual-chainnt SQL an stòir-dhàta."
+#. iEVz7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:125
+msgid "Join could not be processed"
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-alt a phròiseasadh"
+#. 3EkzD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:126
+msgid "Syntax error in SQL statement"
+msgstr "Mearachd co-chàraidh ann an aithris an SQL"
+#. 4umu8
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:127
+msgid "This database does not support table views."
+msgstr "Chan eil an stòr-dàta a' cur taic ri seallaidhean clàir."
+#. wsWmH
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:128
+msgid "This database does not support altering of existing table views."
+msgstr "Chan eil an stòr-dàta seo a' cur taic ri atharrachadh de sheallaidhean clàir làithreach."
+#. DersC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:129
+msgid "Do you want to create a query instead?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson ceist a chruthachadh 'na àite?"
+#. LWaN7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:130
+msgid "The corresponding data source has been deleted. Therefore, data relevant to that data source cannot be saved."
+msgstr "Chaidh an tùs-dàta a tha co-cheangailte ris a sguabadh às. Mar sin dheth, chan urrainn dhut dàta a shàbhaladh a tha co-cheangailte ris an tùs-dàta sin."
+#. r9TeF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:131
+msgid "The column '$name$' is unknown."
+msgstr "Chan aithnichear an colbh \"$name$\"."
+#. FzLYr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:132
+msgid "Columns can only be compared using '='."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhut coimeas a dhèanamh eadar colbhan ach le \"=\"."
+#. Pzh6C
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:133
+msgid "You must use a column name before 'LIKE'."
+msgstr "Feumaidh tu ainm cuilbh a chur air beulaibh \"LIKE\"."
+#. bwj8B
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:134
+msgid "The column could not be found. Please note that the database is case-sensitive."
+msgstr "Cha deach an colbh a lorg. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil aire ri litrichean mòra is beaga san stòr-dàta."
+#. 8fSWD
+#. To translators: for $object$, one of the values of the RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE resource will be inserted.
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:136
+msgid ""
+"$object$ has been changed.\n"
+"Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr ""
+"Chaidh $object$ atharrachadh.\n"
+"A bheil thu airson na h-atharraichean a shàbhaladh?"
+#. rLMEX
+#. To translators: for $object$, one of the values of the RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE resource (except \"SQL command\", which doesn't make sense here) will be inserted.
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:138
+msgid "$object$ is based on an SQL command which could not be parsed."
+msgstr "Tha $object$ stèidhichte air àithne SQL nach gabh a pharsadh."
+#. 6cpa3
+#. To translators: for $object$, one of the values of the RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE resource (except \"SQL command\", which doesn't make sense here) will be inserted.
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:140
+msgid "$object$ will be opened in SQL view."
+msgstr "Thèid $object$ fhosgladh san t-sealladh SQL."
+#. pH2Jv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:141
+msgid "The query does not create a result set, and thus cannot be part of another query."
+msgstr "Cha chruthaich a' cheist seata thoraidhean agus mar sin dheth, chan urrainn dhut a chleachdadh mar phàirt de cheist eile."
+#. HErUD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:143
+msgid "Column ~Format..."
+msgstr "~Fòrmat a’ chuilbh..."
+#. pSid2
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:144
+msgid "Column ~Width..."
+msgstr "~Leud a’ chuilbh..."
+#. mczq6
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:145
+msgid "Table Format..."
+msgstr "Fòrmat a’ chlàir..."
+#. Giaeq
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:146
+msgid "Row Height..."
+msgstr "Àirde an ràigh..."
+#. F8EEk
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:147
+msgctxt "RID_STR_COPY"
+msgid "~Copy"
+msgstr "Dèan lethbhrea~c"
+#. hAGj6
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:148
+msgid "Undo: Data Input"
+msgstr "Neo-dhèan: Innteart dàta"
+#. NeA2w
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:149
+msgid "Save current record"
+msgstr "Sàbhail an reacord làithreach"
+#. tV569
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:150
+msgctxt "STR_QRY_TITLE"
+msgid "Query #"
+msgstr "Ceist #"
+#. FBqHA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:151
+msgctxt "STR_TBL_TITLE"
+msgid "Table #"
+msgstr "Clàr #"
+#. cCYzs
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:152
+msgctxt "STR_VIEW_TITLE"
+msgid "View #"
+msgstr "Seall #"
+#. 8yp2G
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:153
+msgid "The name \"#\" already exists."
+msgstr "Tha an t-ainm \"#\" ann mu thràth."
+#. EmTa7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:154
+msgid "No matching column names were found."
+msgstr "Cha deach ainm cuilbh a lorg a fhreagair ri dad."
+#. 4EFDH
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:155
+msgid "An error occurred. Do you want to continue copying?"
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart leis a lethbhreac?"
+#. xnbDP
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:156
+msgid "Data source table view"
+msgstr "Sealladh clàir dhen tùs-dàta"
+#. r58gb
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:157
+msgid "Shows the selected table or query."
+msgstr "Seallaidh seo an clàr no a' cheist a thagh thu."
+#. a8LWj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:159
+msgid "Modify SQL statement(s)"
+msgstr "Atharraich aithris(ean) SQL"
+#. U3N6g
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:161
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NEW_FORM"
+msgid "Create Form in Design View..."
+msgstr "Cruthaich foirm san sealladh cho-dhealbhachd..."
+#. vLzx4
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:162
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Form..."
+msgstr "Cleachd an draoidh gus foirm a chruthachadh..."
+#. ZRnDp
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:163
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Report..."
+msgstr "Cleachd an draoidh gus aithisg a chruthachadh..."
+#. aSmAa
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:164
+msgid "Create Report in Design View..."
+msgstr "Cruthaich an aithisg san t-sealladh dealbhaidh..."
+#. mGsho
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:165
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NEW_QUERY"
+msgid "Create Query in Design View..."
+msgstr "Cruthaich a' cheist san t-sealladh dealbhaidh..."
+#. sfADq
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:166
+msgid "Create Query in SQL View..."
+msgstr "Cruthaich a' cheist san t-sealladh SQL..."
+#. 57XvA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:167
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Query..."
+msgstr "Cleachd an draoidh gus ceist a chruthachadh..."
+#. wzNZ2
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:168
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NEW_TABLE"
+msgid "Create Table in Design View..."
+msgstr "Cruthaich an clàr san t-sealladh dealbhaidh..."
+#. SZdVd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:169
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Table..."
+msgstr "Cleachd an draoidh gus clàr a chruthachadh..."
+#. Xdxfp
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:170
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NEW_VIEW"
+msgid "Create View..."
+msgstr "Cruthaich sealladh..."
+#. uinhG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:171
+msgid "Forms"
+msgstr "Foirmean"
+#. EhPGD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:172
+msgid "Reports"
+msgstr "Aithisgean"
+#. DFmZD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:173
+msgid "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a report."
+msgstr "Treòraichidh an draoidh seo thu tro na ceuman riatanach gus aithisg a chruthachadh."
+#. e4rD6
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:174
+msgid "Create a form by specifying the record source, controls, and control properties."
+msgstr "Cruthaichidh tu foirm le bhith a' sònrachadh tùs an reacoird, na h-uidheaman-smachd agus roghainnean an smachd."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:175
+msgid "Create a report by specifying the record source, controls, and control properties."
+msgstr "Cruthaichidh tu aithisg le bhith a' sònrachadh tùs an reacoird, na h-uidheaman-smachd agus roghainnean an smachd."
+#. mJ9jD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:176
+msgid "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a form."
+msgstr "Treòraichidh an draoidh seo thu tro na ceuman riatanach gus foirm a chruthachadh."
+#. c6NPF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:177
+msgid "Create a query by specifying the filters, input tables, field names, and properties for sorting or grouping."
+msgstr "Cruthaich ceist le bhith a' sònrachadh criathragan, clàir steach-chuir, ainmean raointean is roghainnean a chum seòrsachadh no buidhneachadh."
+#. Gk7RQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:178
+msgid "Create a query by entering an SQL statement directly."
+msgstr "Cruthaich ceist le bhith a’ cur aithris SQL ann."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:179
+msgid "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a query."
+msgstr "Treòraichidh an draoidh seo thu tro na ceuman riatanach gus ceist a chruthachadh."
+#. hFmde
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:180
+msgid "Create a table by specifying the field names and properties, as well as the data types."
+msgstr "Cruthaich clàr le bhith a' sònrachadh ainmean is roghainnean nan raointean agus seòrsa an dàta."
+#. ctDmY
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:181
+msgid "Choose from a selection of business and personal table samples, which you customize to create a table."
+msgstr "Tagh o roghainn de bhuill-shampaill de chlàir phearsanta is clàir gnìomhachais as urrainn dhut gnàthachadh gus clàr a chruthachadh."
+#. GmBmQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:182
+msgid "Create a view by specifying the tables and field names you would like to have visible."
+msgstr "Cruthaich sealladh le bhith a' sònrachadh nan clàr is ainmean nan raointean a bu toigh leat fhaicinn."
+#. 5ADJN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:183
+msgctxt "STR_DATABASE"
+msgid "Database"
+msgstr "Stòr-dàta"
+#. D2GFx
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:184
+msgctxt "STR_TASKS"
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Saothraichean"
+#. i4BHJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:185
+msgctxt "STR_PREVIEW"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
+#. MpYZa
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:186
+msgid ""
+"The connection type has been altered.\n"
+"For the changes to take effect, all forms, reports, queries and tables must be closed.\n"
+"Do you want to close all documents now?"
+msgstr ""
+"Chaidh seòrsa a' cheangail atharrachadh.\n"
+"Feumaidh tu gach foirm, aithisg, ceist agus clàr a dhùnadh mus bi na dh'atharrachaidhean an sàs.\n"
+"A bheil thu airson gach sgrìobhainn a dhùnadh an-dràsta?"
+#. 5Ujux
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:189
+msgctxt "STR_FRM_LABEL"
+msgid "F~orm name"
+msgstr "Ainm an fh~oirm"
+#. zA6vD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:190
+msgctxt "STR_RPT_LABEL"
+msgid "~Report name"
+msgstr "Ainm na ~h-aithisge"
+#. 8RUit
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:191
+msgid "F~older name"
+msgstr "Ainm a' ~phasgain"
+#. Twota
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:192
+msgid "The document contains forms or reports with embedded macros."
+msgstr "Tha foirmean no aithisgean san sgrìobhainn seo anns a bheil macrothan leabaichte."
+#. v33uG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:193
+msgid ""
+"Macros should be embedded into the database document itself.\n"
+"You can continue to use your document as before, however, you are encouraged to migrate your macros. The menu item 'Tools / Migrate Macros ...' will assist you with this.\n"
+"Note that you won't be able to embed macros into the database document itself until this migration is done. "
+msgstr ""
+"Bu chòir do mhacrothan a bhith air an leabachadh san sgrìobhainn stòir-dhàta fhèin.\n"
+"'S urrainn dhut leantainn ort a' cleachdadh na sgrìobhainne mar a rinn thu roimhe ach mholamaid dhut na macrothan agad imrich. Gheibh thu cobhair le seo sa clàr-taice 'Innealan/Imrich macrothan...'.\n"
+"Thoir an aire nach urrainn dhut macrothan a leabachadh san sgrìobhainn stòir-dhàta fhèin mus bi thu air an imrich. "
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:198
+msgid "Embedded database"
+msgstr "Stòr-dàta leabaichte"
+#. 9GfaL
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:199
+msgctxt "RID_STR_NO_DIFF_CAT"
+msgid "You cannot select different categories."
+msgstr "Chan urrainn dhut diofar roinnean-seòrsa a thaghadh."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:200
+msgid "Unsupported object type found ($type$)."
+msgstr "Chaidh seòrsa oibseict a lorg nach eil taic ann dha ($type$)."
+#. YgB34
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:201
+msgid "Advanced Properties"
+msgstr "Roghainnean adhartach"
+#. wFDHD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:202
+msgid "Additional Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean a bharrachd"
+#. HYDjE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:203
+msgid "Connection settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean a' cheangail"
+#. KLRak
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:204
+msgctxt "STR_TBL_LABEL"
+msgid "~Table Name"
+msgstr "Ainm a' ~chlàir"
+#. WPmUe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:205
+msgctxt "STR_QRY_LABEL"
+msgid "~Query name"
+msgstr "Ainm ~na ceiste"
+#. cGPht
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:206
+msgid "Rename to"
+msgstr "Thoir an t-ainm a leanas air"
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:207
+msgid "Insert as"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach mar"
+#. yGyEU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:209
+msgid "Do you want to delete the selected data?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson an dàta a thagh thu a sguabadh às?"
+#. AMTEz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:210
+msgid "Error setting the sort criteria"
+msgstr "Mearachd a' socrachadh cuspair-deuchainnean an t-seòrsachaidh"
+#. kXqdF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:211
+msgid "Error setting the filter criteria"
+msgstr "Mearachd a' socrachadh cuspair-deuchainnean a' chriathraidh"
+#. tXz3U
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:212
+msgid "Connection lost"
+msgstr "Chaidh an ceangal a chall"
+#. 5ELXe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:213
+msgid "Queries"
+msgstr "Ceistean"
+#. wdm7E
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:214
+msgid "Tables"
+msgstr "Clàir"
+#. BTcMU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:215
+msgid "Confirm Deletion"
+msgstr "Dearbhaich an sguabadh às"
+#. pbjZT
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:216
+msgid "Do you want to delete the table '%1'?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson an clàr '%1' a sguabadh às?"
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:217
+msgid "The connection to the database has been lost. Do you want to reconnect?"
+msgstr "Chaidh an ceangal ris an stòr-dàta a chall. A bheil thu airson ceangal ris a-rithist?"
+#. NRXrT
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:218
+msgid "Warnings encountered"
+msgstr "Nochd rabhaibhean"
+#. EXau9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:219
+msgid "While retrieving the tables, warnings were reported by the database connection."
+msgstr "Nochd an ceangal ris an stòr-dàta rabhaibhean rè faighinn nan clàr."
+#. HtRDf
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:220
+msgid "Connecting to \"$name$\" ..."
+msgstr "A' ceangal ri \"$name$\" ..."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:221
+msgid "Loading query $name$ ..."
+msgstr "A' luchdadh na ceiste $name$ ..."
+#. QfTUB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:222
+msgid "Loading table $name$ ..."
+msgstr "A' luchdadh a' chlàir $name$ ..."
+#. FECQm
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:223
+msgid "No table format could be found."
+msgstr "Cha deach fòrmat clàir a lorg."
+#. 6isKD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:224
+msgid "The connection to the data source \"$name$\" could not be established."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn ceangal a stèidheachadh ris an tùs-dàta “$name$”."
