#!/usr/bin/python3 from collections import defaultdict import io import re import subprocess # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # globals # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- definitionSet = set() # set of method_name definitionToSourceLocationMap = dict() # for the "unused methods" analysis callDict = defaultdict(set) # map of from_method_name -> set(method_name) # clang does not always use exactly the same numbers in the type-parameter vars it generates # so I need to substitute them to ensure we can match correctly. normalizeTypeParamsRegex = re.compile(r"type-parameter-\d+-\d+") def normalizeTypeParams( line ): line = normalizeTypeParamsRegex.sub("type-parameter-?-?", line) # make some of the types a little prettier line = line.replace("std::__debug", "std::") line = line.replace("class ", "") line = line.replace("struct ", "") line = line.replace("_Bool", "bool") return line # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # primary input loop # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cnt = 0 with io.open("workdir/loplugin.methodcycles.log", "r", buffering=1024*1024) as txt: for line in txt: tokens = line.strip().split("\t") if tokens[0] == "definition:": returnType = tokens[1] nameAndParams = tokens[2] sourceLocation = tokens[3] funcInfo = (normalizeTypeParams(returnType) + " " + normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams)).strip() definitionSet.add(funcInfo) definitionToSourceLocationMap[funcInfo] = sourceLocation elif tokens[0] == "call:": returnTypeFrom = tokens[1] nameAndParamsFrom = tokens[2] returnTypeTo = tokens[3] nameAndParamsTo = tokens[4] caller = (normalizeTypeParams(returnTypeFrom) + " " + normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParamsFrom)).strip() callee = (normalizeTypeParams(returnTypeTo) + " " + normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParamsTo)).strip() callDict[caller].add(callee) else: print( "unknown line: " + line) cnt = cnt + 1 #if cnt > 100000: break # sort the results using a "natural order" so sequences like [item1,item2,item10] sort nicely def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')): return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower() for text in re.split(_nsre, s)] # sort by both the source-line and the datatype, so the output file ordering is stable # when we have multiple items on the same source line def v_sort_key(v): return natural_sort_key(v[1]) + [v[0]] def sort_set_by_natural_key(s): return sorted(s, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # analysis # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # follow caller-callee chains, removing all methods reachable from a root method def remove_reachable(callDict, startCaller): worklist = list() worklist.append(startCaller) while len(worklist) > 0: caller = worklist.pop() if not caller in callDict: continue calleeSet = callDict[caller] del callDict[caller] if caller in definitionSet: definitionSet.remove(caller) for c in calleeSet: worklist.append(c) # look for all the external entry points and remove code called from there to_be_removed = set() to_be_removed.add("int main(int,char **)") # random dynload entrypoints that we don't otherwise find to_be_removed.add("bool TestImportOLE2(SvStream &)") to_be_removed.add("void SbiRuntime::StepREDIMP()") to_be_removed.add("_object * (anonymous namespace)::createUnoStructHelper(_object *,_object *,_object *)"); for caller in definitionSet: if not caller in definitionToSourceLocationMap: to_be_removed.append(caller) continue location = definitionToSourceLocationMap[caller] if "include/com/" in location \ or "include/cppu/" in location \ or "include/cppuhelper/" in location \ or "include/osl/" in location \ or "include/rtl/" in location \ or "include/sal/" in location \ or "include/salhelper/" in location \ or "include/typelib/" in location \ or "include/uno/" in location \ or "workdir/UnpackedTarball/" in location \ or "workdir/UnoApiHeadersTarget/" in location \ or "workdir/CustomTarget/officecfg/" in location \ or "workdir/LexTarget/" in location \ or "workdir/CustomTarget/i18npool/localedata/" in location \ or "workdir/SdiTarget/" in location \ or "/qa/" in location \ or "include/test/" in location: to_be_removed.add(caller) # TODO calls to destructors are not mentioned in the AST, so we'll just have to assume they get called, # which is not ideal if "::~" in caller: to_be_removed.add(caller) # dyload entry points for VCL builder