path: root/unoxml/qa
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'unoxml/qa')
6 files changed, 4322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/ b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f630b9335f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/
@@ -0,0 +1,3029 @@
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+package complex.unoxml;
+import lib.TestParameters;
+import helper.StreamSimulator;
+import static*;
+import static*;
+import static*;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.openoffice.test.OfficeConnection;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+ * Test for*,*
+ */
+public class DOMTest
+ private static final OfficeConnection connection = new OfficeConnection();
+ // setup and close connections
+ @BeforeClass public static void setUpConnection() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("setUpConnection()");
+ connection.setUp();
+ }
+ @AfterClass public static void tearDownConnection()
+ throws InterruptedException,
+ {
+ System.out.println("tearDownConnection()");
+ connection.tearDown();
+ }
+ XComponentContext m_xContext;
+ XMultiServiceFactory m_xMSF;
+ TestParameters m_params;
+ @Before public void before() throws Exception
+ {
+ final XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XMultiServiceFactory.class,
+ connection.getComponentContext().getServiceManager());
+ assertNotNull("could not create MultiServiceFactory.", xMSF);
+ m_params = new TestParameters();
+ m_params.put("ServiceFactory", xMSF);
+ XPropertySet xPropertySet =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xMSF);
+ m_xContext = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentContext.class,
+ xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("DefaultContext"));
+ assertNotNull("could not get component context.", m_xContext);
+ m_xMSF = xMSF;
+ }
+ @Test public void testXSAXDocumentBuilder() throws Exception
+ {
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSAXDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testXDocumentBuilder() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDOMImplementation xDomImpl = xBuilder.getDOMImplementation();
+//FIXME fails assertNotNull("getDOMImplementation", xDomImpl);
+ xBuilder.isNamespaceAware();
+ xBuilder.isValidating();
+ {
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ assertNotNull("newDocument", xDoc);
+ }
+ try {
+ xBuilder.parse(null);
+ fail("XDocumentBuilder.parse(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ {
+ XInputStream xIn = new StreamSimulator(
+ TestDocument.getUrl("example.rdf"), true, m_params);
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.parse(xIn);
+ assertNotNull("XDocumentBuilder.parse", xDoc);
+ }
+ try {
+ xBuilder.parseURI("");
+ fail("XDocumentBuilder.parseURI(\"\")");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ {
+ XDocument xDoc =
+ xBuilder.parseURI(TestDocument.getUrl("example.rdf"));
+ assertNotNull("XDocumentBuilder.parseURI", xDoc);
+ }
+ xBuilder.setEntityResolver(null);
+ XEntityResolver xER;
+ xBuilder.setEntityResolver(xER);
+ */
+ xBuilder.setErrorHandler(null);
+ XErrorHandler xEH;
+ xBuilder.setErrorHandler(xEH);
+ */
+ }
+ @Test public void testXDocument() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ /* FIXME
+ try {
+ xDoc.createAttribute("&");
+ fail("XDocument.createAttribute");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocument.createAttribute",
+ }*/
+ {
+ XAttr xAttr = xDoc.createAttribute("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createAttribute", xAttr);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.createAttribute",
+ "foo", xAttr.getNodeName());
+ }
+ String ns = "";
+ /* FIXME
+ try {
+ xDoc.createAttributeNS(ns, "&");
+ fail("XDocument.createAttributeNS");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocument.createAttributeNS",
+ }
+ */
+ {
+ XAttr xAttr = xDoc.createAttributeNS(ns, "e:foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createAttributeNS", xAttr);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.createAttributeNS", "foo",
+ xAttr.getNodeName());
+ }
+ XCDATASection xCDS = xDoc.createCDATASection("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createCDATASection", xCDS);
+ XComment xComment = xDoc.createComment("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createComment", xComment);
+ XDocumentFragment xDF = xDoc.createDocumentFragment();
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createDocumentFragment", xDF);
+ /* FIXME
+ try {
+ xDoc.createElement("&");
+ fail("XDocument.createElement(\"&\")");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocument.createElement(\"&\")",
+ }
+ */
+ XElement xElemFoo = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createElement(\"foo\")", xElemFoo);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.createElement(\"foo\")",
+ "foo", xElemFoo.getNodeName());
+ /* FIXME
+ try {
+ xDoc.createElementNS(ns, "&");
+ fail("XDocument.createElementNS(\"&\")");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocument.createElementNS(\"&\")",
+ }
+ */
+ XElement xElemFooNs = xDoc.createElementNS(ns, "foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createElementNS(\"foo\")", xElemFooNs);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.createElementNS(\"foo\")",
+ "foo", xElemFooNs.getNodeName());
+ XEntityReference xER = xDoc.createEntityReference("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createEntityReference", xER);
+ XProcessingInstruction xPI =
+ xDoc.createProcessingInstruction("foo", "bar");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createProcessingInstruction", xPI);
+ XText xText = xDoc.createTextNode("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createTextNode", xText);
+ XDocumentType xDT = xDoc.getDoctype();
+ assertNull("XDocument.getDoctype", xDT);
+ {
+ XElement xDE = xDoc.getDocumentElement();
+ assertNull("XDocument.getDocumentElement", xDE);
+ }
+ {
+ XElement xById = xDoc.getElementById("foo");
+ assertNull("XDocument.getDocumentElement", xById);
+ }
+ {
+ XNodeList xNodeList = xDoc.getElementsByTagName("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.getElementsByTagName", xNodeList);
+ assertTrue("XDocument.getElementsByTagName",
+ 0 == xNodeList.getLength());
+ }
+ {
+ XNodeList xNodeList = xDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, "foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS", xNodeList);
+ assertTrue("XDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS",
+ 0 == xNodeList.getLength());
+ }
+ XDOMImplementation xDOMImpl = xDoc.getImplementation();
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.getImplementation", xDOMImpl);
+ {
+ XNode xRet = xElemFooNs.appendChild(xElemFoo);
+ assertEquals("XElement.appendChild(xElemFoo)", xElemFoo, xRet);
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xRet = xDoc.appendChild(xElemFooNs);
+ assertTrue("XDocument.appendChild(xElemFooNs)",
+ xElemFooNs.equals(xRet));
+ }
+ XElement xDE = xDoc.getDocumentElement();
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.getDocumentElement", xDE);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getDocumentElement", xElemFooNs, xDE);
+ {
+ XNodeList xNodeList = xDoc.getElementsByTagName("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.getElementsByTagName", xNodeList);
+ assertTrue("XDocument.getElementsByTagName",
+ 2 == xNodeList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS",
+ xElemFooNs, xNodeList.item(0));
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getElementsByTagName",
+ xElemFoo, xNodeList.item(1));
+ }
+ {
+ XNodeList xNodeList = xDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, "foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS", xNodeList);
+ assertTrue("XDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS",
+ 1 == xNodeList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS",
+ xElemFooNs, xNodeList.item(0));
+ }
+ xElemFoo.setAttributeNS("",
+ "xml:id", "bar");
+ XElement xById = xDoc.getElementById("bar");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.getDocumentElement", xById);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getDocumentElement", xElemFoo, xById);
+ try {
+ xDoc.importNode(null, false);
+ fail("XDocument.importNode(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ {
+ XNode xImported = xDoc.importNode(xElemFoo, false);
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.importNode()", xImported);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.importNode()", xElemFoo, xImported);
+ }
+ {
+ MockAttr xMockAttrBar = new MockAttr("bar", "blah");
+ MockAttr xMockAttrBaz = new MockAttr("baz", "quux");
+ MockElement xMockElemFoo = new MockElement("foo",
+ new MockAttr[] { xMockAttrBar, xMockAttrBaz });
+ MockElement xMockElemBar = new MockElement("bar",
+ new MockAttr[] { });
+ MockElement xMockElemRoot =
+ new MockElement("root", new MockAttr[] { });
+ MockDoc xMockDoc = new MockDoc();
+ xMockDoc.init(new MockNode[] { xMockElemRoot });
+ xMockElemRoot.init(xMockDoc, xMockDoc, null, null,
+ new MockNode[] { xMockElemFoo, xMockElemBar });
+ xMockElemFoo.init(xMockDoc, xMockElemRoot, null, xMockElemBar,
+ new MockNode[] { });
+ xMockElemBar.init(xMockDoc, xMockElemRoot, xMockElemFoo, null,
+ new MockNode[] { });
+ {
+ XNode xImported = xDoc.importNode(xMockElemRoot, false);
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.importNode(false)", xImported);
+ XElement xE =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XElement.class, xImported);
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.importNode(false)", xE);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.importNode(false)",
+ "root", xE.getLocalName());
+ assertFalse("XDocument.importNode(false)", xE.hasAttributes());
+ assertFalse("XDocument.importNode(false)", xE.hasChildNodes());
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xImported = xDoc.importNode(xMockElemRoot, true);
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.importNode(true)", xImported);
+ XElement xImpRoot =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XElement.class, xImported);
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.importNode(true)", xImpRoot);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ "root", xImpRoot.getLocalName());
+ assertFalse("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ xImpRoot.hasAttributes());
+ assertTrue("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ xImpRoot.hasChildNodes());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ "root", xImpRoot.getNodeName());
+ XNode xImpFooN = xImpRoot.getFirstChild();
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.importNode(true)", xImpFooN);
+ XElement xImpFoo =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XElement.class, xImpFooN);
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.importNode(true)", xImpFoo);
+ assertTrue("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ xImpFoo.hasAttributes());
+ assertFalse("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ xImpFoo.hasChildNodes());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ "foo", xImpFoo.getNodeName());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ "blah", xImpFoo.getAttribute("bar"));
+ assertEquals("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ "quux", xImpFoo.getAttribute("baz"));
+ XNode xImpBarN = xImpFooN.getNextSibling();
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.importNode(true)", xImpBarN);
+ XElement xImpBar =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XElement.class, xImpBarN);
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.importNode(true)", xImpBar);
+ assertFalse("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ xImpBar.hasAttributes());
+ assertFalse("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ xImpBar.hasChildNodes());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ "bar", xImpBar.getNodeName());
+ assertNull("XDocument.importNode(true)",
+ xImpBar.getNextSibling());
+ }
+ }
+ // XNode
+ {
+ XNode xDocCloneN = xDoc.cloneNode(false);
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.cloneNode(false)", xDocCloneN);
+ XDocument xDocClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocument.class, xDocCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.cloneNode(false)", xDocClone);
+ assertFalse("XDocument.cloneNode(false)",
+ xDocClone.hasChildNodes());
+ assertNull("XDocument.cloneNode(false)", xDocClone.getFirstChild());
+ assertNull("XDocument.cloneNode(false)",
+ xDocClone.getDocumentElement());
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xDocCloneN = xDoc.cloneNode(true);
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.cloneNode(true)", xDocCloneN);
+ XDocument xDocClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocument.class, xDocCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.cloneNode(true)", xDocClone);
+ assertTrue("XDocument.cloneNode(true)", xDocClone.hasChildNodes());
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.cloneNode(true)",
+ xDocClone.getFirstChild());
+ XElement xE = xDocClone.getDocumentElement();
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.cloneNode(true)", xE);
+ assertFalse("XDocument.cloneNode(true)", xElemFooNs.equals(xE));
+ assertEquals("XDocument.cloneNode(true)", "foo", xE.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.cloneNode(true)", ns, xE.getNamespaceURI());
+ }
+ assertNull("XDocument.getAttributes()", xDoc.getAttributes());
+ {
+ XNodeList xChildren = xDoc.getChildNodes();
+ assertTrue("XDocument.getChildNodes()", 1 == xChildren.getLength());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getChildNodes()",
+ xElemFooNs, xChildren.item(0));
+ XNode xFirst = xDoc.getFirstChild();
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getFirstChild()", xElemFooNs, xFirst);
+ XNode xLast = xDoc.getLastChild();
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getLastChild()", xElemFooNs, xLast);
+ }
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getLocalName()", "", xDoc.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getNamespaceURI()", "", xDoc.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertNull("XDocument.getNextSibling()", xDoc.getNextSibling());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getNodeName()",
+ "#document", xDoc.getNodeName());
+ assertTrue("XDocument.getNodeType()",
+ DOCUMENT_NODE == xDoc.getNodeType());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getNodeValue()", "", xDoc.getNodeValue());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getOwnerDocument()",
+ xDoc, xDoc.getOwnerDocument());
+ assertNull("XDocument.getParentNode()", xDoc.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getPrefix()", "", xDoc.getPrefix());
+ assertNull("XDocument.getPreviousSibling()", xDoc.getPreviousSibling());
+ assertFalse("XDocument.hasAttributes()", xDoc.hasAttributes());
+ assertTrue("XDocument.hasChildNodes()", xDoc.hasChildNodes());
+ assertFalse("XDocument.isSupported()",
+ xDoc.isSupported("frobnication", "v99."));
+ xDoc.normalize();
+ try {
+ xDoc.setNodeValue("42");
+ fail("XDocument.setNodeValue()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocument.setNodeValue()",
+ }
+ try {
+ xDoc.setPrefix("foo");
+ fail("XDocument.setPrefix()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocument.setPrefix()",
+ }
+ try {
+ xDoc.appendChild(null);
+ fail("XDocument.appendChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDoc.insertBefore(null, xText);
+ fail("XDocument.insertBefore(null,)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDoc.insertBefore(xText, null);
+ fail("XDocument.insertBefore(, null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDoc.insertBefore(xText, xText);
+ fail("XDocument.insertBefore(x, x)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocument.insertBefore(x, x)",
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xRet = xDoc.insertBefore(xComment, xElemFooNs);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.insertBefore(xComment, xElemFooNs)",
+ xRet, xElemFooNs); // why does this return the old node?
