0.05 99.98999999999999 1 10 -99.98999999999999 99.98999999999999 1 10 -99.98999999999999 99.98999999999999 1 10 0.05 99.98999999999999 1 10 True False True 6 12 True False True True 6 12 True False start True 0 none True False 12 6 True 6 True False 12 True True True True adjustment1 2 Enter the width that you want for the selected object. 1 0 True False _Width: True width 0 0 0 0 0 True False 12 True True True True adjustment4 2 Enter the height that you want for the selected object. 1 0 True False H_eight: True height 0 0 0 0 1 _Keep ratio True True False True True Maintains the height and width ratio when you change the width or the height setting. 0 2 True False Size 0 0 True False True False center center 0 0 2 0 True False start True 0 none True False 12 6 True 6 To _page True True False True True True Anchors the selection to the current page. 0 0 To paragrap_h True True False True True topage Anchors the selection to the current paragraph. 0 1 To cha_racter True True False True True topage Anchors the selection to a character. 0 2 _As character True True False True True topage Anchors the selection as character. The height of the current line is resized to match the height of the selection. 0 3 To _frame True True False True True topage 0 4 True False Anchor 1 0 0 0 True False 0 none True False 12 6 6 12 True False Hori_zontal: True horipos 0 0 0 True False b_y: True byhori 0 2 0 True False _by: True byvert 0 2 2 True False _to: True horianchor 0 4 0 True True True True adjustment2 2 Enter the amount of space to leave between the left edge of the selected object and the reference point that you select in the To box. 3 0 True False Select the reference point for the selected horizontal alignment option. 5 0 True False Select the horizontal alignment option for the object. 1 0 True False _Vertical: True vertpos 0 0 2 True False Select the vertical alignment option for the object. 1 2 True True True True adjustment3 2 Enter the amount of space to leave between the top edge of the selected object and the reference point that you select in the To box. 3 2 True False t_o: True vertanchor 0 4 2 True False Select the reference point for the selected vertical alignment option. 5 2 _Mirror on even pages True True False 12 True True Reverses the current horizontal alignment settings on even pages. 0 1 6 Keep inside te_xt boundaries True True False 12 True True Keeps the selected object within the layout boundaries of the text that the object is anchored to. To place the selected object anywhere in your document, do not select this option. 0 3 6 True False Position 0 2 True False 0 none True False 12 6 18 Positio_n True True False True True True 0 0 _Size True True False True True True 1 0 True False Protect 0 1 Specifies the size and the position of the selected object or frame on a page.