if "(VclPtr & rRet, const VclPtr & pParent, VclBuilder::stringmap & rMap)" in caller: to_be_removed.add(caller) if "(VclPtr &,const VclPtr &,std::::map, std::allocator > > &)" in caller: to_be_removed.add(caller) # find all the UNO load-by-symbol-name entrypoints uno_constructor_entrypoints = set() git_grep_process = subprocess.Popen("git grep -h 'constructor=' -- *.component", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) with git_grep_process.stdout as txt: for line in txt: idx1 = line.find(b"\"") idx2 = line.find(b"\"", idx1 + 1) func = line[idx1+1 : idx2] uno_constructor_entrypoints.add(func.decode('utf-8')) for caller in callDict: if "(com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext *,const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence &)" in caller: for func in uno_constructor_entrypoints: if func in caller: to_be_removed.add(caller) # remove everything reachable from the found entry points for caller in to_be_removed: remove_reachable(callDict, caller) for caller in callDict: callDict[caller] -= to_be_removed # create a reverse call graph inverseCallDict = defaultdict(set) # map of from_method_name -> set(method_name) for caller in callDict: for callee in callDict[caller]: inverseCallDict[callee].add(caller) print_tree_recurse_set = set() # protect against cycles def print_tree(f, callDict, caller, depth): if depth == 0: f.write("\n") # add an empty line before each tree print_tree_recurse_set.clear() # protect against cycles if caller in print_tree_recurse_set: return # when printing out trees, things that are not in the map are things that are reachable, # so we're not interested in them if not caller in callDict: return print_tree_recurse_set.add(caller) f.write(" " * depth + caller + "\n") f.write(" " * depth + definitionToSourceLocationMap[caller] + "\n") calleeSet = callDict[caller] for c in calleeSet: print_tree(f, callDict, c, depth+1) # find possible roots (ie. entrypoints) by looking for methods that are not called def dump_possible_roots(): possibleRootList = list() for caller in callDict: if not caller in inverseCallDict and caller in definitionToSourceLocationMap: possibleRootList.append(caller) possibleRootList.sort() # print out first 100 trees of caller->callees count = 0 with open("compilerplugins/clang/methodcycles.roots", "wt") as f: f.write("callDict size " + str(len(callDict)) + "\n") f.write("possibleRootList size " + str(len(possibleRootList)) + "\n") f.write("\n") for caller in possibleRootList: f.write(caller + "\n") f.write(" " + definitionToSourceLocationMap[caller] + "\n") #print_tree(f, caller, 0) count = count + 1 #if count>1000: break # Look for cycles in a directed graph # Adapted from: # https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/86021/check-if-a-directed-graph-contains-a-cycle def print_cycles(): with open("compilerplugins/clang/methodcycles.results", "wt") as f: path = set() visited = set() def printPath(path): if len(path) < 2: return # we may have found a cycle, but if the cycle is called from outside the cycle # the code is still in use. for p in path: for caller in inverseCallDict[p]: if not caller in path: return f.write("found cycle\n") for p in path: f.write(" " + p + "\n") f.write(" " + definitionToSourceLocationMap[p] + "\n") f.write("\n") def checkCyclic(vertex): if vertex in visited: return visited.add(vertex) path.add(vertex) if vertex in callDict: for neighbour in callDict[vertex]: if neighbour in path: printPath(path) break else: checkCyclic(neighbour) path.remove(vertex) for caller in callDict: checkCyclic(caller) print_cycles() # print partitioned sub-graphs def print_partitions(): callDict2 = callDict # Remove anything with no callees, and that is itself not called. # After this stage, we should only be left with closed sub-graphs ie. partitions while True: to_be_removed.clear() for caller in callDict2: if len(callDict2[caller]) == 0 \ or not caller in inverseCallDict[caller]: to_be_removed.add(caller) if len(to_be_removed) == 0: break for caller in to_be_removed: remove_reachable(callDict2, caller) for caller in callDict2: callDict2[caller] -= to_be_removed count = 0 with open("compilerplugins/clang/methodcycles.partition.results", "wt") as f: f.write("callDict size " + str(len(callDict2)) + "\n") f.write("\n") while len(callDict2) > 0: print_tree(f, callDict2, next(iter(callDict2)), 0) for c in print_tree_recurse_set: callDict2.pop(c, None) count = count + 1 if count>1000: break print_partitions()