20 1 10 8 1 1 20 1 10 True False svx/res/nu02.png True False svx/res/nu01.png True False svx/res/nu03.png True False True True 6 6 12 True False 0 none True False 6 6 12 6 True True center True True True Displays the number format code for the selected format. You can also enter a custom format. 0 0 True True True Add center image2 True Adds the number format code that you entered to the user-defined category. 1 0 True True True Edit Comment center image3 True Enter a comment for the selected number format, and then click outside this box. 2 0 True True True Remove center image1 True Deletes the selected number format. 3 0 True False 0 0 1 4 True True Comment True Adds a comment to the selected number format. 0 2 4 True False _Format Code True formatted 0 2 True False 0 none True False 6 12 12 6 True False 0 vertical 6 True True adjustment1 True Enter the number of decimal places that you want to display. False True 0 True True adjustment2 True With fraction format, enter the number of places for the denominator that you want to display. False True 0 1 0 True True adjustment3 True Enter the maximum number of zeroes to display in front of the decimal point. 1 1 True False center 0 vertical 6 True False _Decimal places: True decimalsed 1 False True 0 False Den_ominator places: True denominatored 1 False True 0 0 0 True False Leading _zeroes: True leadzerosed 1 0 1 _Negative numbers red True True False True True Changes the font color of negative numbers to red. 2 0 True False 0 vertical 6 _Engineering notation True False True True With scientific format, Engineering notation ensures that exponent is a multiple of 3. False True 0 _Thousands separator True True False True True Inserts a separator between thousands. The type of separator that is used depends on your Languages and Locales settings. False True 0 2 1 True False Options 0 1 True False True True 12 12 True False True 0 none True True True in 6 True True True True liststore1 False False 0 False 0 Select a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the Format box. True False C_ategory True categorylb 0 0 0 True False True True 0 none True False True True 6 6 True False start True Automatically Select a currency, and then scroll to the top of the Format list to view the formatting options for the currency. 0 0 True True in True True True True liststore3 False False 0 False 0 2 Select how you want the contents of the selected field to be displayed. 0 1 True False Fo_rmat True 1 0 0 True False True 0 none True False True 6 6 True False start Specifies the language setting for the selected field. 0 0 So_urce format True False True True True Uses the same number format as the cells containing the data for the chart. 0 1 True True end True True in True False True False 0 2 True False _Language True languagelb 2 0 0 0 Specify the formatting options for the selected cell(s). both True