+#. CmzsA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:226
+msgid "Unknown;Text;Number;Date/Time;Date;Time;Yes/No;Currency;Memo;Counter;Image;Text (fix);Decimal;Binary (fix);Binary;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;Object;Distinct;Structure;Field;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER;Bit (fix)"
+msgstr "Neo-aithnichte;Teacsa;Àireamh;Ceann-là/Àm;Ceann-là;Àm;Tha/Chan eil;Airgeadra;Cuimhneachan;Cunntair;Ìomhaigh;Teacsa (socraich);Deicheach;Bìnearaidh (socraich);Àireamh shlàn mhòr;Dùbailte;Fleodragan;Fìor-àireamh;Àireamh shlàn;Àireamh shlàn bheag;Meanbh-àireamh shlàn;Neoini SQL;Oibseact;Air leth;Structar;Raon;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER;Bit (socraich)"
+#. hhXGF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:227
+msgid "Insert/remove primary key"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach/thoir air falbh a' phrìomh-iuchair"
+#. 26uKH
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:228
+msgctxt "STR_VALUE_YES"
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Tha"
+#. vqVF5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:229
+msgctxt "STR_VALUE_NO"
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Chan eil"
+#. TDokm
+#. Note: should somehow fit to the word "value" in other languages as well: value - none...
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:231
+msgctxt "STR_VALUE_NONE"
+msgid "<none>"
+msgstr "-chan eil gin>"
+#. 66g23
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:232
+msgid "Field Name"
+msgstr "Ainm an raoin"
+#. F6UGZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:233
+msgid "Field Type"
+msgstr "Seòrsa an raoin"
+#. LFBuq
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:234
+msgctxt "STR_TAB_HELP_TEXT"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Tuairisgeul"
+#. BYE5G
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:235
+msgid "Column Description"
+msgstr "Tuairisgeul an raoin"
+#. Aney5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:236
+msgid "Field Properties"
+msgstr "Roghainnean an raoin"
+#. kjdpF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:237
+msgid "Modify cell"
+msgstr "Atharraich an cealla"
+#. aPzA3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:238
+msgid "Delete row"
+msgstr "Sguab às ràgh"
+#. DFnqv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Modify field type"
+msgstr "Atharraich seòrsa an raoin"
+#. XLRpC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:240
+msgid "Insert row"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ràgh"
+#. LgbwQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:241
+msgid "Insert new row"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ràgh ùr"
+#. gi8TU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:242
+msgid "~Default value"
+msgstr "~Luach bunaiteach"
+#. 3AyBV
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:243
+msgid ""
+"Select a value that is to appear in all new records as default.\n"
+"If the field is not to have a default value, select the empty string."
+msgstr ""
+"Tagh luach a bhios 'na roghainn bhunaiteach anns gach reacord ùr.\n"
+"Mur eil luach bunaiteach gu bhith aig an raon, tagh an t-sreang fhalamh."
+#. AbZU4
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:244
+msgid ""
+"Enter a default value for this field.\n"
+"When you later enter data in the table, this string will be used in each new record for the field selected. It should, therefore, correspond to the cell format that needs to be entered below."
+msgstr ""
+"Cuir a-steach luach bunaiteach airson an raoin seo.\n"
+"Nuair a chuireas tu dàta sa chlàr as a dhèidh seo, thèid an t-sreang seo a chleachdadh anns gach reacord ùr san raon a thagh thu. Mar sin dheth, bu chòir dha co-fhreagairt ris an fhòrmat chealla a dh'fheumas tu cur a-steach gu h-ìosal."
+#. hwwVA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:245
+msgid "Enter the maximum text length permitted."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach an fhaid as motha a tha ceadaichte dhan teacsa."
+#. yPnZq
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:246
+msgid "Enter the number format."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach fòrmat nan àireamhan."
+#. 2yCJu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:247
+msgctxt "STR_HELP_LENGTH"
+msgid ""
+"Determine the length data can have in this field.\n"
+"If decimal fields, then the maximum length of the number to be entered, if binary fields, then the length of the data block.\n"
+"The value will be corrected accordingly when it exceeds the maximum for this database."
+msgstr ""
+"Cuir romhad dè an fhaid a bhios ceadaichte airson an dàta san raon seo.\n"
+"Mas e raon deicheach a tha ann, cuir a-steach an fhaid as motha, mas e raon bìnearaidh a tha ann, cuir a-steach faid bloc an dàta.\n"
+"Thèid an luach a cheartachadh d' a rèir ma thèid e thairis air an fhaid as motha a tha ceadaichte sa stòr-dàta seo."
+#. BY4V7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:248
+msgctxt "STR_HELP_SCALE"
+msgid "Specify the number of decimal places permitted in this field."
+msgstr "Sònraich an àireamh de dh'ionadan deicheach a tha ceadaichte sa raon seo."
+#. QBHjm
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:249
+msgid "This is where you see how the data would be displayed in the current format (use the button on the right to modify the format)."
+msgstr "Seo far am faic thu cò ris a bhios an dàta coltach leis an fhòrmat làithreach (cleachd am putan air an taobh deis gus am fòrmat atharrachadh)."
+#. eV4sD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:250
+msgid "This is where you determine the output format of the data."
+msgstr "Seo far an socraich thu fòrmat às-chur an dàta."
+#. Y5q39
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:251
+msgid ""
+"Choose if this field should contain AutoIncrement values.\n"
+"You can not enter data in fields of this type. An intrinsic value will be assigned to each new record automatically (resulting from the increment of the previous record)."
+msgstr ""
+"Cuir romhad am bi luachan fèin-ioncramaid sa raon seo.\n"
+"Chan urrainnear dàta a chur ann an raointean mar seo. Thèid luach a chur ri gach reacord ùr gu fèin-obrachail (a-rèir ioncramaid an luach roimhe)."
+#. 5uQpF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:252
+msgid "The table cannot be saved because column name \"$column$\" was assigned twice."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh an clàr a shàbhaladh a chionn 's gun deach an t-ainm \"$column$\" a chleachdadh dà thuras."
+#. vayRE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:253
+msgid "The column \"$column$\" belongs to the primary key. If the column is deleted, the primary key will also be deleted. Do you really want to continue?"
+msgstr "'S ann aig a' cholbh \"$column$\" a tha a' phrìomh-iuchair. Ma thèid an colbh seo a sguabadh às, thèid a' phrìomh-iuchair a sguabadh às cuideachd. A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson seo a dhèanamh?"
+#. fo93e
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:254
+msgid "Primary Key Affected"
+msgstr "Buaidh air a' phrìomh-iuchair"
+#. wcLcG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:255
+msgctxt "STR_COLUMN_NAME"
+msgid "Column"
+msgstr "Colbh"
+#. ES566
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:256
+msgid "Continue anyway?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson leantainn ort co-dhiù?"
+#. iXbw5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:257
+msgid "The table could not be saved due to problems connecting to the database."
+msgstr "Cha deach an clàr a shàbhaladh a chionn 's gun robh duilgheadas ann leis a' cheangal ris an stòr-dàta."
+#. kuExF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:258
+msgid "The table filter could not be adjusted because the data source has been deleted."
+msgstr "Cha deach criathrag a' chlàir a chur air gleus a chionn 's gun deach an tùs-dàta a sguabadh às."
+#. Lt4Yc
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:259
+msgid ""
+"Before you can edit the indexes of a table, you have to save it.\n"
+"Do you want to save the changes now?"
+msgstr ""
+"Mus urrainn dhut clàir-amais de chlàr a dheasachadh, feumaidh tu a shàbhaladh.\n"
+"A bheil thu airson na h-atharrachaidhean a shàbhaladh an-dràsta?"
+#. HFLQk
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:260
+msgid "No primary key"
+msgstr "Gun phrìomh-iuchair"
+#. ir5Du
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:261
+msgid ""
+"A unique index or primary key is required for data record identification in this database.\n"
+"You can only enter data into this table when one of these two structural conditions has been met.\n"
+"Should a primary key be created now?"
+msgstr ""
+"Tha feum air clàr-amais àraid no prìomh-iuchair a chum dearbh-aithneachadh an dàta sa stòr-dàta seo.\n"
+"Chan urrainn dhut dàta a chur sa chlàr seo mus coilean thu aon dhe na riatanasan structarach seo.\n"
+"A bheil thu airson prìomh-iuchair a chruthachadh an-dràsta?"
+#. R7KDG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:262
+msgid "The column \"$column$\" could not be changed. Should the column instead be deleted and the new format appended?"
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an colbh “$column$” atharrachadh. A bheil thu airson an colbh a sguabadh às agus am fòrmat ùr a chur ris?"
+#. U3f4j
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:263
+msgid "Error while saving the table design"
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd rè sàbhaladh dealbhadh a' chlàir"
+#. 9BsSL
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:264
+msgid "The column $column$ could not be deleted."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an colbh “$column$” a sguabadh às."
+#. Etkrj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:265
+msgid ""
+"Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n"
+"This statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created."
+msgstr ""
+"Cuir a-steach aithris SQL airson raon an fhèin-ioncramaididh.\n"
+"Thèid an aithris seo a chur a-null dhan stòr-dàta nuair a bhios an clàr air a chruthachadh."
+#. fAEud
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:266
+msgid ""
+"No type information could be retrieved from the database.\n"
+"The table design mode is not available for this data source."
+msgstr ""
+"Cha d'fhuaradh fiosrachadh mun t-seòrsa on stòr-dàta.\n"
+"Chan eil am modh dealbhadh chlàr ri fhaighinn airson an tùs-dàta seo."
+#. 2s2rr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:267
+msgid "change field name"
+msgstr "atharraich ainm an raoin"
+#. PC3QD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:268
+msgid "change field type"
+msgstr "atharraich seòrsa an raoin"
+#. Z2B9o
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:269
+msgid "change field description"
+msgstr "atharraich tuairisgeul an raoin"
+#. aDrTE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:270
+msgid "change field attribute"
+msgstr "atharraich buadh an raoin"
+#. 3srwC
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:272
+msgid "A password is needed to connect to the data source \"$name$\"."
+msgstr "Tha feum air facal-faire gus ceangal a dhèanamh ris an tùs-dàta \"$name$\"."
+#. tYDxc
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:273
+msgid ""
+"The directory\n"
+"does not exist. Should it be created?"
+msgstr ""
+"Chan eil am pasgan ann an\n"
+"ann. A bheil thu airson a chruthachadh?"
+#. 3PFxY
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:274
+msgid "The directory $name$ could not be created."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am pasgan $name$ a chruthachadh."
+#. V9kGF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:275
+msgid "The file already exists. Overwrite?"
+msgstr "Tha am faidhle ann mu thràth. A bheil thu airson sgrìobhadh thairis air?"
+#. i47ye
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:276
+msgctxt "STR_NEW_FOLDER"
+msgid "Folder"
+msgstr "Pasgan"
+#. U2bRK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:278
+msgid "Database properties"
+msgstr "Roghainnean stòir-dhàta"
+#. etNzz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:279
+msgid "Data Source Properties: #"
+msgstr "Roghainnean an tùs-dàta: #"
+#. z9Ecp
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:280
+msgid "Please choose 'Connect to an existing database' to connect to an existing database instead."
+msgstr "Tagh 'Ceangail ri stòr-dàta a tha ann mu thràth' gus ceangal a dhèanamh ri stòr-dàta a tha ann mu thràth 'na àite."
+#. PfAC6
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:281
+msgid "Could not load the program library #lib# or it is corrupted. The ODBC data source selection is not available."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn leabhar-lann nam prògram #lib# a luchdadh no chaidh a thruailleadh. Chan eil taghadh tùs-dàta ODBC ri fhaighinn."
+#. d3vbZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:282
+msgid ""
+"This kind of data source is not supported on this platform.\n"
+"You are allowed to change the settings, but you probably will not be able to connect to the database."
+msgstr ""
+"Chan eil taic ann do sheòrsa an tùs-dàta seo air an ùrlar seo.\n"
+"Tha cead agad na roghainnean atharrachadh ach 's mathaid nach urrainn dhut ceangal ris an stòr-dàta."
+#. 2f7Ga
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:283
+msgid "{None}"
+msgstr "{Chan eil gin}"
+#. iR7CJ
+#. To translators: EM Dec 2002: 'Space' refers t o what you get when you hit the space bar on your keyboard.
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:285
+msgid ";\t59\t,\t44\t:\t58\t{Tab}\t9\t{Space}\t32"
+msgstr ";\t 59\t ,\t 44\t :\t 58\t {Tab}\t 9\t {Space}\t 32"
+#. DFGo9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:286
+msgid "#1 must be set."
+msgstr "Feumaidh tu #1 a shocrachadh."
+#. ZDRBf
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:287
+msgid "#1 and #2 must be different."
+msgstr "Feumaidh #1 is #2 a bhith eadar-dhealaichte."
+#. 9oCZr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:288
+msgid "Wildcards such as ?,* are not allowed in #1."
+msgstr "Chan eil saoragan leithid ?,* ceadaichte ann an #1."
+#. BdzcB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:290
+msgid "Connection Test"
+msgstr "Deuchainn a' cheangail"
+#. oAAKs
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:291
+msgid "The connection was established successfully."
+msgstr "Chaidh an ceangal a stèidheachadh gu soirbheachail."
+#. 5V7Ay
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:292
+msgid "The connection could not be established."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an ceangal a stèidheachadh."
+#. wvNFP
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:293
+msgid "The JDBC driver was loaded successfully."
+msgstr "Chaidh an draibhear JDBC a luchdadh gu soirbheachail."
+#. RdMCN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:294
+msgid "The JDBC driver could not be loaded."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an draibhear JDBC a luchdadh."
+#. dyCvN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:295
+msgid "MS Access file"
+msgstr "Faidhle MS Access"
+#. rDsuu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:296
+msgid "MS Access 2007 file"
+msgstr "Faidhle MS Access 2007"
+#. jFwxU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:297
+msgid "Firebird Database"
+msgstr "Stòr-dàta Firebird"
+#. 8Uiv2
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:299
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Siostam"
+#. pnwDB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:300
+msgid "Error during creation"
+msgstr "Mearachd rè a chruthachaidh"
+#. hnyJF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:301
+msgid "An error occurred. The operation could not be performed."
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd. Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an gnìomh a thoirt gu buil."
+#. kXCG9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:302
+msgid "The document \"$file$\" could not be opened."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an sgrìobhainn “$file$” fhosgladh."
+#. bFHHW
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:303
+msgid "The table cannot be deleted because the database connection does not support this."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an clàr a sguabadh às a chionn ’s nach eil ceangal an stòir-dhàta a’ cur taic ris."
+#. ZNB5D
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:304
+msgid "~All"
+msgstr "~A h-uile"
+#. C8eBG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:305
+msgctxt "STR_UNDO_COLON"
+msgid "Undo:"
+msgstr "Neo-dhèan:"
+#. aje2A
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:306
+msgctxt "STR_REDO_COLON"
+msgid "Redo:"
+msgstr "Ath-dhèan:"
+#. ixMkj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:307
+msgid "No corresponding column type could be found for column '#1'."
+msgstr "Cha deach seòrsa cuilbh co-fhreagrach a lorg airson a' chuilbh '#1'."
+#. qVax3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:308
+msgid "The file \"$file$\" does not exist."
+msgstr "Chan eil am faidhle \"$file$\" ann."
