CallByName Function /text/sbasic/shared/CallByName.xhp

CallByName Function

Invokes a subroutine by its string name.
CallByName function API;OfficeFilePicker CallByName(object As Object, ProcName As String, CallType As Integer [,arg0 [,arg1 …]]) result: An optional variable that contains the result of the called method or property. object: A Basic module, ClassModule instance or UNO service holding properties or methods. ProcName: The Function, Sub or Property that is being called. CallType: The type of performed action such as Get, Let, Method and Set. arg0, arg1 …: The Function optional parameters given as positional arguments. Arguments are provided in the exact same order defined in the method signature. Keyword arguments are not possible. Value CallType Description 1 Method: Calls a procedure as a function or a subroutine. 2 Get: Reads a property or variable content. 4 Let: Assigns a content to a Property or variable. 8 Set: Assigns a reference value to an Object or Variant variable.
A Calc.Maths module contains a Multiply function expecting a varying list of numbers. ScriptForge.Platform.Architecture information is retrieved. DisplayDirectory property of UNO service is set to the user home folder, its content is read twice. Sub CallByName_example Const _Method = 1, _Get = 2, _Let = 4, _Set = 8 BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("Calc") ' Calc.Maths user library.module Dim cm As Object : cm = Calc.Maths MsgBox CallByName(cm, "Multiply", _Method, 3, 45, 1, 89) ' 12015 MsgBox CallByName(cm, "Multiply", _Method, 1.85e15, 44, 10^8) ' 8.14E+24 GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("ScriptForge") Dim p As Object : p = CreateScriptService("ScriptForge.Platform") MsgBox CallByName(p, "Architecture", _Get) ' 32bit/64bit Dim uno As Object : uno = CreateUnoService("") Dim fs As Object : fs = CreateScriptService("ScriptForge.FileSystem") CallByName(uno, "DisplayDirectory", _Let, fs.HomeFolder) MsgBox CallByName(uno, "DisplayDirectory", _Get) var = CallByName(uno, "getDisplayDirectory", _Get) End Sub

Calc.Maths module

Option Compatible ' Calc.Maths module Option Explicit Public Function Multiply(ParamArray args() As Double) As Variant ''' Multiply a variable list of numbers ''' Dim ndx As Integer If UBound(args) >= 0 Then Multiply = 1.0 For ndx = 0 To UBound(args) Multiply = Multiply * args(ndx) Next ndx End If End Function 'Calc.Maths.Multiply()