+ assertEquals("XDocument.insertBefore(xComment, xElemFooNs)",
+ xComment, xDoc.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.insertBefore(xComment, xElemFooNs)",
+ xDoc, xComment.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.insertBefore(xCommnet, xElemFooNs)",
+ xElemFooNs, xDoc.getLastChild());
+ }
+ try {
+ xDoc.replaceChild(null, xText);
+ fail("XDocument.replaceChild(null, )");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDoc.replaceChild(xText, null);
+ fail("XDocument.replaceChild(, null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDoc.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo); // not child
+ fail("XDocument.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocument.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo)",
+ }
+ try {
+ xDoc.replaceChild(xElemFooNs, xElemFooNs); // child
+ assertFalse("XDocument.replaceChild(xElemFooNs, xElemFooNs)",
+ false);
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocument.replaceChild(xElemFooNs, xElemFooNs)",
+ }
+ XNode xReplaced = xDoc.replaceChild(xPI, xComment);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.replaceChild(xPI, xComment)",
+ xReplaced, xComment);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.replaceChild(xPI, xComment)",
+ xPI, xDoc.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.replaceChild(xPI, xComment)",
+ xElemFooNs, xDoc.getLastChild());
+ try {
+ xDoc.removeChild(null);
+ fail("XDocument.removeChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDoc.removeChild(xElemFoo);
+ fail("XDocument.removeChild()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocument.removeChild()",
+ }
+ XNode xRemoved = xDoc.removeChild(xPI);
+ assertEquals("XDocument.removeChild(xPI)", xRemoved, xPI);
+ assertTrue("XDocument.removeChild(xPI)", xDoc.hasChildNodes());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.removeChild(xPI)",
+ xElemFooNs, xDoc.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XDocument.removeChild(xPI)",
+ xElemFooNs, xDoc.getLastChild());
+ }
+ @Test public void testXDocumentFragment() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ XDocumentFragment xDF = xDoc.createDocumentFragment();
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createDocumentFragment", xDF);
+ XElement xElemFoo = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createElement", xElemFoo);
+ xDF.appendChild(xElemFoo);
+ // XNode
+ XText xText = xDoc.createTextNode("foo");
+ XComment xComment = xDoc.createComment("foo");
+ {
+ XNode xDFCloneN = xDF.cloneNode(false);
+ assertNotNull("XDocumentFragment.cloneNode(false)", xDFCloneN);
+ XDocumentFragment xDFClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentFragment.class, xDFCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XDocumentFragment.cloneNode(false)", xDFClone);
+ assertFalse("XDocumentFragment.cloneNode(false)",
+ xDFClone.hasChildNodes());
+ assertNull("XDocumentFragment.cloneNode(false)",
+ xDFClone.getFirstChild());
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xDFCloneN = xDF.cloneNode(true);
+ assertNotNull("XDocumentFragment.cloneNode(true)", xDFCloneN);
+ XDocumentFragment xDFClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentFragment.class, xDFCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XDocumentFragment.cloneNode(true)", xDFClone);
+ assertTrue("XDocumentFragment.cloneNode(true)",
+ xDFClone.hasChildNodes());
+ XNode xChild = xDFClone.getFirstChild();
+ assertNotNull("XDocumentFragment.cloneNode(true)", xChild);
+ XElement xE = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XElement.class, xChild);
+ assertFalse("XDocumentFragment.cloneNode(true)",
+ xElemFoo.equals(xE));
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.cloneNode(true)",
+ "foo", xE.getLocalName());
+ }
+ assertNull("XDocumentFragment.getAttributes()", xDF.getAttributes());
+ {
+ XNodeList xChildren = xDF.getChildNodes();
+ assertTrue("XDocumentFragment.getChildNodes()",
+ 1 == xChildren.getLength());
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.getChildNodes()",
+ xElemFoo, xChildren.item(0));
+ XNode xFirst = xDF.getFirstChild();
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.getFirstChild()",
+ xElemFoo, xFirst);
+ XNode xLast = xDF.getLastChild();
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.getLastChild()", xElemFoo, xLast);
+ }
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.getLocalName()",
+ "", xDF.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.getNamespaceURI()",
+ "", xDF.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertNull("XDocumentFragment.getNextSibling()", xDF.getNextSibling());
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.getNodeName()",
+ "#document-fragment", xDF.getNodeName());
+ assertTrue("XDocumentFragment.getNodeType()",
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.getNodeValue()",
+ "", xDF.getNodeValue());
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.getOwnerDocument()",
+ xDoc, xDF.getOwnerDocument());
+ assertNull("XDocumentFragment.getParentNode()", xDF.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.getPrefix()", "", xDF.getPrefix());
+ assertNull("XDocumentFragment.getPreviousSibling()",
+ xDF.getPreviousSibling());
+ assertFalse("XDocumentFragment.hasAttributes()", xDF.hasAttributes());
+ assertTrue("XDocumentFragment.hasChildNodes()", xDF.hasChildNodes());
+ assertFalse("XDocumentFragment.isSupported()",
+ xDF.isSupported("frobnication", "v99."));
+ xDF.normalize();
+ try {
+ xDF.setNodeValue("42");
+ fail("XDocumentFragment.setNodeValue()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocumentFragment.setNodeValue()",
+ }
+ try {
+ xDF.setPrefix("foo");
+ fail("XDocumentFragment.setPrefix()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocumentFragment.setPrefix()",
+ }
+ try {
+ xDF.appendChild(null);
+ fail("XDocumentFragment.appendChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDF.insertBefore(null, xText);
+ fail("XDocumentFragment.insertBefore(null,)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDF.insertBefore(xText, null);
+ fail("XDocumentFragment.insertBefore(, null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDF.insertBefore(xText, xText);
+ fail("XDocumentFragment.insertBefore(x, x)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocumentFragment.insertBefore(x, x)",
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xRet = xDF.insertBefore(xComment, xElemFoo);
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.insertBefore(xComment, xElemFoo)",
+ xRet, xElemFoo); // why does this return the old node?
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.insertBefore(xComment, xElemFoo)",
+ xComment, xDF.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.insertBefore(xComment, xElemFoo)",
+ xDF, xComment.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.insertBefore(xCommnet, xElemFoo)",
+ xElemFoo, xDF.getLastChild());
+ }
+ try {
+ xDF.replaceChild(null, xText);
+ fail("XDocumentFragment.replaceChild(null, )");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDF.replaceChild(xText, null);
+ fail("XDocumentFragment.replaceChild(, null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDF.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo); // not child
+ fail("XDocumentFragment.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocumentFragment.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo)",
+ }
+ try {
+ xDF.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo); // child
+ assertFalse("XDocumentFragment.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo)",
+ false);
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocumentFragment.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo)",
+ }
+ XNode xReplaced = xDF.replaceChild(xText, xComment);
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.replaceChild(xText, xComment)",
+ xReplaced, xComment);
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.replaceChild(xText, xComment)",
+ xText, xDF.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.replaceChild(xText, xComment)",
+ xElemFoo, xDF.getLastChild());
+ try {
+ xDF.removeChild(null);
+ fail("XDocumentFragment.removeChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xDF.removeChild(xComment);
+ fail("XDocumentFragment.removeChild()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocumentFragment.removeChild()",
+ }
+ XNode xRemoved = xDF.removeChild(xText);
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.removeChild(xText)", xRemoved, xText);
+ assertTrue("XDocumentFragment.removeChild(xText)", xDF.hasChildNodes());
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.removeChild(xText)",
+ xElemFoo, xDF.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XDocumentFragment.removeChild(xText)",
+ xElemFoo, xDF.getLastChild());
+ }
+ @Test public void testXElement() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ String ns = "";
+ XElement xElemFoo = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createElement(\"foo\")", xElemFoo);
+ XElement xElemFooNs = xDoc.createElementNS(ns, "e:foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createElementNs(\"foo\")", xElemFooNs);
+ assertEquals("XElement.getTagName", "foo", xElemFoo.getTagName());
+ {
+ XNodeList xNodeList = xElemFoo.getElementsByTagName("bar");
+ assertNotNull("XElement.getElementsByTagName", xNodeList);
+ assertTrue("XElement.getElementsByTagName",
+ 0 == xNodeList.getLength());
+ }
+ {
+ XNodeList xNodeList = xElemFoo.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, "bar");
+ assertNotNull("XElement.getElementsByTagNameNS", xNodeList);
+ assertTrue("XElement.getElementsByTagNameNS",
+ 0 == xNodeList.getLength());
+ }
+ xElemFoo.appendChild(xElemFooNs);
+ {
+ XNodeList xNodeList = xElemFoo.getElementsByTagName("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XElement.getElementsByTagName", xNodeList);
+ assertTrue("XElement.getElementsByTagName",
+ 2 == xNodeList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getElementsByTagName",
+ xElemFoo, xNodeList.item(0));
+ assertEquals("XElement.getElementsByTagName",
+ xElemFooNs, xNodeList.item(1));
+ }
+ {
+ XNodeList xNodeList = xElemFoo.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, "foo");
+ assertNotNull("XElement.getElementsByTagNameNS", xNodeList);
+ assertTrue("XElement.getElementsByTagNameNS",
+ 1 == xNodeList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getElementsByTagNameNS",
+ xElemFooNs, xNodeList.item(0));
+ }
+ {
+ String ret = xElemFoo.getAttribute("foo");
+ assertEquals("XElement.getAttribute", "", ret);
+ }
+ {
+ String ret = xElemFoo.getAttributeNS(ns, "foo");
+ assertEquals("XElement.getAttributeNS", "", ret);
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xAttr = xElemFoo.getAttributeNode("foo");
+ assertNull("XElement.getAttributeNode", xAttr);
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xAttr = xElemFoo.getAttributeNodeNS(ns, "foo");
+ assertNull("XElement.getAttributeNodeNS", xAttr);
+ }
+ assertFalse("XElement.hasAttribute", xElemFoo.hasAttribute("foo"));
+ assertFalse("XElement.hasAttributeNS",
+ xElemFoo.hasAttributeNS(ns, "foo"));
+ // surprisingly this does not throw?
+ xElemFoo.removeAttribute("foo");
+ xElemFoo.removeAttributeNS(ns, "foo");
+ XAttr xAttr = xDoc.createAttribute("foo");
+ XAttr xAttrNs = xDoc.createAttributeNS(ns, "foo");
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.removeAttributeNode(null);
+ fail("XElement.removeAttributeNode(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.removeAttributeNode(xAttr);
+ fail("XElement.removeAttributeNode(xAttr)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XElement.removeAttributeNode(xAttr)",
+ }
+ /* FIXME
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.setAttribute("&", "foo");
+ fail("XElement.setAttribute(\"&\")");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XElement.setAttribute(\"&\")",
+ }
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.setAttributeNS(ns, "&", "foo");
+ fail("XElement.setAttributeNS(\"&\")");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XElement.setAttributeNS(\"&\")",
+ }
+ */
+ XAttr xAttrSet = xElemFoo.setAttributeNode(xAttr);
+ assertEquals("XElement.setAttributeNode(xAttr)",
+ xAttrSet, xElemFoo.getAttributeNode("foo"));
+ assertEquals("XElement.setAttributeNode(xAttr)",
+ xElemFoo, xAttrSet.getOwnerElement());
+ try {
+ xElemFooNs.setAttributeNode(xAttrSet);
+ fail("XElement.setAttributeNode(xAttrSet)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XElement.setAttributeNode(xAttrSet)",
+ }
+ XAttr xAttrNsSet = xElemFooNs.setAttributeNodeNS(xAttrNs);
+ assertEquals("XElement.setAttributeNodeNS(xAttr)",
+ xAttrNsSet, xElemFooNs.getAttributeNodeNS(ns, "foo"));
+ assertEquals("XElement.setAttributeNodeNS(xAttrNs)",
+ xElemFooNs, xAttrNsSet.getOwnerElement());
+ try {
+ xElemFooNs.setAttributeNodeNS(xAttrNsSet);
+ fail("XElement.setAttributeNodeNS(xAttrNsSet)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XElement.setAttributeNodeNS(xAttrNsSet)",
+ }
+ XAttr xAttrRemoved = xElemFoo.removeAttributeNode(xAttrSet);
+ assertNotNull("XElement.removeAttributeNode(xAttrSet)", xAttrRemoved);
+ assertEquals("XElement.removeAttributeNode(xAttrSet)",
+ "foo", xAttrRemoved.getName());
+ assertNull("XElement.removeAttributeNode(xAttrSet)",
+ xAttrRemoved.getOwnerElement());
+ XAttr xAttrNsRemoved = xElemFooNs.removeAttributeNode(xAttrNsSet);
+ assertNotNull("XElement.removeAttributeNode(xAttrNsSet)",
+ xAttrNsRemoved);
+ assertEquals("XElement.removeAttributeNode(xAttrNsSet)",
+ "foo", xAttrNsRemoved.getName());
+ assertNull("XElement.removeAttributeNode(xAttrNsSet)",
+ xAttrNsRemoved.getOwnerElement());
+ xElemFoo.setAttribute("foo", "bar");
+ assertEquals("XElement.setAttribute()",
+ "bar", xElemFoo.getAttribute("foo"));
+ xElemFooNs.setAttributeNS(ns, "foo", "bar");
+ assertEquals("XElement.setAttributeNS()",
+ "bar", xElemFooNs.getAttributeNS(ns, "foo"));
+ xElemFoo.removeAttribute("foo");
+ assertNull("XElement.removeAttribute",
+ xElemFoo.getAttributeNode("foo"));
+ xElemFooNs.removeAttributeNS(ns, "foo");
+ assertNull("XElement.removeAttributeNS",
+ xElemFooNs.getAttributeNodeNS(ns, "foo"));
+ // XNode
+ XText xText = xDoc.createTextNode("foo");
+ XComment xComment = xDoc.createComment("foo");
+ {
+ XNamedNodeMap xAttrMap = xElemFoo.getAttributes();
+ assertNotNull("XElement.getAttributes", xAttrMap);
+ assertTrue("XElement.getAttributes", 0 == xAttrMap.getLength());
+ assertFalse("XElement.hasAttributes()", xElemFoo.hasAttributes());
+ }
+ xElemFooNs.setAttribute("foo", "bar");
+ xElemFoo.setAttributeNS(ns, "foo", "bar");
+ {
+ XNamedNodeMap xAttrMap = xElemFoo.getAttributes();
+ assertNotNull("XElement.getAttributes", xAttrMap);
+ assertTrue("XElement.getAttributes", 1 == xAttrMap.getLength());
+ XNode xAttr_ = xAttrMap.getNamedItemNS(ns, "foo");
+ assertNotNull("XElement.getAttributes", xAttr_);
+ }
+ {
+ XNamedNodeMap xAttrMap = xElemFooNs.getAttributes();
+ assertNotNull("XElement.getAttributes", xAttrMap);
+ assertTrue("XElement.getAttributes", 1 == xAttrMap.getLength());
+ XNode xAttr_ = xAttrMap.getNamedItem("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XElement.getAttributes", xAttr_);
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xElemFooCloneN = xElemFoo.cloneNode(false);
+ assertNotNull("XElement.cloneNode(false)", xElemFooCloneN);
+ XElement xElemFooClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XElement.class, xElemFooCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XElement.cloneNode(false)", xElemFooClone);
+ assertFalse("XElement.cloneNode(false)",
+ xElemFooClone.hasChildNodes());
+ assertNull("XElement.cloneNode(false)",
+ xElemFooClone.getFirstChild());
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xElemFooCloneN = xElemFoo.cloneNode(true);
+ assertNotNull("XElement.cloneNode(true)", xElemFooCloneN);
+ XElement xElemFooClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XElement.class, xElemFooCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XElement.cloneNode(true)", xElemFooClone);
+ assertTrue("XElement.cloneNode(true)",
+ xElemFooClone.hasChildNodes());
+ assertTrue("XElement.cloneNode(true)",
+ xElemFooClone.hasAttributeNS(ns, "foo"));
+ XNode xChild = xElemFooClone.getFirstChild();
+ assertNotNull("XElement.cloneNode(true)", xChild);
+ XElement xElemFooNsClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XElement.class, xChild);
+ assertNotNull("XElement.cloneNode(true)", xElemFooNsClone);
+ assertEquals("XElement.cloneNode(true)", "foo",
+ xElemFooNsClone.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XElement.cloneNode(true)", ns,
+ xElemFooNsClone.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertTrue("XElement.cloneNode(true)",
+ xElemFooNsClone.hasAttribute("foo"));
+ }
+ {
+ XNodeList xChildren = xElemFoo.getChildNodes();
+ assertTrue("XElement.getChildNodes()", 1 == xChildren.getLength());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getChildNodes()",
+ xElemFooNs, xChildren.item(0));
+ XNode xFirst = xElemFoo.getFirstChild();
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getFirstChild()", xElemFooNs, xFirst);
+ XNode xLast = xElemFoo.getLastChild();
+ assertEquals("XDocument.getLastChild()", xElemFooNs, xLast);
+ }
+ assertEquals("XElement.getLocalName()", "foo", xElemFoo.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getLocalName()", "foo",
+ xElemFooNs.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getNamespaceURI()", "",
+ xElemFoo.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getNamespaceURI()", ns,
+ xElemFooNs.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertNull("XElement.getNextSibling()", xElemFoo.getNextSibling());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getNodeName()", "foo", xElemFoo.getNodeName());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getNodeName()", "foo",
+ xElemFooNs.getNodeName());
+ assertTrue("XElement.getNodeType()",
+ ELEMENT_NODE == xElemFoo.getNodeType());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getNodeValue()", "", xElemFoo.getNodeValue());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getOwnerDocument()",
+ xDoc, xElemFoo.getOwnerDocument());
+ assertNull("XElement.getParentNode()", xElemFoo.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getParentNode()",
+ xElemFoo, xElemFooNs.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getPrefix()", "", xElemFoo.getPrefix());
+ assertEquals("XElement.getPrefix()", "e", xElemFooNs.getPrefix());
+ assertNull("XElement.getPreviousSibling()",
+ xElemFoo.getPreviousSibling());
+ assertTrue("XElement.hasAttributes()", xElemFoo.hasAttributes());
+ assertTrue("XElement.hasChildNodes()", xElemFoo.hasChildNodes());
+ assertFalse("XElement.hasChildNodes()", xElemFooNs.hasChildNodes());
+ assertFalse("XElement.isSupported()",
+ xElemFoo.isSupported("frobnication", "v99."));
+ xElemFoo.normalize();
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.setNodeValue("42");
+ fail("XElement.setNodeValue()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XElement.setNodeValue()",
+ }
+ xElemFooNs.setPrefix("f");
+ assertEquals("XElement.getPrefix()", "f", xElemFooNs.getPrefix());
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.appendChild(null);
+ fail("XElement.appendChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.insertBefore(null, xText);
+ fail("XElemFoo.insertBefore(null,)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.insertBefore(xText, null);
+ fail("XElemFoo.insertBefore(, null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.insertBefore(xText, xText);
+ fail("XElement.insertBefore(x, x)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XDocument.insertBefore(x, x)",
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xRet = xElemFoo.insertBefore(xText, xElemFooNs);
+ assertEquals("XElement.insertBefore(xText, xElemFooNs)",
+ xRet, xElemFooNs); // why does this return the old node?