+#. 737k3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:309
+msgid "Warnings were encountered while connecting to the data source. Press \"$buttontext$\" to view them."
+msgstr "Fhuaradh rabhaidhean fhad 's a chaidh ceangal a dhèanamh ris an tùs-dàta. Briog air \"$buttontext$\" gus fhaicinn."
+#. cGJja
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:310
+msgid ""
+"The name '$#$' already exists.\n"
+"Please enter another name."
+msgstr ""
+"Tha an t-ainm '$#$' ann mu thràth.\n"
+"Cuir a-steach ainm eile."
+#. xTNjt
+#. #i96130# use hard coded name
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:312
+msgid "The report, \"$file$\", requires the Report Builder feature."
+msgstr "Tha feum aig an aithisg “$file$” air a’ ghleus Report Builder."
+#. oC8Px
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Cannot connect to the SDBC driver manager (#servicename#)."
+msgstr "Cha ghabh ceangal a stèidheachadh ri manaidsear an draibheir SDBC (#servicename#)."
+#. aym6r
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:315
+msgid "A driver is not registered for the URL #connurl#."
+msgstr "Cha deach draibhear a chlàradh airson an URL #connurl#."
+#. oafZG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Successfully connected, but information about database tables is not available."
+msgstr "Cha ceangal a stèidheachadh ach chan eil fiosrachadh ri fhaighinn mu chlàir an stòir-dhàta."
+#. uBW6C
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:317
+msgctxt "STR_ALL_TABLES"
+msgid "All tables"
+msgstr "Gach clàr"
+#. nhz6M
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:318
+msgctxt "STR_ALL_VIEWS"
+msgid "All views"
+msgstr "Gach sealladh"
+#. APBCw
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:319
+msgid "All tables and views"
+msgstr "Gach clàr is sealladh"
+#. 4SGBJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:321
+msgid "Table name"
+msgstr "Ainm a' chlàir"
+#. Nw93R
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:322
+msgid "Insert data"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach dàta"
+#. nLFJd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Delete data"
+msgstr "Sguab às an dàta"
+#. eGEDE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Modify data"
+msgstr "Atharraich an dàta"
+#. e2bxV
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:325
+msgid "Alter structure"
+msgstr "Atharraich an structar"
+#. zejFA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:326
+msgid "Read data"
+msgstr "Leugh an dàta"
+#. UsMj8
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:327
+msgid "Modify references"
+msgstr "Atharraich na reifreansan"
+#. SEGp9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:328
+msgid "Drop structure"
+msgstr "Leag an structar"
+#. BCCiv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:330
+msgid "Path to the dBASE files"
+msgstr "An t-slighe gu na faidhlichean dBASE"
+#. hnBFY
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:331
+msgid "Path to the text files"
+msgstr "An t-slighe gu na faidhlichean teacsa"
+#. DRFyX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:332
+msgid "Path to the spreadsheet document"
+msgstr "An t-slighe gu sgrìobhainn na cliath-dhuilleige"
+#. H3cem
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:333
+msgid "Name of the ODBC data source"
+msgstr ""
+#. mGJE9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:334
+msgid "Path to the Writer document"
+msgstr "An t-slighe gun sgrìobhainn Writer"
+#. JScWd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:335
+msgid "Name of the MySQL/MariaDB database"
+msgstr ""
+#. uhRMQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:336
+msgid "Name of the Oracle database"
+msgstr "Ainm an stòir-dhàta Oracle"
+#. nmoae
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:337
+msgid "Microsoft Access database file"
+msgstr "Faidhle stòir-dhàta Microsoft Access"
+#. 34zwh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:338
+msgid "No more settings are necessary. To verify that the connection is working, click the '%test' button."
+msgstr "Chan eil feum air roghainnean a bharrachd. Gus dearbhadh gu bheil an ceangal ag obair, briog air a’ phutan “%test”."
+#. DDLwe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:339
+msgctxt "STR_COMMONURL"
+msgid "Enter the DBMS/driver-specific connection string here"
+msgstr ""
+#. rKH3t
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:340
+msgctxt "STR_HOSTNAME"
+msgid "~Host name"
+msgstr "Ainm an ò~stair"
+#. Gdbjz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:341
+msgid "~Mozilla profile name"
+msgstr "Ainm na pròifile ~Mozilla"
+#. A6YJb
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:342
+msgid "~Thunderbird profile name"
+msgstr "Ainm na pròifile ~Thunderbird"
+#. HnmRA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:343
+msgctxt "STR_ADD_TABLES"
+msgid "Add Tables"
+msgstr "Cuir clàran ris"
+#. eHahH
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:344
+msgid "Add Table or Query"
+msgstr "Cuir clàr no ceist ris"
+#. 5dqK5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:346
+msgid "Apply columns"
+msgstr "Cuir an sàs na colbhan"
+#. nZ7x6
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:347
+msgid "Type formatting"
+msgstr "Fòrmatadh an t-seòrsa"
+#. C5Zs4
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:348
+msgid ""
+"Enter a unique name for the new primary key data field.\n"
+"The following name is already in use:"
+msgstr ""
+"Cuir a-steach ainm àraidh airson raon dàta na prìomh-iuchrach ùr.\n"
+"Tha an t-ainm a leanas ’ga chleachdadh mu thràth:"
+#. MuQ2C
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:349
+msgid "Assign columns"
+msgstr "Iomruin na colbhan"
+#. 5vCFA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:350
+msgctxt "STR_WIZ_PB_PREV"
+msgid "< ~Back"
+msgstr "< ~Air ais"
+#. aWFVD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:351
+msgctxt "STR_WIZ_PB_NEXT"
+msgid "~Next>"
+msgstr "Air a~dhart >"
+#. aKHUX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:352
+msgctxt "STR_WIZ_PB_OK"
+msgid "C~reate"
+msgstr "C~ruthaich"
+#. 3XyRu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:353
+msgid "Copy table"
+msgstr "Dèan lethbhreac dhen chlàr"
+#. uNGvx
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:354
+msgid "Copy table"
+msgstr "Dèan lethbhreac dhen chlàr"
+#. xCPkD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:355
+msgid "This table name is not valid in the current database."
+msgstr "Chan eil an t-ainm clàir seo dligheach sa stòr-dàta làithreach."
+#. m35Lx
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:356
+msgid "Choose the option 'Append data' on the first page to append data to an existing table."
+msgstr "Tagh an roghainn 'Cuir an dàta ris' air a' chiad duilleag gus dàta a chur ri clàr a tha ann mu thràth."
+#. XbmVN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:357
+msgid "Please change the table name. It is too long."
+msgstr "Atharraich ainm a' chlàir. Tha e ro fhada."
+#. 55EA7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:359
+msgid "Database Wizard"
+msgstr "Draoidh nan stòr-dàta"
+#. p4Yy4
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:360
+msgid "Select database"
+msgstr "Tagh stòr-dàta"
+#. GTpDz
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:361
+msgid "Set up dBASE connection"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal dBASE"
+#. VBaQN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:362
+msgid "Set up a connection to text files"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ri faidhlichean teacsa"
+#. TiBeQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:363
+msgid "Set up Microsoft Access connection"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal Microsoft Access"
+#. XaDDh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:364
+msgid "Set up LDAP connection"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal LDAP"
+#. WZtzU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:365
+msgid "Set up ADO connection"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ADO"
+#. n3HgX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:366
+msgid "Set up JDBC connection"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal JDBC"
+#. qiZT5
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:367
+msgid "Set up Oracle database connection"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ri stòr-dàta Oracle"
+#. rdZFv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:368
+msgid "Set up MySQL/MariaDB connection"
+msgstr ""
+#. E3iYi
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:369
+msgid "Set up PostgreSQL connection"
+msgstr ""
+#. uJuNs
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:370
+msgid "Set up ODBC connection"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ODBC"
+#. ecB4x
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:371
+msgid "Set up Writer Document or Spreadsheet connection"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal gu sgrìobhainn Writer no cliath-dhuilleag"
+#. wUEMA
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:372
+msgid "Set up user authentication"
+msgstr "Suidhich dearbhadh cleachdaiche"
+#. twW6d
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:373
+msgid "Set up MySQL/MariaDB server data"
+msgstr ""
+#. 6Fy7C
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:374
+msgid "Save and proceed"
+msgstr "Sàbhail is lean air adhart"
+#. LhDjK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:375
+msgid "New Database"
+msgstr "Stòr-dàta ùr"
+#. f5EbK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:376
+msgid "Set up connection to a MySQL/MariaDB database using JDBC"
+msgstr ""
+#. tqpeM
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:377
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the required information to connect to a MySQL/MariaDB database using JDBC. Note that a JDBC driver class must be installed on your system and registered with %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. Lrd3G
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:378
+msgid "MySQL/MariaDB JDBC d~river class:"
+msgstr ""
+#. cBiSe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:379
+msgid "Default: 3306"
+msgstr "Roghainn bhunaiteach: 3306"
+#. zDx7G
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:380
+msgid "Set up a connection to dBASE files"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ri faidhlichean dBASE"
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:381
+msgid "Select the folder where the dBASE files are stored."
+msgstr "Tagh am pasgan far a bheil na faidhlichean dBASE."
+#. Ke4xP
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:382
+msgid "Set up a connection to text files"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ri faidhlichean teacsa"
+#. uJFWa
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:383
+msgid "Select the folder where the CSV (Comma Separated Values) text files are stored. %PRODUCTNAME Base will open these files in read-only mode."
+msgstr "Tagh am pasgan far a bheil na faidhlichean teacsa CSV (Comma Separated Values). Fosglaidh %PRODUCTNAME Base na faidhlichean seo sa mhodh leughaidh a-mhàin."
+#. chkNh
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:384
+msgid "Path to text files"
+msgstr "An t-slighe gu na faidhlichean teacsa"
+#. VXUEj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:385
+msgid "Set up a connection to a Microsoft Access database"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ri stòr-dàta Microsoft Access"
+#. rTF65
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:386
+msgid "Please select the Microsoft Access file you want to access."
+msgstr "Tagh am faidhle Microsoft Access a bu toigh leat inntrigeadh."
+#. DYcM8
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:387
+msgid "Set up a connection to an ADO database"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ri stòr-dàta ADO"
+#. WzZiB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:388
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the URL of the ADO data source you want to connect to.\n"
+"Click 'Browse' to configure provider-specific settings.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Cuir a-steach URL an tùs-dàta ADO a bu toigh leat ceangal ris.\n"
+"Briog air \"Brabhsaich\" gus roghainnean an t-solaraiche a rèiteachadh.\n"
+"Bruidhinn ri rianaire an t-siostaim agad mur eil thu cinnteach mu ghin dhe na roghainnean a leanas."
+#. CE5Rv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:389
+msgid "Set up a connection to an ODBC data source"
+msgstr ""
+#. BELnF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:390
+msgid ""
+"Enter the name of the ODBC data source you want to use.\n"
+"Click 'Browse...' to select an ODBC data source that is already registered in %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. dmi7n
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:391
+msgid "Set up a connection to a JDBC database"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ri stòr-dàta JDBC"
+#. dYGeU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:392
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the required information to connect to a JDBC database.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Cuir a-steach am fiosrachadh air a bheil feum gus ceangal ri stòr-dàta JDBC.\n"
+"Bruidhinn ri rianaire an t-siostaim agad mur eil thu cinnteach mu ghin dhe na roghainnean a leanas."
+#. DWgup
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:393
+msgid "Set up a connection to an Oracle database"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ri stòr-dàta Oracle"
+#. Z57ca
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:394
+msgid "Default: 1521"
+msgstr "Roghainn bhunaiteach: 1521"
+#. dnAP9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:395
+msgid "Oracle JDBC ~driver class"
+msgstr "Clas ~draibhear Oracle JDBC"
+#. aD8dK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:396
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the required information to connect to an Oracle database. Note that a JDBC Driver Class must be installed on your system and registered with %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Cuir a-steach am fiosrachadh air a bheil feum gus ceangal ri stòr-dàta Oracle. Thoir an aire gum bi feum air clas draibhear JDBC air a stàladh air an t-siostam agad agus air a chlàradh aig %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Bruidhinn ri rianaire an t-siostaim agad mur eil thu cinnteach mu ghin dhe na roghainnean a leanas."
+#. Vqjfj
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:397
+msgid "Set up a connection to spreadsheets"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ri cliath-dhuilleagan"
+#. FnpBr
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:398
+msgid ""
+"Click 'Browse...' to select a %PRODUCTNAME spreadsheet or Microsoft Excel workbook.\n"
+"%PRODUCTNAME will open this file in read-only mode."
+msgstr ""
+"Briog air 'Brabhsaich...' gus cliath-dhuilleag %PRODUCTNAME no leabhar-obrach Microsoft Excel a thaghadh.\n"
+"Fosglaidh %PRODUCTNAME am faidhle seo sa mhodh leughaidh a-mhàin."
+#. fxmJG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:399
+msgid "~Location and file name"
+msgstr "Ionad is ainm an f~haidhle"
+#. og5kg
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:401
+msgid "Command successfully executed."
+msgstr "Chaidh an àithne a ruith gu soirbheachail."
+#. BhFXv
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:402
+msgid "The connection to the database has been lost. This dialog will be closed."
+msgstr "Chaidh an ceangal ris an stòr-dàta air chall. Thèid an còmhradh seo a dhùnadh."
+#. WTysM
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:404
+msgid "Sort order"
+msgstr "Òrdugh seòrsachaidh"
+#. 67TCR
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:405
+msgid "Index field"
+msgstr "Raon a' clàir-amais"
+#. rCZbG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:406
+msgid "Ascending"
+msgstr "A' dìreadh"
+#. zUeEN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:407
+msgid "Descending"
+msgstr "A' teàrnadh"
+#. DpB67
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:408
+msgid "Do you really want to delete the index '$name$'?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an clàr-amais '$name$' a sguabadh às?"
+#. 3sTLe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:409
+msgid "index"
+msgstr "clàr-amais"
+#. HFaXn
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:410
+msgid "The index must contain at least one field."
+msgstr "Feumaidh aon raon a bhith sa chlàr-amais air a' char a lugha."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:411
+msgid "There is already another index named \"$name$\"."
+msgstr "Tha clàr-amais ann mu thràth air a bheil \"$name$\"."
+#. 9C3mx
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:412
+msgid "In an index definition, no table column may occur more than once. However, you have entered column \"$name$\" twice."
+msgstr "Chan fhaod colbh clàir nochdadh ach aon turas ann an deifinisean clàir-amais. Chuir thusa a-steach an colbh '$name$' dà thuras."
+#. XANpc
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:414
+msgid "The entry could not be converted to a valid value for the \"$name$\" parameter"
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an reacord iompachadh ’na luach dligheach airson a’ paramadair “$name$”"
+#. FCnE3
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:416
+msgid "SQL Status"
+msgstr "Staid an SQL"
+#. ha64T
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:417
+msgid "Error code"
+msgstr "Còd na mearachd"
+#. 9A2cX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:418
+msgid "A frequent reason for this error is an inappropriate character set setting for the language of your database. Check the setting by choosing Edit - Database - Properties."
