Error Codes in %PRODUCTNAME Calc/text/scalc/05/02140000.xhp
Error Codes in %PRODUCTNAME Calc
The following table is an overview of the error messages for %PRODUCTNAME Calc. If the error occurs in the cell that contains the cursor, the error message is displayed on the Status Bar.### error messageinvalid references; error messageserror messages;invalid referencesinvalid names; error messages#REF error message#N/A error message#NAME error messageerror codes;list of
Error CodeMessageExplanation###noneThe cell is not wide enough to display the contents.#FMTnoneThis value is outside of limits valid for this format#N/ANot AvailableA result for the formula expression is not available.501Invalid characterCharacter in a formula is not valid.502Invalid argumentFunction argument is not valid. For example, a negative number for the SQRT() function, for this please use IMSQRT().503 #NUM!Invalid floating point operationA calculation results in an overflow of the defined value range.504Parameter list errorFunction parameter is not valid, for example, text instead of a number.507, 508Error: Pair missingMissing bracket, for example, closing brackets, but no opening brackets509Missing operatorOperator is missing, for example, "=2(3+4) * ", where the operator between "2" and "(" is missing.510Missing variableVariable is missing, for example when two operators are together "=1+*2".511Missing variableFunction requires more variables than are provided, for example, AND() and OR().512Formula overflowCompiler: the total number of internal tokens, (that is, operators, variables, brackets) in the formula exceeds 8192.513String overflowCompiler: an identifier in the formula exceeds 1024 characters (UTF-16 code points) in size. Interpreter: a result of a string operation would exceed 256M characters (UTF-16 code points, so 512MiB) in size.514Internal overflowAn internal calculation stack overflow occurred.515Internal syntax errorUnknown error.516Internal syntax errorMatrix is expected on the calculation stack, but is not available.517Internal syntax errorUnknown code, for example, a document with a newer function is loaded in an older version that does not contain the function.518Internal syntax errorVariable is not available519 #VALUE!No value (instead of Err:519 cell displays #VALUE!)The formula yields a value that does not correspond to the definition; or a cell that is referenced in the formula contains text instead of a number.i63264520Internal syntax errorCompiler creates an unknown compiler code.521 #NULL!No code or no intersection.No code or no result.522Circular referenceFormula refers directly or indirectly to itself and the Iterations option is not set under %PRODUCTNAME - PreferencesTools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME Calc - Calculate.UFI: fixes #i23854#523The calculation procedure does not convergeFunction missed a targeted value, or iterative references do not reach the minimum change within the maximum steps that are set.UFI: see #33769#524 #REF!Not a valid reference (instead of Err:524 cell displays #REF!)Compiler: a column or row description name could not be resolved. Interpreter: in a formula, the column, row, or sheet that contains a referenced cell is missing.525 #NAME?Invalid namesAn identifier could not be evaluated, for example, no valid reference, no valid function name, no column/row label, no macro, incorrect decimal separator, add-in not found.527Internal overflowInterpreter: References, such as when a cell references a cell, are too encapsulated.530No AddInInterpreter: AddIn not found.531No MacroInterpreter: Macro not found.532 #DIV/0!Division by zeroDivision operator / if the denominator is 0 Some more functions return this error, for example: VARP with less than 1 argument STDEVP with less than 1 argument VAR with less than 2 arguments STDEV with less than 2 arguments STANDARDIZE with stdev=0 NORMDIST with stdev=0533Nested arrays are not supported For example, ={1;{2}} 538Error: Array or matrix sizeThe maximum limit for sorting has exceeded (the maximum is twice the maximum number of rows, so for 1048576 rows 2097152 entries). The same Err:538 is also used whenever a temporary matrix could not be allocated due to its size requirement.539Unsupported inline array content For example, ={1+2} 540External content disabledA function that requires (re)loading of external sources is encountered and the user has not confirmed reloading of external sources yet.