With the mouse button pressed, drag from one corner to the diagonally opposed corner of the range.
Mark a single cell
Do one of the following:Click, then Shift-click the cell.Pressing the mouse button, drag a range across two cells, do not release the mouse button, and then drag back to the first cell. Release the mouse button. You can now move the individual cell by drag and drop.
Select various dispersed cells
Do one of the following:Mark at least one cell. Then while pressing Command
Ctrl, click each of the additional cells.Click the STD / EXT / ADD area in the status bar until it shows ADD. Now click all cells that you want to select.
Switch marking mode
On the status bar, click the box with the legend STD / EXT / ADD to switch the marking mode:
Field contentsEffect of clicking the mouseSTDA mouse click selects the cell you have clicked on. Unmarks all marked cells.EXTA mouse click marks a rectangular range from the current cell to the cell you clicked. Alternatively, Shift-click a cell.ADDA mouse click in a cell adds it to the already marked cells. A mouse click in a marked cell unmarks it. Alternatively, Command
Ctrl-click the cells.