+msgstr "Tachraidh a' mhearachd seo gu tric ma chaidh seata mì-fhreagarrach de charactaran a thaghadh airson cànan an stòir-dhàta. Tagh an roghainn ann an Deasaich - Stòr-dàta - Roghainnean."
+#. itnjJ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:419
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Mearachd"
+#. Q4A2Y
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:420
+msgid "Warning"
+msgstr "Rabhadh"
+#. LSBpE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:421
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Fiosrachadh"
+#. DKRwR
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:422
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Mion-fhiosrachadh"
+#. CXpeS
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:424
+msgctxt "STR_ADD_USER"
+msgid "Add User"
+msgstr ""
+#. YG5iB
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:425
+msgctxt "STR_DELETE_USER"
+msgid "Delete User"
+msgstr ""
+#. mDe9f
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:426
+msgid "Change Password"
+msgstr ""
+#. Avmtu
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:427
+msgid "Do you really want to delete the user?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an cleachdaiche seo a sguabadh às?"
+#. yeKZF
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:428
+msgid "The database does not support user administration."
+msgstr "Chan eil an stòr-dàta a' cur taic ri rianachd chleachdaichean."
+#. 4CVtX
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:429
+msgid "The passwords do not match. Please enter the password again."
+msgstr "Chan eil an dà fhacal-faire a' freagairt ri chèile. Cuir a-steach e a-rithist."
+#. iu64w
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:431
+msgid "Please note that some databases may not support this join type."
+msgstr "Thoir an aire nach eil cuid de stòir-dhàta a' cur taic ris an t-seòrsa seo de dh'alt."
+#. Khmn9
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:432
+msgid "Includes only records for which the contents of the related fields of both tables are identical."
+msgstr "Gabhaidh seo a-steach reacordan a-mhàin a tha susbaint nan raointean co-cheangailte co-ionnann san dà chlàr."
+#. JUyyK
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:433
+msgid "Contains ALL records from table '%1' but only records from table '%2' where the values in the related fields are matching."
+msgstr "Tha a-steach GACH reacord on chlàr \"%1\" ann ach reacordan on chlàr \"%2\" a-mhàin far a bheil na luachan a' freagairt ri chèile sna raointean co-cheangailte."
+#. EdhCU
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:434
+msgid "Contains ALL records from '%1' and from '%2'."
+msgstr "Tha GACH reacord o \"%1\" agus \"%2\" ann."
+#. c9PsZ
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:435
+msgid "Contains the Cartesian product of ALL records from '%1' and from '%2'."
+msgstr "Tha toradh Cartesach de GACH reacord o \"%1\" agus \"%2\" ann."
+#. KyLuN
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:437
+msgid "The destination database does not support views."
+msgstr "Chan eil an stòr-dàta a tha thu ag amas air a' cur taic ri seallaidhean."
+#. RaJQd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:438
+msgid "The destination database does not support primary keys."
+msgstr "Chan eil an stòr-dàta a tha thu ag amas air a' cur taic ri prìomh-iuchraichean."
+#. JBBmY
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:439
+msgid "no data access descriptor found, or no data access descriptor able to provide all necessary information"
+msgstr "Cha deach tuairisgeulaiche inntrigeadh dàta a lorg no chan urrainn dhan tuairisgeulaiche inntrigeadh dàta gach fiosrachadh a thoirt seachad air a bheil feum"
+#. Z4JFe
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:440
+msgid "Only tables and queries are supported at the moment."
+msgstr "Chan eil taic ann ach do chlàir is do cheistean aig an àm seo."
+#. KvUFb
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:441
+msgid "The copy source's result set must support bookmarks."
+msgstr "Feumaidh seata nan toraidhean aig tùs an lethbhric taic a chur ri comharran-leabhair."
+#. XVb6E
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:442
+msgid "Unsupported source column type ($type$) at column position $pos$."
+msgstr "Tha seòrsa de thùs-cholbh ($type$) nach eil taic ann dha san ionad chuilbh $pos$."
+#. 7pnvE
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:443
+msgid "Illegal number of initialization parameters."
+msgstr "Àireamh mhì-laghail de pharamadairean tòiseachaidh."
+#. z3h9J
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:444
+msgid "An error occurred during initialization."
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd rè an tòiseachaidh."
+#. Qpda7
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:445
+msgid "Unsupported setting in the copy source descriptor: $name$."
+msgstr "Tha roghainn nach eil taic ann dha ann an tuairisgeulaiche tùs an lethbhric: $name$."
+#. BsP8j
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:446
+msgid "To copy a query, your connection must be able to provide queries."
+msgstr "Gus lethbhreac a dhèanamh de cheist, feumaidh an ceangal agad a bhith comasach air ceistean a sholar."
+#. QYh2y
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:447
+msgid "The given interaction handler is invalid."
+msgstr "Tha an làimhsiche eadar-obrachaidh a chuir thu ann mì-dhligheach."
+#. ixrDD
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:449
+msgid "This relation already exists. Do you want to edit it or create a new one?"
+msgstr "Tha an dàimh seo ann mu thràth. A bheil thu airson a dheasachadh no airson tè ùr a chruthachadh?"
+#. nFRsS
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:450
+msgid "Edit..."
+msgstr "Deasaich..."
+#. yRkFG
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:451
+msgid "Create..."
+msgstr "Cruthaich..."
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:452
+msgid " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Relation design"
+msgstr " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Dealbhadh dàimh"
+#. ZCd5X
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:453
+msgid "The database does not support relations."
+msgstr "Chan eil an stòr-dàta a' cur taic ri dàimhean."
+#. CG2Pd
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:454
+msgid "When you delete this table all corresponding relations will be deleted as well. Continue?"
+msgstr "Ma sguabas tu às an clàr seo, thèid gach dàimh cho-cheangailte a sguabadh às cuideachd. A bheil thu airson leantainn ort?"
+#. Wzf9T
+#: dbaccess/inc/strings.hrc:455
+msgid ""
+"The database could not create the relation. Maybe foreign keys for this kind of table aren't supported.\n"
+"Please check your documentation of the database."
+msgstr ""
+"Cha b' urrainn dhan stòr-dàta an dàimh seo a chruthachadh. Faodaidh nach bu chòir dhut iuchraichean\n"
+"gallta a chleachdadh ann an clàr mar seo. Feuch treòrachadh an stòir-dhàta."
+#. Fsz7D
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:42
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr ""
+#. zo57j
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:43
+msgid "By"
+msgstr ""
+#. Zh8Ni
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:44
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr ""
+#. eHFA4
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:45
+msgid "Keywords"
+msgstr ""
+#. eYGnQ
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:46
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#. Eg2eG
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:47
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr ""
+#. hokZy
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:48
+msgid "Modified on"
+msgstr ""
+#. XMEJb
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:49
+msgid "Modified by"
+msgstr ""
+#. MWkd5
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:50
+msgid "Printed on"
+msgstr ""
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:51
+msgid "Printed by"
+msgstr ""
+#. VCGe3
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:52
+msgid "Subject"
+msgstr ""
+#. HVYdE
+#: dbaccess/inc/templwin.hrc:53
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr ""
+#. 4KVZn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/admindialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "admindialog|AdminDialog"
+msgid "Database Properties"
+msgstr "Roghainnean stòir-dhàta"
+#. k3TWc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/admindialog.ui:139
+msgctxt "admindialog|advanced"
+msgid "Advanced Properties"
+msgstr "Roghainnean adhartach"
+#. 2CAoQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/advancedsettingsdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "advancedsettingsdialog|AdvancedSettingsDialog"
+msgid "Advanced Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean adhartach"
+#. UGSGn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/advancedsettingsdialog.ui:139
+msgctxt "advancedsettingsdialog|generated"
+msgid "Generated Values"
+msgstr "Luachan a chaidh a ghintinn"
+#. KunTv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/advancedsettingsdialog.ui:186
+msgctxt "advancedsettingsdialog|special"
+msgid "Special Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean sònraichte"
+#. CAaA9
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/applycolpage.ui:224
+msgctxt "applycolpage|label1"
+msgid "Existing Columns"
+msgstr "Colbhan làithreach"
+#. 6FMF4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/authentificationpage.ui:19
+msgctxt "authentificationpage|header"
+msgid "Set up the user authentication"
+msgstr "Suidhich an dearbhadh cleachdaiche"
+#. zJ8Zt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/authentificationpage.ui:35
+msgctxt "authentificationpage|helptext"
+msgid "Some databases require you to enter a user name."
+msgstr "Bidh feum aig cuid dhe na stòir-dhàta air ainm cleachdaiche."
+#. ZqSUv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/authentificationpage.ui:60
+msgctxt "authentificationpage|generalUserNameLabel"
+msgid "_User name"
+msgstr "_Ainm-cleachdaiche"
+#. ZE2AC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/authentificationpage.ui:84
+msgctxt "authentificationpage|passRequiredCheckbutton"
+msgid "Password re_quired"
+msgstr "Tha fe_um air facal-faire"
+#. zASUB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/authentificationpage.ui:108
+msgctxt "authentificationpage|testConnectionButton"
+msgid "_Test Connection"
+msgstr "Cuir an ceangal _fo dheuchainn"
+#. AKLpS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/autocharsetpage.ui:32
+msgctxt "autocharsetpage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "Seata _charactairean:"
+#. tgPJD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/autocharsetpage.ui:60
+msgctxt "autocharsetpage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Iompachadh dàta"
+#. fw3s6
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/choosedatasourcedialog.ui:16
+msgctxt "choosedatasourcedialog|ChooseDataSourceDialog"
+msgid "Data Source"
+msgstr "Tùs-dàta"
+#. jctjv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/choosedatasourcedialog.ui:81
+msgctxt "choosedatasourcedialog|organize"
+msgid "Or_ganize..."
+msgstr "_Eagraich..."
+#. auhD3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/choosedatasourcedialog.ui:114
+msgctxt "choosedatasourcedialog|label1"
+msgid "Choose a data source:"
+msgstr "Tagh an tùs-dàta:"
+#. pqsFf
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:28
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|CollectionView"
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Sàbhail"
+#. dBcxN
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:49
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|ok"
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Sàbhail"
+#. mvCb2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:138
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|newFolderButton|tooltip_text"
+msgid "Create New Directory"
+msgstr "Cruthaich pasgan ùr"
+#. Bwm2H
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:154
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|upButton|tooltip_text"
+msgid "Up One Level"
+msgstr "Suas aon leibheil"
+#. rSTnu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:193
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|columntitle"
+msgid "Folder Name"
+msgstr ""
+#. G5Eev
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/collectionviewdialog.ui:221
+msgctxt "collectionviewdialog|fileNameLabel"
+msgid "File _name:"
+msgstr "Ai_nm an fhaidhle:"
+#. ZnGGB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:15
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|ColWidthDialog"
+msgid "Column Width"
+msgstr "Leud a' chuilbh"
+#. AiEUA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:97
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|label1"
+msgid "_Width:"
+msgstr "Le_ud:"
+#. j9AMh
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:118
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|extended_tip|value"
+msgid "Enter the column width that you want to use."
+msgstr ""
+#. LtAmr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:129
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|automatic"
+msgid "_Automatic"
+msgstr "Gu _fèin-obrachail"
+#. HWoLr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:137
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|extended_tip|automatic"
+msgid "Automatically adjusts the column width based on the current font."
+msgstr ""
+#. enAfe
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/colwidthdialog.ui:168
+msgctxt "colwidthdialog|extended_tip|ColWidthDialog"
+msgid "Changes the width of the current column, or the selected columns."
+msgstr ""
+#. zBVS9
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:36
+msgctxt "connectionpage|browseurllabel"
+msgid "Path to the dBASE files:"
+msgstr "An t-slighe gu na faidhlichean dBASE:"
+#. Xmumk
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:51
+msgctxt "connectionpage|create"
+msgid "_Create New"
+msgstr "_Cruthaich fear ùr"
+#. zvUpu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:64
+msgctxt "connectionpage|browse"
+msgid "_Browse…"
+msgstr "_Brabhsaich…"
+#. PxXFZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:115
+msgctxt "connectionpage|generalLabel"
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Coitcheann"
+#. BvLEW
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:151
+msgctxt "connectionpage|userNameLabel"
+msgid "_User name:"
+msgstr "_Ainm-cleachdaiche:"
+#. VM8W3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:175
+msgctxt "connectionpage|passCheckbutton"
+msgid "Password required"
+msgstr "Tha feum air facal-faire"
+#. rG2VU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:196
+msgctxt "connectionpage|userlabel"
+msgid "User Authentication"
+msgstr "Dearbhadh cleachdaiche"
+#. jtAGx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:230
+msgctxt "connectionpage|javaDriverLabel"
+msgid "_JDBC driver class:"
+msgstr "Clas draibhear _JDBC:"
+#. iv6Vk
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:256
+msgctxt "connectionpage|driverButton"
+msgid "Test Class"
+msgstr "Cuir an clas fo dheuchainn"
+#. uzAzE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:273
+msgctxt "connectionpage|JDBCLabel"
+msgid "JDBC Properties"
+msgstr "Roghainnean JDBC"
+#. UgDTb
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/connectionpage.ui:288
+msgctxt "connectionpage|connectionButton"
+msgid "Test Connection"
+msgstr "Cuir an ceangal fo dheuchainn"
+#. 4wjAh
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:31
+msgctxt "copytablepage|defdata"
+msgid "De_finition and data"
+msgstr "Dei_finisean is dàta"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:46
+msgctxt "copytablepage|def"
+msgid "Def_inition"
+msgstr "De_ifinisean"
+#. MWhAZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:61
+msgctxt "copytablepage|view"
+msgid "A_s table view"
+msgstr "Mar _shealladh-clàir"
+#. rhvDJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:76
+msgctxt "copytablepage|data"
+msgid "Append _data"
+msgstr "Cuir ris an _dàta"
+#. 8FEcc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:91
+msgctxt "copytablepage|firstline"
+msgid "Use first _line as column names"
+msgstr "Cleachd a' chiad _loidhne mar ainm a' chuilbh"
+#. XdVmL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:105
+msgctxt "copytablepage|primarykey"
+msgid "Crea_te new field as primary key"
+msgstr "Cru_thaich raon ùr mar prìomh-iuchair"
+#. 4NZf8
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:129
+msgctxt "copytablepage|keynamelabel"
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Ainm:"
+#. 4KFNk
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:162
+msgctxt "copytablepage|infoLabel"
+msgid "Existing data fields can be set as primary key on the type formatting step (third page) of the wizard."
+msgstr "’S urrainn dhut raointean dàta làithreach a shuidheachadh mar phrìomh-iuchair air an treas duilleag dhen draoidh (fòrmatadh an t-seòrsa)."
