' ' This file is part of the LibreOffice project. ' ' This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ' License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ' file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ' Option Explicit Function doUnitTest() As String TestUtil.TestInit verify_tdf149622() doUnitTest = TestUtil.GetResult() End Function Sub verify_tdf149622() On Error GoTo errorHandler ' Testing fixed-type return value (Handler_handleEvent(...) As Boolean) Dim oHandler oHandler = CreateUnoListener("Handler_", "com.sun.star.awt.XEventHandler") TestUtil.AssertEqualStrict(oHandler.handleEvent(0), True, "oHandler.handleEvent(0)") ' Before the fix for tdf#149622, this returned the previous return value TestUtil.AssertEqualStrict(oHandler.handleEvent(1), False, "oHandler.handleEvent(1)") ' Testing Variant return value (Transfer_getData) Dim oTransferable, aId0(0) As Byte, aId1(1) As Byte oTransferable = CreateUnoListener("Transfer_", "com.sun.star.datatransfer.XSystemTransferable") TestUtil.AssertEqualStrict(oTransferable.getData(aId0), True, "oTransferable.getData(aId0)") ' Before the fix for tdf#149622, this returned the previous return value TestUtil.AssertEqualStrict(oTransferable.getData(aId1), Empty, "oTransferable.getData(aId1)") Exit Sub errorHandler: TestUtil.ReportErrorHandler("verify_tdf149622", Err, Error$, Erl) End Sub Function Handler_handleEvent(Event) As Boolean If Event = 0 Then Handler_handleEvent = True ' Do not define return value explicitly in Else case End Function Function Transfer_getData(aProcessId()) If UBound(aProcessId) - LBound(aProcessId) = 0 Then Transfer_getData = True ' only for 1-element array ' Do not define return value explicitly in Else case End Function