+ assertEquals("XElement.insertBefore(xText, xElemFooNs)",
+ xText, xElemFoo.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XElement.insertBefore(xText, xElemFooNs)",
+ xElemFoo, xText.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XElement.insertBefore(xText, xElemFooNs)",
+ xElemFooNs, xElemFoo.getLastChild());
+ }
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.replaceChild(null, xText);
+ fail("XElement.replaceChild(null, )");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.replaceChild(xText, null);
+ fail("XElement.replaceChild(, null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo); // not child
+ fail("XElement.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XElement.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo)",
+ }
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.replaceChild(xElemFooNs, xElemFooNs); // child
+ assertFalse("XElement.replaceChild(xElemFooNs, xElemFooNs)",
+ false);
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XElement.replaceChild(xElemFooNs, xElemFooNs)",
+ }
+ XNode xReplaced = xElemFoo.replaceChild(xComment, xText);
+ assertEquals("XElement.replaceChild(xComment, xText)",
+ xReplaced, xText);
+ assertEquals("XElement.replaceChild(xComment, xText)",
+ xComment, xElemFoo.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XElement.replaceChild(xComment, xText)",
+ xElemFooNs, xElemFoo.getLastChild());
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.removeChild(null);
+ fail("XElement.removeChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xElemFoo.removeChild(xElemFoo);
+ fail("XElement.removeChild()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XElement.removeChild()",
+ }
+ XNode xRemoved = xElemFoo.removeChild(xComment);
+ assertEquals("XElement.removeChild(xComment)", xRemoved, xComment);
+ assertTrue("XElement.removeChild(xComment)", xElemFoo.hasChildNodes());
+ assertEquals("XElement.removeChild(xComment)",
+ xElemFooNs, xElemFoo.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XElement.removeChild(xComment)",
+ xElemFooNs, xElemFoo.getLastChild());
+ }
+ @Test public void testXAttr() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ String ns = "";
+ XAttr xAttr = xDoc.createAttribute("foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createAttribute", xAttr);
+ XAttr xAttrNs = xDoc.createAttributeNS(ns, "e:foo");
+ assertNotNull("XDocument.createAttribute", xAttr);
+ assertTrue("XAttr.getSpecified", xAttr.getSpecified());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getName()", "foo", xAttr.getName());
+ assertNull("XAttr.getOwnerElement()", xAttr.getOwnerElement());
+ XElement xElemFoo = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ XNode xInserted = xElemFoo.appendChild(xAttr);
+ XAttr xAttrIns =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XAttr.class, xInserted);
+ assertNotNull(xAttrIns);
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getOwnerElement()",
+ xElemFoo, xAttrIns.getOwnerElement());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getValue()", "", xAttr.getValue());
+ xAttr.setValue("bar");
+ assertEquals("XAttr.setValue()", "bar", xAttr.getValue());
+ // XNode
+ {
+ XNode xAttrCloneN = xAttr.cloneNode(false);
+ assertNotNull("XAttr.cloneNode(false)", xAttrCloneN);
+ XAttr xAttrClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XAttr.class, xAttrCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XAttr.cloneNode(false)", xAttrClone);
+ // actually the children are copied even if bDeep=false
+ // does that make sense for attributes?
+ /*
+ assertFalse("XAttr.cloneNode(false)", xAttrClone.hasChildNodes());
+ assertNull("XAttr.cloneNode(false)", xAttrClone.getFirstChild());
+ */
+ assertTrue("XAttr.cloneNode(true)", xAttrClone.hasChildNodes());
+ XNode xChild = xAttrClone.getFirstChild();
+ assertNotNull("XAttr.cloneNode(true)", xChild);
+ XText xText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xChild);
+ assertNotNull("XAttr.cloneNode(true)", xText);
+ assertEquals("XAttr.cloneNode(true)", "bar", xText.getNodeValue());
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xAttrCloneN = xAttr.cloneNode(true);
+ assertNotNull("XAttr.cloneNode(true)", xAttrCloneN);
+ XAttr xAttrClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XAttr.class, xAttrCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XAttr.cloneNode(true)", xAttrClone);
+ assertTrue("XAttr.cloneNode(true)", xAttrClone.hasChildNodes());
+ XNode xChild = xAttrClone.getFirstChild();
+ assertNotNull("XAttr.cloneNode(true)", xChild);
+ XText xText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xChild);
+ assertNotNull("XAttr.cloneNode(true)", xText);
+ assertEquals("XAttr.cloneNode(true)", "bar", xText.getNodeValue());
+ }
+ assertNull("XAttr.getAttributes()", xAttr.getAttributes());
+ {
+ XNodeList xChildren = xAttr.getChildNodes();
+ assertTrue("XAttr.getChildNodes()", 1 == xChildren.getLength());
+ XNode xChild = xChildren.item(0);
+ assertNotNull("XAttr.getChildNodes()", xChild);
+ XText xText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xChild);
+ assertNotNull("XAttr.getChildNodes()", xText);
+ XNode xFirst = xAttr.getFirstChild();
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getFirstChild()", xText, xFirst);
+ XNode xLast = xAttr.getLastChild();
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getLastChild()", xText, xLast);
+ }
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getLocalName()", "foo", xAttr.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getLocalName()", "foo", xAttrNs.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getNamespaceURI()", "", xAttr.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getNamespaceURI()", ns, xAttrNs.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertNull("XAttr.getNextSibling()", xAttr.getNextSibling());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getNodeName()", "foo", xAttr.getNodeName());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getNodeName()", "foo", xAttrNs.getNodeName());
+ assertTrue("XAttr.getNodeType()",
+ ATTRIBUTE_NODE == xAttr.getNodeType());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getNodeValue()", "bar", xAttr.getNodeValue());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getNodeValue()", "", xAttrNs.getNodeValue());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getOwnerDocument()",
+ xDoc, xDoc.getOwnerDocument());
+ assertNull("XAttr.getParentNode()", xAttr.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getPrefix()", "", xAttr.getPrefix());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.getPrefix()", "e", xAttrNs.getPrefix());
+ assertNull("XAttr.getPreviousSibling()", xAttr.getPreviousSibling());
+ assertFalse("XAttr.hasAttributes()", xAttr.hasAttributes());
+ assertTrue("XAttr.hasChildNodes()", xAttr.hasChildNodes());
+ assertFalse("XAttr.isSupported()",
+ xAttr.isSupported("frobnication", "v99."));
+ xAttr.normalize();
+ xAttr.setNodeValue("42");
+ assertEquals("XAttr.setNodeValue()", "42", xAttr.getNodeValue());
+ xAttrNs.setPrefix("f");
+ assertEquals("XAttr.setPrefix()", "f", xAttrNs.getPrefix());
+ XText xText = xDoc.createTextNode("baz");
+ XText xTextNew = xDoc.createTextNode("quux");
+ try {
+ xAttr.appendChild(null);
+ fail("XAttr.appendChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xAttr.insertBefore(null, xText);
+ fail("XAttr.insertBefore(null,)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xAttr.insertBefore(xText, null);
+ fail("XAttr.insertBefore(, null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xAttr.insertBefore(xText, xText);
+ fail("XAttr.insertBefore(x, x)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XAttr.insertBefore(x, x)",
+ }
+ XNode xChild = xAttr.getFirstChild();
+ assertNotNull(xChild);
+ {
+ XNode xRet = xAttr.insertBefore(xText, xChild);
+ assertEquals("XAttr.insertBefore(xText, xChild)",
+ xRet, xChild); // why does this return the old node?
+ assertEquals("XAttr.insertBefore(xText, xChild)",
+ xText, xAttr.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.insertBefore(xText, xChild)",
+ xAttr, xText.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.insertBefore(xText, xChild)",
+ xChild, xAttr.getLastChild());
+ }
+ try {
+ xAttr.replaceChild(null, xText);
+ fail("XAttr.replaceChild(null, )");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xAttr.replaceChild(xText, null);
+ fail("XAttr.replaceChild(, null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xAttr.replaceChild(xAttrNs, xAttrNs); // not child
+ fail("XAttr.replaceChild(xAttrNs, xAttrNs)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XAttr.replaceChild(xAttrNs, xAttrNs)",
+ }
+ try {
+ xAttr.replaceChild(xChild, xChild); // child
+ assertFalse("XAttr.replaceChild(xChild, xChild)",
+ false);
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XAttr.replaceChild(xChild, xChild)",
+ }
+ XNode xReplaced = xAttr.replaceChild(xTextNew, xChild);
+ assertEquals("XAttr.replaceChild(xTextNew, xChild)", xChild, xReplaced);
+ assertEquals("XAttr.replaceChild(xTextNew, xChild)",
+ xText, xAttr.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.replaceChild(xTextNew, xChild)",
+ xTextNew, xAttr.getLastChild());
+ try {
+ xAttr.removeChild(null);
+ fail("XAttr.removeChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xAttr.removeChild(xAttrNs);
+ fail("XAttr.removeChild()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XAttr.removeChild()", HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ XNode xRemoved = xAttr.removeChild(xTextNew);
+ assertEquals("XAttr.removeChild(xText)", xRemoved, xTextNew);
+ assertTrue("XAttr.removeChild(xText)", xAttr.hasChildNodes());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.removeChild(xText)",
+ xText, xAttr.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XAttr.removeChild(xText)",
+ xText, xAttr.getLastChild());
+ }
+ @Test public void testXText() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ XText xText = xDoc.createTextNode("foobar");
+ assertNotNull(xText);
+ assertEquals("XText.getData", "foobar", xText.getData());
+ assertEquals("XText.getLength", 6, xText.getLength());
+ /* FIXME
+ try {
+ xText.splitText(9999);
+ fail("XText.splitText(9999)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XText.splitText(9999)", INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ {
+ XText xTextBar = xText.splitText(2);
+ assertNotNull("XText.splitText", xTextBar);
+ assertEquals("XText.splitText", "foo", xText.getData());
+ assertEquals("XText.splitText", "bar", xTextBar.getData());
+ }
+ */
+ xText.setData("foo");
+ xText.appendData("baz");
+ assertEquals("XText.appendData", "foobaz", xText.getData());
+ try {
+ xText.deleteData(999,999);
+ fail("XText.deleteData(999,999)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XText.deleteData(999,999)", INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ xText.deleteData(0, 3);
+ assertEquals("XText.deleteData", "baz", xText.getData());
+ try {
+ xText.insertData(999,"blah");
+ fail("XText.insertData(999,\"blah\")");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XText.insertData(999,\"blah\")",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ xText.insertData(1, "arb");
+ assertEquals("XText.insertData", "barbaz", xText.getData());
+ try {
+ xText.replaceData(999,999,"x");
+ fail("XText.replaceData(999,999,\"x\")");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XText.replaceData(999,999,\"x\")",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ xText.replaceData(3, 3, "foo");
+ assertEquals("XText.replaceData", "barfoo", xText.getData());
+ xText.setData("quux");
+ assertEquals("XText.setData", "quux", xText.getData());
+ try {
+ xText.subStringData(999,999);
+ fail("XText.subStringData(999,999)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XText.subStringData(999,999)",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ assertEquals("XText.subStringData", "x", xText.subStringData(3, 1));
+ // XNode
+ {
+ XNode xTextCloneN = xText.cloneNode(false);
+ assertNotNull("XText.cloneNode(false)", xTextCloneN);
+ XText xTextClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xTextCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XText.cloneNode(false)", xTextClone);
+ assertFalse("XText.cloneNode(false)",
+ xTextClone.hasChildNodes());
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xTextCloneN = xText.cloneNode(true);
+ assertNotNull("XText.cloneNode(true)", xTextCloneN);
+ XText xTextClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xTextCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XText.cloneNode(true)", xTextClone);
+ assertFalse("XText.cloneNode(true)", xTextClone.hasChildNodes());
+ }
+ assertNull("XText.getAttributes()", xText.getAttributes());
+ {
+ XNodeList xChildren = xText.getChildNodes();
+ assertTrue("XText.getChildNodes()", 0 == xChildren.getLength());
+ }
+ assertEquals("XText.getLocalName()", "", xText.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XText.getNamespaceURI()", "", xText.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertNull("XText.getNextSibling()", xText.getNextSibling());
+ assertEquals("XText.getNodeName()", "#text", xText.getNodeName());
+ assertTrue("XText.getNodeType()",
+ TEXT_NODE == xText.getNodeType());
+ assertEquals("XText.getNodeValue()", "quux", xText.getNodeValue());
+ assertEquals("XText.getOwnerDocument()",
+ xDoc, xText.getOwnerDocument());
+ assertNull("XText.getParentNode()", xText.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XText.getPrefix()", "", xText.getPrefix());
+ assertNull("XText.getPreviousSibling()", xText.getPreviousSibling());
+ assertFalse("XText.hasAttributes()", xText.hasAttributes());
+ assertFalse("XText.hasChildNodes()", xText.hasChildNodes());
+ assertFalse("XText.isSupported()",
+ xText.isSupported("frobnication", "v99."));
+ xText.normalize();
+ xText.setNodeValue("42");
+ assertEquals("XText.setNodeValue()", "42", xText.getNodeValue());
+ try {
+ xText.setPrefix("foo");
+ fail("XText.setPrefix()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XText.setPrefix()",
+ }
+ XText xText2 = xDoc.createTextNode("foobar");
+ XText xText3 = xDoc.createTextNode("foobar");
+ try {
+ xText.appendChild(null);
+ fail("XText.appendChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xText.appendChild(xText2);
+ fail("XText.appendChild(xText2)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XText.appendChild(xText2)",
+ }
+ try {
+ xText.insertBefore(xText2, xText3);
+ fail("XText.insertBefore");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xText.replaceChild(xText2, xText3);
+ fail("XText.insertBefore");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xText.removeChild(null);
+ fail("XText.removeChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xText.removeChild(xText2);
+ fail("XText.removeChild");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XText.removeChild", HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test public void testXCDataSection() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ XCDATASection xCDS = xDoc.createCDATASection("foobar");
+ assertNotNull(xCDS);
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.getData", "foobar", xCDS.getData());
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.getLength", 6, xCDS.getLength());
+ /* FIXME
+ try {
+ xCDS.splitText(9999);
+ fail("XCDATASection.splitText(9999)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XCDATASection.splitText(9999)",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ {
+ XCDATASection xCDSBar = xCDS.splitText(2);
+ assertNotNull("XCDATASection.splitText", xCDSBar);
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.splitText", "foo", xCDS.getData());
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.splitText", "bar", xCDSBar.getData());
+ }
+ */
+ xCDS.setData("foo");
+ xCDS.appendData("baz");
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.appendData", "foobaz", xCDS.getData());
+ try {
+ xCDS.deleteData(999,999);
+ fail("XCDATASection.deleteData(999,999)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XCDATASection.deleteData(999,999)",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ xCDS.deleteData(0, 3);
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.deleteData", "baz", xCDS.getData());
+ try {
+ xCDS.insertData(999,"blah");
+ fail("XCDATASection.insertData(999,\"blah\")");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XCDATASection.insertData(999,\"blah\")",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ xCDS.insertData(1, "arb");
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.insertData", "barbaz", xCDS.getData());
+ try {
+ xCDS.replaceData(999,999,"x");
+ fail("XCDATASection.replaceData(999,999,\"x\")");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XCDATASection.replaceData(999,999,\"x\")",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ xCDS.replaceData(3, 3, "foo");
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.replaceData", "barfoo", xCDS.getData());
+ xCDS.setData("quux");
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.setData", "quux", xCDS.getData());
+ try {
+ xCDS.subStringData(999,999);
+ fail("XCDATASection.subStringData(999,999)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XCDATASection.subStringData(999,999)",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.subStringData", "x",
+ xCDS.subStringData(3, 1));
+ // XNode
+ {
+ XNode xCDSCloneN = xCDS.cloneNode(false);
+ assertNotNull("XCDATASection.cloneNode(false)", xCDSCloneN);
+ XCDATASection xCDSClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCDATASection.class, xCDSCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XCDATASection.cloneNode(false)", xCDSClone);
+ assertFalse("XCDATASection.cloneNode(false)",
+ xCDSClone.hasChildNodes());
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xCDSCloneN = xCDS.cloneNode(true);
+ assertNotNull("XCDATASection.cloneNode(true)", xCDSCloneN);
+ XCDATASection xCDSClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCDATASection.class, xCDSCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XCDATASection.cloneNode(true)", xCDSClone);
+ assertFalse("XCDATASection.cloneNode(true)",
+ xCDSClone.hasChildNodes());
+ }
+ assertNull("XCDATASection.getAttributes()", xCDS.getAttributes());
+ {
+ XNodeList xChildren = xCDS.getChildNodes();