+#. LqAEB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:182
+msgctxt "copytablepage|label1"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Roghainnean"
+#. gKEgD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/copytablepage.ui:205
+msgctxt "copytablepage|label2"
+msgid "Ta_ble name:"
+msgstr "Ain_m a’ chlàir:"
+#. PUvDR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbaseindexdialog.ui:44
+msgctxt "dbaseindexdialog|DBaseIndexDialog"
+msgid "Indexes"
+msgstr "Clàir-amais"
+#. ThFEm
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbaseindexdialog.ui:130
+msgctxt "dbaseindexdialog|label1"
+msgid "_Table:"
+msgstr "_Clàir:"
+#. yKLwM
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbaseindexdialog.ui:184
+msgctxt "dbaseindexdialog|label3"
+msgid "T_able indexes"
+msgstr "Clàr-_amais nan clàr"
+#. CeDzT
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbaseindexdialog.ui:198
+msgctxt "dbaseindexdialog|label4"
+msgid "_Free indexes"
+msgstr "_Clàir-amais shaora"
+#. DqAFB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbaseindexdialog.ui:366
+msgctxt "dbaseindexdialog|label2"
+msgid "Assignment"
+msgstr "Iomruineadh"
+#. nLTCr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:32
+msgctxt "dbasepage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "Seata _charactaran:"
+#. CT9hn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:60
+msgctxt "dbasepage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Iompachadh dàta"
+#. jH7nJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:91
+msgctxt "dbasepage|showDelRowsCheckbutton"
+msgid "Display deleted records as well"
+msgstr "Seall na reacordan a chaidh a sguabadh às cuideachd"
+#. sD2dr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:108
+msgctxt "dbasepage|specMessageLabel"
+msgid "Note: When deleted, and thus inactive, records are displayed, you will not be able to delete records from the data source."
+msgstr "An aire: Nuair a thèid reacordan a chaidh a sguabadh às, is a tha neo-ghnìomhach mar sin, a shealltainn chan urrainn dhut reacordan a sguabadh às an tùs-dàta."
+#. fhzxC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:126
+msgctxt "dbasepage|label1"
+msgid "Optional Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean roghainneil"
+#. sLxfs
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbasepage.ui:141
+msgctxt "dbasepage|indiciesButton"
+msgid "Indexes..."
+msgstr "Clàir-amais..."
+#. JTECg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizconnectionpage.ui:34
+msgctxt "dbwizconnectionpage|helptext"
+msgid "label"
+msgstr "leubail"
+#. hDn8s
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizconnectionpage.ui:58
+msgctxt "dbwizconnectionpage|browseurllabel"
+msgid "Path to the dBASE files:"
+msgstr "An t-slighe gu na faidhlichean dBASE:"
+#. AiYtB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizconnectionpage.ui:73
+msgctxt "dbwizconnectionpage|create"
+msgid "_Create New"
+msgstr "_Cruthaich fear ùr"
+#. PDgBn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizconnectionpage.ui:86
+msgctxt "dbwizconnectionpage|browse"
+msgid "_Browse…"
+msgstr "_Brabhsaich…"
+#. pXU9R
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:32
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|label2"
+msgid ""
+"You can connect to a MySQL database using either ODBC or JDBC.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"'S urrainn dhut ceangal a dhèanamh ri stòr-dàta MySQL le ODBC no JDBC.\n"
+"Bruidhinn ri rianaire an t-siostam agad mur eil thu cinnteach mu ghin dhe na roghainnean a leanas."
+#. QSqAG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:61
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|odbc"
+msgid "Connect using ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)"
+msgstr "Dèan ceangal le ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)"
+#. Ysd73
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:77
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|jdbc"
+msgid "Connect using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)"
+msgstr "Dèan ceangal le JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)"
+#. 3haAx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:93
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|directly"
+msgid "Connect directly (using MariaDB C connector)"
+msgstr ""
+#. C9PFE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:112
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|label1"
+msgid "How do you want to connect to your MySQL database?"
+msgstr "Ciamar a bu toigh leat ceangal a dhèanamh ris an stòr-dàta MySQL agad?"
+#. C9PGh
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlintropage.ui:128
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlintropage|header"
+msgid "Set Up a Connection to a MySQL/MariaDB Database"
+msgstr ""
+#. 3cSEi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlnativepage.ui:35
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlnativepage|helptext"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to a MySQL/MariaDB database."
+msgstr ""
+#. 4uetU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizmysqlnativepage.ui:70
+msgctxt "dbwizmysqlnativepage|header"
+msgid "Set Up a Connection to a MySQL/MariaDB Database"
+msgstr ""
+#. AEty7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizspreadsheetpage.ui:55
+msgctxt "dbwizspreadsheetpage|browse"
+msgid "Browse"
+msgstr "Brabhsaich"
+#. eEY69
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizspreadsheetpage.ui:67
+msgctxt "dbwizspreadsheetpage|create"
+msgid "Create New"
+msgstr "Cruthaich fear ùr"
+#. iycse
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwizspreadsheetpage.ui:130
+msgctxt "dbwizspreadsheetpage|passwordrequired"
+msgid "_Password required"
+msgstr "Tha feum air _facal-faire"
+#. TQ6pX
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwiztextpage.ui:56
+msgctxt "dbwiztextpage|browse"
+msgid "Browse"
+msgstr "Brabhsaich"
+#. cFQNG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/dbwiztextpage.ui:68
+msgctxt "dbwiztextpage|create"
+msgid "Create New"
+msgstr "Cruthaich fear ùr"
+#. hKFLd
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/deleteallrowsdialog.ui:12
+msgctxt "deleteallrowsdialog|DeleteAllRowsDialog"
+msgid "You are trying to delete all the columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged."
+msgstr "Tha thu a' feuchainn ri gach colbh sa chlàr a sguabadh às. Chan fhaod clàr a bhith ann as aonais cholbhan. A bheil thu airson an clàr a sguabadh às an stòr-dàta? Mur eil, cha dèid an clàr atharrachadh."
+#. xXvq5
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/designsavemodifieddialog.ui:12
+msgctxt "designsavemodifieddialog|DesignSaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson na h-atharraichean a shàbhaladh?"
+#. GVoxS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/designsavemodifieddialog.ui:13
+msgctxt "designsavemodifieddialog|DesignSaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "The relation design has been changed."
+msgstr "Chaidh dealbhadh nan dàimhean atharrachadh."
+#. ebrWc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|DirectSQLDialog"
+msgid "Execute SQL Statement"
+msgstr "Ruith an aithris SQL"
+#. 8LX77
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:99
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|sql"
+msgid "Enter the SQL administration command that you want to run."
+msgstr ""
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:116
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|sql_label"
+msgid "_Command to execute:"
+msgstr "An àithne a _thèid a ruith:"
+#. KDRkq
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:134
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|directsql"
+msgid "Run SQL command _directly"
+msgstr ""
+#. dAffv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:142
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|directsql"
+msgid "Execute the SQL command directly without escape processing."
+msgstr ""
+#. gpXeL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:154
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|showoutput"
+msgid "_Show output of \"select\" statements"
+msgstr "_Seall às-chur nan aithrisean \"select\""
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:162
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|showoutput"
+msgid "Show the result of the SQL SELECT command in the Output box."
+msgstr ""
+#. xJT2B
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:173
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|execute"
+msgid "_Execute"
+msgstr "Cuir an gnì_omh"
+#. heWKD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:198
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|sqlhistory"
+msgid "Lists the previously executed SQL commands. To run a command again, click the command, and then click Execute."
+msgstr ""
+#. FoYMP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:211
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|sqlhistory_label"
+msgid "_Previous commands:"
+msgstr "Na _h-àitheantan roimhe seo:"
+#. aqBRi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:227
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|label1"
+msgid "SQL Command"
+msgstr "Àithne SQL"
+#. eDyEA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:260
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|status"
+msgid "Displays the results, including errors, of the SQL command that you ran."
+msgstr ""
+#. iUSnR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:271
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|label2"
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Staid"
+#. 25QR4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:304
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|extended_tip|output"
+msgid "Displays the results of the SQL command that you ran."
+msgstr ""
+#. DYZA5
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/directsqldialog.ui:315
+msgctxt "directsqldialog|label3"
+msgid "Output"
+msgstr "Às-chur"
+#. YiZrG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:62
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_TAB_FIELD_NAME"
+msgid "Field name"
+msgstr ""
+#. jYgBz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:88
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_AUTOINCREMENT_VALUE"
+msgid "A_uto-increment statement"
+msgstr ""
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:115
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_DEFAULT_VALUE"
+msgid "_Default value"
+msgstr ""
+#. niTFN
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:141
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_DEFAULT_VALUE"
+msgid "Format example"
+msgstr ""
+#. QMeHq
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:172
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_BUTTON_FORMAT"
+msgid "_Format Field"
+msgstr ""
+#. Ff2B8
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:194
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:221
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_LENGTH"
+msgid "_Length"
+msgstr ""
+#. 5DRu2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:248
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_LENGTH"
+msgid "Decimal _places"
+msgstr ""
+#. oXywj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:275
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_FIELD_REQUIRED"
+msgid "_Entry required"
+msgstr ""
+#. SWgjj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:300
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_FIELD_AUTOINCREMENT"
+msgid "_AutoValue"
+msgstr ""
+#. xNbpF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:325
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_FIELD_REQUIRED"
+msgid "_Default value"
+msgstr ""
+#. XYtyx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:350
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_NUMERIC_TYPE"
+msgid "_Type"
+msgstr ""
+#. Uym6E
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpage.ui:375
+msgctxt "fielddescpage|STR_TAB_FIELD_DATATYPE"
+msgid "Field _type"
+msgstr ""
+#. dUE3D
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddescpanel.ui:46
+msgctxt "designhelpbox|textview-tooltip"
+msgid "Field Properties Help"
+msgstr ""
+#. KUVUc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "fielddialog|FieldDialog"
+msgid "Field Format"
+msgstr "Fòrmat an raoin"
+#. WhGAL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddialog.ui:145
+msgctxt "fielddialog|format"
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Fòrmat"
+#. MvFHK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddialog.ui:192
+msgctxt "fielddialog|alignment"
+msgid "Alignment"
+msgstr "Co-thaobhadh"
+#. M2WyU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/fielddialog.ui:211
+msgctxt "fielddialog|alttitle"
+msgid "Table Format"
+msgstr "Fòrmat a' chlàir"
+#. nTFUa
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:18
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|headerText"
+msgid "Decide How to Proceed After Saving the Database"
+msgstr "Cuir romhad dè thachras as dèidh sàbhaladh an stòir-dhàta"
+#. 8F6gE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:46
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|helpText"
+msgid "Do you want the wizard to register the database in %PRODUCTNAME?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson 's gun clàraich an draoidh an stòr-dàta ann an %PRODUCTNAME?"
+#. KheM5
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:59
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|yesregister"
+msgid "_Yes, register the database for me"
+msgstr "_Tha, clàraich an stòr-dàta air mo shon"
+#. wLXis
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:75
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|noregister"
+msgid "N_o, do not register the database"
+msgstr "_Chan eil, na clàraich an stòr-dàta"
+#. 3AhL3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:105
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|additionalText"
+msgid "After the database file has been saved, what do you want to do?"
+msgstr "Dè nithear as dèidh sàbhaladh an stòir-dhàta?"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:118
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|openediting"
+msgid "Open the database for editing"
+msgstr "Fosgail an stòr-dàta a chum deasachaidh"
+#. C8hgG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:133
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|usewizard"
+msgid "Create tables using the table wizard"
+msgstr "Cruthaich clàir le draoidh nan clàr"
+#. JpPEA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/finalpagewizard.ui:156
+msgctxt "finalpagewizard|finishText"
+msgid "Click 'Finish' to save the database."
+msgstr "Briog air \"Crìochnaich\" gus an stòr-dàta a shàbhaladh."
+#. eUk5Q
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagedialog.ui:18
+msgctxt "generalpagedialog|datasourceTypePre"
+msgid "Select the type of database to which you want to establish a connection."
+msgstr "Tagh seòrsa an stòir-dhàta ris a nithear ceangal."
+#. YBtFA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagedialog.ui:34
+msgctxt "generalpagedialog|datasourceTypeLabel"
+msgid "Database _type:"
+msgstr "Seòrsa an stòir-dhà_ta:"
+#. CBhUu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagedialog.ui:62
+msgctxt "generalpagedialog|datasourceTypeHelp"
+msgid ""
+"On the following pages, you can make detailed settings for the connection.\n"
+"The new settings you make will overwrite your existing settings."
+msgstr ""
+"'S urrainn dhut roghainnean mionaideach a thaghadh dhan cheangal air an duilleagan a leanas.\n"
+"Thèid na roghainnean ùra seo an àite nan roghainnean làithreach agad."
+#. bWHAD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:23
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|headerText"
+msgid "Welcome to the %PRODUCTNAME Database Wizard"
+msgstr "Fàilte gu draoidh nan stòr-dàta aig %PRODUCTNAME"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:40
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|helpText"
+msgid "Use the Database Wizard to create a new database, open an existing database file, or connect to a database stored on a server."
+msgstr "Cleachd draoidh nan stòr-dàta gus stòr-dàtaùr a chruthachadh, faidhle stòir-dhàta a tha ann mu thràth fhosgladh no ceangal ri stòr-dàta a tha air frithealaiche."
+#. KxZny
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:55
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|sourceTypeHeader"
+msgid "What do you want to do?"
+msgstr "Dè tha thu airson dèanamh?"
+#. M3vFA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:66
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|createDatabase"
+msgid "Create a n_ew database"
+msgstr "Cruthaich _stòr-dàta ùr"
+#. AxE5z
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:77
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|createDatabase"
+msgid "Select to create a new database."
+msgstr ""
+#. BRSfR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:96
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|embeddeddbLabel"
+msgid "_Embedded database:"
+msgstr "Stòr-dàta l_eabaichte:"
+#. S2RBe
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:126
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|openExistingDatabase"
+msgid "Open an existing database _file"
+msgstr "Fosgail _faidhle stòir-dhàta a tha ann mu thràth"
+#. qBi4U
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:136
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|openExistingDatabase"
+msgid "Select to open a database file from a list of recently used files or from a file selection dialog."
+msgstr ""
+#. dfae2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:155
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|docListLabel"
+msgid "_Recently used:"
+msgstr "Air an cleachdadh o chionn ghoi_rid:"
+#. bxkCC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:180
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|docListBox"
+msgid "Select a database file to open from the list of recently used files. Click Finish to open the file immediately and to exit the wizard."
+msgstr ""
+#. dVAEy
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:191
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|openDatabase"
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Fosgail"
+#. 6A3Fu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:202
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|openDatabase"
+msgid "Opens a file selection dialog where you can select a database file. Click Open or OK in the file selection dialog to open the file immediately and to exit the wizard."
+msgstr ""
+#. cKpTp
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:213
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|connectDatabase"
+msgid "Connect to an e_xisting database"
+msgstr "Ceangail ri stòr-dàta a tha ann _mu thràth"
+#. 8uBqf
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:223
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|connectDatabase"
+msgid "Select to create a database document for an existing database connection."
