Database Shortcut Keys/text/shared/04/01020000.xhpshortcut keys; in databasesdatabases; shortcut keys
Database Shortcut Keys
The following is a list of shortcut keys available within databases.The general shortcut keys in $[officename] also apply.
Shortcut keys for databases
In the query design
Shortcut KeysEffectF6Jump between the query design areas.DeleteDeletes a table from the query design.TabSelects the connection line.Shift+F10Opens the context menu.F4Shows a Preview.F5Runs query.F7Adds table or query.
Control Properties Window
Shortcut KeysEffectOptionAlt+Down ArrowOpens the combo box.OptionAlt+Up ArrowCloses the combo box.Shift+EnterInserts a new line.Up arrowPositions the cursor in the previous line.Down arrowPuts the cursor into the next line.EnterCompletes the input in the field and places the cursor into the next field.CommandCtrl+F6Sets the focus (if not in design mode) to the first control. The first control is the first one listed in the Form Navigator.
Shortcuts for creating Basic dialogs
Shortcut KeysEffectCommandCtrl+PgUpJumps between tabs.CommandCtrl+PgDnJumps between tabs.F6Jumps between windows.TabSelection of the control fields.Shift+TabSelection of the control fields in opposite direction.CommandCtrl+EnterInserts the selected control.Arrow keyCommandCtrl+arrow keyMoves the selected control in steps of 1 mm in the respective direction. In point edit mode, it changes the size of the selected control.CommandCtrl+TabIn point edit mode, jumps to next handle.Shift+CommandCtrl+TabIn point edit mode, jumps to previous handle.EscLeaves the current selection.