+ assertTrue("XCDATASection.getChildNodes()",
+ 0 == xChildren.getLength());
+ }
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.getLocalName()", "", xCDS.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.getNamespaceURI()", "",
+ xCDS.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertNull("XCDATASection.getNextSibling()", xCDS.getNextSibling());
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.getNodeName()", "#cdata-section",
+ xCDS.getNodeName());
+ assertTrue("XCDATASection.getNodeType()",
+ CDATA_SECTION_NODE == xCDS.getNodeType());
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.getNodeValue()", "quux",
+ xCDS.getNodeValue());
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.getOwnerDocument()",
+ xDoc, xCDS.getOwnerDocument());
+ assertNull("XCDATASection.getParentNode()", xCDS.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.getPrefix()", "", xCDS.getPrefix());
+ assertNull("XCDATASection.getPreviousSibling()",
+ xCDS.getPreviousSibling());
+ assertFalse("XCDATASection.hasAttributes()", xCDS.hasAttributes());
+ assertFalse("XCDATASection.hasChildNodes()", xCDS.hasChildNodes());
+ assertFalse("XCDATASection.isSupported()",
+ xCDS.isSupported("frobnication", "v99."));
+ xCDS.normalize();
+ xCDS.setNodeValue("42");
+ assertEquals("XCDATASection.setNodeValue()", "42", xCDS.getNodeValue());
+ try {
+ xCDS.setPrefix("foo");
+ fail("XCDATASection.setPrefix()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XCDATASection.setPrefix()",
+ }
+ XCDATASection xCDS2 = xDoc.createCDATASection("foobar");
+ XCDATASection xCDS3 = xDoc.createCDATASection("foobar");
+ try {
+ xCDS.appendChild(null);
+ fail("XCDATASection.appendChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xCDS.appendChild(xCDS2);
+ fail("XCDATASection.appendChild(xCDS2)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XCDATASection.appendChild(xCDS2)",
+ }
+ try {
+ xCDS.insertBefore(xCDS2, xCDS3);
+ fail("XCDATASection.insertBefore");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xCDS.replaceChild(xCDS2, xCDS3);
+ fail("XCDATASection.insertBefore");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xCDS.removeChild(null);
+ fail("XCDATASection.removeChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xCDS.removeChild(xCDS2);
+ fail("XCDATASection.removeChild");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XCDATASection.removeChild",
+ }
+ }
+ @Test public void testXComment() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ XComment xComment = xDoc.createComment("foo");
+ assertNotNull(xComment);
+ assertEquals("XComment.getData", "foo", xComment.getData());
+ assertEquals("XComment.getLength", 3, xComment.getLength());
+ xComment.appendData("baz");
+ assertEquals("XComment.appendData", "foobaz", xComment.getData());
+ try {
+ xComment.deleteData(999,999);
+ fail("XComment.deleteData(999,999)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XComment.deleteData(999,999)",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ xComment.deleteData(0, 3);
+ assertEquals("XComment.deleteData", "baz", xComment.getData());
+ try {
+ xComment.insertData(999,"blah");
+ fail("XComment.insertData(999,\"blah\")");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XComment.insertData(999,\"blah\")",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ xComment.insertData(1, "arb");
+ assertEquals("XComment.insertData", "barbaz", xComment.getData());
+ try {
+ xComment.replaceData(999,999,"x");
+ fail("XComment.replaceData(999,999,\"x\")");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XComment.replaceData(999,999,\"x\")",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ xComment.replaceData(3, 3, "foo");
+ assertEquals("XComment.replaceData", "barfoo", xComment.getData());
+ xComment.setData("quux");
+ assertEquals("XComment.setData", "quux", xComment.getData());
+ try {
+ xComment.subStringData(999,999);
+ fail("XComment.subStringData(999,999)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XComment.subStringData(999,999)",
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ assertEquals("XComment.subStringData", "x",
+ xComment.subStringData(3, 1));
+ // XNode
+ {
+ XNode xCommentCloneN = xComment.cloneNode(false);
+ assertNotNull("XComment.cloneNode(false)", xCommentCloneN);
+ XComment xCommentClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComment.class, xCommentCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XComment.cloneNode(false)", xCommentClone);
+ assertFalse("XComment.cloneNode(false)",
+ xCommentClone.hasChildNodes());
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xCommentCloneN = xComment.cloneNode(true);
+ assertNotNull("XComment.cloneNode(true)", xCommentCloneN);
+ XComment xCommentClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComment.class, xCommentCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XComment.cloneNode(true)", xCommentClone);
+ assertFalse("XComment.cloneNode(true)",
+ xCommentClone.hasChildNodes());
+ }
+ assertNull("XComment.getAttributes()", xComment.getAttributes());
+ {
+ XNodeList xChildren = xComment.getChildNodes();
+ assertTrue("XComment.getChildNodes()", 0 == xChildren.getLength());
+ }
+ assertEquals("XComment.getLocalName()", "", xComment.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XComment.getNamespaceURI()", "",
+ xComment.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertNull("XComment.getNextSibling()", xComment.getNextSibling());
+ assertEquals("XComment.getNodeName()", "#comment",
+ xComment.getNodeName());
+ assertTrue("XComment.getNodeType()",
+ COMMENT_NODE == xComment.getNodeType());
+ assertEquals("XComment.getNodeValue()", "quux",
+ xComment.getNodeValue());
+ assertEquals("XComment.getOwnerDocument()",
+ xDoc, xComment.getOwnerDocument());
+ assertNull("XComment.getParentNode()", xComment.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XComment.getPrefix()", "", xComment.getPrefix());
+ assertNull("XComment.getPreviousSibling()",
+ xComment.getPreviousSibling());
+ assertFalse("XComment.hasAttributes()", xComment.hasAttributes());
+ assertFalse("XComment.hasChildNodes()", xComment.hasChildNodes());
+ assertFalse("XComment.isSupported()",
+ xComment.isSupported("frobnication", "v99."));
+ xComment.normalize();
+ xComment.setNodeValue("42");
+ assertEquals("XComment.setNodeValue()", "42", xComment.getNodeValue());
+ try {
+ xComment.setPrefix("foo");
+ fail("XComment.setPrefix()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XComment.setPrefix()",
+ }
+ XComment xComment2 = xDoc.createComment("foobar");
+ XComment xComment3 = xDoc.createComment("foobar");
+ try {
+ xComment.appendChild(null);
+ fail("XComment.appendChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xComment.appendChild(xComment2);
+ fail("XComment.appendChild(xComment2)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XComment.appendChild(xComment2)",
+ }
+ try {
+ xComment.insertBefore(xComment2, xComment3);
+ fail("XComment.insertBefore");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xComment.replaceChild(xComment2, xComment3);
+ fail("XComment.insertBefore");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xComment.removeChild(null);
+ fail("XComment.removeChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xComment.removeChild(xComment2);
+ fail("XComment.removeChild");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XComment.removeChild", HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR == e.Code);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test public void testXEntityReference() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ XEntityReference xER = xDoc.createEntityReference("foobar");
+ assertNotNull(xER);
+ XEntityReference xERChild = xDoc.createEntityReference("baz");
+ assertNotNull(xERChild);
+ xER.appendChild(xERChild);
+ // XNode
+ XText xText = xDoc.createTextNode("foo");
+ XComment xComment = xDoc.createComment("foo");
+ {
+ XNode xERCloneN = xER.cloneNode(false);
+ assertNotNull("XEntityReference.cloneNode(false)", xERCloneN);
+ XEntityReference xERClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XEntityReference.class, xERCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XEntityReference.cloneNode(false)", xERClone);
+ assertFalse("XEntityReference.cloneNode(false)",
+ xERClone.hasChildNodes());
+ assertNull("XEntityReference.cloneNode(false)",
+ xERClone.getFirstChild());
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xERCloneN = xER.cloneNode(true);
+ assertNotNull("XEntityReference.cloneNode(true)", xERCloneN);
+ XEntityReference xERClone =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XEntityReference.class, xERCloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XEntityReference.cloneNode(true)", xERClone);
+ /* FIXME this is actually in libxml2: children are not copied
+ assertTrue("XEntityReference.cloneNode(true)",
+ xERClone.hasChildNodes());
+ XNode xChild = xERClone.getFirstChild();
+ assertNotNull("XEntityReference.cloneNode(true)", xChild);
+ XEntityReference xChildER =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XEntityReference.class, xChild);
+ assertNotNull("XEntityReference.cloneNode(true)", xChildER);
+ assertFalse("XEntityReference.cloneNode(true)",
+ xChildER.equals(xERChild));
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.cloneNode(true)",
+ "baz", xChildER.getLocalName());
+ */
+ }
+ assertNull("XEntityReference.getAttributes()", xER.getAttributes());
+ {
+ XNodeList xChildren = xER.getChildNodes();
+ assertTrue("XEntityReference.getChildNodes()",
+ 1 == xChildren.getLength());
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.getChildNodes()",
+ xERChild, xChildren.item(0));
+ XNode xFirst = xER.getFirstChild();
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.getFirstChild()",
+ xERChild, xFirst);
+ XNode xLast = xER.getLastChild();
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.getLastChild()", xERChild, xLast);
+ }
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.getLocalName()", "", xER.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.getNamespaceURI()", "",
+ xER.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertNull("XEntityReference.getNextSibling()", xER.getNextSibling());
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.getNodeName()",
+ "foobar", xER.getNodeName());
+ assertTrue("XEntityReference.getNodeType()",
+ ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE == xER.getNodeType());
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.getNodeValue()", "", xER.getNodeValue());
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.getOwnerDocument()",
+ xDoc, xER.getOwnerDocument());
+ assertNull("XEntityReference.getParentNode()", xER.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.getPrefix()", "", xER.getPrefix());
+ assertNull("XEntityReference.getPreviousSibling()",
+ xER.getPreviousSibling());
+ assertFalse("XEntityReference.hasAttributes()", xER.hasAttributes());
+ assertTrue("XEntityReference.hasChildNodes()", xER.hasChildNodes());
+ assertFalse("XEntityReference.isSupported()",
+ xER.isSupported("frobnication", "v99."));
+ xER.normalize();
+ try {
+ xER.setNodeValue("42");
+ fail("XEntityReference.setNodeValue()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XEntityReference.setNodeValue()",
+ }
+ try {
+ xER.setPrefix("foo");
+ fail("XEntityReference.setPrefix()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XEntityReference.setPrefix()",
+ }
+ try {
+ xER.appendChild(null);
+ fail("XEntityReference.appendChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xER.insertBefore(null, xText);
+ fail("XEntityReference.insertBefore(null,)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xER.insertBefore(xText, null);
+ fail("XEntityReference.insertBefore(, null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xER.insertBefore(xText, xText);
+ fail("XEntityReference.insertBefore(x, x)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XEntityReference.insertBefore(x, x)",
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xRet = xER.insertBefore(xComment, xERChild);
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.insertBefore(xComment, xERChild)",
+ xRet, xERChild); // why does this return the old node?
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.insertBefore(xComment, xERChild)",
+ xComment, xER.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.insertBefore(xComment, xERChild)",
+ xER, xComment.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.insertBefore(xCommnet, xERChild)",
+ xERChild, xER.getLastChild());
+ }
+ try {
+ xER.replaceChild(null, xText);
+ fail("XEntityReference.replaceChild(null, )");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xER.replaceChild(xText, null);
+ fail("XEntityReference.replaceChild(, null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xER.replaceChild(xText, xText); // not child
+ fail("XEntityReference.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XEntityReference.replaceChild(xElemFoo, xElemFoo)",
+ }
+ try {
+ xER.replaceChild(xERChild, xERChild); // child
+ assertFalse("XEntityReference.replaceChild(xERChild, xERChild)",
+ false);
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XEntityReference.replaceChild(xERChild, xERChild)",
+ }
+ XNode xReplaced = xER.replaceChild(xText, xComment);
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.replaceChild(xText, xComment)",
+ xReplaced, xComment);
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.replaceChild(xText, xComment)",
+ xText, xER.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.replaceChild(xText, xComment)",
+ xERChild, xER.getLastChild());
+ try {
+ xER.removeChild(null);
+ fail("XEntityReference.removeChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xER.removeChild(xER);
+ fail("XEntityReference.removeChild()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XEntityReference.removeChild()",
+ }
+ XNode xRemoved = xER.removeChild(xText);
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.removeChild(xText)", xRemoved, xText);
+ assertTrue("XEntityReference.removeChild(xText)", xER.hasChildNodes());
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.removeChild(xText)",
+ xERChild, xER.getFirstChild());
+ assertEquals("XEntityReference.removeChild(xText)",
+ xERChild, xER.getLastChild());
+ }
+ @Test public void testXProcessingInstruction() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ XProcessingInstruction xPI =
+ xDoc.createProcessingInstruction("foo", "bar");
+ assertNotNull(xPI);
+ assertEquals("XProcessingInstruction.getTarget",
+ "foo", xPI.getTarget());
+ assertEquals("XProcessingInstruction.getData", "bar", xPI.getData());
+ xPI.setData("baz");
+ assertEquals("XProcessingInstruction.setData", "baz", xPI.getData());
+ // XNode
+ {
+ XNode xPICloneN = xPI.cloneNode(false);
+ assertNotNull("XProcessingInstruction.cloneNode(false)", xPICloneN);
+ XProcessingInstruction xPIClone = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XProcessingInstruction.class, xPICloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XProcessingInstruction.cloneNode(false)", xPIClone);
+ assertFalse("XProcessingInstruction.cloneNode(false)",
+ xPIClone.hasChildNodes());
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xPICloneN = xPI.cloneNode(true);
+ assertNotNull("XProcessingInstruction.cloneNode(true)", xPICloneN);
+ XProcessingInstruction xPIClone = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XProcessingInstruction.class, xPICloneN);
+ assertNotNull("XProcessingInstruction.cloneNode(true)", xPIClone);
+ assertFalse("XProcessingInstruction.cloneNode(true)",
+ xPIClone.hasChildNodes());
+ }
+ assertNull("XProcessingInstruction.getAttributes()",
+ xPI.getAttributes());
+ {
+ XNodeList xChildren = xPI.getChildNodes();
+ assertTrue("XProcessingInstruction.getChildNodes()",
+ 0 == xChildren.getLength());
+ }
+ assertEquals("XProcessingInstruction.getLocalName()",
+ "", xPI.getLocalName());
+ assertEquals("XProcessingInstruction.getNamespaceURI()",
+ "", xPI.getNamespaceURI());
+ assertNull("XProcessingInstruction.getNextSibling()",
+ xPI.getNextSibling());
+ assertEquals("XProcessingInstruction.getNodeName()",
+ "foo", xPI.getNodeName());
+ assertTrue("XProcessingInstruction.getNodeType()",
+ assertEquals("XProcessingInstruction.getNodeValue()",
+ "baz", xPI.getNodeValue());
+ assertEquals("XProcessingInstruction.getOwnerDocument()",
+ xDoc, xPI.getOwnerDocument());
+ assertNull("XProcessingInstruction.getParentNode()",
+ xPI.getParentNode());
+ assertEquals("XProcessingInstruction.getPrefix()", "", xPI.getPrefix());
+ assertNull("XProcessingInstruction.getPreviousSibling()",
+ xPI.getPreviousSibling());
+ assertFalse("XProcessingInstruction.hasAttributes()",
+ xPI.hasAttributes());
+ assertFalse("XProcessingInstruction.hasChildNodes()",
+ xPI.hasChildNodes());
+ assertFalse("XProcessingInstruction.isSupported()",
+ xPI.isSupported("frobnication", "v99."));
+ xPI.normalize();
+ xPI.setNodeValue("42");
+ assertEquals("XProcessingInstruction.setNodeValue()",
+ "42", xPI.getNodeValue());
+ try {
+ xPI.setPrefix("foo");
+ fail("XProcessingInstruction.setPrefix()");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XProcessingInstruction.setPrefix()",
+ }
+ XText xText2 = xDoc.createTextNode("foobar");
+ XText xText3 = xDoc.createTextNode("foobar");
+ try {
+ xPI.appendChild(null);
+ fail("XProcessingInstruction.appendChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xPI.appendChild(xText2);
+ fail("XProcessingInstruction.appendChild(xText2)");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XProcessingInstruction.appendChild(xText2)",
+ }
+ try {
+ xPI.insertBefore(xText2, xText3);
+ fail("XProcessingInstruction.insertBefore");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xPI.replaceChild(xText2, xText3);
+ fail("XProcessingInstruction.insertBefore");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xPI.removeChild(null);
+ fail("XProcessingInstruction.removeChild(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xPI.removeChild(xText2);
+ fail("XProcessingInstruction.removeChild");
+ } catch (DOMException e) {
+ assertTrue("XProcessingInstruction.removeChild",
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ @Test public void testXEntity() throws Exception
+ {
+ XEntity xEntity = FIXME how to get at this shy creature?