+msgstr ""
+#. CYq28
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:240
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|datasourceType"
+msgid "Select the database type for the existing database connection."
+msgstr ""
+#. emqeD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:263
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|noembeddeddbLabel"
+msgid ""
+"It is not possible to create a new database, because neither HSQLDB, nor Firebird is\n"
+"available in this setup."
+msgstr ""
+#. n2DxH
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalpagewizard.ui:278
+msgctxt "generalpagewizard|extended_tip|PageGeneral"
+msgid "The Database Wizard creates a database file that contains information about a database."
+msgstr ""
+#. DQvKi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:39
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|label2"
+msgid "_Host name:"
+msgstr "Ainm an ò_stair:"
+#. NmRqx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:53
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|label3"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr "Àireamh a’ _phuirt:"
+#. JjYBA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:80
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|socketLabel"
+msgid "Socket:"
+msgstr "Socaid:"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:94
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|driverClassLabel"
+msgid "MySQL JDBC d_river class:"
+msgstr "Clas d_raibhear MySQL JDBC:"
+#. QDQ3G
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:119
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|testDriverClassButton"
+msgid "Test Class"
+msgstr "Cuir an clas fo dheuchainn"
+#. DNTGo
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:170
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|label1"
+msgid "Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean a' cheangail"
+#. yPG6n
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:202
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "Seata _charactaran:"
+#. 3acBr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generalspecialjdbcdetailspage.ui:230
+msgctxt "generalspecialjdbcdetailspage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Iompachadh dàta"
+#. hLDiy
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generatedvaluespage.ui:25
+msgctxt "generatedvaluespage|autoretrieve"
+msgid "Re_trieve generated values"
+msgstr "_Faigh na luachan a chaidh a ghintinn"
+#. 3aTBK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generatedvaluespage.ui:56
+msgctxt "generatedvaluespage|statementft"
+msgid "_Auto-increment statement:"
+msgstr "_Aithris fèin-ioncramaididh:"
+#. o7FfB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generatedvaluespage.ui:97
+msgctxt "generatedvaluespage|queryft"
+msgid "_Query of generated values:"
+msgstr "_Ceist do luachan a chaidh a ghintinn:"
+#. oZ7DF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/generatedvaluespage.ui:139
+msgctxt "generatedvaluespage|label1"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean"
+#. WKPaP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:18
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|IndexDesignDialog"
+msgid "Indexes"
+msgstr "Clàir-amais"
+#. pYSUo
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:89
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|ID_INDEX_NEW"
+msgid "New Index"
+msgstr "Clàr-amais ùr"
+#. xvFrq
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:102
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|ID_INDEX_DROP"
+msgid "Delete Current Index"
+msgstr "Sguab às an clàr-amais làithreach"
+#. bWECV
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:115
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|ID_INDEX_RENAME"
+msgid "Rename Current Index"
+msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air a’ chlàr-amais làithreach"
+#. Bqozz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:128
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|ID_INDEX_SAVE"
+msgid "Save Current Index"
+msgstr "Sàbhail an clàr-amais làithreach"
+#. Dxbbx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:141
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|ID_INDEX_RESET"
+msgid "Reset Current Index"
+msgstr "Ath-shuidhich an clàr-amais làithreach"
+#. RqkCS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:239
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|DESC_LABEL"
+msgid "Index identifier:"
+msgstr "Aithnichear a' chlàir-amais:"
+#. 5gKPi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:261
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|UNIQUE"
+msgid "_Unique"
+msgstr "À_raid"
+#. GDL3o
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:280
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|FIELDS_LABEL"
+msgid "Fields:"
+msgstr "Raointean:"
+#. CzG9d
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/indexdesigndialog.ui:309
+msgctxt "indexdesigndialog|INDEX_DETAILS"
+msgid "Index Details"
+msgstr "Mion-fhiosrachadh a’ chlàir-amais"
+#. XpEhE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:19
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|header"
+msgid "Set Up a Connection to a JDBC Database"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ri stòr-dàta JDBC"
+#. PYDNi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:34
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|helptext"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to a JDBC database. Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach am fiosrachadh air a bheil feum gus ceangal ri stòr-dàta JDBC. Bruidhinn ri rianaire an t-siostaim agad mur eil thu cinnteach mu ghin dhe na roghainnean a leanas."
+#. E4598
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:58
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|browseurllabel"
+msgid "Path to the dBASE files:"
+msgstr "An t-slighe gu na faidhlichean dBASE:"
+#. WuCxz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:73
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|create"
+msgid "_Create New"
+msgstr "_Cruthaich fear ùr"
+#. D3Tg7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:86
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|browse"
+msgid "_Browse…"
+msgstr "_Brabhsaich…"
+#. DDHsx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:152
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|jdbcLabel"
+msgid "JDBC d_river class:"
+msgstr "Clas d_raibhear JDBC:"
+#. SfoBB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jdbcconnectionpage.ui:184
+msgctxt "jdbcconnectionpage|jdbcButton"
+msgid "_Test Class"
+msgstr "C_uir an clas fo dheuchainn"
+#. hNXMZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "joindialog|JoinDialog"
+msgid "Join Properties"
+msgstr "Roghainnean an uilt"
+#. YUCgu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:131
+msgctxt "joindialog|label1"
+msgid "Tables Involved"
+msgstr "Clàir a tha an sàs ann"
+#. kbsrd
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:190
+msgctxt "joindialog|label2"
+msgid "Fields Involved"
+msgstr "Raointean a tha an sàs ann"
+#. C3Avj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:222
+msgctxt "joindialog|label5"
+msgid "_Type:"
+msgstr "_Seòrsa:"
+#. RAXzW
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:238
+msgctxt "joindialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Inner join"
+msgstr "Alt a-staigh"
+#. ZEaHj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:239
+msgctxt "joindialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Left join"
+msgstr "Alt clì"
+#. y9EMH
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:240
+msgctxt "joindialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Right join"
+msgstr "Alt deas"
+#. G57Ed
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:241
+msgctxt "joindialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Full (outer) join"
+msgstr "Alt iomlan (a-muigh)"
+#. vwzCL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:242
+msgctxt "joindialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Cross join"
+msgstr "Crois-alt"
+#. GTvPb
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:252
+msgctxt "joindialog|natural"
+msgid "Natural"
+msgstr "Nàdarra"
+#. UkuPe
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joindialog.ui:273
+msgctxt "joindialog|label6"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Roghainnean"
+#. urRcL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/jointablemenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "jointablemenu|delete"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "_Sguab às"
+#. 2WDtr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joinviewmenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "joinviewmenu|delete"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "_Sguab às"
+#. phaLD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/joinviewmenu.ui:20
+msgctxt "joinviewmenu|edit"
+msgid "Edit..."
+msgstr "Deasaich..."
+#. KF2HS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/keymenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "keymenu|primarykey"
+msgid "Primary Key"
+msgstr "Prìomh-iuchair"
+#. GNYro
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:23
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|header"
+msgid "Set Up a Connection to an LDAP Directory"
+msgstr "Suidhich ceangal ri pasgan LDAP"
+#. jCxP3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:38
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|helpLabel"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to an LDAP directory. Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach am fiosrachadh air a bheil feum gus ceangal a dhèanamh ri pasgan LDAP. Bruidhinn ri rianaire an t-siostaim agad mur eil thu cinnteach mu ghin dhe na roghainnean a leanas."
+#. YCmvx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:63
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|hostNameLabel"
+msgid "_Server:"
+msgstr "_Frithealaiche:"
+#. Xp6uQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:77
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|portNumLabel"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr "Àireamh a' _phuirt:"
+#. Gcxv9
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:125
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|portNumDefLabel"
+msgid "Default: 389"
+msgstr "Roghainn bhunaiteach: 389"
+#. zAZYs
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:143
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|baseDNLabel"
+msgid "Base _DN:"
+msgstr "DN _bunasach:"
+#. LXX9R
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldapconnectionpage.ui:175
+msgctxt "ldapconnectionpage|useSSLCheckbutton"
+msgid "Use _secure connection (TLS/SSL)"
+msgstr ""
+#. UyMMA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldappage.ui:44
+msgctxt "ldappage|label1"
+msgid "_Base DN:"
+msgstr "DN _bunasach:"
+#. iAAWx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldappage.ui:69
+msgctxt "ldappage|useSSLCheckbutton"
+msgid "Use secure connection (TLS/SSL)"
+msgstr ""
+#. uYkAF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldappage.ui:86
+msgctxt "ldappage|label2"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr "Àireamh a’ _phuirt:"
+#. UMj7r
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldappage.ui:114
+msgctxt "ldappage|label3"
+msgid "Maximum number of _records:"
+msgstr "Àireamh as motha de _reacordan:"
+#. azHuR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/ldappage.ui:144
+msgctxt "ldappage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean a' cheangail"
+#. DJyKE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/migrwarndlg.ui:7
+msgctxt "migrationwarndialog|MigrationWarnDialog"
+msgid "Confirm Migration"
+msgstr "Dearbh an t-imrich"
+#. kFt2Q
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/migrwarndlg.ui:11
+msgctxt "migrationwarndialog|MigrationWarnDialog"
+msgid "The document contains embedded HSQL data, which is deprecated."
+msgstr "Tha dàta HSQL leabaichte san sgrìobhainn agus cha mholar sin tuilleadh."
+#. EDMYj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/migrwarndlg.ui:12
+msgctxt "migrationwarndialog|MigrationWarnDialog"
+msgid "Would you like to migrate to Firebird now?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson Firebird imrich an-dràsta?"
+#. emrEJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/migrwarndlg.ui:37
+msgctxt "migrationwarndialog|later"
+msgid "_Later"
+msgstr "Às a _dhèidh seo"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/migrwarndlg.ui:61
+msgctxt "migrationwarndialog|link"
+msgid "Click for important information about migration."
+msgstr "Briog airson fiosrachadh cudromach mun imrich."
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:39
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|connectionheader"
+msgid "Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean a' cheangail"
+#. 2sdZK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:75
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|usernamelabel"
+msgid "_User name:"
+msgstr "_Ainm-cleachdaiche:"
+#. oz8Rm
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:100
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|passwordrequired"
+msgid "Password required"
+msgstr "Tha feum air facal-faire"
+#. DsZGv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:121
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|userheader"
+msgid "User Authentication"
+msgstr "Dearbhadh cleachdaiche"
+#. 8SNx7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:154
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "Seata _charactaran:"
+#. VP2sP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativepage.ui:183
+msgctxt "mysqlnativepage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Iompachadh dàta"
+#. 2zNgz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:29
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|dbnamelabel"
+msgid "_Database name:"
+msgstr "Ainm an stòir-_dhàta:"
+#. CKY7R
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:70
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|hostport"
+msgid "Se_rver/port"
+msgstr "F_rithealaiche/Port"
+#. RVEr2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:96
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|serverlabel"
+msgid "_Server:"
+msgstr "_Frithealaiche:"
+#. DH5Eg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:110
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|portlabel"
+msgid "_Port:"
+msgstr "_Port:"
+#. gFnmA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:139
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|defaultport"
+msgid "Default: 3306"
+msgstr "Roghainn bhunaiteach: 3306"
+#. MQVfg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:185
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|socketlabel"
+msgid "So_cket:"
+msgstr "So_caid:"
+#. 2qXzD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/mysqlnativesettings.ui:228
+msgctxt "mysqlnativesettings|namedpipelabel"
+msgid "Named p_ipe:"
+msgstr "Pìob a_inmichte:"
+#. CzRyx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/namematchingpage.ui:67
+msgctxt "namematchingpage|all"
+msgid "_All"
+msgstr "N_a h-uile"
+#. db6rw
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/namematchingpage.ui:81
+msgctxt "namematchingpage|none"
+msgid "Non_e"
+msgstr "Chan _eil gin"
+#. yScg2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/namematchingpage.ui:113
+msgctxt "namematchingpage|leftlabel"
+msgid "Source table: "
+msgstr "An tùs-chlàr: "
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/namematchingpage.ui:200
+msgctxt "namematchingpage|rightlabel"
+msgid "Destination table: "
+msgstr "An clàr cinn-uidhe: "
+#. GnhfA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/odbcpage.ui:32
+msgctxt "odbcpage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "Seata _charactaran:"
+#. ebokD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/odbcpage.ui:60
+msgctxt "odbcpage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Iompachadh dàta"
+#. doAQr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/odbcpage.ui:99
+msgctxt "odbcpage|optionslabel"
+msgid "ODBC _options:"
+msgstr "R_oghainnean ODBC:"
+#. siTp3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/odbcpage.ui:132
+msgctxt "odbcpage|useCatalogCheckbutton"
+msgid "Use catalog for file-based databases"
+msgstr "Cleachd catalog airson stòir-dhàta a tha stèidhichte air faidhle"
+#. GMUZg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/odbcpage.ui:151
+msgctxt "odbcpage|label1"
+msgid "Optional Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean roghainneil"
+#. zjHDt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/parametersdialog.ui:18
+msgctxt "parametersdialog|Parameters"
+msgid "Parameter Input"
+msgstr "Cur a-steach a' pharamadair"
+#. 64gyj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/parametersdialog.ui:151
+msgctxt "parametersdialog|label2"
+msgid "_Value:"
+msgstr "_Luach:"
+#. BqYRw
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/parametersdialog.ui:183
+msgctxt "parametersdialog|next"
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "Ai_r adhart"
+#. xirKR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/parametersdialog.ui:209
+msgctxt "parametersdialog|label1"
+msgid "_Parameters"
+msgstr "_Paramadairean"
+#. cJozC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:8
+msgctxt "password|PasswordDialog"
+msgid "Change Password"
+msgstr "Atharraich am facal-faire"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:128
+msgctxt "password|label2"
+msgid "Old p_assword:"
+msgstr "_An seann fhacal-faire:"
+#. tJbEC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:142
+msgctxt "password|label3"
+msgid "_Password:"
+msgstr "_Facal-faire:"
+#. hWJs6
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:156
+msgctxt "password|label4"
+msgid "_Confirm password:"
+msgstr "Dearbh am fa_cal-faire:"
+#. 8t7zU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:187
+msgctxt "password|label1"
+msgid "User “$name$: $”"
+msgstr "An cleachdaiche “$name$: $”"
+#. 4E7F9
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:24
+msgctxt "postgrespage|header"
+msgid "Set up a connection to a PostgreSQL database"
+msgstr ""
+#. o8BnM
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:30
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|header"
+msgid "Set up connection to a PostgreSQL database"
+msgstr ""
+#. ux2MJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:45
+msgctxt "postgrespage|helpLabel"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to a PostgreSQL database, either by entering the host name, port number and server, or by entering the connection string."
+msgstr ""
+#. cwtYL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:52
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|helpLabel"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to a PostgreSQL database. Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings. "
+msgstr ""
+#. XWvWU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:67
+msgctxt "postgrespage|helpSupport"
+msgid "Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure"
+msgstr ""
+#. EJzdP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:89
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|dbNameLabel"
+msgid "_Database name:"
+msgstr ""
+#. P2FVr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:103
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|hostNameLabel"
+msgid "_Server:"
+msgstr ""
+#. MgpLR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:117
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|portNumLabel"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr ""
+#. D6Ey2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:136
+msgctxt "postgrespage|extended_tip|dbNameEntry"
+msgid "Enter the name of the database."
