Comparison Operators /text/sbasic/shared/03110100.xhp
comparison operators;%PRODUCTNAME Basic Operators;comparison Operators;equal sign (=) Operators;greater than (>) Operators;greater than or equal to (>=) Operators;less than (<) Operators;less than or equal to (<=) Operators;not equal to (<>)

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators compare two expressions. The result is returned as a boolean expression that determines if the comparison is True (-1) or False (0).
result = expression1 { = | < | > | <= | >= } expression2 result: Boolean that specifies the result of the comparison (True, or False) expression1, expression2: Any numeric values or strings that you want to compare.

Comparison operators

= : Equal to < : Less than > : Greater than <= : Less than or equal to >= : Greater than or equal to <> : Not equal to Sub ExampleUnequal Dim sFile As String Dim sRoot As String ' Root directory for file in and output sRoot = "c:\" sFile = Dir$( sRoot ,22) If sFile <> "" Then Do MsgBox sFile sFile = Dir$ Loop Until sFile = "" End If End Sub