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ @Test public void testXNotation() throws Exception
+ {
+ XNotation xNotation = FIXME how to create?
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ @Test public void testXDocumentType() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentType xDT = FIXME how to create?
+ }
+ */
+ @Test public void testXNodeList_ChildList() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ XElement xRoot = xDoc.createElement("root");
+ XElement xFoo = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ XElement xBar = xDoc.createElement("bar");
+ XElement xBaz = xDoc.createElement("baz");
+ xDoc.appendChild(xRoot);
+ XNodeList xChildList = xRoot.getChildNodes();
+ assertNotNull(xChildList);
+ assertSame("ChildList.getLength()", 0, xChildList.getLength());
+ try {
+ xChildList.item(4);
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ xRoot.appendChild(xFoo);
+ assertSame("ChildList.getLength()", 1, xChildList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("ChildList.item", xFoo, xChildList.item(0));
+ xRoot.appendChild(xBar);
+ assertSame("ChildList.getLength()", 2, xChildList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("ChildList.item", xFoo, xChildList.item(0));
+ assertEquals("ChildList.item", xBar, xChildList.item(1));
+ xRoot.appendChild(xBaz);
+ assertSame("ChildList.getLength()", 3, xChildList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("ChildList.item", xFoo, xChildList.item(0));
+ assertEquals("ChildList.item", xBar, xChildList.item(1));
+ assertEquals("ChildList.item", xBaz, xChildList.item(2));
+ xRoot.removeChild(xBar);
+ assertSame("ChildList.getLength()", 2, xChildList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("ChildList.item", xFoo, xChildList.item(0));
+ assertEquals("ChildList.item", xBaz, xChildList.item(1));
+ }
+ @Test public void testXNodeList_ElementList() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ XElement xRoot = xDoc.createElement("root");
+ XElement xBar = xDoc.createElement("bar");
+ XElement xFoo1 = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ XElement xFoo2 = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ XElement xFoo3 = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ xDoc.appendChild(xRoot);
+ XNodeList xElementList = xRoot.getElementsByTagName("foo");
+ assertNotNull(xElementList);
+ assertSame("ElementList.getLength()", 0, xElementList.getLength());
+ try {
+ xElementList.item(4);
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ xRoot.appendChild(xFoo1);
+ assertSame("ElementList.getLength()", 1, xElementList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("ElementList.item", xFoo1, xElementList.item(0));
+ xFoo1.appendChild(xBar);
+ assertSame("ElementList.getLength()", 1, xElementList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("ElementList.item", xFoo1, xElementList.item(0));
+ xRoot.appendChild(xFoo3);
+ assertSame("ElementList.getLength()", 2, xElementList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("ElementList.item", xFoo1, xElementList.item(0));
+ assertEquals("ElementList.item", xFoo3, xElementList.item(1));
+ xBar.appendChild(xFoo2);
+ assertSame("ElementList.getLength()", 3, xElementList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("ElementList.item", xFoo1, xElementList.item(0));
+ assertEquals("ElementList.item", xFoo2, xElementList.item(1));
+ assertEquals("ElementList.item", xFoo3, xElementList.item(2));
+ xRoot.removeChild(xFoo1);
+ assertSame("ElementList.getLength()", 1, xElementList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("ElementList.item", xFoo3, xElementList.item(0));
+ }
+ @Test public void testXNamedNodeMap_AttributesMap() throws Exception
+ {
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ String ns = "";
+ XElement xElem = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ XNamedNodeMap xAttributes = xElem.getAttributes();
+ assertNotNull(xAttributes);
+ assertSame("AttributesMap.getLength()", 0, xAttributes.getLength());
+ try {
+ xAttributes.item(4);
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ xElem.setAttribute("bar", "42");
+ XAttr xAttrBar = xElem.getAttributeNode("bar");
+ assertSame("AttributesMap.getLength()", 1, xAttributes.getLength());
+ assertEquals("AttributesMap.item", xAttrBar, xAttributes.item(0));
+ assertEquals("AttributesMap.getNamedItem",
+ xAttrBar, xAttributes.getNamedItem("bar"));
+ xElem.setAttributeNS(ns, "n:bar", "43");
+ XAttr xAttrBarNs = xElem.getAttributeNodeNS(ns, "bar");
+ assertSame("AttributesMap.getLength()", 2, xAttributes.getLength());
+ assertEquals("AttributesMap.item", xAttrBar, xAttributes.item(0));
+ assertEquals("AttributesMap.item", xAttrBarNs, xAttributes.item(1));
+ assertEquals("AttributesMap.getNamedItem",
+ xAttrBar, xAttributes.getNamedItem("bar"));
+ assertEquals("AttributesMap.getNamedItemNS",
+ xAttrBarNs, xAttributes.getNamedItemNS(ns, "bar"));
+ XNode xAttrBarNsRem = xAttributes.removeNamedItemNS(ns, "bar");
+ assertSame("AttributesMap.getLength()", 1, xAttributes.getLength());
+ assertEquals("AttributesMap.removeNamedItemNS",
+ xAttrBar, xAttributes.item(0));
+ assertEquals("AttributesMap.removeNamedItemNS",
+ xAttrBar, xAttributes.getNamedItem("bar"));
+ assertNull("AttributesMap.removeNamedItemNS",
+ xAttrBarNsRem.getParentNode());
+ XNode xAttrBarRem = xAttributes.removeNamedItem("bar");
+ assertSame("AttributesMap.getLength()", 0, xAttributes.getLength());
+ assertNull("AttributesMap.removeNamedItem",
+ xAttrBarRem.getParentNode());
+ XNode xAttrBarSetN = xAttributes.setNamedItem(xAttrBarRem);
+ assertNotNull("AttributesMap.setNamedItem", xAttrBarSetN);
+ XAttr xAttrBarSet =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XAttr.class, xAttrBarSetN);
+ assertNotNull("AttributesMap.setNamedItem", xAttrBarSet);
+ assertEquals("AttributesMap.setNamedItem",
+ xAttrBarSet, xAttributes.getNamedItem("bar"));
+ XNode xAttrBarNsSetN = xAttributes.setNamedItemNS(xAttrBarNsRem);
+ assertNotNull("AttributesMap.setNamedItemNS", xAttrBarNsSetN);
+ XAttr xAttrBarNsSet =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XAttr.class, xAttrBarNsSetN);
+ assertNotNull("AttributesMap.setNamedItemNS", xAttrBarNsSet);
+ assertEquals("AttributesMap.setNamedItemNS",
+ xAttrBarNsSet, xAttributes.getNamedItemNS(ns, "bar"));
+ assertSame("AttributesMap.getLength()", 2, xAttributes.getLength());
+ }
+ /*
+ @Test public void testXNamedNodeMap_EntitiesMap() throws Exception
+ {
+ XNamedNodeMap xEntities = FIXME
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ @Test public void testXNamedNodeMap_NotationsMap() throws Exception
+ {
+ XNamedNodeMap xNotations = FIXME
+ }
+ */
+ @Test public void testXXPathAPI() throws Exception
+ {
+ XXPathAPI xXPathAPI =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XXPathAPI.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ String ns = "";
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ XElement xRoot = xDoc.createElement("root");
+ XElement xFoo1 = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ XElement xFoo2 = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ XElement xFooNs = xDoc.createElementNS(ns, "ns:foo");
+ XElement xBar = xDoc.createElement("bar");
+ xDoc.appendChild(xRoot);
+ xRoot.appendChild(xFoo1);
+ xFoo1.appendChild(xBar);
+ xBar.appendChild(xFoo2);
+ xRoot.appendChild(xFooNs);
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.eval(xRoot, "~/-$+&#_");
+ fail("XXPathAPI.eval");
+ } catch (XPathException e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.evalNS(xRoot, "~/-$+&#_", xRoot);
+ fail("XXPathAPI.evalNS");
+ } catch (XPathException e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.selectNodeList(xRoot, "~/-$+&#_");
+ fail("XXPathAPI.selectNodeList");
+ } catch (XPathException e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.selectNodeListNS(xRoot, "~/-$+&#_", xRoot);
+ fail("XXPathAPI.selectNodeListNS");
+ } catch (XPathException e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.selectSingleNode(xRoot, "~/-$+&#_");
+ fail("XXPathAPI.selectSingleNode");
+ } catch (XPathException e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.selectSingleNodeNS(xRoot, "~/-$+&#_", xRoot);
+ fail("XXPathAPI.selectSingleNodeNS");
+ } catch (XPathException e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.eval(null, "child::foo");
+ fail("XXPathAPI.eval(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.evalNS(null, "child::foo", xRoot);
+ fail("XXPathAPI.evalNS(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.selectNodeList(null, "child::foo");
+ fail("XXPathAPI.selectNodeList(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.selectNodeListNS(null, "child::foo", xRoot);
+ fail("XXPathAPI.selectNodeListNS(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.selectSingleNode(null, "child::foo");
+ fail("XXPathAPI.selectSingleNode(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.selectSingleNodeNS(null, "child::foo", xRoot);
+ fail("XXPathAPI.selectSingleNodeNS(null)");
+ } catch (Exception e) { /* expected */ }
+ {
+ XXPathObject xResult = xXPathAPI.eval(xRoot, "count(child::foo)");
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.eval", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathAPI.eval",
+ XPATH_NUMBER, xResult.getObjectType());
+ assertEquals("XXPathAPI.eval", 1, xResult.getLong());
+ }
+ {
+ XXPathObject xResult =
+ xXPathAPI.evalNS(xRoot, "count(//ns:foo)", xFooNs);
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.evalNS", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathAPI.evalNS",
+ XPATH_NUMBER, xResult.getObjectType());
+ assertEquals("XXPathAPI.evalNS", 1, xResult.getLong());
+ }
+ {
+ XNodeList xResult = xXPathAPI.selectNodeList(xRoot, "child::foo");
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.selectNodeList", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathAPI.selectNodeList", 1, xResult.getLength());
+ assertEquals("XXPathAPI.selectNodeList", xFoo1, xResult.item(0));
+ }
+ {
+ XNodeList xResult =
+ xXPathAPI.selectNodeListNS(xRoot, ".//ns:foo", xFooNs);
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.selectNodeListNS", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathAPI.selectNodeListNS", 1, xResult.getLength());
+ assertEquals("XXPathAPI.selectNodeListNS", xFooNs, xResult.item(0));
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xResult = xXPathAPI.selectSingleNode(xBar, "child::foo");
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.selectSingleNode", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathAPI.selectSingleNode", xFoo2, xResult);
+ }
+ {
+ XNode xResult =
+ xXPathAPI.selectSingleNodeNS(xFoo2, "//ns:foo", xFooNs);
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.selectSingleNodeNS", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathAPI.selectSingleNodeNS", xFooNs, xResult);
+ }
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.selectSingleNode(xDoc, "//pre:foo");
+ fail("XXPathAPI.selectSingleNode");
+ } catch (XPathException e) { /* expected */ }
+ xXPathAPI.registerNS("pre", ns);
+ {
+ XNode xResult = xXPathAPI.selectSingleNode(xDoc, "//pre:foo");
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.registerNS", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathAPI.registerNS", xFooNs, xResult);
+ }
+ xXPathAPI.unregisterNS("pre", ns);
+ try {
+ xXPathAPI.selectSingleNode(xDoc, "//pre:foo");
+ fail("XXPathAPI.unregisterNS");
+ } catch (XPathException e) { /* expected */ }
+ /* FIXME
+ registerExtension("");
+ registerExtensionInstance(xExtension);
+ */
+ }
+ @Test public void testXXPathObject() throws Exception
+ {
+ XXPathAPI xXPathAPI =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XXPathAPI.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ String ns = "";
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ XElement xRoot = xDoc.createElement("root");
+ XElement xFoo1 = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ XElement xFoo2 = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ XElement xFooNs = xDoc.createElementNS(ns, "ns:foo");
+ XElement xBar = xDoc.createElement("bar");
+ xDoc.appendChild(xRoot);
+ xRoot.appendChild(xFoo1);
+ xFoo1.appendChild(xBar);
+ xBar.appendChild(xFoo2);
+ xRoot.appendChild(xFooNs);
+ {
+ XXPathObject xResult = xXPathAPI.eval(xRoot, "count(//foo)");
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.eval", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getObjectType",
+ XPATH_NUMBER, xResult.getObjectType());
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getByte", 2, xResult.getByte());
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getShort", 2, xResult.getShort());
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getLong", 2, xResult.getLong());
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getHyper", 2, xResult.getHyper());
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getFloat", 2.0, xResult.getFloat(), 0.0);
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getDouble",
+ 2.0, xResult.getDouble(), 0.0);
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getString", "2", xResult.getString());
+ }
+ {
+ XXPathObject xResult = xXPathAPI.eval(xRoot, "count(//foo) = 2");
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.eval", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getObjectType",
+ XPATH_BOOLEAN, xResult.getObjectType());
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getBoolean", true, xResult.getBoolean());
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getString", "true", xResult.getString());
+ }
+ {
+ XXPathObject xResult = xXPathAPI.eval(xRoot, "count(//foo) = 2");
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.eval", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getObjectType",
+ XPATH_BOOLEAN, xResult.getObjectType());
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getBoolean", true, xResult.getBoolean());
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getString", "true", xResult.getString());
+ }
+ {
+ XXPathObject xResult = xXPathAPI.eval(xRoot, "local-name(foo)");
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.eval", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getObjectType",
+ XPATH_STRING, xResult.getObjectType());
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getString", "foo", xResult.getString());
+ }
+ {
+ XXPathObject xResult = xXPathAPI.eval(xRoot, "//foo");
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.eval", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getObjectType",
+ XPATH_NODESET, xResult.getObjectType());
+ assertNotNull("XXPathObject.getNodeList", xResult.getNodeList());
+ }
+ }
+ @Test public void testXNodeList_NodeList() throws Exception
+ {
+ XXPathAPI xXPathAPI =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XXPathAPI.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ String ns = "";
+ XDocument xDoc = xBuilder.newDocument();
+ XElement xRoot = xDoc.createElement("root");
+ XElement xFoo1 = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ XElement xFoo2 = xDoc.createElement("foo");
+ XElement xFooNs = xDoc.createElementNS(ns, "ns:foo");
+ XElement xBar = xDoc.createElement("bar");
+ xDoc.appendChild(xRoot);
+ xRoot.appendChild(xFoo1);
+ xFoo1.appendChild(xBar);
+ xBar.appendChild(xFoo2);
+ xRoot.appendChild(xFooNs);
+ {
+ XXPathObject xResult = xXPathAPI.eval(xRoot, "//foo");
+ assertNotNull("XXPathAPI.eval", xResult);
+ assertEquals("XXPathObject.getObjectType",
+ XPATH_NODESET, xResult.getObjectType());
+ XNodeList xNodeList = xResult.getNodeList();
+ assertNotNull("XXPathObject.getNodeList", xNodeList);
+ assertEquals("NodeList.getLength", 2, xNodeList.getLength());
+ assertEquals("NodeList.item", xFoo1, xNodeList.item(0));
+ assertEquals("NodeList.item", xFoo2, xNodeList.item(1));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test public void testXSAXSerialize() throws Exception
+ {
+ String file =
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
+ "<office:document-content " +
+ "xmlns:office=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0\" " +
+ "xmlns:xlink=\"\" " +
+ "xmlns=\"\" " +
+ "office:version=\"1.0\">" +
+ "<office:scripts/>" +
+ "<xlink:test/>" +
+ "<office:automatic-styles teststyle=\"test\"/>" +
+ "<moretest/>" +
+ "some text \u00F6\u00E4\u00FC" +
+ "</office:document-content>";
+ XDocumentBuilder xBuilder =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentBuilder.class,
+ m_xMSF.createInstance(""));
+ XInputStream xIn =
+ SequenceInputStream.createStreamFromSequence(m_xContext, file.getBytes("UTF-8"));
+ XDocument xDoc =
+ xBuilder.parse(xIn);
+ XDocumentHandler xHandler =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentHandler.class, new DummyDocumentHandler());
+ XSAXSerializable serializable =
+ UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSAXSerializable.class, xDoc);
+ serializable.serialize(xHandler, new StringPair[0]);
+ }
+ private class DummyDocumentHandler implements XDocumentHandler
+ {
+ public void startDocument() throws SAXException {}
+ public void endDocument() throws SAXException {}
+ public void startElement(String s, XAttributeList a) throws SAXException {}
+ public void endElement(String s) throws SAXException {}
+ public void characters(String s) throws SAXException {}
+ public void ignorableWhitespace(String s) throws SAXException {}
+ public void processingInstruction(String s1, String s2) throws SAXException {}
+ public void setDocumentLocator(XLocator l) throws SAXException {}
+ }
+ // just for importNode...