+msgstr ""
+#. LC4Q7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:154
+msgctxt "postgrespage|extended_tip|hostNameEntry"
+msgid "Enter the server url of the database. "
+msgstr ""
+#. DT5z8
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:179
+msgctxt "postgrespage|extended_tip|portNumEntry"
+msgid "Enter the port number of the DBMS service. Default for PostgreSQL is 5432."
+msgstr ""
+#. oa9jC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:193
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|portNumDefLabel"
+msgid "Default: 5432"
+msgstr ""
+#. 7hasQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:228
+msgctxt "specialpostgrespage|connectionStringLabel"
+msgid "Alternatively, enter the driver-specific connection string here"
+msgstr ""
+#. EoCp5
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/postgrespage.ui:252
+msgctxt "postgrespage|extended_tip|browseurl"
+msgid "Enter the complete connector URL to access the PostGreSQL DBMS service. The connector URL is in the form \"postgresql://myHost:port/MyDatabase\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. 9sAsA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querycolmenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "querycolmenu|width"
+msgid "Column _Width..."
+msgstr "_Leud a’ chuilbh..."
+#. JBFyN
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querycolmenu.ui:26
+msgctxt "querycolmenu|delete"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "_Sguab às"
+#. FeWU3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|QueryFilterDialog"
+msgid "Standard Filter"
+msgstr "Criathrag stannardach"
+#. Vj95w
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:95
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|label2"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Gnìomharaiche"
+#. epkLc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:107
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|label5"
+msgid "Field name"
+msgstr "Ainm an raoin"
+#. Y5DBo
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:118
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|label6"
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr "Cumha"
+#. DdcwC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:131
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|field1"
+msgid "- none -"
+msgstr "- chan eil gin -"
+#. eYDCU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:135
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|field1"
+msgid "Specifies the field names from the current table to set them in the argument."
+msgstr ""
+#. 57zBE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:151
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "="
+msgstr "="
+#. GGX3G
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:152
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "<>"
+msgstr "<>"
+#. k5DCL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:153
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "<"
+msgstr "<"
+#. FAAzh
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:154
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "<="
+msgstr "<="
+#. Qzo9n
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:155
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid ">"
+msgstr ">"
+#. H4pEw
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:156
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid ">="
+msgstr ">="
+#. PWqBz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:157
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "like"
+msgstr "coltach ri"
+#. RDy6G
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:158
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "not like"
+msgstr "eucoltach ri"
+#. 2qvuA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:159
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "null"
+msgstr "a tha 'na neoini"
+#. 4znh7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:160
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|cond1"
+msgid "not null"
+msgstr "nach eil 'na neoini"
+#. 4qhBZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:164
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|cond1"
+msgid "Specifies the comparative operators through which the entries in the Field name and Value fields can be linked."
+msgstr ""
+#. A8jis
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:179
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|field2"
+msgid "- none -"
+msgstr "- chan eil gin -"
+#. y2FAQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:183
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|field2"
+msgid "Specifies the field names from the current table to set them in the argument."
+msgstr ""
+#. FdHSG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:198
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|field3"
+msgid "- none -"
+msgstr "- chan eil gin -"
+#. FvUHF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:202
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|field3"
+msgid "Specifies the field names from the current table to set them in the argument."
+msgstr ""
+#. oCJaY
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:219
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|cond2"
+msgid "Specifies the comparative operators through which the entries in the Field name and Value fields can be linked."
+msgstr ""
+#. rY6Pi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:236
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|cond3"
+msgid "Specifies the comparative operators through which the entries in the Field name and Value fields can be linked."
+msgstr ""
+#. tBd3g
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:249
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|label7"
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Luach"
+#. o2BNC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:265
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|value1"
+msgid "Specifies a value to filter the field."
+msgstr ""
+#. w42mr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:283
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|value2"
+msgid "Specifies a value to filter the field."
+msgstr ""
+#. tB93H
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:301
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|value3"
+msgid "Specifies a value to filter the field."
+msgstr ""
+#. PFZ8z
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:316
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|op2"
+msgid "AND"
+msgstr "AND"
+#. pQza3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:317
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|op2"
+msgid "OR"
+msgstr "OR"
+#. msKEj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:321
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|op2"
+msgid "For the following arguments, you can choose between the logical operators AND / OR."
+msgstr ""
+#. EaXyP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:336
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|op3"
+msgid "AND"
+msgstr "AND"
+#. DV78L
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:337
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|op3"
+msgid "OR"
+msgstr "OR"
+#. kdWnt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:341
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|op3"
+msgid "For the following arguments, you can choose between the logical operators AND / OR."
+msgstr ""
+#. SESZq
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:359
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|label1"
+msgid "Criteria"
+msgstr "Cuspair-deuchainn"
+#. S22Fy
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfilterdialog.ui:384
+msgctxt "queryfilterdialog|extended_tip|QueryFilterDialog"
+msgid "Allows you to set the filtering options."
+msgstr ""
+#. jFD4L
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfuncmenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "queryfuncmenu|functions"
+msgid "Functions"
+msgstr "Foincseanan"
+#. PyQCz
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfuncmenu.ui:26
+msgctxt "queryfuncmenu|tablename"
+msgid "Table Name"
+msgstr "Ainm a’ chlàir"
+#. zV9Fb
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfuncmenu.ui:34
+msgctxt "queryfuncmenu|alias"
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Alias"
+#. V3RBW
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/queryfuncmenu.ui:48
+msgctxt "queryfuncmenu|distinct"
+msgid "Distinct Values"
+msgstr "Luachan àraidh"
+#. peEt4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|QueryPropertiesDialog"
+msgid "Query Properties"
+msgstr "Roghainnean na ceiste"
+#. fyogK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:87
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|limit-label"
+msgid "Limit:"
+msgstr "Crìoch:"
+#. 2D6E2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:102
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|distinct"
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Tha"
+#. jgttX
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:111
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|extended_tip|distinct"
+msgid "Use distinct values in query."
+msgstr ""
+#. rErxt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:123
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|nondistinct"
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Chan eil"
+#. QAGhF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:132
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|extended_tip|nondistinct"
+msgid "Not use distinct values in query."
+msgstr ""
+#. P9quF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:152
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|distinctvalues"
+msgid "Distinct values:"
+msgstr "Luachan àraidh:"
+#. asbjN
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:175
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|extended_tip|limitbox"
+msgid "Adds a Limit to set the maximum number of records to return."
+msgstr ""
+#. GoEm9
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/querypropertiesdialog.ui:203
+msgctxt "querypropertiesdialog|extended_tip|QueryPropertiesDialog"
+msgid "In the Query Properties dialog you can set two properties of the SQL Query, i.e. whether to return distinct values, and whether to limit the result set."
+msgstr ""
+#. gLFLt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "relationdialog|RelationDialog"
+msgid "Relations"
+msgstr "Dàimhean"
+#. DEGM2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:131
+msgctxt "relationdialog|label1"
+msgid "Tables Involved"
+msgstr "Clàir a tha an sàs ann"
+#. 87WEB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:163
+msgctxt "relationdialog|label2"
+msgid "Fields Involved"
+msgstr "Raointean a tha an sàs ann"
+#. pf4b4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:199
+msgctxt "relationdialog|addaction"
+msgid "_No action"
+msgstr "_Na dèan dad"
+#. uZGGW
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:214
+msgctxt "relationdialog|addcascade"
+msgid "_Update cascade"
+msgstr "Ùraich _an t-eas"
+#. PfRDx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:229
+msgctxt "relationdialog|addnull"
+msgid "_Set NULL"
+msgstr "_Suidhich NULL"
+#. xNWHg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:244
+msgctxt "relationdialog|adddefault"
+msgid "Set _default"
+msgstr "Sui_dhich mar a' bhun-roghainn"
+#. SfKFG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:263
+msgctxt "relationdialog|label3"
+msgid "Update Options"
+msgstr "Roghainnean ùrachaidh"
+#. wnvZa
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:293
+msgctxt "relationdialog|delaction"
+msgid "_No action"
+msgstr "_Na dèan dad"
+#. 3BAEe
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:308
+msgctxt "relationdialog|delcascade"
+msgid "Delete _cascade"
+msgstr "Sgua_b às an t-eas"
+#. Zd5SC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:323
+msgctxt "relationdialog|delnull"
+msgid "_Set NULL"
+msgstr "_Suidhich NULL"
+#. hZGB8
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:338
+msgctxt "relationdialog|deldefault"
+msgid "Set _default"
+msgstr "Sui_dhich mar a' bhun-roghainn"
+#. LLcup
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:357
+msgctxt "relationdialog|label4"
+msgid "Delete Options"
+msgstr "Roghainnean sguabaidh às"
+#. 2Cb2G
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:410
+msgctxt "relationdialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Inner join"
+msgstr "Alt a-staigh"
+#. nhWNP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:414
+msgctxt "relationdialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Left join"
+msgstr "Alt clì"
+#. TD2LX
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:418
+msgctxt "relationdialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Right join"
+msgstr "Alt deas"
+#. yLDPS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:422
+msgctxt "relationdialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Full (outer) join"
+msgstr "Alt iomlan (a-muigh)"
+#. UYDBa
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/relationdialog.ui:426
+msgctxt "relationdialog|liststore1"
+msgid "Cross join"
+msgstr "Crois-alt"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:15
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|RowHeightDialog"
+msgid "Row Height"
+msgstr "Àirde an ràigh"
+#. 8pFfi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:97
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|label1"
+msgid "_Height:"
+msgstr "Àir_de:"
+#. cZCeF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:118
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|extended_tip|value"
+msgid "Enter the row height that you want to use."
+msgstr ""
+#. 4QFsD
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:129
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|automatic"
+msgid "_Automatic"
+msgstr "Gu _fèin-obrachail"
+#. HKRpK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:137
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|extended_tip|automatic"
+msgid "Adjusts the row height to the size based on the default template. Existing contents may be shown vertically cropped. The height no longer increases automatically when you enter larger contents."
+msgstr ""
+#. qEa9T
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/rowheightdialog.ui:168
+msgctxt "rowheightdialog|extended_tip|RowHeightDialog"
+msgid "Changes the height of the current row, or the selected rows."
+msgstr ""
+#. SD2FQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savedialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "savedialog|SaveDialog"
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Sàbhail mar"
+#. fTe5E
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savedialog.ui:90
+msgctxt "savedialog|descriptionft"
+msgid "Please enter a name for the object to be created:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson an oibseict a thèid a chruthachadh:"
+#. oiUCs
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savedialog.ui:105
+msgctxt "savedialog|catalogft"
+msgid "_Catalog:"
+msgstr "_Catalog:"
+#. CGa85
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savedialog.ui:119
+msgctxt "savedialog|schemaft"
+msgid "_Schema:"
+msgstr "_Sgeama:"
+#. FCptK
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/saveindexdialog.ui:7
+msgctxt "saveindexdialog|SaveIndexDialog"
+msgid "Exit Index Design"
+msgstr "Fàg dealbhadh a' chlàir-amais"
+#. k9pCR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/saveindexdialog.ui:13
+msgctxt "saveindexdialog|SaveIndexDialog"
+msgid "Do you want to save the changes made to the current index?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson na dh'atharraich thu sa chlàr-amais làithreach a shàbhaladh?"
+#. h9UfS
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savemodifieddialog.ui:12
+msgctxt "savemodifieddialog|SaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson na h-atharraichean a shàbhaladh?"
+#. P326A
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/savemodifieddialog.ui:13
+msgctxt "savemodifieddialog|SaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "The current record has been changed."
+msgstr "Chaidh an reacord làithreach atharrachadh."
+#. wmp9V
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "sortdialog|SortDialog"
+msgid "Sort Order"
+msgstr "Òrdugh an t-seòrsachaidh"
+#. szD83
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:96
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label2"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Gnìomharaiche"
+#. UcmpV
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:108
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label3"
+msgid "and then"
+msgstr "agus an uairsin"
+#. u8kT2
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:121
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label4"
+msgid "and then"
+msgstr "agus an uairsin"
+#. oK7UF
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:134
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label5"
+msgid "Field name"
+msgstr "Ainm an raoin"
+#. AVPtE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:146
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label6"
+msgid "Order"
+msgstr "Òrdugh"
+#. EGDpm
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:171
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value1"
+msgid "ascending"
+msgstr "a' dìreadh"
+#. PGxfE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:172
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value1"
+msgid "descending"
+msgstr "a' teàrnadh"
+#. FqcgB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:208
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value2"
+msgid "ascending"
+msgstr "a' dìreadh"
+#. E5DBL
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:209
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value2"
+msgid "descending"
+msgstr "a' teàrnadh"
+#. Fa8EC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:223
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value3"
+msgid "ascending"
+msgstr "a' dìreadh"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:224
+msgctxt "sortdialog|value3"
+msgid "descending"
+msgstr "a' teàrnadh"
+#. C6iQ6
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:241
+msgctxt "sortdialog|label1"
+msgid "Sort Order"
+msgstr "Òrdugh an t-seòrsachaidh"
+#. VCWPc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sortdialog.ui:266
+msgctxt "sortdialog|extended_tip|SortDialog"
+msgid "Specifies the sort criteria for the data display."
+msgstr ""
+#. nDP3A
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:24
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|header"
+msgid "Set up connection to a MySQL/MariaDB database using JDBC"
+msgstr ""
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:39
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|helpLabel"
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to a MySQL/MariaDB database using JDBC. Note that a JDBC driver class must be installed on your system and registered with %PRODUCTNAME. Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings. "
+msgstr ""
+#. GchzZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:64
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|dbNameLabel"
+msgid "_Database name:"
+msgstr "Ainm an stòir-_dhàta:"
+#. ZuWG7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:78
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|hostNameLabel"
+msgid "_Server:"
+msgstr "_Frithealaiche:"
+#. iZmbB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:92
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|portNumLabel"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr "Àireamh a’ _phuirt:"
+#. ECnjE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:153
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|portNumDefLabel"
+msgid "Default: 3306"
+msgstr "Roghainn bhunaiteach: 3306"
+#. o9YhU
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:188
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|jdbcDriverLabel"
+msgid "MySQL/MariaDB JDBC d_river class:"
+msgstr ""
+#. 8oG6P
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialjdbcconnectionpage.ui:212
+msgctxt "specialjdbcconnectionpage|testDriverButton"
+msgid "_Test Class"
+msgstr "Cuir an clas fo _dheuchainn"
+#. WKnRX
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:24
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|usesql92"
+msgid "Use SQL92 naming constraints"
+msgstr "Cleachd cuingeachaidhean ainmeachaidh SQL92"
+#. d8pYB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:32
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|usesql92"
+msgid "Only allows characters that conform to the SQL92 naming convention in a name in a data source. All other characters are rejected. Each name must begin with a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, or an underscore ( _ ). The remaining characters can be ASCII letters, numbers, and underscores."
