#!/usr/bin/python3 import re import io definitionSet = set() protectedAndPublicDefinitionSet = set() # set of tuple(type, name) definitionToSourceLocationMap = dict() definitionToTypeMap = dict() touchedFromInsideSet = set() touchedFromOutsideSet = set() touchedFromOutsideConstructorSet = set() readFromSet = set() writeToSet = set() sourceLocationSet = set() # clang does not always use exactly the same numbers in the type-parameter vars it generates # so I need to substitute them to ensure we can match correctly. normalizeTypeParamsRegex = re.compile(r"type-parameter-\d+-\d+") def normalizeTypeParams( line ): return normalizeTypeParamsRegex.sub("type-parameter-?-?", line) def parseFieldInfo( tokens ): if len(tokens) == 3: return (normalizeTypeParams(tokens[1]), tokens[2]) else: return (normalizeTypeParams(tokens[1]), "") with io.open("workdir/loplugin.unusedfields.log", "r", buffering=1024*1024) as txt: for line in txt: tokens = line.strip().split("\t") if tokens[0] == "definition:": access = tokens[1] fieldInfo = (normalizeTypeParams(tokens[2]), tokens[3]) srcLoc = tokens[5] # ignore external source code if (srcLoc.startswith("external/")): continue # ignore build folder if (srcLoc.startswith("workdir/")): continue definitionSet.add(fieldInfo) definitionToTypeMap[fieldInfo] = tokens[4] if access == "protected" or access == "public": protectedAndPublicDefinitionSet.add(fieldInfo) definitionToSourceLocationMap[fieldInfo] = tokens[5] elif tokens[0] == "inside:": touchedFromInsideSet.add(parseFieldInfo(tokens)) elif tokens[0] == "outside:": touchedFromOutsideSet.add(parseFieldInfo(tokens)) elif tokens[0] == "outside-constructor:": touchedFromOutsideConstructorSet.add(parseFieldInfo(tokens)) elif tokens[0] == "read:": readFromSet.add(parseFieldInfo(tokens)) elif tokens[0] == "write:": writeToSet.add(parseFieldInfo(tokens)) else: print( "unknown line: " + line) # Calculate untouched untouchedSet = set() untouchedSetD = set() for d in definitionSet: if d in touchedFromOutsideSet or d in touchedFromInsideSet: continue srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]; # this is all representations of on-disk data structures if (srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("sw/source/filter/ww8/") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgvmain.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgfbram.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/gtk/gloactiongroup.h") or srcLoc.startswith("include/svl/svdde.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpsdwdrawheader.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("hwpfilter/") or srcLoc.startswith("embeddedobj/source/inc/") or srcLoc.startswith("svtools/source/dialogs/insdlg.cxx") or srcLoc.startswith("bridges/")): continue if d[0] in set([ "AtkObjectWrapperClass", "AtkObjectWrapper", "GLOMenu", "GLOAction", "_XRegion", "SalMenuButtonItem", "Vertex", "OOoMountOperationClass", "SwCSS1ItemIds", "ScCompiler::AddInMap", "MemoryByteGrabber", "textcat_t", "fp_t", "ngram_t", "ImplPPTParaPropSet", "DataNode"]): continue # unit testing code if srcLoc.startswith("cppu/source/uno/check.cxx"): continue fieldType = definitionToTypeMap[d] if "ModuleClient" in fieldType: continue if "::sfx2::sidebar::ControllerItem" in fieldType: continue if "(lambda at " in d[0]: continue if "weld::CustomWeld" in fieldType: continue if "weld::Container" in fieldType: continue if "weld::Frame" in fieldType: continue untouchedSet.add((d[0] + " " + d[1] + " " + fieldType, srcLoc)) untouchedSetD.add(d) # Calculate only-touched-in-constructor set onlyUsedInConstructorSet = set() for d in definitionSet: if d in touchedFromOutsideSet or d in touchedFromOutsideConstructorSet: continue srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]; # this is all representations of on-disk data structures if (srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("sw/source/filter/ww8/") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgvmain.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgfbram.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/gtk/gloactiongroup.h") or srcLoc.startswith("include/svl/svdde.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpsdwdrawheader.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("hwpfilter/") or srcLoc.startswith("embeddedobj/source/inc/") or srcLoc.startswith("svtools/source/dialogs/insdlg.cxx") or srcLoc.startswith("bridges/")): continue fieldType = definitionToTypeMap[d] if "std::unique_ptr" in fieldType: continue if "std::shared_ptr" in fieldType: continue if "Reference<" in fieldType: continue if "VclPtr<" in fieldType: continue if "osl::Mutex" in fieldType: continue if "::sfx2::sidebar::ControllerItem" in fieldType: continue if "(lambda at " in d[0]: continue onlyUsedInConstructorSet.add((d[0] + " " + d[1] + " " + fieldType, srcLoc)) writeonlySet = set() for d in definitionSet: parentClazz = d[0]; if d in readFromSet or d in untouchedSetD: continue srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]; # this is all representations of on-disk data structures if (srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("sw/source/filter/ww8/") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgvmain.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgfbram.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/gtk/gloactiongroup.h") or srcLoc.startswith("include/svl/svdde.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpsdwdrawheader.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("svtools/source/dialogs/insdlg.cxx")): continue fieldType = definitionToTypeMap[d] if "ModuleClient" in fieldType: continue if "::sfx2::sidebar::ControllerItem" in fieldType: continue # ignore reference fields, because writing to them actually writes to another field somewhere else if fieldType.endswith("&"): continue # ignore the import/export data model stuff if srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/") and "Model" in fieldType: continue if srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/") and (parentClazz.startswith("Xcl") or parentClazz.startswith("oox::xls::")): continue # implement some kind of registration of errors if fieldType == "class SfxErrorHandler *": continue # mutex locking if "Guard" in fieldType: continue # these are just all model classes if (srcLoc.startswith("oox/") or srcLoc.startswith("lotuswordpro/") or srcLoc.startswith("include/oox/") or srcLoc.startswith("include/filter/") or srcLoc.startswith("hwpfilter/") or srcLoc.startswith("filter/") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/")): continue if "(lambda at " in d[0]: continue if "weld::CustomWeld" in fieldType: continue if "weld::Container" in fieldType: continue if "weld::Frame" in fieldType: continue writeonlySet.add((d[0] + " " + d[1] + " " + definitionToTypeMap[d], srcLoc)) readonlySet = set() for d in definitionSet: parentClazz = d[0]; if d in writeToSet or d in untouchedSetD: continue fieldType = definitionToTypeMap[d] srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]; if "ModuleClient" in fieldType: continue # this is all representations of on-disk data structures if (srcLoc.startswith("sc/source/filter/inc/scflt.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("sw/source/filter/ww8/") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgvmain.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/source/filter/sgfbram.hxx") or srcLoc.startswith("vcl/inc/unx/gtk/gloactiongroup.h") or srcLoc.startswith("include/svl/svdde.hxx")): continue # I really don't care about these ancient file formats if (srcLoc.startswith("hwpfilter/") or srcLoc.startswith("lotuswordpro/")): continue if "(lambda at " in d[0]: continue if "weld::CustomWeld" in fieldType: continue if "weld::Container" in fieldType: continue readonlySet.add((d[0] + " " + d[1] + " " + definitionToTypeMap[d], srcLoc)) canBePrivateSet = set() for d in protectedAndPublicDefinitionSet: clazz = d[0] + " " + d[1] if d in touchedFromOutsideSet: continue srcLoc = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]; canBePrivateSet.add((clazz + " " + definitionToTypeMap[d], srcLoc)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "all fields in class can be made private" analysis # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- potentialClasses = set() excludedClasses = set() potentialClassesSourceLocationMap = dict() matchClassName = re.compile(r"(\w+)::") for d in protectedAndPublicDefinitionSet: clazz = d[0] if d in touchedFromOutsideSet: excludedClasses.add(clazz) else: potentialClasses.add(clazz) potentialClassesSourceLocationMap[clazz] = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d] allFieldsCanBePrivateSet = set() for d in (potentialClasses - excludedClasses): sourceLoc = potentialClassesSourceLocationMap[d] # when the class is inside a compile unit, assume that the compiler can figure this out for itself, much less interesting to me if not ".cxx" in sourceLoc: allFieldsCanBePrivateSet.add((d, sourceLoc)) # sort the results using a "natural order" so sequences like [item1,item2,item10] sort nicely def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')): return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower() for text in re.split(_nsre, s)] # sort by both the source-line and the datatype, so the output file ordering is stable # when we have multiple items on the same source line def v_sort_key(v): return natural_sort_key(v[1]) + [v[0]] # sort results by name and line number tmp1list = sorted(untouchedSet, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v)) tmp2list = sorted(writeonlySet, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v)) tmp3list = sorted(canBePrivateSet, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v)) tmp4list = sorted(readonlySet, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v)) tmp5list = sorted(onlyUsedInConstructorSet, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v)) tmp6list = sorted(allFieldsCanBePrivateSet, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v)) # print out the results with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.untouched.results", "wt") as f: for t in tmp1list: f.write( t[1] + "\n" ) f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" ) with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.writeonly.results", "wt") as f: for t in tmp2list: f.write( t[1] + "\n" ) f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" ) # this one is not checked in yet because I haven't actually done anything with it with open("loplugin.unusedfields.report-can-be-private", "wt") as f: for t in tmp3list: f.write( t[1] + "\n" ) f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" ) with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.readonly.results", "wt") as f: for t in tmp4list: f.write( t[1] + "\n" ) f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" ) with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.only-used-in-constructor.results", "wt") as f: for t in tmp5list: f.write( t[1] + "\n" ) f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" ) with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedfields.report-all-can-be-private", "wt") as f: for t in tmp6list: f.write( t[1] + "\n" ) f.write( " " + t[0] + "\n" )