+ private abstract class MockNode implements XNode
+ {
+ MockDoc m_document;
+ MockNode m_parent;
+ MockNode m_prev;
+ MockNode m_next;
+ MockNode[] m_children;
+ String m_localname;
+ void init(MockDoc doc, MockNode parent, MockNode prev, MockNode next,
+ MockNode[] children)
+ {
+ m_document = doc;
+ m_parent = parent; m_prev = prev; m_next = next;
+ m_children = children;
+ }
+ public XNode appendChild(XNode c) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.appendChild called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNode cloneNode(boolean b) {
+ fail("MockNode.cloneNode called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNamedNodeMap getAttributes() {
+ fail("MockNode.getAttributes not implemented");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNodeList getChildNodes() {
+ fail("MockNode.getChildList not implemented");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNode getFirstChild() {
+ return (m_children.length != 0) ? m_children[0] : null;
+ }
+ public XNode getLastChild() {
+ return (m_children.length != 0)
+ ? m_children[m_children.length-1] : null;
+ }
+ public String getLocalName() { return m_localname; }
+ public String getNamespaceURI() { return ""; }
+ public XNode getNextSibling() { return m_next; }
+ public String getNodeName() { return m_localname; }
+// NodeType getNodeType() { return m_type; }
+ public String getNodeValue() throws DOMException { return ""; }
+ public XDocument getOwnerDocument() { return m_document; }
+ public XNode getParentNode() { return m_parent; }
+ public String getPrefix() { return ""; }
+ public XNode getPreviousSibling() { return m_prev; }
+ public boolean hasAttributes() { return false; }
+ public boolean hasChildNodes() { return m_children.length != 0; }
+ public XNode insertBefore(XNode c, XNode r) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.insertBefore called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public boolean isSupported(String a, String b) { return false; }
+ public void normalize() {
+ fail("MockNode.normalize called?");
+ }
+ public XNode removeChild(XNode c) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.removeChild called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNode replaceChild(XNode c, XNode o) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.replaceChild called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void setNodeValue(String v) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.setNodeValue called?");
+ }
+ public void setPrefix(String p) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.setPrefix called?");
+ }
+ }
+ class MockDoc extends MockNode implements XDocument
+ {
+// MockDoc() { }
+ void init(MockNode[] children) {
+ super.init(this, null, null, null, children);
+ }
+ public NodeType getNodeType() { return DOCUMENT_NODE; }
+ public XAttr createAttribute(String n) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.createAttribute called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XAttr createAttributeNS(String n, String q) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.createAttributeNS called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XCDATASection createCDATASection(String s) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.createCDATASection called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XComment createComment(String s) {
+ fail("MockNode.createCDATASection called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XDocumentFragment createDocumentFragment() {
+ fail("MockNode.createDocumentFragment called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XElement createElement(String n) {
+ fail("MockNode.createElement called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XElement createElementNS(String n, String q) {
+ fail("MockNode.createElementNS called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XEntityReference createEntityReference(String n)
+ throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.createEntityReference called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(String t,
+ String d) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.createEntityReference called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XText createTextNode(String d) {
+ fail("MockNode.createTextNode called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XDocumentType getDoctype() {
+ fail("MockNode.getDoctype called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XElement getDocumentElement() {
+ fail("MockNode.getDocumentElement called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XElement getElementById(String id) {
+ fail("MockNode.getElementById called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNodeList getElementsByTagName(String n) {
+ fail("MockNode.getElementsByTagName called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNodeList getElementsByTagNameNS(String n, String q) {
+ fail("MockNode.getElementsByTagNameNS called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XDOMImplementation getImplementation() {
+ fail("MockNode.getImplementation called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNode importNode(XNode i, boolean b) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.importNode called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ class MockNodeMap implements XNamedNodeMap
+ {
+ private MockAttr[] m_attributes;
+ MockNodeMap(MockAttr[] attrs) { m_attributes = attrs; }
+ public int getLength() { return m_attributes.length; }
+ public XNode getNamedItem(String name) {
+ fail("MockNodeMap.getNamedItem not implemented");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNode getNamedItemNS(String n, String l) {
+ fail("MockNodeMap.getNamedItemNS not implemented");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNode item(int index) {
+ return m_attributes[index];
+ }
+ public XNode removeNamedItem(String n) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNodeMap.removeNamedItem called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNode removeNamedItemNS(String n, String l) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNodeMap.removeNamedItemNS called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNode setNamedItem(XNode n) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNodeMap.setNamedItem called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNode setNamedItemNS(XNode n) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNodeMap.setNamedItemNS called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ class MockElement extends MockNode implements XElement
+ {
+ private MockAttr[] m_attributes;
+ MockElement(String name, MockAttr[] attrs) {
+ m_localname = name; m_attributes = attrs;
+ }
+ public NodeType getNodeType() { return ELEMENT_NODE; }
+ @Override
+ public XNamedNodeMap getAttributes() {
+ return new MockNodeMap(m_attributes);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasAttributes() { return m_attributes.length != 0; }
+ public String getAttribute(String n) {
+ fail("MockNode.getAttribute not implemented");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XAttr getAttributeNode(String n) {
+ fail("MockNode.getAttributeNode not implemented");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XAttr getAttributeNodeNS(String n, String l) {
+ fail("MockNode.getAttributeNodeNS not implemented");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public String getAttributeNS(String n, String q) {
+ fail("MockNode.getAttributeNS not implemented");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNodeList getElementsByTagName(String n) {
+ fail("MockNode.getElementsByTagName called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XNodeList getElementsByTagNameNS(String n, String l) {
+ fail("MockNode.getElementsByTagNameNS called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public String getTagName() {
+ return getLocalName();
+ }
+ public boolean hasAttribute(String n) {
+ fail("MockNode.hasAttribute not implemented");
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean hasAttributeNS(String n, String l) {
+ fail("MockNode.hasAttributeNS not implemented");
+ return false;
+ }
+ public void removeAttribute(String n) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.removeAttribute called?");
+ }
+ public XAttr removeAttributeNode(XAttr o) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.removeAttributeNode called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void removeAttributeNS(String n, String l) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.removeAttributeNS called?");
+ }
+ public void setAttribute(String n, String v) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.setAttribute called?");
+ }
+ public XAttr setAttributeNode(XAttr n) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.setAttributeNode called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public XAttr setAttributeNodeNS(XAttr n) throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.setAttributeNodeNS called?");
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void setAttributeNS(String n, String q, String v)
+ throws DOMException {
+ fail("MockNode.setAttributeNS called?");
+ }
+ }
+ class MockAttr extends MockNode implements XAttr
+ {
+ private String m_value;
+ MockAttr(String name, String value) {
+ m_localname = name; m_value = value;
+ }
+ public NodeType getNodeType() { return ATTRIBUTE_NODE; }
+ public String getName() { return m_localname; }
+ public XElement getOwnerElement() { return (XElement) m_parent; }
+ public boolean getSpecified() { return true; }
+ public String getValue() { return m_value; }
+ public void setValue(String v) {
+ fail("MockNode.setValue called?");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/ b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54277a0f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/
@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+package complex.unoxml;
+import helper.StreamSimulator;
+import lib.TestParameters;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.openoffice.test.OfficeConnection;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+ * Test case for service
+ * Currently, this service is implemented in
+ * unoxml/source/rdf/librdf_repository.cxx
+ *
+ */
+public class RDFRepositoryTest
+ XComponentContext xContext;
+ String tempDir;
+ XDocumentRepository xRep;
+ XURI foo;
+ XURI bar;
+ XURI baz;
+ XURI uint;
+ XURI rdfslabel;
+ XURI manifest;
+ XURI uuid;
+ XURI base;
+ XBlankNode blank;
+ XLiteral lit;
+ XLiteral litlang;
+ XLiteral littype;
+ String rdfs = "";
+ /**
+ * The test parameters
+ */
+ private TestParameters param = null;
+ @Before public void before()
+ {
+ try {
+ XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = getMSF();
+ param = new TestParameters();
+ param.put("ServiceFactory", xMSF);
+ assertNotNull("could not create MultiServiceFactory.", xMSF);
+ XPropertySet xPropertySet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xMSF);
+ Object defaultCtx = xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("DefaultContext");
+ xContext = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentContext.class, defaultCtx);
+ assertNotNull("could not get component context.", xContext);
+ tempDir = util.utils.getOfficeTemp/*Dir*/(xMSF);
+ System.out.println("tempdir: " + tempDir);
+ foo = URI.create(xContext, "uri:foo");
+ assertNotNull("foo", foo);
+ bar = URI.create(xContext, "uri:bar");
+ assertNotNull("bar", bar);
+ baz = URI.create(xContext, "uri:baz");
+ assertNotNull("baz", baz);
+ uint = URI.create(xContext, "uri:int");
+ assertNotNull("uint", uint);
+ blank = BlankNode.create(xContext, "_:uno");
+ assertNotNull("blank", blank);
+ lit = Literal.create(xContext, "I am the literal");
+ assertNotNull("lit", lit);
+ litlang = Literal.createWithLanguage(xContext,
+ "I am the literal", "en");
+ assertNotNull("litlang", litlang);
+ littype = Literal.createWithType(xContext, "42", uint);
+ assertNotNull("littype", littype);
+ rdfslabel = URI.create(xContext, rdfs + "label");
+ assertNotNull("rdfslabel", rdfslabel);
+ manifest = URI.create(xContext, "manifest:manifest"); //FIXME
+ assertNotNull("manifest", manifest);
+ uuid = URI.create(xContext,
+ "urn:uuid:224ab023-77b8-4396-a75a-8cecd85b81e3");
+ assertNotNull("uuid", uuid);
+ base = URI.create(xContext, "base-uri:"); //FIXME
+ assertNotNull("base", base);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ report(e);
+ }
+ //FIXME: ?
