19.99 0.05 1 65535 1 1 10 1 10 1 1 1 1 400 100 1 10 19.99 0.05 1 True False True False From file... True True False Gallery True True False True False 6 12 True False 0 none True True in 12 6 True True True liststore1 False False 0 False 0 Select the level(s) that you want to define the formatting options for. True False Level False True 0 True False vertical 12 True False 0 none True False 12 12 6 True False 6 12 True False True Number: True numfmtlb 1 0 0 True False Select the Character Style that you want to use in the numbered list. 1 3 True False True True adjustment3 True Enter the number of previous levels to include in the numbering scheme. For example, if you enter "2" and the previous level uses the "A, B, C..." numbering, the numbering scheme for the current level becomes: "A.1". 1 7 All sublevels Arabic True True False True True Use Arabic numerals for all sublevels ("Legal" numbering). 1 8 True True True adjustment2 True Enter a new starting number for the current level. 1 1 True False Start at: True startat 1 0 1 True False Select a numbering scheme for the selected levels. 1 0 True False Graphics: True bitmap 1 0 12 True False Width: True widthmf 1 0 13 True True True adjustment1 2 True Enter a width for the graphic. 1 13 True False Height: True heightmf end 1 0 14 True True True adjustment5 2 True Enter a height for the graphic. 1 14 Keep ratio True True False True True Maintains the size proportions of the graphic. 1 15 True False Alignment: True orientlb 1 0 16 True False 0 Top of baseline Center of baseline Bottom of baseline Top of character Center of character Bottom of character Top of line Center of line Bottom of line Select the alignment option for the graphic. 1 16 Select... True True True 0 True bitmapmenu Select the graphic, or locate the graphic file that you want to use as a bullet. 1 12 True True False 0 True Select a color for the current numbering scheme. 1 4 True True True adjustment4 True Enter the amount by which you want to resize the bullet character with respect to the font height of the current paragraph. 1 5 Select... True True True Select the graphic, or locate the graphic file that you want to use as a bullet. 1 6 True False Before: True prefix 1 20 0 10 True False Separator 1 20 0 9 True True True True Enter a character or the text to display behind the number in the list. To create the numbering scheme "1.)", enter ".)" in this box. 1 11 True True True True Enter a character or the text to display in front of the number in the list. 1 10 True False After: True suffix 1 0 11 True False Show sublevels: True sublevels end 1 0 7 True False Character: True bullet 1 0 6 True False _Relative size: True relsize 1 0 5 True False Color: True color 1 0 4 True False Character style: True charstyle 1 0 3 False True 0 True False Numbering False True 0 True False 0 none _Consecutive numbering True True False True True 12 6 Increases the numbering by one as you go down each level in the list hierarchy. True False All Levels False True 1 True True 1 True False 0 none True False never never in 12 6 True False 150 300 True False True False Preview True True 2