+msgstr ""
+#. Gwn9n
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:43
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|append"
+msgid "Append the table alias name on SELECT statements"
+msgstr "Cuir ris ainm-brèige a' chlàir air aithrisean SELECT"
+#. tU88G
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:51
+msgctxt "specialsettings|extended_tip|append"
+msgid "Appends the alias to the table name in SELECT statements."
+msgstr ""
+#. rim5j
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:62
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|useas"
+msgid "Use keyword AS before table alias names"
+msgstr "Cleachd am facal-luirg AS ro ainmean-brèige de chlàr"
+#. GFzLp
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:70
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|useas"
+msgid "Some databases use the keyword \"AS\" between a name and its alias, while other databases use a whitespace. Enable this option to insert AS before the alias."
+msgstr ""
+#. JDTsA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:81
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|useoj"
+msgid "Use Outer Join syntax '{oj }'"
+msgstr "Cleachd co-chàradh Outer Join \"{OJ }\""
+#. EFF2V
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:89
+msgctxt "specialsettingsoage|extended_tip|useoj"
+msgid "Use escape sequences for outer joins. The syntax for this escape sequence is {oj outer-join}"
+msgstr ""
+#. T8TKQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:100
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|ignoreprivs"
+msgid "Ignore the privileges from the database driver"
+msgstr "Leig seachad na pribhleidean o dhraibhear an stòir-dhàta"
+#. DEPCt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:108
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|ignoreprivs"
+msgid "Ignores access privileges that are provided by the database driver."
+msgstr ""
+#. QK4W3
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:119
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|replaceparams"
+msgid "Replace named parameters with '?'"
+msgstr "Cuir '?' an àite nam paramadairean ainmichte"
+#. DBRrE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:127
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|replaceparams"
+msgid "Replaces named parameters in a data source with a question mark (?)."
+msgstr ""
+#. kfSki
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:138
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|displayver"
+msgid "Display version columns (when available)"
+msgstr "Seall colbhan nan tionndaidhean (nuair a bhios iad ri làimh)"
+#. X4qSb
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:146
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|displayver"
+msgid "Displays the internal version number of the record in the database table."
+msgstr ""
+#. JqBdc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:157
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|usecatalogname"
+msgid "Use catalog name in SELECT statements"
+msgstr "Cleachd ainm a' chatalog ann an aithrisean SELECT"
+#. YG2AT
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:165
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|usecatalogname"
+msgid "Uses the current data source of the catalog. This option is useful when the ODBC data source is a database server. Do not select this option if the ODBC data source is a dBASE driver."
+msgstr ""
+#. yFGxG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:176
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|useschemaname"
+msgid "Use schema name in SELECT statements"
+msgstr "Cleachd ainm an sgeama ann an aithrisean SELECT"
+#. PEM2R
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:184
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|useschemaname"
+msgid "Allows you to use the schema name in SELECT statements."
+msgstr ""
+#. gyC7J
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:195
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|createindex"
+msgid "Create index with ASC or DESC statement"
+msgstr "Cruthaich clàr-amais le aithris ASC no DESC"
+#. 2hRPG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:203
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|createindex"
+msgid "Creates an index with ASC or DESC statements."
+msgstr ""
+#. Xabxp
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:214
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|eol"
+msgid "End text lines with CR+LF"
+msgstr "Crìochnaich loidhnichean teacsa le CR+LF"
+#. vjCZB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:222
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|eol"
+msgid "Select to use the CR + LF code pair to end every text line (preferred for DOS and Windows operating systems)."
+msgstr ""
+#. XFM7x
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:233
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|ignorecurrency"
+msgid "Ignore currency field information"
+msgstr "Leig seachad fiosrachadh raon an airgeadra"
+#. yQkEn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:241
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|ignorecurrency"
+msgid "Only for Oracle JDBC connections. When enabled it specifies that no column is treated as a currency field. The field type returned from the database driver is discarded."
+msgstr ""
+#. 2tRzG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:252
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|inputchecks"
+msgid "Form data input checks for required fields"
+msgstr "Nì ion-chur dàta ann am foirm sgrùdadh airson raointean air a bheil feum"
+#. NyABn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:260
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|inputchecks"
+msgid "When you enter a new record or update an existing record in a form, and you leave a field empty which is bound to a database column which requires input, then you will see a message complaining about the empty field."
+msgstr ""
+#. jEgvf
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:271
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|useodbcliterals"
+msgid "Use ODBC conformant date/time literals"
+msgstr "Cleachd Literals cinn-là/ama a tha a-rèir ODBC"
+#. Lp8bE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:279
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|useodbcliterals"
+msgid "Use date/time literals that conform to ODBC standard."
+msgstr ""
+#. GuCLC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:290
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|primarykeys"
+msgid "Supports primary keys"
+msgstr "Thoir taic do phrìomh-iuchraichean"
+#. SARQc
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:298
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|primarykeys"
+msgid "Enable to overrule Base's heuristics used to detect whether the database supports primary keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. o7mns
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:309
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|resulttype"
+msgid "Respect the result set type from the database driver"
+msgstr "Gabh ri seòrsa an toraidh o dhraibhear an stòir-dhàta"
+#. xAeze
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:317
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|resulttype"
+msgid "Use the database driver different scroll capabilities of a result set."
+msgstr ""
+#. RQ7hP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:337
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|comparisonft"
+msgid "Comparison of Boolean values:"
+msgstr "Coimeas eadar luachan Boole:"
+#. MrrnQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:352
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|comparison"
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
+#. D7LWx
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:353
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|comparison"
+msgid "SQL"
+msgstr "SQL"
+#. NzvwB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:354
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|comparison"
+msgid "Mixed"
+msgstr "Measgaichte"
+#. NhGDH
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:355
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|comparison"
+msgid "MS Access"
+msgstr "MS Access"
+#. FxEbE
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:359
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|comparison"
+msgid "Select the type of Boolean comparison that you want to use."
+msgstr ""
+#. 3eorZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:372
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|rowsft"
+msgid "Rows to scan column types:"
+msgstr "Ràghan airson lorg seòrsaichean de chuilbh:"
+#. N2emg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/specialsettingspage.ui:391
+msgctxt "specialsettingspage|extended_tip|rows"
+msgid "Select the number of rows to let the driver detect the data type."
+msgstr ""
+#. Y7PiJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sqlexception.ui:18
+msgctxt "sqlexception|SQLExceptionDialog"
+msgid "Error Details"
+msgstr "Mion-fhiosrachadh mun mhearachd"
+#. sWSQ4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sqlexception.ui:69
+msgctxt "sqlexception|label2"
+msgid "Error _list:"
+msgstr "_Liosta nam mearachd:"
+#. AFG3c
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/sqlexception.ui:83
+msgctxt "sqlexception|label3"
+msgid "_Description:"
+msgstr "T_uairisgeul:"
+#. Y3ZXm
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:12
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|cut"
+msgid "Cu_t"
+msgstr "_Gearr às"
+#. YBoBk
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:20
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|copy"
+msgid "_Copy"
+msgstr "Dèan _lethbhreac"
+#. dGPAA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:28
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|paste"
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr "C_uir ann"
+#. Ekmvg
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:36
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|delete"
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "_Sguab às"
+#. PWZ9E
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:44
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|insert"
+msgid "Insert Rows"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ràghan"
+#. 4XEhH
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignrowmenu.ui:58
+msgctxt "tabledesignrowmenu|primarykey"
+msgid "Primary Key"
+msgstr "Prìomh-iuchair"
+#. PnMFo
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignsavemodifieddialog.ui:12
+msgctxt "tabledesignsavemodifieddialog|TableDesignSaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson na h-atharraichean a shàbhaladh?"
+#. C3FHu
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tabledesignsavemodifieddialog.ui:13
+msgctxt "tabledesignsavemodifieddialog|TableDesignSaveModifiedDialog"
+msgid "The table has been changed."
+msgstr "Chaidh an clàr atharrachadh."
+#. iFfXZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesfilterdialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "tablesfilterdialog|TablesFilterDialog"
+msgid "Tables Filter"
+msgstr "Criathrag nan clàr"
+#. 5ZNAA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesfilterpage.ui:45
+msgctxt "tablesfilterpage|label2"
+msgid "Mark the tables that should be visible for the applications."
+msgstr "Comharraich na clàran a chì na h-aplacaidean."
+#. Cvzwv
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesfilterpage.ui:118
+msgctxt "tablesfilterpage|label1"
+msgid "Tables and Table Filter"
+msgstr "Clàir is criathragan clàir"
+#. xfec4
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesjoindialog.ui:109
+msgctxt "tablesjoindialog|tables"
+msgid "Tables"
+msgstr "Clàran"
+#. WPTyJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesjoindialog.ui:124
+msgctxt "tablesjoindialog|queries"
+msgid "Queries"
+msgstr "Ceistean"
+#. TYE5C
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesjoindialog.ui:190
+msgctxt "tablesjoindialog|title"
+msgid "Add Tables"
+msgstr "Cuir clàran ris"
+#. zFRKj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/tablesjoindialog.ui:201
+msgctxt "tablesjoindialog|alttitle"
+msgid "Add Table or Query"
+msgstr "Cuir clàr no ceist ris"
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/taskwindow.ui:109
+msgctxt "taskwindow|STR_DESCRIPTION"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#. 8b2nn
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textconnectionsettings.ui:8
+msgctxt "textconnectionsettings|TextConnectionSettingsDialog"
+msgid "Text Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean ceangal teacsa"
+#. HScTi
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:34
+msgctxt "textpage|textfile"
+msgid "Plain text files (*.txt)"
+msgstr "Faidhlichean teacsa luim (*.txt)"
+#. i2ntJ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:50
+msgctxt "textpage|csvfile"
+msgid "Comma-separated value files (*.csv)"
+msgstr "Faidhlichean ’gan sgaradh le cromagan (*.csv)"
+#. 9DRFR
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:66
+msgctxt "textpage|custom"
+msgid "Custom:"
+msgstr "Gnàthaichte:"
+#. x3eWP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:98
+msgctxt "textpage|example"
+msgid "Custom: *.abc"
+msgstr "Roghainn ghnàthaichte: *.abc"
+#. aSpdr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:111
+msgctxt "textpage|extensionheader"
+msgid "Specify the Type of Files You Want to Access"
+msgstr "Sònraich an seòrsa dh'fhaidhlichean a bu toigh leat inntrigeadh"
+#. 4VGRV
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:145
+msgctxt "textpage|containsheaders"
+msgid "_Text contains headers"
+msgstr "Tha bannan-cinn san _teacsa"
+#. PGqYA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:164
+msgctxt "textpage|fieldlabel"
+msgid "Field separator:"
+msgstr "Sgaradair raoin:"
+#. EBzXo
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:178
+msgctxt "textpage|textlabel"
+msgid "Text separator:"
+msgstr "Sgaradair teacsa:"
+#. Va37w
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:192
+msgctxt "textpage|decimallabel"
+msgid "Decimal separator:"
+msgstr "Sgaradair deicheach:"
+#. qF6Aj
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:206
+msgctxt "textpage|thousandslabel"
+msgid "Thousands separator:"
+msgstr "Sgaradair nam mìltean:"
+#. DSrai
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:261
+msgctxt "textpage|decimalseparator"
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#. yWQdQ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:262
+msgctxt "textpage|decimalseparator"
+msgid ","
+msgstr ","
+#. rD7yP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:263
+msgctxt "textpage|decimalseparator"
+msgid ";"
+msgstr ";"
+#. FBFxB
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:264
+msgctxt "textpage|decimalseparator"
+msgid ":"
+msgstr ":"
+#. cuU6W
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:286
+msgctxt "textpage|thousandsseparator"
+msgid "."
+msgstr "."
+#. 7y57B
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:287
+msgctxt "textpage|thousandsseparator"
+msgid ","
+msgstr ","
+#. R3dp6
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:308
+msgctxt "textpage|formatlabel"
+msgid "Row Format"
+msgstr ","
+#. 8GaPt
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:342
+msgctxt "textpage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "Seata _charactaran:"
+#. 752ii
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/textpage.ui:371
+msgctxt "textpage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr "Iompachadh dàta"
+#. cQGgr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/typeselectpage.ui:109
+msgctxt "typeselectpage|columns"
+msgid "Column Information"
+msgstr "Fiosrachadh mun cholbh"
+#. GneVZ
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/typeselectpage.ui:144
+msgctxt "typeselectpage|autolabel"
+msgid "Lines (ma_x.):"
+msgstr "Loidhnichean (air a’ char as _motha):"
+#. hsswG
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/typeselectpage.ui:156
+msgctxt "typeselectpage|autobutton"
+msgid "_Auto"
+msgstr "_Fèin-obrachail"
+#. sTgpa
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/typeselectpage.ui:187
+msgctxt "typeselectpage|autotype"
+msgid "Automatic Type Recognition"
+msgstr "Fèin-aithneachadh an t-seòrsa"
+#. VANs7
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradmindialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "useradmindialog|UserAdminDialog"
+msgid "User Administration"
+msgstr "Rianachd nan cleachdaichean"
+#. siFUA
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradmindialog.ui:138
+msgctxt "useradmindialog|settings"
+msgid "User Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean cleachdaiche"
+#. Jvnnk
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradminpage.ui:46
+msgctxt "useradminpage|label3"
+msgid "Us_er:"
+msgstr "Cl_eachdaiche:"
+#. DF5YC
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradminpage.ui:70
+msgctxt "templatedlg|action_menu|label"
+msgid "_Manage"
+msgstr ""
+#. gMJwT
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradminpage.ui:102
+msgctxt "useradminpage|label1"
+msgid "User Selection"
+msgstr "Taghadh a’ chleachdaiche"
+#. ADQpm
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/useradminpage.ui:144
+msgctxt "useradminpage|label2"
+msgid "Access Rights for Selected User"
+msgstr "Còraichean inntrigidh a’ chleachdaiche a thagh thu"
+#. 5X3RP
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:40
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|hostnameft"
+msgid "_Host name:"
+msgstr "Ainm an ò_stair:"
+#. eDvjr
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:56
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|portnumberft"
+msgid "_Port number:"
+msgstr "Àireamh a’ _phuirt:"
+#. rEGAs
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:95
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|usecatalog"
+msgid "_Use catalog"
+msgstr "Cleachd catal_og"
+#. BzFdV
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:113
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|optionslabel"
+msgid "_Driver settings:"
+msgstr "Roghainnean nan _draibhear:"
+#. Gjovq
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:142
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|label1"
+msgid "Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean a' cheangail"
+#. eLA6J
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:174
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|charsetlabel"
+msgid "_Character set:"
+msgstr "Seata _charactaran:"
+#. 6ZS8N
+#: dbaccess/uiconfig/ui/userdetailspage.ui:203
+msgctxt "userdetailspage|charsetheader"
+msgid "Data Conversion"
+msgstr ""