+// xRep = Repository.create(xContext);
+ System.out.println("Creating service Repository...");
+ xRep = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentRepository.class, Repository.create(xContext));
+ assertNotNull("null", xRep);
+ System.out.println("...done");
+ }
+ @After public void after()
+ {
+ xRep = null;
+ }
+ @Test public void check()
+ {
+ try {
+ System.out.println("Checking that new repository is really empty...");
+ assertTrue("empty: graphs", 0 == xRep.getGraphNames().length);
+ XEnumeration stmts;
+ stmts = xRep.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("empty: stmts", !stmts.hasMoreElements());
+ System.out.println("...done");
+ System.out.println("Checking graph creation...");
+ XNamedGraph xFooGraph = xRep.createGraph(foo);
+ assertNotNull("foo graph", xFooGraph);
+ try {
+ xRep.createGraph(foo);
+ fail("creating duplicate graph was allowed");
+ } catch (ElementExistException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ try {
+ xRep.createGraph(null);
+ fail("invalid graph name was allowed");
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ XURI[] names = xRep.getGraphNames();
+ assertTrue("no foo graph in getGraphNames",
+ 1 == names.length && eq(names[0], foo));
+ assertNotNull("no foo graph", xRep.getGraph(foo));
+ stmts = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("stmts in foo graph", !stmts.hasMoreElements());
+ XOutputStream xFooOut =
+ new StreamSimulator(tempDir + "empty.rdf", false, param);
+ xRep.exportGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xFooOut, foo, base);
+ xFooOut.closeOutput();
+ XInputStream xFooIn =
+ new StreamSimulator(tempDir + "empty.rdf", true, param);
+ xRep.importGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xFooIn, bar, base);
+ assertNotNull("no bar graph", xRep.getGraph(bar));
+ System.out.println("...done");
+ System.out.println("Checking graph manipulation...");
+ XEnumeration xFooEnum;
+ Statement xFoo_FooBarBaz = new Statement(foo, bar, baz, foo);
+ xFooGraph.addStatement(foo, bar, baz);
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("addStatement(foo,bar,baz)",
+ eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz }));
+ Statement xFoo_FooBarBlank = new Statement(foo, bar, blank, foo);
+ xFooGraph.addStatement(foo, bar, blank);
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("addStatement(foo,bar,blank)",
+ eq(xFooEnum,
+ new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank }));
+ xFooEnum = xRep.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("addStatement(foo,bar,blank) (global)",
+ eq(xFooEnum,
+ new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank }));
+ Statement xFoo_BazBarLit = new Statement(baz, bar, lit, foo);
+ xFooGraph.addStatement(baz, bar, lit);
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("addStatement(baz,bar,lit)",
+ eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] {
+ xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank, xFoo_BazBarLit }));
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(baz, bar, null);
+ assertTrue("addStatement(baz,bar,lit) (baz,bar)",
+ eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_BazBarLit }));
+ Statement xFoo_BazBarLitlang =
+ new Statement(baz, bar, litlang, foo);
+ xFooGraph.addStatement(baz, bar, litlang);
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("addStatement(baz,bar,litlang)",
+ eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] {
+ xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank, xFoo_BazBarLit,
+ xFoo_BazBarLitlang }));
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, baz);
+ assertTrue("addStatement(baz,bar,litlang) (baz)",
+ eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz }));
+ Statement xFoo_BazBarLittype =
+ new Statement(baz, bar, littype, foo);
+ xFooGraph.addStatement(baz, bar, littype);
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("addStatement(baz,bar,littype)",
+ eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank,
+ xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLitlang, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));
+ xFooGraph.removeStatements(baz, bar, litlang);
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("removeStatement(baz,bar,litlang)",
+ eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank,
+ xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));
+ xFooGraph.removeStatements(foo, bar, null);
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("removeStatement(foo,bar,null)",
+ eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] {
+ xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));
+ xFooGraph.addStatement(foo, bar, baz);
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("addStatement(foo,bar,baz) (re-add)",
+ eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz,
+ xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));
+ xFooGraph.addStatement(foo, bar, baz);
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("addStatement(foo,bar,baz) (duplicate)",
+ eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz,
+ xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));
+ xFooGraph.addStatement(xFooGraph, bar, baz);
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("addStatement(foo,bar,baz) (triplicate, as graph)",
+ eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz,
+ xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));
+ System.out.println("...done");
+ System.out.println("Checking graph import/export...");
+ xFooOut = new StreamSimulator(tempDir + "foo.rdf", false, param);
+ xRep.exportGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xFooOut, foo, base);
+ xFooOut.closeOutput();
+ xFooIn = new StreamSimulator(tempDir + "foo.rdf", true, param);
+ try {
+ xRep.importGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xFooIn, bar, base);
+ fail("importing existing graph did not fail");
+ } catch (ElementExistException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ xFooIn = new StreamSimulator(tempDir + "foo.rdf", true, param);
+ xRep.importGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xFooIn, baz, base);
+ XNamedGraph xBazGraph = xRep.getGraph(baz);
+ assertNotNull("no baz graph", xBazGraph);
+ Statement xBaz_FooBarBaz = new Statement(foo, bar, baz, baz);
+ Statement xBaz_BazBarLit = new Statement(baz, bar, lit, baz);
+ Statement xBaz_BazBarLittype =
+ new Statement(baz, bar, littype, baz);
+ XEnumeration xBazEnum = xBazGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("importing exported graph",
+ eq(xBazEnum, new Statement[] {
+ xBaz_FooBarBaz, xBaz_BazBarLit, xBaz_BazBarLittype }));
+ System.out.println("...done");
+ System.out.println("Checking graph deletion...");
+ xFooGraph.clear();
+ xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ assertTrue("clear", eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { }));
+ xRep.destroyGraph(baz);
+ assertNull("baz graph zombie", xRep.getGraph(baz));
+ try {
+ xBazGraph.clear();
+ fail("deleted graph not invalid (clear)");
+ } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ try {
+ xBazGraph.addStatement(foo, foo, foo);
+ fail("deleted graph not invalid (add)");
+ } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ try {
+ xBazGraph.removeStatements(null, null, null);
+ fail("deleted graph not invalid (remove)");
+ } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ try {
+ xBazGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ fail("deleted graph not invalid (get)");
+ } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ System.out.println("...done");
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ report(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void checkSPARQL()
+ {
+ try {
+ System.out.println("Checking SPARQL queries...");
+ XInputStream xIn = new StreamSimulator(TestDocument.getUrl("example.rdf"), true, param);
+ xRep.importGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xIn, manifest, base);
+ String query;
+ query = "SELECT ?p WHERE { ?p rdf:type pkg:Package . }";
+ XQuerySelectResult result = xRep.querySelect(mkNss() + query);
+ assertTrue("query: package-id\n" + query,
+ eq(result, new String[] { "p" },
+ new XNode[][] { { uuid } }));
+ query = "SELECT ?part ?path FROM <" + manifest +
+ "> WHERE { ?pkg rdf:type pkg:Package . ?pkg pkg:hasPart ?part ."
+ + " ?part pkg:path ?path . ?part rdf:type odf:ContentFile. }";
+ result = xRep.querySelect(mkNss() + query);
+ assertTrue("query: contentfile",
+ eq(result, new String[] { "part", "path" },
+ new XNode[][] { { BlankNode.create(xContext, "whatever"),
+ Literal.create(xContext, "content.xml") } }));
+ query = "SELECT ?pkg ?path FROM <" + toS(manifest) + "> WHERE { "
+ + "?pkg rdf:type pkg:Package . ?pkg pkg:hasPart ?part . "
+ + "?part pkg:path ?path . ?part rdf:type odf:ContentFile. }";
+ result = xRep.querySelect(mkNss() + query);
+ assertTrue("query: contentfile\n" + query,
+ eq(result, new String[] { "pkg", "path" },
+ new XNode[][] { { uuid ,
+ Literal.create(xContext, "content.xml") } }));
+ query = "SELECT ?part ?path FROM <" + toS(manifest) + "> WHERE { "
+ + "?pkg rdf:type pkg:Package . ?pkg pkg:hasPart ?part . "
+ + "?part pkg:path ?path . ?part rdf:type odf:StylesFile. }";
+ result = xRep.querySelect(mkNss() + query);
+ assertTrue("query: stylesfile\n" + query,
+ eq(result, new String[] { "part", "path" },
+ new XNode[][] { }));
+ query = "SELECT ?part ?path FROM <" + toS(manifest) + "> WHERE { "
+ + "?pkg rdf:type pkg:Package . ?pkg pkg:hasPart ?part . "
+ + "?part pkg:path ?path . ?part rdf:type odf:MetadataFile. }";
+ result = xRep.querySelect(mkNss() + query);
+ assertTrue("query: metadatafile\n" + query,
+ eq(result, new String[] { "part", "path" },
+ new XNode[][] { {
+ URI.create(xContext, "http://hospital-employee/doctor"),
+ Literal.create(xContext,
+ "meta/hospital/doctor.rdf") } }));
+//FIXME redland BUG
+ String uri = "uri:example-element-2";
+ query = "SELECT ?path ?idref FROM <" + toS(manifest) + "> WHERE { "
+ + "<" + toS(uuid) + "> pkg:hasPart ?part . "
+ + "?part pkg:path ?path ; "
+ + " rdf:type ?type ; "
+ + " pkg:hasPart <" + uri + "> . "
+ + "<" + uri + "> "
+ + " pkg:idref ?idref . "
+ + " FILTER (?type = odf:ContentFile || ?type = odf:StylesFile)"
+ + " }";
+ result = xRep.querySelect(mkNss() + query);
+ assertTrue("query: example-element-2\n" + query,
+ eq(result, new String[] { "path", "idref" },
+ new XNode[][] { {
+ Literal.create(xContext, "content.xml"),
+ Literal.create(xContext, "ID_B") } }));
+ // CONSTRUCT result triples have no graph!
+ Statement x_PkgFooLit = new Statement(uuid, foo, lit, null);
+ query = "CONSTRUCT { ?pkg <" + toS(foo) + "> \"" +
+ lit.getStringValue() + "\" } FROM <" + toS(manifest) +
+ "> WHERE { ?pkg rdf:type pkg:Package . } ";
+ XEnumeration xResultEnum = xRep.queryConstruct(mkNss() + query);
+ assertTrue("query: construct\n" + query,
+ eq(xResultEnum, new Statement[] { x_PkgFooLit }));
+ query = "ASK { ?pkg rdf:type pkg:Package . }";
+ boolean bResult = xRep.queryAsk(mkNss() + query);
+ assertTrue("query: ask\n" + query, bResult);
+ System.out.println("...done");
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ report(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test public void checkRDFa()
+ {
+ try {
+ System.out.println("Checking RDFa gunk...");
+ String content = "behold, for I am the content.";
+ XTextRange xTR = new TestRange(content);
+ XMetadatable xM = (XMetadatable) xTR;
+ Pair<Statement[], Boolean> result =
+ xRep.getStatementRDFa((XMetadatable)xTR);
+ assertTrue("RDFa: get: not empty (initial)",
+ 0 == result.First.length);
+ try {
+ xRep.setStatementRDFa(foo, new XURI[] {}, xM, "", null);
+ fail("RDFa: set: no predicate");
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ try {
+ xRep.setStatementRDFa(foo, new XURI[] {bar}, null, "", null);
+ fail("RDFa: set: null");
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ XLiteral trlit = Literal.create(xContext, content);
+ Statement x_FooBarTRLit = new Statement(foo, bar, trlit, null);
+ xRep.setStatementRDFa(foo, new XURI[] { bar }, xM, "", null);
+ result = xRep.getStatementRDFa((XMetadatable)xTR);
+ assertTrue("RDFa: get: without content",
+ !result.Second && (1 == result.First.length)
+ && eq(result.First[0], x_FooBarTRLit));
+ //FIXME: do this?
+ xTR.setString(lit.getStringValue());
+ Statement xFooBarLit = new Statement(foo, bar, lit, null);
+ result = xRep.getStatementRDFa((XMetadatable)xTR);
+ assertTrue("RDFa: get: change",
+ eq((Statement)result.First, xFooBarLit) && null == result.Second);
+ Statement x_FooBarLittype = new Statement(foo, bar, littype, null);
+ xRep.setStatementRDFa(foo, new XURI[] { bar }, xM, "42", uint);
+ result = xRep.getStatementRDFa((XMetadatable)xTR);
+ assertTrue("RDFa: get: with content",
+ result.Second &&
+ (1 == result.First.length) &&
+ eq(result.First[0], x_FooBarLittype));
+ //FIXME: do this?
+ xTR.setString(content);
+ Statement xFooLabelTRLit = new Statement(foo, rdfslabel, trlit, null);
+ result = xRep.getStatementRDFa((XMetadatable)xTR);
+ assertTrue("RDFa: get: change (label)",
+ eq((Statement)result.First, xFooBarLittype) &&
+ eq((Statement)result.Second, xFooLabelTRLit));
+ xRep.removeStatementRDFa((XMetadatable)xTR);
+ result = xRep.getStatementRDFa((XMetadatable)xTR);
+ assertTrue("RDFa: get: not empty (removed)",
+ 0 == result.First.length);
+ xRep.setStatementRDFa(foo, new XURI[] { foo, bar, baz }, xM,
+ "", null);
+ Statement x_FooFooTRLit = new Statement(foo, foo, trlit, null);
+ Statement x_FooBazTRLit = new Statement(foo, baz, trlit, null);
+ result = xRep.getStatementRDFa((XMetadatable) xTR);
+ assertTrue("RDFa: get: without content (multiple predicates, reinsert)",
+ !result.Second &&
+ eq(result.First, new Statement[] {
+ x_FooFooTRLit, x_FooBarTRLit, x_FooBazTRLit }));
+ xRep.removeStatementRDFa((XMetadatable)xTR);
+ result = xRep.getStatementRDFa((XMetadatable) xTR);
+ assertTrue("RDFa: get: not empty (re-removed)",
+ 0 == result.First.length);
+ System.out.println("...done");
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ report(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test public void checkCVE_2012_0037() throws Exception
+ {
+ XInputStream xIn = new StreamSimulator(
+ TestDocument.getUrl("cve_2012_0037.rdf"), true, param);
+ xRep.importGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xIn, manifest, base);
+ XNamedGraph xGraph = xRep.getGraph(manifest);
+ assertNotNull("no graph", xGraph);
+ XEnumeration xEnum = xGraph.getStatements(foo, bar, null);
+ // there must not be anything more than "EVIL" in the literal
+ XLiteral evil = Literal.create(xContext, "EVIL");
+ Statement FooBarEvil = new Statement(foo, bar, evil, manifest);
+ assertTrue("EVIL", eq(xEnum, new Statement [] { FooBarEvil }));
+ }
+// utilities -------------------------------------------------------------
+ public void report(Exception e) {
+ System.out.println("Exception occurred:");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ fail();
+ }
+ public static String toS(XNode n) {
+ if (null == n)
+ {
+ return "< null >";
+ }
+ return n.getStringValue();
+ }
+ static boolean isBlank(XNode i_node)
+ {
+ XBlankNode blank = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XBlankNode.class, i_node);
+ return blank != null;
+ }
+ static Statement[] toSeq(XEnumeration i_Enum) throws Exception
+ {
+ java.util.Collection<Statement> c = new java.util.ArrayList<Statement>();
+ while (i_Enum.hasMoreElements()) {
+ Statement s = (Statement) i_Enum.nextElement();
+ c.add(s);
+ }
+ return c.toArray(new Statement[c.size()]);
+ }
+ static XNode[][] toSeqs(XEnumeration i_Enum) throws Exception
+ {
+ java.util.Collection<XNode[]> c = new java.util.ArrayList<XNode[]>();
+ while (i_Enum.hasMoreElements()) {
+ XNode[] s = (XNode[]) i_Enum.nextElement();
+ c.add(s);
+ }
+ return c.toArray(new XNode[c.size()][]);
+ }
+ private static class BindingComp implements java.util.Comparator<XNode[]>
+ {
+ public int compare(XNode[] left, XNode[] right)
+ {
+ if (left.length != right.length)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < left.length; ++i) {
+ int eq = left[i].getStringValue().compareTo(right[i].getStringValue());
+ if (eq != 0) return eq;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class StmtComp implements java.util.Comparator<Statement>
+ {
+ public int compare(Statement left, Statement right)
+ {
+ int eq;
+ if ((eq = cmp(left.Graph, right.Graph )) != 0)
+ {
+ return eq;
+ }
+ if ((eq = cmp(left.Subject, right.Subject )) != 0)
+ {
+ return eq;
+ }
+ if ((eq = cmp(left.Predicate, right.Predicate)) != 0)
+ {
+ return eq;
+ }
+ if ((eq = cmp(left.Object, right.Object )) != 0)
+ {
+ return eq;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private int cmp(XNode i_Left, XNode i_Right)
+ {
+ if (isBlank(i_Left)) {
+ return isBlank(i_Right) ? 0 : 1;
+ } else {
+ if (isBlank(i_Right)) {
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ return toS(i_Left).compareTo(toS(i_Right));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static boolean eq(Statement i_Left, Statement i_Right)
+ {
+ XURI lG = i_Left.Graph;
+ XURI rG = i_Right.Graph;
+ if (!eq(lG, rG)) {
+ System.out.println("Graphs differ: " + toS(lG) + " != " + toS(rG));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!eq(i_Left.Subject, i_Right.Subject)) {
+ System.out.println("Subjects differ: " +
+ i_Left.Subject.getStringValue() + " != " +
+ i_Right.Subject.getStringValue());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!eq(i_Left.Predicate, i_Right.Predicate)) {
+ System.out.println("Predicates differ: " +
+ i_Left.Predicate.getStringValue() + " != " +
+ i_Right.Predicate.getStringValue());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!eq(i_Left.Object, i_Right.Object)) {
+ System.out.println("Objects differ: " +
+ i_Left.Object.getStringValue() + " != " +
+ i_Right.Object.getStringValue());
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static boolean eq(Statement[] i_Result, Statement[] i_Expected)
+ {
+ if (i_Result.length != i_Expected.length) {
+ System.out.println("eq: different lengths: " + i_Result.length + " " +
+ i_Expected.length);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Statement[] expected = i_Expected.clone(); // make a copy
+ java.util.Arrays.sort(i_Result, new StmtComp());
+ java.util.Arrays.sort(expected, new StmtComp());
+ for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
+ if (!eq(i_Result[i], expected[i]))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static boolean eq(XEnumeration i_Enum, Statement[] i_Expected)
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ Statement[] current = toSeq(i_Enum);
+ return eq(current, i_Expected);
+ }
+ static boolean eq(XNode i_Left, XNode i_Right)
+ {
+ if (i_Left == null) {
+ return (i_Right == null);
+ } else {
+ return (i_Right != null) &&
+ (i_Left.getStringValue().equals(i_Right.getStringValue())
+ // FIXME: hack: blank nodes considered equal
+ || (isBlank(i_Left) && isBlank(i_Right)));
+ }
+ }
+ static boolean eq(XQuerySelectResult i_Result,
+ String[] i_Vars, XNode[][] i_Bindings) throws Exception
+ {
+ String[] vars = i_Result.getBindingNames();
+ XEnumeration iter = i_Result;
+ XNode[][] bindings = toSeqs(iter);
+ if (bindings.length != i_Bindings.length) {
+ System.out.println("binding lengths differ: " + i_Bindings.length +
+ " vs " + bindings.length );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (vars.length != i_Vars.length) {
+ // ignore for empty result: it is unclear to me whether SPARQL
+ // spec requires returning the variables in this case,
+ // and evidently newer rasqal versions don't
+ if (0 != i_Bindings.length || 0 != vars.length)
+ {
+ System.out.println("var lengths differ: expected "
+ + i_Vars.length + " but got " + vars.length);
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < i_Vars.length; ++i) {
+ if (!vars[i].equals(i_Vars[i])) {
+ System.out.println("variable names differ: " +
+ vars[i] + " != " + i_Vars[i]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ java.util.Arrays.sort(bindings, new BindingComp());
+ java.util.Arrays.sort(i_Bindings, new BindingComp());
+ for (int i = 0; i < i_Bindings.length; ++i) {
+ if (i_Bindings[i].length != i_Vars.length) {
+ System.out.println("TEST ERROR!");
+ throw new Exception();
+ }
+ if (bindings[i].length != i_Vars.length) {
+ System.out.println("binding length and var length differ");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < i_Vars.length; ++j) {
+ if (!eq(bindings[i][j], i_Bindings[i][j])) {
+ System.out.println("bindings differ: " +
+ toS(bindings[i][j]) + " != " + toS(i_Bindings[i][j]));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static String mkNamespace(String i_prefix, String i_namespace)
+ {
+ return "PREFIX " + i_prefix + ": <" + i_namespace + ">\n";
+ }
+ static String mkNss()
+ {
+ String namespaces = mkNamespace("rdf",
+ "");
+ namespaces += mkNamespace("pkg",
+ "");
+ namespaces += mkNamespace("odf",
+ "");
+ return namespaces;
+ }
+ // useful when debugging
+ static void dumpRepo(XDocumentRepository xRep) throws Exception
+ {
+ XEnumeration xEnum = xRep.getStatements(null, null, null);
+ while (xEnum.hasMoreElements())
+ {
+ Statement s = (Statement) xEnum.nextElement();
+ System.out.println("STATEMENT IN: " + toS(s.Graph)
+ + "\n S: " + toS(s.Subject)
+ + "\n P: " + toS(s.Predicate)
+ + "\n O: " + toS(s.Object));
+ }
+ }
+ private class TestRange implements XTextRange, XMetadatable, XServiceInfo
+ {
+ private String m_Stream;
+ String m_XmlId;
+ String m_Text;
+ TestRange(String i_Str) { m_Text = i_Str; }
+ public String getStringValue() { return ""; }
+ public String getNamespace() { return ""; }
+ public String getLocalName() { return ""; }
+ public StringPair getMetadataReference()
+ { return new StringPair(m_Stream, m_XmlId); }
+ public void setMetadataReference(StringPair i_Ref)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException
+ { m_Stream = i_Ref.First; m_XmlId = i_Ref.Second; }
+ public void ensureMetadataReference()
+ { m_Stream = "content.xml"; m_XmlId = "42"; }
+ public String getImplementationName() { return null; }
+ public String[] getSupportedServiceNames() { return null; }
+ public boolean supportsService(String i_Svc)
+ { return i_Svc.equals(""); }
+ public XText getText() { return null; }
+ public XTextRange getStart() { return null; }
+ public XTextRange getEnd() { return null; }
+ public String getString() { return m_Text; }
+ public void setString(String i_Str) { m_Text = i_Str; }
+ }
+ private XMultiServiceFactory getMSF()
+ {
+ return UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, connection.getComponentContext().getServiceManager());
+ }
+ // setup and close connections
+ @BeforeClass public static void setUpConnection() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("setUpConnection()");
+ connection.setUp();
+ }
+ @AfterClass public static void tearDownConnection()
+ throws InterruptedException,
+ {
+ System.out.println("tearDownConnection()");
+ connection.tearDown();
+ }
+ private static final OfficeConnection connection = new OfficeConnection();
diff --git a/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/ b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7406609642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+package complex.unoxml;
+import org.openoffice.test.OfficeFileUrl;
+import org.openoffice.test.Argument;
+final class TestDocument {
+ public static String getUrl(String name) {
+ return OfficeFileUrl.getAbsolute(new File(Argument.get("tdoc"), name));
+ }
+ private TestDocument() {}
diff --git a/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/testdocuments/cve_2012_0037.rdf b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/testdocuments/cve_2012_0037.rdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e2327cef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/testdocuments/cve_2012_0037.rdf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE rdf [
+ <!ENTITY file SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd">
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ xmlns:baz="uri:"
+ xmlns:rdf="">
+ <rdf:Description rdf:about="uri:foo">
+ <baz:bar>EVIL&file;</baz:bar>
+ </rdf:Description>
diff --git a/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/testdocuments/example.rdf b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/testdocuments/example.rdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d20a75ba2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unoxml/qa/complex/unoxml/testdocuments/example.rdf
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ xmlns:pkg=""
+ xmlns:odf=""
+ xmlns:rdf="">
+<pkg:Package rdf:about="urn:uuid:224ab023-77b8-4396-a75a-8cecd85b81e3">
+ <pkg:hasPart>
+ <odf:ContentFile pkg:path="content.xml">
+ <pkg:hasPart>
+ <odf:Element rdf:about="uri:example-element-1"
+ pkg:idref="ID_A"/>
+ </pkg:hasPart>
+ <pkg:hasPart>
+ <odf:Element rdf:about="uri:example-element-2"
+ pkg:idref="ID_B"/>
+ </pkg:hasPart>
+ </odf:ContentFile>
+ </pkg:hasPart>
+ <pkg:hasPart>
+ <odf:MetadataFile rdf:about="http://hospital-employee/doctor"
+ pkg:path="meta/hospital/doctor.rdf">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://medical-employee/data"/>
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
+ </odf:MetadataFile>
+ </pkg:hasPart>
diff --git a/unoxml/qa/unit/domtest.cxx b/unoxml/qa/unit/domtest.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a97248167f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unoxml/qa/unit/domtest.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
+#include <sal/log.hxx>
+#include <sax/fastattribs.hxx>
+#include <comphelper/seqstream.hxx>
+#include <cppuhelper/implbase.hxx>
+#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
+#include <cppunit/plugin/TestPlugIn.h>
+#include <test/bootstrapfixture.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XDocumentBuilder.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/FastToken.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XSAXSerializable.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XFastSAXSerializable.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/SAXParseException.hpp>
+using namespace ::comphelper;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+using css::xml::dom::XDocumentBuilder;
+// valid xml
+const char validTestFile[] =
+"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \
+ <office:document-content \
+ xmlns:office=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0\" \
+ xmlns:xlink=\"\" \
+ office:version=\"1.0\"> \
+ <office:scripts/> \
+ <xlink:test/> \
+ <office:automatic-styles teststyle=\"test\"/> \
+ <moretest/> \
+ some text \303\266\303\244\303\274 \
+ </office:document-content> \
+// generates a warning: unknown xml:space
+// value
+const char warningTestFile[] =
+"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \
+ <office:document-content \
+ xmlns:office=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0\" \
+ xml:space=\"blah\" \
+ xmlns:xlink=\"\" \
+ office:version=\"1.0\"> \
+ <office:scripts/> \
+ <xlink:test/> \
+ <office:automatic-styles teststyle=\"test\"/> \
+ <moretest/> \
+ some text \303\266\303\244\303\274 \
+ </office:document-content> \
+// <?xml not at start of file
+const char errorTestFile[] =
+" <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \
+ <office:document-content \
+ xmlns:office=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0\" \
+ office:version=\"1.0\"> \
+ <office:scripts/> \
+ <office:automatic-styles/> \
+ </office:document-content> \
+struct ErrorHandler
+ : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< xml::sax::XErrorHandler >
+ sal_uInt32 mnErrCount;
+// sal_uInt32 mnFatalCount; // No fatal error counter, as lib2xml doesn't distinguish between error and fatal error
+ // (see See xmlFatalErrMsg from lib2xml/parse.c and __xmlRaiseError from lib2xml/error.c)
+ sal_uInt32 mnWarnCount;
+ bool noErrors() const { return !mnErrCount /*&& !mnFatalCount*/ && !mnWarnCount; }
+ ErrorHandler() : mnErrCount(0), /*mnFatalCount(0),*/ mnWarnCount(0)
+ {}
+ virtual void SAL_CALL error( const uno::Any& ) override
+ {
+ ++mnErrCount;
+ }
+ // Just implement FatalError function as it is in XErrorHandler
+ // This function is never used, as lib2xml doesn't distinguish between error and fatalerror and calls error functions in both cases
+ virtual void SAL_CALL fatalError( const uno::Any& ) override
+ {
+ //++mnFatalCount;
+ }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL warning( const uno::Any& ) override
+ {
+ ++mnWarnCount;
+ }
+struct DocumentHandler
+ : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< xml::sax::XFastDocumentHandler >
+ // XFastContextHandler
+ virtual void SAL_CALL startFastElement( ::sal_Int32 Element, const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& ) override
+ {
+ "unoxml",
+ "Seen element: " << (Element & 0xFFFF) << " with namespace "
+ << (Element & 0xFFFF0000));
+ }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL startUnknownElement( const OUString& , const OUString& , const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& ) override
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL endFastElement( ::sal_Int32 ) override
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL endUnknownElement( const OUString&, const OUString& ) override
+ {
+ }
+ virtual uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > SAL_CALL createFastChildContext( ::sal_Int32 , const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& ) override
+ {
+ return this;
+ }
+ virtual uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > SAL_CALL createUnknownChildContext( const OUString& , const OUString& , const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& ) override
+ {
+ return this;
+ }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL characters( const OUString& ) override
+ {
+ }
+ // XFastDocumentHandler
+ virtual void SAL_CALL startDocument( ) override
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL endDocument( ) override
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL processingInstruction( const OUString& /*rTarget*/, const OUString& /*rData*/ ) override
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL setDocumentLocator( const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XLocator >& ) override
+ {
+ }
+struct TokenHandler : public sax_fastparser::FastTokenHandlerBase
+ virtual ::sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getTokenFromUTF8( const uno::Sequence< ::sal_Int8 >& Identifier ) override
+ {
+ return Identifier.hasElements() ? Identifier[0] : 0;
+ }
+ virtual uno::Sequence< ::sal_Int8 > SAL_CALL getUTF8Identifier( ::sal_Int32 ) override
+ {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "TokenHandler::getUTF8Identifier() unexpected call",
+ false );
+ return uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>();
+ }
+ virtual sal_Int32 getTokenDirect( const char * /* pToken */, sal_Int32 /* nLength */ ) const override
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+struct BasicTest : public test::BootstrapFixture
+ uno::Reference<XDocumentBuilder> mxDomBuilder;
+ rtl::Reference<ErrorHandler> mxErrHandler;
+ rtl::Reference<SequenceInputStream> mxValidInStream;
+ rtl::Reference<SequenceInputStream> mxWarningInStream;
+ rtl::Reference<SequenceInputStream> mxErrorInStream;
+ virtual void setUp() override
+ {
+ test::BootstrapFixture::setUp();
+ mxErrHandler.set( new ErrorHandler() );
+ uno::Reference<XDocumentBuilder> xDB( getMultiServiceFactory()->createInstance(""), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
+ mxDomBuilder.set( xDB );
+ mxValidInStream.set( new SequenceInputStream(css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>(reinterpret_cast<sal_Int8 const *>(validTestFile), std::size(validTestFile) - 1)) );
+ mxWarningInStream.set( new SequenceInputStream(css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>(reinterpret_cast<sal_Int8 const *>(warningTestFile), std::size(warningTestFile) - 1)) );
+ mxErrorInStream.set( new SequenceInputStream(css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>(reinterpret_cast<sal_Int8 const *>(errorTestFile), std::size(errorTestFile) - 1)) );
+ mxDomBuilder->setErrorHandler(mxErrHandler);
+ }
+ void validInputTest()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid input file did not result in XDocument #1",
+ mxDomBuilder->parse(mxValidInStream).is());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid input file resulted in parse errors",
+ mxErrHandler->noErrors());
+ }
+ catch (const css::xml::sax::SAXParseException&)
+ {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid input file did not result in XDocument (exception thrown)", false);
+ }
+ }
+ void warningInputTest()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // We DON'T expect exception here, as mxWarningInStream is valid XML Doc
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid input file did not result in XDocument #2",
+ mxDomBuilder->parse(mxWarningInStream).is());
+ }
+ catch (const css::xml::sax::SAXParseException& )
+ {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid input file did not result in XDocument #2 (exception thrown)", false);
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No parse warnings in unclean input file",
+ mxErrHandler->mnWarnCount);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No parse warnings in unclean input file",
+ !mxErrHandler->mnErrCount /*&& !mxErrHandler->mnFatalCount*/);
+ }
+ void errorInputTest()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // We expect exception here, as mxErrorInStream is invalid XML Doc
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Invalid input file result in XDocument #2!",
+ !mxDomBuilder->parse(mxErrorInStream).is());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No exception is thrown in unclean input file", false);
+ }
+ catch (const css::xml::sax::SAXParseException&)
+ {
+ // It's OK to catch an exception here as we parse incorrect XML file
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No parse errors in unclean input file",
+ !mxErrHandler->mnWarnCount);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No parse errors in unclean input file",
+ mxErrHandler->mnErrCount /*&& !mxErrHandler->mnFatalCount*/);
+ }
+ // Change the following lines only, if you add, remove or rename
+ // member functions of the current class,
+ // because these macros are need by auto register mechanism.
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(validInputTest);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(warningInputTest);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(errorInputTest);
+struct SerializerTest : public test::BootstrapFixture
+ uno::Reference<XDocumentBuilder> mxDomBuilder;
+ rtl::Reference<ErrorHandler> mxErrHandler;
+ rtl::Reference<SequenceInputStream> mxInStream;
+ rtl::Reference<DocumentHandler> mxHandler;
+ rtl::Reference<TokenHandler> mxTokHandler;
+ uno::Sequence< beans::Pair< OUString, sal_Int32 > > maRegisteredNamespaces;
+ void setUp() override
+ {
+ test::BootstrapFixture::setUp();
+ mxErrHandler.set( new ErrorHandler() );
+ uno::Reference<XDocumentBuilder> xDB( getMultiServiceFactory()->createInstance(""), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
+ mxDomBuilder.set( xDB );
+ mxInStream.set( new SequenceInputStream(css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>(reinterpret_cast<sal_Int8 const *>(validTestFile), std::size(validTestFile) - 1)) );
+ mxDomBuilder->setErrorHandler(mxErrHandler);
+ mxHandler.set( new DocumentHandler );
+ mxTokHandler.set( new TokenHandler );
+ maRegisteredNamespaces = {
+ beans::make_Pair(
+ OUString( "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" ),
+ xml::sax::FastToken::NAMESPACE),
+ beans::make_Pair(
+ OUString( "" ),
+ 2*xml::sax::FastToken::NAMESPACE)
+ };
+ }
+ void serializerTest ()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ uno::Reference< xml::dom::XDocument > xDoc =
+ mxDomBuilder->parse(mxInStream);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid input file did not result in XDocument",
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid input file resulted in parse errors",
+ mxErrHandler->noErrors());
+ uno::Reference< xml::sax::XSAXSerializable > xSaxSerializer(
+ xDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("XSAXSerializable not supported",
+ uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastSAXSerializable > xFastSaxSerializer(
+ xDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("XFastSAXSerializable not supported",
+ xFastSaxSerializer->fastSerialize(mxHandler,
+ mxTokHandler,
+ uno::Sequence< beans::StringPair >(),
+ maRegisteredNamespaces);
+ }
+ catch (const css::xml::sax::SAXParseException&)
+ {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Valid input file did not result in XDocument (exception thrown)", false);
+ }
+ }
+ // Change the following lines only, if you add, remove or rename
+ // member functions of the current class,
+ // because these macros are need by auto register mechanism.
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(SerializerTest);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(serializerTest);
+// this macro creates an empty function, which will called by the RegisterAllFunctions()
+// to let the user the possibility to also register some functions by hand.
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */